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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 3, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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that strategy backfiring are huge. >> j.r. on twitter says it's tough love as well as good parenting. thanks to everyone who respnded. >> we hope everyone has a great weekend. "fox & friends" starts now. >> good morning. it is friday, october 3. a fox news alert. another american diagnosed with the ebola virus. this as we learn the first inspected man lied to get to america. so many developments this morning to bring you, and we have them all coming up live. >> meanwhile a followerer member of president obama's inner circle throwing his old boss, m obama, under the bus. and wait until you hear the administration's response. >> we pulled out the troops and there was no one there to protect the gains. >> megyn, are you arguing that 10,000 troops or 5,000 troops or 25,000 troops would have prevented, would have been able to fight back against isil? >> wait until you see how
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megyn kelly bites back. left-wingit like being hollywood liberal like alec baldwin. the conservative actress who actually said yes will be here live because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> live from studio e, it's "fox & friends," the number-one cable morning news show. by the way, i learned in "variety" the other day, we are the number-one show on all of cable for the next three hours, including all of the channels. >> fantastic. >> welcome back back, by the way. >> thank you very much. a lot of tv producers flying down to dallas for ebola because we want to find out what's going on there and find out what's going on with any other cases.
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>> a lot more is happening. we have a fox news alert on it for you now. a news photographer for nbc just diagnosed with ebola in africa. fears of an outbreak spreading fast as we learn more people in texas came in contact with the infected patient thomas duncan. we're live in washington, d.c. with the latest. good morning, leeland. the news is not going to get better when it comes to ebola. >> an nbc news photographer makes four americans working in liberia to contract the virus so far. a freelanceer for the network worked in the country for three years and much like americans before him, he will be flown back to the united states for treatment. the rest of his team is going to fly back on a private charter and isolate themselves for 21 days. that's the incubation period of ebola. this as we learn the man who brought ebola to the united states lied on his
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exit form so he could leave liberia. he denied contact with ebola patients even though we know he helped several people before hopping on the plane. as many as 100 people aren monitored for ebola after the liberian man visited dallas. his family is also under quarantine. >> nobody is supposed to get inside the apartment. they are in their apartment. they cannot come out. they are not even allowed to come on the porch. c.d.c. is communicating with them. they are going there. they are monitoring them every day a couple of hours, couple of times. >> this morning a local dallas station reports five dallas county sherrifs officers did enter the quarantined apartment and are now on leave as well as being monitored. they were there to serve a court order. the sherrif's office bagged their uniforms and cleaned their squad cars. local reports indicate there is increasing friction between the family and local officials saying they are being asked to
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carry out c.d.c. instructions without proper training or help from the feds. >> thank you for that update. we'll stay with that throughout the morning. my goodness. >> just the news that those guys are in quarantine, being monitored because they walked right in. and the sherrif's department in dallas now is angry because they said they didn't even have to be this. this is a federal thing. so they had to bag up all their clothes. their squad cars have been taken out of service as well. what we did learn in leeland's report is that if you are in west africa and you want to get into the united states, there are two things you can do actually. one is just lie on the paper work. that's what this guy did. he simply lied because on the paper work it said have you touched anybody with ebola. he said no. the other thing -- and this is something i just saw over on the nbc news site -- and that is if you take, before you get on the plane, got a fever, take ieb -- ibuprofin because
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nbc says that is all it takes to avoid the screening process. it brings down the fever enough so you can get on the plane and get into the united states. >> if you happen to have ebola and through you may because you've been in contact with somebody and you are in west africa, where would you want to go to get proper treatment? >> right here. >> all right. so there's a lot of, clearly we're underreacting in some cases and trying it make it up as we go along, but a friend, adding to the mystery here and the dismay for many, a friend of thomas duncan has come out and said after he watched this friend vomming wildly after he was told he could leave the hospital and then he had to go back, his friend revealed he had not received an order to remain indoors or got any advice with how to cope with the fact that he might have been exposed to the ebola virus. the c.d.c. came in on tuesday and said it was confirmed his buddy had it. they told me the children
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should not go to school until october 17, and that was it. >> three days. >> a little vague on whether or not they should stay home, stay indoors. >> the reason that those cops are now in quarantine or isolation or whatever is because they went in to make sure the family signed this court order that says we're not going to leave. apparently the woman who mr. duncan had come from liberia to visit and she refers to herself as his wife, his long-term partner, louise, who also is a home health aide which is handy, she is there with a 13-year-old child and two adult nephews as well. she says she's getting sick and tired of being locked up. you know, first of all, why are they still in the apartment? but the other thing is she was complaining -- she did a call-in show where she said we're still in the same apartment with his sheets and his towels and his mess and nobody told us what to do. apparently a crew did come
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in yesterday, late last night to try to do something about it. we don't know the disposition of the bags they put everything in. >> the red cross did bring them food yesterday because earlier somebody simply brought them sandwiches and that's the exterior of their apartment there at the ivy apartments. and this is a guy, brian you were talking about the friend who said, am i supposed to be not leaving the house? i didn't know. he said mr. duncan had been vomiting wildly. and there you see a guy outside the apartment, the ivy, with a power washer. no mask, no nothing. whatever he's washing off going right down the street. >> down and up. if you use the power washer, there is some rebound there. you would wonder why the proper equipment wasn't being used. the c.d.c. did warn the outbreak could reach 1.4 million cases by the end of january globally without proper intervention.
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it doesn't seem as though we're seeing proper intervention being played out here. one doctor kind of took it into his own hands yesterday traveling through an atlanta airport in full protective gear to protest against the center's handling or mishandling as some would say of the ebola outbreak. take a listen to him. >> he's a doctor. >> they didn't ask where i had been, didn't ask if i had been sick nor any other arriving patients on the international concourse. they asked if i had tobacco or alcohol. that is it. the c.d.c. is asleep at the wheel. >> someone's got to get ahold of this. this could get out of control very soon. it doesn't seem like anyone can charge. everyone is saying wait a second, there's nobody behind the wheel. >> you're seeing this gentleman right here is a micro byologist. the outfit he's wearing by his will and protection, it says the center is lying. this is something gravely concerning. people have a 50% chance of
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dying when you contract ebola, a big deal if they're not enforcing the proper checks at the airport. >> brian, you're right. we've got to get a handle on things. we had thomas frieden, doctor who heads up the c.d.c., a couple of days ago and asked isn't it time to stop air travel from africa. he said no. you know what? it probably is. let's stop it until we get a handle on things. >> he's going to be with us this morning. maybe we can pose that question again and perhaps get a different answer. >> it's not often we're in the middle of ramping up for a war that you look back but i think it's important to understand why we got to where we are right now in battling isis. it was pretty significant two weeks ago when the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff that the committee recommended to president obama that you need residual force in iraq. that was significant. when leon panetta writes a book, and he's the former secretary of defense and c.i.a. director, and says this, then you really have to raise your eyebrows
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because this is a man on president obama's side who got the play-by-play on why we did not have troops in iraq. >> quote, the president's team at the white house pushed back and the difnses occasionally -- differences occasionally became heated and those on our side as so eager to rid themselves of iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock an arrangement that would preserve our interests. >> it is so clear that what the president of the white house did is they were listening to politics. megyn kelly sat down with the state department spokesperson last night. it got like this. >> that is an accounting of what happened three years ago. that's just not consistent with what happened three years ago. >> he had basically won the war after those troops were there. we had won. the vice president said iraq could go down as the administration's greatest success. things changed after we did the surge in iraq. we were doing much better. then the president's
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critics say we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because we pulled out the troops and there was no one there to protect the gains. >> are you arguing 10,000 troops, 5,000 troops or 20,000 troops would have prevented, been able to fight back against isil when 150,000 or 175,000 could have held back entirely al qaeda? >> it is not megyn kelly arguing. it is leon panetta who is in a much better position to know. he talks about how i voiced to the president that this country could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks against the united states if we withdrew all the forces. isn't that exactly what happened? >> that is not what happened. >> that's exactly what happened. if you leave that residual force, you gradually see things change. you watch them bleed into iraq from syria and you put a stop to it. there were transmissions that said we have lost essentially in iraq. they said jihad, the jihad is not happening in iraq. we cannot report there anymore. they want elsewhere. then they came back.
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>> that was jenn psaki getting sacked by the facts. now i'm going to toss it over to heather nauert. >> good morning. we've got a lot of downer news lately so i want to start on a lighter note. a u.s. airways flight out of new york was delayed when crabs escaped from the cargo hold. passengers had to wait a half an hour as crews had to run around and round up all of those crabs. several passengers taking to twitter to say this. we're just informed our flight is delayed because of a shipment of crabs escaped in a cargo hold. the woman whose tweet exposed inside information about the shooting of michael brown says she was hacked. susan nichols said she did not tweet this about the case: i know someone sitting on the grand jury in this case. there is not enough at this
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point to warrant an arrest. she was referring to the officer darren wilson. nichols said she thought she deleted this account after it was hacked in the past. can you believe her? what do you think? >> this one is being called one of the worst hacks ever. a massive data breach at j.p. morgan chase may be worse than originally thought. hackers stealing information for more than 80 million accounts including names, home addresses and also e-mail dresses. financial information, the company says, was not compromise. j.p. morgan telling its customers their money is safe and they don't need to change their headlines. -- change their passwords. >> earlier this week we heard president obama blame bad intelligence for the isis attacks. isis attacks. >> it's okay --
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it was a sunday showdown as the president and the house speaker john boehner addressed the growing threat from isis. we've spoken to experts and pundits, but what do the american people think about their leader's remark. results are in. here with the report card, let's roll the clip. here's john boehner talking about the war against isis, boots on the ground and what will it take to be successful. watch the dials. >> at some point somebody's
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boots have to be on the ground. that's the whole point. listen, the president doesn't want to do this. if i were the president i probably wouldn't, talked about what i wouldn't do. maybe we can get enough of these forces trained and get them on the battle field but somebody's boots have to be there. >> if no one else will step up you recommend putting american boots on the ground? >> we have no choice. these are barbarians. they intend to kill us. if we don't destroy them first, we're going to pay the price. >> the blue line is people who are medium engaged and people who share their opinion like bloggers. the red are millenials, folks that are younger. at the end what we saw is that people didn't respond to boehner. what they thought is partisan bickering and they said things like you know how you can say a politician is lying? he's opening his mouth. they just didn't believe him.
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>> you give them a d -- give him a d? >> i do give him a "d." >> here's a poll that shows, is a little different from what the american people say, what john boehner was saying isn't flying. here's what the american people think. 52% say putting boots obe necessary. they favor doing that because airstrikes wouldn't be enough? >> it is what people want and that's why the reaction to the polls surprise me so much, what he was saying. really what i think is what they want to say is that boehner is reacting negatively to obama. they think it's partisan bickering and they would have rather said we should have all options open to us. >> here's james clapper, national intelligence director -- on james clapper being thrown under the bus by the president of the united states. let's look. >> i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria.
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>> he didn't say that, just say that we underestimated isil. he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army, to fight. >> that's true. definitely true. >> you grade this a "d." >> i do. the people said even though he seemed authentic, they want him to take responsibility. he is, after all, the president of the united states, and you saw people responded negatively across the board. >> the president of the united states not taking responsibility, but came off as authentic. that's why his numbers are slightly better. he gets a "d." thanks so much. coming up straight ahead we change gears. how secure are our airports? ask this guy. he's on the watch list but managed to fly all the way to denver without the right screening. what it's like being engaged to alec baldwin?
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if you're just waking up we've got friday morning headlines. wild video of a police chase in california. watch the armed bank robber head the wrong way against traffic. that is just nuts. he stops and climbs a fence trying to flee and then is back in a stolen truck. the dramatic end coming as the suspect loses control of the truck at 85 miles an hour, flew off the highway, flipped over. he climbed out and thankfully he surrendered. >> micky's fun wheel at
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california's adventure fun park malfunctioned stranding riders at 250 feet in the air for hours. operators had to turn the wheel by hand to get passengers off. >> if you are married chances are your spouse has similar politics. have you wondered what it would be if you were polar opposites? >> our next guest is engaged to alec baldwin. i've heard of him. janine turner is back with us, actress and author of this book, a little bit vulnerable. welcome back, janine. what was it like being at the zenith of your fame but yet not agreeing politically with many people, including the man you were dating and engaged to? >> we didn't know off the bat. we fell in love before we engaged in politics.
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i read an article in "the new york times." i called alec and said he's calling on young republicans to step forward and there was a long pause on the phone. he said are you a republican? i said yes. he said i'll try not to hold that against you. i said okay. that was the beginning. >> was that the case? did you find those beliefs did come into conflict? >> that's not why we broke up. but, yes, it was difficult in hollywood being a conservative. i voted for reagan. it was during reagan's time. i would be sitting at the table and they would all be talking liberal politics and i essentially said -- alec said don't talk. >> you would sit there at the table and you would listen. it's not like you would stand up and say stop it, you're all wrong, which is kind of what the other side did to you? >> they did. that's the irony of hollywood. they live a capitalist life, they want freedom of speech, they want all this freedom but tell the rest
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to be quiet. >> there are many like you not able to express themselves in a community that seems to be about freedom of expression and be who you are. why not tolerance of someone who doesn't think politically like them? >> i don't know. i discuss this in my book, i have come to terms because they live such a capitalistic life, i think it is more social issues. i think a lot of times liberals think republicans are going to be moralisticically biased pious judgmental people. >> you think we've got to get away from the rhetoric on both sides and start looking at different issues and start listening to people. >> i do. i talk about that in my book. but reason. we need to learn how to reason in our country and we can't reason unless we hear both sides of the story. that includes our kids in schools. the 50th anniversary of taking god out of schools,
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i talk about a plan on how to get god back in schools. smoip what is it? >> what is it? >> you have 20 minutes a day, all these different classrooms. if you believe in christ or you're jewish, muslim, whatever your religion, hindu, you can go to that classroom -- >> what if you believe in nothing? >> you don't have to go. you can go for 20 minutes a day. you can go or not go and then we get it back into schools. >> why is it important? >> forget moral compass. we're raising miscreant robots because we don't teach them to have a moral compass of any sort. >> we didn't realize you were engaged tool lech baldwin. -- to alec baldwin. >> check out her book,
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janine turner, called "a little bit vulnerable." >> congratulations. >> coming up, a toll collector told to stop saying "god bless you" because it might offend drivers. now that worker out of a job. >> brian makes jimmy kimmel, take a look at this. we're going to show you what got him on late night. >> first happy birthday to gwen steffani ♪ gwen steffani ♪ ♪ññ
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make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. watch this. sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. good news -- fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate. and it's affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news -- it's friday!
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woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. thursday night and it is time for our weekly tribute to the f.c.c. where we bleep or blurb things whether they need it or not. this week in unnecessary
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censorship. you're going on tv and saying your [bleep] mother looks better than your wife. right there on tv. >> that's right. [bleep]. >> if you love [bleep] today's your day. it's national [bleep] day. >> i want to acknowledge the members of the congressional [bleep] caucus. >> did you [bleep] over the years? >> yes, at least five times. >> now take a [bleep] after the show so i can sleep. >> you're always [bleep] essentially. >> i take a [bleep] lunch. >> have you ever [bleep] yourself? >> i try not to. >> do i have to apologize for that too? >> i think so. national coffee day. i would imagine where they got a little -- >> that was funny. creative. >> wasn't that genius. >> is that because you're in it? >> yes. last week i didn't like it. >> thank you very much for joining us on this very busy friday.
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heather nauert joins us right now. she's got some breaking news out of texas. >> i certainly do. good morning. while you were sleeping a majority of abortion clinics in texas have been shut down. that's because a federal fleels court gave the green -- appeals court gave the green light to a more restrictive abortion law. they have to meet federal level operating standards in order to stay in business. that means 13 of the state's 21 abortion clinics will be forced to close. proponents of the law say it will better protect women's health in emergency health care situations. how secure are our nation's airports? ask this guy. he's on the watch list but he managed to fly all the way to denver without the right screening. >> need to do some screening that may or may not have been completed in minneapolis. >> why do you need more screening ni travel from point a to point b safely, why does there now need to be more screening? >> we just learned three
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passengers on an international flight from tokyo walked through a metal detector at minimum yap plus airport. they slipped through security after the agent left his post. a new jersey toll collector forced to stop saying god bless you because it might offend motorists. she is filing suit against the new jersey port authority. she says, quote, i always say it. have a good day, god bless. people would tell me i'm the friendliest booth worker they have met. the handbook says no phones, no foul language, no radios. not one line says do not say god bless. instead of complying, the woman quit her job. she now wants back pay and a cash settlement. the guy who helped bring the economy back from the brink can't even get his own mortgage loan. ben bernanke, former federal reserve chairman made this admission at a
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conference in chicago. a man thought he was joking and he laughed out loud. experts say it probably reveals more about skittish lenders than his actual finances. anybody going for a mortgage these days certainly knows how tough it is. they want so much more. >> all right. it is 24 minutes before the top of the hour. we've got extreme weather right now. millions waking up without power after storms have wreaked havoc in several states. down in texas, 75 miles-per-hour winds ripped the roof off that door at arlington baptist college. >> in missouri, neighbors cleaning up after enormous trees are ripped from their roots, slamming into that car. >> take a look at that. we're going to get right to janice dean on this. what can we expect today? >> we're not going to see the severe threat we saw yesterday and last night, which is great news. however we could see storms firing up from the gulf coast all the way up to the great lakes.
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take a look at the radar. there you have it across the mississippi river valley. we did have tornado warnings hast night. several thunderstorm watches as well as dozens of reports of hail and damaging winds. that's going to continue. again, we won't see the threat for tornadoes like we saw last night but you know what we will see? the potential for snow across the upper midwest. look at the radar, look at minnesota and parts of wisconsin. it will not accumulate but enough to say it is too early for this. it is going to move eastward and should be out of h sunday. there are are your lows tonight. freeze advisories across the midwest for many where they could see -- yes -- some snow. say it ain't snow, brian. back to you. >> highlights from thursday night football games. green bay hosting minnesota in the rain. vikings down 14, up in the second quarter. christian's pass hit by
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julius pepper to go the other way. 49 yards for a touchdown. news would get worse for minnesota. the nfl draft moving to chicago. it is set for roosevelt city iewft. new york's radio city used to host it but evidently it was too much fun for us so they had to take it away. thanks, chicago. really nice. >> from practice to pizza to presidents it has been a busy week here at "fox & friends." >> if you missed a little, as they say, you missed a lot. so let's take a minute to look back. ♪ ♪ >> live from studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan, it's "fox & friends." have you ever googled yourself? >> i try not to. >> when we're not on television but on the internet. >> it gets weird.
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>> i googled you the other day. you really should stay away from that. >> you are not exaggerating. how to erase those moments you don't want everyone to see. >> valerie jarrett in "the good wife" with a cameo apparently playing ourselves. >> we're jealous because we're not on a tv series. >> we're on a tv series. >> george clooney? >> by the way, george clooney got married. >> how did steve do on the entertainment news? >> i thought he did a fine job. >> makes you want to chap five times for that. ♪ ♪ >> the real central perk is outside on our plaza right now. if you are craving a cup of coffee today, it's okay because it is national coffee day. >> we're celebrating by getting our faces put on a latte. it's called a coffee selfie. >> i don't know how do
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that. >> a latte talent. >> the 2014 win is pomona valley hospital medical center. >> a very special surprise under that wrap. >> it's a car! >> need some inspiration this morning? well, we have some. pastor joel osteen is walking in. >> joel, how do you stay so positive? >> i get up and find something to be grateful for. >> after being diagnosed and battling cancer twice, nfl hall of famer jim kelly this month announced he is cancer free. >> i am a truly blessed man to have so many great people around me. >> paula deen and her son joining us. >> i said sugar and then paula deen actually in the studio right now turned around and looked. >> isn't that yummy? so easy. >> october is national
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pizza month. we are cooking up personal pizzas. >> spin it like that. >> haven't we invented a robot to do this yet? >> i'm exhausted just watching. ♪ >> the good news is i don't have to golf this time. the great news president bush has decided to give it a few minutes. six years later still serving the veterans who served our country. >> the veterans served us more than you and i could serve them. i do miss saluting the men and women who volunteered to serve our nation. >> mr. president, great to see you. >> great to see you again, brian. >> it's kind of a popular show where we have some pretty good guests. >> i can't believe that is just a week. >> not a very important one. that was yesterday, by the way. >> i love the fact that the former president said one of the things he misses is being pampered.
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i kind of miss that part. >> he said he walked into his mom's house in may, his mom loobd -- looked at him and said you got fat. hi mom, i'm fine. >> i would love to hear all you talked about. >> i don't know if i can. coming up straight ahead, you heard the state department spokesman say pulling our troops from iraq had nothing to do with isis moving in. our next guest begs to differ big time. he's a general. he's next. ♪ ♪ a a
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all around the world the dedicated people of united airlines ♪ are there to support you. ♪ that's got your back friendly. ♪ for the past couple of weeks president obama has been pushing a new narrative to explain why there aren't any american boots fighting isis in iraq.
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>> the reason that we did not have a follow-on force in iraq was because the iraqis were, a majority of iraqis did not want u.s. troops there. keep in mind that wasn't a decision made by me. that was a decision made by the iraqi government. >> apparently that's not true. former member of his own administration says that's not true. we're talking about former secretary of state leon panetta writing in his new memoir "the white house with a so eager to rid itself of iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements. to my frustration they coordinated negotiations but never really led them." for reaction we're joined by retired air force lieutenant general richard newton. good morning, general. the president has been going look, they didn't want us there. that's not true. politically the president wanted out and he wasn't listening to the guys at the pentagon. >> i was on active duty back then myself. i believe the president then and today is still
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getting the best military advice. we heard from secretary panetta in his upcoming memoir that the united states should have maintained a modicum of force presence in iraq, say 8,000, 10,000 troops to provide training for the iraqi military and provide still with eyes on the ground and intelligence and other logistic support would have been a smart decision. >> had the president listened to leon panetta rather than his political people, would isis be a mile from baghdad? >> that's hard to call. that's monday morning quarterback. but you have to think about could that actually be true and the fact if we had maintained some residual force there, would we be in the situation now that baghdad is facing. >> i want you to listen to this. this is state department spokesperson jen psaki on with megyn kelly. >> the coming of details that isn't consistent with many people there at the time.
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and regardless, even if we had a presence there, had a residual force there, that would not have prevented and changed the facts we've seen over the last eight months. >> why is there a disagreement? why does the president try to tell us now that he wasn't responsible for this decision? >> there were rings of people involved in this. >> including leon panetta and he says it's happening the way i'm saying it. >> megyn, first of all, there were event that didn't allow us to keep the troops there. there are accounts that people look back and say could have, should have, would have. we couldn't keep troops there because the iraqi government did not want to have troops there. >> leon panetta says essentially the united states could have kept troops there but we didn't push very hard because the president didn't want them this. >> i wasn't in on those conversations, obviously, back when i was serving, but i would have to agree with secretary panetta on this point. again, i believe the joint chiefs of staff and secretary panetta were advocating for some residual force to be in place in iraq. >> isn't it frustrating for you, a man who's dedicated
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his life to the military, to think that the commander in chief rather than listening to his military experts was listening to the political guys instead? you know, you promised to get out. we've got to get out. we've got to have zero. >> the president is getting the best military advice. >> but he's not taking it. >> he has a choice. he has a choice to either take the advice, listen to those who are experts. today we still have the best fighting force ever. they are the best equipped, the best trained. but all our men and women want to do is to be able to have the funds to be able to train and exercise in order to make sure we fight and win our nation's wars. that it is not 33-31 in the second overtime but 99-0 in the first quarter. >> thank you for showing up early this morning. thank you, sir. coming up on this friday, you heard him right here on "fox & friends," president bush thinks his brother jeb should run for president. but what did he say once he was off the air? stay tuned for that. plus, they're not even on
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the road yet. you're looking live at the hottest cars of 2015. we're going to reveal them when we roll on live from new york. ♪ ♪
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are you looking for a new ride? you are in luck today. doug, the car czar live from orange county with the auto show on the 50th anniversary of the show. what are you going to show us today? >> i know that you're in the market for a car, so i'm not going to waste your time. let's get to some far more attractive than i. this is it!
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this is all new from subaru, the legacy. talk about a car that's hot, subaru cannot build enough of these. nice mid-size family sedan. they really improved the interior. 36 miles to the gallon. and it's got what's called craft mitigation technology. cameras in the windshield. they help to see things that the driver can't. you want to go a little bigger? this is the outback. the same car, but in a station wagon and i'll tell you right now, look for station wagons in 2014 and 15 to be hot, hot, hot. let's talk about a hot pick up truck. the f-150 from ford. it is lighter. they shaved 700 pounds off of this truck. that's the size of a grizzly bear. they used high strength aluminum. this thing starts at just around $24,000 or so, although you can get it up quickly from there. 360-degree cameras on board, led lights. everybody is talking about it. i guarantee demand is going to be high.
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let's talk about hyundai. sonata is out. one of the hottest cars trending this season. features apple's car play. seamlessly interface with your iphone, launch all the apps you love. you can control them on the screen or through the steering wheel. 38 miles to the gallon. $23,000 starting point. let's go offroad. i know in manhattan you have more. the jeep renegade. i like it. smaller is cooler when talking about offroad. it does have real offroad cred. 30 plus miles to the gallon. i know you're never late to work, elisabeth, but some of those guys may need this car, from lexus. this thing is the 2015 r effectively a race car. it's over the top, starts at just $43,000. i really love, 8 speed manual transmission. 467 horsepower. brian is going to get to work on time now.
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then from chiefy, the colorado. more evidence that chevy is doing a good job in the mid-size truck market. this thing will be popular. only 21 grand to start. and with the v 6, you'll have a 7,000-pound towing capacity on it, all new. it will be in show rooms soon. this is going to be a big year. it has been already for auto sales. look for the last few months to be on fire. everybody getting a new ride. we'll toss it back to you. >> we're thankful for that. thanks for kicking it into gear with all those new vehicles. now this, fox news alert for you. a second american diagnosed with ebola as we learn the patient in texas lied to get past our screening process. can the cdc be trusted? the director, torch frieden joins us live. when the interview was over, he kept talking and our cameras kept rolling.
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and brian was taking it all in. they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. good morning. it is friday, october 3. a fox news alert. another american diagnosed with the ebola virus. this as we learn the first infected man lied to get into america. is the united states prepared to deal with this? the director of the cdc joins us live seconds from now. and when times get tough at the white house, just blame fox. >> all good, affordable health care might seem like a threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. >> really? but is that strategy working with the american people? >> meanwhile, from oscar winning actor to motivational speaker?
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>> you know at the end of the day when you lie your head on your pillow, i knew it, i knew it, i made that. >> the story behind that inspirational pep talk from a big movie star. thank you for joining us. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york city. ♪ ♪ >> you thought elisabeth was cute. elisabeth, i think you might be beat this morning. >> this might be the combo, a raccoon/monkey combo. what's it called? >> one of the stars of nat geo will be here talking about animals in the wild. they just need a little bit of help. >> they live in suburbia. >> i know. and they're helping out.
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>> in the meantime, we start with a fox news alert this morning. an nbc camera man working in liberia with dr. scheiderman is the fourth american to have contracted ebola in west africa. >> and airlines and government officials search for hundreds of others who may have come in contact with thomas duncan. the american who tested positive and is currently in texas. >> this as we learn he lied on his exit form so that he could leave liberia. he denied contact with ebola patients, even though we know he helped several people before hopping on the plane. we're joined by the cdc director, tom frieden. >> good morning. >> good morning. it's great to have you here. obviously concerns are being raised time and time again. we seem to find out another protocol wasn't followed when it comes to ebola. let me just start with this. we're learning as well that the officers in texas actually went in to the apartment of the first
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individual who had contacted ebola to do some clean-up. they were ordered to do so. would you have sent those police officers there into this apartment that was supposed to be quarantined? >> the apartment is a complicated issue because it is soiled, so they're cleaning it with bleach and they need to remove the waste safely. this is an issue that's taken longer than we all would have wished to resolve, but i'm confident it will get resolved today. >> should officers be going in there to get papers signed if they are not indeed -- >> in a haz-mat suit? >> in full protection? >> you don't need a haz-mat suit to go into an apartment. the way ebola spreads is by direct contact with someone who is sick with ebola or their body fluids. >> right. a couple days ago you joined us because people were very concerned. one of the things we asked you about was about the screening process where people are getting on airplanes and you depicted how we've got people in the west african countries and they're
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being scanned for their temperature. maybe it's time now to think about a travel ban because as we have learned from mr. duncan, if you're sick, you can get in this country simply by lying on the declaration form. that's what he did. >> well, he wasn't sick. he was exposed. his temperature was 97.3 when he left. he didn't expose anyone on the travel. >> but he did lie. >> he lied on the form because one of the questions is, have you been in contact, have you actually touched the body of anybody with ebola? and as the "new york times" has told and as you know, he did just that. he lied and had he not lied, i would imagine he would not have been allowed in. >> sir, how many more people will have to come in here and not fully disclose who they have been in contact with before the travel restrictions are put in place? how much longer will this nation have to wait to be fully protected at the border when it comes to this disease? >> you know, i wish we could get to zero risk by sealing off the
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border, but we can't. the only way we're going to get to zero risk in this country is by controlling it in africa. until that happens, americans may come back with ebola. other people who have a right to return or visa to intern may come back, people will go to third countries and come from there. so sealing them off, first off won't work. second, it will backfire because if we can't get help in there, then we're not going to be able to stop the outbreak and ultimately we will end up at higher risk. not lower risk. >> i know you're in a tough position, but the problem is if you're going to count on people could be candid and thousands here can be at risk, if someone chooses to lie, i think we're in trouble. we had another doctor come forward and say he really believes the cdc is asleep at the switch. listen. >> says we're screening at airports? there is no thermal screening. they didn't ask where i've been. they didn't ask if i've been sick, nor any other arriving patients in the international
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concourse. they asked if i had tobacco or alcohol. that's it. the cdc is asleep at the wheel. with 10,000 people leaving west africa a day, we need to be thermal scanning and be on our toes until doctors -- and for doctors to be ready for it. >> he wanted a haz-mat suit. >> you know something? we are doing very good temperature screening where it's going to be most efficient. that is where they have a few hundred people leaving -- we're using approved devices, trained staff checking every person who is leaving each of the three countries to see if they have a fever. screen people here instead of a few hundred, it would be a few hundred thousand, it would be inaccurate. and this is the way that we think we're going to be most effective at keeping people who are having a fever from getting on planes. >> there are many people when have many questions. you and the cdc have been very clear, it's impossible to catch it unless you have direct contact with the person, body
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fluids and stuff like that. what do you want people to know on this friday morning, because people all across the country, doctor, are really worried about this. >> i understand. this is a scary disease because it has such a severe course. it can be fatal in such a high proportion of cases. what we're doing now in texas is stopping it in its tracks. we're making sure that we identify everyone who may have had contact with the patient, monitoring each and every one of them for 21 days, and the moment they show any symptoms that could be ebola, testing them, isolating them, and making sure it doesn't spread further. breaking the chains of transmission. we can do that, i have no doubt in my mind we will stop it here from spreading widely. but ultimately, we're only going to be completely safe if we stop it in africa. >> absolutely. just one other question for you about the ebola virus. it's all about touching somebody who has it and has all the
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symptoms right then. but doesn't the ebola virus, doesn't it live on surfaces? i read a report this morning that it can be alive for up to six days in the perfect circumstance. >> you know, generally it's not a very hearty virus. so it's easily killed by soap and water, hand sanitizer, bleach, and it doesn't last long in most circumstances. you can always come up with a scenario where what if this happens or what if this happened. but that's kind of the slippery slope to zero risk. the fact is it doesn't last long. >> what is the latest on the individual in hawaii? >> we've had over 100 people who have had travel and may have had exposures who we've helped state and local health departments and doctors assess. the one patient in texas is the only one who is known as having ebola. no concern for ebola no. >> thumbs up or thumbs down?
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>> no ebola. >> are we within that period where we could now in 18 days from now that that is not the case there as regard to the individual we're speaking about? >> are you talking about hawaii or texas? >> hawaii. >> no ebola in hawaii. >> all right. that is good news. dr. frieden, director of cdc in atlanta, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> okay. >> we covered one of the big stories today. it's hard to know what the -- decide what the top one is. we have many others, including a major breach at jpmorgan. >> you think about a quarter of americans use the bank, jpmorgan chase. this is being called one of the worst hacks. the nation's largest bank and it may be a whole lot worse than originally thought. hackers stealing information from more than 80 million accounts, including names, home addresses and also e-mail addresses. the company says financial information was not compromised. jpmorgan telling its customers that their money is safe and
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that they don't need to change their passwords. new overnight, a u.s. airways flight out of new york, it was delayed when crabs escaped from the cargo hold. passengers were about to board the flight from new york to charlotte, north carolina. they had to wait about a half hour as crews ran around trying to round up all those crabs. several passengers on board taking to twitter. one writing: can't make this stuff up. flight delayed because live crabs got loose. finally, we are getting a first look at the heart pounding trailer for the movie "american sniper". >> russian grenades, hands them to the kid. >> woman and the kid? >> yeah. can you confirm? >> negative. your call.
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>> bradley cooper playing the most lethal sniper in u.s. history, chris kyle. he got to talk to kyle once before he was killed. cooper made him one promise. he told kyle to put aside his fear of hollywood and trust him to tell his story. clint eastwood is directing the film. it comes out in late december. originally steven spielberg was supposed to do it and there was some concerns with his politics. >> the movie looks great. >> look forward to that. >> thank you. coming up, you heard him right here on "fox & friends." president bush thinks his brother jeb wants to be president. what did he say when he was off the air with brian? stay tuned. you're going to find out. >> slept. then we told you about the parents speaking out about new curriculum that promotes american patriotism. this morning there is the decision you're going to want to hear. ♪ ♪
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as you know, yesterday i had a chance to go to irving, texas, as president bush hit the course for the warrior open. he supervised the whole thing. the tournament is to honor our military. i had a chance to sit down with 43 and here is what he said on tv and when we went to radio interview, we want to do bring some of those clips back as well.
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let's listen. >> i'm asked all the time do i miss washington. the answer is no. i do miss saluting men and women who volunteered to serve our nation. >> a lot of them served in iraq and we're looking at what's going on in iraq right now. if these guys were saying, man, was my sacrifice worth it, what do you say to them? >> i'd say it really was. the world is better off without saddam hussein in power. the iraqi people obviously will have to make the decision to whether or not they want to live in peace. they're not ready to do it on their own and that's a lesson we've learned recently. >> not only that, you knew it in 2007. >> before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous. it would mean we would be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. >> i know the nature of the enemy. anybody kills 3,000 innocents and beheads people because of their religion or because of their point of view is dangerous. there is a short-term strategy, which is to bring them to justice. and a long-term strategy, which is to encourage free societies
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to prevail so as to marginalize their ideology. >> dempsey came out and said it's well-known the military recommended we leave a residual force of ten to 15,000, maybe more. did you feel the same way? >> i did, yeah. a president has to make the choices he thinks are important. i'm not going to second guess our president. i understand how tough the job is and to have a former president second guessing is i don't think good for the presidency or the country. >> you're in new york with bill clinton. >> yes, i was. >> you and the former president clearly get along. i know your mom says he feels like an adopted son. that's how close the bushes are. i think america likes to see a democrat and republican get along like that. >> we're the only baby boomer presidents and now we're the only baby boomer presidents who happen to be grandfathers. so when his grandchild was born, i called him and handed the phone to 41, who spoke to him as well. >> you called him. he revealed, at least twice a
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year and talked to 30 to 45 minutes. why did you think that was necessary? >> because he was president. he had seen things i hadn't seen yet. >> has president obama called you? >> well, he called me to tell me that the nation killed osama bin laden, or the seal team 6 killed him, for which i was grateful. no. he's not. look, presidents tend to rely upon the people they're close to and he's got a team that he's grown close to over the six years he's been president or nearly six years and he relies upon their judgment. >> the intensity of your eight years were unbelievable. >> what you don't realize when you're the president is how much responsibility becomes ingrained in your system. and then the next day you wake up, in my case in crawford, and no responsibility, except to empty the garbage. >> you're a civilian again. >> and i made some choices about my post-presidency, one of which is not to be involved with
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politics like i used to be. my legacy will be what it is and it's going to take time for history to sort it out. therefore, i don't feel any great compunction to defend what i did. and in our society today, sometimes you defend what you did by attacking the other person, which is something i don't want to do. >> you never did with bill clinton when you were in office. >> right. >> clinton didn't attack your dad. >> no. >> but it hasn't been the case with this president. >> well, everybody has choices to make in life and all the noise really doesn't bother me. what bothers me is if in fact this is happening that we're not confident in our capacity as a nation to be great, that would bother me. i hope most citizens recognize what a unique nation we live in. >> your brother said yesterday or said this week that this is as depressed as he's ever seen the country's psyche. >> he's got a good handle on the mood of the country because he's
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traveling a lot, he's speaking in front of a lot of groups. if he were to run and win, i'm confident he would lift our nation's spirits. i say if. i have no clue if he's going to. >> you would like him to. >> i would like him to. >> i enjoyed every second of this. it's great to see you, let alone interview. >> you're a great american. >> really nice of you, sir. really appreciate it. >> that was a terrific interview. >> yeah. he hadn't spoken in about a year. he hasn't done any interviews. we'll see him perhaps here. he'll have his new book out on his dad. >> thank you for sharing that with us, brian. well done. this up next, he's an army colonel who served several tours in iraq. why would a radio station say that he needs to stop living off the taxpayers and get a job? that colonel who is running for office with us next (male announcer) it's happening.
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news by the numbers. first, 53%. that's how many voters said they would kick california out of the union. 53%. the latest fox news poll putting the golden state at the top of the list, followed by new york and texas. look at that. california wins by a mile. next, 7800 square feet. that's how big the american flag is at the middle of honor recipient kyle carpenter will carry when he sky dives at the marine corps marathon later this month. gigantic. finally, $10,000. that's how much money a moving crew found stashed in a piece of furniture. the money belonged to the late husband of the woman who was moving. and that's the news. >> thank you, steve. a public radio station worker in new york disrespecting republican congressman chris gibson, was a career army
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colonel who completed four combat tours in iraq. he wrote in an e-mail and said this, quote, some day maybe he will find a real job like the rest of us and not live off the taxpayers' money as he has done his whole life. that from a staffer in new york. did we mention the radio station also happen to be supporting his democratic opponent in the next election. the retired u.s. army colonel joins me now. good morning to you, congressman. thank you for being with us this morning. what was your initial reaction when you heard about this e-mail saying under just get a job and stop living off our money as taxpayers? >> well, good morning, elisabeth. certainly very disappointed, but not for me, for my paratroopers that i served with. i think about every day those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and including those that i serve with, paratrooper waddler from ohio and chris from upstate new york. both of these noncommissioned
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officers represented all that was good in our country and they're never coming back. there is a hole for the family that will never be filled. certainly their sacrifices should be appreciated. i think about the soldiers that served under my command that wereñr grieveously wounded and w they'll never be whole again. i think about all my paratroopers that gave their all every day. i would point out that this kind of commentary is really outside the main stream of american politics. i think in a bipartisan way that american people support our veterans, support our service members. i work in the congress with members of both sides of the aisle on legislation, like, for example, the sweeping reform we have with the v.a., the president signed into law recently. that's i believe going to significant help our veterans. i've worked in other ways to help merge the dod and v.a. software systems. that was a bipartisan bill. now i'm working to help our
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vietnam veterans with agent orange and certainly that's bipartisan. so i wouldn't want to suggest in any way that this is some kind of commentary about how the american people view our service members, our veterans and their families. when this kind of behavior occurs, it should be pointed out and called out. >> sure. i think, first of all, we have to thank you and all those that served along with you and continue to serve for their service. in protecting the freedoms of americans. this is interesting, because it's a public radio station receiving federal money. does this fall into the fact that they should have freedom of speech completely and dig into our service members living off of federal money, they say? >> well, i understand that the radio station is doing an investigation. i want to make it clear, i have a very strong relationship with public radio. i feel very respected. i do interviews all the time. this is really about this individual's behavior and i think it's inappropriate and
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doesn't appreciate the sacrifices of our servicemen and women and their families. it should be pointed out and called out. >> has your challenger, has he reached out to you to apologize or condemn the radio station? >> well, i understand that he issued some kind of statement and, again, this should not be about me. it's really about this inappropriate, really extreme behavior outside the mainstream. to my knowledge, i don't believe he's called out that behavior. the individual behavior, what this person on the radio station said. >> we reached out for a statement from him. he's grateful for your service, he says, to our country and the service of all the veterans. hope we can have a civil debate coming up in the final weeks our campaign to focus on the issues. doesn't seem to mention anything specifically about the station there. if the station reached out to you and wanted you to come on so they could apologize directly to you, would you do that, sir? >> of course. really i think the point is that
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just to appreciate the challenges of our servicemen and women and their families. that's really the larger point here is recognizing that serving our country is a real job and it's hard. it's 24/7. my paratroopers, when we were oversea, there were no days offment they worked every day. and in grave danger evidently with the loss of some of my paratroopers and never coming back. really it's about appreciating those sacrifices. >> we can't thank you enough for your service and we're indebted to you and all those that serve along with you then and now. congressman, we thank you for joining us. hopefully you'll get the apology you so deserve. >> thank you very much for the opportunity. and god bless everyone. >> we told you about the teachers and students speaking out against new click crumb -- curriculum that promotes patriotism. plus, it's going to get wild in here.
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we have friendly friends ready to say hello to you. ♪ ♪ hey, i notice your car's not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop.
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it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. i'm sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they'll tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. all right. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! did not see that coming. [ male announcer ] get the midas touch maintenance package including an oil change for only $24.99. and here's a deal, use your midas credit card and get a rebate of $25. oil. tires. brakes. everything. trust the midas touch.
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there is a reason republicans hear them running around about obamacare, 'cause while good, affordable health care might seem like a threat to the freedom of the american people, on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. >> you know what? it sounds like there must be an election just around the corner
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and the president of the united states, who let's face it, things aren't going well in the country right now. you look at isis. you look at now this ebola thing. you look at syria. you look at iran and all over the place, obamacare, people are not happy. and as it turns out, the president got his facts wrong. >> that's right. is it to your point, when you look at the number of people who said overall, not just fox news viewers here, this is all voters, registered voters here, when asked if the health care law never passed, 54% of them said they wish it never passed in the first place. that's over half of the people saying, we just wish this thing never occurred. >> right. of course, if you get health care, you didn't have health care, you might say this is great. but if you had it and lost it and if you look at the bill, there is so much more to that statement that goes on. if he wants to welcome that debate, that debate is questionable whether he wants to have it. but to attack fox news, it's like the way he came into office. remember attacking rush limbaugh
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>> you pick a boogie man. he's angry at fox news, which is pretty crazy. he should be bugged by putin. he shouldn't be bugged by three people on a couch. >> yeah. >> just saying. >> you know who we're not bugged by? heather nauert. >> you guys are too much. good morning. i've got headlines to bring you. while you were sleeping, a majority of the abortion clinics in texas were shut down. that's because a federal appeals court just gave the green light to a more restrictive law to require doctors to have local hospital admitting privileges. abortion clinics will also have to meet hospital level operating and emergency health standards in order to stay in business. so for now that means that 13 of the state's 21 abortion clinics will have to close. the controversial history plan that sparked massive protests in colorado still alive this morning despite students, parents and teachers protesting for days. the jefferson county school board voted 3-2 in favor of making history courses more
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patriotic. there was a bit of a compromise, though. the board let students and teachers get more involved in that process. matthew mcconaughey showing love to the longhorns. the university of texas alum delivering this pep talk. you got to hear it. >> you lay your head down on the pillow at night and you gave it all, you anticipated that path where it was and you picked it, but you were that close to holding back, or whatevers that, you know at the end of the day when you lie your head on your pillow, i knew it, i knew it that i made that play. >> that runs for four minutes long. very inspirational. he was asked about his favorite movie, his answer was "mud". pretty popular. it kind of reminds me of -- remember his speech at the oscars when he thanked god for all of his success? he's going out there doing a lot of this as a motivational speaker of sorts. >> he has a good heart.
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meanwhile, thank you very much. millions of americans are waking up without power in several states. in texas, the wall of a building came down, sending bricks flying. you can see cars covered in rubble. thankfully nobody hurt. >> that's right. >> we're going to get more to that with janis dean. good morning to you. what more can we expect? >> elisabeth, in dallas parts of dallas, a lot of the schools are shut down because of the storm. so certainly check your local listing for the school closures in and around the dallas area. let's look at the radar. luckily this cold front is moving very quickly. we won't see the extreme severe weather that we saw last night. we had tornado warnings. we had tornado watches, things have quieted considerably. but we are still going to see the chance for showers, thunderstorms from the gulf coast all the way up towards the great lakes. are you ready for some snow? some areas of wisconsin and minnesota could see their first measurable snowfall today! look at the temperatures. 20s and 30s. it's going to feel frigid for a lot of folks. freeze advisories are in effect.
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on the flip side, we're dealing with extreme heat across southern california where the fire danger is high. so there is a tale of two extremes. elisabeth, brian, steve, back to you. >> all right, thank you very much. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. it might be the only animal hospital where dogs and cats aren't allowed. >> amazon scares the doctors. and a rat has a big problem. >> it's so big, he can't move around now anymore. >> get a lap band. >> that's right. dr. kay's exotic pet circles is the star of nat geo's show and joins us with some of her friends. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> who are you holding right there? >> this is oso. >> oh, so nervous. >> yes. >> what is that? >> a chinchilla.
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they're naturally from the mountain area of the arounde -- andes in south america. >> they like sand, don't they? >> they do. >> go ahead. he's right on your microphone. >> all these animals are rescues. >> how do you know how to fix a chinchilla when it comes in? >> it depends what's i don't know. >> explain your vet practice in dearfield beach in florida. no cats and dogs. just exotic animals. are there that many in south florida? >> there are. and -- look at that. >> tell us about this big rabbit we got right here. >> all right. this is parker and he is a lion head. rabbits make outstanding pets. >> why? >> they're wonderful. they have good life spans, seven to 12 years. >> they don't get away? >> i have a rabbit. >> my dad brought one back on easter one year. we kept it for about five days.
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>> is parker friendly? >> very kid friendly. i caution that adults should be careful in handling them. they need to eat a lot of hay. no seeds, no sweet treats. they can be litter box trained. >> do they know they're different? does he know he has a lion head? >> lion's face. >> now he does thanks to you, brian. >> i apologize. >> when we were introducing this segment, we heard a screech. that was coming from the bird? >> yeah. >> this is a macau from south america. they are a fun pet. i do have one. but it's a big decision when you want to take on macau. >> you told me he talks, but when he wants to. >> yep. >> and he actually communicates and doesn't just mimic. >> yep. i definitely think that. >> can you get her to talk? >> they don't talk on command. he's not scared today, are you?
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>> he's not scared, but you might be a little anxious because your show proceed mirrors tomorrow on nat geo. check it out, 10:00 o'clock on nat geowild. >> thank you for joining us. >> good luck on the subway home. coming up, are you better off today than you were four years ago? the president thinks so, but the polls don't agree and neither does senator marco rubio. he joins us live from florida next. >> are you afraid to let him go? ♪ ♪ i have a cold. i took nyquil but i'm still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime.
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it's quarter before the top of the hour. brand-new fox news polls this morning showing 59% of americans don't like the way things are going in the country today.
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>> but for president obama, it's business as usual. >> now, when push came to shove this year and republicans and congress actual will he had to take a stand on policies that would help the middle class and working americans, like raising the minimum wage or enacting fair pay or refinancing student loans or extending insurance for the unemployed, the answer was no. i'm not on the ballot this fall, but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. every single one of them. >> whoops. >> is that good news for the democrats running? let's ask senator marco rubio who is doing a lot of work to get more republican senators in the white house. do you think the president has a strong case? after all, unemployment is down, revenue is up. he feels obamacare is popular. do you like the -- do you think the president has a strong case? >> let me tell you why i know he doesn't have a strong case. none of these candidates are campaigning with him. if his policies were working out so well, they would all want him to come into their states and campaign with them. in fact, they either don't want him to come or when he comes to their state, they all avoid him.
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why aren't they campaigning on these things? why aren't they bragging about obamacare in their ads? instead they want their campaigns to be about all sorts of other issues. here is the bottom line, this country is not doing as well as it should be doing. this new century, an american century. this is a country right now that should be creating millions of jobs. we shouldn't have to be forcing companies to stay here in this country and a lot of them are now leaving because of our tax code and so forth. we're in a position where we are not fulfilling our potential as a nation or as a people. this should also be an american century. this is an exciting time. we are not taking full advantage of all of the opportunities of this new era and a lot of that is because of broad policies of big government that this president and his allies in the senate have pursued. >> you know, senator, when the american people really are feeling it, despite what the president is saying and you look at the poll results here when asked how do you feel about the president's job on the economy, you have over 55% disapproving about what his policies have
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done to the economy. then you have over almost 60%, 59% in another poll here dissatisfied with how things overall are going in the country. >> because for people, the economy is not the weekly reports from the labor department or how wall street closed today. their economy is the fact that they're not making as much as they were ten years ago. they had to dip into their retirement saving, their house is worth less than what they owe for it, their kids went to college, owe a bunch of money but can't find a job. they're stuck in jobs that make 11, 9, $10 an hour and have no way of making more money because either those jobs are not being created or they don't have a cost effective way of acquiring the skills they need for a better paying job. and what this president and this white house offers are 20th century solutions. 19th century solutions that didn't even work well in the 19 and 20th centuries. they don't have any modern ideas for modern challenges or modern opportunities and it's been exposed over the last few years. >> absolutely. senator, yesterday we were sick
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of brian. we sent him out of town. >> i knew there was a reason. is that true? >> he went to the dallas-fort worth area. he talked to former president george w. bush and he had this to say about his brother. listen to this. >> yeah, i think he wants to be president. i think he'd be a great president. he understands what it's like to be president for not only the person running or serving, his family. he's seen his dad, his brother. so he's a very thoughtful man and he's weighing his options. >> okay. so if jeb bush decides he's going to run for president, what does that do for marco rubio? >> well, i don't think jeb bush or anybody else for that matter would make up their minds based on who else is running and i wouldn't either. for me the decision has never been about the title. it's been about where is the best place for me to further the agenda i believe we need to be furthering. an agenda that allows us to fulfill this nation in the 21st kentry. i don't know the answer yet. i imagine he's going through the
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same process right now. >> i just know in the past, you sense he was a mentor towards you and you might have trouble running against him, where paul ryan said if mitt romney is in, i'm out. and mitt romney says if jeb is in, i'm out. does marco rubio have one of those if and flow charts? >> no, i have a lot of respect for governor bush. we have a long-term relationship. we're friends. we never even talked about this topic. we talk about education and all other types of reform. but the bottom line is whatever decision i'll make will be based on me and not on who every else is running. but certainly he will be a formidable candidate. >> all right. very good. marco rubio joining us from south florida. we know you're busy out raising money for a bunch of candidates. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> meanwhile, it's the movie that everybody is talking about called "gone girl" based on that book that sold 7 million copies. it worth seeing? kevin mccarthy just saw it. his reaction next. but first on this day in
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history in 2010, "just the way you are" by bruno mars was the number one song in america. ♪ ♪ i was just looking at your credit report site. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry,
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highly anticipated thriller "gone girls" starring ben affleck hits theaters today. does the movie live you want to hype? steve read the book nine times. >> a lot of people read the book. we have dispatched kevin mccarthy, fox news contributor, founder of you've gone out and seen the movie. what do you think? >> i seen the movie twice and i paid again last night. this is based on the book about a husband and wife and essentially the wife goes
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missing and the husband becomes the number one suspect. this movie proves yet again that david fincher is one of the best film makers working today. he's absolutely incredible. he finds a perfect balance where the movie is sick, twisted and disturbing, but infuses this weird, strange, hilarious moment into the movie and it becomes this perfect form of entertainment and it was like a roller coaster. i wanted to get back on. that's why i saw it a second time last night. absolutely brilliant. the score is absolutely brilliant as well. they deserve an academy award nomination. ben affleck is fantastic. it's my second five out of five of the year. i've seen 95 movies. it's my second five out of five next to "boyhood." i spoke to ben affleck about fincher who is very famous for doing dozen of scenes. check this out. >> i tend to run a 1,000-foot magazine. david probably does more.
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david does like -- we would take -- he's 25, 35. there's a few 50s, but not many. >> it was a 99 in terms of network, that opening scene. >> yeah. something in the jody foster movie that was 100. he likes that. he likes setting records. 99-yard kickoff. >> great. >> can you imagine doing 99 takes? i did not read the book, so it was all shocking to me. >> kevin, i want to ask you about the kevin mccarthy of film critique of the political world. you had a run-in. do tell. >> yeah. so a couple months ago, remember that other cable news network mistook me for the other kevin mccarthy and said i was going to be the new house majority leader. we met up a couple of times at fox news and we had this amazing interaction this past monday. check this out. >> look at this guy. >> mccarthy! i keep getting your google
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alerts. >> do you really? >> yes. >> what do you get, a movie review? >> movie review. and i haven't even seen it yet, so i have to go. >> we got to go to the movie sometime. dual movie reviews. >> let's do that. dual kevin mccarthy movie review. >> what's your rating system? >> five gavels. we'll do that. >> five whips. >> certain kinds of movies. >> how fun. >> but he's a hollywood guy. >> he's out in california. >> yeah. he's awesome, though. really a good guy. we're going to go to the movie sometime. maybe at some point we'll do movie reviews together. >> we'll have both of you here reviewing those. thanks. >> thanks a lot. >> coming up straight ahead, how do you say this name? >> geraldo rivera. >> that's right. he wants to weigh in on what president bush said to me yesterday, so stick around. >> here he comes now! all rise! ♪ ♪
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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. good morning. today is friday, october 3. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. an nbc news photographer now infected with ebola in africa. this as we learn the man who brought ebola to america lied to get on the plane so the cdc, can they be trusted at this point? the agency's director reacts in moments. and you heard him right here on "fox & friends." president bush revealing to brian that he called bill clinton for advice. so we wanted to know, does president obama call president bush? the answer and geraldo rivera's reaction, because he's sit being a foot from me, coming up in a minute. speaking of president obama, here we go again. >> good affordable health care
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might seem like a feigned threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. >> does blaming fox resonate with you, the voter? by the way, on a different note, mornings are better with friends. >> geraldo rivera asked us what did he blame fox news for? everything. every six weeks, when he goes back out there. >> your interview with george bush was wonderful. it really was. touching, informative. and it is one of the reasons i get so ticked off at the snobs, those big egos at comedy central. they mock "fox & friends." they mock you specifically and they are arrogant, they are empty. they are pretension. that was a wonderful interview, it was good or better than any i've seen and it was touching. a lot of good information about
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jeb bush. i thought it was terrific. >> we're going to run one of the sound bites for you in a minute. first, fox news alert, the very latest on ebola. it turns out an nbc camera man, that guy there, tested positive for ebola. he was working in liberia with dr. nancy snyderman who was doing a report on it. she's currently in isolation. meanwhile, the family of -- the friends of thomas duncan in dallas who are staying at that apartment, the ivy apartment in dallas, there is thomas duncan, he's the guy who flew from liberia to the united states. he's the guy that has ebola. apparently he's on a florida hospital all by himself. 60 empty beds and then him. the reason he wound up in this country is because the way they do, and we had the cdc guy on yesterday, two days ago and again today. if you're going to come, they're
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going to take your temperature at the airport in liberia. and then have you fill out a declaration form. he didn't have a temperature, but he lied on the declaration form where he said i have not laid hands on anybody who had ebola. that was a lie. he helped somebody who then died a few days later. >> i believe in human nature. if you are infected with a deadly disease and you remain where you are and are almost certain to die, you will lie, you will cheat, you will steal, you will do everything you can to get to the united states where, as he obviously is receiving at presbyterian hospital there in dallas the most superb care. your survival almost guaranteed. so here is the choice, tell the truth and die, or lie and live. it will happen every time. >> that will open the flood gates. >> i don't believe -- and with all due respect, and elisabeth, i heard this morning and i understand the instinct to ban all travel from west africa.
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27,000 people from west africa here in the last year or so. >> not forever. >> i think that it won't work. why? because if they are lying, cheating and stealing to get here, what they'll do is go to belgium. they'll go to south africa. they'll go to italy. they'll go every place else and then make their way back to the united states. it won't work. i think we have to heed the president's suggestion about the 3,000 g.i.'s, got to get there, set up these massive tents and quarantine and someone wants to travel, then they sit there for whatever the incubation period is before they're cleared to travel. we've got to put the massive efforts of the united states of america in finding a vaccine. otherwise this scourge will become pandemic and the panic that is evident in our voice this morning will become reality. >> you know what's happened already? the country of saudi arabia has banned people from the west
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african countries to come to the hajj. 7,000 people applied to saudi arabia. they said nope. sorry. we're not going to take you. >> it is easy to tell when someone comes from south africa when you're a saudi and you really don't hear about discrimination and you don't have -- maybe a black person and they say you can't come in. the united states of america can't do that and won't do that. here is my suggestion, you have a surgeon general who is a military officer, rear admiral, the surgeon general of the united states. let's make him ebola czar right now. give him powers. he has the absolute authority over those 3,000 g.i.s, over the doctors frantically seek seeking a vaccine now, get in an extraordinary organization with military rigidity, let him blend the need for discipline and order and control of the crowds in west africa with the fervent
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activity of the medical professionals. we now have these people who are surviving the disease. they come here. we have their blood. we can -- with all of the science and the serummology, you know, we can develop and there are promising treatments already. we can do this. >> to be met with the need for survival should be met with a need to protect. we talked with the head of the cdc earlier. this is what he had to say. >> i wish we could get to zero risk by sealing off the border, but we can't. the only way we're going to get to zero risk in this country is by controlling it in africa. until that happens, americans may come back with ebola. other people who have a right to return or a visa to enter may come back, people will go to third countries and come from there. so sealing them off, first off won't work. second, it will backfire because if we can't get help in there, if we can't get help in there,
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then we're not going to be able to stop the outbreak and ultimately we will end up at higher risk, not lower risk. >> just imagine if it got to nigeria. it's a huge oil-rich country. there is lots of rich people that can fly on private jets. it is impossible. my point, brian, is that it is impossible, a travel ban -- the instinct is always to seal up the border. 9-11 happened, let's seal up the border. isis happens, let's seal up the border. ebola happens, let's seal up the border. but we have to deal with the root cause of all of these problems and you can't fight it when it's on your side. >> i think you can do both. >> we certainly can -- listen, i have absolutely no objection and would definitely encourage the most acute screening of all travelers. >> all right. >> which would at least close the door a bit. >> i would make sure that i knew every person coming through the door. >> we want you to react to some things the president said yesterday. so number one, you were talking
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about predicting what was going on, how the president predicted if we left and didn't surge in iraq, the whole thing would fall apart and be worse. >> which president are you talking about? >> president bush. here he is. >> i know the nature of the enemy. anybody who kills 3,000 innocents and beheads people because of their religion or because of their point of view is dangerous. there is a short-term strategy which is to bring them to justice and a long-term strategy which is to encourage free societies to prevail so as to marginalize their ideology. americans have to understand that the lesson of important today as it was right after 9-11 and that is the human condition elsewhere matters to our national security. >> again, i say that's an extraordinary interview. it was charming to see him so relaxed and so candid and he's absolutely right. i believe, and i have a higher estimate of the president, the
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current president than most people, than many people do. i think his most severe failing is his refusal to recognize two things. number one, that the maliki government was going to fall apart and become sectarian and alienate -- >> he had warnings. >> he had warnings and that a residual force, he should have fought harder for. >> what do you think of -- >> not going after isis when they crossed the syrian border was the single worst failing of the obama presidency and will haunt him through his -- >> what do you think about him not calling president obama -- >> not calling president bush? >> bush and obama not speaking? >> i don't get that. i don't understand that ego getting in the way. it doesn't matter it's cross party. look at the bush-clinton relationship. it's so charming in its own way and so effective. they are baby boomers and barak obama is a younger man, true.
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he's a different party from george w. bush. but i think bush learned the hard way in iraq. you can't forget the failings of the bush administration getting us in there in 2003 in the first place. he made mistakes. the surge worked, though. i wanted president obama to bring back david petraeus, the general that president bush selected to lead that surge, that worked so effectively. >> it's too bad they don't talk. you and i don't get along, but we talk all the time. >> you came to my mom's 95th birthday. >> happy birthday, lily! >> thank you. >> thank you. i'll fist pump you in the break. >> everybody's got to sanitize. >> right. >> heather nauert has the news. >> good morning. i've got headlines now. it is being called one of the worst hack attacks ever. a massive data breach at jpmorgan chase may be much worse than originally thought. hackers stealing information from more than 80 million accounts. it includes names, home
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addresses and also e-mail addresses. customers who use and jpmorgan on line potentially affected by this, but jpmorgan telling customers that your money is safe and that you don't need to change your password. the woman whose tweet exposed inside information about grand jury proceedings in the ferguson police shooting of michael brown now claims that she was hacked. susan nichols said she did not tweet this, quote, i know someone sitting on the grand jury of this case. there isn't enough at this point to warrant an arrest of officer darren wilson. nichols said she thought she deleted that account after it was hacked in the past. do you believe that? how secure are our nation's airports? ask this phi. he's on the watch list, but he managed to fly from minneapolis to denver without the right screening. take a look. >> we need to do some screening that may or may not have been completed in minneapolis. >> why do you need to do more screening if i traveled from point a to point b safely,
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right, why does there now need to be more screening? >> and just this, we learned that three passengers on an international flight from tokyo walked through a metal detector at minneapolis. they slipped past security after the agent left his post. this is now the fourth person that we know of who slipped past security recently in minneapolis. no comment yet from the tsa. those are your headlines. >> it's always something. >> thanks. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, a group now training people to catch cops on video? good idea or is this a disgrace to our men and women in blue? >> and then a toll collector told to stop saying god bless you because it might offend drivers. now that worker is out of a job. ♪ ♪ how do you know your kids will love campbell's soup? well, it's been the number one soup in america. (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations
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(family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good!
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policing the police. it's happening more and more. groups taking to cameras to the streets to record law enforcement activity in the event something goes wrong and they can show it to people. the justice committee here in new york city is one of the latest groups dedicated to videotaping cops. these groups are growing in the wake of events like ferguson and the death of that new york city man, eric gardner. is this helping or hurting our law enforcement? let's turn to america's lawyer, peter johnson, jr. >> good morning.
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i'm calling on cop catchers and police paparrazzi. is this distrust and cynicism about police coming from the very top of the criminal justice chain? watch. >> the national outcry we have seen speaks to a sense of mistrust and mutual suspicion that can take hold in the relationship between law enforcement and certain communities. i want the people in ferguson to know that i personally understood that mistrust. >> in a summer marked by instability in the middle east and eastern europe, i know the world took notice of the small american city of ferguson, missouri where a young man was killed and a community was divided. so yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions. >> so groups like cop watch and cop block all around the country are going to the streets and they're taping police officers. they send out -- >> they're standing this.
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>> they tape police officers -- >> just waiting for something to happen. >> sometimes they're getting arrested. this has been a robust debate in the courts around the country. too they have a civil right to do so? most circuit courts say they do. but the bigger issue is, are we creating a distrust, a mistrust, a cynicism about our police? now, there is a lot of people on the left and a lot of people on the right who happen to agree. they say, we need to watch the watchers. we need to watch the centurions. but at the same time, are we creating such an environment for our police officers that we believe that their actions are going to be suspect, that they're going to be criminal? shouldn't we have more confidence in their ability to do the right thing? >> after ferguson, a lot of people were saying, why don't the police officers wear little video cameras? i like that idea. then if somebody else with a camera is just standing next o a police officer, i'm not doing, i'm just waiting 'til you too something stupid. >> you're right. there are studies that say it decreases violence, it decreases police abuse, that it's good all around to have some cameras like that. but the bigger question is, how
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intrusive, how disruptive, how dangerous is it to have squads of americans going around saying, i'm going to watch you, police officer. i don't believe what you're doing. you're suspect inhasn'tly. big, big problem going forward. let's say how it plays out. >> peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. coming up on this friday, you heard the state department spokesperson say pulling our troops from iraq had nothing to do with isis moving in. really? that's not what leon panetta says. and what does chris wallace say? he joins us live shortly. then he helped bring the economy back from the brink. so why can't ben bernanke get a mortgage? what? he's been burned. ♪ ♪
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i. our special series continues with the story of a young woman who is not your average beauty queen. a fourth degree black belt, in fact, in taekwondo. the current miss usa is no joke. but as we found out, this beautiful girl is even more spectacular on the inside. alicia akuehn i can't has the story. >> tell me what it was like in those last few seconds before they called your name. >> right before they called my name, everything went silent. i didn't notice or even think about the millions of people watching on tv. >> and miss usa 2014 is nevada! >> i was trying not to cry.
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that was my main thing. i was so happy and i knew the tears of joy would start falling. once i got back and turned around and saw all the girls faces who were so excited for me, that's when i was like bawling. >> for mia sanchez, that second was five years in the making. pretty good for a shy girl who grew up in california and once lived in a women's shelter. >> not everything has been handed to me. my parents separated and my mom didn't really have anywhere to go at the time. so that was a really good place for her to build her resume and get back into the work force. >> it's very easy for people to judge. >> it is easy for people to judge. and i think that sometimes there is a stigma that it's maybe a bad place, but i hope that me being miss usa, i can really expose the light that there is. >> she tries to expose that light when she can and visited shelters regularly in las vegas when she was miss nevada. >> you go back to shelters, you work with young women? >> i do. >> tell me about that.
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it must be something for them to turn around and see you. it's almost like a reflection. >> it brought tears to my eyes many a time, especially the latin women. they say, you're mexican american and so am i! like if you can do it, i know i can do it. i've had so many people tell me that. it completely warms my heart to know i bring that. >> when she was eight, her parents' separation and moving around hit a blow to her confidence. her dad signed her up for classes in taekwondo. >> i didn't even want to do it. i said, i'm not going to sign up unless you do. >> what started as a bonding exercise quickly turned into so much more. >> it has taught me so much. it taught me discipline, perseverance, integrity and then on top of that when i was 12, i started teaching. >> does it do something for you almost on a spiritual level? what is it about taekwondo that's amazing? >> i've learned or come to learn over the years that taekwondo is more than just a physical sport or a discipline. it's a way of life. >> i don't know anything about
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it, so if you're teaching someone, if to do teach one thing to get someone away what, would you do? >> i call it the superman button. the secret service does this to get through crowds. right now, you press in a downward angle on the opposite person and they're going to fall back. >> so if you push right there? >> yeah. hard. >> with force. i remember i was practicing to teach a class and my boyfriend was with me and i said can i practice on you real quick? he said that really hurts, stop. so i know it works. >> she's currently dating the actor daniel bucco who she met at church and describes him as the perfect fit. >> and he is just, for me, everything that a man should be. he understands me being miss usa. so he knows that when i'm at a red carpet event, that's me working. i'm really lucky to have a man that gets excited like some wouldn't. >> she hasn't always been so lucky in love. was you were victimized? >> i was never -- i'll say i was never hit or abused in that way.
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i had a car window broken. i had a bruise on my arm from being grabbed and pulled so tight. the first time he touched me that time where i had an entire hand print bruise on my arm is the last time i ever saw him. and i just feel very blessed that i had the strength to leave because i know that it's hard because you feel like you're in love with somebody. >> good for you. >> thank you. >> you're in a good place? >> i am. i feel -- you never want to say oh, i'm glad i had that relationship. but i feel like i learned at a young age. i know the red flags. i will never deal with that again and i'm kind of like a no bs kind of girl when it comes to dating now. >> with a year chalk full of photo shoots, we wanted to know how this beautiful girl wanted to leave her mark. >> i always wanted to be the best person i can be and encourage other people and lift others up because i feel like that's what would make me more beautiful rather than knowing how to do my make-up or hair and i still don't know how to do it that well and i have people that
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help me. but i feel the inside is really important. >> i can hear people saying, this drop dead gorgeous person talked about inner beauty? >> i know. it's such a thing to say, but it's so true. i define beauty as coming from the inside out. >> and finally, we wondered if she had a chance to sit down with the big man. so you must have an opportunity to meet the donald. >> mr. trump? the only opportunity i really have is after the pageant when i won. i haven't had lunch with him yet. or dinner, or coffee. i think that needs to happen soon. i'm not going anywhere. i think we have plenty of time. i'll be here for a while. i'm sure i will eventually. >> i think we can help arrange that lunch for her. while she's busy preparing for the miss universe pageant in january, she still makes plenty of time for kids and regularly heads up stranger danger classes, teaching them to
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identify and avoid dangerous situations. she's an impressive young woman, a great role model. lot of strength behind that smile. thank you for bringing us that story. next week you'll meet a man who is changing lives through music. francisco, the amazing young people's chorus of new york city joining their inspirational story next friday here on "fox & friends." to check out more stories celebrating hispanic heritage month, visit us at foxnews, when the going gets top, blame fox. >> good affordable health care might seem like a feigned threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. >> but does blaming us resonate with you, the voter? chris wallace on that next s
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work with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. before we craft it into a sandwich.
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there is a reason fewer republicans, you hear them running around about obamacare. 'cause while good affordable health care might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the american people on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. >> when the president says stuff like that, he's not talking about us. he's talking about chris wallace. >> absolutely. we have to take the slings and arrows. >> he called you out yesterday, chris. >> listen, i don't know why anybody would be upset about that. it's kind of a badge of honor. first of all, i think it's fair game. we're big boys. we have been very critical of the president and obamacare and i think rightly so. it's not like we think there is anything wrong with our reporting. president is trying to gin up his base, about a month before the election.
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calls us out. we should view it as a badge of honor. >> you know what, though, fox news has been right. we've been talking about the problems with obamacare and we just crossed another landmark. look at this, a new fox news poll, 54% of people in the united states wish it had never passed. >> well, yeah. it's still controversial. but the people i suspect that were in that room with the is the don't feel that way. i suspect they like obamacare and a lot of them don't like fox news and so he took a shot at us. we're big boys and girls. we can take it. >> yeah. i just didn't think we belonged in the dialogue. just tell me what you think and take on the other party. >> did you punch him down? >> doesn't vladimir putin get under his skin a little bit more? >> isis? >> stop being cry babies, my gosh. >> why are we in the dialogue, chris? why is fox news in the dialogue? >> he needs a boogie man! >> i have been covering presidents since the 1980s.
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if the only thing worse than being attacked by a president is not being attacked by a president. as i say, it's actually kind of a badge of honor. >> it is. >> so let's put that badge on. we'll sew it on during the break. let's talk about leon panetta. >> he is thin skinned. you credit citizen the -- criticize the president being thin skinned and you're being thin skinned. >> are you talking to me or elisabeth? >> i was talking to all of you. >> i didn't know. we live at 1601 pennsylvania avenue and we're right next door. so equal power. let's talk about leon panetta. how surprised are you that he has gone out of his way in his book and in interviews to essentially call out the president for not leaving troops in iraq? here it is, the president's team at the white house pushback and the difference occasionally became heated and those on our side viewed the white house as so eager to rid itself of iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements to preserve our influence and interests. those are the types of things that we have brought up in the past. so is he going to attack leon
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panetta tomorrow? >> i doubt it, but that's a much more serious thing and good for leon panetta to tell the truth. i'm a little surprised that he would be that honest, but completely contradicts the obama narrative which he made as recently as in an interview on "60 minutes" on sunday when he said it was all about al male, that it wasn't our decision, it was their decision, which wasn't the truth. the fact is that the pentagon wanted to keep people there. the white house kept cutting it down and i don't think the number of troops we would keep there after the status of forces agreement in 2011 and i don't think the white house pushed very hard even for that small residue of forces and it just is crazy the idea -- when the president said it was all maliki's fault, if we had had 20 or 25 or 30,000 troops there, do you think -- and threaten to cut off aid, don't you think we could have maintained some influence over the maliki government? >> common sense says so, right? but they're still denying it. the state department spokesperson was with megyn
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kelly last night and megyn kelly had to take a sack. take a listen. >> that is an accounting of what happened three years ago. that's just not consistent with what happened three years ago. >> he had basinly won the war after those 175,000 troops were there. we had won. the vice president said that iraq could go down as the administration's greatest success. things changed after we did the surge in iraq. we were doing much better and then the president's critics say we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because we pulled out the troops and there was no one there to protect the gains. >> megyn, are you arguing 10,000 troops or 5,000 troops or 25,000 troops would have prevented, would have been able to fight back against isil when 150 or 175,000 couldn't have held back entirely al-qaeda? >> it's not megyn kelly arguing it. it's leon panetta who is in a much better position to know. he talks about how i voiced to the president that this country could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks against the united states if we
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with drew all the forces. isn't that exactly what happened? >> that is not what happened. >> and that is not the truth, chris. >> see, jen psaki tried to do something very smart there. she said, are you saying 10,000 troops could have defeated isil? that's not what panetta is saying. it wasn't supposed to be 10,000 troops. it was supposed to be more like 20 to 30,000 troops, and the aid, he's saying if we had been much more muscular in our response to al-maliki when the status of forces agreement took effect at the end of 2011, we could have had impact on maliki and we could have had impact on maliki to create an inclusive government that kept the sunnies inside and also that maliki wouldn't have kicked out all the good sunni generals and simply made it a shia fighting force that would dissolve on first contact with the enemy. so it isn't the u.s. troops would have been there to fight isil. it's they would have been there
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to keep al-maliki honest, which didn't happen. >> all right. as we look ahead, we think about our sunday. if you want to know -- >> wait a second. chris, are you finished? >> yeah. but you know, you ask me questions, let me answer the question. >> we were having a conversation. just throw something in. i got a feeling on sunday -- >> i know you, let me say this, folks. when you say right, yeah, that means, get off the air. >> chris, we have just eaten up all the time for your plug for your sunday show because -- >> we're going to be talking about ebola, and the secret service. we're going to have national officials. we're going to have a former f.b.i. agent. we're going to have a great show and the nationals are going to win the world series, which is why i'm wearing red today and i think the nationals should be america's team. >> they definitely could. they certainly have the pitching, chris wallace. there you go. we look forward to watch. >> i am a little wound up today.
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what can i say? >> that's okay. you're entitled. >> by my show you'll be nodding off, i know you, chris. >> thanks. >> he's acting like he didn't realize he was just on tv for a few minutes. look what i'm wearing! >> that guy loves his baseball. new information coming in overnight. majority of abortion clinics in the state of texas will be shut down and that's because federal appeals court just gave the green light to a more restrictive law that requires doctors to have hospital admitting privileges. abortion clinics also have to meet hospital level operating and emergency health standards in order to stay in business. that means for now, 13 of the state's 21 abortion clinics will have to close unless they upgrade their facilities. a new jersey toll collector forced to stop saying god bless you because it might offend motorists? the woman now filing suit against the new jersey turnpike
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authority claiming that her former boss violated her first amendment rights by trying to silence her. i always say it, a good day, god bless. people would tell me i'm the friendliest booth worker they had met. the handbook says no phones, no foul language, no radios, not one line says do not say god bless. instead of complying, the woman quit her job and wants back pay and a cash settlement. the guy who helped bring the economy back from the brink can't even get a mortgage loan? ben bernanke, the former federal reserve chairman, made this admission at a conference in chicago. the audience thought that he was joking and laughed out loud. experts say it probably reveals more about all those skittish lenders than his finances. those are your headlines. >> thanks for that. coming up straight ahead, we have a fox news alert. brand-new jobs report released moments ago. nicole petallides joins us live with breaking news on the economy that matters to you next. that's right. then she bravely battled breast cancer in front of millions of
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people. now she is giving back in a big way. julianna rancic, one of my favorites, is coming here live! >> how does that make me feel, elisabeth? ♪ ♪ i'm not afraid.
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here we are with a fox news alert. moments ago the labor department released its monthly jobless numbers. unemployment at a six-year low. that sounds like good news for america. and the president. but there is more to that story. >> nicole petallides live at the new york stock exchange. let's hear the numbers. >> good morning. there is always more to the story. the numbers come out. 248,000 jobs added. the unemployment rate dropped to 5.9%, a six-year low, which dates back to july of 2008. and guys, when i look at this, i look into the numbers. a couple of things. first of all, the labor force participation rate. these are americans who want to work, are willing to work, but
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in the end, basically drop out. i was looking at that and that drop to 62.7. i want to give you a chart. oh, my god, a chart? yes. you must look at it. this is the labor force participation rate. this is the year 2009. it begins to drop, drop, drop. basically it says americans are dropping out of the work force for whatever reason, they can't find a job. the jobs are not paying enough. it's only part-time. they don't want it. they're disgruntsled and upset with america. they can't get it. they're dropping out. that's not a good sign. people want to work and get jobs, they should be able to do that. that's really disconcerting. the other part of it is wage growth. it dropped by a penny. that's the other part of america. america has had the recovery from the great recession, yes. but it has been incredibly slow and haven't seen the wages grow with it. so that's the numbers. >> the good news is the number is smaller with unemployment. unfortunately, so many people have dropped out of the work force and they're not counted.
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>> and unemployment has been extended and extended. so you're still getting some income coming in. >> also, we did a fox news poll. do you approve or disapprove of president obama's job performance on the economy? a majority, 55%, disapprove. and that goes to the point where the president himself was talking about people don't feel like things are getting better. >> look, that's terrible! you want the approval rates to be fantastic! how do 55% disapprove? basically americans are frustrated. while we've seen a few economic numbers that have shown growth, overall people are not feeling so great. while the stock market, i know, it was up 30% last year. it's up 5%. i know a lot of people are thinking it will continue to grow, americans are not feeling it. so 40% approve. 55% disapprove. i'm sure there is a margin of error in there, but that's what we're watching for. as far as the markets, this is a
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midterm election year and since the year 1928, this is your water cooler fun bit -- 1928, 86% of the time this fourth quarter has an up arrow for the s & p 500. that average is 6 1/2%. it should be a winning quarter maybe. back to you. >> all right. >> thanks. >> she's got a big prop budget. up next on our show. >> she bravely battled breast cancer in front of millions of people. now she's giving back in a big way. giuliana rancic is live in the studio. >> and as she walks in, let's bring in martha mccallum. she's promised an exclusive look at her show. hey, martha. >> hello. good morning. so we are going to debate the government's reaction to ebola as we now learn that his family, this patient's family pleaded for his case to be taken more seriously while he was sick in their apartment. and leon panetta contradicts the president on our exit from iraq. and the military warns its people about a threat from isis. we've got jack keane, jen psaki,
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you know her best as fashion police co-host. >> yep. life hasn't always been glitzy for giuliana rancic who found herself in the fight of her life four years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. >> she and her foundation are looking to give back in a major way. she's here to tell us now. welcome back to the couch. >> good morning. good to be here. >> great to have you. >> happy occasion, but serious message. >> yes. absolutely. it's breast cancer awareness month, which is a perfect time for us to have our gala. we had a great one last night. it was with our new partner, the
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pink agenda. we're all under the breast cancer research foundation. they're one of the biggies raising tons of money for research to find a cure. i grant wishes to women who are going through breast cancer treatment. when i was going through treatment, the last thing i felt was pretty. when i went back to work after my surgery, my mastectomy, once i put that make-up on, i got in my wardrobe, i know it sounds superficial, but it's not. i felt like i knew who i was again. i felt like the girl before the cancer. >> because you're getting back to normal. >> that's right. >> whatever normal is. >> that's right. so if we can do that for deserving women, why not? so we raise a lot of money last night actually. we're figuring out exactly how much we raised. but so we'll be making a lot of wishes come true. >> i think -- you're so young. >> we have a picture from last night. >> there we go! that's the founder, marissa, from the event and her husband. so yeah. >> i think it's incredible how much you've done to really
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continue awareness and how strong you were through the whole process. i want to ask you about a really strong woman that you worked with for over a decade, joan rivers. everyone devastated with her loss. tell us about your relationship with her and how you're doing, 'cause i know it's obviously hard on family, but also friends that are close to her. >> yeah. you guys, you know. everyone was so shocked. the whole industry was shocked. really the world was shocked. big news. i knew joan -- i've known joan for 13 years. i was lucky enough to know her. she was probably i think the first person i met at "e" 13 years ago. in the hair and make-up room, she's like, let me give you advice. put this in your contract. don't let them do this to you and gave me the greatest business advice. but that's the thing, she always was rooting for the underdog, for the new kid. she wanted to make sure that the big corporation didn't take advantage of you. they didn't, but she always wanted to make sure of that. >> what's happened with the show?
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>> it's coming back in january. we took a little break. but melissa rivers, one of our executive producers, they are hard at work at figuring out what that show is going to look like in january. i'm in talks with them every day. i am telling you, there are a lot of rumors floating around of different people who are going to take that seat. none of them are true. not -- no, not one decision. >> they just haven't figured it out yet. it's still early. >> exactly. they have a little bit of time. they don't need to do it today. but let me tell you, they are working tirelessly to figure out who it's going to be. >> those will be big high heels to fill. she was a legend. >> she was. >> how is duke? >> duke is incredible. >> how old is he now? >> he just turned two. he counts to 20. is that genius or not? >> absolutely is. >> incredible husband of yours, look at that duke. we have talked before about this. you always ask me about sibling
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siblings. i was always on you for when you're going to get him a brother or sister. do you want to talk about that? >> i would love to. we had duke with a surrogate because of the cancer and so we tried to have another baby not long ago and we miscarried, unfortunately. so we kind of pushed pause on the whole thing. but now we're finally having conversations again and just trying to figure out really when is the best time. so hopefully in the next year we'll have a big announcement. >> fantastic. can you stick around for a couple of minutes? >> i would love to. >> more with giuliana rancic in two minutes! >> don't go away
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make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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she wants to know what's going to be on your show over the weekend. >> "fox & friends" weekend, we'll talk about that big jpmorgan data breach where all the credit card numbers were
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stolen about. plus, two new dogs were invented for the westminster dog -- >> invented? fantastic. watch the weekend. see you back here on monday, everybody. bill: friendly fire. president obama's former defense secretary saying president obama dropped the ball on iraq. leon panetta. he says they may have left iraq vulnerable to an isis takeover. martha: i'm martha maccallum. the claims were made in a new memoir that is called "worthy fight." he served as cia director and was defense


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