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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 27, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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you about a special event happening in venice. ladies, he's off the market. george clooney will walk down the aisle with alamuddin. stay tuned. hello, everyone, welcome to america's news headquarters zpl an investigation under way into a brutal workplace beheading in oklahoma where police say they have yet to make an arrest. also in oklahoma, a college softball team involved in a deadly crash on the highway. authorities say a tractor-trailer swerved across the median plowing directly into the side of the team's bus. and chicago, still facing travel delays, one day after a fire at an air traffic control center that was allegedly started on purpose.
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welcome, everyone, we've got more details emerging on the beheading of a woman at a food processing plant. the suspected attacker is hospitalized and they are waiting for him to regain consciousness before arresting him. investigators say the man beheaded one former co-worker and was attacking another when a company official shot and wounded him, putting an end to a rampage of police say could have been even worse. >> he had the presence of mind when he was notified that there was an assailant in the building to go retrieve his vest, his law enforcement vest because he knows when the s.w.a.t. team or police officers come in the building and he's carrying a rifle. they are going to be looking to him first. he grabbed his vest and put it on and grabbed his assault rifle, then went after the individual. >> following all of the developments. here's more from our new york
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city newsroom. >> the fbi is investigating. the motive behind yesterday's attack because co-workers say kn nolan a recent convert to islam had been trying to convert them. he was fired when he drove to the business stabbed and beheaded 54-year-old colleen hoff fert. as he began to stab 43 idea tracy johnson, marc vaughn shot him. gunshots captured on a 911 call as the dispatcher told the caller to lock everyone behind doors. >> we're trying. can you hear this in the background? >> is that him. >> sounds like he's running around out here. and that's a gunshot. >> now, the fbi is looking into
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nolan's tie to islam. a sign showing islam will dominate the world, freedom can go to hell. multiple photos showing terrorists and another depicting a beheading. greater oklahoma city says he does not act in accordance with islamic law and regulations, islam teaches us to be a people of peace and calm. we are against any acts of violence, oppression or brutality and against this very disturbing and vicious act of cowardice, he is as far away from islam as a person could be. he served time in prison and in stable condition and so had his stabbing victim, johnson. >> thank you for the update. julie? >> a suspect in the disappearance of a college student back in virginia today to face charges.
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police arrested jesse matthew in texas, the last person seen on surveillance individual i don't with hannah graham on the night she went missing. she's a sophomore at the university of virginia. elizabeth is following the story from our washington newsroom today. >> in almost two weeks to the day after hannah graham went missing, they extradited jesse matthew by authorities traveling from texas to virginia. he's the lone suspect in graham's disappearance. reports are matthew is refusing to speak with investigators about what he could possibly know about graham's whereabouts. he was seen on video with her before the disappearance around 1:00 a.m., you can see them walking main street area called the downtown wall. meanwhile the search for graham continues. we know search parties with k-9 units continue to work. the police chief says the investigation is ongoing and he's asking for patience.
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>> this is a complicated investigation. first and foremost because we don't know where hannah graham is and we have to find her. the other reason is we're still in the process of gathering evidence, talking to witnesses and trying to find initial video. >> police are charging matthew with abduction with intent to defile. the probable cause obtained from evidence gaernled from his belongings. the police chief has very emotional pleas asking the public for help in finding her and expanded the search area to rural areas outside the college town of about 40,000. graham's friends describe her as an accomplished athlete and student and musician and authorities are offering a $1,000 reward for any information leading to her safe return. julie, back to you. >> elizabeth pran, thank you so much. >> police in pennsylvania reportedly closing in on eric
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frein and he slipped up, making a brief phone call to his family. investigators say they were able to track the signal to the current search area in the pocono mountains. meanwhile police say frein spent years planning the ambush, this based on a search of his hard drive showing the 31-year-old reserved how to avoid police manhunts -- or research rather. a deadly crash in south oklahoma where authorities are saying a tractor-trailer swerved across a highway median, smashing into the side of a bus carrying a college softball team and killing four women and injuring a dozen others. the team from north central texas college was reportedly heading home from a scrimmage. authorities say the crash is being investigated as a homicide with both drivers set to undergo toxicology tests. >> british war planes joining the international coalition against isis, taking off for the
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first combat mission over iraq. u.k. defense officials saying the bombers are ready to be used in an attack role as targets are identified. molly is live with the latest. molly? >> the white house welcomes the support of the british in taking on the islamic state or isis terrorists. president obama said that america may be leading this operation, but it's not doing it solo. >> i made it clear that america would act as part of a broad coalition and we were joined in the faction by friends and partners including arab nations. at the united nations in new york, i work to build more support, to cut off terrorist financing and stop the flow of foreign fighters into and out of that region. >> the british and other european allies are joining the u.s. in air strikes against isis in iraq. in syria the mission is being carried out by the u.s. and middle east countries. we have new details on air
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strikes in syria. the air strikes focus on islamic state positions in northern syria, newer the turkish border and damaged buildings and air fields at an isis training camp. some analysts say the coalition can't stop there. >> we need to look at effective offensive power over there, we need air strikes and we need intelligence and boots on the ground. while air strikes i think are an effective way to put them back on their heels if you will, without the other two, we really won't be truly effective. >> president obama has promised not to send u.s. combat troops into iraq or syria. and the country is working with the u.s. to conduct those air strikes in syria today, included saudi arabia, jordan and united arab emirates. another frepd of the boston marathon bombing suspect goes on
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trial next week. charged with lying to police when they asked about his whereabouts after the bombing. that was after the fbi released photos of the two brothers accused of detonating home made bombs at the finish line killing three people. prosecutors saying he lied about being in the surviving suspect's dorm room and two other buddies removed the suspect's laptop and back pack. >> local media reporting that 13 teenagers escaped overnight from the woodland hill center overpowering the teens. the 12 escapees have been taken to a juvenile court detention center and one teen is still missing. this marks the third major disturbance in recent weeks at the detention center. a flash flood watch in the las vegas area after heavy rain
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and flooding knocked out power and caused some fires, storms pounded southern nevada with a half inch of rain falling in one hour. the firefighters had to help out one driver trapped in the high water and responded to several flooded buildings. at one point the lights were out for more than 1,000 people there. >> in colorado, doctors are looking at nine kids for muscle weakness or parl sis. they are trying to determine if it's the same virus that's causing severe respiratory illness in children across the country. that strain was found in four of eight children tested but they aren't sure if it caused weakness in arms or legs or something they happened to pick up. the chief medical officer placing herself in quan teen after her office assistant died of ebola. liberia getting especially hard hit, that chief medical officer, bernice dawn, doesn't have
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symptoms but wants to make sure she isn't infected. >> whoever president obama pekz to take over for attorney general eric holder has to be confirmed. republicans are trying to hold off until next year as administration drops hints about starting the process sooner after the mid terms. loud music fired by gunfire and death of a black teenager. now gripping testimony in court from a homeless witness. a volcano erupts under the feet of a group of hikers, several are missing as rescue teams work their way through rock and ash to find them. support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places. then those categories change every few months! first coffee shops... then amusement parks.
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time for a quick check on the headlines here, a volcano erupting in central japan. mountain climbers and injuring 40 people as rescue workers scramble to thifind them. another 7 people are reportedly missing. to florida where the michael dunn trial is entering the third day of testimony, accused of fatally shooting jordan davis after an argue. over loud music. today's testimony began with one of officers who arrested dunn. he faces up to 60 years in
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prison. a massive cleanup effort under way following a water main break. take a look at all of that river of water flowing down the streets, disrupting traffic. the 36-inch pipe was installed 100 years ago and apparently coated with cement back in 1957 to extend its life. in the wake of this week's resignation announcement from attorney general eric holder, president obama may not wait until a new congress is in place before nominating holder's successor. some senators like iowa republican chuck grassley are coming out against that idea saying, quote, rather than rush a nominee through the senate in a lame duck session, i hope the president will now take his time to nominate a qualified individual who can start fresh relationships with congress so that we can solve the problems facing our country. let's bring in angela mclou lan
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and fox news contributor as well. ladies, thanks for joining us to share your perspective. angela, what's your response to senator grassley's comments? >> he's a politician. if republicans take over the senate, basically we have our hand in who will be the next attorney general. but if we do a nomination during the lame session, i'm hopeful that the republicans on the judiciary committee will do kubookie politics and vote this new nominee in for our country. >> what say you about this, senator grassley saying the president should wait? >> why is this that politicians are the only ones who get a lame duck session? you know, kelly, when you retire, the last few months before you get off air, are you going to say, i'm not coming
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into week. i don't have anything to do. seriously though, this is a very important position in our country. and after serving six presidents, both sides of the aisle, this man has contributed so much he said it's time for him to go. who is grassley? what did he contribute. >> or senator cruz to say that the president cannot nominate when he wants to. >> having said that, if i can bring this up, historically other presidents made nominations and josh earnest noting that former defense secretary robert gates was nominated and confirmed during the lame duck session. why wait until the new congress convenes in january to fill the important role of attorney general? >> i want to answer jehmu's question on why do politicians have the right? in our constitution it says the senate has the constitutional
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right to advise and consent with the president of the united states. so since andrew jackson, the senate has been putting its voice in on who should be part of the president's cabinet. and since we've had attorney general that's been an activist and not the chief law enforcer of the land, i'm hopeful the president will choose someone that will enforce laws on the books. not drop the black panther party lawsuit but actually -- >> angela, come on. let's talk about what eric holder has done. he has talked to schools and policies in place to stop the school to prison pipeline. very important. he has made it possible for states to decide local control if they want to legalize marijuana. -- >> let's all get high, that's great. >> and been an ar dent defender of voting rights, one of our
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most more principles of our constitution. and he is stopping our criminal industrial prison complex, which is also important. >> if i can interrupt you, this is a referendum on the legacy of attorney general eric holder who served his country. but it is about the politics and optics of all of this. is the president concerned about the possibly he could be facing a republican controlled senate after the mid-term elections and is he concerned -- then on other hand, what are the republicans concerned about with his nomination that could come? >> of course the president wants to be able to appoint who he wants to appoint. if he has a friendlier congress after the november election, well, he has every single right to do that. come on, republicans have done it and democrats have done it. like you said, it's not unprecedented. don't get upset when it's not injure person doing this. this happened under george w.
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bush. >> president obama has every right to do it whenever he wants. >> there will be a refer endum n eric holder when they hold the hearings and that's the place to air out the dirty laundry if you will. i'm hope if he will nominate patrick deval that he serve as a seconds black attorney general but qualified and happened to be black. eric holder created more division in the country than bringing the country together. >> the bottom line is that eric holder has resigned. someone is going to have to fill that post and the president cannot wait forever and if he does sneak it in or actually introduces it during the lame duck session it means that congress will have to step up and play its role and confirm or deny. >> and the president has every right to do it when it he wants to do it. eric holder having served for six different presidents -- >> we know that. >> he should be able to go home
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and take a break. >> thank god, he's going home. >> we thank you both very much for your perspective. >> thanks, kelly. >> in chicago, listen up, still grappling with major delays one day after an alleged act of employee sabotage grounds air traffic to a halt. dominic picks up the story from the west coast newsroom. tell us how the suspect was able to set the control center on fire. that to me almost seems like an impossibility. >> one thing was he was a technician at the airport so he had access to the terminal which is actually based outside -- balgsed in aurora. he took with him a gas can according to police, also had a couple of knives and lighter with him. how he caused the fire. it shut down one of the biggest air control fences we have here in the country. on top of that, when paramedics got there, it appears he had
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slit his own throat and got into a struggle with the paramedics. listen to this. >> there was some degree of ert on their part to drag him out of the building but he was conscious. and as far as being cooperative, i would say not necessarily. >> still in the hospital, apparently been disgruntled after he was recently told he was being moved from chicago to hawaii, very unhappy with that move. >> there were a bunch of cancellations after this. flights back to normal yet? >> not yet. about 500 flights canceled this morning and that's a vast improvement from where we were on friday evening when there was 2,000 flights that had been scratched off the board there. the airport owe hair and midway thinking that perhaps by the end of play today we could see most flights back to normal but probably all the way through to the weekend before everybody is
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back on a plane heading to where they were supposed to be going. quite say disruption. >> that will certainly spill over into the nation's airports with chicago being such a large airport. anyone flying today needs to call ahead to see if your flight is being affected somehow. thank you so much. after a landslide vote, the uk joining the u.s. in launching air strikes against isis, we will have expert military analysis on what their plan is exactly. so listen up. a live interview coming up. there's violence in the streets of hong kong. police in riot gear clash with student demonstrators and what they are fighting about coming up. you're here to buy a car.
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it is the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news, an egyptian court postpone the ruling until november in the
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trial of hosni mubarak. charged during the 2011 revolt that saw him ousted from office. a massive fire broking out at a oil refinery in sicily, the flames were reportedly visit for miles. in hong kong, police in riot gear arresting dozens of students in a night of protest. they have boycotting classes for a week demanding china's communist leaders organize democratic elections in 2017. british war planes in the air in the fight against isis, but only in iraq, not syria. this is as the u.s. now faces the possibility that air strikes will drive terrorists to hide among civilians. how do we flush them out? let's bring in retired colonel. the uk has agreed to join u.s.
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forces to drop bombs on iraq, not syria. the reason being that it would somehow help the syrian government. and france is in agreement with the uk and french diplomat quoted as saying, we don't want air strikes allow assad forces to redeploy on the ground. will air strikes in syria help or hurt assad? >> they are probably going to help assad unfortunately. we have to decide who the enemy is, we can make arguments that both are a problem. historically assad has been the issue and all of the eastern friends want assad out too. when we step back and look at the threat that isis poses to everybody, we have to make tough decisions, i think this administration made the right decision in going after isis and syria. as we continue to watch isis, what they've done to civilians
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and beheadings that we'll find more countries in europe and perhaps middle east willing to use air power in syria lgs. we're not there yet. >> the matter of time obviously with isis and numbers of militants growing by the tens of thousands every day, gaining more than 100 on their fight. the u.s. led fight could take years to complete. they have been carried out by the united states and five arab nations but can this be carried out without a broader international coalition? >> i don't think so. we see people like france playing with us and see germany for first time since world war ii sending equipment and helping kurds and friends in australia, saw a report yesterday that upwards of six people out of japan have now joined isis, we see people around the world
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flocking to isis' side. i think these kinds of things will make the coalition grow. also at the same time, the syrian kurds being pushed into turkey, we hear again of the atrocities that isis is committing against them. egypt isn't in the fight yet but i think we'll see both of those countries join us sooner rather than later. >> the u.s. has a vested interest in the iraqi kurds who suffered for years. what if the iraqi kurds and syrian kurds were to join forces? they don't have it in them to fight isis, they do however have the support of turkish kurds. you throw those three into the mix and what do you get? >> extremely complex, thank you for bringing that question up. the iraqi kurds have been there many times since u.s. forces pulled out. they are going to do everything they can to defend their territory. they certainly had minor setbacks against isis, we see these arms in training from a
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number of countries flying into the iraqi kurds to help them out. i don't think the various countries want the iraqi kurds to link up with the syrian kurds and turkish kurds -- i know this is very complex but the fact of the matter is all of these kurds, including the iranian kurds want to have their own country. >> here's where david cameron is in a bit of a hard spot. you remember in august of 2013. he authorized the bombing of syria alongside the united states to punish the assad government for using chemical weapons. that blew up in his face. no pun intended. labor party leader opposed the government position and motion. what do you make of the comments this week when he said this and i want to quote him, a dismembered iraq would be more dangerous to britain than taking military action now. that britain should pride itself on its tradition of internationalism. >> that shows you how far they've come since we had a british hostage beheaded on
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television and there was a i think britain has done a 180. the vote to support strikes into iraq was 524-43, overwhelming vote in favor of doing something against ipsis in iraq. but i think the mere notion of doing it in iraq with a vote like this and continued things ip isis is doing, is showing they are willing to do some things in syria -- >> or more the fight from the air to the ground. >> that's exactly right. >> colonel, we appreciate you coming on. plenty monday on the coalition fight when congressman on the house intelligence committee joins maria bartiromo tomorrow morning on "sunday morning futures" tune in right here on the fox news channel. the boys and girls club of
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america believe america's kids are in crisis. they are committed to helping young people overcome poverty, discrimination or bullying and poor academic performance. through the club they are learning to pursue their goals and live their lives beyond the dream. >> a high school jazz band setting the tone for an elegant evening to recognize six talented teenagers who represent the best of the boys and girls club of america. the classy affair taking place in the beautiful national buildings museum of washington, d.c. also on display, an exhibit of various paintings showing the artistic creations of talented club members in the fine arts program. and stars like music producer timber land and misty copeland an ambassador for the club attended the event in support of the talented teens representing the best of america's youth. >> i think they are so great about surrounding these kids
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with support. so they are being empowered but for me it would be to be an example for them, to show them that we have a place in the world as well and being minority women and coming from a club, i think our possibilities are end also. >> former national youth of the year, a howard university student continues her mission to inspire people across the nation. >> no matter where come from, your circumstances will never define you. when life kicks you, it's painful. it can be difficult. sometimes we may be drowning in hurt and sorrow and pain and shame. but there's always light at the end of the tunnel and for me, that light was the boys and girls club. who knew that a little girl who was supposed to be aborted had so much potential. who knew that the girl whose biological mother then tries to sell her to the highest bidder
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was worth far more than any dollar amount. who knew that the countless days spent at the hospital with my adopted mother as she struggled with her failing heart was preparing us for a bigger journey. who knew that the girl who questioned the meaning of life will be experiencing it. i prayed for greater days and i knew they were in store for me. >> for the new youth of the year, mariah sullivan, now a student, childhood was filled with tragic circumstances. >> witnessed broken doors and glass windows because police kicked the doors down. i knew how it felt to be forced to move from my home because my stepfather was charged with a felony and laughed at on career day and humiliated when asked about my father's occupation and becoming speechless because i didn't know what he did. i will never allow my circumstances to stop me.
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my boys and girls club reinfo e reinforces that every day i'm there. it's the reason behind my dreams and aspirations. >> she is proving to be a remarkable young lady and remaintains 4.4 grade point average and dreaming to become a neurosurgeon. >> the boys and girls club, helping america's youth live their lives beyond the dream. >> incredible young ladies. >> they are amazing. >> aren't they amazing, because of the boys and girls club giving them the chance to pursue the dream. >> the childhood was so rough to come out and aspire to be a brain surgeon. >> you can overcome anything. >> good for them. they do amazing things. horrific new details unfolding on the terrifying workplace murder in oklahoma. what police are now saying about the suspect and what it means
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for the investigation next. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c,
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welcome back, the suspect, 30-year-old nolan was shot by another employee at the food processing plant after he alleged i beheaded one woman and stabbed another co-worker. joining me now, jonathan gill on, special agent, joint terrorism task force. people are looking at this and reading so much into it because of the beheading and the fact that this guy had actually just been fired but was also upset that other people wouldn't convert to islam. >> i think we can look at wsh did he usually don't to rush to judgment. but we can look at now enough evidence that even the public
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can have, the facebook page and rants he went on, the fact that eyewitnesses are saying he came in and was at work trying to convert them and was subsequently fired maybe or maybe not because of that, but then he goes back and does not just a killing but the same type of killing being done by the people he claims to be a part of overseas. we have to start looking at terrorism as a tactic, not just somebody, it's not a group. what he was doing is a tactic. >> i have to raise this question. a lot of times when people see things on television, the cameras can insight copycats, could this be an example of a copycat? >> there's no difference in them copying him versus copying the warriors and unconventional warriors part of the islamic
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caliphate in syria or iraq. if they are going to be inspired, they are already inspired. they may look at this now as though, hey, this individual did this. i think i'm capable of doing the same thing. >> so even if corporations, workplace, just walking the streets of america, this case would suggest that we need to be more vigilant than ever because it's usually that one alert person, for example the man armed and actually took this guy out or wounded him, which he probably saved countless lives that particular day. we need to be more vigilant, right? >> let's look at vigilance from two different levels, from the common person that's at work orren the street. there's no greater tool or technique or technology in the world that can defeat terrorism like an aware human. just like any criminal attack, if you're aware of surroundings and you're more likely to be able to counter that or at least
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know something is coming. now let's look at the politics of this matter. these politicians have to realize this is real, that people are actually being killed. a lone in the past two months, this is the second supposed jihadist. we had a kid killed in new jersey and subsequently two other people, and people like mike bloomberg going around the country saying we don't need guns. it may be time to relax on that and let people be able to defend themselves against something like this. >> where do you think the investigation goes from here? >> they are pulling his data base stuff and i'm sure they'll still get warrants so everything is iron clad for any type of court case, but they are going to go in and question eyewitnesses then they go in and look at his home and look at his computer equipment and social media and try to build a picture. >> real quickly, the bottom line, what should americans perceive out of this, even though we don't know all of the facts right now? >> the perception is that what
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we see overseas is actually possible and happening here. >> jonathan, we thank you so much. >> julie? >> a new front on the war on drugs now on prescription drugs. not street drugs. why these legal drugs are actually becoming more dangerous to the health of americans and why the problem isn't going away. cold. i took nyquil but i'm still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. ♪
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turning to the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse here at home. in 2011 alone, more than 22,000 americans died from legal prescription overdoses and that horrifying number includes 16,500 deaths from narcotic painkillers. in fact, an estimated 6.5 million americans used prescription drugs last year. that is double the number who used heroin and cocaine and hall lus no jens. this as the dea seeks to address the problem. today marks the ninth national prescription drug takeback day, more than 5200 sites all across the country and you can take part to learn how.
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chair of urology, doctor, you can bring anything you want, unwanted prescription pills minus needles to the center. why is it so important? >> based on the numbers you talk about, 22,000 american died from this kind of prescription drugs, that's a good thing. 16,000 of them as you mentioned all from narcotics. so we need to stop this. i think that doctors are writing too many prescriptions and too many pills. 259 million prescriptions last year. look, a lot of this is unnecessary. people go orthopedic surgeries, any kinds of operation, 30, 40 pills of percocet, vitamins. nobody is trained how to get rid of them. bring them, there are 5200 sites in america, all over u.s. you put the phone number later on. bring in everything except
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liquid and needles. other than that it's free an anonymous as you mentioned. it's going to save a lot of lives, since 2010, 4 million pounds of medications have come in and we've been able to disspoes them. today is the day. >> let's try to back up for a second. why are there such an increase in prescription drug deaths. are people and patients being being overprescribed, doctors too willfully eager to prescribe a drug. >> when doctors see patients in pain at the time of the operation, instead of writing for ten pills, it becomes 30 pills we have to be careful and careful about recognizing some behavior of the patients coming back, three months after and asking for the same kind of prescription, that's a red flag. >> that's where you know the abuse comes in. a lot of these pills are
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addictive and you need to cut it off. why aren't doctors cutting it off. >> we need to pay more attention to those behaviors, it's a reds flag, that they cannot write for the prescriptions and call in for this prescription. dea is all over this and that's one of the reason why today is the national day of buying back all of the prescriptions which is a great idea. and also when you have them at home, kids have access to them and teenagers have access to them. don't flush them. what's the first thing you want to do? you want to dump it into the toilet. that gets into the water system, don't want to do that and don't want to share. very important. don't share these medications with your neighbors and friends, just had the surgery, use mine, i have extra ones. >> you know that happens a lot. a lot of people are still without health insurance, if they don't have health insurance the pills become more expensive and turn to a friend. >> i have an extra vicodin from a surgery i had last year. often times they are expired. >> 100% well said and addictive and people get hooked on for no
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reason and that's one of the reasons you should talk about the phone number, very important number for everyone. >> 800-882-9539. for more information. dr. samadi, thank you so much. >> good to see you. jim trafikant has died. he was known for a rather colorful career. in 1983 put on trial in federal court for taking more than $100,000 from local mobsters and claimed he was trying to conduct his own sting operation and didn't trust the fbi. he defended himself in court instead of hiring a attorney and jurors returned a not guilty verdict. the victory in court launched him to greater heights. in 2002, he was indicted once again on bribery and other
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charges. this time he was found guilty and spent seven years in prison. now traficant dying of a tractor accident. he was 73 years old and won 30,000 votes while he was in prison in his district of youngstown, ohio. that will do it for us. >> the journal editorial report is up next. hope to see you right here on fox. >> make sure you watch, it's a great program. girl: we work hard for our money guy: right.
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at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. this week, american bombs begin falling in syria as president obama attempts to rally the world against isis, we'll look at the campaign and coalition so far. plus, a look back at eric holder's polarizing tenure at the department of justice and political legacy he leaves behind. it's being billed as the greatest challenge of our time, is a global climate deal coming? and what would it do to american energy prices? >> no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of


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