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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 26, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" has the belgian air force taken a step backward with their fighter jets? we will take new their never ending struggle to catch up with modern aviation. and what does the vice president think about those who still claim weekend at bernie's 2 is better than the original? >> i have been right. the rest have been wrong. let me explain. we are not even close. >> and finally, robot cheerleaders. adorable invention or machine hell bept on destroying -- hell bent on destroying the human race? our panel talks about it on our debate. >> that was disturbing. let's welcome our guests.
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well she is hotter than the car sherrod stole to get here. i am here with fox business network reporter joleen kent. she is happy as a clam, but not as baked. it is joanne nosuchunsky. he buts in more than people doing the hoe key -- hokey-pokey. he is headlining at laugh boston comedy club. half off. >> # red eye. >> i hope you are hungry. he is serving up knuckle sand witches with a side of justice. terry sapper. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> its full of lies. last february 2nd new york city mayor bill do blaze yow chucked a very important wood chuck.
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>> we got six more weeks of winter. the animal, gone in an eternity. the groundhog was in the ground, dead from internal injuries. but then the cover up began. officials at the staten island zoo which gets half of the funding from its city hid it from the public and the mayor's office. and there was more deception. the groundhog was not the famous chuck, but it was rather a female imposter named charlotte. it was a war on women too. don't laugh. it is dead. it was revealed that chuck was benched out of fear he would bite do -- de blasio. can we see the tape again?
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>> you laugh. >> it is murder. >> a dead ground hog, a cover up. this could happen. >> i say good day sir. >> once again we are joined by a live studio audience panel. how many believe i am the best looking man at fox news including lou daabs. terry, i will go to you first. >> just let him go first. >> this is sad. a little animal. that wasn't supposed to be his job. >> that's what i'm happy about. i am happy they sent in a decoy because they knew de blasio will hurl in a groundhog. it is like saddam hussein's double. >> exactly like that.
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>> you were the only person that didn't find this funny. like me you were a human being. do you think the mayor owes an explanation or exclude mages? or explative? >> mayor de blasio ?eedz to get his priorities straight. especially in this island of manhattan that we live in. was it staten island? i think it is tragedy. what is tragedy is charlotte died and charlotte has a daughter named charlotte. >> really? >> who is up next to be on deck? >> who names a kid -- >> i don't know. >> sherrod, the animals don't name each other. >> they shouldn't have did that. you already have a replacement with the same name. it is a set up. >> they give the same name so if somebody dies. >> number two, number three. it could have been number eight charlotte. >> can i go to terry now? >> go ahead. terry is a friend of mine. >> this is a weird story.
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>> it is a weird story. by the way it sucks. have i a groundhog that lives under my shed and the dogs try to catch him and they can't. they are nice. they are chubby little animals. the zoo's credibility is really bad. have they substituted michael moore for an ape? do we even know -- is that really an armadillo or is that something else? >> remember that zoo in cincinnati and they were fooling people with a pittbull? >> they spray painted dogs to look like a tiger. >> people did that with their normal dogs. guy and they eat them too, right? >> come on. >> you all disgust me. >> i am disgusted too. i think they should exhume the groundhog's body and have an autopsy. >> i called the zoo, and they responded. this was actually the groundhog died from injuries due to a failed suicide attempt. >> i don't believe that. >> this was not de blasio
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dropping at the groundhog charlotte. i want to tell everyone i am a woman. you won't let me. i am leaping to my death. now i would think someone as progressive as de blasio would encourage shadow equality. but he hasn't come that far yet. >> i have never heard that phrase before. i will make one point. if it was mitt romney he would be destroyed. remember the dog on the roof? the dog on the roof was a big deal. nobody even talked about this. >> i don't get the why you had to lie about it. that's so weird. don't tell anybody. just be honest. now it looks worse. >> moment of silence for the ground hog. >> you started laughing. >> because i feel bad for him. nobody cares about the ground hog. >> i do. there is more respect for that
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groundhog than nelson mandela when he died. >> you are awful. they are planning attacks on our tracks. >> nailed it. >> iraq's prime minister says isis is seeking to hit subway systems in the u.s. and paris. the intel apparently came from foreign fighters arrested in eyeing ray. of course it is no surprise terrorists are targeting our homeland. and for those known who have joined the jihad they announced a program to identify violent extreme mitch. extremism. it does not include reference to islam or muslims. they are equally cautious with their website noting, quote, the threat posed by violent extremism is neither constrained by international borders. groups and individuals inspired by a range of religious, political or other i'd logical beliefs have promoted and used violence against the homeland. that was a lot. meanwhile in russia --
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>> that is the sad thing to see how funny the bear was. you know the training was mean. it is almost as bad as the poor little guy in the story. i don't care what sherrod said. it came from the iraq minister. is this a surprise? >> no. >> they say he hasn't been stopped. >> it is probably bs. i think a lot can be overintlied. overplayed. >> the last time i checked i was president attacked by the morman nuns. not all muslims are bad. i got it. but if that is the case why can't we give the ones who aren't bad more credit and talk about the ones doing it in their name. if they are that afraid of being offended.
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>> the overwhelming majority of muslims would like -- >> thisy complain we put them in the category and yet when they do get offended why don't we give them credit? >> most would be happy to get the bad guys like we would. radical muslims kill more muslims than anybody. >> agreed. don't look at me. go to terry. you love terry so much. go to your boy terry. guy it is because i am white. >> riding the subway every day. every day i am on the subway. >> i won't take the subway. i like to be carried by large men. did you ever think on a subway this could happen? >> the last thing on my mind is something blowing up. i am trying to get on there and not get coughed or spit on and not get my pockets picked, no rats. that's on the west side mostly. >> it is true. >> you are thinking about getting on and getting off and you don't think about somebody
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groping you and squeezing you. >> the last time i take the subway with you. >> and that was the sandwich store. >> do you want a combo meal? not really, sherrod. >> who would notice if it was the person on the subway? >> oh please. >> what do you make of all of these threats? >> i think they are pretty safe. >> i am paranoid as hell. >> are you trying to justify not taking the subway. >> i take the subway every morning. >> here is what i relate it to. when you get food poisoning and you are like i will never go back to their place again. they got a horrible score. the best time to go to a restaurant is right after they have the horrible health score then they know the people are on them and the people have to do better. with all of the threats out
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security is like tight. now it is safest time to actually travel. everyone is on high alert. >> i will go back to the same place and get sick in a week. i am an idiot. >> and lazy. >> border line mercury poisoning, but the sushi was so good. >> i will go to a place that is sick to my stomach because it tastes good. >> it is like some of you are wrong. >> i don't believe you. >> we have gone no where again with this story. >> there is more of a chance to get mugged or your iphone snatched. >> you don't die from that. >> but that actually happens. how many subway attacks do we have? zero. >> we count one in london. >> new york. zero. >> with her logic it could happen.
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>> there has been so much misinformation from the powers that be on this that i don't even -- i don't believe a lot of what they tell us. i have fought a lot over there and lost a lot so it is personal for me. we know who is doing it. instead of doing this and trying to whack a mole go to the source and hit them so freaking hard their grandmas feel it. maybe we should do something in the subway. we are so easy. name one islamic society that is a free and open society. i will answer for you. they are none. they are taking advantage of this. we have to get them. >> you think boots on the ground? >> i am the boot on the ground. i am the one who is doing it. >> yeah, terry! yeah, son! >> this is what i do for a living. for me there is no other way to do this. i don't understand the ringing and himming and hawing. me and my friends, the guys who die will do it. i don't think america is ready. two things will happen. some of us will get killed. there will be other people that get killed, and they will show the photos and we will --
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by the way the bad guys know this. >> they will go viral. >> the u.s. is not ready to do what needs to be done. until they are, we are just going to keep doing this kind of crap. >> we can't govern on social media. we can't plan a war on facebook. >> you have to turn all of that off when you have to do work. do you know what i mean? you keep checking your stuff. >> people say stuff to me all the time. they say bad stuff to me all the time. who cares? keep it coming. >> especially when they are mean to you? >> you just had to find a way to insult me during the story. all right, thanks, todd said i can move on. >> you have permission now, okay, cool. >> i am actually listening. they see our greatness as nothing but hateness. on thursday 1,000 students from four colorado schools walked out of their classrooms in protest of a school board proposal to play up the positive aspects of america and its heritage.
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it would ensure that history promotes citizenship, prism and respect for authority and they do not encourage civil disorder, social strike or disregard of the law. yank it should have been social strife. here are two teams that oppose the program. >> it is not right to teach them what is right about america. they need to learn what they did wrong. >> the sensorship in u.s. history is wrong and it is pretty communist. >> it is pretty communist. he does -- he does president -- doesn't want an alternative. they said there are things we may not be proud of as americans, but we shouldn't incourage our kids to think america is a bad place. the teens are in trouble and in need of tutoring. i think i know who can help. >> that is the best. >> welcome to teen corner, the fattest show on tv, that's
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phat with a p-h. around the pep rallies i am tll cool g. that stands for teen ladies love cool grege. i would like to read a letter. dear greg, the blow up greg i ordered and received has an odd smell. it is very heavy and it seems to be oozing. i want my money back. sinker isly zach. >> that goes away in a week. >> i need to tell zach that it was not a blow up greg. >> awkward. >> basically all they are trying to do, sherrod, is say we already get enough of the criticism. that's where we get education. here is the other half. the students don't want fair and balanced? >> no, the kids say they want the whole curriculum and they want to give them something. it is the only pro america and pro patriotic. >> they want to inject it. >> i think what they are trying to do is undo the [bleep] that has taken america down. i am not saying you have to only do the pro stuff.
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if they are protesting and not at school, detention. what do the kids want? >> they want everything they have been spoon fed. >> they want to learn about civil disobedience and things that happen in history. >> they should. >> they get that and now they say let's have the good stuff and they will say we don't want the good stuff. that means more homework. >> the good stuff is not cool. >> isn't it a revisionist? >> that is not what they are saying. they say to balance it out. that's all they are saying. >> who is saying that? the school or the students? i think the students were saying balance it out. >> the students say they don't want any new stuff that is positive. >> dude, this is in your book "not cool" do you want to fix it? >> go ahead. if you haven't read "not cool". >> nobody read it. >> you are not a fan of the show and not a fan of greg gutfeld. you deal with this. pro-american or even facts sometimes are not cool. dissention is cool, man. talking down the man is cool.
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>> a lot of kids are taught that stuff. a president said it to the u.n. by the way, we have a racial problem. it has nothing to do with what he is talking about at the u.n, but he brings it up. there is a whole weird -- i am not a rah-rah guy. i get it. we have lots of warts, but there have been decades of education that have downplayed the good stuff that america has done. >> that's wrong too. that's wrong. >> that is not even faking it. that is a hate phak. that is true. >> some americans have self-hate. >> all of that is supposed to happen in college. this is high school. high school you are supposed to be a patriotic teen and have school spirit. in college is when you are supposed to rebel and smoke weed and whatever. >> nobody can afford college. >> speaking of, this is an ap class. if they really want to resolve this issue, people take these advance placement classes and take tests to receive college
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credit. so the college board should set the curriculum for every school around the country so every kid is taking the same test and learning the same stuff, and you don't have this issue. >> what if the kid gets to decide what he learns? >> it is like having this centralized group make decisions. it seems that if the conservative leaning school board that wants to make any decision. >> which is an abbiration. this is like the first time i have seen this or heard this. >> and people on the board are worried that teachers are using these students as pawns. this is more of an issue. it is a union demand. they want more compensation. they just want all of these kids to start protesting and then they think they will get the union involved. >> i think you are creating a strong man argument. nobody is saying don't pay the teachers. >> my friend carlos. >> can you get carlos on the show?
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i think we have a lot in common. i also don't want the teachers paid. >> i say don't have children. >> there you go. i say home school. teach them school stuff about mythical creatures like unicorns. what do you think? there is a whole curriculum on mythical creatures. >> not judging. >> well you should. coming up, terry tells us about the time he fended off a polar bear using a beak he ripped off a penguin's face. >> which i put back. >> and sherrod tells us about the time he got high and did nothing. >> i still got the weed. >> they suspend more people than a company that makes suspenders. see what i did there?
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been there and back. he paid for his tirade. espn has suspended bill simmons for three weeks after he challenged his employer to discipline him for repeatedly calling roger goodell a liar. simmons, the columnist blasted the commissioner for saying he never saw the elevator video of ray rice punching his fiancee. the rant came during the pod cast which has now been taken down. we are able to obtain it thanks to the exclusive time travel technology. >> goodell, if he didn't know what was on that tape, he is a liar. i am just saying it. he is lying. i think that dude is lying. if you put him up on a lie detector test, he would fail. saying they didn't know is [bleep]. it is such [bleep]. i really hope somebody calls me or e-mails me and says i am in trouble for anything i say. >> no, i think it is pretty
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safe. >> if one person said that to me, i'm going public. you leave me alone. the commissioner is a liar and i get to talk about that on my pod cast. please, call me and say i'm in trouble. i dare you. >> that's the problem. you don't dare you. following the suspension espn says every employee must be accountable to espn and they must operate in their journalistic standards we work hard to make sure our recent nfl coverage meets that criteria. who will replace him when he is gone? >> this will be good. >> see what i mean? they are adorable. >> a ground hog died, not a hedge hog. >> they are the same. >> cuter. >> you were saying that it is different for a pod cast. why do people risk their careers on pod casts?
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>> we should have ran the footage of you on my pod cast. >> me trying to stop everything i was going to say saying i'm going to get fired. >> a pod cast is for people speaking freely. espn should have a pod cast. what are you doing with the gutter rats? you have a tv show. beat it. >> what happens is you just -- you probably get paid a little extra money. guy it is like -- >> it is like vh1 had the same thing. you are free to talk on the radio show because it is not a tv show. >> people on the web -- i throw this to you joleen. if you are on a blog and it is a different rule, it is the same on the web. people will still pick it up and use it against you. it can still get you in trouble. >> everything is recorded all the time and even if it is off the record. that's the worst part of they bibbing hua toc media stuff.
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this is not the first time this guy was suspended. plus there is a record where they implied that they were provoking. >> steven a smith. he was wrong. >> he is always fighting the machine. i give him credit for that. >> and he is also not telling the truth. goodell is lying. >> if you want to fight the machine and keep having your platform -- >> the machine owns your platform. >> the machine pays you. >> the machine pays you. >> it is a business. why would you challenge your employer? i dare you to come after me. >> does he know espn was too much in the bed with the nfl? >> did he just want -- >> it is the fore front of sports news. they went back and said nothing. tmz broke the story. >> he is trying to be a journalist and say he is lying. you know what, i think he is
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lying. >> he is not writing the newspaper. he is on a pod cast. >> he will take keith olbermann's job on msnbc. he knows -- you are right he knows he will get hammered. there are probably other options for him. he is the guy who spoke truth to power. >> here is my theory, espn is caught in the eye of this pc tornado. at any moment somebody on your block and in your job will say something and they have to suspend him because they don't know what else they can do. >> it is sneaky business when your biggest smoin earner -- money earner is a journalist. if he really thinks she liar, why can't he say it? he is a journalist. where is his first amendment right? it is all sneaky, behind doors. >> there has to be a journalistic, ethical statement. they have a standard --
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>> the nfl put the pressure on them to do that. why would espn care? that is one commentator's opinion. who cares? >> he is in trouble for saying bs like i said on your show a little while ago? which i guess i am kicked off too, or the fact that he called goodell a lier? >> that's what it is. he is going after goodell. espn and goodell are in bed together. >> there is a lot of sports conflict stuff that goes on at espn and it is complicated. >> it is a sexy town. >> beautiful place. >> i live in west hartford, nice plaifs. >> we will talk about that some more. half i don't understand. first amendment, it doesn't matter. he works for a company. coming up, why aren't there more eligible men around? and other questions joanne asks while crying herself to sleep. first a word from our sponsor. >> the "red eye" shrink ray.
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now you can own your very own. it works as directed. proceed with caution. thanks, "red eye" shrink ray.
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all right, someone you don't know tells you to get up and go. that's the idea behind the wakey app marketed as a social
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alarm clock. they give each other wake up calls. if you set the alarm for 8:00 a.m., someone always from the opposite sex will call you. is that true? i don't know. if could be from anywhere in the world and from any language. it better be english. and the call automatically shuts off after one minute to avoid awkward conversations or goodbyes. the creator told the bbc which are three letters how he got the idea. i notice when someone is calling me i am waking up really fast. you cannot snooze a live person. speak for yourself. i do it all the time. joanne, i will go to you first for no particular reason. you wake up drunk not knowing where or who you are. can this help you or confuse you? >> i am always alone when i wake up. i think very thankful. i am hungry obviously, the drunk hunger. there was that app where you could smell and hear bacon.
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i would much rather that. why would i want to talk to a stranger? and if there is the video option, people are gross. in this world there will be a lot of penis pictures and vulgarity. >> your phone will come on and you are still sleeping and i'm just watching you. oh, the alarm went off 10 minutes ago. you are beautiful when you sleep. it is sick, greg. when my alarm goes off in the morning, the last thing i want to do is talk to somebody. it is english muffins and go. >> you truly are a romantic. joleen do you see this as a huge business? a multi billion dollar app? >> yes, invest in it now, greg. it is a good idea. >> you say that about everything. is it creepy? >> creepy is an under statement. it is a terrible idea. the last thing like you said,
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you want to interact with someone at that hour? no, thank you. >> i like the idea of looking forward to something, wake up to something. is this what i would want to wake up to? you wake up to strangers all the time. usually it is while you are torturing them in a private jail. >> app stands for application in computer terms. >> i have had enough of everybody -- stop. it is funny for somebody to call and say something to you. and then they are gone in a minute. >> i wake up with something. i wake up with a woody. i am talking about woody who runs late night news. can't edit that. i gave a shout out to woody. >> joleen, do you have a strapping joke? a strange joke? >> jng so.
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>> get it out. >> this is great for viral videos on youtube. that's all. i am done. >> you know what gets you out of bed though. it is something you look forward to. >> i think if you are going to do any phone call, have it be your mom. i'm sure she would love to talk to you and you would like to get her off as soon as possible. then it is i am up, all right. >> way to bring that up. >> nothing a woman likes more than a dude's mom calling. >> yeah, that's a good idea. >> i guess not. >> they want a man with a peption plan. the number of unmarried people is at an all-time high and so are women's standards. according to a pey research survey, 78% of women say finding a partner who is gainfully supportive is no surprise. unfortunately that pool of men is getting smaller. it is a very small pool.
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in 2012, only small pool of men -- sorry, only 82% of men were employed leaving 91 eligible bachelors per 100 women. which means there is not enough jobs or men to go around while the solution is the gutfeld harem. go to gutfeld harem and sign up today. you are the business person here so you claim. is the economy hurting the institution of marriage? are these two things linked because there are no jobs and women are going after men? >> it is definitely a problem. you have less of a chance to meet the member of the opposite sex. it is a problem here and it is a huge problem in china as well. there are all of these -- because of the one child policy and it is a problem. >> china is a big deal. >> they aborted a lot of females. >> there is not enough women
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there? >> that's what you get, china. >> are weep -- women being greedy? >> you can answer that yourself. aren't women always being grue grue don'ty this deserve it? >> it is not our fault the guys suck. >> it is not our fault you have the only [bleep]. >> all right. joanne, what happened to love? >> what's love got to do, got to do with it? it is all about the money. >> no, it isn't. >> yes, it is. >> i don't know any woman who says i want to marry a guy who doesn't have a job and collecting unemployment. you want someone with passion. if you can commit to a job you can commit to a person. >> women say one thing and do another. they say that and end up where they end up. >> they end up with a bad
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boy. >> there are a lot of bad dudes married. there are awful dudes in relationships. i can fix them. >> we just hear about the bad ones. >> let's talk to one of them. >> did you ever do a good guy wrong and maybe you lost him? it wasn't his fault? >> it is getting so intense. >> i am trying to talk to terry. >> terry, have you ever lost a good guy? a good guy who was nice to you? >> hell yeah. and you never recover from it. see how easy that was? >> we are losing an entire generation of trying to salvage the segment. >> you know what is bad? we made a society that is easy to survive. it is easy and it is sort of -- >> preferable? >> selfish and self-absorbed. you get a group of people where it is not a gift. it is a decision. you can do whatever you want and you can be self-indulgent. then all of that crap is going out the window.
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they say we have to have a family and we have to survive and we have to work and get through this. there is no darwin now. the wonders of modern science and technology whose dna should have been removed from the gene pool. >> agreed. things will get hard. >> i got scared when he said apocalypse. >> but we are really pretty. we will survive. >> i thought you said me and you. >> all of these things we are going through in society are symptoms of our success. >> i agree. >> i believe that. >> you -- are you pro-asteroid hitting the earth? >> i don't want that to happen, but have you to be ready. >> move to north dakota. everybody has jobs there. they are fracking. there are young men with money. >> there is a lot of young studs out there with money. give them 20 years though when
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they come down with the fracking cough. >> there is no evidence of what sherrod said. coming up, the nominees for the toy hall of fame. i hope they voted for my choice of broken glass. "not cool," read it. you just finished it, didn't you it. >> great book. sorry it took me so long. >> a year. >> i have been defending america. you're welcome.
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>> which toy brought the most joy? it is the subject of tonight's "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> well -- welcome to the "red eye" debate center. it cuts down pennsylvania. i am greg gutfeld, the host of the "red eye" debate. at the conclusion, i will pick one lucky fan to receive one free stalagmite. the final for this year's introduction have been announced. and it is stiffer than a can of play-doh. two winners will be listed from the 12 awesome toys which includes pots and pans. what is going on?
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american girl dolls. the game operation and switch blade snake. pots and fans, it is there because they say it inspires kids to use their imagination. i feel like it is code for just making noise. they like it because it makes noise. >> definitely. it is the thing you give a kid a really expensive toy. and they are playing with the box. >> i never heard that before. does that really happen? >> it must. i don't have kids. >> is the box a metaphor? >> yeah. wait, what? >> >> i don't know what he is saying. >> very democratic. >> it is sexist, greg. are the pots and pans for little girls? >> one is a helmet.
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>> it is a cooking implement. you have to have a toy that was designed to be played with by children like operation. >> i played operation. >> but here is an interesting point. you are a medic. >> i was a green better ray -- beret medic. >> you picked a toy -- maybe if you played the pots and pans you would be a chef? did you have toys growing up? >> or a wife. >> neither. my vote is for chalk. it is entertainment and a snack. >> chalk. >> i forgot about chalk. chalk is great. colored chalk is awesome. >> well how about glue if we are talking about eating things? >> did you eat a lot of glue? >> i just sniffed it. the rubber cement. >> remember the elmer's glue and you spent hours pealing it
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off. >> that was a toy. >> i don't read good. this is what i do well. peel, peel. >> does anybody know who rubik is? >> no. is he german? >> he is a genius. >> he was a total square. >> the ribs, nosuchunsky, the ribs. >> operation is your favorite toy? >> yes. >> bubbles. >> i had a ton -- tonka truck. >> they were great. >> hot wheels. >> hot wheels were awesome. >> what about you? did you have a childhood -- >> i did not. you bring up painful times. i loved the skip it. >> what is that? >> it is on yore ankle. >> and you jump around with one foot. >> have you seen that?
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>> no. >> give me some love on that. >> i never had skip it. >> you can make a poor man skip it with a shoe string and a rock. >> that is prison skip it. >> that works. remember the big bangers that you would go up and down with the string on them? they had blue balls and they went like this? who remembers that? thank you, boys. they remember them. coming up, the flesh burger. the tasty, tasty, flesh burger. do you have videos of animals? send them to us. >> you loved that, didn't you? when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company
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with the top speed of comcast business internet...
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well, there's really no comparison. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. factor" on friday. that's in a few hours. coming up tomorrow, lauren sivan returns and anthony cubia. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. they con resulted -- con suggested famous cannibals to promote "walking dead" in britain. they had chefs create a burger intended to taste like human flesh. the chefs studied statements from well-known cannibals, who
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knew? to rep replicate the taste and texture of man meat. it included one of tony dan swraw's toes. the burger is available september 30th at a secret london location. joanne did you like this idea better when it was in sweeney todd? >> the burger is about the sauce. i don't know what they are going to use. >> that's a good point. >> i wouldry it. >> and then throw it up. >> of course, that's what i always do. >> you are such a role model for today's women. is this a good business model? could this take off? could there be cannibal-donalds. that was terrible. >> there is an unlimited supply. it is disgusting. it makes me want to vomit.
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>> so you wouldn't eat one? >> no thank you. >> all right, sherrod. >> i wouldn't eat one of these burgers. i like my flesh raw. >> raw and alive and question it in the morning. >> why do i even have you here? >> i am not on a bus. >> i am trying to keep this at a certain level. terry is this a secret sting to catch cannibals? you are serving something -- >> somebody eats it and you say you did it. it would be interesting if you didn't tell people, hey, this tastes like human u.s. and gave it to them and you saw a couple of guys go -- >> it is a grows -- >> somebody's lunch. >> it tastes like my childhood.
12:56 am
i don't know why. >> i don't understand what you are talking about. did you ever think if you were ever in one of those situations -- >> i would still kill you and eat you. >> who would you want to eat? >> you know what they did? they dismembered everybody and wrapped them in paper because they didn't want to know you were eating a relative. they would wrap everything upul- it looked like a sandwich. >> somebody had to be like this that is sharice. >> they say how do you know? and then you get weird. >> can't even do stories like this. it is going into the gutter. it is an odd story. you think you would be okay. no, it just ends in a place that i really can't get out of. i am trapped in this horrible little story with no way out. all right, joanne kent, thank you for coming.
12:57 am
sherrod small, thank you for interruptiing 50% of the time. terry, always a pleasure. be well. are you taking off somewhere? >> soon. >> where? >> in the states. >> boston. >> sherrod is in boston.
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1:00 am
hello, everyone, this is the fox news alert. eric holder is out. in a joint appearance at the white house president obama announced that after six years the attorney general will be stepping down. he praised mr. holder moments ago. >> this is bittersweet, but with his typical dedication, eric has agreed to stay on until i nominate a successor as attorney general. he has shared ideals as a people and that is equal justice under the law. that is why i made him america's lawyer, the people's lawyer. eric's proudest


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