tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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fox news answer this question. should lawmakers return to d.c. to debate the president's authority to bomb syria without congressional approval? "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> last night, on my orders, america's armed forces began strikes against isil targets in syria. >> big expansion of the war on terror, but a necessary one. the question tonight, what took barack obama so long? talking points will answer. >> the problem with the internet, as with human trafficking and online sexual predators, it's also served a lot of grief to our kids. >> what do kelly, powers and
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crowley think about that? we'll find out. >> for him to just leave us like that, it was a very big betrayal. at best, a deserter, and at worst, a traitor. >> also ahead. what's holding up the investigation into sergeant bowe bergdahl's conduct? it should have been completed a long time ago. now charges of coverup are seeping out. is it legal is on the case. caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. bombing the terrorists in syria, that is the topic of this night's talking points memo. last night u.s. started bombing in the war-torn country of syria the president said this. >> overall effort will take time. there will be challenges ahead,
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but we're going to do what's necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group, for the security of the country and the region and for the entire world. thanks, god bless our troops, god bless america. >> but what took so long? on june 16, talking points yoe pined this way. >> i fully expect president obama to begin bombing the al qaeda army very soon. if he does not do that, it would be an enormous dereliction of duty. he is the commander in chief. al qaeda wants to kill us. so he must send a message to them. and to the largely cowardly world. we will not allow savages to decimate the world. that is the message that must be sent. again, i expect the commander in chief to begin bombing the al qaeda army in iraq and syria
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forth with. >> well, it took three months for mr. obama to finally make the call. the reason for the delay is two fold. first, the president is fearful of creating a wider war, because that will diminish his legacy of ending the wars in iraq and afghanistan. the president sees himself as a peacemaker, a civilizing force in a brutal world. he's much more interested in fighting global warming than some killers in a desert. but when the american people a isis beheaded two american citizens, the president had no choice but to act. second, the u.s. intelligence system isn't work being properly. caught unaware when putin took crimea. by the way, putin condemned the syrian bombing last night saying it violated that country's sovereign territory. that's what putin said. overall, washington seems befuddled by the danger we the people face. former obama administration officials like leon panetta and
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robert gates say the fault lies with a timid commander in chief. and that's most likely true. but because security decisions are shrouded in secrecy we don't know for sure. he did have a point when he declined to send weapons to the syrian moderates citing lack of clarity as to who they are. tons of sophisticated weaponry in the hands of isis because the corrupt iraq eye army abandoned the hardware. isis is so dangerous that politics impedes action against it. last night, a call for a world-wide mercenary army to be trained under the supervision of congress. it would be funded by the coalition that president obama's putting to the. the idea is to have a rapid deployment force to be deployed anywhere in the world without the political nonsense that prevents effective action
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against these killers. the memo's placed on bill o' and will have your mail on t but that force will eventually have to happen. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction. joining us tonight eric prince, former navy seal e author of the book "civilian warriors." mr. prince, black water is paramilitary operation. you sold the company. you did contract work for the u.s. government, other governments around the world, correct? >> we did a lot of security work, aviation, logistics, training and all that for the u.s. and other countries. yes. >> you know what i'm talking about because black water guys are mercenaries. they're paid to provide security and launch operations that some countries feel they need. my, my overall call for 25,000-man force trained by special forces here, led by
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american officers and nato officers, realistic? >> it's possible. and do-able. you know, there's three arguments against this. there's reliability, accountability and cost. you know, the average cost per soldier in afghanistan right now is $2.1 million per year. i think the american public is war-weary. it's not going to try to work to just drive isis out of iraq and syria with air power. it's never worked, air power alone. someone has to go clear them out of those towns, villages and alleys. >> you say costs. we've already taken care of the cost by the coalition would fund t like saudi arabia, very wealthy countries, but all around the world they would kick in to fund the force, and it is expensive, but americans should not be bearing, we're bearing the war on terror, our blood and treasure in the usa, we can't afword to do it all over the world, just us. we need to get some kind of
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anti-terror unit. there's other concerns, though, in black water 2007, guards shot 17 people, civilians in baghdad. that was a big controversy. you had your side. the people who don't like black water had their side. but if congress is overseeing and american officers are leading and nato officers as well. you know, in war, bad things happen, inevitably, but there is control. there's a central control over such a force. >> sure, just like for black water in iraq we were under control of congress and the state department. so you have to set clear rules of engagement for people you ask to do very difficult things in dangerous places. ultimately this will fall to some contracted force. >> it's not right that we, the usa, bear all of the brunt of this worldwide terror.
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even if you wipe out isis now, there's going to be another isis. they're going to keep coming. they're not going to stop. we're not going to convince them to stop. these are fanatical people that believe that allah is ordering them to kill infidels. so we need to have a containment policy whereby we don't let it get out of control. the important thing to understand is this doesn't replace the u.s. military, all right, it compliments it. the u.s. military's still there. still does what the u.s. military does. but the politics is freezing the west. do you not agree with that? the politics of confronting russia, of confronting isis, of confronting pakistan. it's freezing us into doing nothing, and the islamists and putsen see it as a huge weakness. >> the u.s. government has mastered the most expensive way to wage war. they've proven that in iraq and afghanistan. they haven't been that effective there. so finding a cheap, sustainable way that you can keep presence
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in these areas to keep pressure on islamists, to support friends and be that long-term dwell is about the only way you're going to do it. it's as part of american history as apple pie. across from the white house you have lafayette park. there's statues, contractors, mercenaries that helped build the continental army. >> there's no doubt about. they came over and were paid by the continental congress. final question for you. did the bad guys in iraq fear black water? >> well, we did 100,000 missions with no one under our care ever killed or injured. they knew if they got in a firefight, they would be in it. so fortunately, less than one half of one percent of all those times did we ever have to use any weapons. so i'd say that's a very good safety record, and not the trigger-happy, you know, renegades that people characterize them as being. >> and i believe if you had an
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elite worldwide force made up of the best solders who needed or wanted to fight terrorism for money that the terrorists would fear that force. >> there's a huge amount of professional talent in the united states and around the world, good men that will answer the call, do a professional job and bear that burden so that the active duty doesn't have to. the same argument happened in early '70s when the u.s. was going from a draft army to a volunteer army. we westmoreland called them an army of mercenaries. later, is it legal on the strange investigation of sergeant bowe bergdahl, traded for five taliban killers. what is the holdup here? musical chairs. fun, right?
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and in the impact segment tonight we continue with a new strategy to fight the islamic terrorists here in new york. you told our producers in what they call the pre-interview, that you have an ideal logical opposition to putting together an anti-terror force. >> i didn't say i thought it was ideological. but one of the main reasons i oppose it is i think that what, part of what makes the u.s. military so great is that these are people who have signed up to serve their country. they are fighting for their country. it's a very. >> but there's not going to be anything different in the u.s. military. this would be a compliment to them. >> well, but my understanding is
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that it would be a separate entity. that it would be an entity that anybody could sign up for. i don't think anybody from any country can sign up to fight for the united states, can they? >> it would be vetted and supervised by congress, and it would be administrated by american officers and nato officers. but anyway, i was interested in the ideology. you see something morally wrong with this? >> i think that it's not, the idea, as i understand it, bill, is that you would, to a certain extent, luring people into this by paying them a lot of money. >> they would be paid well, yes, because they're risking their lives. >> as does our u.s. military, but very few people go into the u.s. military as a money-making expedition. they go into it because they love their country, and they want to serve their country. >> and that's fine. there wouldn't be any intrusion in that. >> i give you points for creativity. it needs creative solutions. i think it's an interesting idea
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because you would have something that's essentially a continuing license or authority to go after the world's greatest terrorists, right? without having every battle politicized. >> romania having to sign off on it. >> the problem is, though, in 1989, the u.n. general assembly actually outlawed mercenary forces. >> are you kidding me? do you think anybody in the world cares what the u.n. thinks? i'm taking this as the ultimate compliment. >> there's a bigger issue here. number one, there is no substitute for american power. so if you have the bulk of this force -- >> it wouldn't be the bulk. >> it didn't work in vote number, it didn't work in vietnam. it didn't work in iraq.
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you think you can contain it? you think you can, but it could turn into a frankenstein force thaw can't control. >> there are unintended consequences for every bold action. i'm going to take it as a compliment that this idea -- and it's going to happen, you wait and see. internet. we've been doing reports on how it's changed adults' behavior and children's behavior. do you see a danger to american children, generally speaking? >> the only thing that i could think of in terms of a danger is i think that pornography has become too available to children. now any child at any age can get on there and find things that i think can be very harmful to them that they're not ready to see and that it's very difficult, as hard as parents try to protect their children from that. >> with alt stuff that the kids
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know and the facebook and the instagram and the this and the that. >> mm-hm. >> what about crude behavior, powers, crude behavior. you know what the kids are subjected to? it used to be in the schoolyard, yeah, okay. but now it's 24/7. doesn't that bother you? >> how are you -- i don't understand. >> crude language when they text each other. there's no restraints on it. they see the worst kind of stuff on these mass communications back and forth. crowley, that's got to bother you, right? >> that's more of a cultural issue. the web is a readily available place for it to go. i do share your concerns because the internet is basically a marketplace for good and evil. and the web doesn't discern between the two. it is the parents' responsibility. >> parents can't. >> between the machines and what's available on the web, it's addictive, overwhelming and causes a lot of stress, and to cause stress to adults like it
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does to my when i get 50 e-mails -- >> or your machine breaks. or it drops in the bathtub, oh, no, my life is over. these children, american children are changing, and the machines are changing them. we're going to have more with kelly on this in a moment. as a mom, how will megyn protect her children? then krauthammer and stossel after these messages. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing.
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they have the little things in their hands, especially teenagers, that's changed everything. megyn has three children to protect. the cyberspace thing is going to be ten times worse than it is now. >> yes it is. >> have you and your husband planned on how you're going to deal with this kind of thing? >> you know, dougie's an author. so he gets to live in this fantasy world of novels. so he doesn't have to worry about it. i live in news where the darkest corners can scare you every day. so you're forced to think about it, even though my children are nowhere near surfing the net. my oldest is five. >> pretty soon. by the time he's 7, he's going to be doing this on the computer. they're teaching it in school now. >> in new york city kindergartens, the tests are on an ipad. so whether you want them to be introduced to it or not, they are going to be. >> what conclusion or what's the
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headline in kelly's defense of the kids? >> i think active parenting. you can't keep your kids away from it. when i was a kid, the big danger was tv. >> "gilligan's island" was terrible. >> at the time, it seemed like very low brow, what kind of an influence is this having on our children, but if you have active parents who care about you and stay involved. >> not enough. it's the peer pressure. listen to me. i'm older and wiser, all right? it's the peer pressure. once the kid's into adolescence and teens, they're all on these things, texting. >> right. >> if you look at the texts, good kids, crude, language, saying terrible things about other children. with no restraint. >> here's point two, which is be an active, loving, involved parent who has a good relationship with my child. but point two is be a good spy. i'm going to be like gladys
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kravitz. i'm going so see everything. i'm getting the program where i can read all of your texts. i'm going to review history. >> they can even get around that now with this instagram stuff. and they can delete, and there are things that kids know, i don't have anything like this. but i see -- >> i don't have a blackberry, i don't have a blueberry, i think. that's what i do. >> i have to compensate for the rest of people. >> i am here doing you a favor. >> what favor is that? >> here on the factor. >> uh-huh. >> on a tuesday where i don't normally appear, and he insults me. >> what's the name of your show? >> give me a break. you take credit for inventing it. >> kids change. you can be assaulted on the internet. when i was growing up, we had fights on the playground and this and that, but it was fwas to face. now you can be assaulted.
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>> that's already morphed. when i was growing up, it was the mean girls calling my home, doing terrible prank phone calls to me. that's a terrible form of torture. >> compared to what it is now. they can see every movie in the world. >> there are some blocks. >> on the hand helds there are no blocks. so you can go out, and your friend has the big hand held or the ipad. and bingo, there's the exorcist. and the 10 year old's looking at it. >> but hopefully you can stay enough in touch you with your child, that's a diet you don't want to dine on. >> but it's most dangerous time in history for children and the most challenging time for adults. >> what do you do? >> there is no answer. >> you just let them consume it? >> you have to basically try to challenge their consumption, try to get them out into the fresh air, there's other things in life other than this stupid machine. >> actively involved in sports.
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>> travel, take them places, that kind of thing. >> overall, do you think we're better off or worse off than we were without them. >> the kids were worse off, society's probably better off. kids are worse off. there's plenty more as the factor moves along. stossel, big capitalism guy now. then is it legal on a very strange bowe bergdahl investigation. and krauthammer on fighting the jihadists. we hope you'll stay tuned for those reports. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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on the stossels matter segment tonight. capitalism and income inequality. what does our pal stossel think about that? we caught up with him at the grocery store. >> reporter: think about it. 30,000 products. the food is unbelievably cheap. the aisles are wide, well lit. the store's open 24/7. they rarely poison us. supermarkets are a miracle, and we take it for granted. it's part of kamt lichl. >> that's coming thursday. where did you shoot that? 3:00 in the morning? there's nobody in sight. >> we scared them away.
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we take the miracle of the free market for granted. it brings so much good to people. business offers this choice. government does. with government, government ran food shopping, you'd have to buy either donkey meat or elephant meat. >> you couldn't have meat. we'd all be vegetarians. >> partly that, too. >> animals need to be protected from the environmental people. what do you think from, when we were growing up, our parents were ardent can't lists, and their whole thing is, you're going to do better than me. you're going to rise better than what we have here. but now it's income inequality and corporations are bad. how did that happen? >> because we got richer. and, you see it in the children of the rockefellers at the anti-fossil file protests. once you get rich, that warm
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fuzzy oh, we're all in it together. >> it feels good. teddy roosevelt made his career on trust busting in the beginning of the 20th century. it's always been that way. founding fathers were all rich guys that inherited vast tracts of land and brought money from europe. i don't see any difference, but something has happened. i think it has to do with the educational system >> that could be or the media. because the might yeedia are so hostile. they want it for themselves. and they're economically ignorant, and they think if the government ran more things they would have more money. >> but it has taken root in this country, and the democratic party pushes that like crazy, and they won the last two presidential elections. >> it's an emotional topic. but there's more income inequality in china and mexico
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and the alternative to saying no income inequality is socialism where you keep everybody poor. if people are free, there's going to be inequality. >> in socialist nations there is an elite that has everything. that's always been the case. now your special on thursday night on the fox business channel, are you trying to talk people into liking it again. >> the big thing about donkey meat, people vote. you vote every two or four or six years. and if people vote for donkey meat you can't have elephant meat. whatever the majority votes for, everybody gets. with the free market, each individual can have what he wants. that's so much better. keep government small. >> all right. john stossel, everybody. when we come right back, is it legal on the strange -- and i mean strange, bergdahl investigation. also a judge giving a child
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the investigation of bowe bergdahl for alleged desertion. remember he was traded for five prisoners in july. i said this. >> i don't think anything is going to happen to bowe bergdahl. i think the fix is in. i don't think chuck hagel is going to do anything or the pentagon is going to do anything. you'll see very quietly, they'll get him out. that's what's going to happen. >> the investigation was supposed to be completed weeks ago. still nothing. with us, attorneys and fox news analysts. what's going on? >> they refuse to tell us. we've called again and again and again. all they'll stay is they're outstanding issues >> who's "they"? >> the army, the army spokes people. there are outstanding issues. they set their own deadline for august 15. >> they blew the deadline. >> with no excuse. investigation.dea what's going >> they were on the record for the factor saying there are no new developments since august.
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so why did they blow the deadline? what's the excuse for the delay? >> because they're ongoing whatevers, right? >> they keep pushing it back. and they won't tell us what the next step is, and when the army leaders meet to go over the charges. >> so it looks like what i said. >> was true. >> oh. >> is coming true. >> weil, you're shaking your head. it's so overwhelming that bergdahl deserted and number two, could have collaborated. and president obama would be embarrassed, big time, if the army makes that decdeclaration. i am now in the world of speculation, i have no facts to back that up, other than the testimony of his unit in afghanistan. men, i believe, told the truth. >> so if the army just lets this
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go. >> no, they don't know what to do. they're looking, it's almost like the nfl and ray rice. they're looking for some way to give him a two-game suspension, you see? they're looking to diminish it so that the commander in chief isn't put in the position of derision. that's how i look at it as a journalist. i could be wrong -- ooh! >> don't say that. >> judge curt horton, gillfoil gives a pervert no prison time at all. halfway house where he can order in pizza, parole, pro, not probation, parole. >> probation. >> it's probation. >> 12 years. >> probation. can you explain this sentence to me, as a former prosecutor?
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>> as a former prosecutor who prosecuted child abuse and sex exploitation cases, i find this appalling. 12 years probation, three years in a halfway house. it's an abomination. he was convicted of five, very serious charges of distributing and possession of child pornography. this is a man who could have faced 48 years behind bars. >> so why did this judge -- >> so we checked out this judge. and to be honest, there is nothing in judge horton's record of past cases that would suggest this kind of aberrant behavior. >> is he up for election this cycle? so he's not up this time around? >> you can't blame -- >> you can blame the judge as long as you want, but that's not the solution. the problem here is there's no
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mandatory minimum. >> colorado is a libertine state. you now the pot situation. let's get back to this horton. now he could tell the factor, if he'd come on here tomorrow, and explain why he did what he did. there's no state law that prevents him from doing that, is there? >> no. there isn't. >> so he could do it. >> but the d.a.'s not even upset with him. >> they told us they were. the d.a. told us -- >> light statute, not on the judge. you have to understand something. the jury did its job and convicted him. under federal law, it would have been a minimum of 5 years. >> colorado has to come up to the federal law, which the mandatory minimum of five years. >> but colorado for some reason is in the vermont area now. >> if you don't want sentences like this to happen again and again and again even with good judges. >> but why are we making excuses? you have the ability to sentence up to 48 years it doesn't
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matter. >> so judge horton at this point in time is a villain. and all of the children who were abused in making that child porn are on his conscience, because he allows it to happen, rather than sending a signal to every child porn grapher consumer. >> the point is beyond that, which is the sentence was legal. >> doesn't mean that it was correct or just. >> doesn't mean that it was moral. >> no. >> thanks very much. krauthammer on deck, would he support an elite mercenary army to fight the jadists? krauthammer moments away. patented sonic technology
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overseen by the usa is posted at bill o' all i ask is that you don't say boots on the ground, all right? that's a $100 fine to wounded warriors. >> your idea, you've gone from out of the box to off the wall. here's the problem. you want to create a french-flying legion that speaks english. i like the english part. that's an improvement. but it's not going to work. we're not the french empire policing africa in the 19th century. when you talk about the politics of using u.s. infantry what you mean is we have trouble bearing the losses which is the reason we don't want to do it. and we put boots in the air -- that's not a fine -- boots in the air. the problem is that you don't solve the problem in your
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proposal, because you have americans in command, and if we lose them as we would in any engagement, we're not going to suffer less. >> it's a different situation, though. it's not fair for the united states to have to fight the brunt of the war on terror all over the world. you know it. i know it. it's ruining our treasury. it's ruining our national morale, and we need to have an alternative to that. the united nations is useless, we all know that. yeah. they can go into villages in africa and warn people about ebola, and that's fine. but they can't confront these people. and the terrorists know there's no will to fight them in the west, charles. this would change that mentality. go ahead. >> but bill, saying that something is needed is not an argument for saying it's going to work. i'm trying to explain why it's not going to work. number one, we will inevitably suffer american losses. and even if it's a contractor, not a member of the u.s. army it
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still hurts and demoralizes. i'll give you an example. in benghazi, two of those who died were contractors. did it hurt any less? >> the losses are terrible. but the losses are inevitable. if you're going to fight terrorism, you're going to have losses. >> bthis doesn't solve the problem. there are going to be some world responsible for a band of desperados? >> oh, come on. desperados? >> that's who you're going to get. yes. do you want to recruit from the same pool that isis is? you're going to get the margi l marginali marginalized. >> that's why -- look, you heard mr. prince at the top of the program, certainly a responsible man, all right, who ran a merc organization. >> they were all americans.
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do you want a force by that's all americans. so you want a marginalized tunisian that you'll pay $100,000 a year? look, i've seen all the beau geste movies but these people that you will recruit are not going to be honorable impoverished acrist o accurarar >> then they don't make the cut. you need to be special forces to get in. i wleev around the world there are 20,000 of those available and they would sign up for this project. >> if you pay them, if you pay them $100,000 a year, you're paying $2.5 billion, which is five times what -- >> that's lunch money to saudi arabia. i mean, this coalition we're talking about can easily fund that. >> it's five times the cost of the training of the syrian supposed moderates. >> come on, charles, you know that's not going to work. >> that you decried as a drain
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on our treasury. >> i decried it because it won't work. you know it's not going to work. >> you're going to have a bunch of tunisians, a bunch of sri lankans, you have argentineans. and do you think they are going to fight against -- on the one hand you're going to have isis people who believe in something. on the other hand you have people who are there just for the money. who do you think wins? >> if they're vetted properly, and i'll get sylvester stallone if i have to, i have confidence this could work. look, i could be wrong, but i know it's going to happen because again the united states simply cannot do this all over the world and there's too many of these terrorists, they're going to pop up. you get one and there's another one. but anyway, charles, i appreciate your dissent. you know me, i listen to you. but we'll see what happens. charles krauthammer, everybody. back to the up tip of the day. yu the good news in person,
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back to tip of the day in a moment "killing patton." mike sanders leads england, o'reilly congratulations, most of the media just complains but you put forth solutions to the jihadist problems. even if they don't work, they start needed conversations. mercenary anti-terrorist force is an excellent suggestion. that would save american lives and reduce the cost to our country. a west point educated former army officer i can tell you that no american military leader would train a mercenary unit. sure, they do it all over the world. the model for your terrorist idea is french foreign legion. conquered california. o'reilly remember the revolutionary war, what say you? the hessians didn't lose it for the brits.
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bad leadership did. i wonder why the defense department can't build an american force to defeat the terrorists? come on, norm, u.s. troops would kick their butts all over the place, but there's no will in america to fight the war on terror alone. to bear all the casualties and expense. it's a worldwide fight and we need a global force paid for by the countries that want to defeat. mr. o'reilly, it is absurd for a colorado judge to sentence a man participating in child pornography to no prison time. however, it is demeaning for you to say children who are raped and abused making this stuff have their lives ruined. you are leaving them without hope. you know what, becky, you make an excellent point. i used thatteric to galvanize americans against the soft judges and to point out the horrible nature of child pornography. but victims can recover and lead great lives. thank you for your letter. i'll moderate my rhetoric. george also from california.
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i agree you are not an extremist. you are just a know it all. well, that's an upgrade, george, i appreciate it. chris jones, houston, bill, when are you bringing the show to texas? i'll see you in san antonio in march. you can check us out in charleston, west virginia at the municipal center friday night october 24th, philadelphia, saturday october 25th, details on bill o' ocala, florida, we cannot find the definition of the word of the day, jocund. it means sprightly and light hearted. the american heritage dictionary should be in your house. the tip of the day "killing patton" in the marketplace today. in hard cover, audio, large print. hit number one on amazon this afternoon. we thank you all. this morning on the kelly and michael program i discussed the
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book. >> the twist is that when he died everybody thought it was an accident, but we don't. we think he's murdered. and we're a reopening of the investigation because the investigation was ridiculous and i'll lay it out for you in the book. but what i really wanted to do was tell people about what happened really world war ii because everybody thinks they know. and they don't. you don't know about these tremendous icons and what they were really like. so we get into churchill and fdr and hitler and stalin and all of these people that we hear so much about, we don't really know. so that's what i did. should have said that's what we did, as the brilliant martin did you guard is the co-author of "killing patton." it reads like a thriller. if you have read killing lincoln, killing kennedy and killing jesus, i want to know which one of the four you like best, after reading "killing patton" first. reading books where you learn
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something about your country and your world is good. now, there is some controversial stuff in "killing patton," so i know i'm going to take some heat telling you the good things about the icons and the bad things. eisenhower and truman, fdr, everybody thinks they know them. i didn't know them until this stuff rolled in and patton himself, who is an amazing figure, by the way. just an amazing, amazing american. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different than bill o' o' if you wish to opine. word of the day, brand new word. do not be tautological. if you think jocund was hard -- no, it's in every dictionary. look it up. you look it up, you'll never forget it. i tell you. two minutes later, what did that
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idiot say? if you look it up, you'll never regret it. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember this stops here. breaking tonight, homeland security issues a new bulletin to law enforcement warning that last night's air strikes in syria could ramp up the threat of lone wolf terror attacks by extremists right here in the united states. welcome to the kelly file, everybody. i'm megyn kelly. the associated press breaking this story in just the last couple of hours. getting a cope of a five-page joint intelligence bulletin talking about the potential for a retaliatory strike inside of the united states. that comes as we learn isis was not the only group targeted and attacked last night. there were also strikes on something called the khorasan group. one of its leaders is one of the few men who
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