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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  October 1, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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diagnosed with the deadly disease is in isolation in the hospital. >> the question is will it spread? what did the cdc saying this morning? >> start with the patient. the cdc is looking at the patient studying the patient as well. he was diagnosed with ebola traveling from liberia to dallas. the president was briefed on the matter. he is being treated at dallas presbyterian hospital. the centers for disease control and prevention says the man is critical as well. >> they have no symptoms when departing liberia but four or five days later they began to develop symptoms.
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>> there are no other suspected cases in texas and there is minimal risk to the general public. it is concerning to those living in dallas. >> it is right here in dallas. what are you going to do, makes you wonder about traveling on a plane. >> any disease that gets here is ultima ultimately safe. >> they are contacting friends and family who may have had close contact with him. crew members are being isolated as well. so far none have shown any symptoms. meantime the ambulance that was used has been decontaminated. heather? >> kelly wright, thank you very much. >> who is at risk, what do you
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need to know to keep safe. >> the question everybody is watching we listened to the news conference yesterday, why should we not be concerned that it is going to spread across america now that we have an ebola case here? >> fortunately ebola is harder to catch than a lot of diseases we have like the flu for example. it is not transmitted through the air. it hadz to be transmitted through body fluids sal laif view -- saliva, blood. the people on the plane are not at risk. we have better infection precautions in the united states than africa. the facilities have multiple patients in one room. they are able to keep track of people more closely and less risk of it spreading. >> i know it is at risk of spreading when the victim is physically showing symptoms. that is when other people can catch it. you mention bodily fluids.
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what about if someone coughs? >> coughing would not be considered a bodily fluid. sneezing you can image a situation where you have saliva on your hands. if they had any opening in the skin potentially it could happen. it is not likely. we are seeing this more among family members who are dealing with contaminated linens of these patients and things like close, close contact. >> my other question is how do we know this patient contracted it in liberia and did not contract it from someone else on the plane coming from liberia but wasn't necessarily showing overtly evidenced physical symptoms? >> what they are doing in liberia where ebola is endemic any one with a fever is not
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allowed on the plane. you can't transmit the virus when you have a fever and are not showing symptoms. more than likely the question contracted it in libya. >> with parents sending kids to school what should they be on the lookout for? >> high fever temperatures above 101 is.are /* -- 101.5. it is fall. we are seeing some of those symptoms. someone who came in contact with this person, body aches vomiting and a rash those are other symptoms as well. >> a lot of people concerned about this today. >> the intruder who jumped the fence and made it to the east room armed with a knife is due in court today. this as the secret service comes
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under the microscope. we are live in washington where lawmakers are demanding someone be held accountable. leland? >> the hits keep on coming for the secret service. everyone agrees there has been at least two major security breeches in the past month. some call them out and out failures. there is so much debate on capitol hill as to who should be held responsible and what exactly held responsible means. in yesterday's hearings they questioned julia pearson. >> intruder walked in the front door of the white house. >> we are outraged with how this came to pass. that is why i asked for a full review. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you protected your reputation here.
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>> this is not a democratic issue this is not a republican issue this is an american issue. this is an issue of national security. >> at least one lawmaker now says president obama should fire pearson saying not only the fence jumping incident but his elevator where a felony record was allowed on an elevator with the president while carrying a gun. no one would have known about this had the contractor not refused to take camera pictures of mr. obama. the culture of the secret serviceman knee say moral has fallen drastically and there was a breakdown of protocols later today. the ladies and gentlemened fence jumper is in court and his story waffled many including the revelation he made it all of the way inside the white house. that leaves us to -- leads
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us to look who is talking. the problem starts from the top. >> it is amazing it is lax not doing his job and is absolutely out of control. the secret service is a breech which is a guy who ran across the white house lawn a few months ago is tourism walking outside the gate. the problem is not outside the gate it is inside the gate and the failures of multiple ones that occurred all happened inside the gate. that is where you have to take action. i think it starts with the culture in washington where no one is accountable for anything. >> let's keep talking about this subject. does the military need to keep over for the secret service? log on for a live debate #keep talking. they have the right man. aaron lewis the 33-year-old charged with the murder of a
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real estate agent is the only suspect in the case. he revealed another person's motive in a live interview. >> do you do you explain what happened? >> air force has military bases. >> why beverly? >> it police questioned this trevor but they say he is not involved. lewis pleaded not guilty to the murder of beverly carter. he could face the death penalty. >> manhunt for the muj tive eric -- fuj tifr eric frein. they found pipe bombs he left behind. they were left behind in a hurry. officials spotted the accused cop killer in the last terrifying moments. >> terrifying moments when a
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teen opens fire takes off and is on the run for hours. students pouring out of the high school one by one with their haendz on their head. one student shot but is expected to be okay. >> i even seen my friend he sta running. my teacher grabbed me. >> think arrested the ladies and gentlemened shooter hours later. his motive not known at this point. hours earlier a student shot a classmate an argument led to that shooting. >> the mayor of bell garden california shot dead. police say his wife pulled the trigger. she and crest bow a got into a fight. he and his father ban fighting that's when crespo shot her husband several times. she was taken into custody questioned and released overnight.
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no charges are filed. >> three hackers plead guilty to stealing $100 million in u.s. army and xbox technology. they are part of a 4 man hacking team accused of hacking into microsoft computer system and stealing helicopter simulation software for the army. the two other men charged have yet to enter a plea. >> the first confirmed case of ebola. jolene kent is here. >> shares of companies working on ebola treatment spiked in early trading after the cdc said there was a first case of infection here in the u.s. take a look at the tech mura pharmaceuticals. that was up 23 percent yesterday in after hour trading and biotech therapeutic and bio
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crisp pharmaceuticals. they make drugs to treat infectious diseases. wireless internet and cellular access can interfere. it dislays crucial data like altitude information and navigational data and cost thousands of dollars each. faa says replacing all units is expected to cost airlines nearly $14 million. how about a little pop and fizz in your granola bar. pepsi is applying for a patent to put candy like pop rocks into your next chew which granola bars. they want to put it inside the bar or in the chocolate coating. so much for the healthy snack. >> they are dow is mixed going into the top of the open. >> he beheaded a co-worker while
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shouting arabic words. but it wasn't ter nichl. what police say was the real motive. >> panning all announcers of saying redskins. the right call or out of control. >> a boy missing for 14 hours found safe. how a reporter covering the story managed to save the day. >> going out the door there's a quick look at weather going across the country.
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>> the suspect in the beheading alton knonolen has been charged.
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>> we have the clear picture of the horrors that went on inside the facility here in oklahoma last week. the district attorney now says the suspect had been in an argument with his co-workers earlier in the day over race. they ladies and gentlemenedly, the co-workers turned him into human resources. when hr confronted 30-year-old alton nolen and suspended him for a few days authorities say he was escorted off the property, went home, got a knife and returned to exact revenge on the people felt betrayed him. they backed off the initial story he had been turned in for trying to convert people to islam. however, listen to this new bit of information that came out in the press conference with the district attorney. >> he was using arabic terms during the attack. ternlly that is one of the reasons the fbi is vooved foint
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in time. >> the suspect remains in the hospital. once he is released that is when he will be formally arraigned. district attorney says that could happen as early as today. depends on his condition. >> that is casey stegall reporting. >> the sister of the boston bombing suspect is stuck in jail. she couldn't get the cash to post her $5,000 bail from her court hearing. she is accusing her ex of a bombing attack. they saw her driving past her ex's house in harlem. the judge says she has a history of missing court dates. controversy on a college campus after students have a convicted cop killer speaking at their graduation. he has spent time behind bars for murdering daniel falkner.
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marine falkner daniel's widow is outraged. >> oo murdered my husband with malice and free meditation. he is evil. what does he have to offer? >> the graduating students speak to issues important to them. >> his speech has been preworded by prison radio. >> the nfl admitting refs got it wrong flagging chief's safety abdullah for celebrating a touchdown with a muslim prayer. excessive celebrations including going to your knees get automatic penalty but players routinely thank god after scoring touchdowns. the league now clarifying there is an exemption for players going to the ground for religious reasons. >> jimmy kimmel is putting you
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at risk. kimmel was posted as the most dangerous celebrity. if you search his name there's a 19 percent chance you will land on a web site that has a virus. >> it is 19 minutes on the top of the hour. they are here illegally but they are giving border children attorneys all funded by you the tax payer. you will never believe how much it is going to cost. >> do you have a class of wine to unwind before bed? is big mistake. bad habit. it is draining your energy.
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ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread.
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>> welcome back. british airplanes conducting air strikes in iraq. british planes bombed an isis weapons facility. turkey is debating sending troops as isis closes in on a town along the syrian turkey border. a flood of more than 150,000 refugees fled to turkey as isis gets closer. they are targeting isis positions in that region. >> intel forget that it's tea time. the daily crawler crunching the numbers he has spent more time playing golf than attending intelligence briefings. he has played 97 rounds of golf totalling 788 hours. he has only gone to 857 briefings adding up to 700
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hours. peters sounding off on "hannity." >> i can tell you in my own career intelligence there's nothing like a face-to-face briefing. because you really make eye contact whether it's the president orale, congressman. you can read them and tell when you are losing them. they can ask questions. not only doesn't obama ask questions which is vital, but he doesn't seem interested. >> the white house saying the time spent in briefing doesn't account for the president's focus on intel reports. ainsley? >> 18 time olympic gold medallist michael phelps apologizing after his dui arrest the most decorated olympian of all times because pulled over failing a field soeb brightest. he had just finished an 8 hour gambling session phelps tweeting this. i understand the severity of my actions and take full
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responsibility. i know these words may not mean much right now but i am deeply sorry to everyone i have let down. this is his second dui arrest the first back in 2004. tracy morgan firing back at wal-mart after they blamed him for the injuries he suffered when their truck driver plowed into him. he was not wearing a seat belt at the time. he said after i heard that wal-mart said i felt i had to speak out. i can't believe blaming me for an accident they caused. my friends and i were doing nothing wrong. >> time to brew on this. the fcc considering banning the term redskins. broadcasters would face a fine if they stayed on air. >> this after a petition was filed causing a radio station to be stripped of the broadcasting license for using that term. he thinks the use of the term is
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inappropriate. >> we want to know is this the right call or out of control? is send us your comments on facebook, twitter or an e-mail at "fox frien -- they are caught stealing bags right off the carousel. then they are walking away. >> you have heard about brain boosting foods? what about beer? the new benefits. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible...
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the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it.
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>> fox news lart. it is here on american soil. the first case of ebola daying
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nie diagnosed in dallas, texas. how is spread and who might be at risk. he had a gun three felony convictions and he rode in an elevator with the president. brand new secret service stunner as it calls for a change at the top. >> a grandmother taking the internet by storm. >> mimi, there's a rain bow hitting your house. i think you have the treasure. >> "fox & friends first" continues right now. >> good wednesday morning. it is october the 1st. we have on our shades of pink in support of breast cancer month.
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>> let's get do the fox news alert. the first case of ebola. >> the big question, will it spread? kelly wright is here with more. >> even president obama has been nose fied with the first ebola case in america. the unidentified man recently traveled to iberia showing no symptoms of ebola. several days after his arrival he became critically ill. he was rushed to presbyterian hospital where he is being treated in an isolation unit. they are monitoring his relatives or any one who may have had close contact with him.
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>> earlier in the show right here on fox and friends first er nurse sadie bowl law is not an easy disease to catch. it is not transmitted through the air. it has to be transmitted through bodily fluids saliva and blood. it is harder to catch. people on a plane with this gentlemen are not at risk. we have much better infection precautions in the united states than they do in africa. >> someone may have ebola and not know it because symptoms could appear 21 days after exposure to the virus. out of the abundance of caution the ambulance crew members transported this ebola patient to the hospital. they are being isolated so far. the ambulance they used is being contaminated. >> don't forget to wash your
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hands. >> brand new secret service agents letting an ex-con ride the elevator with the president. this after a man hopped a white house fence and made it inside is about to face a judge. doug luzader is here wither mo. >> this has been one problem after another. this latest incident just came to light this after the news that they allowed the president to ride shoulder to shoulder with felon. the secret service began to take him to centers of disease control to talk about the owe beal law virus. the agency over looked what turned out to be a growing threat an armed security contractor with a criminal record allowed to ride an elevator with the president. have a violated a number of security protocol. that breech came to light
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yesterday after the director of the secret service was trying to defend her agency from tough questions from the likes of jason. >> i didn't know about the incident. i wanted to know if she would be open candid and honest. i don't think theshe was. i think it is time she be fired the president or she resign. what she did talk about is three-days after the elevator threat when a man walked ran across the white house lawn and went in an unlocked door. >> we are outraged how this incident came to pass. that is why i have asked for a full review. it is obvious mistakes were made. >> how often have you heard that mistakes were made. omar gonzalez will be in court
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later today. thank you for the update. former secret service agent dan bongino calling for better leadership at the agency. >> there is a small group of cabal secret service members upper level managers who have been there for a long time that have frankly decimated the agency. moral is purple. i don't know if they are preparing for their second careers but they have destroyed the moral of the secret service they are infuriated and enrageed by the lack of leadership and lack of ability to stand up with the staff they need to fix this. >> let's keep talking about this. does the military need to take over the secret service? and facebook page after the show #keep talking.
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>> a dang ruerous recovery miss happening on the volcano in japan. the death toll now 48. this as more tremors raise concerns for another eruption. most of the concerned are hikers. >> self defense or intent to kill. that's when a jury will begin deciding today. michael dunn saying he feared for his life when he opened fire on an suv with four teenagers inside the 17-year-old jordan davis was killed. he asked them to turn down their loud music he did and then one of the teens threatened him with a gun. there was a hung jury. >> the sentencing retrial of jody areas. abo -- jodi arias.
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300 jurors were dismissed yesterday. they said they could not be impartial. she was convicted of murdering her husband last bmay but they couldn't decide if she should be sentenced to death or life in prison. >> millions of your hard earned tax dollars think spent more than 100 million spent $100 million bringing back trucks. they could have saved money by giving the trucks to will the allies there. the cost per truck to be shipped back more than 107,000 dollars. they came into our country illegal little now you will be paying for them to stay. the obama administration shellings out $9 million for the ten answer of thousands of illegal immigrant children who crossed the border this year. majority going to the dc metro
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division where there has been a surge of illegal children. >> it is not every day that we as journalists become part of the toer re. one camera rarper is now being hailed a hero. cameron poland was reporting on a missing 10-year-old paul fagan when they spotd the child hiding in a nearby yard. they quickly returned him to his family. >> oh, tweeting out this photo with little paul saying he was happy to help him get home safely. >> oh, gosh, what a sweet story. >> 38 minutes after the top of the hour. it was supposed to be the shiny example of obamacare. after $300 million oregon might be dishing its health exchange because it still does not work. >> are you feeling a little hungry? maybe a lot hungry? one restaurant ramping up your
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appetite with a breakfast you will need to sign a waiver first. we will tell you why. >> a look at your weather forecast. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more
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on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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>> the white house claims this guy got not only in the white house he got as far as the east wing. it also reports president obama almost made it as far as the oval office. >> the hunch for the so-called ak-47 bandit intensifying. 100,000 dollar reward is being offered. he is wanted for robbing at least five banks. they happened in california,
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washington and idaho in 2012 and most recently in nebraska. the man wears a mask and he is getting around in a dark gray mi nissan maxima. twho men get out of a red sedan. you can see that happening there. they make their way into ska harbor airport in arizona go to baggage claim and walk away with three pieces of luggage. police hoping you can help find these guys. just weeks before by the way a man walked into a terminal at the same phoenix airport, took a suitcase and hopped right back on the train. there is a thousand dollar reward for information in that case. you know ainsley they actually check the baggage claim at laguardia. >> they do. unfo unfortunately people made this rule happen. >> i hate that. >> the fcc voting to eliminate a major blackout rule.
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lori moth man is here to explain. >> did the fcc score a touchdown or punt the football? is after 40 years it would finally get rid of the rule that local tv stations cannot air gains unless the stadium seats are sold out. thshg cc chairman tom wheeler weighed in on the ruling. >> the nfl no longer needs the government's help to remain viable. we the fcc will not be complicit in preventing sports fans from watching their favorite teams on television. >> but here's the catch. nothing will change much for fans because a most games are sold out anyway, and b the nfl has its own contract with broadcasters and cable companies that extend through 2022. private contracts say if games are not sold out 22 hours before kickoff they cannot be aired. ticket prices used to be the
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league's main revenue stream. now they make millions in ad and licensing fees, too. thank you, lori. >> it goes a bre-- it is a brea so unhealthy you need to sign a waiver first. it includes mounds of bacon, eggs, waffles, french fries and look to the right of the screen, a milk shake. a total of 8,000 calories. the whole thing weighs 8 pounds. they are calling it the biggest breakfast in britain. he claims no one has finished it yet. >> it doesn't surprise me. you eat that you go right back to sleep. >> or to the gym. >> the time now is 15 minutes to the top of the hour. coming up the outbreak leaving children paralyzed spreads to a new state. what every parent needs to know. >> mimi there's a rain doe over your house. i think you have the treasure. >> meet that adorable little
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girl who is convinced the pot of goal is at mimi's house. >> first let's check in with brian kilmeade to see what's coming up on "fox & friends." >> let's see what's coming up the next three hours. first case of the ebola virus officially diagnosed in the united states. we have all of the information you need to know. the cdc director joins us live with an update. another secret service breech an armed man with a criminal past is allowed on the elevator with the president with a gun? can you believe it? danica patrick is here with a special announcement. paul ryan is here live. dr. keith ablow went to college for psychiatry. i could talk longer but i am out of time. bring in the animation.
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doctors reported ten cases in denver, colorado. now this are four cases in boston. the victims ranging in age from 4 to 15. the c.d.c. is still investigating this case. >> a fan severely beaten outside dodgers stadium years ago is suing the team again. he was awarded $18 million after suffering a traumatic brain injury at the hands of two dodgers fan but he is suing again because he claims the team is trying to recoup more than $3 million in insurance payments for his medical care. a kentucky woman found alive in her own trunk after getting kidnapped 48 hours earlier.
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dehydrated and struggling to breathe, the trapped mother pounded from inside the parked car. good samaritans heard a thump and called 911. when police did not respond fast enough they threw a brick through the window and popped the trunk. police say the victim has no memory of what happened. >> she got to the vehicle and a man, a white male in his 30's, she drove him around for a couple of days. she is not sure exactly where and what that situation was. subsequently she ended up inside the trunk. >> she's lucky. she is in the hospital with a broken arm. no arrests have been made. oregon's statehouse care program marking its one year anniversary of going live. >> now officials are debating whether to scrap the exchange because it still doesn't work. >> reporter: the debate in oregon is not whether to kill cover oregon, it is how soon. it has been a mess from the
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beginning. ♪ >> the state received $300 million in federal grants and spent some of it on an advertising campaign. the rest went to develop what was supposed to be a state-of-the-art website but it never worked. not a single person could enroll in the health care plan from start to finish, that opened the state up to ridicule from both sides of the political aisle and even mocking from national comedians. democrats in oregon agreed to pull the plug on cover oregon but wants to wait until the legislature reconvenes in february. >> the most important thing now is oregonians when they apply for insurance have a system they can go to. >> keeping cover oregon running until february will cost taxpayers another $20 million, about $200,000 a day. on top of that the agency miscalculated the tax break
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for many people so they owe back taxes. republicans say enough already. >> there is some politics at play here. i think we all need to be adults and say this has failed and we need to move forward and do the best thing for the people of oregon. >> democrats control the governors office and the legislature so the party would have to agree for a special session and so far they have not done so. >> if you want to have a better memory, drink beer. a new study finds that drinking a pint or two can help sharpen your brain. researchers studied its effects on mice. they found a certain flavanoid in it increases cognitive function. >> are you feeling sluggish? here are five bad habits that drain your energy. if you have a glass or wine or two before bed experts say it will keep you up at
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night. do you have a messy office? all the clutter exhausts you. you don't drink enough water? your brain isn't getting enough organization. you check your e-mail before bed? the glowing light suppresses melatonin? you can't say no, for example, taking on that bake sale at school? experts recommend saying it out loud to yourself and that way it will be much easier for you to say it to someone else. don't attack on too -- don't take on too much. >> the time is six minutes before six. outrage as the f.c.c. considers banning all announcers from saying redskins. >> this coyote determined not to become road kill. how he managed to survive protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things,
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the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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it is two minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here's what's happening today. the nation's first ebola case diagnosed in dallas. at this hour the critically ill man is being held in isolation. doctors racing to get in touch with everyone that he came into contact with. the mother of the jailed marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi is hoping to ratchet up political pressure when she testifies on capitol hill today in support of her son. the man who jumped the white house fence and ran inside carrying a knife facing a judge today. omar gonzalez has been indicted by a grand jury. let's keep talking about the secret service. does the military need to take over?
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head to our facebook page to chat. time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. the good, if there is a rainbow that means there is a treasure; right? >> mimi, there's a rainbow hitting your house. you have -- i think you have the treasure. so when you get home, look in the garden and find the treasure. call me back. bye. >> that adorable voice mail going viral. the bad. a woman spends a month in jail when cops confused her dried spaghetti-o's for mess. >> a driver quownd a tie i don't see tee -- found a coyote stuck in his bumper. he didn't realize he hit the animal. >> the f.c.c. considering the ban of the term redskins. >> is this the right call or out of control? >> mark said out of control. what happened to freedom of
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speech. >> jeffrey says it is not hate. it is heritage. >> thank you to evan who responded. appreciate it. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, october 1. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. ebola here in america and this morning a warning to you, the very deadly and contagious virus may have spread. a hive report from the hospital straight -- a live report from the hospital straight ahead. >> the federal government getting involved now in the redskins controversy. the f.c.c. perhaps ready to ban announcers from saying the name "redskin" or face a big fine. >> as the secret service tries to explain how a guy with a knife ran into the east room, lawmakers offer a simple solution. >> have you ever heard of these guys? >> this morning the big ques


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