tv The Kelly File FOX News September 23, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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regret it. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember this stops here. breaking tonight, homeland security issues a new bulletin to law enforcement warning that last night's air strikes in syria could ramp up the threat of lone wolf terror attacks by extremists right here in the united states. welcome to the kelly file, everybody. i'm megyn kelly. the associated press breaking this story in just the last couple of hours. getting a cope of a five-page joint intelligence bulletin talking about the potential for a retaliatory strike inside of the united states. that comes as we learn isis was not the only group targeted and attacked last night. there were also strikes on something called the khorasan group. one of its leaders is one of the few men who knew about 9/11
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before it happened. he was on the inside. and the u.s. government currently has a $7 million bounty on his head. our chief intelligence correspondent catherine harris reports on the late breaking news. >> homeland security contact is telling us tonight that the bulletin warns of retaliation for the air strikes. like the boston marathon bombings are hard to pick up so the law enforcement to be vigilant in the days ahead. the bulletin also says the strikes diminish the likelihood of a successful plot to bring down a jet using explosives but does not eliminate it. fox noose has also learned that relocated to syria with the intent to develop new plots targeting aircraft bound for europe and the united states. they're known simply as the c a khorasan group. the leader is osama bin laden's
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third cousin and the man who ran the network in iran before moving to syria in 2013. the state department is offering up to $7 million for information that leads to his kill or capture. >> fadhli was sent to syria to execute these operations. >> intelligence official confirms the khorasan group had gone operational testing components that they hoped to carry on to jets. the decision to go ahead with strikes was made in the last week and based in part on updated location information about the group's seen your leadership. >> catherine herridge, thank you. what are we to make of this threat and the decision to launch this attack? andrew mccarthy was the lead prosecutor of the terrorists known as the blind sheikh. he's now a national review contributing editor. al qaeda, first of all, is apparently alive and well and very focused on attacking us, so
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much so that we just bombed one of its factions in syria alongside isis as we bombed them, which is not exactly what we've been led to believe by the administration but put it in perspective for us. >> well, the khorasan group is something that seems obscure because it's not a name we've seen before. but this fadhli guy -- >> the guy they told us about knew about 9/11 before it happened. >> and was sent to syria both to conduct attacks against the united states and to try to broker some kind of settlement between the al qaeda outfit there and isis, somebody who is very much trusted by al zawahiri and he's a bad news character. >> and he wasn't able to broker that deal apparently because they say isis and al qaeda this particular khorasan group is very much at war. the stakes are who can bomb western targets in particular the united states of america the worst and the soonest. >> yeah. and that's something for us to bear in mind as we assess the
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threat. the competition between the two is who can attack the united states the fastest and the worst and the reason that the competition between them is because their sense accurately is that that will get them a lot of support among young muslims who they're trying to recruit. >> there is a briefing by senior obama officials today on this group khorasan. this al qaeda faction that we also bombed next to isis in syria last night. and they talked about how these are al qaeda operatives taking advantage of the conflict in syria that has provided has left a void and provided a safe haven for them to advance attacks against western interests. there's no question that what we did or didn't do in syria is playing a role here on the need to go bomb syria, whether it's isis or khorasan in first place. >> well, one thing that's for certain, we know from experience we can't allow al qaeda or any of its spin-offs and affiliates
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like isis to have safe haven anyplace. when they have safe haven, they attack the united states. to my mind, both al qaeda and isis are in a stronger position than al qaeda was in on september 10th, 2001. >> why? >> well, because they have more territory. they have more resources. they have better training. they're more familiar with our military tactics, which they hadn't really dealt with prior to 9/11, and they continue to have streams of overseas funding. on every metric, when you add in the lack of immigration enforcement in the united states, in every important metric for anticipating an attack, they're in better shape today than they were 14 years ago. >> this report now is that this khorasan group was -- involved a bomb made of a nonmetallic detonator, toothpaste and clo e clothes dipped in explosive material. they have a connection to the ultimate of bombmakers apparently who has a bunch of little disciples running around
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out there who also want to bomb us. how concerned should we be about this? the guy who came very close to bringing down two western airliners with the underwear bomber and the other time is still trying to make bombs that are not detectable by american aircraft and the security system around them. now he's got some group that filled the vacuum in syria that's devoting all its efforts to this plot. >> we have to be extraordinarily concerned because the place they're operating now in syria, iraq, this no man's land but especially syria is a place we have appallingly little intense. on the domestic side, what has gone on is we've been moving away from this preventive intelligence based counterintelligence where instead what obama wants to do is partner with our partners in the islamic community to be our eyes and ears out there rather than have the police -- >> would it argue that it worked here, we bombed them, they were becoming operational and guess
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what, they're no longer. >> except that we don't have a good read now on who's in the country. they had to come out and say there could be lone wolf attacks, there could be small cells that we don't know about. a lot of times we don't know about those things until after they attack. i think if you look at the total picture, we're in much worse shape than we were. >> many people were caught by surprise today to hear wait, we bombed someone other than isis? wasn't what isis what the president gave the prime time news conference for two weeks ago? >> there was a strategic aspect to it. if they had real intelligence on an attack against the united states, president obama was duty bound to attack. it also is helpful to him politically because while there's some question about the legal authority for attacking isis, there's no real question about attacking al qaeda affiliates. that's clear. if it's an imminent attack it's clear under the constitution. if it's an al qaeda attack it's
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clear under the existing authorization for military force. so emphasizing that may be an easier way for him to go in terms of covering himself politically and legally and what we're doing in syria. >> a two-fer. andy mccarthy, good to see you. >> thanks, megyn. >> we're getting new video of the targeting and assessments on the ground. a live report from the pentagon and colonel oliver north. conservative filmmaker din esh desousa went to court this morning and finally learned his face. our interview with a man just sentenced in a case that he's called a selective prosecution. >> i made a mistake and i'm not above the law. no one is.
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and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (pro) nice drive. (vo) well played, business pro. well played. go national. go like a pro. breaking tonight, just 24 hours after the first air strikes on the terror army in syria and we're getting new assessments of what's really happening on the ground. it was just before 9:30 p.m. eastern time that we got confirmation that these operations were in fact under way. the u.s. firing nearly 50 tomahawk missiles and flying six different kinds of aircraft raining fire on two dozen targets scattered across syria. and we were not the only ones. our arab allies in qatar, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, bahrain and jordan adding more than a dozen fighter jets to the effort. in just the last couple of hours we got new video to add to what
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the pentagon released earlier. watch. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more. >> megyn, pentagon officials say there are still targets left inside syria. we just learned from centcom that there were two additional air strikes carried out this morning at the end of the third wave of air strikes raising the number of targets hit to 24 today. there are u.s. warplanes and navy ships is standing by in the
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region ready to fly once given the go order, but right now the pentagon is still carrying out a bomb assessment. they're watching to see how the isis fighters try to regroup. >> our initial indication that these strikes were very successful. >> in fact, president bashar assad's air defense system remained passive last night posing no threat to allied war planes. the chief of operations for the pentagon's joint staff said he's already seen isis fighters adapting. they're disappearing into urban areas where it will be difficult to distinguish them from civilians. two-thirds of isis fighters are believed to be in syria. among the targets hit last night, command and control headquarters, a financial center used to transfer money and a compound on the border with iraq used to process foreign fighters, a logistics hub. >> i would think of it in terms of that, yes. >> i can tell you that last night's strikes were only the beginning. >> the problem is, megyn, it looks like they're already
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running out of targets. so far it has been quiet in the skies above northern syria tonight. last night's operations were designed to disrupt isis. even the pentagon concedes it will take a long time for them to be destroyed. >> jennifer griffin, thank you. joining me now colonel olive north author of the book "counterfeit lies." they're saying this is just the beginning. this may take years. years we're going to be doing air strikes only for years? >> well, it's hard to figure what else they're going to be able to do. of course the talk all today has been about how this is putting an arab face on the campaign against isis or the ke capitation strike against khoras khorasan. this has to be more than that. you consider what they did before this attack. the united states notified tehran and damascus and promised that we wouldn't attack any bashar al assad forces or facilities. think what that means to the
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free syrian army that we're now trying to recruit and expecting go after assad. look, the coalition is one of self-interest. saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, jordan, bahrain, even qatar didn't drop any ordnance. all have their own problems with radical islam. they're sunni ruled but bahrain is predominantly shiite. the dynasty in qatar supports radical islamists, al qaeda, al nusra. and where is our nato ally turkey? no one seems to be asking -- or at least answering those kinds of questions. i'm sure they're being asked by good people like jennifer. the problem is that everybody is saying this will be a long campaign. but a sustained air campaign over syria is going to require another carrier strike group at least in the region in the persian gulf or the mediterranean. as of a few hours ago, not one of them is deployed. air strikes are going to disrut and damage and distract isis but
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it cannot destroy isis because air power has never freed terrain, released a hostage, i requires boots on the ground and there are none today. >> the administration is suggesting the element of surprise was never important to us. that wasn't what this was about, so there was no down side to th we were going to bomb them and actually bombing them when it comes to isis. do you buy that? because there already have been reports that these guys infiltrated the civilian population. >> sure. i don't buy that at all. in fact we saw things starting to move coming out of iraq and going to ground, if you will, inside syria. and, of course, all of that because, look, last night's strikes were great. i love air power. but as they say, air power doesn't do it alone. this was a pinprick. the number of aircraft we had, the targets we could identify. and obviously, you don't want to be hitting things that don't
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know where it's going because we'll be accused of killing civilians. we have to be prepared for the unintended consequences of this happening. just as this attack was taking place, you had hezbollah launching an unmanned aerial vehicle attack against, oops, al nusra. why? because the ayatollahs knew it was coming and they notified their good friends in hezbollah. >> can't keep track of it. it's too much to keep track of. it's basically our enemies fighting and killing our enemies. >> that old sanskrit and persian pregs, the enemy of my enemy is a friend. is no longer true. it's nice to have them aboard but this won't finish what we have to do with isis. >> colonel north, thank you, sir. >> my pleasure. >> tomorrow president obama will explain to the united nations why he's launched this war in the middle east or at least responded to it launched by the
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other side. what he was telling the u.n. at this time last year. coming up, bill o'reilly, the terror war on the revolt of the generals. hi! can i help you? i'm looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don't compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i'm getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i'm not too sure what to do with my arms right now 'cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that's terrifying at&t's best-ever pricing. 2-10 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at $130 a month.
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today all of our troops have left iraq. next year an international coalition will end its war in afghanistan having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of al qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. >> that was president obama at the u.n. nearly a year ago. telling the world how he had managed to end a decade of war after destroying the core of al qaeda. what a difference a year makes. tomorrow he will return to the united nations as the u.s. military returns to the fight in iraq and now syria and separately bombing an al qaeda group. and americans are being warned that al qaeda's again a direct and imminent threat to the
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homeland. chief white house correspondent ed henry is here live. wow. >> well, look, it turns out we did not end a decade of war, so the president is looking for ajustification for military action. this khorasan group, former al qaeda operative, it might be about to launch terror attacks inside america. so we need to act. that's why we see the administration putting this together about a terror group we had heard very little about basically until the last few days as they started feeding that out there. remember how different that is from the president saying during the 2012 campaign, al qaeda's on the run and just in january, this is a few months ago saying the al qaeda leftovers, the spin-off groups, the affiliates are basically the jv squad. now the jv squad is something we're going after. the second message today was a bit stronger. we have a broad coalition, five arab nations joining these air strikes. that's important.
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that was progress for him. what he left out was the countries not joining us, no nato allies like turkey in the region. they've given us intense but not air strikes france, air strikes in iraq but not syria. the president told an audience here in new york city it was american leadership that brought these five sunni arab nations to the table to fight sunni terrorists. it was american leadership, he said. what audience was he speaking to? a fund-raise are for senate democrats here in new york city talking about american leadership. >> ed, thank you. >> good to see you. >> and from 2012 and the campaign trail, you may recall then-senator joe biden -- now, 2012. 2008. we're talking about 2012 he was vice president joe biden. suggesting that a president romney would start a war in syria. >> he said it was a mistake to end the war in iraq and bring all of our warriors home. he implies by the speech that
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he's ready to go to war in syria and iran. >> marc thiessen the former speech writer to george w. bush and a fellow at the enterprise institute. mitt romney would start a war in syria, marc! >> that clip right there sums up why the american people say in polls show if the election were held again today mitt romney would win by nine points. the obama foreign policy is an absolute disaster. and in iraq and syria, it's a self-inflicted disaster. and precisely for the reason of what joe biden said in those quotes. our military commanders warned president obama that if you withdraw all of our troops, it's going to create a vacuum in iraq that the terrorists will fill. according to leon panetta, the entire national security team warned him that he needed to train and arm the syrian rebels or that would fill a vacuum in syria that jihadists would fill. he listened to joe biden, he withdrew all our troops from iraq, he didn't do anything
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about syria. but now in syria we have a terrorist safe haven with a group, khorasan was planning an attack on the united states. that safe haven was created on brk b's watch. >> is it fair to criticize the president at a time like this? already you had some of the president's critics come out and say we have to stand with him as he sends our military to war. can you stand with him on the mission now and yet still hold him to account for creating some of the circumstances that made it necessary? >> of course you can. and it's important to hold him to account even as you support the mission. i support the bombing in syria and in iraq, and i think he needs to do more than just throw some bombs at them. it's going to take a lot more work. but in order to fix the problem, you have to understand how you got there. you have to understand what caused this problem. another problem, quite frankly, is that he's planning to do the same thing in afghanistan. if you like the mess in iraq and syria right now, you're going to love it when we withdraw all our
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troops from afghanistan. >> how can he possibly still do that when you see that u.n. soundbite saying i got the troops out of iraq. there's a longer version of it. we cut it down to size. he said i got the troops the out of iraq and i decimated the core of al qaeda. now a year later and we had to send the troops back to iraq because he pulled them out too early. we had to bomb syria because of the vacuum he left there. >> he reiterated in his speech to the nation where he announced he'll be taking military action, he reiterated his end of the come bags mission. there's no sense that he's learning any lessons or admitting any mistakes or changing strategies. the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. if we withdraw all of our troop, the same thing will happen. the vacuum will be created, the terrorists will fill it and they'll plot attacks against the united states. >> will he listen? do you think there's still time
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now as we watch what may be several years long war we're getting into in syria, will he listen on afghanistan to the generals who said don't do this? >> i hope he does and perhaps the experience of conducting this war will chasten him about that because he's going to find that it's a lot harder -- you know, we've had one night of bombings right now. it's great that we're doing this. it's important. but it's not going to be easy. if he does not listen, before 9/11 we had one country that was a terrorist safe haven. after this we'll have three. that's a very dangerous situation. >> marc thiessen, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> the world is focused on syria for the last 24 hours. in moments we'll show you what this terror army just did in iraq. wait until you hear this. plus, conservative filmmaker dinesh d'souza walked into court facing more than a year in jail. an exclusive interview on what
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happened in court this morning and what happens next. is this what they wanted all along? >> i don't know. i mean, i was facing two charges, megyn. what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review.
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. breaking tonight, despite almost 200 air stribs inside of iraq in recent weeks the terror group isis has reportedly scored another victory. it attacked an iraqi military base just west of baghdad. and now we're hearing between 300 and 500 iraqi soldiers are missing. trace gallagher picks up the story tonight. trace? >> reporter: megan, it could be the worst event for the iraqi army since isis captured the city of mosul back in june. when mosul was overrun the army said it was caught off guard. but this attack built up over several days. and experts say iraqi commanders knew it was coming. isis took control of the supply route into the army base leaving
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iraqi soldiers lowed on food, water and reinforcements. the soldiers called iraqi demanders for help, but it didn't arrive. later the soldiers claimed they got word via walkie-talkie that a rescue mission was under way. so when iraqi tanks rolled up to the front gates they were allowed in. but instead of help the vehicles were driven by suicide bombers. one humvee exploded in the middle of the camp. others blew up along the perimeters. the rest of the convoy was held back but even then the surviving soldiers said they were hit by additional suicide bombs even a chlorine gas attack that has not yet been identified. the number of soldiers killed, or hiding has not been confirmed. about 30 captured iraqi soldiers were paraded by isis through the street of fallujah. the iraqi defense ministry admits it has lost contact with soldiers but did not give a number. the new iraqi prime minister
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said commanders would be interrogated or charged with negligence. the pentagon is working to confirm all this, but considering the u.s. has spent billions of dollarsquipping the exactly a confidence builder. >> former chief spokesman to the coalition in iraq and pentagon adviser. these are the guys who we've been relying on. who can condemn them when they're having a color even gas attack thrown at them. but what does this mean? >> it means you have a very dysfunctional iraqi army. it's highly sectarianized unmaliki. it needs new leadership. there's a shake-up right now, the new iraqi prime minister is conducting. it needs some support from the u.s. military. >> we've got some advisers. >> we've got some adviser. we need more. all we're doing is air operations. there's a limit to what you can
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do with air power. look at iraq 2003 to 2006. we did a lot of manned and unmanned air operations. but the impact was limited. it wasn't until the combination of all our military activities had an impact because we had ground component. right now no coordination with the iraqi army. >> we were talking with marc thiessen a couple of moments ago about whether you can support this mission now but still for accountability where we got into this position. we played that sound bite of barack obama at the u.n. a year ago. he's about to go back there tomorrow. almost boasting about how he got all the troops out of iraq. >> first of all, if it's constructive, absolutely we can make suggestions, prescriptions about how to move forward in a more constructive way. if you look at 2011, megyn, what was the president adamant about
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doing? getting out of iraq. he made it clear he would pull all our forces out of iraq. you play the clip of joe biden saying mitt romney would send forces into iraq. and 2011 was a critical setback year for our foreign policy because we opened up that whole iraq/syria area, created a huge vacu vacuum. you're seeing the results of that today. i applaud the president for taking action. what he's done so far is necessary but not sufficient. it's a first step. with you he's making peace with the fact that his presidency won't be just about getting america out of wars but also about leading in that region even if it requires military action. >> is there any doubt in your mind that ultimately we're going to have to commit ground troops? >> we're going to have to commit troops of some nature. >> this president will be pushed to the brink where -- >> look, let me put this in context. bill bratton, the meepolice chi
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the city we're in today, the thing they're most worried about is one of those lone wolf attacks. that's a reality for the american people today. we have our homeland security structure, we spend billions over the years securing this country, really important, but the end of the day, unless we're really disrupting and dramatically setting back the terrorist threats from abroad like we see with isis, we won't be actually truly safe. the president will understand that and need all the tools in the tool kit to understand that we have to prevent some type of attack happening here. >> good to see you. >> good to be with you. before last night's air strikes we heard from a series of generals who disagree with the president's war plan. up next, the battle plan, the generals and bill o'reilly. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so.
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bill o'reilly's new book "killing patton "squt already number one on amazon. it's about general patton and world war ii, and it may have insight on the new fight america is facing. i spoke to bill earlier tonight. so general patton, your next target in your latest book. i open with this, this is a quote with which you open the book from him. we'll win this war but only by fighting and showing the germans that we've got more guts than they have. we are not going to just shoot the sons of bitches, we'll rip out their guts and use them to
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grease the treads of our tanks. could that kind of a general work today in our military for this president, would he be allowed to? >> no. >> why not? >> we certainly need that kind of general right now to look the terroristses in the eye and say we're coming for you. but it couldn't happen because now the pentagon is politicized and the commander in chief, barack obama now, president bush during the first areas of the war on terror, they dictate who they want in control. and if they don't like your performance, you're gone. >> has there been a softening of the command and control at least? >> absolutely. since vietnam generals have been tamped down, but that being said, patton had a lot of trouble with eisenhower. a lot of trouble. >> you couldn't manage up. >> eisenhower did not like patton's defiance. he liked his audacity because patton saved eisenhower's butt on a number of occasions, but he
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didn't like the disrespect. he didn't like the fact that patton would sometimes ignore orders. you don't want that. but you want the patton point of view in the war on terror. again, we're coming for you. the guy who cut off the head of the journalists, we're coming for you. that fear is absent in the united states government right now. >> what about you speak of the challenges that he faced in the battle of the bulge. >> yes. >> which he helped win. but we had heavy casualties during that battle. 18 -- 19,000 americans killed, 89,000 americans wounded you write in the book. >> yes. >> do you think nonetheless roosevelt forged on. we're starting a war in syria or participating in one that the terrorists started. do the american people have the stomach for those kind of losses in a battle this big today? >> no. and that's not going to happen until somebody set off a low level nuke in cleveland and kills 200,000 americans. then americans would rally. that's what happened in world
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war ii. >> could that happen? >> that could absolutely happen if iran develops a nuclear weapon. they could weaponize it so that could happen. if that did happen and the united states would rally as they did after pearl harbor and hitler, okay? but george patton knew he had to win. it was like u.s. grant in the civil war. and he was willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands, tens of thousands of his own men. but his own men, they loved him, despite that. because patton was a leader. he was in the forefront. we opened the book "killing patton" with the only battle in world war ii that patton didn't win. it was a stalemate. he didn't lose it. the hellacious fighting, hand-to-hand combat. americans got to know what this is all about. but your question is a good one. right now the people dmoot have the stomach to do what's necessary to wipe these terrorists off the face of the earth. >> when i read about him, i didn't know that much about him dur before i read the book.
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audacious, rude, no respect for authority. >> i really like this guy. >> i was going to say kind of reminds me of someone you know? is that why you chose him? >> no, patton is a lot braver than i ever experienced. he's an extraordinary man. i chose him because he was the best general in world war ii. they said he died from an accident, that's not true. >> he was supposedly in a car accident and died thereafter. >> martin decor and i believe he was murdered. we don't tell you that we know for sure. we present with you the evidence. you can decide, but i do not believe he was killed in an automobile accident. >> you got millions of dollar, you got the number one show on cable news, why do you continue writing all these books? >> i like them. they're fun. >> where do you find the time? >> i don't sleep much. we have a methodical way to write these books. dugaard does the research. >> he'll the real unsung hero here, martin dugaard.
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you work with this guy every day. >> he loves me. are you kidding? you know how much money i made him? >> can't manage up, but managing down. let's talk. >> thank you for having me on your fine program. >> he couldn't even come to my studio. he made me do it in his. see what i have to deal with. up next, our exclusive interview with dinesh d'souza. will he go to jail for an unlawful campaign contribution and is this about justice or unlawful punishment? here next.
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well, he's been an outspoken critic of the obama administration. after an illegal campaign donation to his friend, he's now a convicted felon. but does he belong behind bars? prosecutors argued yes, he does, for up to 16 months. din esh dezeus za's lawyer argued for probation and the judge ruled this morning. a look back at how we got here. he produced obama 2016. >> obama has a dream. a dream from his fathers that the since of colonialism be set right and america be downsized. >> he began the film america. >> if you got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> what president obama's really saying is that the wealth and abundance of american life are not earned, they're stolen. >> and then he tried to help his
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friend, fellow conservative wendy long, get elected to the u.s. senate. donating $10,000 of his own money and then having two sets of friends donate another $10,000 each. reimbursing them after the fact. that's against the law. which puts a cap on personal campaign donations and d'souza admit hess did it. even the government admits that, quote, most violations of this type result in civil penalties, meaning fines. but d'souza instead faced criminal charges and a prosecutor determined to put him behind bars. a 53-year-old man with no criminal history and a lifetime of academic scholarship. d'souza contested the charge but not the underlying facts. he acted without corrupt intent. even the prosecution admitted it was not to curry political favor. it was based on his political views. he also claims the donation caps were unconstitutional. the court would ultimately
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reject the argument and out of legal options d'souza pleaded guilty. later that night he appeared on "the kelly file." >> so we made a motion before the judge on selective progs kus but in a ruling last week he said you can't bring that in a case. in a sense i was going into a trial with, in a sense, no defense. >> that appearance would be used against him by the feds who took issue with d'souza's reasons for pleading guilty. here in their brief in support of a jail sentence. the defendant pled guilty at the last possible moment before trial began, not because he actually accepted responsibility but because he was, in fact, guilty and he had no defense. d'souza's now asking for community service and probation. the government wants him behind bars. serving time he deserves? or a victim of political payback? and will justice be served by jailing the nation's best known conservative filmmaker in the year leading up to a
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presidential election? today dinesh learned his fate. the judge ordered him to serve a five-year probationary sentence with community service. joining me now, dinesh d'souza and your reaction to the sentence? >> well, megyn, i've got a big smile on my face now. i think i've had it for several hours. i can't wipe it off because this was really an effort to put me out of business. the government was trying to lock me up for between 10 and 16 months, and a federal judge said no. >> a bill clinton appointee to the federal bench. >> a democratic appointee. for me, i had a wonderful lawyer ben brafman, he made an eloquent statement. i've been sustained over the past weeks by army of supporters and loyalists and friends who have just prayed for me and sustained me. but today my faith in an independent judiciary is affirmed. my own country tried to get me
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and put me away and the court said no. >> when i read the government's brief, they made no bones about it. they thought you should serve a minimum of ten months, but they really wanted you to do the full thing, 16 months in prison because they said you were not remorseful. the only reason you pleaded guilty was because you had run out of options. they likened you to corrupt people who try to curry favor with the politicians by making donations as opposed to trying to help a friend. >> that was just an all-out attempt to might away. of course, at the beginning i was suspicious of the government's motives, but eventually they filed a sentencing brief and they cited a bunch of cases and they said, look, in all these cases, the guys who made -- exceeded the campaign finance limit got prison time but they left out a whole bunch of facts in which these guys had done it before while they were trying to buy legal appointments or they had corrupt motives or kickbacks. >> or charged with other felonies at the time they were
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doing this particular felony. let me ask you this, the judge said that your argument that this is a selective prosecution is an effort at spin. i'm not sure you get it, said the judge, today to you. and really did not believe this is a case of selective prosecution but nonetheless did not throw the book at you. your thoughts on that conclusion? >> i think that meeting the burden of proving a selective prosecution is very high. i'm not saying i did it. in fact when i came on your show i simply said when you look around the country at other situations, there seems to be a pattern of this administration using the instruments of the law, the irs and so on to go after its critics. and that's happened in a number of other cases quite apart from mine. so i had raised the issue, and my lawyers did. the judge said you haven't met the legal standard. and i respect that. so today i think he decided what was the just penalty that fits this offense. >> only you dinesh would walk
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away where you admit you committed a felony, almost served 16 months in jail and this has restored your faith in the legal system and you love this country even more. it's amazing how you view this experience. >> if i was locked up, i would not be able to make a film in the election year, 2016. now i can do my work, i can continue to write books and continue to function . >> can you? because you have to go live in a community confinement center for eight months. you have to sleep overnight, like a halfway house? is that what it is? >> i don't exactly know. but i'll tell aw good part of the sentence and i actually thanked the judge for it. i'm going to be teaching english to new immigrants to this country, so i'll be helping with an assimilation process. >> that's your community service. >> that's my community service and i'm happy to do it. >> what will you do in a community confinement center, people will be saying, is that the guy that made the movies? >> believe me, they'll all be
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republicans at the end of it. >> dinesh d'souza, thanks, stay? touch. let me know your thoughts. hannity coming up at the top of the hour. >> we hit empty buildings at night. we knocked down antennas, blew out windows. that's not the way to defeat terrorists who behead americans! [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no -- [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. [ male voice ] we're good in here, howie. yeah, have a good night, brother. members get personalized help plus identity theft protection. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker.
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here is a sample for you. dinesh, you're great. god bless you. you make a lot of sense. this from dennis. probation sucks. okay. let me know what you think. on twitter @megyn kelly. >> welcome to hannity. this is a fox news alert. the united states along with five arab allies launched a series of air strikes against isis and al qaeda targets in syria last night. tonight we'll have complete coverage for what this means of the security of this homeland as well as what it means politically. we'll check in with colonels ralph peters and allen west. we'll get analysis from our political power players including karl rove, bob beckel, juan williams and even james carville tonight. the very latest where things stand in this fight against isis. jennifer? >> the operation began about
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