tv Red Eye FOX News October 4, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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go to and vote in that poll. up next. the o'reilly factor. good night, see you monday. tonight on "red eye" -- >> coming up on "red eye," is buck sexton thinking about trading in the shagging wagon for a hot air balloon in the debate ranls in that well coifed head. and what happened on joe biden's trip to the turnip farm? >> fell off the turnip truck yesterday. i'm serious. >> and finally, will the x games stop discriminate anklet dogs compete in the skate board big air. all paws on deck next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> what a shame. but anyway, let's welcome our
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guests. >> somebody's asleep. she's pretty and dirty. her mouth is fittyer than buck's mind. i'm here with dagan mcdowell. on the fox business network, you're going to hell. you can't spell or find joil and no chunkiness without joe and still stuck on the anna grahams. aren't you? joe and. that hand. been places. he's doing his part to help stop global warming by having no energy. it's tv's andy levy, sporting another bad jacket. he doesn't hough glue. he uses it as hair gel. sitting next to me buck sexton, the's national security editor and host of the buck sexton show" on the blaze radio network. good for you. >> the lead. that's the first story.
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>> a. got close to bam. yes, opposer was backstage with potus. it's something that would happen. a man pretending to be a member of congress got into a secure backstage area at the congressional black caucus awards dinner last saturday. a white house official tells bloomberg news the man gained entrance by claiming to be new jersey representative donald payne junior. that often works with me. he ended up in the area where lawmakers were gathering to have their picture taken with the president. eventual a white house staffer realized he was a fraud and asked him to leave. a secret service spokesman, whoever the guy was he went through a security screening at the dinner. we're joined by a live studio audience. a show of hands, whom of you think i'm a giant caterpillar?
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all right. seems like the drugs are kicking in. that's important for the friday show. >> i don't know about giant. >> well, i'm a caterpillar. you can mind your own business, weer weird jacket guy. looks like he's about to pick up a rental car for me. >> i'll get that. is there anything else you need? >> you know what you can do with your seafoam sweater there. >> buck, always a pleasure having you and your air together. what the hell is going on? you're a security expert. i think the secret service may be getting a bad rap on this. is there some kind i have friction between the staffers that work for obama and secret service and that's why they're kind you have maybe they're passive aggressive about their job? >> >> i don't know what has the people more paranoid at this point, ebola outbreak in this country or the secret service failures. this is a guy who seems like he just wanted to get close enough to the president to get an
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autograph. given how the presidency is going, they should take them where they can get them. >> i think this is a safety hazard. >> no, they checked him. everyone is looking at this -- first of all getting within a mile is usually quite hard. in new york city, he can't get into my own apartment. you ask the cops why can't i go home? i don't know. i live here. tough for you. it's ridiculous. >> that's an amazing impression. >> nypd. >> are there no women in the n yp pd? >> he was a woman. they're heavy heavy smokers. no, they're heavy smokers. heavy smokers. >> shame on you. >> kudos to you fine women of the n yp pd. >> i love the new york police department. some say a little too much. dagan, i was asked for a ride home. dagan,ing issing this more proof that president obama needs to be impeached if only to keep him safe? >> no. >> okay.
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>> you know what i don't understand about this, who in the lord's name would want to impersonate somebody in congress? that's the low impersonation of a trial law. i didn't impersonate jody arias. women in prison have a following. >> they get a lot of letters. many of them from buck. >> and pictures. >> they get a lot of pictures from andy and his cast. >> i look like jodie arias. i just need some glasses. >> i never saw you as a look alike. now i can't get it out of my head. joann, i got it, you're not allowed into bar or restaurants because of past behavior. how angry angel us are you of people who can waltz in to meet the president and you can't go into an applebee's without people laughing? >> i know. i need to study what he did and take notes. at this point, are we really surprised? everyone's like oh, my gosh, another thing. of course, there's going to be one a week that's going to come out till the next big scandal
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happens. he was so smart hope to to pick a member of congress because obama has been so removed from congress, none of his people know who anyone is. it wasn't till later they realized i don't think this is him. >> nobody knows their member pfz congress. that's why he could get away with it. >> a hooker from cart ta hane na from ten miles away. a member of congress, i have no idea who you are. >> andy, you were a member of congress, the progressive rock band in the early '70s. you never went anyway. defend your hero fake congress guy. >> first of all, shame on the service for being racist. a guy claims to be a blank congressman, nobody catches him? i guess they all look alike. >> well done sweater boy. >> a member of the white house staff determined the guy wasn't congress mann payne. they asked him to leave. he did so and wasn't detained. how was he not detained in don't
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you want to find out what he was doing there how he got in? you just say okay, go about your business? >> no, it's crazy. >> screamed. >> this all started with one coup ol, that coup col was. >> the reality tv people. >> salahis. >> they're so dangerous. >> the wife is now married to neal schon of journey. >> i used to date kneel schohn. it goes around. what a long journey to the white house with the salahis. these are just words coming out of my mouth. here's my theory and i opened the segment before with this comment. i believe that there are people that work in the white house that aren't qualified or know enough about the secret service and what they can ask for and do. i think they treat the service poorly and the secret service are reacting in a way that is appropriate when you're treated poorly. >> sounds like every senior white house advisor there is. i'm sure they're very dismissive
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of people. >> that's not the kind of job where that's an appropriate way to react, to be treated poorly. >> i know this from people either current or former secret service, the obama administration, officials have changed the way they want do some of the things they do. and they have to listen. if the president says i'm going for a walk, they can't grab him, no you're not. >> my point is that there are, okay, let's say you have a lot of young people on staff like you do. >> i do. >> you run a jam ba juice. you want to impress your boyfriend or give. i'm going to show you the east wing and there's a secret service guy. he says no. she can come with me. that's what happens. i have no facts or any proof. does that sound right? i would do that. >> that i believe. >> i'm saying that because i would do it, so would they. that's usually a fact.
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should he go to trial for spreading something vial? liberia wants to prosecute the man who brought ebola to the u.s. if he survives. officials say eric duncan said he didn't touch an infected person when he carried a sick woman to a taxi several days before traveling. it's unclear if he knew she had e bowl la. officials say he's brought a stigma upon liberia for spreading the disease. but even if he knew he were sick, he wouldn't have to announce it. there's apparently no u.s. requirement that travelers inform airlines they have a potentially contagious disease. the case is dallas prompted calls for heavy restrictions on travel between west africa and the u.s. the cdc director says that's not the solution. >> i wish we could get tote zero risk by sealing off the border but we can't. the only way we get to zero risk in this country is by controlling it in africa. till that happens, americans may
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come back with ebola, other people who have a right to return may come back. >> he's a great books on tape person. even when he's talking about dire stuff, it's soothing. >> he looks like one of the guys in the control room during apollo 13 or something like that. just like a dorky guy getting the job done. >> my thought. >> all right. i want to ask you, buck, a, do we restrict travel from west africa and b, can we do that? >> i think it would be possible. the question becomes should you do it. people are saying this creates a weird precedent. if you're starting to say some countries can't fly here, what would you do this again? what other things come up are you going to do this. it's like the swimming pool rule. if you see somebody in the pool with a really bad rash, it's not their fault. you don't want to make them feel bad but you're getting out of
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the pool. >> i will make you feel bad. this is a true story. >> do not get gross on me. >> it's not like a crotch rash. >> you just put that in my head. >> it wasn't like -- >> okay. >> i was on a delta flight and a dude got on the plane and his carry on luggage was a garbage bag. he sat down next to me and got on the phone. bro, i was staying with a friend and i was living in squalor and i have a staph infection. i looked at lim. it was visible to the naked eye on both arms and his legs and they had let him on the plane. and the door was closing. i shot out of my seat and ran up to the front of the plane and said you're taking this man off. they held the flight for an hour and he was gone. they kicked him off the plane. if you're sweating on a plane, i'm reporting you. if you have a zit, i'm calling in smallpox. >> that was a better rash story. >> by the way, the sad part was
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bryan kilmeade. >> he actually died 15 minutes later because he couldn't get medical care. >> exactly. >> the really terrifying part of this is if you stop people coming from other countries, look how the tsa treats people when they find a snowglobe in their luggage. imagine when they're trying to find pan dem hick disease. >> i don't think they're paid enough. i think that there would be -- they're not properly trained to do anything. >> they're nod medical experts right. >> medical people. >> medical technicians. >> he what do you think of liberia's stance? i mean the countries feeling towards this man, not their stance. >> they've said they want to press charges if he survives. i guess. it's such an awful thing. there's a man fighting for his life because he has this is disease but he lied on
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paperwork. >> they let him get out of the country. >> we don't know that. >> i don't think we do. >> if you are helping a woman who the hospital turned away, i think you know it's something serious. i think you know what's going on in that area. >> do you think he got on and left knowing he had ebola. >> he's like i'm getting my ass out of here. i'm getting to the u.s. to get medical care if i do have this. >> an example needs to be made unfortunately. countries want to make an example out of someone. they won't want this to happen again. >> liberia has its handsful. this will be high on the list. >> at the time that this woman was sick, they thought it was due to her pregnancy. i don't think they'll be able to prove he knowingly lied. it wouldn't surprise me if he never goes back to liberia again. he's got relatives. >> no pressing urge. >> he's not getting back on a plane and going back to ebola
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central. is that what they're calling it? >> it used be a dirty diaper in the back of the seat was the worst thing or maybe alec baldwin on a plane. now it's ebola. >> we're talking about this before the show. i think in africa, it's out of control. they need to control it and probably have a ban. in america, i don't see the point in getting everybody riled up. i want to show you, i call this matt drudge's poem of panic. this is the upper left-hand corner confident drudge report. every single one of those lines is a horrible hypothetical or real instance of something going on. somebody's being tested. you have to be tested if you go in. that doesn't necessarily mean have you it. >> hospitalized with ebola-like symptoms. early symptoms are full symptoms. it's a peefr, headache, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting. those are flu-like symptoms. >> that's my wednesday.
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>> the flu kills a lot more people every year. >> i've been getting some promising results treating ebola using a monoclonal antibody cocktail. i'm going to start human trials this weekend. >> i just drink a lot of vodka. it kills everything. >> one day it will kill you, dear. >> we all die. >> that's true. scooby-doo,ing where are you. saturday morninging is a time for morning. yes, cartoons are kaput. whatever. the cw, i don't know what that is, was announced or has announced a cartoon free lineup marking the death of the american institution. . the network was the last to air the early morning tunes after nbc stopped in '92, cbs last year. how did the tradition die? with and vil dropped on its head or maybe it drove into a mountain because it thought it was a tunnel. nope, cable killed the saturday morning cartoon. networks like cartoon network,
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disney and c-span provide 24/7 programming for children. there was one cartoon i loved more than any other as a kid. shut up. >> in the year 2117 an 8-year-old gale boy found a magic lamp. he was granted three wishes. the first a if your inject, the second a flying car and the third was a planetful of unicorns. this is the story of that planet ♪ a gay boy wish for a planet full of unicorns ♪ ♪ give it up, oh, cadillac ♪ and >> that brings back memories of my childhood. the death of cartoons, does it stress you? >> no, i this i they're bad for you on saturday morning. build a fort, not watch tv. >> where did you grow up. >> planet of the apes. >> i by the fort out of pillows.
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>> i didn't -- >> i did. in the living room. >> blankets. >> and a card table. >> i was a fan of the sid and marty krost shows. >> hr puffin stuff, sigmund and the sea monster. >> and land of the lost. i had issues because they buried sexual issues, like, for example, i love here suit men. i blame chaka, the talking flute, his completely screwed me up forever. >> might have screwed you up but made a lot of men very happy. i don't know what that means. buck, did you watch cartoons when you were a kid? >> of course. >> were you ever a kid? >> i still am. >> at heart. >> but cartoons. :00. she mentioned hidden sexual stuff. there's a hidden economic message. cartoons they're dropping from the schedule, richie rich are, duck tails with scrooge mcduck.
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this is a stealth marxism being infiltrated into our society. part of obama's plan. we don't want success. the little rich kid is bad. we don't want him on tv anymore. scrooge mcduck, scottish it, the guy swings in a giant vat of money. that's like mitt romney. >> you're saying impeach obama. >> joann, are you sad by the news or know what we're talking about? >> i'm a little bit younger than anybody else at the table. i have no idea what anyone's talking about. i watched a lot of disney shows on saturday morning in the early '90s i watched. the thing is -- >> like getting your aarp card. >> the thing is now, we don't need it. because with cable and you have netflix and on demand and you have like different cartoon network channel. you don't need this sated is
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morning programming to watch it. it's saturday morning whenever you want. >> that's the problem. you lose the specialness. the uniqueness of the saturday morning of waking up early, having pancakes, watching an the brady bunch cartoon. the brady bunch cartoon. josie and the pussycats. the jetsons. wacky racers. >> saturday morning cartoons yes they were officially killed by the cable channels like the cartoon network and netflix. long before that, they were mort tally wounded by the government. back in the '90s, the fcc mandated broadcast networks carry three hours a day of educational programming. they scheduled an for saturday morning to get it out of the way so it wouldn't affect their ratings. what happened in the '90s was cartoons ran off the cliff but didn't look down till now. >> nicely done. >> and scooby-doo is not educational? >> my favorites scoop by doo --
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♪ baby i'm preying on you tonight ♪ ♪ i'll eat you alive ♪ just like animals like animals ♪ ♪ maybe you think that you can hide ♪ ♪ i just know you're -- just like animals, animals like animals ♪ ♪ oh, baby i'm preying on you tonight hunt you down eat you alive ♪ ♪ just like animals animals like animals ♪ ♪ baby don't think that you can hide ♪ ♪ just like animals animals like animals ♪ >> oh, my god. the rape abuse and incest national network or rain issued a statement saying "maroon five's video for animals is a dangerous depiction of a stalker's fantasy.
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no one should confuse stalking with romance. it should have no place in the entertainment industry. >> for a cleanser, here's the band performing that song live in concert. ♪ >> that's maroon 5. >> never sounded better. dagan, you have a pretty high threshold for anything crude or disgusting. you don't like this video. you find it problematic to quote andy. >> i'm going to look at joann when i say this. this is a woman's worst nightmare. you're about ready to get it on and flow shows up. i'm not talking about flow.
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>> putting that aside, it's pretty creepy, correct? >> yes, creepy. i watch hannibal and this freak show watches hannibal, too. it's hard to stomach cared compared to that. that is rough. >> first time i watched the video. i eight adam. is that cloud are our sense of what is fair because we hate him so much. >> ordinarily i would say hatred for someone doesn't mean it's okay to drop a pretense of fairness but in this case, i'm okay with it. this group rain disapproves like jagr. >> nice. >> but the weird thing here is that it's only the video they're upset about. the lyrics of the song are exactly what is shown on the screen. the song is a stalker fantasy. did they think that adam levine was enough to make a video that wasn't a literal portrayal of the lyrics? he's a moron.
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>> no, he's a maroon. okay? >> all right? >> having a hard time because she loves the band. let's go to you, buck. they can just say this is art. this is art. art is open to interpretation. and also his voice is horrifying. your thoughts? >> the song is so bad that clearly they had to come up with something that would garner attention. there were a bunch of guys saying we make a video clubbing baby seals. they went a step further. the video, when i read the description, it can't be that bad. you're waiting for adam to say i'm going to eat your liver with fava beans. the song is the worst part of the whole thing. the real violence is done to our ears. >> you all are so jealous of his talent and his abs. it's ridiculous.
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even you, dagan. >> the abs part. >> ooze like a shrimp you got to rip the head off and keep the body. >> i'm going to keep talking. >> that's sort of what the song was about. >> he did this video trying to be a bad ass because he sings like a girl. >> do you feel better now? >> i do. >> what do you think? >> is the video insensitive of sexual assault. yes, i think so. it's also insensitive to animals and vegetarians and actual butchers. >> that's true. where is the butcher? >> i love adam levine. but i do dislike when these artists decide they're actors. >> that's bad too. >> because they're not. >> it never works out. >> just show your abs. >> i think we've learned he's still a bag. he was one before the segment and after the segment. i would like to say i was the first to say that adam levine is
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a -- bag. make a commercial out of that. or don't make a commercial out of that. make a t-shirt. we're going to commercial. that's how the brain works. sometimes you have sin naps and things get crossed. coming up, a charles manson musical. i hear it's already a cult classic. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is tourists. tourists. they're the worst unless you are one. they're like be members of congress orphans of the dave matthews band but you keep our city nice and profitable. for that we thank you, tourists.
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>> it is true, dagan. it's sports without shorts. a nude olympics will be held in san francisco on saturday. there's a surprise. to show support for nudist athletes arrested in malaysia. the games are yet another -- >> victory for perverts. >> or is it? >> a prominent nudism activist says the games are a symbolic protest against the arrests of participants in this year's malaysia nudist sports games. five nude athletes were sentenced to 30 days in prison. that's all of. the videographer of the event got six months for distribution of important graphic material. seems harsh. in san francisco the events will
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include sumo wrestling, javelin throwing and a 50 meter crab walk race. all right. buck, i'm going to go to you first. >> i had a feeling. >> i'm scared of going over to dagan. >> because i'm going to gesture. >> i know you are. i know you're going to gesture. >> unless you're an athlete, the human body is hilarious. >> i'm assuming with the sumo wrestling portion of this, these are people of some girth and size. >> i don't think so. otherwise it's two nakeds dudes hugging each up up close. >> you just got me on that. i was making assumptions. all sorts of hegemony going on up here. >> you've got to take off the helmet. >> then i'll lose all my power. it's ridiculous. >> i know. >> this is a return to tradition here in ancient greece. totally naked. they have had a special tool they would use to remove the oil they ourselves down with. that's our heritage. >> i like how you know those
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things. you know about the tool. dagan, i think this is a great idea for all olympics. luge would be more entertaining if they were naked. everything is better in sports if people aren't wearing clothes. this is just one opinion. >> male genitalia hard to look at at rest in motion, it's like a lot of sad old fruit like shriveled apricots. you know, like a banana that's been around too long. >> i prefer to think of it as a beagle enjoying a nice wind from a sunroof. do we have video? >> somewhere. >> so you're against it? >> yes. >> it's kind of a sexist way because certain parts of the body are unattractive on the male that you would rather not see it. >> shorts, i don't know. >> whatever it takes. >> this seems kind of nakedist.
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>> the naked body is beautiful, all forms. >> all ages. that's really kind of awful. even old fruit? dried fruit is delicious. >> how does this happen? i guess i chose this story. it's my own fault. >> so i -- i'm actually more intrigued by the fact that san francisco has done i think it's every year, they've done it several times, a big naked bike ride. >> they do. >> that hurts. how does that happen? i can maybe understand some of these sports in the olympics but like the bike ride? >> because you're thinking about the seat. i think they have little paper things. hi, andy. it's a paper thing they put on. they used to have nudists go into restaurants in certain areas of san francisco. that was a problem for the restaurants. you and lou dobs are active in
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the nudist community. mainly outreach. never mind. would you consider going to the games. >> there's a lot of reaching. they picked awful sports. >> crab walk. >> i don't care how hot you are, that's not going to be pleasant to look at. nude javelin throwing, dangerous. stabbing. nude sumo wrestling not that different. you can't do the winter olympics like this. you would get body parts stuck to the ice. >> you get a lot of frostbite. >> the men confuse the with the women, too. cold out. >> sometimes when we do this, i don't think a lot of my ideas work. i don't think any of my ideas through. oftentimes i'll have an idea and in the middle i'll go wow, i'm wrong. then i'll change that idea and pretend it never happened. they're dancing with manson. yes, the infamous mad man dharls manson is the inspiration for a new musical opening in germany,
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where else. it follows pan son's lesser known crime against humanity, ie his music career. the theater describes the shows a mausk cal trip between l.a. and the death valley. the excesses of rock star life and the means of finding food from the rubbish bins of american civilization. sounds like your summer vacation, andy. >> so you own the have a musical but manson does. you do all the right things you. defend our country. you do good things for people. >> what makes you think we're not working on the buck sexton musical starring fred from scooby boo? this is not the weirdest musical in germany right now. make one up. i'm sure they have it. the tonya harding story. all kinds of bizarre stuff. >> that's a good idea. germany is into funky stuff as
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you know. >> they are. they have a very creative sensibility, dagan. why is every psychopath a failed artist? >> i don't know actually. guns n' roses recorded look at your game girl. it was a charles manson song. >> it's edgy. it's always good to elevate bad people because good people are boring. that's what the message is sadly. i wrote a book on it. you should read it. >> i have a copy. i would see the charles manson musical. >> you're the worst. >> hugh jackman as charles. neat patrick harris doing jazz hands. >> i think like we will if you do stuff like this you humanize evil people and forget about the victims. >> it else is tickets op our society loves those kind of stories to, we love to humanize bad people. musical assassins about everyone
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who's tried to kill or did succeed at killing past presidents. it won five tony awards. >> i didn't know that. i should start reading. na. it's so boring reading. you just sit there andy. >> i love it. >> please defend your hero charles manson. >> no, only in obama's germany, greg. just -- this is snowden's fault. >> thank you. finally. >> we had to stop spying on angela merkel's phone calls. and so we didn't can be know this was going to happen and couldn't put a stop to it. now because of your hero edward snowden, there is a charles manson musical in germany. >> have you seen the musical? i hear it's delightful. >> that was my angela merkel >> i would give it a 7 out of 100. activities like this are exactly what bad people want. what bad people want is immortality. the only way you get it is through art.
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art makes sure that infamy is forever. people will do what's his name, gus van sant will do a movie based on, you know, spree killers. what was the -- columbine. so except nobody ever does it about the other people. i find it kind of sad. >> they make movies about heros all the time, greg. >> i don't go to those. >> get out more. >> i stay home in front of the tv and watch my fox news. >> you love america. >> i love america. i watch fox news. that's all i watch. i got hannity, i got o'reilly, megan kelly. i watch every repeat. goes past, i wait. i don't move. then it comes around again and it's even better the next time. what happened to me? >> i don't know. >> it's friday. >> left my mind on wednesday. time to take a break. when we come back, should the government pay for your sex change? who knows. not me.
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expects british taxpayers to pay for the operation. chelsea who used to be mack told the daily. >> mike r.: paper, not an actual mirror, i feel like i'm living a lie. it is exhausting putting on makeup and wearing heels all the time. even then i don't feel like i look like a proper woman. it would be easiest to accept i was born a man physically. chelsea doesn't have the $22,000 necessary for reversal and wants the health services to foot the bill. the taxpayers alliance says ridiculous vanity operation is not a priority. dagan, is this procedure vain or necessary for the sake of her mental health? you have three minutes. i'm kidding. >> it is hard on your mental health being a woman. pain in the ass. not that i would know anything about that. you can't stand to pea. she looks good. she shouldn't reverse.
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she looks more feminine than any of the real housewives, right? i understand that. >> buck, should the nhs fund her surgery. >> clearly this is a man. only a man would think having size double f breasts, that that's a good idea to have make size double fs. >> like two large bags of dog food. >> this is not what god gave him or her. >> i should read these stories. they're so much better when you tell me about them. >> no wonder it's hard for the woman when you're carrying around double f snooze a lot of back pain. >> this is a medical issue because it's about back pain. >> that's the fault of the doctor, joann, for agreeing to do a surgery like that. they should have had. >> that's the thing. orally she had to ask twice apparently to get a doctor to do the surgery. now i think before any doctor
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does it, especially if the taxpayers are going to be paying for this, she needs to i think visit a psychiatrist or be cleared to have surgery. i'm sorry. >> i said he. >> he then. >> i'm sorry. it's still a he. >> she wants to be a he. >> you know, it's got to be hard. i have never obviously had these mental qualms. >> or had your me nis reattached. >> it's no walk in the park, dagan. >> of course. >> oddly, that's how it fell off the first time. >> if she's been cleared, i say whatever makes her happy. >> andy, be ugh know, that's because it's in the uk. as a taxpayer, i would be like okay, okay when does this end. >> people are waiting for heart surgery. >> there's an argument for a government paying for gender reassignment surgery.
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had you don't get to jump back and forth. you don't use the excuse it is exlo exhausting to put on makeup all the time. you just do it. >> i'm sorry. >> this makes me angry. >> we've got to go. coming up, we vote a state out of the union. hypothetically, of course. do you have videos of animals asking for a friend? you could send them to us at to that green arrow. the conference call.
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get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. brand new "red eye" returns on monday. guests next week include lou dobbs, remmy spencer and curtistis armstrong, booger from revenge of the nerds in the studio for the whole hour. i picked him. last story e block. that's the last story. >> yea. is your state dead weight according to a fox news poll, 17% of americans would support kicking out certain states from the union. which ones would go first?
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a majority said california. named after that red hot chili pepper song and followed by new york, texas and canada. i believe canada is a territory of the u.s. last time i checked. a globe. america's response may be motivated by presidential rsh politics as the most expendable states all have a higher number of he can electoral votes. i think they're expecting too much from the people who took the poll. >> i want california to go because the elect to votes. no -- >> it's the home of maroon 5. that's why california is going, dagan, because that's where adam levine lives. >> that's enough to saw california off and push it into the pacific. him alone. >> so much hate. >> there is so much hate. >> as we push california away, we can hear him going -- >> i will be drowned. i love california. it's where i grew up. i don't believe it deserves
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this, buck. state secessions a good or great idea? california if they left would be one of the biggest countries in the world. >> it's interesting states that clearly have a lot of stuff going on. but california is kind of the hot pretty girl in your high school class that you want to ask out to prom and you know she won't. there's hatred going on that's envy. that's true you have new york, too. we've got awesome stuff. >> when you get too close, you find out she's got b.o. >> and coincidentally, to you, joann. >> i would -- >> some people like that. >> i would get rid of california and texas. >> why? >> because they are top performers at miss usa and i would want less competition at the national panel gent. >> that's true. but they would kill new miss world, wouldn't they? >> they would. >> your theory goes to hell. andy, only 9% of those polled
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would support their own state's secession. >> that makes sense. you think that doesn't make sense? >> i have no idea. it's the first time i read the question. >> i was mailing this in. i'm not even sure i'm doing the show. >> i'm picking it wyoming. >> why? >> because it has the lowest population of any state meaning it has the fewest people who could be mad at me for picking it. >> it is a beautiful state. i would not kick out a single state. >> you have to pick one, greg. >> can i get a territory? >> guam. i'm kicking out guam. they've had it easy. where is guam? >> the e-mails you're going to get from people in guam. >> you can pick one. >> you can pick lanai, the island in the hawaiian chain that larry elson owns. he owns it. >> he owns the island? get rid of him. i've had it. >> you can't cut loose florida because that makes us look like a masculine country.
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allan henning, so far it looks real. this is a fox news alert. some horrific and very sad noew to report tonight. there's a video on the internet and it purports to show the beheading of allan henning. our chief intelligence continue catherine herridge has seen the tape and she joins us now with more. >> reporter: within the last hour, u.s. officials confirming they are ammizing the video. i viewed it and it's significantly shorter than the previous isis videos at just under two minutes, it begins with a british news report over the image of the british
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