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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 25, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello, everyone, this is the fox news alert. appearance at the white house president obama announced that after six years the attorney general will be stepping down. he praised mr. holder moments ago. >> this is bittersweet, but with his typical dedication, eric has agreed to stay on until i nominate a successor as attorney general. he has shared ideals as a people and that is equal justice under the law. that is why i made him america's lawyer, the people's lawyer. eric's proudest achievement may
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be reinvigorating and restoring the core mission to what he calls the conscience of the division and that is the civil rights division. eric. >> but he has been a controversial figure. from his handling of "fast & furious" race relations and his confrontation with reporters, here are some memorable moments. >> in things r s racial we have always been, and i believe continue to be, a nation of cowards. any instance of gun-walking is unacceptable. regrettably, this tactic was used as part of "fast & furious." let me be clear, this part of justice does not enforce the laws in a race-conscious way. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press, for the disclosure of material that is not something that i have
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ever been involved with. there is a certain level of vehemence that is directed at me, and the president, for some it is a racial attitude. >> that is just a little sampling. >> i love how he picked all the positive things. it was incredible. i think those were the highlights. >> very positive. >> i am very depressed. it is like what am i going to do? it is like a bond film losing our bond villain. without a bond villain you don't have a bond film. he arrived at his job with a chip on his shoulder and he left the country in pieces because he was so obsessed with division and separation and righting the wrongs of a bad america. the upside, the positive part of this is that al sharpton says he
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is going to help pick the next i have the feeling the candidate's name will rhyme with al sharpton, but he already released a statement before he resigned. al sharpton chases the limelight the way president obama chases golf balls. >> wow, your thoughts and reflections -- >> controversial, yes, we ran a couple of clips of obviously "fast & furious." there is a big problem there because he denied any involvement in there. and if you go back you can find some links to the department of justice. and some of the things we talked about as far as race, he went to ferguson. some people say he should not have done that. he weighed in on trayvon martin. some people say he should not have done that. i hope the next attorney general is a constitutional attorney general, who abides by the rules of the constitution.
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no more snooping on people, reporters when there is no reason to do that. and crack down on this irs scandal. the irs falls under the department of justice. you have to find out what happened and put an end to that. by the way, is there -- the timing of this, does that coincide with the irs thing getting a little bit bigger, maybe opening up a little bit. obviously, the conspiracy theorists say maybe he doesn't want to be there when the thing blows wide open. >> dana, your opinion, you had the opportunity to serve with presidents in the past. >> most attorneys general are considered controversial figures. they are very powerful figures. i think that from the left's point of view they believe that eric holder has been a great success for them. and if the president has an affection and loyalty that that has gone both ways. that is not unusual with a president and their attorney general. if you think about president
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bush and janet reno, and the last six years in the job as attorney general is kind of unheard of in recent times just because the job is so difficult and time-consuming, all of that. a controversial figure from the beginning, many, including mitch mcconnell voted no in the beginning. one of the first attempts was trying to get the enemy combatants from gitmo to try twç them. there was opposition to that. i think the irs prosecution and the delay of that is probably -- i think it is probably the most egregious political decision he has made. but i'll tell you, i kind of predicted this. and i think that i was right. the last week of august, remember president obama took a 24-hour trip back to washington because he said he had official business, nobody would tell you what it was.
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it was right in the middle of the ferguson position and the riots. i think president obama was going to leave. they were going to make that announcement before labor day. this has been in the works for a while. this is a very important time, the attorney general because the president has decided to prosecute the war on terror from a legal perspective this next -- this position is very important, which is why i think he is not stepping down immediately or leave until december 3rd so that there could be a smoother transition. because whoever -- whoever takes over is going to have our lives at stake. so that is -- it is going to be important. but i think they will be able to confirm somebody before the end of the year. >> yeah, a very important position indeed, hopefully we'll have somebody that will be a uniter, not a divider to remind us of our strengths. >> george clooney. >> so sorry, and not leo dicaprio. they're not attorneys. but bob, you mentioned in the green room, talking about the
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legacy six years serving the country and the amount of time as dana mentioned he served. >> first of all, i have been warned not to attack my own show. i try to take that to heart. but this montage of openings about eric holder and suggesting this is his only accomplishment is really, really editing at its best. the fact of the matter is eric holder has prosecuted a number of drug groups. he has done a lot of work in hate crimes. he has got a lot of prosecution on terrorists. there is a lot of things he has done that nobody gives him credit for, certainly not here. and yes, some of these things have been extremely controversial. i think he made mistakes on "fast & furious" and guilt mitm people appeared to be tried. i think he probably reflects obama's thinking and i think that is what attorney generals need to do. i wish we would at some point
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give some credit to people who served six years, where they could have been serving and making a million dollars in a law firm. >> but that is the point, people serve knowing that point. the clintons will be worth billions and so will president obama. you go into this pretending that you're not going to make any money and you make tons of it. by the way, i think he is successful because if you measure success by the ability to enrage your adver adversarie he is successful. i think we're worse off than we were six years ago, he came in, said we were cowards about race. it is worse, the polls show it is worse. and gitmo out lived the tenure. he was supposed to get rid of gitmo, he preferred his evil to have an american face and go
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after american criminals but not the external. >> but generally, gitmo, a lot of people tried to close down gitmo. it was a bipartisan effort. very difficult to do that. >> but you promised. >> he -- >> he put a date certain on it. if i'm not mistaken he said we'll have gitmo closed within a year, reiterating what president obama had promised, as well. >> but can i throw one other thing here, i don't know if we're ignoring it, but the fort hood shooter -- >> you said he was -- so many things on terror, bob, i'm trying to figure out what he has done. how is he strong on terror when you have a perfect example of homegrown terror and islam stands up and says allah is great, and kills, depending on if you add the children -- >> when history is recorded he will have prosecuted lots and lots of terrorists. >> yeah, but you can't just say,
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don't worry, sunday we'll find out about it. >> well, we would know about how many terrorists he prosecuted. >> the point is, a legitimate explanation for that -- calling it worthless. >> don't tick off the muslims. >> we're not trying to disparage anybody, bob, that is a record he will have to do, he will make a lot of money. in the office of attorney general, that is where he defends the enemy oñcombatant, that is where he is most comfortable, maybe he will go back there. the check for chuck todd. >> what is interesting about him, he is a very non-political person. and i think people used to mistakenly think this guy was this long-time political operative who happened to be angan
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attorney general. that is not him at all. he just ended up being the point person to attract a lot of attacks. >> fair enough, mr. beckel. are you happy now, is there anything else? >> it's not happy -- i expect, you have your opinions about him. i have mine. and i think you know -- >> i mean i have my opinions as a former prosecutor, so yeah. >> if you think eric holder is going to retire to a candle store in vermont. you're crazy. he is going to be doing other things. and dana you mentioned it before. it is probably going to be a supreme court thing. i think that is what it is. >> he left the bench, clinton asked him to leave it to come into the justice department. so no reason for him not to be considered. >> i think there will be many people in washington who do not miss him. there will be some people who think that the department will be better served under somebody else. >> right. and the question now who is that going to be? i don't believe when the
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president says the white house has started to think about who it will be. you have to have a list because in case something happens -- >> well, why wouldn't you say that -- >> i think our experience with this administration is that they float names out there so you will start to see and just to see like which one would probably stick. and maybe they want more of a controversy with the signal light. but hopefully they wouldn't. in 2006, when president bush nominated mike mukasey to the attorney general, that was actually a smooth process. it was a tough 2pf"ñhearing, bu got confirmed. >> my guess is that eric holder would never get through -- not going to happen. it is not worth the fight so they will probably get somebody who will be considered, you know -- >> right. >> not controversial. that would be my guess. >> the lady from "the good wife," she would be good.
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>> all right, coming up, obama knocks the usa on the world stage once again. the president brought up ferguson in his big speech yesterday. did it help the country? that debate next.
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as we keep bombing isis, let's remember it is us not them. in an effort to justify to bombing to the u.n. the president threw america underneath that bus he always has parked nearby. yes, he blamed all of us with ferguson. and while the media seems to focus on this rather than the appeasement itself, he only placated the world's most
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corrupt leaders, because it is they who say look to the corrupt leaders. president obama has a sad attempt to relate, that leaves his better half humiliate. we are that second half. i mean, he did go to the u.n. for approval not to congress, that is kind of like cheating. obama aired our dirty laundry, hoping to attract alliances. belittling your home in front of others is weak. the world knows tha exceptional innovation and precision and sacrifice, the world would not exist. so i ask you, mr. president, can you please stop ragging on us for one day or at least not in front of strangers, because it is hard to get behind a president when he won't get behind you. so you were out yesterday doing what?
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gallavanting across the fruited plain. are we nit-picking? i notice when the media ignores it, then they go after us -- >> you know how in english class you learn when you're writing if there is a phrase between two commas that could be taken out and the sentence still holds together, you should probably take out that sentence? because the speech actually from a conservative standpoint if you read the editorial pages of "the wall street journal," they thought the speech was pretty good. they liked it. there was a reason for that, it sounded like what they wanted to hear. in this case, the president's team and maybe his own instincts, constantly putting a little bit in there, like in the prime time address two weeks ago when the president at the end had the little paragraph at the end that talked about the economy and everything. sort of like it is tapped on, like all the kitchen sink speeches, and should actually clean out the kitchen sinks.
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i think he would have been better to leave it out. i would not have included this, no. >> bob, in the green room, you said you haven't seen enough cheney or krauthammerer. >> it surely was not taken out of context, and he intended the equivalent -- this is the continuation of the apology tour. >> i was stunned. there is no comparison to that with what isis is doing to people throughout the middle east with bloody beheadings with anybody they come in contact. to compare the two as to somehow there is moral equivalence is moral outrage. >> i think now we have enough footage of mr. cheney and charles krauthammerer to do a documentary. >> we just need some more rush limbaugh. >> that is next. >> we couldn't have a show without these -- i think that
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the -- it was a small part of the speech said yesterday. he should not have said ferguson. but i don't agree about weakness, i think to show where there have been past weaknesses is strength. i have always tried to convince candidates of that. they never accept the importance of that, okay, we accept the fact you made some mistakes. as a country that we have been pure and not made mistakes is silly. >> yeah, but your family, i'm not going to go out to the neighbor and complain about my family, that is weird. >> the torture, how is that an unresolved crime like ferguson -- >> right after eisenhower said after the war to our allies that we had made some serious mistakes. and we had not -- we should not what we had done in france, a lot of things. a lot of people have done that. and i don't see the problem with
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it. we also did not focus on what probably was way more of a strong statement about terrorism than obama has ever given. that fell on the cutting room floor. >> that was incorrect, that was the first six minutes of the show. >> so can i just tell you what we did after the first minutes of the speech? we were one of the first to talk about it. we're putting this together and bob, it was the first -- >> i understand that. >> i even said, hey, that sounded really tough for a president, really good to hear. we took -- we had three other sound bites we wanted to get to. i said you know, this sounds like an apology and appeasement type tour, let's just go with it. then there was the thing about ferguson. are we nit-picking? let's just go with that, we talked about that. then there was a radical cleric, okay, let's just go with it, too. the interesting part, throughout the evening, it is so good to
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hear dick cheney charlesd krauthammerer, talking about the exact same things we talked about. >> they love the five. >> well, not about the five, but when you're one of the first two and have to talk about what works it is tough being the same thing and laying it out. it is nice to have other people -- >> i agree with you. it is tough to do that. i think there were also other people saying things positive about that speech. you know, that is -- i accept that. >> okay, let's shift over. the state department, kimberly, tweeting photos of dead jihadis to discourage other people from joining, years ago they believed this would be used as propaganda. let's roll it. >> it is important for us to make sure that very graphic in the head are not floating
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around as an incitement to additional violence, as a propaganda tool. >> so now, what was once a propaganda tool is now our propaganda tool. is that hypocritical or just evolved thinking? >> that is a tough choice to make. >> i'm glad -- >> i'm glad that he is doing it. i mean, let's step up to the plate. you know, if you're going to play against professionals you have to put in the best starting squad. and that means match them every second of the way when it comes to propaganda. they have been extremely effective. like social media -- to join them, to be able to get financing for their campaign of terror, all of that has worked very successfully for them. the united states cannot be afraid to engage in this wholeheartedly convincingly to be able to effectuate the outcome that everybody desires. >> i think it was a terrible
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week, they lost ground -- >> did you read that today, bob? because that was not actually reported to me. >> i have read it today. they lost some of their leadership, some of their field, what would you call them? generals, the bombing has hurt their oil structure. there are a lot of things that happened that would be very positive. i think it will -- >> we haven't seen a lot of bodies, which -- did they pull it down? i mean, i was walking down to the show and somebody said the state department took these pictures down. i hope they didn't. because i think it is one of the smartest things they have done. >> wait, you hope they have not taken it down. >> did i get that wrong -- >> we are way behind, i mean, the sunni governments have been telling the united states for 14 months or so this is a problem, a growing problem. do something.
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i'm all for the efforts now but i don't think we can lose sight of the fact we are way behind for a lot of reasons. they should ask silicon valley to do a surge piece. on the side of things that i don't think government can do that well. and they can ask their friends in silicon valley to help them. >> or create awesome propaganda that scares the crap out of them. >> i think we should do it all and do it very aggressively. >> all right, i hear you. i have to move on. when we come back is there a connection between the mid-terms and the fight against isis? rush limbaugh thinks so. that is a surprise. lucky for you, bob, he is next. know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement.
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welcome back, time for?
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the fastest 79&rkñ minutes on television, remember when we went into iraq and all the liberals claimed it was for the oil? well, rush limbaugh pointed out if iraq was about oil, then isis was about elections, rush, i love where you're headed with this. >> so george bush supposedly went to iraq for oil. right? so i guess we can say that barack obama went to war with isis for the senate. it is all about winning; the senate senate, or holding the senate and it is all about positioning obama politically. pure and simple. >> all right. >> yeah, because two americans were beheaded and he had to do something very serious about it and strike back with a vengeance or suffer with it at the polls. >> i'm not convinced it is about
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election because i'm not convinced it wins elections. i don't believe that war is going to help the democrats, however -- >> what about numbers, party numbers translating across the board? i don't know, whatever let me finish my thought. when he announced the rush to success that is true because of their inherent bias, not to win elections. it is not a bug in the system, it is the system. when obama bombs so does the media because they see themselves in him. so they inherently root for him when he bombs. >> a lot of people pointed fingers at bush and cheney and blamed it on iraq, and the need for oil rather than humanitarian efforts. meanwhile, obama says this is all about humanitarian efforts. >> i believe he is saying it a little tongue in cheek. and payback is heck, because it points out the absurdity of the original degrading of president
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bush and dick cheney, just shows how ridiculous they are. politically, though, they would have been better off doing it in august. if they were thinking about politics it would have been better for president obama to do it in june or july, because over the summer is when he saw the polls showing he declined. >> of all the statements rush made, this is cynical. george bush didn't go over to iraq for war, and barack obama didn't go after isis for senate seats. it may save one seat, not the house seats. but i think that idea of kind of comment is approaching on americanism. >> he is showing how ridiculous the democrats were for eight years saying that about president bush. he is showing a little sarcasm. >> and the view -- >> espn has a very popular host
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named bill simmons. recently, simmons went on a rant trashing roger goodell. >> goodell, if he didn't know what was on that tape i think he is lying. i think that dude is lying, if you put him up on a lie detect are test that guy would fell. saying they didn't know is such [ bleep ], it really is such [ bleep ] bull. i hope somebody calls me and writes me and says i'm in trouble -- if one person said that to me, i'm going public, you leave me alone. he is just a liar and i get to talk about that on my pod cast. >> and espn promptly suspended him for three weeks. couple of points, he didn't deliver the remarks on on espn, he did them on a pod cast, he is an opinion guy. dana, should he express it? >> i think if you're on a pod cast, you can express your opinion. >> they were bad words, you don't know that.
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so should he be -- suspended three and a half weeks -- >> no, you know -- espn has suspended so many employees. they have grounded more people than a funeral home. it is weird. i believe -- >> are they saving money? i thought -- >> they're like a skittish deer, they jump at every pile of rustling leaves, based on these outrages that seem to never stop spinning. you should just back off a little bit, but three weeks is crazy. >> and for a pod cast, too, it was not even on television. >> he would have got less time if he hit his wife or girlfriend. >> in fact, there was a commentary on domestic violence that got steven smith banned for a short period of time. >> i think it is absolutely true. if he said a few swear words, i know exactly what that was like, more power to you. >> all right, stick around for
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the show. finally, some of the best political commentary can be found in "south park." and no one is off limits. >> my name is dan snyder, the president and owner of the washington redskins. we ask that you please stop using the name washington redskins for your organization. >> stop, but why? >> because we are the washington redskins and we are a football team. you have no right to use our name to get attention. you have to do something, commissioner goodell, what are you going to do about this? >> i will get it right and do whatever is necessary to accomplish that. >> this thing is broken! >> we can and will do more, do more, do more. >> all right, we have to go very quickly, greg, your thoughts. they nail it, don't >> now, can we agree that everybody has finally commented on this story? will two broke girls do an episode? will the cast of glee comment?
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the amount of media interests is inversely proportional to the actual impact on the world. >> they get it because they pick out the hypocrisies in culture and politics. >> they do, that is why they're going to outlive all of these scandals. the carousel of scandals. >> i don't know how the university of washington puts up with it. they want to call them -- if you want to get out, you ought to go along with it. in tehe end it is a football team, they have the right to do what they want to do. and schneider is the team. >> i love south park, because they nail it. what is the other one i like, the simpsons. family guy is not the same but -- >> i think it is past your bedtime. >> it actually is, she is asleep by then. >> isn't there a crossover of
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the systimpsosimpsons. >> all right, e-mail, drowning your in-box, help is on the way. >> now i'm killing germans in germany.
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all right, the average worker gets almost 100 e-mails a day and spends nearly a third of their work responding to them or reading them. google executive eric schmidt says many of us are still doing it wrong and shares tips to keeping it professional. the tips about keeping your in-box clean and be smartñ?ñjjj j 6800 unread e-mails in my personal account, and fox, probably over 15,000. now, i'm going to delete all of those, not because i'm sure they didn't have something interesting to say. people who write e-mails that go on for two or three pages or as
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you once did to me, which is right, all caps when they're mad at you. >> did you send an all-caps e-mail? >> no, i did. most e-mail i get starts like, you fat commy son [ bleep ] and goes from there. so why should i answer it? >> i do have theories. the thing that drives me crazy i'm going to forward it to you from somebody who forwarded to them, and they never delete it. so it is about 30 miles long and then when you get there it is just a unicorn jumping over a rainbow, and frankly it is not funny. you know what i like which is weird besides candy? i enjoy the junk e-mail. i have regular e-mail and then have the junk thing where all the spam goes. i kind of like to go there, like a thrift shop -- pills from
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canada. >> you know what those pills are? >> yeah, what are they? >> viagra. >> you came back from a vacation and basically deleted. >> once in a while you just have to declare -- and delete it. it is so refreshing. because when you have unopened e-mail it just sits back here somewhere like i got to get to it. >> i don't like it at all. it makes me uncomfortable. that is why i'm never -- as you know -- at 2:00 a.m. >> think about that, driving you nuts. just get rid of it all. >> well, i wake up. and then it is there. if i just get to it now it will be efficient. and i can start the day -- >> she banned reply to all. my friend -- you are not allowed to reply to all anymore. what do you think of that? >> that is pretty interesting. when we're getting ready for the show -- >> you do this a lot.
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you read e-mail when you're drinking wine and the next day you have no memory of reading them. >> i do that? >> whoa, you just outed her. >> you have evidence of that? >> yeah, i do. >> you particularly, i would be careful of saying it. >> but i do it, too. all the time. >> everybody at this table sends weird stuff, i read it. and if g get it when i wake up the morning. >> this is how i really feel. >> i'm a little disturbed and nervous now. up next, mid-terms are 40 days away. and joéa. stewart ripping sena democrats for a change. you will hear what has him so upset. and we'll look at the races when we get back.
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countdown on with only 40 days left to go to election day. looks like democrats may be scared. jon stewart took a look at democratic senate ads and noticed they looked a lot like republicans. >> mitch, that is not how you
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hold a gun. >> that is the democrat. >> sooner or later, washington will figure out they don't take no for an answer. >> again, that is the democrat. i don't even want to know what the louisiana tiger stadium. >> if aliens came down to earth and watch our political ads, they would think the senate was an adult summer camp competition. >> you know, it's sort of interesting, the truth of the matter is given whatever the issues of the day are, both sides seems to gravitate towards -- i remember back early in the '80s there was a big deal on the superfund and environment, a lieutenant of republicans ran to clean up the superfund sites. i'm not sure if it's a fair criticism. what's mary landrieu going to do? going to go out there and talk about big government? c'mon. >> i think what happens when the presidential approve rating goes
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to 39, 38, 37, a lot of democrats say i'm going to distance myself from all these policies. we've seen people pro-gun ad, remember that? and stewart points out a couple more, so it's good politics, i guess. >> i think they're responding to their constituents, and there are reasons they adds run in their local sdrix districts, because they have an impact on people who are going to vote. they're not trying to please people in the media. i agree that some of the ads are egregious, but they wouldn't run them if they didn't think they were effective. >> you don't spend the money you have to spend on these state ads seer. >> see the grimace over there? >> didn't i say this to you? three weeks ago you said if a liberal wants to be elected, they have to act like a conservative, because then you see the consequences of the ideology clear as day, so all of a sudden they're acting like right-wingers. to my point if you're going to
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act like a right-winger to win an election, act like one all the time. >> i remember you said that, but the idea they're going to follow their xhempls into the legislation -- >> i tell you what's going on. >> duh, they figured out the republicans have more fun shooting things, keg parties, tailgates, what. is. >> he didn't run for first lady, either. he ran for mayor. it is san francisco, so you kind of have to run for first lady, too. my name wasn't on the ballot. >> did you march in the gale pride parade? >> yes, i was first lady of san francisco. >> so five marriages you had a lot of strange things. >> and had a boss that -- at the san francisco giants and at the 49ers. perks. >> this is far more interesting. >> keep going. >> i didn't want to go beyond that. she did a lot of things she
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doesn't want to talk about. >> i want to talk about the quinnipiac -- >> ed gillespie has moved up. the one person i think has a shot of hanging on, believe it or not, is hagen in north carolina. the other thing is i think of the republicans who are vulnerable, which is only three seats, one of those is going to go down, which means the magic number has to be seven. one more thing, is up next. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it?
2:54 pm
i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and attorney general holder says american law enforcement may be unfair to blacks. very controversial. next. [announcer]when we make beyond natural dry dog and cat foods. we start with real meat as the first ingredient. we leave out corn,wheat and soy. and we own where our dry food is made-100 percent! can other brands say all that? for nutrition you can trust and your pet will enjoy... does your food go beyond? learn more at are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team
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time now for one more thing. >> for my one more thing tonight, i want to go back to yesterday. about this time, i made a joke. when i got home, i got the look and realized some people didn't think it was funny at all. i want sorry to my wife, and i apologize to all of you as well. i want to make that very clear. >> and you love women and have respect for them. >> and i do. >> so dana, you're next. try to follow that. >> my one more thing is fabulous today. just everybody hold your horses for this. remember these giant buddha statues, they were in afghanistan and the taliban blew them up, because even though they were on the world heritage site and just part of history, the taliban thought they were worshipping the buddha. so they blew them up. >> that's not wonderful.
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>> a lot of people thought that afghanistan is a lost cause. there's a movement now of people there and around the world to consider rebuilding these buddhas, which cost about $20 million. honestly, if they can get private funding for this, i think this would be a great responsible to the taliban. i'm going to tweet the article, and you can let me know what you think, too. >> always interesting a provocative. we thank you for that. >> thank you. >> bob, you're next. >> i want to say, as one american citizen who, i want to say to eric holder, i think you have done a magnificent job. i think year critics -- by and large, i think you've been a terrific attorney general and i salute you for your service to the public and to the government. i think history will do you well. >> thank you. bob? greg? >> it's time for -- greg sports corner. >> yes, i have the latest highlights from the professional
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cat tag league. this is amazing. it was a tight match, both players playing extremely sneaky well, toying with each other as though they were balls of yarn. captain whiskers looked like he was going to bin, but corp wall furball reached the top, claims victory. the prize is a night at andy levy's house. >> where do you find these -- >> i have a lot of free, lonely time. >> i guess. >> i mean, you're not kidding. okay. in another episode of animals, this is actually a sad story about the groundhog day chuck. not only is it not a chuck, it's a -- what is it, charlotte? something like that. so poor chuck was dropped, and unfortunately died a week later after internal injuries. this was a cover-up apparently,
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it seems, by the mayor and the zoo. they said it was sudden trauma in the cage. time for an investigation. eric holder, before you leave e. never miss as episode. that's it for us. "special report" is next. obviously the most controversial cabinet member is stepping down. obama's top cop is turning in his badge. the hunt for his replacement is on. this is "special report." good evening. we're coming from lake charles, louisiana. it is a major pet roe chemical gaming and tourism city. right now lake charles is part of one of the most hotly contested senate races this fall. one that could determine which party coro


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