tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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wife. on a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is this ad? watch and tell me. it's a really strange ad, maybe it isn't strange. maybe you'll like it. good night from washington. you like it. live from washington. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> we paid a price for not doing that and what we see happening with isis. i think they are a threat. >> another former obama administration person, defense secretary leon panetta criticizing the president for doing little about the threat of isis. pñ report, how the usa can defeat that terror group. >> colorado has strong sex offender laws. >> i have a dozen -- i have a than five years in your state. you should do a little research about it. it just gets worse for the state of colorado. now, they're not sentencing
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child pornographers to prison. unbelievable. we'll tell you about it. >> the united states is going to war again. >> what? >> we are fighting pakistanians. >> ahead, how would american college students deal with isis? >> i don't even watch the news. i'm sorry. >> reporter: don't apologize to me. >> i'm sorry to you. >> reporter: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. enter the no spin zone. hi. i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. defeating isis and other terror groups, the subject of this evening's talking points memo. i don't know about you but i'm tired of the phony rhetoric surrounding the isis terror threat and tired of hearing the phrase "boots on the ground" and finally tired of being misled by
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the obama administration. here is the truth. syrian moderates cannot defeat the isis terror group. trains syrian moderates and gives them weapons, they will not -- not be able to defeat the terrorists. &háhp &hc% possibly training them to the tune of $500 million. if that money is spent it will be another total waste as america approaches $18 trillion. most congress people know that but they voted symbolically to take action against isis. so, what should we do? first, there is not a single credible military person who thinks the isis terror group can forces. so, we need ground forces. however, the american people, perhaps rightly so, don't want to send any more of our troops into these chaotic countries. what about a mercenary army, elite fighters well paid, well
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trained to defeat terrorists all over the world. here's how it will work. fighters recruited by america and trained in the usa by our special forces. u.s. army rules of engagement would be followed, strict discipline formed by the geneva convention. america would be selecting who makes the cut and how they are deployed with an eye on a 25,000 person force. american and nato officers would lead the mercenary army and the usa would alsoju)qq logistical support,
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each soldier would sign a contract, three year commitment and again they would be highly paid. finally, help a lot if the u.s. congress would formally declare war on terrorism. strop trying to coax reluctant sometimes cowardly countries to stop islamic terrorism. these terrorists are here to stay and they will kill as many people on the earth as they can. over the weekend they released a statement on the net from isis, "if you can kill a disbelieving american or european especially the spiteful and filthy french or australian or canadian or any other disbeliever, rely upon allah and kill him in any manner or way however it may be." that statement from isis put out there in cyberspace obviously urging mass murder around the world. so, an anti-terror force will
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eventually have to be raised. let's see if president obama has the foresight and guts to do it now. that's the memo. for the top story reaction, someone who worked for both president presidents bush and national guard and a professor from the u.s. naval college. where am i going wrong here, doctor. >> will, i understand your frustration, i really do. this is a terrible idea, a terrible idea not just as a practical matter but a moral matter. it is a morally corrosive idea to try to outsource our national security. this is something americans have themselves. we won't create this problem by creating marvel avengers or of the galaxy. >> you're ignoring all the specifics i put in for a theoretical pie in the sky that's immoral. what's immoral about it?
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u.s. decides where they go.ñvzgs we're not talking about expendables 8 here, a high there i specifically trained force that operate under geneva convention rules. you're giving me theoretical stuff4:o& immoral. i don't get it. >> nothing theoretical about dy. the worst of both worlds. you're asking these forces to operate as u.s. miz"i6e forces and treating them as though they're mercenaries merely because you don't want to have to use american military forces. that cx=> surely you know in every single war america has ever fought we have had mercenaries under our command. every one. >> never to do the bulk of our fighting. >> what do you think? >> i want to point out first i agree with you syrian moderates regardless who they're trained by, the united states or any other country are simply not
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capable of unilaterally troops. the u.s. congress voted on this issue this week, as you mentioned, somewhat symbolically. they did this, number one, because they believe it's a good first step for the united states to take. number two, because they're not yet readytyb to put american trs on the ground to face isis directly. as to the plan, on presidentiin good plan to bring on other nations together in this middle east and u.s. strategy in this middle east we've seen in recent years has the potential to become very problematic was the lesson in iraq and afghanistan. >> i want to convince the doctor this is the actual moral way to do it and practical way to do it. this is a worldwide war on terror, not just isis. these guys will pop up everywhere.
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you have to have a rapid páa the united states certainly could do it. people don't want to do it anymore after we saw what happened in afghanistan or iraq, number two. we're not trying to nation build here, trying to put out fires. we put out fires the most effective way we-@x can. this pie in the sky that you're going to getz>vbñ six polish pl here and three french planes there, this is just a bunch of g gobbledy-gook. you need a centralized force to gets these guys outs. >> i completely agree with you. i completely agree with you the way we're approaching this notion of a coalition is going to be problematic, i don't think it's going to work either. >> right. >> but on the other hand, the only way that americans are really going to commit to this, they have to be led. they need that leadership. if they believe firmly the president rallies them. >> i have seen too many guys come back with arms and legs blown off from corrupt people in afghanistan and iraq.
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>> we don't solve that problem by hiring an army of mercenaries claiming we really don't own them. >> the political problem is not solvable. you can't convince. >> i don't believe that. >> i know you don't. history shows it, the afghan population will be what they've been for 2,000 years and the same in iraq. tribal warfare. this force organized and trained under nato and the usa would strike fear, miss turner, into every terrorist in the world because they never know when the knock on the door is coming. we're doing it now with the seals. we're doing its nowelh(ñ with t special forces, doing these raised. have a 25,000 specials for can be deployed all over the usa then the terrorists know we're business. i will give you the last word, miss turner, go. >> i think where we have the biggest problem with this plan is the money situation. >> get the money from saudi arabia and all these others. believe me, they would put billions into this if they didn't have to do anything.
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the money would roll in. i'm sorry to interrupt. >> the problem i see is it's really difficult to get a whole bunch of÷(?j very different countries to sign on to financing a security force that's trained, recruited and operationallized by the united states. even if we share a national security interest in defeating isis, it will be really tough. >> i think it can be done. i think it can be done. thank you. very good debate, you guys. thaw for taking time. now former??4qñ rundown mem obama administration turning on the president. how college students would confront the isis threat. the factor is coming right back. at o whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio,
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ji in the impact segment tonight, trying to some sell books. >> arming tpn rebels would not have been a mistake? >> i t7)ñ that would have helped and in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see with isis. i think they are a threat and are as dangerous as fanatical as terrorists as al qaeda was. >> joining us now from washington to react, mary kathryn and juan william. lots@0 people jumping off the obama ship, juan. you're still right there, aren't you? [ laughter ] >> you know what, i'm loyal to americd our constitution and the founding fathers precept of civilian control of the military with the commander-in-chief our president. if you're asking me about
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panetta and gates, you said it, you're right. they're selling books in a cya monday morning quarterback mode because they were there back then and they understand we couldn't identify whether or not those syrian rebels were really rebels or growing into terrorists. now, we are able to do that and may have a different situation. there was no win in giving arms to people who then might turn and use them against the usa. have to agree with you on this one. it's not easy and cut and dried to arm people. we tried it in iraq and they all ran away and the isis people got all the arms. so i am sympathetic to that you have to understand, juan, president obama looked away from this for a year and now we are in a huge mess. i'm trying to get us out of the mess, mary kathryn, by putting forth what i did in the last segment. we tried to get the two brightest guests we could get, people who havegfl1 years and y of national security experience. nothing either of them said
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dissuaded me that theçmcñ merce force that could absolutely be developed to rapidly deploy to all terror threats would be a wrong way to go. heat of centcom and telling the public on this=> particular idea. here's the thing. there is a highly trained skilled s f skilleds for -- skilled force that can go forth.> people don't want it. they don't want it. >> it's not a reason to start a worldwide mercenary army. when you have that, we're still going to be in control but not as in control and we have to probably less effective and then we have to answer for it. >> we don't have to answer to anybody. >> we're in charge. >> this is a worldwide war on terror. we can cannot fight and defend the whole world. understand. >> by doing this kind of force with nato and americauyñ at the head, deploying regulating,
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hiring and firing, you control this is the future. the future. >> we've done combinations of that, as you noted. but i don't think you can do that entirely as your lead force. >> you can. it's absolutely doable. these coalition people would fund it:,( because they don't to get their hands dirty. turks don't want to send anybody because of radical people. writing the check, they write the check. do you seefo(c any flaw in thi juan? >> i want to ask you, what about accountability, you think back to contractors hired, black water or the reagan administration, iran contra. >> the accountability is this congress of the united states. this is done under -- under our control, our congress would have to sign off on it. >> that's why i think mary katharani says the best military in the world is our military an
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they're loyal to us, they're americans. >> i'm not going to sign off on that after all the blood and treasure we spent in afghanistan. >> that's fair. >> this is a worldwide problem and the world should be part of the solution. go ahead, mary. >> even with the mercenary army, it will be us in the lead as you stipulate in your plan and relinquishing the lead in our ruu safer for llyv$ the world. the deal is you do, as the last guest said you have to have a president willing to make the case to the american people to it is really tough right now with good reason. >> i want to start a national debate. this is goingg.q to happen. maybe it's not going to happen soon. it's going to happen. these terrorists, islamic nuts, crazy jihadists not stopping. you kill one group, another group will start up. kforce.d a worldwideq the u.n. has it. all they want to do over there is drop in and build huts some
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place. >> didn't you just say -- didn't you just say, though, we're+l3; fighting an ideology. if it was just a matter of beating them, we could send in the u.s. military and beat them in a couple weeks, we have to find an ideology, they keep metastasizing and pop up one place and another. >> you fight the ideology politically and the direct threat military. i know this would work.s?8 thank you. x.qcymore chaos in the nati football league. i'm kind of tired of this story. there is a new twist tonight. republican party can seize the election day as president obama sink is in the polls. these reports after these messages. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow... it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime.
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reporting on continued chaosac' within the n&!zzñ league. saying there was açdgñ cover-upn ray rice punched out his wife last feb and the owner and coach said the#46x nfl was too slow t investigate but didñi nothing wrong. >> since when is it the job of a sports league to police the private conduct, in these cases misconduct of the players that off the field outside the realm of football, this is something relatively new. now, obviously the league and individual teams have a reputation toñi protect and bras to protect. my sense about this,çó this wil comelibñ down to thei] sponsors. when the sponsors start to bail in large numbers and you're seeing a trickle of it already, things change. >> htjoining us from washingtos mr. hume. if i were running the ravens or
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any other football team i would have zero tolerance for misbehavior. arrested, you're suspended. convicted of a felony, you're pretty simple. wouldn't that solve it? sn>> unless you're concerned abt a standard with regard to the suspension bill you're guilty until proven innocent. >> wait. you're suspended with pay. i wouldn't pay you, put the money in escrow but if you were found not guilty or charges dropped you come back. >> fully reinstated. let's try to apply that to the ray rice case, right? >> right. >> there's his episode. we see the end of it, at least initially, not the punch itself. the wife, the victim declines to press charges. >> right. >> there's no conviction. >> there will be, though, because you don't need the wife's testimony with the tape. >> that may be so but at this point, there's been no conviction. he's more than suspended, he's
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gone. >> if i'm the owner, he's suspended. the moment he's arrested for domestic battery, he's suspended, salary goes into escrow. >> this has to be arrest, not say so of an3> and can't be a civil situation, divorce for anything like that. has to be arrested, has to be charged. he's suspended, convicted of a felony, not a misdemeanor, he's done, that's it,w$" that's th policy. >> that makes sense particularly in this respect/ap it doesn't e in the hands of an accuser who may not be acting in good faith the power to damage somebody permanently. >> exactly. we want to protect people's rights, constitutional rights. at the same time, this is a league with social implications, particularly for children and young adults. it's not just somebody making tires. it's public and over the public airways on the networks.
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it's a different deal.%3fpy they have to have standards of behavior. look, at fox news we have standards of behavior. we work for the news corporation and we're on the air. if we do something untoward, we're off the air. they can pull us off for any reason they want to pull us off pretty much. it's[xmalmost the same thing wi the sports teams. >> well, in their contracts as well that will permit the teams to suspend or otherwise discipline a player that has done something deemed damaging to te team and name of the team brand. i worry about situationsuc2oç w you get one of these fire storms going and it seems almost like a lynch mob forms.fady critics are not just after ray rice here, they're after the commissioner of the ía&bsleague. they want him fired. >> and there's a mob mentality to this no doubt about it.
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goodell, i don't think i(yt wou fire him. he seems to be making a lot of money for the league and why the league is there. but on the social implications of what ray rice did and other guys are charged these arek4ú3ñ serious things and i think the league should suspend him. rice case isn't it a little con descending to take the attitude the wife, herç0h say so in this matter. she went ahead after this episode and married the guy, sticks up for him now. this appears to be what motivated goodell in part to treat the matter as a two-game suspension to treat her say so as if she's behaving like the classic victim and so on. i'm not sure we know what the interior of the reality of that relationship of those two people is. >> can i comment on what you just said? >> of course. >> i don't think any american should ever say a word about that wife. you don't know. you're not in her shoes. you shouldn't say a word. i haven't.
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i think anybody who doesibug=hm doing something wrong. do not say anything about her. the very least, she's a victim, all right. but if she chooses to live her life that way, we shouldn't say anything about it. brit, always provocative. thanks very much as the factor moves along this evening. outrageous situation in colorado already considered one of the most lib berlibberti ne in the union. a convicted child predator gets no time. and how to deal with the isis threat. we hope you stay tuned for those reports. it's monday.
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sympathetic. personal story segment tonight, how will americans vote on november 4th? will the senate go to republicans. the senate is expected to pick and!'cxx montana. senate. karl rove is here. republican way, everything, how possibly get? >> if everything reasonably goes republican's way, it's 52, 53, 51. it could be more if a big wave develops. but if a moderate sized wave happens republicans are likely to take 51,r=4áç 52 or 53. >> do you think that's going to happen? it's just six weeks okñuu(v >> i do. the republicans leading the three states you talked about,
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in addition, there are three other states, alaska, arkansas and louisiana where they lead in the clear politics average and very close in colorado, .6 of a percent in the real clear olympics average and real close in iowa with a republican in the lead and north carolina close and michigan a possibility in some people'sx:ñ minds. zpeyñlet's throw up alaska firs dan sullivan has 44% and the incumbent, mark begich has 43%, a dead heat. alaska, not that many people voting, anything can happen there. column. >> hard race to poll. this race took a big change before labor day. begich made an over the board attack alleging the attorney general had let violent criminals up early from jail and blew up in his face when it turned out3 were let out early before
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sullivan ever made attorney general and the families of the victims in the crime begich talked about asked for his television ad to be withdrawn mistake. arkansas tom cotton up on the incumbent, mark pryor, by about 3 percentage points, 2 percentage points. the old adage is if the challenger is leading in the >> right. he's led. there have been 10 polls since the ends of april and pryor has been in the lead in one and cotton led in 9. this race looks like it's solidifying. >> i think arkansas will go gop. this looks the most significant. i bet carville an expensive dinner. in louisiana billing cassidy leads 77% toj mary landrieu's 4 and%r9.ñ landrieu has residency
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problems and tied to obama. louisiana looks like it will be a gop state, right? >> yeah. it will take until december 6th. >> we don't want to get involved with that. it looks like andrew can't beat him. >> this weekend she made, in my opinion a mistake, she showed up at a tailgate party and helped -- i can't remember the term for it but helped somebody drink beer upside down. she's sitting there squirting beer into this guy's mouth upside down. >> that could get her votes in norms. come on, you know what's going on there. north carolina -- >> there's a lot of -- >> they like kay hagan, the democrat in north carolina, right? >> not well enough. the average is 45.1 to 45.6. she's been above 46% maybe one time. this race looks sort of similar to the way it did six years ago whens5fx kay hagan at this poins behind senator elizabeth dole by
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roughly the same percentage points. v late and thom till lis is one of the better ones for the republicans. >> iowa is a1ñ dead heat for democrats, 43% brucei] braley a jon]ie1 ernst, no incumbent the? >> yes. and joan ni has gotten the race he much braley has beend& going ag with obama.?; and 54- -- >> t(andñr colorado, marklp uda andxd cory gardner right there behind him. that would be an upset if he wins, right? >> it would. they had a debate and this is a reminder how important the debates are. not just the debate but the debate after the debate, where b,ñ speaking on behalf of the murdered american journalists
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that have been beheaded by isis. this has reacted badly to him. this again like iowa has shown movement to republicans. >> colorado is a crazy state. >> it's social ly moderate but economically conservative. it's economically conservative and gardner has been pushing that button hard. >> mr. rove, thanks as always. when we come back,
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thanks for staying with us. i'm billok o'reilly. the unresolved problem )ñv8 ch pornography. z÷ exploding worldwide, pictures of jin being raped and molested all over the world. if you're caught in the united states, the federal law mandates you get a minimum five years in prison. you create theózz÷ child pornography, take the picture, you get a minimum 15 years, however, the state is not bound by federal law and colorado one the union with legal marijuana and states that do not require time. co
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thousands of images of children the d.a. asked for prison dime ÷ judge horton gave him probation and three years in a halfway house. joining us now from houston, former s=bpmj crimes prosecutor from atlanta, don con no xdway, criminal defense attorney. mr.çó-9w3 con no wayed since ye the perpetrator side of things, it is inexplicable to! judge would not put this man in sides, the judged9[ probably fe that perhaps he was too old or perhaps he was too sick or something like that.&t&háhp &hc% however, looking at it from the prosecutor's side, there's some strong arguments, and i'm wondering what happened to those arguments. as a former prosecutor, if i had been the prosecutor in this case, i would have been really jumping up and down with the judge about the fact these images apparently contained images of child rape and otherq
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types of child torture. >> the prosecution made its case. he was convicted and the judge knew exactly. for every picture, every child in a picture, one life is ruined. that child's life was ruined. this guy had thousands of them and he w9sb sending them out, wasn't just keeping them in hiã/ closet. so he walks. he's now in a halfway house. >> that would be distribution. that would be distribution and you could be charged even moreh under the federal law. >> morally speaking,'7s this ju, i don't know how he can go home and put his head on a pillow. wha]h >> i like how the judges have discretion in each individual case.h5z there are circumstances we don't know about concerning this individual's health and how he got the images. >> not according to the straight cut down the line and guy's previous arrests, wasn't n stuff we don't know about here according to the xdprosecutor.
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>> there's a complete story and welp don't have the complete sty and benefit of being in the courtroom and understanding all the parties involved. ÷ the judge had discretion and this man hasn't gotten away without punishment gotten acñ a convictedxd sex t offender the rest of his life and closely monitored. >> we chase down judges in montana, got him thrown off the bench. chased another guy in vermont bench. these guys, they don't care. they don't care. we know what happened. this guy is a heinous criminal, this guy, with thousands of images. he should never again see the light of day. ever again. zero tolerance for this. he doesn't go to a halfway house and order in pizza. i'm surprised the both of you. this judge -- >> i don't think any is saying >> how come you defend the judge's discretion. >> what is this? >> there's treatment.
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these people can get treatment and monitored tightly by the government to make sure they don't have access to the children. good. >> last word, go, mr. conaway. >> there's a balancing act. you don't want one size fits all justice why i'm againstçó mandatory minimums. at the same zvñrtime, you get large collectors, people who large collectors, people who th hundreds of thousands of child pornography, these people generally do go to prison. child pornography you should do prison time. again would prison if i wereçó/ the judge. with isis, what would american collegeq students f$tn? watters is next. something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share.
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ñ $eh$ ""watters world." many students become veryi] jb ask many students how they would ñ ti war again. >> cwhat? >> how do you know? speech. did you watch the president's day? >> no. i didn'txd even know that u! a remarkableokooman. fighting? >> éo. i don't. >> we are fighting pakistanians. >> i'm assuming it's the middler east. >> we are fighting isis.ó% it is a(f,hgt pretty big l@z:ñi. they're making very aggressive moves against the united states.
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that makexd yoñ yes. >> do i make you nervous? >> yes. >> take a deep írñbreath. it's going to be all right. >> there's something you don't see everyday. >> we're going back tot( hgtira. >> e1iraq? why? >> and maybe even isis? >> 5ayes, the=)ñúj ii/k slam i >> not ñiiceland. iceland hasn't done anything.rf yet. yet. >> why are we$x going afteri]x? >> maybe they have good ice tea. )l ''t knowçm e÷ mean? >>ñr coffee? >> no. >> tea? >> no. >> isis is a terrorist w3army. >> okay. >> they just beheaded twoñiñi americans. >> what?e1ñi >>çódñáñ how would you fight th on terror? >> i don't want anything to do with that. q%=9mì(lc% >> you would7a)u terrorism for humanitarian measures. >> that's an idealistic
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circumstances. >> you would drop:bx food onxd terrorists? >>s (zç humanitarian measures? ),uájtárhd m/1 >> bombs dog=$á kill people. nc bombs dog=$á kill people. terrorists, so. the president's beenñr relying lot on p>> do y rñ i don't. >> he really seems toycare, about what i haveé# >> he was your old senator. >> no, i don't know. >> john -- >> it's easy to find --1#ly thi very classical. &( about everything? >> i think there are a lot of extremists out there that are using the @é8!mic state as o a
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motivating factor to getbo0 oth% peoplevol to jump on theirdx bandwagìe >> do you ever watch u.watters world? >> no. >> i'm watters and you're in my world right -0ufvhñ+++% with that school? >> doi have a masters in broadcast journalism from there. >> you must be proud after watching that. >> were most of them bu kids? >> i didn't ask everybody what was their school. >> they might not have known where they went to school based on their answers. another person walked up to me and said, you know, this watters stuff is staged. you pick out the dumbest people you find. and i keep telling them it's not. >> no, we asked eight people what was going on and half of
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them had no idea. >> four out of the eight. >> it's scientific, bill. i would actually invite a random person to come out and witness what actually happened. >> that might be interesting. one woman obviously knew everything and the others didn't know anything. >> right. we're very proud of her. >> let me ask you one more question here, when you get through with them and you know they make complete fools of themselves. do they say please don't put it on? >> the one woman who didn't know anybody was beheaded, she said, oh, this is going to be great. where can i see this? i said next monday night. she said great my name is bombzilla. she's posted pictures of me and her. she's like i'm going to be famous. i'm going to be on fox news. >> she is famous. i don't know if i want to get famous that way. but she's famous. at least for tonight. watters everybody. "the factor" tip of the day, big global warming demonstration in new york city and what we can learn from it. the tip moments away.
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fact fablgt tip of the day, straight talk on global warming in a moment. "killing patton" hits the marketplace. my new book deals with the last six months of world war ii and the mysterious death of america's best general. at 7:30 i'll be on the "cbs this morning" program and come back at 8:30 for another segment. then at 9:30 i'll be with "kelly & michael" on abc. ong wednesday, imus and glenn beck. back-to-back. if you become a premium member, get "killing patton" free of charge. bill, machines are here to stay. i love to see you jump up and down because you have no control over the machines. they have provided more good than evil. this message was sent from a machine. which proves my point. too much lunacy in cyberspace, john. millions of children are being
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harmed by the machines. wise up. fairhope, alabama, technology gives kids an outlet. once a behavior is accepted without stigma, it becomes acceptable. exactly. very astute. becoming a crude culture because there's no restraint anymore. tom, long island, new york. technology's not the problem. if you teach your children what is acceptable and what is not, they will make the right choices. sometimes, tom. sometimes not. there are legions of good parents who are brokenhearted over what has happened to their children through no fault of their own. your analysis is simplistic. there are more pa nishs outside influences on children these days than ever before on the planet. peggy, austin, texas. i usually enjoy the humor but was put off by the callousness shown to alanis morissette.
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denver, o'reilly, i have been watch "the factor" for several years and i'm disappointed you are growing more extremist in your views. that will shock some of the talk radio guys, alfonso. how so, let me know. that rhymes. i don't think i'm an extremist, but if you think so, give me some examples. finally tonight, "the factor" tip of the day, the big global warming demonstration yesterday, more than 100,000 people turned out to demand the planet cool downright now and that folks use less fossil fuel. bunch of far in the crowd but also regular folks. wasn't all ideological. we are concerned about the planet now. i think it's a good thing. if you feel strongly about an issue, any issue, you should let your opinion be heard. there's no question a cleaner planet is a worthy cause. but if you start advocating punishment for the usa economically, when china and india, the world's biggest polluters won't do anything to
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stop fouling the planet, if you want the united states to be punished economically, then we part company. "the factor" tip of the day, protests can be very positive things. but know what you are talking about. this year, this week and here in new york city is a big u.n. con fab on global warming. guess who's not showing up? china and india. so no matter what they do, with china and india spewing stuff in the air like crazy, not going to make a difference. but i want a cleaner planet. i want a cleaner america. that is it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website which is different from also, we would like you to spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world. o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, we hope you are jocund when writing to "the factor." that's a positive word.
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we hope you're jocund. thanks for watching. ms. megyn is up next. please remember, the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, 12 days after president obama announced the launch of a major new offensive against a terror army known as isis and the big question tonight is when will the bombing begin in syria. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. for the past six weeks the united states has been launching air strikes on isis targets in iraq while the u.s. military has been on standby waiting for the order from the president to strike. >> centcom's plan against isil safe havens in syria including its command and control, logistics capabilities
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