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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  September 27, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> i am gile bandaras. this is the fox report. new details about the chicago nightmare that backed up flights all over the country. a contractor set fire to the center in aurora, illinois and then tried to commit suicide. clean up crews have been on the scene and technicians trying to determine when they would restore full service and we know moments before the fire was set, the suspect turned to facebook to say good by and reportedly
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wrote a private message to a family member. he said i am sorry, leaving you with a big mess. do your best to move on quickly from me please and feel like i give a bleep bloep for the first time in a long time but not for too long. ha ha. >> and any word on a motive. >> they are looking at the facebook posting and they know he was very unhappy with him being told recently that he would be moved from chicago to hawaii and why that was cause for him to set fire to the air control center they are not sure. they will look through the social program and he was in the navy for some years and fa a as a contractor and they were searching his house and looking
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for additional evident inside. it is going to be a while before we know the whole story. >> there is a great deal of work that has to be done and interviews with co-worker and witnesses. it will be taking a while. >> it was an isolated incident and no indication of terrorist and no reason to believe that anyone else was involved at this time. >> he clearly made preparations for this. inside of the house, they found a series of legal documents laid out for their attention. >> what is the suspect's status right now? >> he burned himself and paramedics said he slit his throat. and as they tried to help them, he told them he didn't need their help at all. it will be a time for him to recover and talk to the detectives and obviously want to
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ask what was behind the attempt to burn it down and his motivations to begin with? >> there was a degree and effort to drag him out of the building and he was conscious and as far as being cooperative, i would say not necessarily. >> there you get a sense he was determined to end his life. >> when will air traffic in and out of chicago get back to normal? >> that is a big question there. they are ark sessioning the time line for the system to be back up. the fire burned krouscrucial fi optic cables. and so the kroushl high altitude communications need to keep
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going. 778 flights were cancelled today. and until the faa published the air operations for the weekend, early next week, the airlines don't know where they stand. airlines may not be able to tell people. >> and thank you so much. british war planes took to the sky after law makers voted to join the u.s. air strikes. tornado fighter jets took off from the iowa land of cypress. britain will participate in air strikes against isis in iraq. and the pentagon confirming more air strikes and targeting the command center near the border with turkey. >> molly, it was a multiple location in syria, correct?
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>> u.s. military said the air strikes focused on isis positions in northern syria near the turkish border and destroyed vehicles and air camp. military analyst said the coalition can't stop there. when you look at effective offensive power over there, right, the three legs and we need intelience and boots on the ground and while air strikes are an effective way to put them back on their heels if you will, without the other two, we'll not be truly effective. >> president has promised not to send u.s. comthe bat troops in iraq and syria and countries working with u.s. is saudi arabia, and jordan and the united arab emirates.
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>> and now back to the brits helping us. what is the white house reaction? >> the white house welcomes the support of the british in taking on the terrorist. america may be leading the operation, but not doing it solo. >> i made it clear america would act as part of a broad coalition and we were joined by friends and partners including arab nations and in the united nation i work for support to cut off terrorist financing and stop the flow of foreign fighters in to and out of that region. >> the british and other allies are joining air strikes in iraq, and in syria, the operation is carried out by the u.s. and middle east countries. >> thank you so much, molly. >> today is the final day of the u.n. general assem blow and the platform for the russian foreign
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minister to lash out. he critized the u.s.'s handling of isis and a cowing to take action without the world or syria's approval. >> it should be organized with the syrian government which clearly stated the readiness to join it. russia called for the front to counter the terrorist threat. >> he accused the u.s. and allies of the crisis in ukraine. and saying russia had the legal choice of the people there to join the russian fedriation. new tonight an al-qaeda terror group claiming that it fired a rocket in the u.s. embassy there. it landed 100 yards from the embassy in the capitol city. a yemeni diplomat confirmed an
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rpg was fired near boichlt the state department was aware of the attack but couldn't confirm if it was directed in the embassy. the u.s. is targeting terrorist in yemen and drone strikes against the members of the al-qaeda of the araban peninsula. and yesterday, our own ed henry over the administration's claims that counter terrorism strategy was working despite telling americans to leave for their own safety. >> reporter: how can you say it is a success in yemen when the country is falling apart? >> ed, we have seen the effective diployment of a counter terrorism. and on occasion backed by
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american military forces. >> why are we pulling our embassy personnel out of there? >> ed, we are focusing on mitigating the threat and denying them a safe haven. >> reporter: you had to get our people out. >> ed, what we have sewn in yemen is the effective deployment of counter terrorism strat the strategy. >> they claimed the attack was revenge. >> the suspect of the university of virginia student is back in the state. he will face abduction charges. hannah green was last seen walking with matthew the morning she vanished. the crews continued to question the student as they question matthew who is less than cooperative.
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>> reporter: hi, julie. two weeks to the day after hannah went missing. authorities extraditeed jesse matthews. he is the lone suspect in graham's disappearance. reports are that matthews was refusing to speak about graham's whereabouts. he was seen with her on 1 o'clock a.m. walking on a downtown mall. charges against matthew are abduction with intent to defile. the evidence is gathered from his belongings. the police chief is askin for help in finding her. they have expanded the search area to rural areas outside of the college town. graham's friends and family said she is a athlete, student and musician. they are offering a 100,000
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reward for information leading to her safe return. new developments for a cop killer eric freim. it is a five millradius around his parent's home. this suggest that the suspect spent years. his computer hard drive researched topics as ways to avoid capture and the discovery leading investigators that he is treating it like a war game. he is accused of killing a state department and wounding another. he is a survivalist with a grudge against law enforcement. cops say the man who chopped off the head of a co-worker and stabbed another regained consciousness, this after the
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suspect's former boss gunned him down. investigators trying to figure out how teens managed to get out of a detention facility after other escapes. stay with us. just take a clos. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. do you have som? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back.
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♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. tonight a wake and under arrest. a man who allegedly beheaded a woman in a food processing plant has regained consciousness and will be charged with murder. author nolan could face federal charges. nolan went on a rampage after being fired and stabbed another woman who is recovering in a hospital tonight. he was stopped by the company's chief operating officer who is a reserve sheriff deputy. he shot nolan before anyone else could be harmed. we are learning about nolan's past which is a rap sheet and
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a love of muslim extremism. in one photo of the statue of liberty said it is a evil symbol and said sharia law is coming. does law enforcement believe he was motivated by radical islam. >> they stress that investigators found no ties to terrorism, but still the fbi is looking in nol inn's ties with radical islam because he chose to behead machine and nolan is a recent concert himself. on his facebook face ja h keem iowa sra el and he called them muslim brothers and another post depicts a beheading and justifying the beheading and
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references to jihad. and said america is wicked. and ralid ferris believes there is more. >> first the environment of the change of name. beheading of a woman, loss of job. there is something in the middle. >> members of the mosque said he was nice and low co and leaders condemned nolan saying mr. nolan does not represent islam and mr. nolan in no way shape or form follows islam and we stand for justice and we ask for justice. he served time for cocaine possession. >> the attack could have been worse apparently? >> it could have if the not for the ceo. nolan was just fired when he
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walked in the main distribution center and stabbed and beheaded a 54-year-old and as he stabbed tracey johnson, the ceo shot him with a gun shot. the dispatcher told everyone to look behind doors. >> yeah, we are trying. okay. can you hear this in the background. >> is that him in the back. >> sounds like he is running around out here. >> and that is the gun shot. >> and the other stabbing victim survived thanks to vaughn. >> the 911 caller calm in the chaos. >> and former ohio law maker whose political legacy is one of two people expelled from congress has died. he was hospitalized since tuesday, the result of a tractor trailer on his family's farm.
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traficant served 17 years on capitol hill and he was the eccentric messy haired law maker. he was expelled from congress after a federal jury convicted him of taking bribes and kick backs and spent seven years in prison. he was 73 years old. >> and what police found in a looker. all that is left of a teen bust, carrying softballplayers cross state lines and what we know about a crash that is considered a homicide investigation. rocc!
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prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands.
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four student athletes killed in a bis crash. a tractor trailer crossed in the median and collided with the teen bus. three died at the scene and one in a local hospital. 12 others injured, coaches and drivers. no word on what caused the driver to lose scroll. it was driving back to texas. the president of the north central texas college offering condolences to the family. >> this is indeed a sad day for the families and north central texas college. we urge you to pray for the young ladies and the families of those who lost loved one. >> there will be a prayer vigil in honor of megyn richardsan. and eight-year-old kait lin.
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>> and third time in a month there is a security breach in a nashville youth te tension facility. the latest led to the escape of 13 teenagers. they were able to overpower the guard. one staff member was hurt. the facility was in the process of upgrading security measures. >> our jobs are to keep them safe and provide treatment and offer rehabilitation and success. and an opportunity for success for the youth. it is very, very hurtful to the staff and students and myself and the entire department. our jobs have been to establish a permanency and reha pill taugz. >> they have a history of violent clashes.
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earlier this month 32 teens escaped by overpowering guards. inmates wielded fire sticks and there is talk of possibly arming them with stun guns. >> a 16-year-old boyfacing felony charges after bringing a homemade bombschool. our top story in america. >> and oregon, school officials making the discovery in st. el ep high school near portland. they responded and called in the bomb squad. students on edge. >> and i thought it was a drill until everyone started it get scared and then i thought it was real. >> no one was hurt and the suspect is due in court on monday. >> florida. a close call. and a passenger jet aborts a landing and there was a palt
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who spots a helicopter flying in an unusual place and realized the plane was coming in the chopper's path. >> the pilot of a big plane was not paying attention or bad visibility they would have hit. the plane circled around and landed safety. 148 passengers were on board and six crew members. no one was hurt. >> and colorado, a sinkhole nearly swallows a van in denver. a burst water main causing the grounds to open up. crews were able to pull out the van. tennessee, the school that tina turner attended as a little girl is now a museum honoring her music career. fans celebrated the opening. >> she is amazing everything she
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went through with ike and came out on top and bigger without him. she is an inspir augz. the one room school was moved to the east tennessee delta heritage center in brownsville. turner addressed the supporters in a video message, she lives in switzerland. >> and the investigating of a meat processing center and whether the suspect has ties to muslim extremist. former homeland security official will join me next. >> fight for democracy. college student standing up to the communist government and demanding. that bonds metal to plastic.
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ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will >> i am julie bandaras. an oklahoma man accused of beheading a former co-worker shortly after being fired is now a wake, in the hospital and under arrest. arthur nolan will be charged on machine. federal charges could be in the works. they are looking into whether nolan had ties to extremist or the work place violence. here is a senior fellow of the
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home land policy institute. thank you so much. first of all, how do investigators go about distinguishing the difference between first-degree murder and terrorism. >> start with from the incident and work back wards. who was he talking to before hand and higher and what conversations did he have with the family members or leave notes. what was the content of the website and did he say going to the employees in was the victim's part of the firing decision? there are things to take you to the evidence. you can't say it is terrorism because of the beheading. >> first of all, the digital world and he posted a picture of the statue of liberty and proclaimed evil symbol.
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number one. and under his facebook name. he was ja h keem yisra el. and showed towers burning and freedom can go to shell and islam will rule the world. he had tried to convert co-workers to islam. nassuming the conversations and he chose beheading. you talked to a senior investigator. all of his years no murder has been done by beheading. but as to the public beheadings and what happened in australia. and isil urged people to cut people's heads off. that is in his mind. but is he a sympathizer or inspired and not instructed or a copycat.
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>> isil's marketing is capitalizing on. it is a win for isil. >> that is a challenge when you face a organized campaign. the message they want to put out there, you are not in immune in the united states and united states. we can get you because we have followers in your midst. it is a terrifying message and not something that is easily determined and it gives a real challenge to law enforcement. and we don't know if they are self radicalized and when the switch is flipped. ntalk about where he worked. could his company have done anything knowing about him trying to convert his co-workers to islam and when he was fired
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law enforcement would have been notified. so difficult to look back and say gee, 20/20 is the hind sight. even if he had caused concerns tis america and a democracy and speech is protected. unless there is violence associated with it. it is a big challenge for law enforcement and security officials and how to put the view on somebody without infringing with civil liberty. >> how do you go through it. npossible federal charges wouldn't involve terrorism. they may be looking at other things that are obvious in this point of time. did you intend to kill a person? a lot of people say it is so obvious. it is a part of the judicial system to make sure you know the
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mind set of someone who acted like. this it has more importance because of the terrorism angle. >> michael balboni thank you for coming in to talk to us. >> the pentagon confirming seven more air strikes against the isis targets in iraq and syria. meanwhile, one of our closest allies, the united kingdom joining the fight howevers after voting to join the air strike. fighter jets from the royal aircraft took off from cypress. >> and what role should law makers on capitol hill play in
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this new military campaign? doug has more tonight from washington. a state of war has existed between the united states and the japanese empire. >> reporter: december 8th, 1941, last of 11 times that congress exercised the constitutional duty to declare war. in other plateses from the barometery coast and north korea and iraq and afghanistan. congress has tip toed around the declaration of war. the difference is the subject of vigorous debate. >> i support the decision to strike isis and our arab allies and now congress has to step up.
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>> and air strikes, but i would be better to talk to congress about that. >> reporter: we are confident in the position that the president has. coming from the 2002 authorization for military force in iraq. >> the's not make the 9/11 mistake of rushing in. and that is the overriding authorization for 13 years. >> reporter: it has left the obama administration defending. >> they asked for us to help them and we are defending them and that is the legal authority. >> you are working under the cheney document. >> certainly not. >> it is cheney. >> we abide by the law. npotting parties worry that it is putting off debate. and the senate majority leader
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reid wants them to take up the legislation and house speaker boehner wants them to wait longer. >> it may be more than the fear of going on the record for a war before the mid- term election. the president has not begin names to the syria and iraq and may reflect the ambivoulence of war. >> and tune in they will talk to tony blinken. >> one person is confirmed dead and more hurt as we go around the world in 80 seconds. japan, the volcano spewing tons of ash and debris miles in the
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sky some 150 miles west of footballingio. 250 people were there when the eruption began. japan prime minister sending military in to help with evacuations and rescue. >> italy. a huge fire breaks out in sicily. it was caught on a camera. schools were closed as a precaution. china, police putting the brakes on a pro democracy demonstration in hong kong. they had begun to occupy the building and demanding communist leaders the elections and they arrested dozens of people. >> egypt. supporters and opponents of ousted president mubarak clashing outside of a courthouse.
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the egyptian leader is charged with ordering the killings of leaders. and a judge delaying the ruling in the retrial until november. it is it a wrap on the fox trip around the world. >> the nra is a powerful lobbyist group with a war chest to finance their interest and where they are being out spent by a handful of billionaires who want tougher laws to buy guns. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code?
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think it causes harm to people. >> after the disastrous roll out of the obama website. no wonder the administration wants to reenroll those in hopes of avoiding another embarrassment. blindly reenrolling could bring trouble. premiums deducted automatically. and should be asked again. do you want to continue with this plan or something different. >> automatic renewal is easy and keep people getting obama care, you have to trust but verify. you can't be on automatic pilot for health insurance. >> the amount of subsidy is tied to the silver level plan and that is likely to change in cost and leaving people getting the wrong subsidies and loving a nasty surprise. >> everyone will have differences in the subsidy.
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and the vast majority need to change plans to continue with the same out of pocket premium. they will not know unless they go in and reenroll. >> and then the question of which doctors and hospitals are included. >> if they are enrolled in a subparplan for their needs that doesn't help them to go in 2015. >> have they upgraded the benefits or dropped providers out of the network. health insurance is much more complicated and harder to change once you are in a plan. none way obama care kept the premiums down was to keep them in networks. >> they love out the best doctors and hospitals and they charge you extra if you need an expensive drug. >> and so even though the administration is willing to make it easy on consumers,
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analyst echsideways one of the oldest warnings in the book, buyer beware. >> and in washington state, voters in november will decide on a measure that strengthens background checks for gun purchases. the national rifle association is not used to being outspent and that is what is happening there with several well known billionaires spending big bucks supporting the measure. when it comes to the campaign spending, the national rifle association is never outgunned and in washington state, voters decide the background laws, the nra is up against michael bloomberg who is beend the group mayors with illegal guns. this is dreamed up by people who don't live in washington and the
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finance by michael bloomberg and billionaire pals. >> tech giants have donated to initiative 594 and funding an early campaign. >> some are associated with gates and microsoft and people respect them and we believe that they helped to inspire people to stand with us. >> and with annual revenue $2 million. so far they are coping their powder dry and spending less than throw million nationwide and under 200,000. >> the nra never backs down to the money challenge. they don't care if bloomberg and gates is over there. >> they can look at the public mood. nconsoweding defeat on the bloomberg initiative. the second amendment foundation
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is backing the initiative to making stricter. >> most gun owners exist on a living wage so to speak and billionaires are coming in throwing money around. >> and both of these ballot measures are passing and could force the court to work out differences. if they are successful here, they promise to take the fight to several other western states. dan springer, fox news. >> the clinton family growing bigger today. we'll show you the picture of the former first couple with their new grandchild, next. [♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> welcome back. accessing personal contents left behind in e-mail and social media sites and obtaining the digital remains can be a legal nightmare for grieving families. but now one state passed a law to limit pain and set a nationwide trend. >> when donna's dad of an unexpected heart attack. his family was told they could not access e-mail or on line accounts. his mother was unable to see the e-mails that the mortgage was never paid. she was never allowed to view the documents or photos. >> and every time she encountered this, it was stressful to her. she had to tell the entire story
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and it brought up all of those feelings of the moment she lost her husband. ndelaware law maker ares passed legislation requiring website to allow access of someone who died. >> they want to keep documents or e-mails private or any account private they can do that. >> it is not enough and the hilo personal nature of e-mail should require a court order before a dead person's e-mail is accessed of those inspired by the state. >> they send a lot more of it. and you don't think through the content of the friend or doctor or counsellor. >> and eight other states have laws on the bocks. and dell care is the most comprehensive and could be a model for similar legislation in the country. in new york.
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david lee miller. >> and george clooney officially off of the market and inside the story book wedding initily. ♪ going to the chapel and get married. roccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body.
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>> he's off the market. george clooney ended the bachelor. and marrying amal alamuddin. and the wedding party and guests arrive nothing style. clooney wearing a classic texuddo and the broid in a black and white striped guest. they were tight lipped about the nuptual. and clooney had long vowed he would never marry again following a previous marriage in the late 80s.
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>> congratulations to bill and hillary clinton. adding a new title grandma and grand ma. chelsea named charlotte her baby. bill and i are over the moon to be grand partners and one of the happiest moments of our lives and the former first lady sent out this picture of adorable baby charlotte. we don't quite so her. that is their new grand daughter and before we go. check of your top story. and a fire in the air track control center that brought two of the country's busiest airports to the halt. hundreds of flights grounded. the suspect set fire in the facility before trying to commit suicide. the pentagon confirming air strikes between isis and syria and it is not far from syria's border with turkey. and president obama set to
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delivery a remark in the congressional black caucus dinner. that is tonight in washington. i am julie bandaras. thanks for watching, huckabee starts right now. >> a woman is beheaded in oklahoma. is it work place violence? or is it jihad? >> and young voters about to sway the election and my tearful good bye to eric holder. not really. and big and rich performing tonight on "huckabee". ♪ >> good evening, everybody. i am mike huckabee and thanks for joining us. i have plenty to say about the horrible beheading in oklahoma. a lot has happen this week. president obama ordered air strikes against isis


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