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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  October 5, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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are learning to be more of a healthy you. healthy you. to be more of a it's time now for "sunday house call." >> joining us is dr. david samadi and chief of robotic surgery. >> and dr. marc siegel, author of "the inner pulse." the code to sickness and health. and author of other books and articles on emerging contagions and that means, i guess, an expert on ebola. right, doc? >> let's hope so. >> we're going to begin with the growing concern of the threat of
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ebola following the first confirmed case of the virus to be diagnosed right here on u.s. soil. the patient, thomas eric duncan arrived in the u.s. on september 19th. he went to the hospital a few days later after falling ill but initially was only sent home with a prescription for antibiotics. we want to hear from you. what questions do you have about the ebola outbreak? tweet us. we're going to try to answer your questions when the doctors are here. we'll start with dr. samadi and the fact -- how did they get it wrong? they sent mr. duncan home with just a prescription, with antibiotics and that's just it. >> arthel, let's review what has happened with this patient. there's so much we can learn. in a way, it's not good that
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this happened but it's a wake-up call. mid-september, he was taking care of a pregnant woman who had ebola. a pregnant woman who probably compromised and then we found out she died of ebola. four days later, he gets on the plane. looking for fever and trying to find out if they passed a fever. the day after he's in brussels so he's already in europe. and then he gets here on the accept september 20th. that's five to seven days where the symptoms of ebola kicks in. somehow the doctors didn't put two and two together to figure this out. fever coming from west africa should, at this point, mean ebola until proven otherwise.
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and somehow we missed it. two days later, he comes back on the 28th of september with a real full-blown vomiting, diarrhea, and really sick. now, that's where he contaminated, we think, about 100 people. we just heard the good news from the cdc -- >> they were monitoring those people. >> they thought there was some kind of contamination but the good news is, no one has come up with ebola. they are zoning down on nine people. four of them happen to be the family members. so overall, there's no other active case of ebola as a result of this. for this particular patient, i think we could have run a very tight -- we know people on the many are not exposed because we know unless you are symptomatic, unless you have fever, malaise, body ache, you're not contaminating other people and that's a big concern. we did a great job after we missed this, we isolated him, cdc isolated him and gave him
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all of the support and then going after other people to inspect. so identify, inspect them and improve their care. >> unlike the flu, because we're looking at sars and stuff like that, when you have the symptoms, they know you have the disease. in this case, you have the disease, he doesn't have the symptoms. he passes through the fever, no fever, and yet he gets here and then, marc, it develops. how worried should we be of somebody who potentially could have the disease but not have the symptoms unlike other contagious diseases? >> that's a great point. when it comes to the plane flights, there's been a lot of talk about shutting down plane flights to west africa. i'm personally not for that because i think that it will put the country's over there under tremendous stress. we have to get help in and we have to solve this problem in west africa. >> do you think what they are doing now is sufficient? >> not yet. >> he allegedly lied on his
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form. >> but i want to get to that point regarding what david brought up already which is, you know what, i have to tell you personally as a physician with over ten years of experience in the e.r., i don't believe all of the patients that come in. of course he lied on his form and of course he's not going to get to the e.r. and say, hey, i might have ebola. >> but who's it up to? >> the doctors. doctors with training in e.r. medicine should ask those questions and i think anybody that's been to liberia recently, and david just said this, if you've been to liberia, come in with a fever, muscle aches and fatigue, go to the e.r. he might very well have malaria. it's very unlikely that you have ebola but we don't want to miss it because it's an emerging infection. the cdc has done a great job down there with what is called contact tracing. 100 people checked. no one yet has it. they have that situation under control. what i worry about is someone
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who slips through the cracks and this is why i want more insensitive screening in the united states. they should isolate people here that they have suspicion of. >> a guy was throwing up in newark on the plane and he's from liberia and they stopped the plane and -- >> doctor, as you answer, to aaron's point, someone tweeted and wanted to ask, why were they able to decide that that particular passenger was not infected with the ebola virus? how did they figure that out so quickly? it takes a while for -- >> it takes at least two days for the blood to cook to determine if there's any ebola there. but the fear factor is we don't know enough and that's why we have the whole segment of "sunday house call" to devote to this so people don't panic. when we had sars, for example, cdc put a great job of putting
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on every website what the pilot should do, the stewardess should do, what we should do in every airports. they are getting screamed for fever and you may have body ache and malaise but the fever and you get on to the plane. what kind of inspections do we have here at jfk or other major airports? it's good to look for those symptoms because if you're somewhere for three days, you may have that in your system. dr. frieden talked about the fact that 77 people were not allowed to come to the plane because of that screening so it works. but you're right, the questionnaire, he checked that it was no exposure to ebola which is wrong and we have to make sure that it doesn't happen. >> i want every american out there to be more concerned about west africa and here's why. because if we can get it under control in west africa, which we are not even close to, the aid there is months behind and even
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the army deployment which i think will help and people may the united states military is trained at emerging contagions. what the military over there and get money from all over the world and public health people from all over the world on the ground because it's doubling every month in west africa. here's there's one case. so i'm all about -- we're all about, as david said, cutting through the fear here. but there's to million americans out there and one case. we have to control it in west africa. >> i think the reason people are upset is children go to school and say, hey, i don't want my kid to be exposed to this. we can't guarantee we're not -- >> dr. frieden during his news conference said, quote, we can stop ebola in texas and in this country. but he also said there's a possibility that there will be
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another case. >> yeah. so coming up, we'll look at that and see exactly how it can be transmitted. we're told it's only through body fluids but apparently it lives on countertops and could live on doorknobs for a few hours. we'll give you all you need to know about ebola and separate the fear from the facts right here on sunday house call, the real information. (male announcer) it's happening. today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i'm asking about levemir® flextouch.
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and then we're told that the virus can lead on the countertop or doorknob for a few hours. can you touch something and get ebola? >> that's extremely unlikely. back in 1996, a patient with ebola went to a hospital in south africa. he was there for 12 days and encountered 300 people in that hospital. no one knew he had ebola. you know how many people got ebola from him? zero. it a very, very hard to -- virus to get. why? it lives in blood, it lives in vomit, diarrhea. it lives a lot less in saliva. after two or three days, saliva knocks it out. very little in urine and in sweat. somebody says can i get it from sweat? probably. i'm not talking never here. but somebody that is sick enough to have it in their sweat is not likely to be riding the subway. that's when they are likely to
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be in the intensive care unit. but if the secretions are on surfaces, it can live for hours. people out there, in west africa, they don't use toilet paper. so it's very easy there to transmit this virus in seek kre secretions. >> so dr. siegel, gretchen was asking, with planes from africa landing in new york, how concerned should nyc residents be worried about riding a train? >> i wouldn't say zero but it's remote. >> all of those drop lets could be part of direct contact. when you go into a room to examine a patient? you wear masks, gowns, cover your shoes. now, the concentration of this
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virus is higher in blood and higher in diarrhea and vomit. but it's not zero in droplets. whether it's going to mutate and become a respiratory, we hope not. >> it's not spread through the air. >> that's right. we know that. but if somebody coughs or sneeze or handshake, one of the mystery is, how did that camera crew from nbc get this kind of disease? i doubt that he was cleaning up vomit or drawing up blood? a handshake? you may have a crack in your hand that becomes exposed to blood and also the mucosa of your eyes or mouth is all part of the fact that these droplets can get in. if they can live on the surface for hours or days, the next play that comes in, they are to clean this with bleach because it's the only thing that can wipe out this virus. the risks are less but it's not zeer roec
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zero. we should have masks in case someone starts to vomit and you have a problem. >> but you should have gloves and -- >> the other thing i want to imagine, casual contact, almost never. the other thing is sexual contact. you can actually carry this in semen for almost three months after. the advice for the centers for device control, if you have ebola, you don't have sex for three months after active symptoms. that's the advice because you can't be 100% sure on that. that's the wildcard in all of this. >> i have a good question and we'll ask it when we come back. it's from francine. she's saying, will the cold and flu season help spread the ebola virus or stop it? the odds of contracting ebola here at home remain extremely low but what if you live in dallas, the place where the first u.s. case was diagnosed? do you have anything to worry about? the doctors will tell us. you don't want to miss what the doctors have to say about that
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now for i should i worry question, the segment about everything that worries us. this week's question, quote i live in dallas where the first u.s. case of ebola was diagnosed. we'll address that one to you, doctor. >> the first answer is no, cdc is doing a good job about getting after everyone that's being exposed. i would not worry about this. the big concern is where are we headed and whether we're going to get more of these patients. and like i said, every emergency room is on alert. they have all learned a big lesson over here to pay attention, we're heading towards
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the flu season, there could be overlap between the flu and ebola. how do you distinguish? besides asking for history of alcohol and everything else, there should be a big answer to this one, travel history. if you've gone to the neighborhoods, that's a huge red flag and hopefully we will be able to catch anyone that comes in. so adding more screening on our end, i think we're going to cut down on a lot of these numbers. and this won't become a huge epidemic. >> they get turned around and sent back home? >> most of the airports, there are centers where they can take you to the quarantine, the doctors are available. they will isolate you until they figure out what's going on. so we need some screening on our end as well. >> we just mentioned the fact that they're taking care of it, the airports, we have a tweet on fox from drake who writes, are doctors trained in the u.s. properly to handle ebola? did you take this in medical school? >> i mean i've done a lot of reading on it obviously, we like
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to look at the worst case scenario in a situation like this. we hinted earlier this the show, here's what i mean. somebody comes to the emergency room and they travel from west africa, you figure out that that's high on your list. >> let them go. >> they shouldn't have, and by the way, it's going to get harder with flu season coming up. everybody's going to be coming in with the headache, fat teeg, the fever. you have to be really on top of it and really get to that travel. >> liberia -- >> i interviewed the top expert yesterday who's talking about cdc protocols, but my answer is every doctor that's seeing a patient in the emergency room should be thinking about this. if you have a question, call in an expert, call in an infectious disease expert. >> sorry, a lot of emergency rooms in this country is, they're exhausted, meaning there are layers and layers sitting
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next to each other and there could be body fluid. as nurses and doctors, we need to run a tighter ship. go ahead. >> just, francis, will the cold and flu season in the u.s. help spread the ebola virus or help stop it? >> it's all through close contact, and that's not going to be an issue. now sometimes the viruss can mutate, we hope that's not going to be the case. >> 1976 -- >> it would not mutate in that direction. not a big concern. >> there is a possibility of the case of someone coming from africa here, they claim they aren to, they are confident, are you? we'll have a lot more on ebola here as sunday house continues. on my journey across america,
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that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible...
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the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. back now with sunday house call. you know there's no cure yet for ebola, but doctors are turning to a treatment to use the blood of people that have ebola and recover. they're working on that ebola vaccine which has been used. drs. siegel, will this work? >> people who surviving ebola, that doesn't work that well. it's called pass i have immunity. what does work of the ant bodies like a cancer treatment which were unfortunately out of right now. i think the vaccine is very promising. there's a vaccine being studied at the nih right now.
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finish phase one trials, 20 people got it. they're fast tracking it, in november they're going to give it to people in west africa. that's phase two. should be phase three by the end of the -- >> what does that mean? >> we're done, put it out on the market. >> okay. >> and that should happen one year from now. that's good, and that could be a game changer, but one year is a long way away. >> i think want people to want know is what we need to do is send health care volunteers over there, invest the money that we're investing. if we are not doing the job that we do over here, we need to start worrying about the governmental policies, cut down on the flights out, send volunteers to take care of the problem because people are concerned in this country. and we have to deal with this seriously, vaccine probably will be in the pipeline in the next four months. the canadian system are work, u.s. to come up with action. giving whole blood is okay, but you have to worry about hiv and hepatitis at the same time, and there's a lot of concern about
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this. what's good is antivirals that may be able to boost some of the antibodies, and that may work. >> first of all, the borders, to one of his point fwbs we close off those countries, we're going to spread panic over there. when you rope off a country, the country disintegrates and the virus will spread. >> bottom line, ten seconds each, i live in iowa, arkansas, should by worried about getting ebola? >> not now. you should keep an eye on it because there may be case clusters. not now, let's hope we can control it over there. >> look, i think this is a fluid situation, things can change. we need to watch this carefully. i think that the fact that there are some mortars over there doesn't need we don't need to protect ourselves. we need to protect our citizens carefully, at the same time, take the world over there and fix it a isolate, that's the keywo keyword. isolate the disease and that's how you win the war. >> all right. contact tracy. >> doctors, thank you very much,
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and a programming note, dr. siegel will have a report tomorrow on how hospitals are preparing against the ebola threat and how testing is done. that's tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. right here on the fox news channel, that does it for us, thanks for watching. >> take care. buzz meter this sunday, the media exposed stunning security lapses by the secret service that help shove its director out the door. washington post disclosures about president obama's life was endangered leading to a constant chorus about why she hadn't been fired. >> director pierson should resign today. yords why she has not resigned as a matter of honor and duty and service to their country. she has got to go. >> do you think she should go? >> i think so. >> look at why julia pierson blamed the media. the press pushing back hard against the president, appearing to shift the blame for underestimating isis in h


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