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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  October 4, 2014 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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saturday, october 4th. and we start with a fox news alert. isis beheads another british hostage in cold blood. the mad man speaking directly to president obama this time, warning a former army ranger is next. how will the white house respond? >> an ebola's patient's family moves to a secret location as hazmat crews take over the apartment they so are americans being told the truth about the threat of this very deadly disease? >> my favorite commercial of the morning. subway restaurant under fire for this new ad. >> you guys are eating burgers? >> hey, summer is over. halloween is come. you have got it stay in
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shape for all the costumes. you know, like attractive nurse. spicy red riding hood. >> oh, viking lady. >> is it sexist? or in all good fun? "fox & friends" begins right now. >> hey, everyone, it's time to get up with "fox & friends." >> good morning. welcome in to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. and we are joined this morning by peter johnson jr. kimberly guilfoyle, pleasure to have both of you this morning. >> good to be here. >> you are here on a special day do you know why? national taco day. >> i know that. there are a lot of tacos on the show. >> that's why i signed up. >> nice to see you guys this morning. >> it's great to be here. >> we have a jam packed show for you this morning. we have this fox news alert to start with. >> this is a fox news alert. >> crews in disinfecting the home where an ebola patient stayed, the cdc still claiming they have this disease under control.
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i understand this is scary disease it has a severe course. what we are doing now in texas is stopping it in its tracks. we can do that. i have no doubt in my mind we will stop it here. >> but this comes as the patient's family now being moved to a private location. so how concerned should americans really be? >> here to weigh in is dr. natalie aczar assistant professor. >> thanks for having me. >> prepping right now, in fact, 911 dispatchers are being told if anyone calls with fever like symptoms that screener also come to their house and make sure they are not ebola like symptoms are we overreacting or a measurable response. >> that's an overreaction. what happened in texas can unfortunately happen in many emergency rooms. people are are busy. the doctors and nurses are overwhelmed sometimes. what happened there was just
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a fundamental flaw in the process of taking a history in the patient which is part of the evaluation of anybody who comes through the emergency room. i'm sure there are countless other examples in this country that we just don't hear about. about one important piece of information that the doctor or force failed to get from the patient and that cause them a devastating outcome or something happening. >> this causes concern because this can become a public health emergency in and of itself when a doctor or nurse commits malpractice as some suggest happened down there in that dallas hospital. they knew this patient had come from an area that was infecketted and did nothing about it it why should people be confident that hospitals around this country understand the threat and understand how to contain and stop the threat? >> you know, all very very valid points. here is there is another point here to be made as a patient you have to be your own advocate. as we understand, did he relay that history that he
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was coming from liberia. did he he say, again, we know that he didn't say that he had exposure prior to getting on the airplane. did he specifically say i dealt with an ebola patient, a patient who was dying that was partly his responsibility. i can certainly imagine that these healthcare professionals, that healthcare team has had sleepless nights since this happened wondering how did they not double-check and triple check? >> the hospital of course dr. azar did release a statement. what happened apparently is the intake nurse took the information and entered in that he had been in africa. however, there is a screen. the way their computer systems is that clayton issue operates the physician didn't have ache is says to that they had a work flow issue which now i think was important that they released it so other hospitals learn from it so we can avoid this mistake happening. this is why people are concerned. >> they are concerned. >> a human reporting element to it humans are not infallible, we are relying on people's honesty and accuracy of people's
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record-keeping. >> the hospital actually retracted that and they did say in spite of the fact that doctors and nurses have different work flows they were aware of the travel history. this is medicine 101. absolute failure on their part. >> on the positive side, why should americans be reassured that they are not at risk and that if some people are at risk, they will be protected. let's talk about that what's in place that will protect americans? >> what we have in this country, let's remember, too. infectious diseases, they are transmittal trans transmissible. the reason why the fatality rate is so high in the west friend countries they don't have the basic care such as iv fluid hydration and ability to replete electrolytes being lost. >> direct contact means direct contact with fluids,. >> well, if we are talking about the risk of your
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contagious only when you're symptomatic and sweating, nausea, bleeding, that kind of thing. incubation 3 to 21 days. theoretically not con contagious. >> look at 100 people come in contact with. wrap his car in tarps and wrap it up. so, yeah, at least they are being thorough. >> the issue here is that we have the ability to contain an outbreak, period. >> we are the united states we can do it. >> exactly. >> another to story to get to. the beheading of a british hostage. a u.s. army ranger may be the next one. leland vittert is live in washington with details on this story. what do we know about this? >> good morning, guys, last night national security council performed peter
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kasich is in the hands of ice isis. saying he is next. allen henning was a british aid worker in syria held by isis. henning made a statement clearly under duress in the minutes before his execution. >> now, in terms of what we will do we will use all the assets we have, as we have been up to now, to try and find these hostages, to try to help these hostages, to help their families and do everything we can to defeat this organization, which is utterly ruthless senseless and barbaric. >> on the tape, what appears to be the same masked executioner speaking with a strong british accent said that because of american air strikes in syria, kasich would be next. kasich once served as army ranger and did time in iraq before being medically discharge. case signature was kassig's famy
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released a statement pray for our son and release of all innocent people being held as hostage in the middle east and around the globe. isis has executed four western hostages and posted their videos, two americans and two brits. unclear how many additional hostages they hold. national security council issued a statement saying they would continue to use every tool at their disposal, they listed them, military, diplomatic, law enforcement, and intelligence to bring peter home. as we know the attempt to rescue american hostages from isis back in july failed. back to you in new york. >> leland vittert live for us in d.c. this morning: thanks, leland. as you watch this 71 second video and you listen to what jihadi john is talking about, questions whether these air strikes are actually working. he mentioned the air strikes in this video. he actually said obama you
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have started your aerial bombardment of syria which keeps on striking our people. it's only right that we continue to strike the neck of your people. is having an effect on them. >> on the kelly file talking about this last night let's watch what he was saying. >> what are the criteria by which we will hunt down and kill those who are beheading our british allies and now an army ranger, a fellow american who they have in their grasp and are threatening to take next? this is not about academic discussions anymore, megan. this is about our citizens and citizens of our allies literally being murdered before our eyes, taunting us before the camera and we are talking about what we won't do, megan as opposed to what we will do. >> so the question are these air strikes effective? and is it enough that we are just doing air strikes and no boots on the ground? >> when you ask any of the generals and people of significant military experience in the war zone, they say no, that, in fact,
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we need to commit to boots on the ground. have all available resources at our disposal if you really want to be able to destroy the terrorist organization. it's it quite pervasive. they are very expensive in terms of their weaponry, their cash and their ability to social media as you have seen. why would you think that just air strikes could combat it alone? >> how can we continue to try to build that lines. the president got on the phone. one of the key allies missing from this coalition is turkey right now. >> right. >> the president got on the phone to the president of turkey to ask him please join in this coalition, basically no go. why? because it seems as we are hitting isis we are helping assad. this coalition, this fractured coalition may not be enough either. >> complicated. >> we have got to look at your headlines this morning and kimberly is on deck. >> hid lines, mystery illness left four children dead now reportedly claiming the lives of two adults. they died at denver hospital. the two were admitted last month with severe breathing
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problems and other symptoms that soon developed into the entervirus. doctors now urging everyone to take caution. >> we're all more concerned about our children and things. but there is no reason to think that adults would not get the virus as well. >> entervirus has sickened nearly 500 children across 42 states. and a freak accident at a middle school football game leaving a 13-year-old boy dead. parents and students in the southern michigan town mourning the death of christian lorenzy. the team had -- teen had been playing a game of catch when he touched electric fence and was electrocuted. authorities are are trying to figure out how something like this could happen. some students are claiming that the fence in question has shocked people before. dramatic video of the flight 93 memorial up in flames. the fire destroying three administrative buildings. no one was hurt. but officials are worried that some 9/11 memorabilia have been lost. about 10% of the memorial's
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archives was kept on site. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> and a somber day in oklahoma, where hundreds of friends and family attend the funeral of the woman beheaded during a brutal attack while she worked at a food process plant. prosecutors say colleen huff ford was targeted by alton nolen after he was suspended from the plant. he remains in jail without bond and faces the death penalty. >> coming up, third time's a charm? not for the secret service. yet, another security breach, this time a guy posing as a congressman conned his way on to it a stage right next to the president. what is going on? >> i'm a congressman, just let me threw. this, subway under fire for this new ad, do you think it's offensive? >> you guys are eating burgers? >> hey summer is over. halloween is coming. you have got to stay in shape for all the costumes.
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>> what's that? >> you know like attractive nurse, spicy red riding hood. >> is it sexist or all in good fun? you be the judge. and can we please continue to run this video all morning long? >> i like it. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here.
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another secret service slip that up could have put president obama in danger. while attending a black call cause continue they're week a man slipping back stage passed the presidential detail. luckily a white house aide recognized the imposture. >> took the white house aide to figure that out. what's going on at the secret service and will joe
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chancey the new head of the service be able to fix the agency? let's ask eddy. >> good morning. let's start with that question. joe chancey, you know him. we had president george w. bush on the show thursday on an interview he said he has full confidence in joe. he is a a good guy and going to clean up the agency, what do you think. >> that's accurate. good man character and strong leader. he served on the presidential key detail. everybody respects him and wants to follow him. he dual his best. i know he will. >> this is a man held in high esteem is this man considered for the head post to begin with and now perhaps after what's happened they realized the err of their ways and this is the guy that should have the main job? >> i don't think that's necessarily so because we had left to go into the private sector that's one of the great things going to the private sector. when you are on the outside you get a different perspective. is he bringing that perspective back into the service. >> this latest problem here, this congressman or guy
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pretending to be a congressman, that happened just this week. i mane, the spotlight you always say after an airline crash that the safest time to fly is the next day. all the scrutiny on the airlines and making sure everything is working properly. this happened this week. what is going on? >> okay. so you are not going to like what i have to say. the issue here is in when this it comes to identifying who is who, the secret service doesn't do that that's a host committee or staff. they identify hot people are the secret service just makes sure that they're screened, that they go through the metal detectors that they are clear. in this situation i know it may seem and sounds like great, let's put it on the secret service. this event is like we don't sit there, the agency doesn't sit there. check ids, okay, you are god. that's a staff and host committee. >> he was screened? >> yeah. because we don't have the guest list. the service never decides who is invited. the service doesn't decide okay, yes, can you come, in you can come out. those people are predetermined. they are guests, they are selected by the white house or the host committee. the agency just makes sure
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that they are clear and secure to go on through. >> how about the concern americans have because we have seen this type of thing before it kind of hearken back to the v.a. scandal go ahead and relace the head and think things will change. will this make a big impact? >> you are making a great point because you change one individual does it change the whole entity? not necessarily so he. the change is going to take some time and trickle down. people have been talking about management style when you have an industry that's been doing great. great prestige, people use to do the same thing in a certain way. they are more rigid or restrictive to change. >> you need a culture change. >> two things. one of the -- during the congressional hearing client book very well. you need two important things, you need to be progressive and move forward with technology. he noticed that the love government organizations tend to become rigid and set in their ways to.
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become effective you have to change consistently. >> thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> do you know who this is? well, it's jesus without a beard. the image just discovered that has heads turning. >> and the nation is on the wrong track with marriage. i'm sorry to tell you. but it isn't just hurting your kids can. it's creating bigger government, too. so how do we stop it? that's next. if you don't think when you think aarp, you don't know "aarp." aarp's staying sharp keeps your brain healthy with online exercises by the top minds in brain science.
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and some quick headlines. while you were sleeping protests in hong kong taking a dangerous turn.
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police arresting 19 people, including suspected members of the gang. pro-democracy demonstrators are accusing the government of using the gang members to cause violence. and the first casualty in america's war against isis identified. marine corps patrol jordan spears was presumed lost at sea after ejecting aircraft over the gulf. this was the 21-year-old's first deployment. peter? >> thank you. marriage not in the card. 23% decline in marriage over the past 10 years and a new study finds the breakdown of pat tri money is leading to more government dependence. so, what can be done to stop this cycle? here to debate this issue lisa booth, a republican strategist. also, lynn paramour who is the senior editor at alter net. nice to see you both. lynn, what's the problem
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here in america? is it welfare? is it dependence? what's the issue in terms of marriage in this country? >> great, i think what's interesting about this study is what they found is that since the 1960's there has actually been a 50% drop in the rate of marriage, and what's interesting about this and why i think politicians should be interested in this and why every american in fact should be interested in this is that that drop in marriage in the breakdown in marriage directly correlates to increase in poverty. >> let's look at a study together. the heritage foundation has done a study on marriage, kids and poverty. they say 71% of poor families can with children are not married. and almost 30% of poor families with children are married. what does that statistic say? what are we doing right? what are we doing wrong? what can we do? >> it is true. i think economic hardship is leading people to decide not to get married, to get married later in some cases. in lower income brackets, women are deciding not to
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get married to partners who don't have jobs or don't have stable jobs. there are a lot of factors that are are contributing to this problem. lack of affordable education. lack of child care. lack of a strong social safety net. and we're really seeing marriage declining most in that bottom third of income. at the top really we haven't seen the decline. people are able to afford the things that make marriages stable. >> lisa, is it the lack of a social safety net? is it the lack of enough government assistance? is that true? >> i think we have too much government assistance. if you look 50 years ago, linden b. johnson for the war on poverty. poverty really hasn't changed. look, we spend over $800 billion per year on 92 different federal programs. but it's not working. and so what we need to do can and actually what congressman paul ryan has done is he has put forward an antipoverty program that would actually address some of the key issues that we are facing with poverty. >> final word, lynn, what do you say? >> i say since the 1980s, what has really changed is
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income inequality, there is a broader gap between the halves and have not. the have notes are about people changing. it's about bad jobs and economic hardship. >> lisa and lynn great debate. i appreciate you both being on the show. >> great to be here. >> thank you. a. >> coming up a college student told to dumb down his religious magic show because it might offend some people. have the pc police gone too far? plus, it's the most talked about movie of the fall, maybe the year, up next, gone girl star ben affleck explains a side of him you have never seen or heard before. here is a hint. no clothes. on my journey acros, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat...
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...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. mr. clean's grandmother wpeople twice her size. and that strength inspired his liquid muscle cleaner. it lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. and it's nozzle stops by itself so less is wasted. sure made grandma proud. mr. clean liquid muscle.
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come on baby and rescue me ♪ come on baby and rescue me ♪ shot of the morning. i shot this the other morning at a zoo. my iphone. it's the moment of a family of elephants rush to the side of a baby elephant after she takes a tumble at a zoo. isn't that amazing. father and mother came running. i love that. oh, yeah. she left out a little cry but another female elephant also came to the rescue
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pulling her to safety using elephants and tusks. they don't have ropes. >> they have got the trunk. >> built in. >> there is a legislative there. i think. >> i love it. >> he wool get to the bottom of it have you seen this new ad? >> you are loving it. >> i'm loving it because, you know, if you are watching a game on sunday afternoon and it's usually dudes sitting there on the couch. well, maybe you should pay attention to this ad because this will wake you up. watch. >> you guys are eating burgers? >> hey, summer is over. halloween is coming. you have got to stay in shape for all the costumes. >> what's that? >> you know, like attractive nurse. spicy red riding hood. viking princess warrior. hot devil, sassy teacher and foxy fullback. touchdown. >> can we go over the viking lady again? >> i love it. >> so is it sexist? people are saying this ad is sexist? >> spicy red riding hood? >> you don't know about her? >> didn't you read that as a kid? >> no, but red riding hood
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is a child. >> so that's the problem. >> disconcerting spicy red riding hood. >> i'm sorry to tell you probably haven't been hanging out at ricky's where they have every tomb. >> this is why i like this ad because i have at least three of those costumes. i'm aspiring to get all five. >> still have three and a half hours from the show. is it possible you can go home and get those costumes. >> i did bring my track shoes. i can probably make it it which one. dallas cowboy cheerleader. >> first down. >> i don't have a problem with it i don't have a problem with it think about the ads. diet coke ad. >> it's a fun ad. >> pull boys and people were looking out the. they were objectifying that poor pool boy. >> the pool boy just got an
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attorney. outrage over the pool boy. objectify? >> what do you think at home? is that just a fun ad that gets the guys, you know awake and happy and some of the ladies, too. >> the ladies love it, too that's the thing equal opportunity excitement. >> o. or objectifies women? is it sexist ad? is it disturbing? we don't have any other questions. that will be the question of the day. >> before kimberly runs home. she has got headlines for us to read. >> that's what happens around here multi-tasking. and now your headlines happening overnight. certain for malaysian airlines flight 370 resumes. following four month hiatus. in a stretch of the indian ocean hoping to solve the aviation mystery. search on now so crews could map the search area. this latest effort could take up to a year. police issuing a brand new warning about accused cop
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killer eric frein. they say he may try to break into homes and cabins looking for food. he had been surviving on cans of tuna, fish and row men noodles. explosive and ammunition that frein had with him. he is accused of killing a state trooper and wounding another three weeks ago. and a student at a north carolina college being told to dumb down his religious show. justin graves has been working on a religious magic show for cape fear community college. but now the school's drama instructor is telling jump to quote dumb down christian parts of the act saying you could actually offend people. this coming from a drama department that put on a show feature sex -- justin's lawyer says his first amendment rights are being violated. now jesus christ without a beard you ask. archaeologists in spain found the earliest known
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images of jess. the engraved glass plate shows him between two apostles between peter and paul. you get a better idea in this digital reconstruction. archaeologists say the plate dates back to the 4th century and likely used to hold bread in early christian rituals. fascinating. >> that is interesting. do you know who is beardless this morning, our own rick reichmuth. you see him during the week he has the full on scruf. >> that is true, actually. really sunny beautiful morning out here out across much of the east, not at all. really rough day across a lot of east coast. take a look at the weather maps and very cold air moving in as well. we also have some fire danger out across california. i'm not sure how that map got in there. i think i'm going to have surprise maps now because i'm not sure why these are the maps showing up. we will talk about california. another hot day across much of california. 100 degrees in riverside. tomorrow we are still warm.
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we do have fire danger out there because we have santa ana winds keeping things incredibly hot. this is our big storm we're watching across the eastern cou. take a look at that guys, snow he in eastern parts of iowa, some snow in northern illinois this morning. see maybe a few of those flakes fly across the suburbs of chicago in a couple hours. hard to imagine that we are talking about that, but we do have a little bit of snow. we are going to see a warm up across that area. really cold. here is tent's lows again. we are going to see temps below freezing although this morning terps certainly cooler. tonight they are going to be warming up a tiny bit all right guys, i will figure out why those are the maps showing up here. >> when you go outside in the rain you are not near your computer. >> that's true. >> we were fooling with it and didn't tell it you. >> probably. >> thanks, rick are. >> nearly 8 million copies of the book have been sold and now "gone girl" has made its way to the big screen.
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>> my wife amy elliott disappeared three days ago. >> the hallmark of a sociopath is a lack of empathy. >> you are talking to a man to feels like his wife is still alive. >> they're framing me for murder. >> michael tamara he spoked to the stars of the big movie. nice to see you, michael. >> has this got oscar written all over it. >> this is what going to the movies is all about. big ideas, concepts, twists and turns. the most anticipated film this year. it's about a five year marriage gone awry. and nic dunn played by ben affleck comes home on the fifth anniversary to find his house in disarray and his wife amy gone. about the media frenzy that ensues after that it's also starring tyler perry. originally sat down with the cast characters. >> well killing anybody. >> not yet. >> it was great. >> loved it it.
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>> i really did. i couldn't have asked for a better group of people. i think i have made friends half the rest of my life. it was a galvanizing experience for us. >> awesome. great job. good actress. i was shocked that she hadn't done a movie before. shocked. poise and intelligence. so awesome. very beginning of a very long long career. >> you know, a large part of the movie is how nick dunn deals with this whole media frenzy. i thought it would be interesting to ask tyler perry how madea would handle it as well as neil patrick harris. >> when, you know, someone is accuse of something heinous, this small group of people sohioing it to millions, hung gri for it they have to bang on car windows trying toç get the one shot and that media circus that no one wants. >> how do you think madea would have handled. >> she would like go on girl. >> this is your life. you say this movie lives up
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to all the hype. >> completely. >> really? >> the book sold close to 8 million copies. people going oh it's not as good as the book. this is as good of the book. screenplay for this movie as well. looks to have a 35-million-dollar opening weekend. more importantly how it does this weekend, this movie has legs that will probably take it all the way to os consider. >> you know we like that. also you said it was two and a half hours. if it was three you would have stayed. >> completely. i got so drawn into it with these characters. could have been another 30 minutes. >> give me more. >> we wanted more. we want a sequel. >> got to go see it. field trip. >> if you want more. check out all my celebrity interviews at in the fox find me on twitter where the party continues, kimberly. family friendly kind of way, fox light michael. >> fantastic. check it out. coming up, he was supposed to help people get loans, not take them for himself. what happened in the latest government employee who ripped off the taxpayer to the tune of $1 million. >> and then there is a big
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we're back with you with some quick headlines. a former housing and urban development loan specialist guilty of stealing nearly $1 million in taxpayer money. brian thompson admitting to the wire fraud scheme that netted him $843,000. and the house of representatives sticking a fork in styrofoam food containers opting for more environmentally friendly paper product. lawmakers say it's not biodegradable. washington, d.c. will put a ban on the plastic foam
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starting in 2016. clayton? >> thank you, peter. 76 million. the number of households he affected by jp morgan chase new cyber attack in august. another 7 million small businesses also compromised. that's the equivalent of 65% of all u.s. households. how much of your information is in the hans of hackers this morning. joining us now is "wall street journal" j.p. morgan and wells fargo reporter. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> it seems like this just scratched the surface. they don't have access to my credit card number. they don't have access to how much money i have in my account. what do they get in the end? >> it's sort of the better of two evils in this case. they have 76 million households and 7 million small business contact information. phone numbers, name and addresses. no account information. that's the important thing here. >> even j.p. -- even chase is coming out and saying look your money at jp morgan chase is safe. unlike recent attacks on retarlsz we have seen no unusual fraud activity.
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saying we don't need to reissue credit cards and they didn't have access to what kind of money you have in your account or anything. >> exactly. yes. they are saying the money is safe and it really is the biggest thing is watching out for officialing. email addresses. if the hackers have those they can try to scam you and get more information. >> so that's very important. so officialing sandals. this happens to a the lot of seniors so seniors are are trusting. get these emails this is my bank. they get a fake email sent to them saying that they need to go in and reset their password. never do that. right? >> never ever do it. >> never ever do that. go to the web site yourself and do it, right? >> exactly, officialing has has -- phishing has got a will lot more sophisticated. one character is off. i might get tricked into it i'm not a senior. all of a sudden you are giving up password information or hints. important thing is only let them have what they have right now. don't get tricked into giving them more information.
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>> how widespread is this? there are are some concerns and i have had the asked by me is this the only bank that was forthcoming that was pit by this attack? are are there other banks that we may learn about on this? has your reporting shown on? shnchts that's a great question. when this report came out the end of august the fbi had a statement that mentioned other financial institution, that raised a big question. are others involved? is it just chase. we he did exclude other banks including wells fargo, pnc came out and said at the time they haven't seen anything similar to this. but the questions still remain. and i think it keeps coming up. are there more than one? are there more than five? i don't think we really know for certain yet. but either way in these situations, customers should probably be pretty safe about how they use their information. >> i'm getting excited about the digital expansion being able to get rid of my wallet and use apple pay at the end of the month just to pay for things with iphone this other stuff scarces me. are we going to have to go back to 1900 style payment
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systems checks and written paper to make sure we are all safe? >> don't let it hold. apple pay and paperless billing. the important thing what you alluded to before is if you got an email, just be safe about it go to the web site yourself. log, in get into a secure site if you want to pay your bill or check your balance. just sort of do everything with a little extra caution these days. >> or just get on the phone and call the 800 number. >> what about in person dare i say? >> that's right. of course the banks don't want you there anymore. they want to save money by having you use your online service instead of using the tellers. emily great to to he so you thnk to. >> thank you. >> she stole merchandise from victoria secret and then had the nerve to return it for cash. wait until you hear how much she scammed from the lingerie store. and can you get fired for smoking marijuana on personal time? what if you have a prescription? arthur and jonna debate it next. arthur, are you smoking now?
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that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it.
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well a quad bleej jik man suing dish network for firing him when he failed a drug test. the trial underway in colorado supreme court could force employers to allow medical marijuana use at work in states where it is legal. so is this lawful or is it not? here to debate and decide is fox news legal analyst arthur aidala and defense attorney jonna spilbore. the thing is if only you two
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had some personality. i mean, who booked them? all right. so let's get right down to it. how do you see this? >> this is what i see, there is no way, right, this guy is faking his illness. he is clearly severely disabled. >> right. >> it's not like it's one of these people using marijuana like oh i have anxiety. so he clearly has a need for it. and the thing is, nobody said anything about his job performance. no one said is he stoned on the job. not performing well on the job. it just came up in his blood. the other thing is marijuana stays in your blood for a month. he could have used marijuana on a saturday night a month ago. this is a friday two weeks later and it doesn't matter. and you have a state with humans who come in and vote and supposed to be the most powerful people said this is okay. how could this guy lose his job over that? it's nuts. >> jonna, it is an at will state, right? fire anybody that they want. say you know what? boom, don't even have to give a reason like i don't like your tie or something.
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>> right in new york arthur could get fired this morning if someone didn't like his tie. frankly i'm on the fence. that's true it's at will state. colorado shot itself in the foot because it has this other statute that says employers cannot fire employees for conducting lawful activities outside of the work place. so that is where this guy is making his argument. forget the disability. he should be arguing that they are discriminating against him based on his disability. is he not making that argument. evidence is saying look, it's lawful so you have to keep me employed. ruling. >> it's not lawful on the federal ruling. that's where employers are winning. >> it is a federal crime. it is. however, the government has decided to turn their head the other way. they are not really prosecuting this. >> still a crime. pore fecket test case to go up. legitimate because he has medical issue. he uses marijuana to be able to control seizures so this is definitely viable. >> correct. the fact is that marijuana has been proven to help
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these particular types of ailments. and more and more things are coming out o. people who are deathly ill with cancer. kimberly, there is nothing better for them than to smoke a joint. do you know who wrote the article? a sitting new york state supreme court judge who had cancer wrote an article saying i need marijuana. >> if he wins wins this argument nothing to do with medical marijuana. in coloradolized recreational. everyone will be able to come to work stoned, half stoned. how is that going to help? >> i can say just by doing a test on you now you have not had any marijuana. >> no, i haven't had any marijuana. sitting next to two women dressed in green who are intellectually stimulating. the show is about to go it pot. >> how do you think the show is going to rule on this. >> stick with history. this guy has lost on trial level, appellate level. employers have a right to make these rules, whether it's lawful or not. just like you can't smoke pot and get behind the wheel
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even if pot is lawful. employers will have a right to dictate. >> also talk about this. because it's a private company, right? he is an at will employee? how do you get around that? it's not like some government job. >> big thing is kimberly, this is the kind of case that could wiped up in the united supreme court. but maybe not this case but this issue. the state is saying one thing. the feds are saying something else. who is controlling? >> that's the deal. you know what? well done. >> oh, thank you. guilfoyle, attorney, former prosecutor. >> i love jobs. >> none of you are getting fired. you get to stay. this is a fox news alert. the family of the patient in the u.s. with ebola now moved to a secret location. their home wiped clean. how concerned should would he be? and can we trust what the cdc is telling us? and yet, another security breach for the secret service. this time a guy posing as a congressman conned his way
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on to a stage right next to the president. what is going on? ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home.
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good morning, saturday october 4th and a fox news alert. ice is sis beheads a british aid worker in cold blood. it didn't stop there the terror group calling out president obama saying a former army ranger is next. how will the white house respond? >> and an ebola patient's family moved to it a secret location as hazmat crews take over the apartment they were in. but the head of the cdc says there's nothing to worry about. are americans being told the truth about deadly ebola? >> and oscar-winning actor nicholas cage on the new faith based film. we go one-on-one with the movie star. he will join us live. "fox & friends" begins right now.
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>> you are watching "fox & friends." weekend edition. >> hello welcome into "fox & friends" on special morning this morning. it's always great when we get to it celebrate national something around here today. national taco day. smell them down the hallway. >> peter was being lured down like bugs bunny by his nose. >> kind of like breakfast tacos. >> exactly. kimberly guilfoyle is here and peter johnson jr. is here this morning. >> great to be with you both. >> dive into one of the big stories this morning. we have a fox news alert now. crews are infecting that home where the ebola patient stays. eric duncan looking at hazmat crews as they go to his house and putting tarps over his car. clean out his couch and do everything else inside his house to scrub it down. he may have come into contact with people. worried about his family who had to be quarantined as a result of with his interference with him. >> see the hazmat suits they
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have on there. also in contrast to what the cdc says wasn't necessary. interesting. >> cdc director tom freed was on "fox & friends" yesterday. this is what he had to say with regard to body fluids. >> the apartment is a complicated issue because it is soiled. so they are cleaning it with bleach. and they need to remove the waste safely. you don't need a hazmat suit to go into an apartment. the way ebola spreads is by direct contact with someone who is sick with ebola or body fluids. >> communication is really important. what they are saying is casual contact between people like the way we are sitting here now does not spread the ebola virus. but i think they are talking about removing three different beds in that apartment. so, the cdc is taking steps to say well, listen, this is
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not the contagion that you fear it toen. although fear it to be. they do say if you you are within three feet of someone and they are coughing, meaning they are symptomatic and only catch this disease if it is symptomatic there is a risk of transmission from the droplets. so body fluids going from one person to another person through their eyes. through their mouth. and so there is some risk that they are pointing out. but they are saying you need absolute direct contact. but there seems to be a disconnect on one hand they are saying. no. >> that's why people are confused. >> video of hazmat suits. >> people are wondering, listening to the cdc, they say one thing and you see the visual. you take the picture. and you see in fact they are in the hazmat. the problem with this is it took five days to get a clean up crew into that apartment. that's why they wanted to quarantine the family. there is a lack of preparedness to say we have got to go team to get in there and remove this and secure it of course he was
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full felony ebola symptomatic. now the county executive in that county drove the family himself to the private location. >> how did this happen down there? you know, we have dr. natalie on the show this morning. she said is, look, this could happen there could be a breakdown. one hospital it's probably, you know, isolated incident. the question is could it happen anywhere? listen to her response. >> what happened in texas can unfortunately happen in many emergency rooms. people are busy. the doctors and nurses are overwhelmed sometimes. what happened there was just a fundamental flaw in it the process of taking a mystery from a patient, which is part of the evaluation of anybody who comes through the emergency room. i'm sure that there are countless other examples in this country that we just don't hear about, about one important piece of information that the doctor or the nurse failed to get from the patient and that caused them to, you know, devastating outcome or something happening. >> meanwhile, if you pick up the local newspapers here in new york city, it's unbelievable what is happening right now. they are telling 911
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dispatchers in this city. if they get phone calls and people are expressing that they have gotten fever or nauseous. >> or they have traveled. >> or they have traveled instead of just saying, you know, take some medicine or go to the emergency room, they are sending health workers to their houses to make sure they are not actually ebola symptomatic. unbelievable. more answers on this throughout the show. including in this morning. another breaking story we are following on "fox & friends." isis posting a fourth brutal video on the internet yesterday. now it's the beheading of a british hostage and they are warning that a u.s. veteran army ranger turned aid worker might be next. >> wow. so leland vittert is live in washington with the breaking details and he joins us now. >> kimberly, good morning. late last night the national security council peter kassig is now in the hands of isis. the terrorist group released latest behead hadding video true-to-form by another hostage saying is he next.
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henning was a british aid worker kidnapped in syria. held by isis on this tape. henning makes a statement clearly under duress in the minutes before his execution. >> the murder of allen henning is abhorrent, senseless, completely unforgivable. anyone in any doubt about this organization can now see how truly repulsive it is and barbaric it is. >> on the same tape, what appears to be that mavericked executioner from the last tape speaking with a strong british accent says that because of american air strikes in syria, kassig would be next. kassig once served as army ranger even did time in iraq before being medically discharged in 2007. kassig was from indiana and went to the middle east as an aid worker. according to the latest reports abducted in lebanon while helping syrian refugees and somehow made his ways into isis hands. abduction and detention isis was not publicly reported
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until now. his family has released a statement saying we ask everyone around the world to pray for the henning family, for our son and for the release of all innocent people being held hostage in the middle east and around the globe. in recent weeks, isis has executed four western hostages and posted their videos. two americans and two brits. it's unclear how many additional western hostages isis right now holds. the national security council issued a statement saying they would continue to use every tool at their disposal. listen to them, military, diplomatic, law enforcement, and intelligence to bring peter home. back to you guys in new york. >> all right, leland vittert live for us in d.c. this morning. thanks, leland. people taking to twitter, facebook and otherwise around the world internationally saying coward, show us your face, jihadi john. you put these people out there on videotape, show us your face, you coward. >> in the face of american peter kassig we are praying for him this morning. humanitarian and medical assistant helping the syrian
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people now held hostage. >> more on that throughout the show this morning as we learn more about that story. also, this how in the world did this happen? we are learning this morning about yet another security breach that the white house is dealing with this morning. >> unbelievable. >> from the secret service. you know, what happened was the president was speaking at the black caucus. >> congressional black caucus. >> a guy impersonating a new jersey congressman just waltzes through and says i am a congressman from new jersey, and i am here and let me through. so the secret service, you know, they screen him, they actually put him through the magnetometer they let him through it wasn't until a white house aid said wait a second you are not donald payne jr. >> recognized you are not that guy. >> that's who he is that is actually donald payne jr. looked much older than him with gray hair. >> it's incredible. in the wake -- report of the armed convict being in the elevator with the president in september at the cdc. and the secret service didn't know that he was a convict or that he was armed
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until they told him to stop the president on his camera. >> new beginning? perhaps a fresh start? there seems to be the confidence of the rank and file secret service that chancey is taking over now. this is someone with tremendous experience, presidential detail. protecting the first family. less than 2011 went to head up security director of comcast. now back in the hot seat. will it be enough to change this? >> president george w. bush on "fox & friends" on thursday when brian sat down with him said that he thinks joe is a fantastic guy. he has the full confidence. he said this guy is a great guy. he can clean it up. a former secret service agent, on our show earlier this morning, and she says it's going to change. listen. >> change is going to have to take some time. it's going to trickle down. obviously a lot of people have been speaking about management style. making significant changes, when you have an agency that's been great, that's been doing great, great prestige, people get used to doing the same thing in a certain way.
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they are more ricardo. to be effective you have to change consistently. >> she worked for joe and said he was a great boss. >> that's encouraging though. weigh want to be optimistic about that and we want our president to be safe and people know he is well protected. now it's time for your headlines. history illness already left four children dead now reportedly claims the lives of two adults. they died at denver hospital. the two were admitted last month were severe breathing problems and other symptoms that soon developed into the entervirus. doctors now urging everyone to take caution. >> more concerned about our children and things but there is no reason to think that adults would not get the virus as well. >> now, the entervirus has sickened nearly 500 children across 42 states. and the harvard university on high alert this morning after hundreds of students and staff received a shooting threat. defender, writing an email saying he or she would go to harvard on saturday at 11:00 to, quote: shoot all of
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you. harvard called the email racially charged. students, well, they are on edge. >> i think honestly i have been here for three years. and this is probably one of the skieriest things not just because of the actual act and threat, but just the target itself. >> cops say they will beef up security over the weekend but the campus is going to remain open. and while in indiana touting new economic numbers, president obama rising healthcare costs. a steel plant worker questioning the president and you won't believe his reaction. >> we are seeing almost double digit increase healthcare cost every year. so you do you think that trend is going to go down and what can we do to control that trend? >> i think that's really interesting. the question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough. >> well, that's right. it's not obamacare's fault prices are going up. it's because the worker isn't shopping correctly that worker not only with
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his concerns, the latest fox news poll shows 54% of voters saying they wish obamacare had never even been passed. and check this out parts of minnesota over night. sleet and snow falling in parts of the state. other areas getting a dutsing. first accumulating snow of the season. first alert forecasters don't expect it to stick longer than today. those are your headlines. >> that town is moose lake. that just sounds, rick rick, like a snow would fall early in the season. >> that's in northern minnesota. not only sticking on the roads but grassy surface that freeze quicker. get below freezing so it can stick. very cold air that same system that ultimately brought the cold air in that area moving toward the northeast. weather maps. temperatures in the northern plains right now, 28 degrees in bismarck, north dakota. 28 as far as south at north
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platte nebraska as well. a lot of cold air out across much of the northern plains. temps across the rest of the country. can you see where the blue is. where the cold front is. 46 degrees right now as you are waking up in memphis. cold can air is definitely there and we have the rain and snow. snow this morning in across parts of northeastern, iowa. as far as south as iowa, guys and illinois. crazy cold snow is here. >> all right, thanks, rick. >> he gets excited abt it. well fox news alert now. we just told you the cdc says there is nothing to worry about. next guest says they are just sugar coating this potential disaster. >> plus, the cutest video you will see all a baby bear gets stuck in a tight spot. ♪ ♪ when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue
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he covered himself in protective gear, a hazmat suit at the atlanta airport to send a message about the way the cdc is handling the ebola crisis. we have got him here to explain why. joining us now is emergency physician dr. gill mobley. dr. mobley, good morning. >> good morning, peter. >> on the back of your hazmat suit you wrote in big letters cdc is lying. what is the cdc lying about and how do you know that? >> lying may be a little sensational. if he they're not sugar coating they are dereliction and duty and clueless what is going on. we have known in medicine clusters will make it to the united states. all you have got to do is connect the dots. million people quarantine continent in africa. 10,000 leave that area all four corners. just a matter of time. only took one person to overwhelm the dallas health department plane loads people into help.
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what happens when it makes it into guatemala city and mexico. all the countries to our south share the same perfect storm principles that led to this problem in africa. horrible healthcare system. >> what you said frightened a lot of people what is the basis for you saying this. do you have some experience in epidemiology at all? have you ever been trained in endeem oology? >> i was trained in mike co-biology. i'm a medical doctor and we have had had lots of epidemiology and i have been following epidemics and pandemics for a very long time. have been following this epidemic every other hour basis since it started six months ago, yes, sir. >> in terms of your background, you ran a marijuana clinic, you run an occupational health clinic tim. what specifically should the cdc be doing that they haven't been doing to protect americans. they all understand the risk of the ebola virus. what should they be doing? should they be stopping
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flights? doing a better job in screening people? should there be more press conferences? should they tell the american people that a lot of them are going to get this disease? is that what you are saying? >> yes, sir, they need to be honest with us. when this disease devours every third world country we will be importing clusters regularly. a matter of time before we outstretch our abilities to respond. at that point it's getting to be chaos. we need to be honest with us. >> chaos, dr. mobley, how many americans will suffer the ebola virus and how many will die? and how did you make that calculation? i have not made that calculation, all i'm saying is the cdc is being done honest chances of importing clusters is low: that's why we missed the diagnosis. extremely low chance instead of heightened the alerted as we should have been. we may have caught that case. they are saying its extremely low. i'm saying i its inevitable.
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clusters will become regularly as soon as this disease devours third world countries as it surely will. >> you said the same thing about the sars virus in 2003, right? >> no, sir. i was echoing the cdcs center 100%. we need to be on extreatment guard same thing with mers. we instituted members policy we don't have the same policy with ebola. >> thank you for being with us today. we appreciate your viewpoint and sure we will hear more of it going forward. good to see you. >> thank you, sir. >> stole merchandise from victoria secret and had the nerve to return it for cash. wait until you hear how much she scammed from the lingerie store. plus, oscar winning actor nicholas cage on the big screen with a new faith-based film. why he says his brother is the reason he took the role. we go one-on-one on "fox & friends" with the movie star nicholas cage coming up.
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now for news by the numbers, first, general motors is issuing two more recalls rear suspension in the 2011 to 2015 cadillac srx and the 2011 and 201294 x may not have been properly tightened. there could be a faulty hood latch in the 2013 to 2015 chevrolet spar. the company issuing 71 total recalls this year. next, $53,000. that's how much a a florida woman is accused of scamming from victoria secret. police say she would return stolen merchandise for cash refund. finally, a four story call guiser, water gushes from a broken fire hydrant in downtown san francisco after getting hit by a semi-truck.
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clayton, over to you. >> well, it's the latest action thriller film about to hit theaters it's a biblical twist to this one. >> people all over this planet have vanished. >> not just here. it's all over the world. >> the god that my father talked about would never do something like this. >> the new movie is an adaptation of the best selling book series left behind which is based on the biblical revelation end of times. joining us star of the new film left behind nicholas cage. nicholas nice to see you this morning, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. good morning. >> absolutely big weekend with the release of this film. the book selling 65 million copies. one of the biggest fiction series are of all times. what do you think about hollywood? you have been around hollywood for a time now. seeing this change where they are starting to embrace more faith based messages.
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>> you know, i can't really pretend to know what's going on in hollywood. i do know that something seems to be right now. i haven't seen it but there was a show on cable called the leftovers and now left behind is back out. and there has been a series of faith based movies. perhaps people are more open to it. and open to telling all sorts of stories. not just your standard action adventure movies. but movies that have some sort of spiritual component to them. >> we talked to willie robertson from "duck dynasty" on this movie, and he said he really wanted to get messages out there to uplifting message something that people can take away. what do you want audiences to take away from a movie with this message. >> for me, generally jo make message movies but i try to make movies that stimulate
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conversation or discussion at the dinner table. i like films that raise as many questions or answers to the theme in this case a spiritual theme. i like the idea of people going to dinner and saying well, do you have faith in this or don't you have faith in this? and to stimulate conversation, to stimulate their thinking. and also what is really important to you in a moment of crisis? who would you want to be with in a a moment of crisis? for me what i was drawn to it a man lost his path in terms of what was important. but in that extraordinary set is of circumstances where people are vanishing on his aircraft and he loses control of the aircraft, he realizes that what genuinely is valuable to him is his family. i like that kind of heart in a movie. >> speaking of family, your brother, mark, is a pastor, encouraged you to get involved in this film. what did he say to you? >> well, what he said to me was, first of all i wasn't aware of the left behind series. i received script and read
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it, wow, that's not like anything i have done before. i have never played a pilot. pilot suddenly faced with his passengers disappearing on an aircraft. i said to mark what do you know about this? because i know you are immersed in this community. he said nikki he calls me, this is terrific. this series of books has a great following and this is something that you have not done before and i think it would be good for you to do it. and so i also sort of made it for mark. i like the idea of giving him something that's important to him as well. >> the million of readers of these books and many many languages around the world. 6 a million copies of this book sold. many people saying this could be a big hit for you. nicholas cage, great to see you this morning. good luck with the movie this weekend and we appreciate your time. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> and coming up, do too many parents put their children before their spouse and is that the reason why
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american marriages are failing? we explore this next. plus, did you wake up hungry? oh, yeah. stick around. we're serving up some tacos, baby, on the plaza. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will our priority is...was... when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes.
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plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. well, it's been the number one soup in america.soup? (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good!
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welcome back to the show. if you have been a fan of "fox & friends" i have gone through hair drama. it's a hair crisis. yesterday on the show i came through a dark period. i just got it cut. >> the dark night. >> the hair here fantastic. julianna was on the show yesterday. she had some hair tips for me yesterday take a look. >> i would maybe, i would. i would little more volume. >> is that, styled it. >> don't overstyle it. >> i'm not kidding. >> we have a whole crew of people out. >> do a lot of hair and makeup. >> all right. don't stop. and then what you want to do is do a little twisty. >> can you come back this weekend? >> why is your wife out of town? >> a little more volume. look at this. really taking it to the.
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>> she just pumped up the volume in your hair. look at that. >> julianna ramsey. >> she is great, wonderful person. and she gave you a twisty. >> that was a little interesting, yes. i like the hand gestures, that gave you the ben affleck look. you have the buoy font going up going on. i know people are on wondering if this is a toupee. now you can tell it's a real thing. >> please keep your hair tips coming. find me on twitter at clayton morris. let's talk about marriage this morning, shall we? the question this morning we have been talking about herrige, the decline of marriage and i'm sure as lawyers you guys see this on a regular basis. so much easier it seems these days to go through divorce. it turns out a new study out this morning says that 50% of kids will witness a divorce and this will actually hurt them way more in the long one. this is disturbing fact in
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society. solutions what can we do to encourage two parent families, people valuing, respecting and looking towards marriage in their future instead of families falling apart. statistic in 2,011,800,000 divorces and annul thes. the study points to one issue in this. the parents are paying too much attention to their children and not enough to each other. i had -- a woman we worked with years ago down in florida. she was like the office mom. and we were like all young in the office and she was married and had a great marriage. she said i want to warn all of you, you are husband and wife first and parents second. >> it becomes so easy to think of yourselves as parents first and husband and wife seconds after the kids come in. >> that can effect the maker, right? , children sleeping in the bed. the morning routine, the child, the child, the after
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school, the sports activities, soccer practice. >> obviously there needs to be a balance but at the same time, i don't like a lot of this literature theories out there blaming the children. children are are really not the issue. talking about sleeping in the bed. whole books written about that about kids sleeping in the bed. somehow, the kids become the bad guys and the bad girl. >> no, it's the parents. >> i agree with you. we don't want to vilify still need to go out on a date night. i know my wife and i do. this my son and my daughter said why are you guys going out? you know what? we love you but need time away from you. >> that's part of the litter
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you have a devotion to each other now. you put all other things aside and now you are devoted it to your partner, to your spouse. absolutely essential. >> make one-on-one time. >> like a love sandwich. >> that's what our show is, you are watching "fox & friends," it's a love sandwich. >> huh? >> email us on can you weigh in on that. >> other headlines to get to. your headlines. police in pennsylvania issuing a brand new warning about accused cop killer eric frein they say he may be trying to break into homes and cabins looking for food. he has been surviving on cans of tuna fish and ramen noodles but now running low on supplies. newly released photo of one of his seized camp sites shows explosives and ammunition that frein had with him. frein is accused of killing a state trooper and wounding another three weeks ago. >> two shark attacks within two days shutting down three california beaches this
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weekend. a group of friends kayaking near have andberg air force base saying they were thrown into the water by a great white shark. a fisherman nearby rescued them. they were not hurt but the shark did leave huge bite marks all over their kayak. look at that. >> the shark had knocked this guy out of the water probably 8 or 9 feet through the air. his jaws were probably -- this is probably a 16, 18-foot shark it was a big one. >> the attack just one day after a surfer was bit on the knee is expected to be okay. that's good. >> talk about a cubby hole. two baby bears in need of some assistance in polk county wisconsin after getting stuck in a tree. trapped the cubs inside this trunk. some quick chainsaw work freed the bears from the tree and they scampered off into the woods, just some wood shafingts on their head. i thought that was snow at first. just some wood shavings. rick who is standing by look
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at the first alert forecast. hey, rick. >> really rainy day across eastern part of the country today. take a look what's happened out of parts of colorado. colorado's fall pictures this year have been really spectacular the aspens looking amazing. this is in southern colorado, just to the west of interstate 25. cuts up from new mexico. 37 degrees if you are getting ready and getting up this morning. you are going to get up to 60. pretty nice day with a ton of sunshine. first alert forecast for your day today across the northeast. here is where we have got the rain. behind this rain much cooler air comes. in tomorrow will be the coldest day that we have seen so far this year. down in southeast, also a really cool day, in fact coolest day you have seen so far as well. plenty of sunshine out across the northern plains, you see that white there, that is snow, first time i have had to put that on the map. out across the west really warm southern california, one more day of santa ana winds and incredibly high temperatures. nothing says october taco
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day. >> what can be more exsilver rating than tacos in the rain. i ask you. i wish you were here. amazing chef with us here. right? >> today is up. >> we get to eat for free here. >> absolutely. i will prepare some of those tacos for you guys so you can taste it: known for fresh mexico, right? >> absolutely. >> supposed to be healthy, but yet delicious food for the family. >> absolutely, we have some of the dishes here that we
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recently introduced to our menu great combinations and we have our fajitas and also in menus delicious and low fat calorie items. >> perfect. what are we going to eat today? >> excellent. we have -- to have a great taco we have homemade fresh tortilla. what we're going to do is put chipotle on it it here. >> i love it. >> absolutely. going to put some lettuce. >> salsa. >> salsa. >> you put all of that on the bottom. >> we always think we put that on the top. >> now you are learning and this is going to change your life. >> absolutely. this is a a salsa chicken, okay. so we are going to put some picadala. tomatoes onions. we are going to fin -- finish it with cheese. >> the beauty of you being here today. all of new hotels right now watching the show. come on down and chevies is going to be here giving you
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free tacos this morning. >> i love it you don't have to give the dollar. >> take the bite. bring some inside. go to chevy's this weekend. carlos, thank you very much. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> delicious. >> i have seen kimberly is usually a happy person. >> going to eat the other end of that. >> so happy it is taco day. >> picadala. wind machine. we are hollywood. >> isis threatening the families of our military men and women ha are here at home. how can they keep themselves and the ones they love safe. military wildfire joins us next. >> really important. how does unlimited vacation sound, that's what one company is offering saying it's going to boost the morale of the employees. is it too good to be true? we're going to debate it, yeah, we are.
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low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. and she gave me advice. she said, "dad, go pro with crest pro-health." [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. immediately, i felt a difference. it did an extremely good job of cleaning. [ male announcer ] crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. this deep clean was way more than i ever expected. [ male announcer ] 4 out of 5 dentists confirmed these pro-health products helped maintain a professional clean. my daughter inspired me to make a change. crest pro-health really brought my mouth to the next level.
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american military families are being directly threatened by isis. an army warning to military person nell quote: >> how are military families responding to this threat: joining us is rita, 2014 military spouse of the year whose husband was deployed in afghanistan for 10 months. first of all, i want to thank you and your family and your husband in particular for his service to this country and congratulate you on that designation as military spouse of the year. how do you hear when service members and families are
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being targeted in such an aggressive way? >> speaking to átqp)r'g to the n my community and frankly i go back and forth between these two reactions as well. ind of split down the middle between being we are all concerned what isis is capable of and it's scary stuff. there is also this dogged reserve that, you know, if we cower in a corner, it's "isis has kind of already won. we have to keep moving forward and living our lives because the only way you preserve freedom is to live it. so you know, families on the one hand with isis you have to assume the worst. the question becomes what do we do to protect families what is the army's statement in regards to this threat? they said quote army force protection levels have not
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changed at installations. this document is a reminder to stay vigilant tell us what you are doing to be more careful or have that extra awareness? there are steps i'm taking in the virtual wor&d and also in the commu'ity these are things military families are very aware of because we are all educated in personal security but there are things that our civilian communities can be aware of, too, r' the virtual world it's being mindful of what you put on social media making sure that you don't have your addresses and phone numbers published anywhere. make sure turn those locations off so movements people that are web sites or blowing blogs can pare back, do personal information included in those to make sure there is not personal
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that anything you put out in social media everybody can see. in the actual world it's being vigilant. it's getting your community involved taking care of each other o, much in the same way that neighborhood watch typically does it's being aware of your surroundings, watching out for each other, making sure you have your home secured, your locks are go n. good working order your alarms are and just watching out in your neighborhoods if you see something, say something, it's a very good place to start. very good idea. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up, he looks like he just lost the fight of his life. why are police on -- why aren't police on the massive hunt for him? the scare of the bandage bandit. how does unlimited vacation sound to you? one company offerint it saying it will boost morale. is it too good to be true you ask ask? that debate is next.
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first, you know what we're going to do? check in with eric bolling for a look what's coming up on cashing >> hey guys, the president promised and the cdc concurred ebola is not a threat to america. how is that working out? can we trust those who are supposed to keep us safe? we have a test are for the extreme liberalism virus. do you have it? find out 11:30. spread the word not the viruáy are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals.
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it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things.
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talk about the best boss ever. giving employees unlimited vacation time. he says it will boost morale. is it too good to be true? here to sort it all out is employment attorney misty marist. and employment industry expert. good to see both of you this morning.
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>> good morning. >> he got the idea from his daughters handing him an article about netflix. >> it gives the worker ability to be be autonomous, manage their own time, encourages responsibility and takes away that big brother aspect that's so prevalent in corporate culture. really promotes hard work. take control of your schedule and take control of your work. >> so you know his argument is that you know what people who are in charge of their groups within the office, they know when they have completed a project. they know when they're up to speed. chances are they are not going to take vacation unless they are ready to go and take a little vacation time. >> i don't think it's such a great idea. it might sound good but i think employees need to be careful about it because it might sound oh great i have unlimited vacation. but do you really get to take the time away? what if you have so much on your desk or so he many projects gosh is now a good time for me to break away and take a week off or even if you take the week off are you attached on your phone
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the whole time checking your emails? >> this idea of being a 24/7 employee. richard branson says this in his statement it could present a problem where you are always on call to a certain extent isn't that true even day. depends on the nature of your industry and job results based industry where this scheme of unlimited vacation might actually work better? you still are going to have that problem where some people are going to be on call all the time. some people are not. and then everybody else will be somewhere in the middle. but, at the end of the day, it's not too different in the mentality. >> we're worked in this country can tri. americans don't take vacation i don't know they have guilt about it or something. we are the most overworked country in the world. >> we are. americans are really like 30% of measures aren't even using all of their vacation time so my concern would be if you have this unlimited kind of non-policy of
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vacation, are you really going to be able to get those breaks and time off. give you two weeks, three weeks, detect get away and take a break. >> hurt productivity where you are planning on counting on your teammate and that person calls up and says i'm done i am going to take a few days. >> what richard branson is proposing a very loose format of this system but the employer has the ability to change that policy to be a little different. perhaps there has to be a procedure in place you get approval from the team first before you take a vacation, you go ask a manager, it doesn't have to be so extreme one way or the other. the employer does have some control in crafting that policy to be specific to their industry and to the type of job they need to perform. >> this seeing isment is done. that means you are on vacation. >> i'm done, i'm out of here. >> nice to he so you. >> thank you. coming up on the show ebola fears growing by the day. is the cdc doing enough to keep americans safe?
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coming up, we will ask governor mike huckabee what he would do. is he right there in the hallway. could this thin, tiny strip
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satisfaction guaranteed. crest sensi-stop strips. get breakthrough sensitivity relief and save with everyday low prices at walmart.
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good morning, today is saturday, october 4th. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for anna coim. we begin with a fox news alert. warns the united states you are next. wait until you hear how the white house is responding. american infected with ebola finally moved to a top secret location as hazmat crews move in on their apartment, but the cdc says no need to worry that really the truth. >> you saw it first on "fox & friends." president george w. bush making big news this week on his brother jeb. >> i think he wants to be president. i think he would be a great president. he understands what it is like to be president. >> governor mike huckabee ran for president, does he agree?
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we'll ask him. "fox & friends" hour three if you are counting at home. starts right now. ♪ good morning on holly yom kippur. we wish all of our jewish voters easy fast as they celebrate that today. we welcome all of our viewers this morning. >> thank you. kimberly guilfoyle in for anna this morning. >> good to be be here with you guys. >> i have been with you in a lot of iterations but never here. great to see you. >> great to see you guys. get to governor huckabee in just moments. first get to the headlines. >> mystery illness already left four children dead now reportedly claiming the lives of two adults. they died in a denver hospital. the two were admitted last month with severe breathing problems and other symptoms that soon developed into the entervirus. doctors now urging everyone to take caution why all more
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concerned about children but no reason to think that the adults wouldn't get it as well. >> had 2 children sickened across the united states. >> a freak accident leaving 13-year-old boy dead. parents and students mourning the death of christian. he playing a game of catch when he touched a metal fence and electrocuted. authorities are still trying to figure out how something like this could happen. although some students are claiming the fence in question has shocked people before. dramatic video of the flight 93 memorial up in flames. nobody was hurt. officials are worried that some 9/11 memorabilia may have been lost including a flag that flew over the u.s. capitol on september 11th. about 10% of the memorial's archive was kept on site and the cause of the fire is
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still unknown and under investigation. how did this happen? a man posing a politician getting within feet of the president. it's yet another laps in security by the secret service this latest breech happening during the congressional black caucus foundation awards. the president gathering back stage for a photo op. that's when a man posing as a congressman got into the area. eventually it was figured out and left without incident. those are your evidence lines today. >> someone impersonating governor mike huckabee was in our hallway. >> yes he. >> we decided to put him on the set. >> i gave that guy an awkward hug. he seemed to like it governor, it was hent for you. >> it was my clone. i'm posing as a politician today. >> big stories we are following for our viewers this morning. starting with the cdc and latest ebola news out of texas, we now know that eric hunter who had gone home from the hospital 100
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different people quarantined with. family quarantined sweep it down with bleach. wrapping the car in tarps. the cdc says everything is fine, nothing to see here. everything looks good. what do you say? >> you don't do all of those things if everything is fine. the problem with this whole incident is we don't know how many other people may have come. thousands of people day. some 10,000 people a day leave lie beeria, where do they go? how many of them may have been infected? where do they end up? who did they touch? did they sneeze on the tray on the airliner and two hours later it's still active virus? these are things that out to scare us. look, here is the thing. this is not a political issue, it's a public health issue. i'm afraid that sometimes people are saying well, you know, you are wrapping it up in politics. divorce the politics from it, protect the american people in that contest
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mobley was with us earlier. you comment on it. >> the cdc is being dishonest the chances of clusters is very low. they said that the first week the first individual on the soil. that's why we missed theç diagnosis, extremely low chance. had they heightened our alert which we should have been in the trenches we made have caught that case. they are extremely low. i'm saying it's inevitable. >> he has a catastrophic view of things why do we have to take our shoes off and being bodily served airplane because of catastrophic view. why is your cell phone being monitored nsa and all of your emails catastrophic view. this is something that could infect us and kill us, it's already here, we were told it wouldn't likely be here, well, it is and it happened less than two weeks after we were told it wouldn't. so, yeah, i think we ought to be concerned about it not panicked but concerned and not just blowing it off.
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>> what about stopping flights until we get better control of the situation? >> here's the crazy things we stopped flights to israel for no reason whatsoever back in august for a day. why? now, if we stopped them there, why are we not stopping them here? you say well because we have got to get people in and out. charter a plane. if you have got to get supplies in and people in, that's the way to do it. >> took people like you and mayor bloomberg to go to israel and say no, this is safe. >> front page of the newspaper this morning. daily news post isis beheading another hostage this morning. this time a british aid worker allen heading. unbelievable they have also got a former u.s. army ranger now this they are threatening next. but, the question for you i have, governor, are air st)ikes working? i'm trying to find some positivity in this story. i'm going to quote the guy, this coward who keeps his face hidden, jihadi john, because in this video he says obama, you have started your aerial bombardment of syria which keeps on striking our people. it's only right that we continue to strike the neck of your people.
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are air strikes hitting them where it's hurting or not doing much? >> air strikes have a role to play. i haven't talked to a single military person where weather they're air force, matter who thinks you can win this war against isis with air strikes alone. the truth is you cannot. it requires both an air strike and it requires that softens up the target in order to go in and finish up and mop it up with ground forces. otherwise, they are going to continue to move around like back a whack-a-mole. that's what they do. >> what would you do as president right now? >> it's a bigger issue that be saying just this one thing. the failure that we have made is nobody trusts us, nobody believes any threats we make. and when we do go in. we go in with what we call the flight footprint, the limitq" force. the plymouthed force approach is a failure. we're f. we're going to go in we go in full bore, go in with overwhelming force that nobody, nobody can even )esist and we mop this up
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quickly look at the gulf war in 1991 and what we have done every time since. we went in there with hundreds of thousands of troops and in a very short were going to could and got out. ever since gone in lighter me.roaches, a lot of people if we're going to be be serious about getting rid of isis and the groups like it, we're going to have to gin up and say this is really a threat to us. and we are going all out. we're not going to call up 20,000, 30,000. we're going to be talking about half a million troops or more. we are going to take our time. then when we go to get them, they are not going to have any place to hide. >> that sounds like a strong approach and one that the enemy would take seriously to defeat this terrorist organization and ideology for sure governor. we're not done with you yet. we have got more to talk about. president obama isn't doing well on terror or much of anything. so he tries an old favorite. guess who he he loves-to-a tack? oh yeah. fox news, is this an effort to gin up the voters before crucial midterm elections? >> i don't get this
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president. is he more afraid of fox news than he is of isis and ebola. he spends more time saying i have got to get fox news out of the way. first of all, i'm proud to be associated with the television network on cable that has this much power that it has the president of the united states shaking in his boots because he fears what we say on this network. take a listen to what the president said the other day. really specifically talking about the healthcare law and basically saying that it's actually working despite what fox news says. take a listen. >> >> there is a reason few republicans you hear them running around about obamacare because while good affordable healthcare might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the american people. [ laughter ] on fox news, it turns out it's working pretty well in the real world. [cheers] >> governor, in the real world there is a fox news poll that is a straight up poll and 54% of the american people registered voters who responded to this say they wish it never passed.
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37% glad it did pass. now the president in one sound bite we heard this morning said well, your premiums are higher because maybe your shopping effectiveness is poor. >> this is a president who never accepts responsibility for anything. if we an intelligence failure it's james clapper's faulted although he could have read the briefing reports. by the way he would have read them had they been inserted in "golf digest." that's the mistake they make at the white house. this is a president who never says the buck stops with me. with him the buck is always moving. it never sits on that desk for more than a few seconds. absurd to say that somehow the healthcare law is working so well. i'm going to tell it you what's about to happen. we are at the anniversary of obamacare this week. people are getting renewal notices and guess what they're discovering. for most people, not everybody, but for most people the prices are going up. where is that $2,500 per family savings we were promised by the way you can't keep your doctor. >> going to reduce the deficit. >> yes. and also, it would make
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julianne fries. >> a lot of empty promises now when they actually see it in writing they are going to understand the magnitude of this reckless decision by the administration. we want to talk about the presidential politics as well. who is running, who is in, who is thinking about it. let's take a listen here because we had george w. bush talking about whether or not his brother was going to run and this was on "fox & friends." >> yeah. i think he wants to be president. i think he would be a great president. he understands what it's like to be president for not only the person running serving, his dad, his brother. he is weighing his options. >> what do you think jeb bush running for president? >> interestingly i met with jeb bush yesterday. he and i had got together and had coffee and visited a while. he is he a good friend. i will tell you something, is he one of the most innovative, creative, conservative governors we have had in a long time. would he be a great
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candidate? absolutely. would he be a united states president? you bet he would. does he want to go through the ringer of running? i think is he like a lot of people. is he weighing it very seriously. i think he could in fact be a candidate. if he is, he is going to be extraordinarily strong. >> what about you throwing your hat? >> we will see. i'm taking my time. i'm not going to make any decision any time soon. but if i do i'm sure i will announce it right here on the curvey couch. >> tremendous support. and the polls show it it you know, the american people, the voters they like what you are dropping, governor he they want to pick it up. >> how really really troubled this country is if i'm leading in the polls. >> you are a national treasure. >> well, you are very kind. >> great toe sue. >> always a pleasure, thanks. >> who coming up on your show tonight. >> we're going to have a great show. we will talk about the ebola crisis with former health and human services secretary michael left who has dealt with pandemics before and musical guest melissa etheridge. >> this is great. don't miss it. >> coming up on the show he murdered a officer in cold
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blood but that won't stop him from giving a college commencement speemp and he was chosen by the students to give that speech. the wife of that slain cop joins us live next. >> then the first lady taking the cookies and candy from your kids. but, there is the place you forgot. try the vending machine at government offices. >> those are the best ones. >> how are they still like -- you got the bargain kind?
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you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ kc ] you're probably right. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined.
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cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time.
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controversy on a college campus after students select a convicted cop killer as their graduation speaker. he has spent decades behind bars for the murder of
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25-year-old police officer daniel faulkner back in 1982. and this sunday, is he going to give the commencement speech at goddard college in vermont. maureen faulkner is the widow of that fallen philadelphia police officer. she joins me now along with pennsylvania senator pat toomey. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for spending this tisq on with us this morning. can i money imagine what's going through your head as you have to suffer this indignity, this injustice again by having this convicted killer, this murderer speak to young graduates at their commencement ceremony. >> yes, kimberly, you know, this has been going on for years and years and years. danny was murdered in 1981. by this man. and for the past 33 years, the faulkner family and i have to endure the heartache of once again him being out and able to speak to the
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public. and i just think it's despicable. i think it's wrong. >> it's very disrespectful to the memory, you know, of your husband who served so faithfully. i just don't understand the priorities of this school and i want to bring the senator in. they say it's an issue of a free speech and that they don't want to interfere with the will of their students. how do you see it? >> i think that's just absolutely ridiculous. where is the adult supervision here? you know, commencement speaker is supposed to be someone who has a certain level of moral authority based on the personal accomplishments they have n their life who has a valuable message for students. a convicted unrepen tant cop killer? there is no moral authority here. he is morally bankrupt. there is no message for the kids can. the only thing that we could possibly be doing here is to teaching the kids a terrible lesson about an utter disregard for people's obligation to one another. it's a terrible decision on the part of goddard. >> you're absolutely right and such disregard for the
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sanctity of life and those that serve so faithfully in law enforcement. maureen, i ask you to take a moment to take a risen to this. @&c @&c@ this is from the kelly file. a goddard graduate and student liaison. >> the reason is that the graduating students believe that has a message come from prison from a unique perspective and speaks to issues that are rs(ortant to them. important in a world where we have ferguson where we have police brutality where these issues are real and in their lives and that they want to discuss. >> >> maureen you hear what this young man these say, doesn't make a difference, does it? >> yes. >> what do you think about it? >> no. i feel that when this man took a gun, he had shoulder holster on that night. when he took his gun and shot my husband in the back, and then my husband shot him but my husband fell to the ground and was laying prone on the ground, on the cold
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december night. he leaned over and emptied his gun into my husband with the last bullet going point blank into his brain. he made the decision at that moment to lose his freedom. to step out into society. i do not feel that he should be able to speaking to these college students. >> i think you are right. many americans share that exact viewpoint. this is not the lesson that we want for young graduates going out into the future to respect and idolize a man like this i want to áhank you maureen for your time this morning and courage and sharing your voice with us. because the memory of your husband does matter. senator pat toomey, always a pleasure. thank you sir for your leadership. >> thank you. just how secure are our airports? from the guy on the watch list who boarded plane to the couple who walked past security. no questions asked. former deputy doppler radar indicated for the tsa what's going on here? a college student told to
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dumb down his religious magic show because it might offend some people? have the pc police gone too far? so go to today for personalized, affordable legal protection. dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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and we have some quick headlines happening overnight, the search for malaysia airlines flight 370 has resumed. this following a four month hiatus, experts now stretching the indian ocean hoping to solve this incredible aviation mystery. the bandage bandit is on the loose after robbing a bank in new york. long island police say the man was covered in gauze, wearing a neck brace and a sling. it's not clear if he is really hurt or just part of his disguise.
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while michelle obama health food movement is taking over student lunches everywhere. government vending machines remain untouched. 7 5% of the items in those machines are either candy, chips, or cookies. like this one at the white house. sv kind of machine. >> oh yeah, cookies 3 years o&d are delicious. thanks, peter. when it comes to homegrown terror, weigh jihad against their own country. one state stands out above all others. minnesota. according to the fbi, dozens of young men have left that area to fight against america overseas. >> apparently no one told the tsa because minneapolis' airport has some of the worst security we have seen in years. >> and just this month, peter, a passenger on the watch list didn't receive extra screening u'til he landed in denver. the couple was able to %eenter the airport through exit door walking past a tsa agent and just this week three passengers walked through unattended medical
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detector making it all the way to the gate. joining us former administrator for the tsa tom blank. nice to see you this morning. >> nice to be wiáh you. thanks for having me. >> i mean, with these types of security breaches and three folks who came from tokyo, international travel landing in minneapolis, how can we feel confident that wq are secure here at home? >> well, i think there is a couple of things. first of all, each of those breaches that you described at minneapolis, they are very serious breaches. transportation security officer leaving his post walk through metal detector, that means that prohibited items, guns, knives, potentially bomb parts that have metallic components in them, that could walk right through. so, when you have that and you look at the other breaches that have occurred within the past few queex, you have a very serious management problem at minneapolis that needs to be corrected.
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now,. >> go ahead. >> is there something called a terminal dump when things like that happen, isn't stuff supposed to stop and do it all over again once it's realized what happened? >> áhat's exactly right. now, let me tell you why i suspect that didn't happen here. if you look at the reporting, it indicates that the tsa's operation center was monitoring that particular check point. now what that means is over the years tsa has installed cameras to it capture everything that transpires at the check point. sometimes review those in rerealtime. this time it appears that the tsa operations center outside of washington was reviewing that and saw these people walk through. were able to identify them to local tsa and they were able to apprehend them and rqá(áqq' them without having to do a terminal dump. a terminal dump, what that does is.
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it wrecks the airline's schedule for the day. it means that airlines don't take off thei) delays. people are seriously inconvenience and cost literally the airlines millions of dollars when these kind of errors lead to having to do that. >> what do you think needs to happen, tom, for uj to feel safe here at home, especially in minneapolis where we are seeing some of these homegrown terrorists leaving and going over to fight and join isis for crying out loud? >> i think we need to get a little it before the 9/11 mentality back again when we see this happen. we need to up the vigilance and stop being so complacent. the tsa needs to get the morale of the workforce to the very peak. they need to retrain. they need quality control. they need to test the system on a more intensive basis in this period of time than what it appears that they are doing. tom blank with his
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prescription for increasing and improving security at our airports. thanks for being here, tom. >> thanks for having me. >> how do you get out of a meeting? text your wife to call in a bomb threat? believe it or not a teacher just did that. >> ladies, skip the burgers so you look good in your halloween costume. subway taking heat for new ad. some are calling it sexist. is it all in good fun? your comments are pouring in. we will hear them.
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so what day is it you ask? today is national taco day around here bigger is always better, baby. see that? feast your eyes on that taco. elebrating with the 2-pound taco. >> rick is outside with special guest for the taco. hey, rick. >> got jenna cody here. in my mind, i feel like national taco day should go along with cinco de mayo in may. >> you would think so but that's not the case. >> that's to the -- that's fine. i'm not sure can i get behind this taco what's going on. >> we started creating this three years ago to celebrate
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national taco day. at first we only did it for five days but it was such a hit with our guest that we started doing it every year through the month of october to celebrate national taco day. and this is a 12-inch 2-pound taco. >> by the way you are from margarita's restaurant new england. nothing tacos to me like new england. >> new england and pennsylvania. >> maybe that's why these tacos don't look like real tacos because you are doing this in new england. >> we wanted to create the biggest spectacle we could create. >> you also just told me that you don't provide forks with. >> this we do. it's more fun, this is supposed to be messy. are you going to go for it? >> i mean i guess so, guys, i mean, look at this thing. this weighs two pounds. >> we are lettuce, refriday beans, mq,ican rice, bacon, queso, salsa, mixed cheese,. >> i love it. >> you can do it. >> jalapenos, can you handle
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it, rick? >> take a big bite there. >> just so you know this is going to be a disaster. >> that's what we're hoping for. >> i'm so jealous right now? oh my gosh. >> oh my gosh. >> we couldn't tell rick until you picked it up it looked like áhat shoe from top secret. that's perfect put it to scale next to your head now we can really see how big it is. that's amazing. now we know you can do more than weather. that's good to know. somebody take a note. >> eat it in a minutes i will give $500 to charity of your choice. >> you better give me pepcid ac or whatever it is. >> right now, five minutes he has got. >> kimberly doesn't believe me doing "fox & friends" you can literally put on 10 pounds hosting the show. rumor has rá. >> already had had a plate of tacos this morning. it's halloween time. got to put on our sexy outfits for halloween. peter. take a look at this. causing a bit of controversy
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as to whether or not this is sexist. watch this ad and tell us what you think. >> you guys are eating burgers? hey summer is over. halloween is coming. stay in shape for all the costumes. >> what's that? you know like attractive nurse, spicy red riding hood. vehicle princess warrior. hot devil, sassy teacher. and foxy full back. touchdown. >> can we go over the viking lady again? >> are you outraged about it? is it sexist? i think the problem i had maybe with the ad forgetting the sexy outfit is that subway is operating under the false premise eating a huge thing of bread is actually healthier than a burger to !egin with. >> i always associate fast food with domination. domination more important than fast food restaurant. >> this is a very stra'ge segment. >> clubs and knives and things. >> i think -- undercurrent of violence that i think.
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>> whoa. >> huh? >> kind of cute because it's food and halloween is coming up. >> i'm beginning to get bothered by the commercial a little bit. >> when you are over 18 years old, women on halloween it's like the one time of the year they get to wear that outfit, that sexy nurse outfit, am i right? >> it's halloween around my house every weekend. why not? >> i love costumes and dressing up. >> i'm being told my bruiser is asking can we see some pictures of that? >> huh? >> >> why is -- holding a billy club? >> you are obsessed with the documentation? >> caveman. >> steve wrote us this morning on facebook he says he wants to know it's a cute commercial. we have shows like dating naked and folks are worried about this being sexist? >> really, let's not cry about stuff. we have another one andrea saying you don't need to sell subs with sex, people. subway is going to lose their lady customers with commercials like this. oh, i'm so sorry.
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i'm still all in. >> facebook says cute why don't they use a man in the commercial but women might like that better. let's be clear. maybe there will be a second commercial with a chip and dales guy. >> we saw the diet coke commercial with the pool boy. was that not sexist. looking out the window. he was just doing pool work and objectifiq" and taking off his shirt. he was thirsty and he got hot. i used to have a pool girl but she quit me. >> wow. >> why? >> he hasn't cleaned the pool in years but i'm still paying him. >> in the 9:00 hour we will find out why. >> the mysteries. >> let us know your thoughts. ff weekend you can weigh r' as well. >> serious news today because now to your headlines, police in pennsylvania issuing a brand new warning about accused cop killer eric frein. he may try breaki'g into homes and cabins looking for food. he has been surviving on
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cans of tuna fish and ramen noodles. he is running out of supplies. one of his seized camp sites shows explosives and ammunition he had with him. -state trooper.f killing a wounding another three weeks ago. one of the biggest hac)j ever. 76 million households, another 7 million small businesses affected by jp morgan chase cyber attack in august. chase says you don't need to change your password because hackers did not steal any financial information. "wall street journal" reporter emily glasure who covers the (áu(áey she joined us earlier. take a lynch. >> they are saying the money is say watching out for phishing, email addresses. if the hackers have those they can try to scam you and get more information. >> experts say the best way is to closely monitor emails and no phishing, right? keep your password out of emails. a student at college is
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being told áo dumb down representing just show. with working oon religious now the school's drama instructor is telling justin to quote, dumb down the christian parts of the act saying it could offend people. this is coming from a drama department that put on a show featuring sex now justin's lawyer says his first amendment rights are, in fact, being violated. >> and a board teacher at a new york city high school stirring up a whole lot of trouble. police say the man didn't want to go to a meqáing so he sent his wife a text jokingly begging her to call in a bomb threat. but she misread it and called police fearing for her husband's life. officers showed up and questioned the teacher for hours before they were joke. officials will determine monday if he will be punished. and those are your headlines. >> i think we can all relate to him being in a boring meeting. somebody call in -- >> do we have a camera on rick?
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do we know what is he doing? >> do we know what's happening? >> only taken one bite? are you still working on that? >> i will explain this to you in a second. is the rick that you have -let's talk about the weather and talk about this taco for one last second. take a look at these temperatures, 27 degrees in bismarck, north dakota. 32 in north platte it is cold out there. take a look at this satellite and radar picture. light stuff, that snow just in the western suburbs of chicago. northern illinois you are getting some snow this morning. maybe a quick little dusting across some of the grassy surfaces not going to cause problems on your roads. if you are not really ready for winter, get ready because it's going to be coming. here you go. we have got rain across much of new england for your day today and certainly cool down to the southeast, incredibly cool temps down there. not getting out of 60 for most of the area. texas váu get some areas into the 70s. but very very cool. here across the northern plains, that's where we are going to see the snow showers move through the
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chicago area behind it rá cold air happenings on all day long. if you want warmth go out across the west. much of southern california another very ve)y warm day. all right, guys. when i tried to eat this taco. >> what happened? >> it just basically all fell out. >> listen -- >> -- not the right approach. >> you have made substantial progress, rick, i'm keeping my charity pledge. you charity. last time i suggested a race and you almost broke your kneecap. >> that's true. >> very scary. >> i don't want anything to happen. 500 todd's rick's charity. >> i'm going to give him taco lessons. -mow that taco. on how to all right? >> oooh. >> rick is better at this than roller blading. good luck, rick. >> he has done it enough. third time is a charm. not for the secret service, yet. another security breach. this time a guy posing as a congressman conned his way into a stage right next to the president this week. what in the world is going on? >> that is the question.
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then, monkeys are people, too. and animal rights group taking that argument to court saying chimps should have the same rights as humans. really? do they even have a case? [mocking monkey] >> that was peter. >> white house and health officials urging calm in the wake of the ebola cases making news here in the u.s. and they are vowing to prevent the spread of the disease at a time when missteps at a dallas hospital are feeling fueling fears about the virus spreading and whether this country is truly prepared to stop ebola within our borders. we will bring you the latest from texas officials on the front line. join uj at noon. (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!)
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you know, it's just disappointing, disheartening, and basically it's frightening that somebody can get that close to the president on how many occasions? >> all you have to tell the people what happened was was that a guy who pretended to be new jersey congressman, congressional black caucus dinner who walks up and says i'm donald payne jr. from new jersey, i'm a member of congress, can you let me through? they said okay, we will let you through. it wasn't him. it was impersonator. >> someone caught him. >> it is one after another. remember the schizophrenic delusional interpreter at the mandela ceremony in south africa who was standing next to the president and he said well i was having delusions
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while -- is anything going to change? how long is it going to take to to change? earlier this morning, clayton interviewed with former secret service agent and what did she have to say? >> change is going to have to take some time. it's going to trickle down. obviously a the lo of people have been speaking about management style, making significant changes. when you have an agency that's been doing great, great pes prestige, people get used to doing the same thing in a certain way. they are more rigid or restrictive to change. you to be effective you have to change consistently. >> the secret service is in charge of knowing whose face is what. and basically they are in charge of screening. so this guy did get screened he went through the magnetometer, he went through the metal detector. there waáh'o gun or anything like that when he went through it was up to the white house staff to say wait a second you are not on
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somebody pretending to be representative and in fact was not. at least they caught him. >> the salehs rock through. >> americans fed up the rising cost of confront the sou president obama. listen. >> we are seeing our most double-digit increase health care costs every year, so do you think that trend's going to go down and what can we do to control that trend? >> good question. howdy the president respond? wait until you hear what he said. plus, they are the two stars of the westminster dog show. meet the breeds before anyone else does. stick around. these are two new breeds. >> they are. exciting. they just admitted them. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks.
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pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it.
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welcome back. two new akc breeds are making their debut at the 2015 westminster dog show, and we're giving you a pooch preview spokesperson for the american kennel club hillary prim joins us with the two new akc breeds. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you very much. >> i was joking earlier, these are like new dogs that were just invented, right? >> no, not quite. a lot gold futures into creating a new breed, having it fully recognized with the akc. it's no easy task. there must be a minimum number of dogs across thq country, pedigrees, the country of origin, so these two new breeds, the coton de tulear and the wirehaired vizsla, certainly went through a lot to be recognized. >> this is the coton de tulear you see here. >> yes. this is the coton de tulear. they are a royal dog of madagascar. we have a puppy, 14 weeks old, that is berkin, certainly owning
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up to thei) regal origin. >> two of my favorite bags. >> hju do you say it again? >> coton de tulear. >> coton de tulear. >> you got it. you got it. >> it rolls off my tongue. >> great family pets and good for people with allergies. p>> they're as close as you can get. they don't shed a lot. good for people with allergies. >> good with children? >> great with children, great family pets, very loyal. >> what about this guy? >> this is the wirehaired vizsla. you may recognize him from his cousin. these are hunting dogs. have a wiry coat that protects them from harsh field conditions which they were bred for to hunt in. >> what are some of the -- you go through the different things can you show me the walk up with the dogs? can you do an actual -- >> a little walk? >> do best in show for me? >> i'm not the handler, but i'll try. >> absolutely. >> such a beautiful dog.
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>> he was looking after these other dogáy >> very loyal. >> little trivia. dana porino has a vizsla but not a wirehaired vizsla. >> right. >> i notice a difference in appearance and the coat. >> absolutely. thráhráhp wirehaired vest a smooth coat. the great thing about westminster is not only can you see them competing in the big rings, you can come out to westminster kennel club presents. >> when is westminster? >> february 16th and 17th. come out on the 14th for meet the breed. >> will they let me handle? >> you got it. >> look at this one. well, there you go. don't quit your day job is all i got to say. >> okay. so there you go. it is the mystery virus that's making kids across the country sick and now it just got worse. then a fan caught on camera losing his cool. who was sitting next to him? is that larry king? >> i'm poised. >> yeah. >> i've got poise. huh, fifteen minutes
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine.
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good morning. today is saturday, october 4th. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for anna kooiman. isis warns the united states you're next. wait until you hear how the white house is responding. and the american infected with ebola finally moved to a top-secret location as hazmat crews move the on the apartment where he was staying. the cdc says no need to worry. is that the truth? and do too many parents put their children before their spouse? is that the reason why american marriages are failing and falling apart? our panel of parents weighs in this hour. this is "fox & friends" hour
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four. set your clock. >> you're watching "fox & friends." you are watching "fox & friends." peter johnson jr., the lovely and talented kimberly guilfoyle, and i'm clayton morris. nice to see you. first that fox news alert. isis posting another brutal video on the internet, the we be heading of a u.s. veteran turned aid worker may be next. >> leeland has the details. >> reporter: good morning. late last night the national security council performed peter kasich is now in the hands of isis. they released the latest video true to form by dispensing another hostage saying he is next, referring to an american. alan hennig was held by isis. he makes a statement on the video clearly under duress. this is a still frame from that video in the minute before his executio'. >> the murder of alan hennig is
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absolutely abhorrent, senseless, completely unforgivable. anyone in any doubt about this truly repulsive it is and barbaric it is. >> reporter: on that tape, what appear s to be the same execution we've seen before speaking with a strong british accident says because of american air strikes in syria he once served as an army ranger, did time in iraq before pin 2007. he was from indiana and went to the middle east as an aid worker who was actually abducted in lebanon while helping syrian refugees. his detention was not publicly reported until now. unclear how many additional western hostages isis hold. the national security council issued a statement saying they would continue to use every tool at theirposal, military, diplomatic, law enforcement and intelligence to bring peter
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home. back to you. >> leland vitter live with us. a lot of people calling for the n those videos, calling face to the world if you can get up there and do this. the pet you see on the camera like peter kassig and others who are threatened with next to be killed, are they aware of the media coverage of the other people that have been trap and kept with them? are they aware? do they know what their fate holds? are they in isolation? right. where are they being held? >> did they witness these executions? such a disturbing situation. >> unfortunately, i think they do understand their fate. this morning governor mike huckabee was on the show and he had some strong words about what the u.s. needs to do going all out to destroy isis. >> if we're going to be serious about getting rid of isis and the groups like it, we're going to have to grn up and say this
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is really a threat to us and we're going all out, we're not going to call up 20,000, 30,000, we'll be talking about half a million troops or more and we're going to take our time and then when we go to get them they're not going to have any place to hide. >> if that's not enough, we're also hearing disturbr'g reports this morning of isis now threatening the military families back here at home, encouraging other members of isis, even those who are reportedly here in the united states. go through the yellow pages. you know, go on facebook. >> social media. facebook. >> find out where they live and go to t$eir houses. >> really disturbing. i spoke with rina hicks earlier, a 2014 military spouse of the year. here's her thoughts. >> kind of split down the middle between being concerned, very concerned because we're all aware of what isis is capable of, and it's scary stuff, but there's also this dogged reserve that if we cower in a corner , %
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isis has already kind of won so, we have to keep moving forward and living our lives because the only way you preserve freedom is to live it. >> i think what they're trying to do is instill fear in americans, especially in military families. and miss hicks is saying we're not going to fall for it. >> big question this morning. does the president have a clear strategy for defeating isis going forward? we know that the president just a few short weeks ago said we don't yet have a strategy. take a look at this new fox news poll. where do you think the white house come downs on this? yes, 26% of you think the president does have a clear strategy. no, 64%. >> an alarming number, shows a lack of faith and confidence in the president and whether or not he has a strategy beyond degrade and destroy. what does that mean? how do you go about doing it? >> there have been a couple stories over the past few weeks that have americans scratching their heads, how could this be happening at home, we have secret service, the isis, scares about ebola right now on u.s. soil, something we always heard
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about overseas in a far-off distant land. we know the ebola patient who was in texas has left, there he iseric hunter, and gone to multiple locations. they're now disinfecting his home, using bleach and hazmat suits. up to 100 people may have come in contact with him, a quarantine numbers of his family. how in the world did something like this happen? >> took them five days to clear out that apartment and properly disinfect and sanitize it. >> the issue becomes how does that jive with what cdc director tom frieden said yesterday here on "fox & friends"? we see hazmat suit, but what was he talking about yesterday? >> the apartment is a complicated issue because it is soil, so they're cleaning it with bleach and they need to remove the waste safely. you don't need a hazmat suit to go into an apartment. the way ebola spreads is by direct contact with somqjá @r(t% who's sick with ebola or their body fluids. >> and to be clear, apparently
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what's going on is they're removing waste mpáerials or materials that may have been contaminated by this patient in the dallas area. and obviously if they're handling waste or bodily fluids, then of course -- >> and why wouldn't you in an abundance of caution make sure you go in with the proper equipment and wearing a hazmat suit? that's what should be done. so you're sending a mixed message. because as you know there are strong opinions on both sides of this about what needs to be done and how serious the threat is. >> and the real issue of delay. >> dr. gil mobley was on the show earlier talking about the cdc saying they're being dis disingenuous here. listen sfp. >> the cdc is being dishonest saying the chance of reporting clusters is low. they said that the same week we got the first individual on the soil. that's why we missed the diagnosis. they're saying extremely low chance. have we hitened our alert, we may have caught that case. they're saying it's extremely low. i'm saying it's inevitable. >> much more about ebola here on the show, but onq of your top
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headlines now has me as a parent really concerned. >> me, as well, with an 8-year-old at home. now to your headlines. the mysterious enterovirus taking sadly another child's life. overnight the cdc confirms a 4-year-old boy, new jersey boy who died last week, had the disease since august. including a 10-year-old rhode island girl. but it's just not kids. colorado health officials say two adults also died from enterovirus after being admitted with se+ere breathing problems. doctors urging everyone to take caution. >> we're all more concerned about our children and things, but therqráh'o reason to think that adults would not get the virus as well. >> the enterovirus has sickened nearly 500 children across 42 staáes. in indiana, touting new economic number, president obama confronted by an american fed up with the rising health care costs. a steel plant worker questioning the president and you will not believe his reaction.
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>> we are seeing almost double-digit increase health care costs every year, so do you think that trend could go down and what can we do to control that trend? >> i think that's really interesting. the question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough. >> w$oa. that's right. it's not obamacare's fault prices are going up. it's because the worker isn't shopping correctly. glad we cleared that up. that worker not alone with his concerns. the latest fox news poll shows 54% of voters saying they wish obamacare had 'ever been passed. and the holiest day of the jewish calendar has begun. yom kippur is known as the jewish day of atonement and @r% marks ten days of reflection and repentance. millions of people will be ptaking part in jewish traditios including a day-long fast. yom kippur marks the day on which moses came down from mt. sinai with a second set of
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commandment tablets. and st. louis beats the dodgers in game one of the nld, but it's what happened behind home plate making headlines t$is morning. a scuffle between a cardinals fan and a dodgers fan. this was all caught on camera. and look who is sitting to the right of him. legendary newsman larry king. fan was drunk and heckling everyone in the section. he was thrown out and missed the cardinals' big win. >> is larry king wearing suspenders eve on the ball game? >> that's his trademark. >> when you got a look, you have to go with it. like your new haircut. >> that's right. stibing with it. >> also keeps vour pants up. >> good point. that's why i wear them. rick reichmuth -- i'll stop myself, bite my tongue -- he is outside. >> i am. it's raining and you don't have an umbrella. >> we're okay. >> tougher than me. i ges. eagle scouts. >> are you an eagle scout? >> yes, sir, and $e is too. >> both of you. father/son? >> yep. >> awesome. and your sister?
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>> not quite. >> all right. i made it to life and then quit, which is the worst thing of all to, like, get almost there and not do it. >> aw! right now, take a look at the weather maps. cool morning. you can see all that blue, cold air is settled down across parts of texas, northern areas of louisiana intrájuáráár(pi. it's going to be a very chilly day. there you go, behind this front, brought rain across parts of new england, get ready for a pretty soggy day. look at what that white there across parts of wisconsin headed towards the chicago area, first snowflakes of the season flying right there. out across the west mostly dry. a little bit of rain across the pacific northwest. but that's it. southern california, get ready for another very hot day, temperatures in the triple digits once yáu go just a little bit inhand. unfortunately fire danger continues. all right. thank you guys for being here. get an umbrella. >> do you feel a little windy
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holing that next to the scouts? >> i do. >> shiny silver umbrella. >> stay dry out there. very fetching. coming up, a state department spokesman says pulling our troops from iraq had nothing to do with isis moving in really? that's not what leon pa net ta says. the former cia official weighing and take a close look. do you know who this is? it's jesus without a beard. the image just discovered that has heads turning.
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an explosive case of friendly fire. former defense secretary and cia director leon panetta unloading
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his failure to lead u.s. forces in iraq. >> in his new book titled % "worthy fights: a memoir of leadership of war and peace," panetta writes the differences occasionally became heated and those on our side, the white house so eager to get rid of iraq, they would lock in arrangements that would preserve our influences. now we're seeing the results, a region hellbent on america's destruction. >> former cia officer and national security editor of joins us here. i'll get your reaction to this because we have a bit of sound from megan kelly's sound, megan and someone from the state department. your reaction after this. >> there is an accounting of what happened three years ago. that's just not consistent with what happened three years ago. >> basically won the war after those 175,000 troops were there. we had won. the vice president said that iraq can go down as the
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administration's greatest pthings changed after we did th surge in iraq. we were doing much better. and then the president's critics say we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory because we ppulled out the troops and ther was no one there to protect the gains. >> but, megan, are you arguing that 10,000 troops or 5,000 ároops or 25,000 troops would have prevented, would have been able to fight back against isil when 150,000 or 175,000 couldn't have held back entirely al qaeda? >> it's not megan kelly arguing it. it's leon panetta, who is in a much better position to know. he talks about how i voiced to the president that this country could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks against the united states if we withdrew all the forces. isn't that exactly what happened? >> that is not what happened. >> so basically the white house is calling its former defense secretary leon panetta a liar. what's this about? >> not just secretary of defense panetta but a few other senior administration officials as well. what this is about is the obama
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administration trying to protect itself from not just a collapse in iraq but a collapse of public support at home for their foreign policy. they took a lot of credit for the withdrawal from iraq. president obama was very happy to say, look, i've ended the war here, well, now we've seen what if he got the credit for ending the war, now he gets the blame for what's happening as a result of that. and no one really buys the explanation they're getting, which is we somehow couldn't come to an agreement here. we recognized it was really politics. the administration wanted to end the war. the deal that came before this, there was an earlier one as well before president obama came into office, that was a tough negotiation. so this is just very clearly them trying to hope that people aren't going to recognize that the disast they're we're seeing unfolding in iraq is a result of them wanting to leave. >> the truth of the matter is they didn't stick it to them to make sure that we had adequate to protect the gains we had made as a country that our military fought so valiantly for in iraq. nováu see the aftermath of that, but you see an administration that is completely reluctant to take any
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responsibility. like you said, they accept all the praise but none of the rae reality, the stark reality facing aoday.p >> it's not just their desire to leave but their desire to ignore it afterwards. when you look at the overall approach the administration has had to iraq, they tried to be as hands off as they could. there was a piece by former out in politico that addressed, that that it was dysfunctional, secretary clinton came up and then you had biden, then they were splitting the portfolio. nobody wanted to touch this thing because they thought there was no poliáical advantage in trying to handle the issue. but after we withdrew, no one paid attention to it as it got worse and worse. the seizure of ramadi and fallujah, these are places that should have clearly shown the administration thq)e is a caliphate on the way, that the islamic state was coming and coming in full force, but they kept pretending they could sweep it under the rug and now as we see it's caught on fire and they can't ignore it anymore. >> always smart and informed. thanks for being with us. >> great to see you. >> he murdered a police officer in cold blood and is in prison. but that won't stop him from
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giving a college commencement speech. and he was chose bin the students. the heartwrenching response from the wife of that slain cop coming up. plus, she's a food net fork star, but did you know she's also a u.s. air force veteran? that's right. and now sunny anderson is cooking to help our heroes. she's here live. i see the levy's parked in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) me too! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) are those king's hawaiian rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. find us in the deli or in-store bakery.
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also try the complete line of king's hawaiian sandwich rolls.
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we have some headlines first. house of representatives sticking a fork in styrofoam food containers opting for a more environmentally friendly paper product. the lawmakers say it's not biodegradable. washington, d.c., will put a plan on the plastic foam starting in 2016. and a former housing and specialist guilty of stealing nearly a million dollars in taxpayer money brian thompson, netted him -- 840,000. those are your headlines. peter? she's a food network star but hasn't forgotten her days growing up as an army brat and member of the usa.s. air force. co-host of "the kitchen." >> you have my picture! >> a new project grilling for heroes, and she has some great grilling recipes. adorable. >> that's me at 18. p>> you look the same. >> with a couple extra pound and a bigger smile. >> i love it.
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a woman who can fly a jet. >> yeah. just like you guys in air force, radio news, so many different career field in the military. that's what i'm here for today is to talk about grilling for heroes. that's why we'rq out here even in the rain, even over the wintertime. i like to make footprints in the snow. >> what is grilling for heros? >> an online cookbook i'm a part of puáting together. go to and you can submit your recipes and your, like, stories about the military, if you have a military member in your family and you just say they really kept in touch and really told you how everything is going overseas, how the military has changed their life. along with a recipe. and then the top 100 recipes that are submitted are going to be put into a cookbook. >> very exciting. >> the cool thing about the cookbook is all the proceeds are going to go to veterans and military families. and that's what i really love about it. >> talk about this delicious food. >> some things i love to grill.
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so first it's my gouda stuffed garlic burger. >> stuff it, girl. >> gouda. >> it changes everything. i'm going to say how i love to season up my beef. this is 20/80 or chuck, 20% fat, 80% mat. >> don't want it too lean, right? >> a little bit of juiciness. some worchester sauce, and we were talking abliqucquid smoke. smell that. it's mesquite or a good hickory flavor. and then salt. what i love the tell people, if you're trying to figure out how to season your meat, a teaspoon of salt for a pound of meat is fine. >> hits the spot. >> a little bit of pepper. you make a patty and then stuff it with the cheese here and then we just get that onto the grill nice and oiled up with a little bit of salt and pepper. >> oh, doctor. >> yes, and i've already got some right here. >> this is gouda right here? >> that's the gouda. >> perfect. >> he just stuffed his mouth
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with the gouda. >> gouda is a really good melting cheese. plus to me it already has that bold, smoky sflooifrt's perfect for grilling for our heroes. >> oh, yeah. >> over here i want to show you my wings i'm in love with. these are my barbecued chip wings. i came up with the idea after licking the inside of a barbecue chip bag and i thought it would be delicious on wings. >> that happened to me one time. >> way more than i'd like to admit. so i have a blend of just some paprika, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, sugar, et cetera. i have some wings i want you guys to taste. >> all that flavor. >> while we're tasting these wings -- >> all the recipes, yeah, you can submit your own recipes at grilling for heroes. >>, open for entry until veterans day 2015. >> they'll take the best 100 recipes, put them in there, for a great cause. >> we're so happy you came today. >> thanks for having me. >> your own form of maneuvers
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here. >> coming up, a team learns the hard way that you don't stiff school. take a loisten to this. >> we're going to hold hand and go and sit together. isn't that great? >> a mom posting that posting online. did she go too far? we'll ask our panel of parents. then john wayne's family duking it out to defend the family name. his son will be here live to state his case. i think i've already put on ten pounds this show.
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♪ celebrate good times come on ♪ ♪ it's a celebration >> that's my baby boy turning 8 years old today. that was his birthday party. we did it a day ahead with soccer superstars. he and his dad, eric, having a good time -- soccer, pizza, cupcakes, kind of like this show. happy birthday, baby. >> he's not going to gain ten poun". he'll run it off. >> right. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. thank you. now for some business, of course, your headlines. police in pennsylvania issuing a brand-new warning about accused cop killer eric frein.
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he may try to break into homes and cabins looking for food. he's been surviving on cans of tuna fish and ramen noodles but is running low of supplies. he is accused of killing a state trooper and wounding another three weeks ago. and controversy on a college campus after students select a convicted cop killer as their graduation speaker. he spent decades behind bars for the murder of 25-year-old police officer daniel faulkner back in 1982. and this sunday he's going to give the commencement speech at a college in vermont. maureen faulkner is the widow of that fallen police officer issuing a heartwrenching response to the selection earlier on "fox & friends." >> he leaned over and emptied his gun into my husband with the last bullet going point-blank into his brain. i think he made the decision at that moment to lose his freedom
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and to step out of society. and i do not feel that he should be able to speak to these college students. >> and vermont state troopers are planning a silent protest at the commencement on sunday. and jesus christ without a beard? archaeologists in spain say they found the world's earliest known images of jesus. the engraved black plate shows him between two apostles believed to be peter and paul. you get a better idea of the shorter and beardless jesus in this reconstruction. it dates back to the 4th century and u(j likely used to hold bread in early christian rituals. >> glass plate still intact. >> rick's still out there, right? >> he might have washed away. oh, he's got his umbrella there. >> we're sharing umbrellas. two umbrellas now between five people. this works, right? better than one for four. all right, guys. we have rain across the east,
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look at the weather map, cold front, big storm moved on through but another picture -- i don't know how to say this. in colorado, spectacular day with the aspens there, 36 degrees as your sun is rising. getting up to 61 though, not bad. keep sending me your pictures. you can put them on my facebook page. all right. southern california today is the peak in your heat. it's ban really rough couple of days. we've got the santa ana winds and big fire danger there today and tomorrow. the temperatures are high. but tomorrow maybe cools down 2 or 3 degrees. stale problem monday, get a little more relief back into the 80s for almost everybody. then we have the cold air across the northern plains, 27 as you're waking up in bismarck, north dakota, very, very cool. and get ready for some snow across northern illinois. can't believe we're saying it. and a rainy day across much of new england. kimberly, back to you. >> nice and warm and toasty in here. a disturbing new study claims half of the children
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growing up in the united states will see their parents divorce. why, you ask? our parenting panel joins me right now to help shed some light on this. scott, a father who runs the blog, denise albert here, host of sirius xm's the moms and thzmas, a psychotherapist and educator. we have the best in the business right on the couch. >> thank you. >> why do you think we're seeing this phenomenon? >> this is anecdotal based on my experience. i think what's happening today that's different from when i was a kid is i think parents are overly involved in their kids' lives from play dates to a million different activities to just wanting our kids to be the best that they can be. there's a lot of competition out kid are on facebook, parents on facebook, we're seeing what's going on out there. i think parents are so very much involved with -- >> what's wrong with that? if you want to bring out the best in your child and help them with their ppáárjju and interests? >> we don't want to necessarily label our kid as a baseball player or dancer. we want to recognize who the kid
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is as a person spiritually. how does that apply to parents and potential divorce? the more time you're spending that much time with your kid, you have to make room for your spouse. >> i actually don't think this is so disturbing. i think that, you know, divorce is part of the world that we live in today. it's always been a part. it's probably a little bit higher now. i am happily divorced i like to say because it's not a negative in my family. it's a happy thing because my kid are drew bledsgrowing up wi happy parents. it's not easy but it's a road we chose. >> this parents with &ove and respect, give-and-take, being willing to compromise. thomas, you take. >> well, you know, i think that, you know, the statistic is a bit disturbing, but, you know, the fact is a lot of parents who are all in about the child, you're in danger of perhaps not feeding the relationship, the romantic relationship between, you know, the spouses. and i think it's rea&ly important to make sure you pay attention to that and build time
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for that as a parent. you know, make sure you have date nights and make sure you have, you know -- >> how about weekends away? >> absolutely. that's what in-laws are for and what your kids' friends' paschs are for to give yourself ááá @r% time and space. pthings, parents need to role model healthy relationships. and part of it is, you know, you want to role model what a healthy relationship looks like. >> like seeing parents in love, showing respect, spending time with each other. >> you can do that divorced. doesn't always mean intact. >> there's multiple ways. but we're going to show you here as well, this is a mom who is tired of her daughter ditching school, behaving badly, and she caught her. she got involved, thomas, so let's see what you think about this. take a listen. >> why am i here? >> i'm not ditching. >> we're going to hold hands and go and sit together. isn't that great?
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mommy and daughter? yay, we're going to class together. isn't it great? >> is that going too far? because the mom posted this online, she followed her, recorded it, the whole world is seeing it, like the walk of shame. >> it's going too far, no question. is the kid going to cut class pagain? no. >> probably not. doesn't want her mom doing >> but it's going too far. >> i would not embarrass my son like this on facebook, but there's a part of me thaunlss what she was doing. i don't know what led her to do that, but i think she probably was at the end. i've danced in the street when my kids don't listen to me. i said i'm going to start dancing right now. they hate when i dance. >> depend how you dance. >> apparently not so great. but i personally wouldn't embarrass my children in that way. >> i have 'othing against a little bit of embarrassment to my children to send a message, but broadcasting it on facebook
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is too far. >> and differences, too, as well, boys and raising girls. don't you know it. want to thank our parenting panel. fantastic job. pleasure to have váu all. up next, it's the news no family wants to hear. we should have seen it sooner. how a va hospital dropped the ball for this veteran. his wife shares their compelling story. then john wayne's family duking it out to defend the family name against duke university. a judge just ruled th, and his will be here live with reaction. first we check in with neil cavuto for what's coming up on "the cost of freedom." >> good morning, guys. parents on alert as the ebola another mystery virus hits kids across some 40 states. if we need more money to fight these diseases, the bulls game has a place to find it and fast. >> and now that ebola is here, time to ban all fights from over there? and this fence jumper made
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it into the white house with a knife because of spending cuts? we kelcut through all the nonsense. alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. well, it's been the number one lovesoup in america.? (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations. (family laughs) some things just run in the family. (slurps) ahhhh. (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! for four generations
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back to school? time to stock up on the soups they always love. campbells!
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ááátur(i headlines. the s.e.c. is slapping a $600,000 fine for blocking guests' wi-fi. it charged people as much as $1,000 each to access the hotel's wireless network. and if only hillary was there to stave day. almost $18,000 worth of goods stolen from the new york set of cbs' "madam secretary." the thieves making off with apple laptops, hard drives and more. police have two persons of interest. it's the news no family wants to hear -- you have cancer, it's aggressive, and we should have seen it sooner.
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in marine corps veteran eric olson's case would have seen it sooner if the indiana va didn't drop the ball. heed been complaining of pain for months and the va got it wrong. here to share her family's story is eric's wife, erin, also a marine corps veteran. nice to see you. >> hi. thanks for having me. >> we're sorry what your family is going through. for those in our audience not familiar with your husband's story, take us back to when he started to feel those symptoms back in july. what was he feeling and what were you told? >> sure. he was in a little bit of pain at that time, and he had a strange lump that was in his groin area. and he went to our local va clinic and complained of the pain. at that time he thought maybe i have a hernia or something like that. not in our wildest dreams would we imagr'e being here. but the doctor didn't do any scans, didn't "o any blood tests, you know, kind of looked at him and said you're having muscle spasms.
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that's kind of where it all started, really spiral dound hill from there. >> then labor day weekend was a admitted to a hospital with severe swelling and a life-threatening blood clot. how is he this morning? >> we got a diagnosis yesterday, he had surgery and they went in and he had a very large rapidly growing aggressive cancerous tumor that they found in his pelvic area. and we are unsure right now. there's pretty much two it's either lymphoma or sarcoma and most likely being the latter. >> so let's go back to when he was first starting to feel these symptoms. why do you think the va just sort of passed it off as spasms? criticism of course about the va being backlogged, they don't have time to see the patients, they're not being afforded the care that they're needed. do you think that falls under that category? >> no, really i don't think it
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falls under that category. you know, i have no idea why this could have happened and why it did happen. and, you know, looking back, i don't why, but i'm trying to move forward here and eric and i are really hopeful. you know, we feel that he's in a really good place right now at i.u. medical center and we're hoping for the best in the future. >> what have you told the va? have you had an opportunity to speak with them? >> i did. i went to a town hall meeting last week. i don't remember the evening. maybe tuesday or in this past week and i was able to speak with some va representatives there and share my concerns and share my story that, you know, the va has other issues besides wait times and, you know, this is very unfortunate circumstance but, you know, i want people to know, too, that we're really thankful that we have these services and we're really thankful that, you know, these services are provided to veterans such as my husband and
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i. and, you know, this is a really unfortunate event. >> you wanted to speak out, thinking if we could help one other person, right? >> absolutely. absolutely. so, you know, we really got a lot of help from our congresswoman jackie walorski in the northern indiana area, and she really, you know, took this to heart and she went to bat for us and fought for us and, you know, we want to thank va secretary mcdonald as well because, you know, he made sure that eric got to where he needed to be to get the care that is really necessary at this time. >> erin olson, thanks for your family's sacrifice for this nation and we're pulling for your husband. >> thank you so much. >> thanks, erin. coming up next here on the show, john wayne's family duking it out to defend the family name. ethan wayne, john wayne's son, is here to state his case.
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you cause add lot of trouble this morning. might have got somebody killed. somebody ought to belt you in the mouth, but i won't i won't. the hell i won't. >> ah, there he is, john wayne, known by everyone around the world as "the duke." they are locked in a league battle with duke university over the nickname on a bourbon bottle. they dismissed a lawsuit followed by the wayne family to
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trademark the nickname. is the battle over or is the fight just beginning? joining me is ethan wayne, john wayne's son. good morning. >> good morning. pthanks for having me. >> there's a bottle of bourbon you just started distributing. there it is. why is duke university objecting to the duke's bourbon. that's a picture of john "du)q wayne. >> exactly. it's a full height photo of him carrying his gun. there's a bold duke in red with a spur coming out of the "e." his signature on the label. i'm in the business of selling john wayne. if people don't understand it's a john wayne product, i'm losing my product. i have to make sure it's duke
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wayne, not duke university. i think this argument is propostrouse. as you can see by the label, i don't think anybody is going to confuse this bottle of bourbon with duke university. >> john wayne enterprises is something you run. what are the other kind of things you license, using the duke's likeness and his name and his reputation as a great american hero? >> i partner with or lr(q'se products that were important to my father and part of the fabric of his life, beer jerky, outer wear, charcoal. >> is duke going to back off? they have made back and forth statements, they object, they don't object. what is going to happen going forward? >> look, they have made statements on both sides of the
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fence. we filed in california to get them into a federal cou)t to bring this thing to a head and get a decision and clarity on the issue. all we lost was the jurisdictional argument. instead of coming in and fighting on the merits of the case, duke fought a technical detail saying you don't have jurisdiction over us in california. fine, we'll go back to washington and argue this with the united states patent trademark office. >> people always ask me, my father was a strong guy and in heaven. your father was the ultimate strong guy and he's in heaven. what would they say today about the duke brand? father, but i don't think he would be happy. it's a small and petty argument. there's no way somebody is going to confuse this label. this label is what we are trying to trademark, the issue at hand, a full length silhouette of john
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wayne carrying a gun, duke with a spur coming out of it and the signature of john wayne. i don't know why duke doesn't come deal with this case on the pmerit as oppose zed to a small procedural thing. >> ethan wayne, thank you. we appreciate it. >> thank you. more fox and friends coming up next. stay with us. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults.
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all right. look at that beautiful photo of our american flag. >> a photo of 8-month-old grace and michael dennison, the father of a u.s. marine deployed overseas.
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patriotism at its finest. >> great to see that baby like that. so sweet. >> boots campaign. >> $500 every week to it. >> i love it. >> i'm doing it. >> see you guys tomorrow. health scare hitting our school. an ebola patient in texas has parents yanking their kids from classrooms in dallas. that mystery virus spreading across more than 40 states and found in at least four people who died, including a 10-year-old girl. if it takes more funding to fight the diseases, our gang says they got the place to find it. hi, everyone. i'm brenda. this is bulls and bears. here they are. our bulls and bears this week. gary smith, tracy burns, jonas, john along with jessica. tracy, one gop lawmaker


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