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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 24, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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right now, stay tuned. jon: more coverage in the fox news alert, president obama making his case for america's role in fighting terror, but he says it is time for the world to reject the ideology of extremism. this is "happening now." heather: the president taking his seat on the global stage to bring a message of partnership saying the united states will work with a broad coalition against terror happening as american warplanes continue to hammer terror targets in iraq and also syria. american coalition forces carried out multiple strikes, two of them against a staging area in syria used to move equipment across the border and into iraq, and that is significant good let's get the latest from jennifer griffin at the pentagon. what can you tell us about these strikes?
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>> the president gave an impassioned speech before the u.n. in which he said the u.s. is not at war with islam, he would not send u.s. troops to occupy foreign countries and he has had to avoid having policy built around reacting with acts of terror. 24 hours after the u.s. and five arab countries launch airstrikes against isis targets, strikes again today in eastern syria against eight isis vehicles on the border with iraq. this area in eastern syria has been a staging area or a base for isis for some time. pilot from coalition fighter jets dropped bombs in that area against isis targets. >> it had an important impact, obviously this won't be the last of our efforts, but this was a first wave. >> the additional strikes today
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followed nearly 200 strikes on some 24 separate target the day before. on this area, coalition planes from saudi arabia, united arab emirates, jordan and bahrain struck syrian targets. as they continue to reiterate this war against al qaeda and isis and offshoots will go on for years. >> there is a second day and there will be a third and more. the president has been very clear we will do what is necessary to get this job done so the answer is this will go on for some time in various forms. >> the president will be chairing a u.n. security council meeting in new york today trying to gain international support for tightening restrictions against foreign fighters going to syria and iraq, that is where the allied partners such as saudi arabia and turkey will play a big role.
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they will have to do more to tighten up the issue of financing going to these al qaeda offshoots for the foreign fighters going to fight within syria and iraq. heather: jennifer griffin, thank you. >> president obama making his case for american strengths earlier this morning. before the united nations general assembly as he orders ongoing airstrikes against militants in syria and iraq. the president trying to cast the u.s. as vital on the world stage in defeat of the terrorists as well as ukrainian crisis and the ebola outbreak in africa. >> on issue after issue we cap rely on a rulebook written for different centuries. if we lift our eyes beyond our borders, if we think globally, and if we act cooperatively, we
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can shape the course of the century as our predecessor shaped the post-world war ii age. jon: so how was this speech received, will it be effective? let's talk about it with record spent a lot of time at the u.n. as advisor to four u.s. ambassadors there. a 40 minute speech roughly, he touched on a lot of topics but there are some things he didn't say which you think are important. >> he said extremism, violence, religiously motivated, but never islamic extremism. this is a problem that needs to be confronted and we seem to be dancing around it. the other thing is we have made it clear america will not base our terraform policy on reacting to terrorism. unfortunately whatever he wants to basin terraform policy on he wants to lead and reacts to the current crisis, this is a crisis.
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extremism that is islamic extremism right now. jon: the winner of the nobel peacpeace prize or shortly thereafter is now in the process of dropping bombs on the seventh islamic country. >> i think that is a good thing right now because we absolutely need to reacts to this. i don't really buy the liberal argument that this is a president promised to take us out of war and he us into a war. this goes back to the fact you have to deal with the crises that come at you. jon: it goes to the effect you have to deal with the world as it is, not the world you wish it to be. >> that is one of the issues, 18 minutes in he mentions isis, so he really doesn't want to deal with this. i think the whole speech shows that. one interesting point, did a
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great job on russia with foreign minister, russian foreign minister sitting in the audience, listening to president obama. obama was very tough on russia. jon: especially when incursion into ukraine but don't they turn the remarks on their head and say look, you are bombing syria, how can you condemn us for getting involved in ukraine? >> even though it is different, he will be brilliant at making that points to the u.n. price core. he knows the place he speaks perfect english, he will be very good at turning this around. jon: mohammed karzai just made a farewell speech to several hundred of his government administrators and really slammed the united states, said we are not interested in afghanistan, not interested in bringing peace to afghanistan.
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unbelievable. >> unbelievable. i was at the u.n. in 2002 when we helped president karzai really take over and become the first and hopeful president of afghanistan. he owes the united states so much in terms of not only capital, political capital we have given, but american lives and billions of dollars to now hear him say something like this is almost a shock because he doesn't get the loyalty factor even if he has problems with the united states, there is a different way than to take this shot as you are leaving. jon: didn't hold back at all, said the remarks were ungrateful and ungracious. part of what karzai had to say. did not want peace for afghanistan because it had his own agendas and goals.
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if america and pakistan want peace, it's possible to bring peace to afghanistan. >> the fact of the matter is karzai has stayed too long, has been week, has not really been able to look beyond the personal gain of the office and muscle in with some political deals and he has failed at the job and mad we are holding him accountable. jon: thank you very much for your analysis, we will be talking about the president's speech at the u.n. throughout the hour. heather: there is no concern about the fallout of the strikes against isis overseas. putting out a joint bulletin warning of the increased risk of lone wolf attacks in the united states. as we learn more about another terror group, the one in addition to isis that was targeted in the strikes. live for us in washington. hi there, catherine. what can you tell us about this
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bulletin? >> fox news obtained the bulletin from the security and fbi warning there is an increase of a lone wolf or small attacks. there is no credible evidence of a domestic attack at this time. this dismisses the risk of attack for foreign terrorist groups but does not eliminate it. it reads in part we believe these strikes will contribute to homegrown violent extremist about intervention in predominantly muslim land. possibly motivating homeland attacks. intelligence officials confirmed to fox news the senior leadership was a target including a building known to be used by so close to usama bin laden he ran a network operation in iran after 9/11. while social media is reporting he was killed along with a sniper and a leader of the al qaeda affiliate, the intelligence officials this assessment was ongoing and could
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take several days. in a new interview with yahoo news, attorney general confirmed intelligence about the group was well understood and available to the president as early as 2012. >> this looks like a group that has been known fo to us for two years be it i sat national security team and we have been closing monitoring the group for that period of time. >> from our national security, the administration was also provided data as early as january entering syria to join his group's by the late spring of this year had topped out at 500, but there was a failure to act at the level of the national secure to counsel when at that time severe action would have been necessary. heather: thank you. coming up in just a bit. talk to you later. jon: more trouble in north
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africa about months of fighting, rebels in yemen are coming victory over the government after successfully taking control of the capital city. coming up, the impact of the latest development on a volatile situation in the middle east as well as iran's influence over that part of the world. and the battle against a wildfire tearing through northern california. why mother nature is about to make things okay for those battling the flames. >> seeing personal property threatened, everything else, it takes a stress on the firefighters.
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jon: extreme weather across the country to tell you about. let's start in northern california, there are concerns higher temperatures and stronger wind today will hurt the fight against the fast-moving king
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wildfire. 7000 firefighters are trying to get a hold on those flames which now threaten thousands of homes. another wildfire burning in oregon, the 36 hit fire scorching more than 5000 acres, but mother nature's giving crews a big assist in cooler, wetter weather making firefighters optimistic they can get the flames under control sooner rather than later. the wet weather not such a good thing in florida were heavy rain caused flooding, as much as 6 inches of rain fell in some spots and more storms expected through friday. not a good idea to do that, by the way. not a good idea. >> let's head overseas as the world watches events on isis. another event in the middle east, this one in yemen. the leader is now claiming victory after taking control of key parts of the capital setting up a new government. joining us from the state department with more.
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people need to know how it affects us here, strengthening iran's hand as well. >> it is an important region. the upheaval in yemen contrasts starkly with the place president obama sketched out in the primetime address on isis. >> the strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while sporting supporters on the frontlines is one we have pursued in yemen and somalia for years. >> yet the last week at the capital they have seen it yet shiite rebels and allies of iran cap a 10-year campaign by seizing control of the main government building, the parliament, and the central bank. the government security forces in yemen have effectively collapsed prompting a warning to americans from the u.s. embassy on september 18, 8 days after president obama's comments due
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to the continuing civil disorder and as the threat of violence u.s. citizens warned of high security threat level due to terrorist activities and civil unrest. urging u.s. citizens to defer travel to yemen and currently living in yemen to depart. u.s. citizens in yemen remain vulnerable to kidnapping and terrorist attacks especially when in transit to and from residences or workplaces. u.s. citizens should exercise caution and take prudent security measures in all areas especially those areas frequented by westerners. forced to sign a crews dictated. the silver lining is while they are aligned with iran, they are also sworn enemies of al qaeda. there are reports a u.s. drone of the kind that has been used to such devastating affect in yemen has crashed in the southern part of the country. no confirmation of that just
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yet. heather: we will keep watching that one and go back and we have anything new on that. thanks. >> thank you. >> hitting the campaign trail during a war on terrorism and isis? the white house may rethink the president's travel plans amid the airstrikes and complaints from some candidates. and this is not your usual smash and grab at a car dealership. a creative way a gang of thieves are making off with some luxury rides. >> there had to be some sort of organization to get nine people together to steal vehicles.
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jon: reports president obama is now being forced to reconsider a number of scheduled campaign stops for this year's midterms. the white house circulated a
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schedule last month and now we're hearing it had his hold off on releasing the final version of the president's schedule amid concerns of several candidates of the president's low approval numbers. and campaigning in the u.s. active air campaign against isis. let's talk about the former campaign manager howard dean. page columnist for the washington times. i reminded of the last midterm election of the bush years when president bush was kryptonite for republican candidate, now you wh have the guy who's goingo fight him looks very much in the same situation. >> it actually happens a lot in the six years of presidency. a president can raise money, can be used to help turn out the base of radio ads and things like that, but they want to keep the race, you want to keep this
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race localized. you want to keep it there, you do not want this to be obama versus the republicans. he will be starring in a lot of ads because the republicans like democrats ran shots at bush with republican opponents, when he was in this shape, republicans will make sure you see a lot of obama in these red states. jon: the democratic senator in colorado, in new hampshire, the democratic senate candidate in georgia, all three of them had expected to receive visits from the president, now the visits are off, why? >> it is kind of amusing doesn't want to campaign against the backdrop of war up until now he has not shown any reservation
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whatsoever about such things not with golfing continuously through all of these. as he just pointed out, the real thing is the candidate don't want him. he really is kryptonite in places like georgia and even places like new hampshire or colorado. of course republicans are doing all they can to make sure voters do not forget who is sitting in the white house right now and whoever is the democratic nominee is will be supporting or at least tied to the policies of president obama. jon: one article pointed out the president's ratings started to take a slide when it was revealed eight minutes after he decried the beheading of one of the american journalists on the golf course that is what started
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a slide in his poll numbers. do you see it that way? >> his numbers have been sliding for about a year and a half now. they are at 40% or so, those are numbers that are going to be waving around a lot of these democrats. most of them have been able to stay competitive by localizing the race and making it about them versus their opponent. they do not want to nationalize this thing. obama only helps make it a national race which is what americans want. if that happens, to the extent it is already happening, they don't want to fuel that, they would much prefer the president to be at fundraisers and raise money and maybe be on radio ads
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to make sure they vote, but they will not want them in their state. jon: a lot of people indicate national security and their own personal security is becoming a bigger and bigger issue to them. the fact the president has decided to take the fight to them in syria, the set help his poll numbers and those democrats who are running? >> that is why think it is funny, this statesmanship and leadership on the global stage president obama has to pull back from campaigning. the usually help the party in power. they garnish the numbers for the president. i think it is too early to tell. you mention a golfing at the beheading, obviously very
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important episode. this lack of respect where the president got off in new york city getting his coffee cup to the marines on the commander-in-chief. it is out of touch that does happen in the sixth year of presidency, but to a point a lot of people are like who is this guy, why is he being so disrespectful? jon: thank you. heather: what happens when they adapt and hide among the slave population. as he makes his position to the united nations clear. >> there is no reasoning, no negotiations with this brand of evil. the only which understood by
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killers like this is the language of force. r over 19 mil. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. girl: and then when we earn they money we want to spend it with, guy: we want to use it wisely. girl: with care. guy: what i appreciate about truecar is all the pricing information was right there. girl: truecar shows us how much we'll be saving, guy: right. girl: and that feels good. guaranteed savings*, a hassle-free experience. visit
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jon: still to come this hour, a massive data breach at home depot. now come customers reporting fraudulent transactions on their accounts. more dangerous than isis? the new al qaeda offshoot. and a gang of car thieves caught on tape stealing cars off the
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lot. how they got away with it next. heather: militar motivators to e strikes in syria are beginning now that the campaign is likely to be a prolonged one is only going to get harder as militants try to look for safety in areas pop lady with civilians but terrorism will not dictate u.s. actions. listen. president obama: i made it clear in an estate shall not base entire policy on fighting terrorism. instead focus on al qaeda and associated forces taking out their leaders, denying them a safe havens they rely on. heather: fox news military analyst. the reaction to what the president said, terrorism will not dictate our foreign policy >> don't think we will have a choice. the reality of the fact is most of the world is in conflict
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right now, and it appears to be the national human condition so we have to deal with real world. heather: at least five strikes take an overnight again syria and iraq. there were actually arab planes in the air for the second time around, how long do you think they will be by our side in those strikes? >> i don't know for sure. i think as long as we need them for military purposes and for the political top cover they bring. this sets aside the argument this is the christian west coming in on another crusade into the muslim middle east. now that you have countries involved in this fighting against a sunni radical group, it sets aside that part of the argument removes from that and gets down to the cold military
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facts. heather: the good news is not it was not a one-shot deal. they were by our side last night as well. lots of folks on here have criticized the targets saying they're simply too late and too narrow in scope. do you agree? >> something is better than nothing. we're putting together a group of folks although they have exercised with each other in the past have not necessarily been involved in real combat operations. this a first for them and for us to be doing these kind of operations. although these countries many of them put up aircraft's. the other reason quite frankly is these countries, these sunni countries participating in real-world combat operations at that range is also a little demonstration to the iranians that hey, look, we are not
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pushovers, we have some real capability down here, so take a look. heather: these guys we hit, the buildings we struck, he have to assume the people there in the middle of the night, some of the criticism is the bad guys may not have been there, how do we do this with airstrikes alone and get these guys in the urban populations? >> you cannot do this with airstrikes alone. there will have to be boots on the ground. what the president keeps saying is we will not use boots. i think he is using boots and ie term of traditional straight leg u.s. much a people in uniform. that doesn't mean it can't be people from agencies, the cap the people from nato countries or supporting countries help haul in those airstrikes. the real bottom line is this is a ground war, when they move
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into statehood where they say we are a state, now they are gone back down and will melt back down into tha the civilian population. as they do it will be very difficult because they can hold the ground because there is no opposing ground force to hold them up. heather: this happened yesterday. i want to get your reaction. >> the most important thing is to create some space for the iraqi security forces to reorganize and replace leadership that needs to be replaced. heather: replacing iraq and leadership, you have leadership in the iraqi military and to be able to do that. >> i think they have a leadership, and the iraqi forces clearly not. the prime minister just fired
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the upper reaches of the iraqi military, four or five generals since sunday. they lost about 20 miles north out in the province of 1000 soldiers i think 200 of them escaped, the rest of them were captured. the leadership inside iraqi forces is wanting, not just that we want to retrain iraqi army but find people iraqi soldiers will respect and trust to follow into combat. heather: as the general said, we will have to see what they do with the base. thank you so much. jon: some unfortunate new fallout on the data breach at home depot. reporting now a number of fraudulent transactions on the debit and credit statements.
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lauren simonetti joins us from the fox business network with more information. >> banks across the country say fraudulent transactions are propping up all over the place according to the "wall street journal." criminals using our data to buy everything from new iphones to groceries and even draining cash from bank accounts. it occurred over five months between april and this month. this is what home depot tells us. it is important to note as we said all along customers won't be liable for fraudulent charges and we have no evidence debit pin numbers were compromised. adding it would be inappropriate for them to comment on what the banks are seeing. they're stepping up efforts to block unusual or suspicious transactions. they have already started reissuing cards to customers exposed, some credit unions are beefing up the staffing in the
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fraud department just so they are on the lookout for transactions that seem fishy. cohen three restatement very carefully carefully, sign-up for credit protection services and realizing 2014 this is not going to be the last data breach but this one so far looks like the biggest. heather: thanks for your heather: one more thing to do. u.s. launch a more airstrikes as we go after isis. why some said they pose just as big of a threat to the homeland if not more than isis. trying to get it national support against the fight against terrorism. we will go in depth next. president obama: i can promise in it states america will not be distracted or deterred from what must be done.
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heather: let's check out what is ahead on "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. >> president obama dressed in the u.s. general assembly a short time ago trying to shore up more support the fight, so did he make his case? >> plus one most highest profile i'm a change advocates in the world that does his devastating lifestyle reveal a different standard? heather: what this could mean for the nations brewing industry. heather: thank you. cops on the lookout for they believe in organized gang of car thieves stealing luxury vehicles from the dealership lot. they hope this surveillance video can help. it captures these bandits smashing into offices and taken aboard that hold a keys to the
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car. it doesn't take much to close the deal. hit the clicker and the car lights up. most of the car stolen were in for service. >> unlocking the cars using the motion control key. >> wouldn't think this was a random event, it had to be some sort of organization to get nine people together to steal vehicles. jon: are beefing up with old school security using chains and dumpsters to block the drivers. heather: fox news alert back to the top story. the u.s. executing another round of strikes in syria as we find out the senior leadership from another dangerous organization was possibly killed in earlier strikes.
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u.s. going after this offshoot after we learned they may have been in the final stages to plot another round of attacks against the united states. for more, we're joined by former homelanhomeland security advisor new york state and senior fellow at george washington university. do you believe this threat israel? >> i do. anytime you have a military strike now get people who may not be directly affiliated get inspired. intelligence bt has known about this for quite a period of time. this is not the type of group that is going to meet at certain places. it is a hardened, trained leadership, they are trying to get on the scoreboard and strike at the west, particularly the united states with a successful attack.
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they had not been able to prosecute his successful attack 9/11. heather: the leader of the group we have seen, you think he could potentially easily be replaced if he was taken out in these attacks yesterday? >> they have shown tremendous resiliency, one of the real challenge is of course is what is their capability? what we in this country tend not to think about is there are dedicated cells of folks particularly in yemen who focus on how to get around the security and make the device you can't detect. heather: a nonmetallic bomb are one of the things we're starting to hear about. this al qaeda bomb maker, the printer cartridge. can you tell us about these new and emerging bomb threats? >> our system is primarily
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ferrous-based. you look for bulges, packages people are trying to sneak onto a plane. we don't really have a failsafe standoff explosive detection system here. we use ultimate means like a bomb dog. heather: they tire easily. >> there are operational challenges, you train officers how to look at different people, multiple points. heather: some would say that is profiling. is that something we are forced to do? >> it is always been a part of what the security posture is in the united states. the key is to not have a single point of failure. this system has been designed, it will be enhanced to have
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multiple information gathering where you go, what are you doing to determine if somebody is in fact acting a little weird to signal that individual should be. heather: the capabilities we already have, is there something we should do o our could do? >> stop the westerners going over there. canada has stopped giving passports to folks. it is hard to target folks is a because you are traveling that becomes part of a free travel. that is kind of the irony. we are really trying to get intelligence from the folks going over there, find out where they are going, what they do when they get there. heather: are we stopping people when they come back asking them what were you doing there? >> certainly if they are on the
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no-fly list they are not getting on a plane, if they are on a watchlist they are reviewed. one of the hardest things particularly if you are coming from england you don't need a visa. you have never had interaction with law enforcement. heather: are we asking them questions? >> we are. the question is are we doing enough? is anything we can do to possibly prevent an attack? heather: new york always a target as are many other large cities. jon: a strikes against isis in libya and iraq have sparked a new crisis in the region involving nearly half a million people who live in one syrian town. more on that story. president obama: we can you to fight for a hateful cause we find they are increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats and we will benefit the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy. the performance review.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed.
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if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. heather: an accused terrorist suspects shot dead in australia, the teenager killed by police after he stabbed and injured two counterterrorism officers there. the suspect recently had his passport suspended on national security grounds showing interest in joining the terror group isis. jon: the latest rounds of air airstrikes against isis targeted key staging areas in syria as well as iraq. john huddy joins us from jerusalem. >> we're still waiting to find out an exact number of airstrikes. we are hearing from people on the ground eight to 13, but that is not confirmed. we do know the locations. the airstrikes hit positions and
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armored vehicles in eastern syria near the town which was across the border from the iraqi town of al qaeda and to date the command talking much numbers conducted about 198 airstrikes against isis iraq and 20 in syria with the help of the arab coalition forces, but there's one country that's been noticeably absent and also airstrikes you the turkish border, and that is turkey. a growing humanitarian crisis along the turkey border, of course turkey borders syria with kurds pouring into turkey and since saturday actually more than 100 estimated more than 170,000 syrian kurds have flooded into turkey becoming such a problem, such a crisis u.n. refugee agency said it is making contingency plans in case
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all 400,000 i 400,000 the kurdid again flood into turkey. so far turkey helping with humanitarian aid has not joined in the fight with the arab coalition and partners, something that has been key, a big question of will turkey join the fight? discussing that with world leaders. jon: it would seem to be useful to get turkey on board. john huddy in jerusalem. heather: here's what we are working on the next hour of "happening now." any weapon in the fight against ebola. a new high tech disinfection method. we will tell you about that. police many a suspect in the disappearance of hannah graham. police issue another arrest warrant for the same man they have been trying to track down for days.
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jon: it is a simple question, have you finished your holiday shopping? heather: finnished. of course not. 91 days to christmas. jon: that's right. kmart stores in the d.c. area hope to catch you earlier than ever. they set up holiday display, setting off annual debate how early is too early? kmart even put out a christmas add after labor day promoting its layaway plan. some shoppers put on the scrooge faces. some were all for it. they got into the holiday spirit for a few minutes. i can't start playing christmas carols until after thanksgiving. heather: i need to find a red monster truck. it will take me a while to find that. maybe this is a good thing a little heads up. jon: your sons are not watching right now? heather: they're away. see you back here in an hour. jon: "outnumbered" begins right now.
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>> no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. for the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. in this effort we do not act alone. >> this is a fox news alert. making his case. president obama facing the united nations, calling for a global effort to defeat the terrorists hell-bent on carving out a fundamentalist islamic state in the middle east. this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today, harris faulkner, sandra smith, host of "the independents" on the fox business network, kennedy, and today's #oneluckyguy, david asman, host of "forbes" on fox and cocoa host of "after the bell" on fbn. "outnumbered" for very first time. >> i


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