tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 29, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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is good night from washington. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i made very clear we are not at war against islam. >> not only does the muslim world have something in common with isis, it has too much in common with isis. >> is president obama too soft on islam in general in some americans say yes, including left wing bomb thrower bill maher, we will take a hard look at it. >> the good news is, that you have an unprecedented international coalition that is serious about this. >> serious about what? most of the coalition agents will not even bomb isis inside syria. we'll have a no-spin report on what's really happening in the war on terror. >> do you think america deserves being attacked by
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terrorists? >> how else are they going to get our attention? >> also ahead the crazy aclu getting even nuttier. we sent watters out to document that. >> do you believe in the war on terror? >> i think it's way too broad. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. by president obama and congress are are not not protecting us effectively. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. if you are not troubled about how the u.s.a. is being run, you are not paying attention it. the threat from islamic killers killers is growing and our response is disorganized to say least. even more dangerous than that, is the fact that our government is caught by surprise. time after time after time. the murder of america's ambassador in libya, the obama administration caught by surprise.
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putin's seizure of crimea, big surprise for the white house. isis invading iraq, again, president obama says he and his national security team were all surprised. now, that's simply unacceptable. and the one body that could do something about it is congress. the house and the senate have oversight on the president now he quux himself in office. we have plenty of committees set up to make sure national security is being upheld. but it's not being upheld and everybody knows it. yet, our congress people and senators say little. a few, like john mccain and lindsey graham have been outspoken about the danger to america. they have been vilified by the left as warmongers. in fact, on the democratic side we here gibberish, foolish rationalization or attacks on people like me for pointing out the danger of the worldwide jihad. last night on 60 minutes, president obama stuck by his talking points. >> i made very clear, we are not at war with against islam. islam is religion that preaches peace and
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overwhelming majority of muslims are peaceful. but, in the muslim world right now, there is a cancer that has grown for too long that suggests that it is acceptable tont people who worship a different god. we have to get the international community to recognize this is a problem. we have got to get arab and muslim leaders to say very clearly these folks do not represent us. they do not represent islam and to speak out forcefully against them. >> so let me get this straight. president obama 13 years after 9/11 believes that he is going to get leaders to finally speak out against the jihad? he himself has had had six years to do that and what do we have? very little in the way of muslim nations helping the u.s. against the tastes. so there comes a point when saying we have to get muslim leaders to condemn the jihad
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is simply a waste of time. >> president obama keeps insisting that isis is not islamic. well, maybe they don't practice the muslim faith the same way he does. [ laughter ] but, if vast number of muslims across the world believe, and they do, that humans deserve to die for holding a different idea or drewing a cartoon or writing a book or eloping with the wrong person, not only does the muslim world have something in common with isis, it has too much in common with isis. >> now, that statement is a bit unfair. most muslims are rational, peaceful people, but, muslims abroad are afraid that if they do speak out they will be killed by the jihadists, therefore they look to leaders in countries like pakistan, algeria, and egypt. what do they see? chaos and cowardice. that's what.
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it's not the individual muslim that's the problem. it's the muslim nations who tolerate and sometimes even support the terrorists however, in his interview last night president obama remained positive. >> the good news is that you an unprecedented national coalition that is serious about this. not only do we have arab states participating in air strikes for the first time in a very lock time and being very serious about their commitment, but you have got the united kingdom. you have got france, belgium. >> you have got them doing what? united kingdom, france, belgium and other coalition nations. there are 62 of them out of all of them four will attack isis inside of syria. four. let me repeat. president obama has put together 62 nations that say they don't like isis and willing to help out.
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france or belgium. they won't do it. so that's a weak coalition. a bunch of nations that are talking, but not acting. and why won't they bomb inside of syria? who knows. what's the downside for them? the sad fact is that the united states is the only nation on earth capable of destroying the jihad. china and russia could do it but they will not because they want to see america damaged. china and russia's capabilities are directed towards expanding their power and limiting democracy. not fighting evil. the jihadists well understand the west does not have the will to defeat them. that's why they behead people on camera. they are arrogant. these savages don't fear reprisals because the reprisals are so weak. and that brings me to general george patent. as you may know, i have been promoting my new book killing patent and many interviews ask what general patent would think about fighting the jihad.
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yesterday on abc news, george stephanopoulos and i discussed my idea for mercenary army paid for by the coalition which is obviously not willing to fight itself. george patent's name came up. >> would he really believe in outsourcing our national security like that? >> no. patent would want to just go in himself to do it. if george patent were alive today, he would be saying to president obama, give me the third, i'll go in to syria and i will wipe them all out. and he would. that's what he would do. it's a war wide war against jihad not going to stop. so let's win the war. that's what george patton would say. let's win the damn war. >> that's easy to say, difficult to do. the jihadists are all over the world now. our government is befuddled to say the least. president obama and leaders of congress need to sit down and find out why we are so often taken by surprise when dangerous situations happen. something very wrong here and it's just a matter is of
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time until more americans die because of it. and that's the memo. next on the rundown, brit hume will react. later, some insane guy in oklahoma city who says he is a muslim beheads a coworker, take a hard look at that awful situation in just a few moments. the lightest or nothing. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing.
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hume zone seeing many tonight. new "wall street journal" poll says 72% of americans believe u.s. ground troops will eventually be sent to fight isis. another poll from cnn says it's 60% of us oppose such action. joining us now from washington, fox news senior political analyst brit hume. why what did you think of president obama's interview last night? >> i thought it was a blend of reasonable assertions and sleuth nonsense. >> all right. well let's start with the nonsense. >> i somehow thought you would. [ laughter ] >> all right.
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you are the nonsense thrower. go ahead. >> well, the thing that was most striking, of course, and which has made a lot of headlines today his effort to blame the intelligence community and its leader jim clapper for the failure to foresee the strength of isis in iraq. and the problem be with that is, even if we assume and it's not a correct assumption that there had been no intention to speak of on isis, back in february, isis had crossed the border from syria and captured fallujah and ramirez, -- ramadi, major iraqi. military action in the past so their capacities were unmistakable. that was back in ebb. if so the idea that along comes late summer and isis is sweeping across other parts of iraq and we miss the whole thing is absurd. >> well, it seems to me that president obama was saying, look, my intel guys let me down. that's what it seemed to me. but when -- why didn't you
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fire them. because they are all still working there, aren't they? clapper is still there. >> my own view of that he didn't fire them because they are not the problem. >> but he said he this were. >> i know he did, which i think was -- look, the president is often accused of being weak. and i disagree with that in some ways. but in the sense of being willing to be upfront and a leader and take responsibility he is weak. all right. so he says that we misjudged the isis threat. obviously they misjudged. >> no he said they. >> didn't get the briefings that would knock him into action. as you rightly pointed out, you could see it for yourself when he started. >> headlines, exactly. >> you don't wait 8 months before you put up some kind of resistance when these guys are in. >> precisely. >> when you go back to benghazi. same situation in benghazi. we didn't know. even though there is cable
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showing that hey the libyan americans, they told you, this was bad. well, we didn't really know. and bang, they are dead. all right? and then, okay. crimea, just disappears. you know, look, we either have a tremendous intel problem here and if we do it's a scandal because we are paying billions of dollars to these agencies to protect us or a president who simply doesn't care about it. >> well, the question that's been raised is, how much attention he pays to it. and i think there is no way to know that he receives his briefings on paper, which every president does. most presidents and other people who get these briefings have a briefer come it their office and do it orally for them. and then most presidents have questions. >> kick it around. >> intelligence. these intelligence reports, they raise questions. and when the president asks the question, normally the briefer may not be able to answer it but boy that gets
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back to the intelligence community in a hurry and answers are forthcoming. i would love to know, you know, whether the president was asking questions about what he was hearing about this group. and you see this sort of pattern play out where the president seems eager to deemphasize these things. even as they are happening because he doesn't want to interfere with the story line that says, you know, al qaeda and other terrorist enemies are disseminated and on the run. and when in fact. >> another story line here now, this story line has just emerged in the last month. all right. and the story line is, president obama is incompetent. he can't protect the country. he doesn't understand the threat. he is too slow to take action. same thing, a president who simply cannot control the danger overseas and therefore, is putting all
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americans in danger. that is -- that's the fairive now is it not? >> well, can you view that as a result of incompetence or or are you can view that as a result of ideology that is very important to him that is based -- that has within it the idea that american norris. especially american military force is a problem in the world in the size of the american footprint is a destabilizing factor in the world that brings about terrorists. >> i think that's all gone now, brit. poll numbers are cratering. >> why is he ruling out the use of american ground forces in syria? >> one word. stubborn. >> i will agree -- that's right. but he is stubborn in ice ideological consistency. that's the problem. people say he is weak. is he actually strong that certain way because he is staunchly sticks to these policies even when they are manifestly failing. >> he is going to go down owith the ideological ship
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personal story segment tonight. oklahoma beheading incident. alton nolen will be charged with murder and a variety of other crimes. expected of beheading and after firing at food processing plant. nolen recently converted to islam. obviously people are worried about that connection, especially since nolen gave the isis hand signal in a photo. no matter what he does, the left wing in america will
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down play it. >> i would be remiss not to bring up the story out of oklahoma. it is a story that i read as a work place violence story. >> one of the women, her head is severed but then conference. let's listen for a moment. >> after conducting interviews with co-workers of nolen, information was obtained that he recently tried -- started trying to the muslime of his religion. >> and then that's it. and now this is somehow about islam. >> of course it's about islam. guy is most likely a copycat killer. joining us now from washington mary katharine ham and juan williams both are fox news analysts. it gets to the point, juan, where it's almost a caricature. there is nothing else you can say. or am i wrong? >> no. i think you are right. i mean, look, you can't call
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every abhorrent act done by somebody who is, you know, converted to islam or, you know, you can't say all of it is terrorism. i mean some of it is done by people who are are -- this guy has a criminal history, coke possession, assault on a police officer, a bad personnel record, he had some problems. but to ignore the idea that he recently converted to islam, to ignore the fact that an in an era, you know, last month or two where we have had these beheadings that he then killed somebody by beheading them. that's a very specific act, and then say oh, it has nothing to do with with islam? gee wiz, i think is he a copycat as you said, bill. i think that people who just don't want to see that connection are kind of ignoring what is staring them in the face. >> she is not ignoring it. she is flat out deriding anyone who would make the connection. >> calling us all -- guessing we are all bigots for saying it. >> that's next.
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that's not the fact. the fact is you are seeing a clear pattern. >> when you hear this lunancy. and this is a person who is on a national television program. when you hear this, what goes through your mind? it's willful blindness. it doesn't have to all be about islam. part of the equation. what the fbi is investigating. fact that issue at the press conference. and the fact is there can be a whole discussion between run of the mill tragic work place violence and terrorism that specifically linked to al qaeda or something. in the middle there is levels -- rofls lone wolves inspired by somebody. work place. weight and tends to be one string of religious extremist who's is interested in it. >> to top it all off. the alleged gives the isis hand signal. >> one more point. wait, juan, says he doesn't
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know about that it's captured. >> no. i know about it but i don't see that that is some huge signal. we're not sure what that guy is doing. >> it's a connector. it's a connector. >> i said but look, he had a tattoo for jesus on his arm. another muslim tattoo. what i'm saying to you is that mary cath ren has made the point. the fbi said this is work place violence. they are not sure the motive. nobody is rushing to any conclusion here. >> it's a copycat -- >> -- more the reality. what that woman did, on that other channel, she is trying to avoid what's obvious because it doesn't fit other ideological thinking. >> here's the thing. the same people bill on the same channel are perfectly comfortable jumping to conclusions about say the narrow on this bombing because of nothing more than the date. which you will remember was april 15th. so they decided that that was patriot's day, tax day, something to do with right wing violence perfectly comfortable assigning that kind of violence. >> enough of these insane people. what about the hume
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discussion where i said that things are changing in america right now quickly. and the president is losing credibility in the sense that he can defend the nation. do you think that's true, mary katharine? >> look, i think i would add something to your talking points, something that really has hit close to home literally for the president is which is we got this news today i think from "the washington post breaking discreet service stories about how the guy who ran across the lawn got to the white house beyond the limits. you are looking at the most concentrated most arguably. >> well protected. >> protected area and they can't even concentrate on that successfully. that gives me pause. >> that is just an incompetency if it's true on the part of certain agents. >> how widespread is that incompetency? >> but, juan, the american people are starting to say to themselves and the polls prove, this we don't believe the commander and chief is tough enough to defend us.
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last word, juan, 30 seconds. i don't think that's real. i think what people are saying is i think i saw a poll like this today bill, they say he is a dub. i think is he a dub. i don't think he wants to go to war. he predicated his whole political career of getting us out of war. look, we have had no major terrorist accidents or acts in this country while he has been president. in fact. >> no foreign intrusion. >> it's called work place violence. >> and i think we are safer in many ways. he has dedicated to that. i think that's very clear that's not fair to say about him. >> be dedicated to it and not very good at it. >> the factor moves along this evening, bernie goldberg has some thoughts about bernie goldberg's interview last night on "60 minutes." a police officer shot in ferguson missouri, is it connected to the shooting death of michael brown? kelly has been investigating. we hope you stay tuned to we hope you stay tuned to those repor are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world.
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weekdays with bernie segment tonight. we have been analyzing the jihad threat it season. sth s as you may know, president obama addressed it it last night in his 60 minutes interview. joining us from north purveyor f mr. bernie goldberg. grade it a to f. you give it? >> i went give it an a. i won't give it an f. i will be diplomatic and say it's something in between a and f. let's leave it at that but the real question, bill, you and i have discussed it in
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the past is president obama is very savvy or slick or whatever you want to call it how do you get information from him when you are doing an interview? i think if you even are going to stand a chance, it has to be with follow-up questions. and i think steve croft's questions were fine. the follow ups not so much. give you three examples. on terrorism, as you have discussed earlier. the president said that they were unaware of the threat to isis, how big the threat had become. and he laid that off on the intelligence community. well, croft could have and should have said well, if it's james clapper, the head of intelligence's fault, as you mentioned earlier, bill, why don't you fire him? he could have at least put him on the spot. that's the one. on the economy, the president said when i took office, unemployment was 10%. now it's 6.1%. croft should have pointed out, but, mr. president: a
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big reason for that is that a lot of people just stopped looking for work. millions and millions of them. and if the economy is so much better, how's come over 40 million people are on foot stamps. and why are so many people working part time jobs? he didn't do that when the president said that the economy would get better if we raised the minimum wage, well, croft could have said the nonpartisan congressional budget office says that you would get 900,000 people out of poverty but lose 500,000 jobs. here is one that could have taken advantage of. when the president said if the economy improve. if women got paid the same as men for work. cold front should have said and i would have loved to have been in that interview for that one. mr. president, think about this, if women really aren't getting paid the same as men for the same work with the jail-time job with the same amount of experience, why
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would anybody ever, ever hire a man at all? look at all the money you could say just by hiring women? and, finally, on the midterm elections, croft asked this question: are you optimistic? what are the issues and what are you going to tell the american people? that's nothing but an invitation for the president to give a free campaign commercial. >> which he did. >> which he did. but, to me, look, i know steve croft for a long time i think you know him, too. he is a good journalist. when i was coming up, he was one of the guys on the street that i watched as a competitor and he filed very good reports from around the world. but what they don't do and they do this so they can get access, i think this croft's fourth or gift interview with had. they don't debate him. that's the only way you are going to get. that's you i got the smidgen comment out of the irs with
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him. you have got to debate him. with the isis threat being so intense, all right? you have got to something something like mr. president, isn't it your fault these two american journalists were beheaded? because if you had town ax last march like you should have all of the ice guys might have been dead by now. you have got to be provocative. he desdackets to that. >> you have to be respectful and all the time. >> you are going to lose, is he too goose and and has. >> follow-ups are the i-steve croft is no bill o'reilly. i think both of would you take that as a compliment, okay? >> i'm sure he would. >> can i give you one quick statistic that i don't think i object out there knows about except if you are in the entertainment business? one book ago on the season
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memorial of 60 million people tuned. in 17.9 million. big football as a lead in o o. last night and the football game wasn't as important. lastç night, only 9 million. 9.1 people tuned in. even when you consider the quantity of the the in the football geem that is a lot. what's happening out there and this does not bode well with president obama and the democratic party. with all the commotion, people say i don't want to hear him. i have heard it all already. >> think turn it out. >> in one ear and out the other. i don't want to sit down and listen to this anymore. >> i agree. bernie goldberg, everything, when we come right back megyn kelly. police officer shot in ferguson, missouri, is that
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described as a black male with dread locks. no arrests have been made. and the officer was released from hospital yesterday. with us now the anchor of the aforementioned kelly file seen immediately after the factor. do you think this is pay back? >> this one is strange. it happened under strange circumstances. first, the cops came out o, not the actual cop involved in this but his superior and another superior came out and said, what happened was this officer approached the back of the community center and saw two suspects trying so, a chase ensued and these suspects fired back at the officer, wounding him in the car and then the cops shot them. then without 48 hours the cops had changed their story to well, nobody was trying to burglarize the community center and it wasn't two suspects, it was just one suspect. the shooting happened at some point but we're not exactly sure. i don't know what happened here. >> this is another mess? >> but the suspect didn't get shot, did he?
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>>th suspect didn't get shot he is at large. any event he pulled a gun on a police officer. >> and shot the cop,. >> it doesn't sound like hes would trying to burglarize him. >> the cops shot at him but didn't hit him. >> gunfire he exchanged the suspect what a better shot. >> just as it was in the prior case, the ferguson police are confused. >> that's how it sounds. not one but two superiors came out and gave a story which they then in h. to change within 4 o8 hours. >> this bothers me. >> right. another thing another cop in st. louis was driving along in its oooff cute police car yesterday or two days ago he got approached by three black males in a car who opened fire on his vehicle. i don't know if they knew he was a police officer or not because he was off duty. his car got shot up but that's a on his car. >> that's very. >> it shows you the
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intention. >> the fbi is still down in ferguson. >> do you know where they should be? they should be in minneapolis. >> why? >> that's where homegrown terror is breeding right now. we don't need 4 0 police officers in the street streets of ferguson. we need them at radicalized centers in indianapolis where they are sending people to go over to isis. >> that's a topic tonight on your show. >> new know we cover. >> i know covered it i figured you wanted a plug. tahmooressi sergeant in tijuana prison. going to be evaluated by mexican psychiatrist, right? >> for the prosecution. >> i'm going to predict is going to lead to the sergeant's release. i think that the psychiatrist will come back this is a way out for the mexican government. just my gut. this is what i think is going to happen. >> you may be right on that, bill. tahmooressi has already spent more time in jail than virtually any other officer caught in similar circumstances. he has already served quite a penalty.
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second of all, apparently getting a lot more friendly between the deference attorney and the prosecution. the prosecution and the psychiatrist rode with the defense attorney to see tahmooressi and getting a little bit better. >> we're going to say prayers tonight that sergeant is out this week that the psychologist comes back and says you know he does have post-traumatic stress. >> i think treatment is aggressive you build up the champagne thing. >> cheers. >> what is that? >> what is that. >> bloody mary. >> white wine he doesn't look like macho man to me. >> the gold chain? >> you nt can't commit crowd behind the government and fights all charges. he got charged and put under e gulf coast leaf and five counts of fraud. two in connection with with
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this lawash veash lash priors. hiring physician. team building activities. building bike else sorry boys and girls. not only did he do all of that. >> apparently he was gone all over the world on the beings paradigm at this committing. >> he denies the charges. >> we will see what happens. >> i wonder if prison if they have a bathtub and a little wine. >> probably not. >> maybe in california. >> i'm thinking those days are over for mr. neeley. >> what do you have up. >> all over oklahoma. confrontation at the mosque. wait until you hear what cair is now saying to the kelly file. >> we'll be watching. watters on deck he goes to the aclu conference. lots of interesting things happen to waters, can you imagine if waters shows up at the aclu, come on, in jesse, we're happy to see you.
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he we just want o'reillyly. watters homes away. -- moments away. [ male announcer ] automotive innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪
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back of the book segment tonight. watters world. big aclu conference in princeton, new jersey, who better than to visit than factor producer jesse watters. were the acluers happen to see him? roll the tape. >> i'm thinking about joining the aclu, so i want to know what you guys believe in. >> i think you already are are. >> do you support the war on terror? >> that's a loaded question. >> do you think i'm cute
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private powell? do you think i'm funny? >> terrorism has become such a huge word that i'm not really sure what it means. >> we can't just prosecute a war because we wish to execute everyone who might do us harm. >> do you believe in the war on terror? >> i'm opposed to it i think it's way too broad. isis members beheading americans, what would you do with them? >> nothing. >> we don't have a position on the conflict. >> how could you not have a position. >> we're not a foreign policy organization. >> you are fighting the war on christmas harder than you are fighting the war on terror. would you give these isis butcher civilian trials and give them lawyers. >> i would give them lawyer. >> i feel like i'm taking crazy pill. >> why would we be bending over backwards to make things more comfortable for isis barbarians? >> it's not about being comfortable. you can't try a prisoner of war is hold him until the war is over you. >> would release him when the war is over. >> yes.
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>> isn't that a little dangerous? do you think that america deserves being attacked by terrorists? >> how else are they going to get our attention? >> what is the matter with all of you? >> do you think if we listened more to isis then maybe some the terrorism wouldn't be happening? >> they have got their own very extreme agenda but we have people in this country who have very extreme agendas, very monday mentalists christians. >> i don't know if that's a valid comparisons. >> the people who were killed were just as dead. >> let's call off the operation one of us is crazy and go our separate ways. >> a lot of illegal aliens are are flooding into the united states. what should we do with them? >> let them in. >> do you believe in the border? >> i believe that the border should be enforced. we are not an open borders organization. >> you lock your doors at home, right? >> i do. >> but you don't want the doors locked on our southern border? >> don't worry about it nobody is watching. >> if someone is dealing meth, do you think they should go to prison for a long time?
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>> it's a public health issue. we don't do ourselves much good by locking those individuals up for good. >> punishment deters illegal behavior most of the time but not always. >> if someone dealt meth to one of your family members. >> see them locked up for a long time? >> i'm not in a position to judge that if it was one of my family members. >> somebody selling a little meth on the corner? no, i don't think he needs to go to prison for a long time. >> i think you're wrong about that, but i like you. so we're going to let that slide. >> thank you. >> do you think there should be any restrictions placed on abortion in this country? >> no. if a woman cannot care for a child, i challenge right-to-lifers to step up and adopt that child. >> do you support partial birth abortions? >> -- has been a quiet but well-known thing. >> but that doesn't make it right. you got into a little beef with bill a few years ago. have you recovered? >> has he recovered is the
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question? >> you're rooting for the terrorists to kill or maim americans. if americans leave you are despicable human beings. >> anything you want to tell bill? >> he should listen up on the show. if he'd listen to us more, he'd have a few more of our members listening to him. >> all right. so just set up the professor, that clip. >> yeah. >> why did i get so mad at him? >> that was in the middle of the iraq war and he was saying it's okay to want america to lose in iraq. >> nice. >> he said it was patriotic to dissent. you're saying that's pretty crazy. >> well. >> because americans die. >> right. that was the connection. now, from that, six people, seven people? >> yeah. >> the impression is -- >> right. you don't want these people running things. >> but is that fair to the rest of the aclu members? they have a lot of members. were those people representative of them? >> i think there are 50,000 aclu members. i'm not sure how radical these people are, but if you look at
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the sample, they want to give lawyers to isis butchers. they want to release isis butchers after the war is over. one time i asked do you think people should be locked up after they sell meth, what should we do with them? the woman said we should give them job training. this is crazy stuff. >> but the worst was the infanticide lady. >> right. >> she was basically saying, hey, it's happened. >> right. it happened. >> so it's okay. >> there's a gray area and that's really touchy. i don't know where to go with that one. >> the aclu. you didn't get a membership, right? >> no. >> i hope. >> maybe in the mail. >> put watters on your mailing list. good to see you. >> all right. >> "the factor" tip of the day about dumb people. what do we do with dumb people? the tip moments away.
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our homeland. why does america need others to fight our fight? because american popular opinion is not yet roused enough to support a go-it-alone war against the jihadist, mike. so the president has to do p.r. trying to convince everybody that the world has the will to fight these animals. it does not. but the usa doesn't have the will either at this point. nick, anaheim, california. o'reilly, so no big deal that the president gives a half-salute to a marine. you defend it because he has helped get wheelchairs for wounded vets is that spin? nope. just stating the facts, nick. i did not defend the salute. i overlooked it. my response about the wounded vets was to a letter writer who accused mr. obama of not caring for military people. i do not believe that is true based upon what i have seen. we've raised almost $30 million for the amputees and president obama was in the forefront of
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that. scott, ireland, bill, i looked up your name on youtube and much of the stuff was misleading. they have a video entitled o'reilly, we don't owe anything to homeless vets." as you might know, the net is a sea of libel and smears. that's what many people do on it. they can defame a person and hide in their basement. very noble. joe, cedar hills, utah. bill, gutfeld hit it out of the bark when he described why we in utah are so happy. he's wise beyond his years. and you should listen to him. milan, illinois, o'reilly, tell gutfeld to get rid of those glasses because he looks like a raccoon peering through a coke bottle. kathy, newark, california. will i get a free copy of "killing patton" when i renew my premium membership next month? i don't know how long will keep this promotion. if you renew now and we'll credit you an extra month beca like the book. marie, maryland, already finished "killing patton" and
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already enjoyed. no wonder it is number one. best opening sales of all my books. kathy, springfield, oregon. bill, you are keeping me up nights. can't put patton down. finally tonight, "the factor" tip of the day, how to deal with dumb people. last week we asked you to vote in a poll, do you think an anti-terror mercenary force paid for by coalition nations is a good idea? yes or no? 70% said yes, 30% said no. about 20,000 of you voted. now, that's off my plan posted on about a 25,000-member private military force put together under the supervision of congress, geneva convention, trained by american and nato officers which would confront the jihadists anywhere in the world. well, the left wing's having none of that. people like stephen kolbert mocking the plan. here's a tip, mr. colbert and others of his ilk have no clue
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how to fight the jihad. they don't know anything. and when somebody gets beheaded, their reaction is, oh, that's bad. but by being completely vacant, it doesn't stop these people from mocking ideas that might have some value, might solve some complex problems. because in the world of the ideolog where colbert lives, solutions don't really matter. they feel about things. so, in your life when you confront a person who criticizes you but has nothing constructive to say, run fast. "the factor" tip of the day. and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from also, we'd like you to spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world. o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day -- word of the day. do not prevaricate when writing to "the factor."
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again, thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn warming up in the bullpen. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, it is the first case of a beheading on domestic soil by a man who appears to have become radicalized as an islamist. praising online the cause of jihad. so will it be a case of murder or terrorism in the name of jihad? welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. reports surfacing tonight citing law enforcement not yet independently confirmed by fox news that the suspect was fond of watching beheading videos online. and that is not all. this is "the kelly file" speaks to the suspect's neighbors about his changing appearance and our producer in moore, oklahoma, trying to get answers from the mosque he attended. more on all that in a moment. but
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