tv Stossel FOX News September 28, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at tomorrow. >> we're the party of choice. >> we are the party's choice. >> so say the democrats. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. >> republicans say. >> this is the most anti choice administration. >> we like to have choice. i want to choose to put a mustache on my mini van and act like a taxi driver. taxi drivers don't want me to do business. >> we have to get finger printed we have to have commercial insurance. pink mustache has nothing. >> also can there be too much choice? >> i got cappuccino, rap chino,al chino. >> there are two lines in the super markets. >> great, look at all of these
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choices. >> look at all of these choices? so much choice. that's our show tonight. >> when we talk choice there's not much more important than healthcare. the president said it would give us more coverage and more good choices. win, win. some people gained better insurance, and even if you didn't you wouldn't loss anything. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. (applause) >> oops, that one didn't work out so well. millions learned you don't get to keep your doctor. six million policies were canceled but millions who did not have he health insurance before do have it. that's why obamacare is good says dr. kathleen london is
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good. on the other hand michael canter re red a book saying we need more competition and less government. so kathleen, i agree with michael. you say obamacare is a great thing. >> i am looking at the number of people who have come in who before have had to choose between baying their rent and paying for healthcare or who couldn't get it because of preexisting conditions or other reasons. those plans that were not canceled weren't really good coverage. these were plans when you got really sick they were going to be gone. >> they were selling junk. >> well, that's okay, that's fine. if i am a 55-year-old gay man i am not worried about my
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maternity coverage. >> we are all in this together. do we want everybody to be insured? >> half of those are pushed to medicaid which really isn't that good insurance. roughly in exchange they were forced to get other type of policies. i can't buy the type of insurance i want today. in many cases i am pushed into an insurance plan that has a narrow network and may not include my current doctor. >> i wouldn't say we want everybody covered i want a free market and i want people to have skin in the game. >> that's what we had before. we had a free market. >> how did skwe not have a free market? >> even government 60 percent were private insurance company. if i went to see you i am not saying hey dock do i really need this test? what will it cost? if i gave you the money you wouldn't have a cash box to takes it. that's not a market.
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>> that started because of trying to get another incentive to hire employees. >> big government is managing our lives reducing our choices. now we have more with obamacare. >> the frustrations you are discussing. i don't disagree on that mark of it. honestly as a physician i have more difficulty dealing with private insurers than medicare. >> that's not the case for long. the advisory board takes us back the government is going to begin to rap it down and reimburse it. increase diomande crease supply. you don't have to be a genius to understand what's happening. >> either it's the patient or private insurance company or the government. it should be me. >> unfortunately under obamacare
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i can't because i am mandated to buy insurance and mandated to buy a specific type of insurance that the government thinks i should have. the benefits they think i should have. >> why do i have to buy alcohol coverage and maternity care. why do i hadon't i have a choic to get what i want? >> we are all paying for it. diabetes is now in the number one thing we are having as an epidemic in this country we are all paying for. we have alcoholism as an issue. >> when question didn't have mandates when i was in medical school i got pregnant right as i was graduating started residency. i am with my md from yale starting residency in oregon. it was a preexisting condition. i couldn't get coverage. >> you could afford the tuition
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at yale -- >> i was being paid 20,000 a year as a resident and i couldn't get maternity care. >> there are ways to deal with preexisting condition if it doesn't involve unhealthy people. why should someone who just got out of college has a 20,000 dollar a year job keep subsidizing insurance for warren buffet and bill gates. >> prices came down and the doctors give out their cell phone numbers they want to please the patients. >> the same is true for cosmetic and even dental care. insurance covered services. >> you want to take the risk when you need bypass surgery you are paying it out of pocket? >> i want to buy a catastrophic policy that covers me being hit
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by a car or bypass surgery. but the small stuff i want to pay myself. >> what are you going to go about the light bulb issues we are a society. shouldn't -- oo shouldn't people be responsible for their own lifestyle issues. >> if i eat 20 big macs tomorrow and have a heart attack. >> are you going to see somebody having bad genetics. >> not bad lifestyle habits. >> if they have a gene that's their thaut? >> we can dealing with preexisting conditions. eve every proposal includes some provision to cover people with conditions. >> i am not saying it's a perfect plan but it was one that could get through congress. it addressed recession of care
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lifetime taps and everything else we do have that weren't being seen addressed. as we go forward we will continue to form it into something that is better. >> wisince we are all together should we ban significant grits, ban alcohol? >> should we require mandatory calisthenics? >> on that note kathleen and michael thank you now. another fight of healthcare to me a most basic in the world question is who owns your body? i would think you do in a free society. i think that would mean it takes risk. if you are cicconing your body means you can try a medicine that you think might help you. you can't try a medicine without governmentoval.
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some die because they try a drug. >> you have a terminal illness do you have a right to try treatments that might save your life but aren't officially approved? >> he lobbied members of congress in the media to save his wife but ran out of time. >> she died in april. the drug was approved last week. >> in another case two brothers have an illness that is causing their muscles to weather away. there is no known cure. the other brother was lucky because the fda allowed him to try an experimental drug. max is getting better but brother austin is not. >> he was sit in the wheelchair watching. >> it won't allow them to try something that helps max. here is his mom. >> if austin is never given the chance to get on we know with
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100 percent certainty. he will die. >> people die because government says no. there is some good news. three states, colorado, louisiana, missouri recently passed laws that say if you are terminally ill the choice is yours. you may try a determinenal drug if it is if you are terminal. the small step towards sanity he works with this with cold water. am i characterizing this correctly? it might keep you alive. >> twls no guarantee with the
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law. the topic is about choice. we want to get people who are dying the choice to try to save their own life without the government's permission. >> the fda says look we have a compassionate use progress. >> the compassionate use program takes over 300 hours of bureaucratic paperwork. even though they may approve you there have been a lot of documents and cases of people dying while they are waiting for the fda to make a commission. >> routinely. they say we allow nearly every expanded access two or three years later. >> they don't have time. they need help now. what they let them do is say
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okay i am going to the drug company that has an experiment that will drug they are going to give me an answer i have the a choice to try. >> josh thompson has als. >> it took him three years he hired a law firm in order to get through the compassionate use process. the crazy thing about josh's story is the drug that he wanted to try was manufactured in virginia by an american drug company already legal in italy. he just wanted to try it three years. they finally gave it to him after he already lost the ability to walk, talk, feed himself and even swallow. >> just bureaucratic narrow mindedness? they are not mean people. >> no. look all of these safety procedures from in place because they are trying to keep people safe. there is a good time and a place
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to make sure alcohtylenol sl no going to kill us. when your option is certain death or maybe not the fda needs to think about how they add dress those issues. >> thank you. to join in argument please tweet using hash tag choice or post in my facebook page. we would like to know what you think about this. >> i bought a pink mustache on my mini van. >> also evil republicans, evil democrat they won't let me make my own choices. i will confront a democrat next. ♪
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[ male announcer ] momentum has a way of quietly exploding onto the scene. ♪ the new ram 1500 ecodiesel. with 28 highway miles per gallon, 420 pound-feet of torque. ♪ guts. glory. ram. this is holly. her long day of outdoor adventure starts with knee pain. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward! could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some!
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>> we're the party of choice, which is >> we are party's choice that's why i am tired of republicans and others say can to me i do respect your choice. >> democrats often call themselves the party of choice. when they say that they are almost talking about abortion like they are obsessed with abortion. other kinds of choice the right to choose your child's school not to join the union, to buy a
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gun, to pay people like you want to pay them in your own business. buy what you want to buy dem skrats are not so good on choice. as they grow government we have fewer choices. here is senator rand paul. >> it is light bulbs, it is toilets it is cars your freedom of choice is gone for a party that says they are the pro choice party. this is the most anti choice government. >> if government grows free choice shrinks. the let's tart the democratic big government apologist. >> i am a liberal who also votes democratic. >> let's start with school choice. why can't i take the government money and send my kid to whatever school i want.
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>> in sweden for example didn't work they used the friedman model. some of the private schools are getting out of the school business and kids are getting screwed. not only do you get to choose which school you go to the school gets to choose whether or not they are going to accept you. there is less choice. >> how is it working for poor kids? >> we work better if we butt more resources into public schools. >> why can't i have the choice to buy a gun in new york city? >> it's not one size fits all. you want the choice to have a cannon -- >> you want to be pro choice on everything? (talking over one another) >> you are not pro choice then.
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>> you are a union supporter. the american federation of tv and art. i am not an artist. i don't want to pay a union. >> you are an artist. you are a television artist. >> i wanted to be judged on my own merits not lumped into geraldo. but i had no choice because new york is a june -- union i work there i have the union. >> the unions historically have fought for weekend, eight hour days, some basic minimum wage for people. the right not to have child labor. >> okay. >> why do i have to, though? >> because everybody benefits. the word sounds like communism but we do work and live in a society where there is a collective well-being and you
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benefit as i have just been mentioning for the things that union members thought so. you get the healthcare all of the things that you get. >> i could form a group of correspondents and negotiate for a pension. >> wouldn't that be some kind of a union? >> it would be voluntary. >> voluntary is better than forced. forced again you use the word force. am i don't know that this is a crowbar to your head. >> if i wanted to work there. >> there is fmutual benefit for all and you have benefited. >> you are fine with government healthcare you want more. >> i want the government to take over healthcare. it should be for all. >> government -- means more government. >> i am not saying erg. everybody should have healthcare, vacation, warm radiator in their residents. we have the resources to do it. we spend all of this money on war no questions asked.
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>> thank you, al len colmes. >> i am not running. >> i should point out republicans are anti choice, too. many are not just anti-abortion they are anti gay marriage anti cub. is it possible to have too much choice? >> they have frappuccino, rap ccino,al chino. and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works.
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symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. john: i called democrats antichoice, pro choice on >> i called democrats they don't let me hire who i want buy guns, not join the union. not buy obamacare. this suggests that republicans while anti choice on abortion are pro choice about most other things.
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they have other things they like to be. why can't i take any i want. >> we all pay for the damage caused by cigarettes and alcohol. should we ban them? >> well we limit them. we restrict them. we don't ban them. we are talking about something that has been illegal we are trying to make legal. alcohol we tried banning that because it was already legal we tried to make it illegal. we are taking about legalizing them. the consequences will be significant for a society as a whole. we will all pay the price for that. >> another example. i am nervous as i agend i will
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be sick i will be in great pain. i would like control to p end my own life when i want to. why can't i? >> it is a difficult question. allotted of people have gone through that and struggled with end of life issues. let's look at what the numbers are on that. assisted suicide has been legal for 20 decades. >> montana, vermont, also washington. >> we have history to look at. in 20-years we have seen an increase in general sue sides up about 41 percent in oregon compared to other states. there are costs associated with that. a lot of times we are talking millions of dollars a year for those who have twried -- tried to end their lives. >> why if i am in horrible pain
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why isn't it my choice? >> it is human life. you say it's your choice. your choice like the choices that we make each and every day have impact on other people. they are so significant. it will effect the society and it will allow. >> let's talk about marriage. what if i want to mary two men and one woman. >> why -- let's talk about why government is involved in marriage? because marriage benefits society. where children grow up with exposure to mom and dad and social sciences overwhelming
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those children do better than others. >> i can't buy on the football game? >> if people want to gamble that's their business, but the government comes a party to it and promotes it and doesn't police it as they should i have a problem with it. >> can i burn a flag? >> i would be opposed to it as the united states supremarine c. there are things we should hold sacred. >> it's a form of protest. >> i think out of respect for those who have given that you should not to. >> i don't but people should have a right to. >> we will disagree there. >> should pornography be banned? that's the consequences --
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>> i think the kaur rent standards is ob skenity should be banned. when you look at the consequences of that. >> should a woman be able to charge money to have sex. a boxer makes money off of his body? >> i do not believe we should de criminalize prostitution. where we see that happening the government wants to promote it instead of regulate it. >> thank you for coming on and answer tough questions. we agree to disagree. next let's cheap this out for a moment and into into the real world. what does choice mean at the end of your life. so much choice. there's all of these choices, do they enhance our lives. i am overwhelmed. no, it doesn't. when we return. my next guest said no, ith. hea.
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>> that song is 22 years old now. we are fussier because we have all of the choices. in any case, choice is a good thing. do we now have too much of a good thing? tomato bash all natural vodka sauce, marinara, pizona. my supermarket offers a gazallion types of spaghetti sauce. >> fire roasted. what the heck is that. is that better than roasted garlic? >> has every other flavor but
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coffee. they have cappuccino, al pacino. >> talking about starbucks. they don't have a flavor called al pacino. here's a book about choice that argues more is less. that's the sub title. the author is psychology professor barry sport. barry, no, more is more. >> well, of course more is more. the question is does more get you more? with the research i summarize in the book suggests is no. three things happen to people when there are too many choices. one is that it is going to be lib grated they can't pull the trigger. they walk out of the grocery with no spaghetti sauce. who if they choose they get bad choices when there are lots of options and lots of dimensions to each option chances go up you are going to make a mistake. the third thing that happens even if you end well you are
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less satisfied. one of the alternatives you didn't choose would have been better than the one you did. >> you want the government to ban the choices? >> you are not a control freak you are just talking about it. >> that's a separate thing. that's in my hat at a political actor or not in my hat as a psychologist. people suffer when there's too much choice. sometimes i think government should play a role. >> i sea people are particle lied i don't see any one walking out empty handed. >> they walk out with less stuff they wouldn't walk out with if there were less choices. >> stores aren't stupid. >> they are remarkably stupid. there is enormous interest on the parts of producers to offer more and more choice in the fight for real estate in the supermarket. pepsi offers 12 different varieties because every inch of
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shelf space is not taken up by coke. >> pair tiradise was the old so union? >> the idea was the amount of choice. you say how much was that? i will say nobody knows. >> i am glad you know why i totally limit these choices. there is one area in my life where i am selfishly bad. television. when i got my start in tv. politicians said they had oh to live with cable tv to protect poor people. it is a threat to free tv. because of the fcc rules i make more money. i work with cbs and abc when they were only able to get 5 channels. millions of you watched me because you had no other choices. bad gad for me, bad for everyone else. they were broad casting the established tv argued competition was bad because it would lower the quality of tv.
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they wanted to give you more choices. >> we must strive to offer the consumer a far greater range of choices. too long broadcasting has been in the grip of a small elite. we must ebb expand and offer more choice. >> katherine at least you have a choice now. it may be complete crap. >> is that your position you have more choice you have more b garbage. you get more good stuff. r5 -- 57 channels nothing on. now there are 800 channels and most of them are worse than crap. they are almost unimaginably bad. but there are more really great options for people. >> going to the extreme example. there are people experiencing
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too much choice in dictatorship. 60 minutes -- >> even a prisoner like me could eat chicken and pork if i wereable to escape the barbed wires. i still think of freedom in that way. people could eat what they want. it could be the greatest gift from god. >> he said food is the greatest difficult gift from god. >> televisioned choice of food that was so great. what is great is being able to eat decent food. if you were stuck with chicken it would have been a vast improvement over what he was getting in a prison. it is a gift from god to be able to drink and eat food. i would never dream of restricting the number -- when
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you give people what they want which is choice, it doesn't make it better off. >> starbucks is stupid? >> how many people going into starbucks order the same damn thing every day. the mod el seems to work. they eep opening the stores people like to go there. >> people like to go to starbucks arguably in spite of all of the options offered. not baud of that i am glad you don't want to out -- outlaw me an my mustache. >> we have to take big money for license practices pink mustache has nothing. do you have somethi?
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>> you may have noticed there's a new thing out there called the internet. some americans have these little thing called smart phones. >> this has change the lives for the better by giving us much more choice. there are now new taxi services called uber and side car that offer alternatives. you book the car on your phone and the driver picks you up. or if you want to make extra money driving people, you now can. i did it for a company called
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lift. >> lift makes its drivers put this ridiculous mustache on our car. it's a marketing gimmick. it also helps the person who wants a pickup spot the car. i had passenger's phone numbers. lift drivers invite customers to get in the front seat. >> where are you headed? >> i could make some money. people get a ride. >> so many people like these new services that you beuber is val $18 million. >> i think it's fabulous. let them fight, go to town. it is causing so much buzz for the disrupters of the world. you don't want more. >> you don't want rules. >> uber and lift are illegal most places. what is going to happen to this extra choice? >> we keep an eye on this with the technology policy program. the companies keep growing but they are illegal.
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>> for far too long they protect consumer interests. they have unintended consequences with higher prices fewer choices, poor quality and no better example of that than tax tee cabs. they are providing consumers with real options. >> that's what consumers like. the taxi companies rightly point out, hey, we have to obey all of these rules to make sure we are safe and licensed and have insurance. >> that's not an excuse for keeping out new innovation or choice. put everybody at a same level in innovating more chances so consumers have more choices. >> right now uber are in 111 cities. two governors vetoed restrictions, tree states let bills die, two pending. they are doing something we haven't seen in business before.
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they aren't saying mother may i they are following permissionless innovation. they are going ahead and doing it. >> they are offering these options and consumers are showing they want those options. a oo they have a million offers maybe i p won't get elected if i don't enforce these rules. >> that's why i am optimistic they will prevail. there is clearly a demand for it. >> there were high prices and this and other arenas. now they are getting these options and they are saying we want more. >> that's great for these internet services but if you want to build a new car or chemical plant or build homes in a new way then you can't do it quickly. >> they can work their magic there as well. you need to give it a chance. >> regulators are not happy. they want to ban the competition and they held the protest.
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>> cabbies lined up their cabs. >> we want to pay big money for licenses we have to get finger printed and have commercial insurance. pink mustache has nothing. >> you want to ban the competition. we are not trying to ban the competition. what we would like is to be competing with companies to follow the rules. >> he is a taxi lobbyist. he is trying to ban competition. >> yeah, they are. they are trying to stop consumer choice. they are trying to say we always had it this way we want to keep it this way. we need to change the rules to consumers not protect the krohn knee industry. >> virginia banned it. germany banned it then they said oops we are not going to ban it. >> consumers fought back and showed their elected leaders they wanted options. >> the sonlife foundation says the taxi industry is spending at
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least $3,000. >> what we are seeing is these companies they want to protect that whef got. they want to lobby the lawmakers to make sure. >> uber fought back with anti ride sharing regulation? no it celebrates the benefits of choice names places like orlando, florida. >> consumer vs. the ability to ta take matters into their own hand. >> thank you. a few more wonderful new options from the sharing economy like shared meals from a stranger's house. >> thank you for having us.
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the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. my treadmill started to dress i mibetter than i did.uts, the problem was the pain. hard to believe, but dr. scholl's active series insoles reduce shock by 40% and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. amazing! now, i'm a believer. >> my big government. loving friends sometimes say what are you whining about? americans voted for big government. democracy is all about choice. if you don't like what the government does you have a choice you can vote them out. this is an election alert. democracy is a sort of free market. we choose our representatives. but compared to a real free market the political process a vastly inferior. we get to vote for politicians once every two or four or six
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years. this is the market a slow clumsy one. in the private sector we vote with our dollars and get to vote often for more stuff. to win our votes businesses must adjust constantly not every four years every day, every minute. competition requires businesses to innovate. also and most importantly politics is a package deal. vote for obama you get obama policy. in a free market we have a million choices. take food shopping there are lots of different super markets with a million different foods and prices. suppose you choose food the way we choose politicians. we get two choices. maybe a third choice of others that get enough signatures on a petition to allow them into the grocery store. basically every four years people vote for donkey or elephants. no matter how you voted you have to eat what the majority picked.
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but in the free market supermarket i can pick an elephant we can pick donkey we each get what we want. government. bure kratsz routinely try to crush this innovation change makes you nervous rm as my last guest side today thanks to the internet today we don't always stop the innovation. it is not uber and lyft. other cool parts of the sharing economy do it, too. >> web sites like eat with and feastly allows cooks to connect with strangers willing to pay and meet with and meet new people for a dinner party in someone's home. >> thank you for having us. >> they don't obey the restaurant regulations but customers choose them anyways. >> cheers, guys. >> cheers. >> likewise new home sharing services if you are visiting new
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york you don't need to pay for a hotel room. you can stay at someone's apartment for less. of course the predictable group, unions, the hotel industry and politicians whom they fund don't like this new competition. they released this individual no that pro poreses to s-- pro pors to say how bad b and b rentals are. >> i am sure some homes are this bad just as some hotel rooms are this bad although the video doesn't mention that. you don't have to stay here. i don't think the anti choice people get their own commercial du demonstrates consumers are protected. hosts and guests review each other. bad rentals like these won't happen again as long as people are allowed to make choices or speak about them. consumers are better off. we must not allow politicians to
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limit our choices. they don't know what we will want. america needs more coffee shops selling expensive coffee. but apparently that's what americans did want. who knew. if we let government pick we have fewer choices. people forget the empty shelves and shortages in the soef eviet union. when we go shopping we don't thank free enter praiprise for abundance of choices. the supermarket is a wonderous thing. the food is unbelievably cheap the aisles are wide well lit. stores open 24/7. they rarely poison us. super markets are american yet we take this for granted. it is part of capitalism.
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next timing you go shopping stop and say thank god for free enterprise and the choice it gives us. that's our show, see you next week. week. julie bandaras. thanks for watching, huckabee starts right now. >> a woman is beheaded in oklahoma. is it work place violence? or is it jihad? >> and young voters about to sway the election and my tearful good bye to eric holder. not really. and big and rich performing tonight on "huckabee". ♪ >> good evening, everybody. i am mike huckabee and thanks for joining us. i have plenty to say about the horrible beheading in oklahoma. a lot has happen this week. president obama ordered air strikes against isis in
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