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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 24, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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rafferty. speaking at the u.n. general assembly, david cameron said he would seek authority but he didn't know if that included iraq and sir ya. david cameron met with the u.n. for the first time since the iranian revolution in 1989. 32-year-old jesse leroy matthew, jr. has been fleeing for a week. hannah graham went missing after leaving a campus party alone. she still has not been found. i'm mary ann rafferty, welcome to "hannity" and this is a fox news alert. tonight the fight against isis continues. the united states wants another wave of airstrikes at isis
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targets today and they are economic in nature. a u.s. official tells fox news that the raids are aimed at about a dozen modular oil refineries that are used by isis, and coming up, the former vice president of the united states, dick cheney, and his daughter liz will join me in studio with their take on the fight against radical islam. but first, a military campaign against isis and iraq and syria, fox news has obtained a joint bulletin from the fbi and the department of homeland security that the strikes increase the risk of a lone wolf terror attack here. fox's own katherine jherrod, she's standing by in washington tonight and she has all the details. catherine? >> fox obtaining this five-page news bulletin warning that the air campaign has diminished the likelihood of a foreign attack by terrorist groups. but at the same time it lengthens the risks from lone wolf sympathizers in the u.s. it raeds in part, we believe
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these strikes will contribute to homegrown violent extremists' broader grievances about u.s. military intervention, possibly homeland attacks. part of the corisan leadership who also had a personal relationship with osama bin laden involved in the strikes. he said the plot was more complex than a single bomb on a jet. in new york, washington and shanksville, pennsylvania is the trademark of bin laden's inner circle. in more evidence, corsan is al qaeda, not a splinter group. >> the fact they would see a simultaneous attack, they would use different methods is, in fact, characteristic of an al qaeda attack. >> attorney general eric holder telling yahoo news today that corsan was right dar on radar i.
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>> this is a group that we've been watching for a period of time. >> walter says what keeps him up at night are these so-called rec room radicals. these people use social media and the web, which is like pouring gasoline on the fire of self-radicalization. shawn? >> catherine herridge in washington tonight. thank you. president obama addressed the general assembly today where he threatened to dismantle the isis group of death. henry is traveling with the president. he joins us from the u.n. to recap that speech. ed? >> reporter: good evening. i'm here at some isis meetings. president obama came here for an important speech in order to try to rally the world to defeat isis, try to build that
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coalition. he's had earlier success with five arab partners but still waiting for key allies to get on board as well as other nato allies like turkey, pivotal in the mideast. some of those allies are still sitting on the fence out of a fear that the president does not have a long-term commitment to the fight against isis. the president insisted today that isis is a cancer he is going to stick in and help root out, but he might have undermined his case a bit by saying this is still not a dominant part of his foreign policy in what appeared to be a swipe at the bush administration's war on terror and some of that rhetoric about us against them. >> i have made it clear that america will not base an entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. instead we waged a focussed campaign against al qaeda and its associated forces. when it comes to america and islam, there is no us and them, there is only us, because millions of muslim americans are part of the fabric of our country. >> now, before this speech, the
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president's aide signalled this was an opportunity to highlight american leadership on the world stage, but in what might be a curious move, the president also decided to highlight what he suggested were american falilins here at home, particularly ferguson, missouri and the racial strife there to the idea that it's easy, then, for critics to say america shouldn't be lecturing others about violent extremism. now, reporters pressed the white house staff on why the president would drag ferguson, missouri into this debate about isis given the fact that the situation in ferguson is still an ongoing legal matter, and white house airdes were forced o clarify that the president was just trying to point out that america is not perfect here at home. shawn? >> as the president addressed the united nations today, the u.s. military continued to bomb iraq and syria using attack bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct additional airstrikes. now former navy fighter pilot
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and fox correspondent leah gabriel is back with us to bring us an inside look at these airstrikes. they look fascinating. i love our cruise missile attacks, but is it going to be enough? >> let me talk to you about how it actually happened. it starts with the commanders identifying a goal, for example, taking out command and control. intelligence gathered through a number of ways. one of them includes getting imagery from satellites and things like surveillance flights like we've seen over syria. they identified specific targets. this islamic state finance building is one of the tarkgets that was attacked on monday. pilots are assigned targets like this and they work as a team for coming up with a strategy on how they're going to take them out. that includes coming up with a fuse on target and figuring out how many weapons will actually take it out. on the right you see the building after it was hit. they said the intended effect was only to take out the communications ray you see on the roof of the building. airborne fuses were used to hit
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only that communications array. more would be used if the intent was to take out the building itself. this was hit by a tomahawk missile, but the same thing can be accomplished by a gps guided bomb dropped from an aircraft. for example, this islamic state compound was hit by multiple guided bombs dropped by f-18s. scouring comes right back into play and that's to see if they hit their intended targets and to assess the damage to determine, shawn, if the ejectors were actually accomplished. >> couldn't they take out a whole building? >> that's a good question, and i think they had a reason not to. they showed that they only intended -- and i think they wanted people to see that from 1500 miles away on a ship, we can launch a missile that will take out precisely that. that's what's called a surgical strike. there's some reason they only took it out, maybe because it's
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most important or maybe because there's hostages in the building. >> president obama's military campaign against isis marks a stark contrast of what he was touting one year ago when he addressed the united nations general assembly. let's take a walk down memory lane to the year 2013. >> together we've also worked to end a decade of war. next year an international coalition will end its war in afghanistan. having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of al qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. these new circumstances have also meant shifting away from a perpetual war footing. as a result of this work and cooperation with allies and partners, the world is more stable than it was five years ago. >> that's a far cry from what we heard today at the u.n. from our commander in chief. so did the president get it wrong and is his failure to recognize the threat of radical islam responsible for what's happening in the middle east today? here to respond is pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby is with us.
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sir, thank you for joining us. welcome to the program. >> good evening, sean. good to be with you. >> there seems to be a misunderstanding by the president referred in january as the j.b. team. he referred to it as a month ago to be pure fantasy that we would arm opposition, farmers, doctors and pharmacists, et cetera. how does the president keep changing like this? >> i think you need to understand, sean, i don't speak for the president, i can speak for the pentagon. what i will tell you is we have watched isil, let's just take that as an example. you talked about his comments in january. a lot has changed since january. we've been watching this group for months and months. they've grown in capability, they've grown in skill, they've grown in resources. a lot has changed since the beginning of this year and that leads us to today where there is a threat against the region and we're beginning to get them where it hurts inside syria. there's bain lot of changes in that regard. six years of iraq and no
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ground taken by those forces. two former secretaries of defense, the former joint chief suggested at some point a strategy of boots on the ground may be necessary from a strategic standpoint. from your perspective, should we be taking that off the table? >> what the chairman said was that if he felt the strategy was failing in that regard, he's obligated. it's his responsibility as the senior military adviser to the president to offer advice and counsel and he'll do that in an unvarnish unvarnished, political way. i think that's what he meant as a hypothetical. he also said that time isn't now and he did think that strategy would work. in iraq, it's true that they continue to hold a swath of territory in iraq. there's no doubt about that. but through our help in the air and advising on the ground at a
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higher level of headquarters for the iraqi security forces, they are beginning to show progress. they are holding their ground in and around baghdad. here we had iraqis and kurds on the ground, it's their operation. yes, we supported it from the air but they took that support back from isil. a piece of infrastructure in iraq that the iraqi security 40s were holding and were being threatened by isil. we continue to watch it. no question that we take a sober view of it here at the pentagon. there is a lot of work to do but they're beginning to show progress in iraq through our help and through the help of our international partners. >> let me ask you about the timing of this from a military strategic standpoint. leon panetta suggested it was a mistake not arming the syrian rebels back in 2012. he believed that and bob gates believed that and hillary believed that and the president
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went against them. i'm putting up a map and it shows syrian and iraqi cities and the date they fell to isis. we lost 4,000 americans. many others were injured in this conflict in iraq. a lot of blood and sweat and treasure and lives that were lost. should we have acted sooner before falusia fell and tajar and all these other places? >> it would be easy to monday morning quarterback this. we don't have time to do that in the pentagon. we're very focused on the threat as it is. >> but the time frame of this is when the president referred to them as the j.b. team, and even after that. we didn't do anything as city after city that americans died for was falling, we didn't intervene. doesn't that seem odd? >> what i can tell you is we were watching this group for a while. the other thing i can tell you, though, sean, and it's important for people to remember, i have friends who fought in iraq and i have friends in afghanistan now, so i know it's personal to a lot
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of us in uniform. although i never served on the front lines, i'll say that. i can tell you the people that i know did are very proud of their service and they know they gave iraq services and opportunity in 2011. when we left, we told the iraqi people that the forces were capable with the threat they faced at the time. >> president bush warned with pinpoint accuracy what would happen if we didn't keep forces there. pinpoint accuracy that we would be back and dealing with a more extreme group. in retrospect, was he right and president obama wrong? >> we wanted to stay. we wanted to stay, sean. we had a plan to stay. president malaki wasn't able to approve that plan. >> the number of troops we were talking about there, it seems to me and a lot of military people that i've interviewed that that could have been reached, that could have been dpleecompleted. >> it wasn't, though. >> that's the point, it should have been. >> because prime minister malaki
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couldn't deliver on that. as a person in uniform myself, we couldn't guarantee that. >> we don't have allies taking part in the airstrikes in syria, it's just the u.s. and five other allies. the reason seems to be the discomfort level that these european countries have about the international legality of striking in syria. so the question for you, under what international law or mandate is the u.s. operating in syria and why didn't the president go to the u.n. and ask f for a mandate vote or resolution? >> again, i'm not speaking for the president. i can tell you we're acting to protect and defend our citizens from the threat that this group poses and we're doing that under constitutional authorities that he has to protect american citizens abroad. that's the authorities that we're operating under, as well as the authorization to use military force that was approved back in 2009. >> i hope and pray it works. in my view it's a day late and a dollar short as all those cities americans died for, we didn't
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protect them at the time we could have, and if these other military commanders and former defense secretaries are right, it's going to be needing a lot more than what we're giving it, so time is only going to tell and i hope it's successful. >> we obviously are working for that success as well, sean. and we believe we can. coming up next, in a "hannity" exclusive, former vice president dick cheney is here with his daughter liz to talk about the president's plan to combat isis. that and more on business news tonight on "hannity." ♪ hey, jake! come on over here for a sec. why you wanna touch my dart so bad? ♪ [ high-pitched ] why's he wanna touch it? ♪
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i realize that america's critics will be quick i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we, too, have failed to live up to our ideals, that america has plenty of problems within its own borders. this is true. in a summer marked with instability in eastern europe, i know america took notice of a small eastern city in missouri where a colored man was killed spay communi and a community was divided. so yes, we have our own racial tensions. >> president obama again apologizing for the world on
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stage. joining me for a studio exclusi exclusive interview, liz cheney and her father, former vice president of the united states, dick cheney. welcome. >> good to be here. >> the president is focusing on civil wars, the jihadist, the brutal aid to other countries and is prepared to compare it to ferguson, missouri? >> i was stunned. in one case you've got a police officer involved in a shooting. there may be questions about it. they'll be sorted out through the legal process. there is no comparison to that to what isis is doing to thousands of people throughout the middle east with bloody beheadings of anybody they come in contact with. they compare the two as though there's an equivalence there. >> murder, rapes, mass graves. all of this is happening with isis. how do you react to the president's st'm asking this, i up a map.
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all of these cities that 4,000 americans fought, bled and died for within iraq with iraqi borders all fell in a period of months and the president didn't lift a finger. >> no, and i think the strategy he's laid out now is insufficient. it's good that he's launched airstrikes into syria, but even if you look at what he said at the u.n. today, he talked about united states will conduct a campaign of airstrikes. that's not going to get the job done. we've got to defeat isis, we've got to make sure we go back in offense in the war on terror. it's going to require more than just airstrikes. you saw the president again today at the u.n. talk about how all powers need to sit down around a table and negotiate. and it's just so at odds with the reality of what we're seeing. it's sort of this idealogy that he's unwilling to let go of and it's not going to be sufficient to keep america safe. >> a month ago the president said the idea was fantasy, that america would somehow arm the syria rebels which now is the
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core of his strategy a month later. in the interim, he said we have no strategy before he laid out a strategy, which has changed multiple times, and he said in january, as isis was beginning this territorial -- these con quests, he said they were the j. v. team. how can he be getting it so wrong so often on such a big issue as this? >> i think it's deliberate. he has a world view in what he's found increasingly is it's not consistent with reality. we saw what general mike flynn did as he stepped down his directed defense intelligence agency, and basically what he suggested is that they're not reading the intelligence that's being produced. on the one hand you've got a president that's saying al qaeda is intrigued,al could i see has been decimated, and on the other hand he had reports coming in saying it wasn't true. >> for two years they knew that bin laden's top lieutenants were in this location. that went against the entire narrative that the president was
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making and vice president biden were making back in 2012 when they were running. so if they knew they were there, they knew they still existed, apparently. i would think that the president who apparently didn't know the term corpsman and said corpesman in one speech. president obama might want to rely on military experts. we have leon panetta, bob gates, major dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs and all these other generals are all suggesting this might be insufficient as their strategy. but the president has rejected it out rigright. he also said there would be no shock at all. is that a bad thing to telegraph? >> he lacks experience and also respect for our previous commanders. i worked with them when i was vice president and in my younger days as secretary of defense. the president doesn't have to do
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anything. he gets to make the decisions but he clearly ought to listen to the senior military commanders who are responsible on the ground for executing on policy and take their advice occasionally. but almost always when the subject comes up, he nearly always rejects what they recommend. >> you said that within 10 years, you think america will be hit with the worst terror attack than 9/11. >> correct. >> is isis the likely group that would be responsible, and how would you defeat them? >> it may be isis, but one of the things that happened this past summer was the rand study came out that said they're going to 58% increase over a three-year period of time in the number of al qaeda-like organizations out there. there's a lot of them. it's not just isis. isis is front and center right now. i do believe there will be another mass casualty attack against the united states, and i do believe that next time they'll have deadlier weapons than box cutters.
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>> the president said the islamic state is not islamic and get your reaction. >> we have reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and will never be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. and when it comes to america and islam, there is no us and them, there is only us because millions of muslim americans are part of the fabric of our country. >> what are we to make of this mysterious reluctance and resistance to identify radical islam for what it is. this is based on a fundamentalist religious view. presidents won't say that. why? >> it's not clear to me why he won't say it but it's a real problem that he won't say it. i think he's worried about causing offense, but if we won't name the enemy, we're not going to defeat the enemy. it is certainly true that not every muslim is a terrorist, there's no question, but there is also the case where those who
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threaten us today are muslims. if we don't understand the fundamental idealogical basis of their religion, it will be difficult for us to prevail. >> if in fact we don't defeat them now, where do you see this going as you look down the line? you were defense secretary at two stints, you were congressman, vice president for eight years. when you look into your crystal ball, where does isis take us if we don't really defeat them now? >> where i've been concerned for a long time, sean, going back even to those defense department days is the possible linkage to terrorism on one hand and deadly weapons on the other. i worry very much that right now we have two trends operating in the middle east. one is the proliferation of terrorists, the proliferation of terrorist organizations, the proliferation of the areas that they've got sanctuary and safe harbor in, and on the other hand, the continued development, for example, by iran and nuclear
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weapons. we're just fortunate that the nuclear reactor that was built for the north koreans by the syrians -- >> the israelis took it out. >> they took it out. today we wouldn't be worried about chemical weapons, we would be worried about who has it now. >> i don't see how the president has the relation to take out iran's nukes. is that something that should be on our priority list if they refuse to dismantle on their own? >> i think it should be made very clear that the united states is willing to use force, if necessary, if they don't give up their nuclear weapons. >> we'll take a break and come back. we'll have more with the vice president dick cheney and his daughter liz. it's all everyone is talking about. last night on this program we showed you the disrespectful way the president saluted a marine yesterday with his latte in his hand and it's gone varl on the
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internet. colonel oliver north will be here tonight to basically describe what has been dubbed the latte salute, straight ahead. ve copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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welcome back to "hannity." as we continue in studio with former deputy assistant secretary of state liz cheney and her father former vice president of the uni we're here with secretary of state liz cheney and former vice president dick cheney. the director of the pentagon said syria could now take years to complete. but most of the generals seem to be tell grafg pretty loudly to the president that to get this job done properly, it's going to take boots on the ground. >> i think it will. i think it's important to remember that the longer it takes, the costlier it will be. when we did desert storm, we
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pulled out all the stops in terms of using all our capability. when you have pinprick attacks that they were doing initially with respect to the air campaign, that's what you get. you give the enemy time to adjust, to go underground, to take care of protecting themselves from those attacks and they're less affected when you telegraph what you're going to do. barack obama has consistently demonstrated, i think, a refusal to accept good military advice in terms of how he actually uses the force. >> six weeks into the campaign of airstrikes in iraq, and we have failed to dislodge isis from any of its strongholds. i put that map up again and we lost 4,000 americans. as we all know here, blood and treasure lost and we stood by idly and did nothing as every one of those cities that america fought and bled and died for, and now we're hearing that the airstrikes aren't even working in iraq and we saw the president
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used yemen and somalia as an example. well, yemen is not exactly the best example as it's now collapsing. >> and you even had a report today, sean, that in spite of the airstrikes in syria, you've got isis expanding in some of the kurdish areas. it's a situation where the president has basically said that he's going to defeat isis, he's going to destroy it, but that boots on the ground we're going to use are syrians and iraqis. you have a real problem there. the free syrian army he says we're going to use as our ground forces is not just a group of good guys. it's been so long now that this operation has not gone on that the president did that you had some very bad elements infiltrate all the syrian opposition. the iraqi army is not situated to be our boots on the ground at this moment. >> general dempsey said virtually none of the iraqi army is ready for isis. none of them. >> the president has laid out a fantasy for the american people
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and is trying to disguise it as a strategy, but it's not going to keep us safe. >> mr. cheney, you're in town, and i would suggest you're here talking to the leaders you've gotten to know over the years. what are they telling you, because you do stay in contacts. >> i do stay in contact, although i usually don't hang out at the united nations. >> i'm not particularly a fan, either. >> especially in the middle east. liz and i traveled through there last spring and those are people i dealt with for 25 years going back to the days of desert storm. >> you're talking about egyptians, saudis, emirates, jordan. i'm just guessing. >> that's right. >> what are they saying? some did join in this coalition. europe is not, for the most part. what are they telling you about this president and this campaign. >> i think with respect to the current air campaign that having the participation of the emirates, saudis and so forth is a plus. i would not want to discourage
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that. a lot of them have u.s.-trained personnel, they're using u.s. equipment. we've used their bases over the years. that's a good addition. it doesn't get you over the goal line, though. it's just sort of the beginning of the campaign. and while it is politically significant, i think they probably welcome the opportunity to participate. we're a long way from sovlving the group that's come in, 30,000 strong now, attracting thousands of wannabe terrorists that has come into the world and presenting us way specter of a serious threat to the united states, europe and other parts of the globe. so it's a very serious problem for us right now, and whatever you've got going in the way of air attacks, that's not going to get the job done. >> i've known you many, many years now, and you've served all of your adult life in government, and you could be
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retired. i know you like to fish. you're a better fisherman than me and you let me know it. you like to fish, you like to be around your grandkids and your daughter. but i get this sense of urgency from you, that you really feel troubled and bothered and you feel that this is a huge colossal mistake. i don't want to put words in your mouth. and that the company is in jeopardy if we don't change course. that's what i sense in you. >> it's not just isis. that's part of it, but generally you can say the threat is increasing, and we deal with it as decreasing because of what's happened with the use ice military, the massive use of the budget. we had problems in the middle east with isis, we've got vladimir putin running loose in europe trying to undo what was done as the soviet union collapsed during the cold war. china got much more agressive. we find ourselves in a situation
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where because of this administration's policies and because of this president's lack of leadership, we face every day a situation where the threat grows and our capacity to deal with it declines. >> how do you analyze him? you've observed him now for six years. what do you think? >> i honest to goodness don't know. i vas late from day to day trying to figure out why he does what he does. about the best i can conclude, and liz has strong views on it, too, is that he has a world view that is inaccurate and doesn't match the reality out there, and when he comes up against that inconsistency between the way he would like the world to be and the way it is, he doesn't know what to do. >> no capacity for sister soldier moment. he only knows what he has been taught. airs, dorn, i don't think he learned any more than that.
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>> he came into office determined to take america down a notch. and sadly, he's been effective at doing that in many ways. >> it's good to see you. appreciate your time. coming up, it has dubbed the latte salute and the brave men and women who proudly wear the uniform is furious with the commander in chief. coming up next, we get reaction from colonel oliver north. and later, al gore marched arm in arm with great americans in our city, but wait until you hear what he did afterward. a b? how about like you're on vacation... in this place! (dolphin) sleep like you haven't seen your bed in days... no, in weeks! sleep like the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend! sleep like you just took zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil that helps you sleep easily, sleep soundly,
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right now, save $400 on our most popular mattress. know better sleep with sleep number. welcome back to "hannity." president obama has done it again. our commander i welcome back to "hannity." president obama has done it again. our commander in chief displayed his complete disrespect for hou men and women as he chose to
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salute a marine while holding a coffee cup getting off marine i. even worse, this was shared on the white house instagram account. we are here with colonel oliver north. colonel, isn't a salute the ultimate amount of honor exchanged by military people? >> it is, and that's why the young sergeants that are facing the steps of marine i are holding the salute as the president walks by. and most do that. and most presidents will return the salute properly. it may not be as sharp as a marine salute, but it's a salute. in this case he's carrying his cup of chi, and apparently, even though he's got a free left hand, decides he would salute with it. here's the answer for that. just to make sure the marines are properly returning a salute, from now on, all u.s. marines
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must carry a paper cup in their right pocket so they can return the salute the way the commander in chief gets one. >> it's also considered a recognition of their service. let me play you a montage. >> navy corpsman christian bashard. corpsman bashard responded, the men and women like corpsman bashard. on this labor day, as our nation honors fallen heroes, and i see many of them in the audience today. our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. ♪ we are so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rocket's red glare >> do you know what a corpesman
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is? >> i am alive today because my united states army corpsman saved my life. >> i can understand maybe he mispronounced it the first time. but the second and third time, why does that tell me he doesn't know what a corpsman is. >> here's the real problem. he doesn't give a damn. any president, any commander in chief, even lyndon johnson would find out from his military aides what the proper pronunciation of things is. this is a president who can go out on a golf course and high five people minutes after he's been on the phone with a correspondent's parents who is dead. i mean, this is the kind of person who truly does not get it. it's not just a matter of optics, it's a matter of caring. >> let me ask you one question. how many times have you been to iraq and afghanistan total now? >> i've had 57 now. >> let me show you a map of the iraqi cities and the dates they
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fell. folusia, january 3rd. it was actually after that on january 27 when the president said they're the j. v. team. look at mosul, tikrit, tal afar. why didn't we act all the blood and treasure that was lost? how do you feel when you're one of the parents who lost one of those 4,000 heroes? >> sean, as you know, because you and i have been out there together with the american people, and people have walked up to me with a picture of their son wearing flap jackets and helmets looking really fifthll filthy, and i would ask, how is he doing? and they would say, he was killed last month. soldiers, sailors, airmen,
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guards, marines, soldiers in iraq will never be complete because of what this president did. look at the bugout in december of 2011, and that's what the troops call it, the obama bugoutset the stage for what happened in syria. then the decision not to help the free syrian army two years ago when they could have, and it would have survived. now you've got -- this is what i was told today. this is a quote. we have a target-rich environment before we gave them a 13-day heads-up and then tipped off tehran and damascus and now they, meaning isis, is melting away. i will tell you, it's beyond me how this president is working, but it certainly isn't for a victory and that's the only real reason to fight a war. >> if you're not going to fight for that, don't do it. colonel, good to see you. coming up next, tonight, here on "hannity." >> the time to answer humankind's greatest challenge is now. we beg of you to face it with courage and honesty. >> ah, leonardo learjet
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dicaprio. when we come back, we'll talk about why he should stick to acting. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. for over 19 million people.
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>> welcome back to welcome back to "hannity". the united nations climate summit is in full swing. who better to educate world leaders on made-up climate change and a crisis that doesn't exist than an actor from hollywood with zero years of scientific training. take a look at this. >> the time to answer humankind's greatest challenge is now. we beg you to face it with courage and honesty. >> all right, that was learjet leonardo dicaprio moonlighting as a climate change expert. maybe you should stick with the day job. you were much more convincing as bo in "wall street." we're here with an actor on wall street b oro deedle.
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this guy flies around in his jet so he can experience new year's twice. >> have you ever had a prooivat jet? >> i would love to have one. >> then why kill the messenger? >> he's a hypocrite. >> he's a person. >> isthese two gas-guzzling baffoons is like ray rice lecturing on how to treat women. i'm sure he went straight from his yacht to the jet. >> and he races off to his private jet. >> that's right. >> the one with the regurgitation voice, that kennedy kid? all of a sudden he's talking about locking up because of the
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oil. his family should be locked up for committing crimes up the caboodle. >> has the temperature of the last five years been getting cooler or warmwarmer? >> cooler. >> warmer. >> cooler. >> 2014 is on record of becoming the hottest year. >> i was told seven years ago that the polar ice caps would disappear by now. you should issue the antarctic ice bucket challenge. give them another seven years, and if they don't disappear -- >> did you see them interview some of her people in that? when they were asked, why are you here, half of them didn't know for what reason they were there for. they're cutting people's heads, another french guy got his head cut off today, you had people who didn't have any reason to know what they were doing. they cut a guy's head off today,
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a french guy ini al-jazeer. >> we're taking a break. more on "hannity" coming up. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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your dvr to "hannity" every night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we hope you'll be back with us tomorrow night. breaking tonight, president obama declaring humanity at a crossroads between war and peace trying to rally the world in a generational fight against terrorists. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. at this hour the smoke is still rising from more than a dozen new air strikes hours after president obama returned to the united nations this morning. he spoke today from the same podium where one year ago he announced the end of a decade of war in iraq and the dismantling of al qaeda, a claim he made repeatedly at that time while touting his fulfillment of this campaign promise from when he was