tv Red Eye FOX News October 1, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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us. there's no excuse. do you think the government is telling the straight story about ebola or are they keeping something back? vote in the greta tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye," just how crazy do greg gutfeld's not cool book signings get? the newly uncovered footage uncovers the truth. and dogs that can surf. an amazing talent or the worst air bud sequel yet? we debate. and finally, how many times did joe biden ride it's a small world on his last trip to disneyland? >> thousands. thousands. this is not a hyperbole. that's not a hyperbole. >> none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> that's crazy of the. let's welcome our guest. she is brainier than a zombie
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buffet. katherine temph. she is hotter than palm springs which is why old people flock to her. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and his doctor says he probably doesn't have ebola. it is tv's andy levy. and next to me, radio talk show host and columnist and author, dennis prager. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> as we sit in snark is the world going dark? at a website called the conversation a professor wonders if we are on the brink of a new dark age. joseph camelerri points out that russia's actions are creating a new cold war. but then he talks about the problem of cross border flows or really troubling stuff. this includes 43 million displaced persons and 10
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billion dollars worth of arms fueling wars and killing pathogenic flows, things like ebola and other diseases. and countries and corporations to surveil citizens. it lacks the legitimacy to deal with this. what does the professor miss? we here at "red eye" put together what we think is evidence we are headed for a new dark age. jay well that was weird. are we headed for a new dark age or slightly pale? >> dark ages are the norm. americans are spoiled because we have had it so good that they don't understand that the norm is evil and vicious. >> wow. >> that's the truth.
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i am not cynical. it is just naive to think the other way. we bought the notion that people are basically good. it is easily the stupidest idea and the most dangerous idea people can hold. and therefore all of this is a shock. it is no shock to me. and the best country in the world decided to retreat from the world. >> you read my notes. i said a retreat from value and decisions and threats. >> we retreated from the values and we retreated from the ability to use force. if good guys don't fight, bad guys will. >> exactly. we are willingly becoming rome. we got tired of winning. >> we are fiddling. >> what's wrong? are you depressed? >> well, yes, but that's a little irrelevant. most people are just not worried about it. that will let us go into decline more. we have the attitude that we will always be the best and we
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don't have to worry about it. it is like the dude who is the most popular dude in high school. he does president worry about it. he asks the girl to prom and she is already going with vladimir putin. >> i thought maybe it was the high school quarterback who doesn't study because he is the high school quarterback and then he doesn't make the team in college and he gets really fat and starts dealing drugs from his dorm room and he is arrested and then i don't have a finish for that. >> thank you, joanne. how would you survive in a dark age? >> i think i would be the only one who would survive the dark ages. we are talking about this like it is a bad thing. okay, the last one. a lot of positive developments. the birth of university. the first book on algebra came about. the weather was great. it was warming up because it had been a little cold. and with that came the growth in agriculture.
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i don't know why we are focusing on the bad stuff. let's focus on the good. >> the glass is half full of misery. >> or wine. >> in your case it is bourbon. >> that's not going to run out, right? >> that's the great thing about the dark ages. there are so many great medications that can make us feel good. >> the dark ages means -- if it is like the last time it means a lot of moneyness stares and -- monestaries and they make wine. >> maybe i am more cynical because of where i live we are already there. >> i don't know what that means. andy, you would welcome a dark age. >> the problem with the piece is at the end he says all is not lost. not all is bleak. he is a little too much of an optimist for me. i think he makes good points. the end is nye is doom say yes, sirs and they almost always end up wrong and that
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is not a real word. >> the problem with -- you are absolutely right. everything is survived, ultimately. i don't believe in the end of the human rights. it is the amount of suffering people endure until that is over. people say all of the bad guys and the nazis and they all end up defeated. yeah, but in the meantime 100 million people are killed. that's dark. >> well, to me the dark age is the amnesia of a people who forgot how they got there and what -- the sacrifices that were made by veterans so you can get to this area of luxury where you then choose to decline. meanwhile you can see these things like isis which are offering identity, an identity we don't chase. they are giving people who are losers identity. >> meaning. >> and we are -- we are not -- we are forfeiting meaning. we are finding it funny. there is a great article on the decline of cults.
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i don't know if you saw that. the decline of cults sounds good, but in fact it is emblematic of a country that is not interested in looking for answers. that's where cults come from. you have people joining cults, even dangerous ones looking for answers. while the successful people just do nothing. >> we have netflix. >> everyone is very excited. it is a great film and everyone agrees. >> i am glad we added that to the somber discussion. boy i am depressed. somebody's phone is on. it rang in my ear. should an uninvited guest be shot in the chest? members of congress are calling for greater force against fence hop ares after a man with a knife bum rushed the white house last week and made it all the way to the east room. i don't know where the east room is. on tuesday they grilled the director of the secret service about the security lapse. >> i want it to be crystal
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clear. you make a run and a dash to the white house we will take you down. i want overwhelming force. would you disagree with me? >> i want our officers and agents to execute appropriate force for anyone attempting to challenge or breech the white house. >> are we going to explore this further? >> there you go. meanwhile fox has confirmed that omar gonzalez could have gotten further if he wasn't tackled by a secret service agent who was walking through the house. even the secret service dogs were disappointment. abc news reports the team of belgian malanoyes? who cares were trained to attack intruders out of fear they were attacking officers chasing gonzalez. and the secret service cats did nothing. >> intruder alert. intruder alert. intruder alert. intruder alert. intruder alert. >> terrible. they don't do anything. finally another troubling
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incident was reported. a contractor with a gun and three prior convictions for assault and battery was allowed on an elevator with president obama during a trip this month to atlanta. dennis, should agents shoot first and ask questions later? why aren't they? are they scared of something? >> they are probably scared of a lawsuit. imagine -- i hate to say this, but imagine if the person were of color and the agent was white. you might have the usual statements that there was a racial element. or if the person were muslim it may be profiling. that's one of them. they do feel that their hands are tied. the bigger issue that they did nothing. they didn't shoot a secondary to nothing, and then the director of the secret service goes before congress and says i accept full responsibility, but i will stay in my job. everybody else will stay in their job. what does that mean?
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really what do the words in this administration of i accept full responsibility mean? >> it means can we move on? it was a big screw up. there will be another one next week. and it will blow this one out of the water. this will look so stupid when you see what happens next week. katherine, the family wasn't there at the white house at the time. should the secret service still have shot even if the family wasn't there? or did they do the right thing by letting the guy go in because nobody was in there. >> they tackled him so that is a strong statement. don't go in the white house, you may get tackled. i'm always so shocked to hear about these secret service scandals. i feel like they normally do a pretty good job besides the prostitutes and the getting drunk. they only have like a $2 billion budget and 6500 people? give them a break. >> i think we are being too harsh on them. >> they don't have the resources. >> the dog, a disuh --
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disappointment? what is the point on having a guard dog if you are afraid they will attack the wrong person. >> what do you expect? >> that's not the segment. you are saying the dogs are not bright. >> i'm sure the dogs are great. it is a little weird to me that they wouldn't be trained to not go after the agents, but i don't know what i'm talking about so maybe you can't do that. i don't know. >> it just seems weird. the elevator thing is unreal. a guy with three assault and battery convictions is on an elevator with the president and he has a gun, and the secret service didn't even know he had a gun until the whole thing was over. someone has to be fired for that. >> there is another question. why is anybody with three assault and battery convictions no the in jail? >> beyond that this was at the centers for disease control.ç they hired a private security contractor who hired a guy. you can't do that.
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i guess it is not a big deal. it is not like anything that can cause the end of humanity is stored at the cdc. >> exactly. >> maybe off your security profile a little better. >> if obama had trouble sleeping before because of all of the turmoil in the world, he must now be wondering who is out to get me? >> apparently nobody is. that's the whole point. >> i is there something else going on? i would not be able to sleep. >> it is incredible that the person that stopped him was off duty. >> that's right. the operative element. >> he is one of those nerds that goes into work. >> no, he was just showing the family on to their plane. they had just left minutes before. >> i am not buying that. >> it was an inside job. >> he takes care of the girls. >> it is not meant as a
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sarcastic question. is it permissible to note that the agent that he tossed over was a female? >> no, you can't say that. >> you can't say that. i know what you mean, but you cannot say that. >> jessibell is mad. >> the "washington post" pulled that. their original version said a female agent and rewrote it and took out the word female. >> see, my solution -- >> don't look at me, dennis. i didn't do it. >> you totally approve it. >> it was problematic. >> and why is no one focusing on the gender of the dog. >> you are just saying. that's good. >> i am just saying. >> are you not making judgment. you are just saying. >> why haven't they talked about the gender of the dog. that's good muscle mass. you never know. i will go back to my solution from last night. we need to impeach the president to keep him safe. people are out to get him. if we impeach him, he will be safe. this is crazy. i don't think the white house or anybody really thinks it is
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that big of a deal. if something were to happen, our country would be in chaos. if something were to happen because there is so much division and so much conflict going on, that if something happened, we would be -- this country would be on fire. >> the conspiracy theories that would come out after something like that would be unbelievable. >> that's the saddest thing you can say though. >> i'm sorry. >> that they would be -- we all think they would be rioting and that's a very sad statement. >> maybe we are wrong. >> let's do something else. can books compete with bots? well, the library is now a place of learning. that's true. the west port library has acquired two humanois -- humanoid robots. here is a lady talking. >> in the past we have welcomed welcomed -- libraries welcomed personal computers for people to touch for the first time in the 80s. it is natural to keep going and to say what do people need to know about.
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we decided robotics was the next disruptive technology. >> apparently it has been an itch. as the wall stree journal reporter explains, the robot can do many things. >> the robots can do many things including recognize faces, respond to verbal commands and right themselves after a fall. the library plans to debut the robot on october 11th and programs and workshops will follow. >> the children are so mean to that robot. >> i'm sorry. >> meanwhile, the company is developing robots to teach dogs basic arithmetic. >> i didn't see much instruction there. dennis, will this bring the kids back to the library, or will the kids just go there to
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torture the robots because they are obviously going to be very vulnerable? >> i don't get this thing. i read it. you guys sent it to me. i read it twice. i september -- sent it to my wife and i sent it to my producer. you just read it and i still don't get it. what will a robot do at the library? >> that's the point. >> oh. >> you got it. >> the library is where all of the firsts occur. the first place we had computers and the first place men were masterbating at the computers. >> oh i missed that. >> nobody goes to libraries anymore. maybe except robots. >> then that is sad. if that's what it takes to get a kid to the library. >> are you saying it is the first place to have robots and then the first place to have men masturbating to robots? >> it is. could robots become as boring as the libraries themselves?
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>> more than they are already bore ?g i would want to stay away from the library if they had these robots. they can sing and dance and speak 19 languages. i am a scorpio. i would just be jealous of their talents. think about how they would take our jobs. >> yes, but shouldn't they -- don't they deserve it? they are robots. they don't have a lot going for them. they should take our jobs. >> no, they shouldn't. they are robots. they are the product of nerds. nerds are always taking our jobs. >> i think it is a good thing, andy. the robots can pick themselves off the ground. that makes them far different than you. >> did you see how long it took? it is like an old jewish robot. don't name -- vincent and nancy? it is like naming your dog bob. >> give them a number. >> and traditional genders. >> no, i want them a number. >> maybe it is not sure of its
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gender. >> that would be from 2014. >> the robot should decide its own gender. >> and their own bath -- bathrooms. there haven't been incidents of robots trying to kill children yet. >> it may start with vincent and nancy. they were not made in this country. they were neighed in france. so while i already don't trust technology, i really don't trust these ones. i am not american. >> why do we need french robots? they are just going to walk backwards? >> humans are not allowed to talk in libraries. >> so wait a minute, after all of the discussion i still don't know why it is done. >> all right, here is the reason. on "red eye" we try to do five red eye stories a week. i like robots. i like mythical creatures. if i can put them together it is heaven. i would like a robot unicorn,
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but it is not going to happen. there will be a time when robots will kill a person and then we will be discussing the what do we do then? it will be like the 15th century when we can put them on trial. >> you kill the robot maker. >> there you go. >> you execute the robot maker. >> when a pig was arrested in the 15th century for killing a child would you have the pig owner killed? >> no, but -- actually there is biblical law on this and i am a fan, but if the same pig killed a number of people, the owner is liable. >> kill the pigs. coming up, wet wipes, a great way to quickly clean up messes or tools satan made for innocent children. how much time can one president spend on the golf course? not enough in my book. seriously, i have a book. it is called "not cool" check it out.
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he is putting while they are plotting. yes, president obama golfs while our enemies grow. according to the daily caller, the president spent 800 hours whacking balls since 2009. during that time he spent roughly 700 hours in presidential daily briefings. that's a difference of800 minus 700. it is 100. in fact the government accountability institute report found obama has only attended 70% of the briefings this term. the white house does not dispute these numbers, but why would they? instead they claim he prefers the briefings on something called an ipad. i have yet to see one of
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those. this could happen. >> as always we are joined by our audience panel of experts. a show of hands, how many of you were able to break free from the handcuffs ? i should put those on better next time. i go to the cheap place. dennis, maybe it is not that he misses so many briefings. maybe he is not missing enough briefings. >> to give you a truly serious answer i don't think he gives a hoot about foreign affairs. he announced that his task was to fundamentally transform the united states of america. that's all he is interested in. foreign briefings don't matter because he is an i'd logical president. his task is through the united states. therefore what intelligence has to say is largely irrelevant to his agenda.
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he has two agendas, transform america and leave the world. why would an intelligence brief matter? >> you know i always say this was not his major. he treats this like a college. it is not like i am majoring majoring in foreign policy. >> or minoring. >> i am into the temperature and not terror. >> he is auditing the class. >> i never like people who audited classes. i don't want to be there. why are you there? katherine, if you miss 40% of your days at work, would you be fired? >> yes. but maybe obama doesn't want to go, or maybe he doesn't know. maybe he finds out later when he is googling himself on his ipad. is it his fault or the fault of these intelligence officials that are not making hill want to go? maybe they should not just bring knowledge, but bring bagels. >> bagels could be the solution to all of our foreign policy problems.
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>> that's true. breakfast meetings are terrible until you have freshly squeezed orange juice. and maybe some of the pocket breakfasts. >> there are flavored cream cheese and i consider it a win. >> i think you have so many answers. it is a shame about the mental illness. joanne, you only attend 40% of your classes when you went to college. are we being too hard on the president? >> there is one difference. college you can do it year after year. as long as you can keep throwing money at them they will keep accepting you. you can only be president once or twice if you are lucky. >> three times if you are president obama. >> that's true. wouldn't you want to be as informed as possible and do the best job possible since you get one shot to be president? >> like dennis says he only wants to do it internationally. >> it is a nuisance. >> it is in his way. >> isil is a nuisance. >> he is transforming the
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country. basically do we have an off duty president when it comes to national security? >> i don't want to crap on y'all's fun parade, but if the white house is true that he reads the daily intelligence briefing instead of having it read to him, isn't this a big nothing? >> say he is supposed to interact with the people. >> i get that. >> has he been reading it? >> i'm sure -- look, look, don't get me wrong. he should be impeached for this. i am not arguing. but the intelligence briefings are boring as hell. what the intelligence chief needs to do is instead of sitting there going in syria today -- maybe a puppet show? a mime is always a hit. >> no, no. >> you would be surprised. >> you have to show up to your own party. even the clean up. i know it is not fun, but you have to go. >> there is one other matter
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here and it goes without saying. >> chem trails? >> no. >> that is the stag earlying appeal of golf. >> why? >> i am not kidding. i believe it has the same allure as cocaine. >> you are right. there is constant room for improvement just like cocaine. >> that was not exactly how i feel. >> he will be out of office in two years. doing his job, whatever? if he wants to play on the senior tour he needs practice. >> he has a pretty high handicap. he is not a good golfer which is weird for the amount of time he does it. maybe it is good he practices. maybe it shows initiative. he founds something he likes. i will move on now. >> we are talking about golf.
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>> i tried to play golf. i tried, and it didn't work out. i got angry. and then i would get drunk and then angry and drunk. >> it is hard to putt when you have to hold the putter over your head. >> that was not necessary. coming up, a school bans leggings? they may as well ban apple pie and monster trucks. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is a society of the super pack. left handed people are a mistreated class. we are discriminated against with a limited choice of power tools and scissors. every 27 seconds a left hand is struck with a ruler. let's work together to right this wrong.
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not want to distract. they compared their attire to julia roberts. to drive the point home a teacher reportedly said their leggings make them look like, quote, prostitutes walking the streets. i don't think she meant that as a compliment. teens need guidance and i think i know who can help them. yes. welcome to teen corner. i am your hot host or as teens like to call me, double g. before i start raping with teens i want to read a letter with a teen fan. dear greg, we are the pensacola bloapt -- police department. your cat suit is being to smell and the device with the adjustable speeds is a workplace hazard. if you don't pick it up we will just skip that one.
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you are supposed to get teen letters and not the formal letters. i am embarrassed by this. geeings -- jeggings, for, against, ambivalent? >> it is a war, so you have to take a choice. >> i am pained by a reaction that you didn't happen to read on the air of a woman who said the boys need to learn to control themselves. i would like to know how she would react if somebody said about women with postpartum depression, they should just learn to control themselves. we are engineered to react visually to the female body. there is no such -- you can control your behavior and boys should. that's why we don't rape. control what? control not being distracted? >> i think teenagers who have postpartum depression in high school need to control themselves a little more. >> they say it is not
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controllable. whether it is or not, the point is there is no such thing. what does it mean to control? you can't control a hormonal or adrenaline reaction to something. you can control your behavior. a lot of women don't understand men on this. i don't blame them. there is no analogue. women don't check out -- >> wait, then what have i been reading? >> with regard to what? >> men. i thought i understood them. i read cosmo. >> you know to show you how bad cosmo was i had a monthly column there when you were like 12 or maybe not even. you maybe weren't even born yet. >> i couldn't read yet. >> you just learned a few months ago. congratulations. hooked on phon -- phon nicks worked. what is the real problem? the girls's wardrobe or guys being distracted as dennis said maybe is part of their nature. >> this is very important.
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as we all know there is a lot of problem with the education system. i am so glad we are finally tackling the important issues like jeggings. this is why we don't have enough young men achieving their dreams. the school by jegging shaming is clearly doing the right thing to make sure everybody gets -- >> what is the difference between a jegging and a legging? i don't know. >> greg was telling me earlier. >> it is not just the spelling, dennis. let's go to the graph. it is not ready?3ip
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>> i am going to share with you a piece of data that blew my mind. i the professor in indiana, this was like 20 years ago on my show . guess what profession of males is the group least likely to remarry after divorce. high school teachers. >> because of leggings? >> what does that mean? >> it is fascinating. what does it mean is a fair question. it means these guys are around young women all the time whom they find attractive. >> wow. >> maybe they just don't fall in love again. >> maybe they don't. >> so you are saying they become too obsessed with younger women? >> yes, yes. >> that's a crazy fact. i am going to use that at a party. you know what i will say? i will totally say a doctor friend told me that.
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i will totally adopt that. >> okay. yes, it is an amazing fact. i will send you the e-mail about the guy who did it. >> make sure you are not talking to educators. >> or somebody married to an educator. that's a crazy fact. >> isn't it? >> they conclude -- it is just that that's their hypothesis? >> what else is there to conclude from? they are sur round -- surrounded by young women all the time. college teachers are the next group. they don't have realistic visions of women. they are distracted. >> they have warm loving teacher hearts and they can only love once maybe. >> that's beautiful. >> they are like swans. do you know in england they say swans can break your neck? >> what does that mean? >> i don't know. >> by doing what? >> a swan in england is a taxicab. >> no it is not. what happened? coming up, we will talk about something that happened on a plane. we will not do this story
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this time it was called -- you laugh, joanne, like you know. no, this time it was caused by ultra religious jews on an el al plane whose refusal to sit next to women caused a delay in takeoff and disrupted the entire flight. >> 11 hours. >> this is like the earlier story. anyway, the group of around a hundred demanded that other passengers change seats to accommodate their belief that men and women should be segregated and delayed takeoff by standing in the aisles to avoid sitting. they eventually agreed to sit in their assigned seats so the plane could leave, but they caused more disruptions during the flight by clogging the aisles where they were standing and praying. said one passenger, quote, i went to the bathroom and it was a mission impossible. the noise was endless. it is like me after eating at chipotle. andy, i will go to you first. you claim to be jewish, but i think it is just to get the holidays off.
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go ahead and defend your co religion. >> god, no. these are the jewish version of islamis its. >> really? >> without the violence. it is a town in england and they tried to put up signs saying women shouldn't walk on this one side of the street and finally the other townspeople had to take the sign down. i don't want to say most jews don't like it, but most don't. polls in israel show they are the most hated groups there. there is a small sect that actively supports hamas. >> i don't know anything about them. >> i know a lot about them. i am a nonorthodox religious jew which has confused a lot of jews, but that's what i am. it is embarrassing. what can i say? it is embarrassing. >> i am not that -- i don't consider myself sheltered, but i don't know anything about this. >> how did this just become an issue when they got on the plane? that's what i don't understand. how did they not realize
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sometimes dl are women on planes. >> exactly. >> what is this? they allow women on the plane? >> they act shocked. >> my brother has a peanut alber gee and we inform the airline beforehand. >> does he have a really bad peanut allergy where you go -- >> yeah. >> that's not a good thing. >> i almost killed him when i was 3. i spread peanut butter on the floor. >> because you wanted to -- >> we need something to eat it off of. >> there is a temptation among pious people that for whatever reason that sexual matters are obsessive. there is no moderate line drawn, and it is very sad. >> you know, and it is one of the things that destroys places. what is happening with isis, they are attracting isolated men . it is like men who can't deal with women. in their ideology they have to put women in a certain place. >> but it is more than -- it
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is the demand that the world conforms to their belief system. >> that's why i said they should charter a flight. charter a plane and that's the end of the issue. >> joanne, thoughts? >> i thought it was interesting. as they were trying to figure out where everyone was going sit they offered the women money to move. i would have taken the money. >> you might have moved for free. >> i like to drink heavily on flights and i don't need someone else judging me for doing that. how can you live in today's world where genders are so blended and still expect to be served the way that you think is right? at least call ahead if you are going to do something. >> call ahead is my rule for everything. we have to take a break. coming up, it is sex week at college which makes no sense to me. if you have videos to animals send them to us. fox eye. stick around. that's a green arrow. kind of scary.
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>> they put the ass in class. the university of new mexico is hosting a workshop on campus. it talks about three-somes and how to be a gentleman and still get laid. conservative students are bothered and not in a good way. one noting, quote, i see it as a way to push the nonconsequential sex on students. they say all of my classes teach uh buts -- adults better communication skills and do so in a nonfear-based and -- i love this, educating surrounding. good use of tax dollars? >> it is a perfect follow-up to the guys on the plane. that is the right wing religious fanaticism. they are both op successed
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with 6. obsessed with 6. the trick is a nice middle road. >> that's what i say on sundays. >> i have a collection. does a guy calling himself a sex geek make himself sexier? >> no, but the only thing that is not as sexy as that is who ever is attending the negotiationings cash -- the negotiations they say they will bring a man in to teach him about sex sph it -- it will help him have a normal, healthy sex life? >> that is puppetist. >> you are pup pell shaming. puppet shaming. >> you know what, you are shame shaming. >> you are shame shaming. >> once again if the intelligence chiefs would take
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a cru -- cue and go to president obama. say they were sexy. >> we need more puppets everywhere. would you attend any of these workshops? >> no. especially not with camera phones. i can imagine being in there and somebody asking a question and then recording it and then everyone on campus knows you are a -- knows your fantasy or your question about a disease. >> negotiating a threesome? isn't that rape culture? if you hit on a girl and she doesn't say i want to have sex and that is rape culture. now they are saying if you don't think the school should be teaching people how to say no, let me negotiate you into this, you are the -- >> it is the girl who gets the third. >> i don't know. i don't know. >> 20 seconds left. >> i no taxpayer dollars here. i will throw that argument out. this is the same thing as
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breaking tonight, the terror army known as isis has advanced to the outskirts of baghdad. facing a weak and fearful iraqi army just miles away from possibly grabbing its biggest prize yet. welcome to the kelly file. i'm megyn kelly. it was then president obama described isis as jv. since then we have seen the jv squad capture mosul, tikrit and ramadi, establishing a territory the size of the united kingdom. now that group also controls most of the suburbs to the northwest and south of baghdad. they have been testing the troops there defending that
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