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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  October 5, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. starts right now. >> is ebola . is ebola coming to your neighborhood and should you be worried that it's going to gets to you or your family? who's got a better handle on the isis threat? and melissa etheridge ask here and she joins the little rockers for her latest song. buckle up and get ready for the ride because there's even more tonight on "huckabee." hello, everyone, i'm mike huckabee, and thank you for joining us tonight. te bo
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the ebola crisis is not a political crisis, it's a public crisis. the ebola scare goes to the heart of a single question, do you trust the government? audience, do you trust the government? >> no. >> and why would you? i mean, remember these? >> as i said from the beginning, under the reform we seek, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your planning. period. we will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2,500 per family. >> no corruption. >> not even a smidgeon of corruption. >> this is a response to a hateful and offensive video that was widely disseminated throughout the arab and muslim world. >> okay, so now you can add a new promise to that list. >> in the unlikely event that
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someone with ebola does reach our shores, we have taken new measures so that we're prepared here at home. >> yeah, you know, less than a week after the president told us that it was unlikely ebola came to the u.s. when a liberian citizen lied about having contact with someone infected, got on a plane, flew to dallas after stops in europe and washington. as many as 100 people in dallas were exposed, they're being monitored now for symptoms. i can appreciate public officials trying to reassure us and calm our most prominent fears. but i cannot -- take steps to take care of the virus before they get to the u.s. and mingle among us. the cdc director claims that banning those from liberia and other west african nations would hurt our relations with these nations. well, forgive me, but hurting someone's feelings should not be the concern of the president.
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protecting americans citizens should be. i don't ever want to hurt anybody's feelings, but if you're carrying a disease that could hurt one of my grand kids? i'll gladly hurt your feelings before hurting one of my grand kids. our government suspended flights to israel in august when there was no reason to do so. but they can't say that quarantined travelers from west africa is appropriate? according to a memo from august 13 of this year from the congressional research office, hhs arnltds cdc had the authority to prohibit entry of anyone entering the united states who might pose a public health risk. that's the law. now when the government says it can't keep people out of the u.s., what it means is, that it won't keep people out. and why should we be surprised? we have seen our borders routinely ignored. so if someone with ebola really
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wants to come to the u.s., just go to mexico and walk right in. no government of course can p protect its citizens from all risk, including ebola and tmd influence some west african nations. but since 9/11, we have inconvenienced every american who wants to fly on a plane. we make them take their shoes off and get a body search. we have engaged in unconstitutional searches of people's e-mails, phone calls and tax records, we have strip searched elderly women in wheelchairs and we may hurt someone's feelings in liberia? lahti da. we have been told we -- and then tell the cdc to go easy on folks fleeing liberia and lying about whether they have been exposed to ebola? you know what? i'm feeling a little sick myself, but it's not ebola. i'm just sick of a government
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that i'm paying for telling me not to worry and just trust them. i wish i could. but if they repeatedly lie to me, i just don't believe them anymore. let's hope there's nothing to be worried about and that ebola really doesn't threaten most of us. but hearing that from the federal government right now is kind of like hearing that i can keep my doctor and keep my health insurance. joining me now the michael levet, he's the former governor of utah who also served as health and human services secretary under george w. bush, and he was alsoed a ming stra af the epa. i want to get right to it. when the government says we have got nothing to worry about. do we have something to worry about with ebola? >> listen, pandemics happen, they are a fact of the natural world, we have had ten of them
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in the last 300 years, we have had three of them in the last 100 years. and when they happen, they are world changing events. so it's something we should always be concerned about and always be preparing for, they happen infrequently enough that often we forget about it and we get a bit lax in our preparation, so the answer is, we should always be concerned about because they will happen, either now or in the future. >> i remember when i was governor in arkansas, you were the secretary of health and human services and that agency of course oversees cdc, there was a concern about the h5n1 virus, the bird flu and there was a concern that we were going to see a pandemic, i remember seeing a -- it doesn't appear that there was that kind of intense preparation for the possibility of ebola. >> preparation has to be ongoing. it has to bein something we thi
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about all the time achkd the things we should be doing for a pandemic are the same things question should be doing about a bioterror event, a hurricane, and -- we need to recognize that this kind of thing happens and we need to be ready, no matter when it is. >> did it hurt that the administration specifically the president said it is unlikely that it will come here and then it came here in less than two weeks? >> i was surprised to hear the president say that. we spent extensive resources modeling pandemic behavior back in the day you referred to, with h5n1. and the likelihood of a case not reaching the united states seemed highly unlikely. it seemed predictable that we would have one and i would say it's predictable we'll have more
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than what we have had today simply because it's impossible in a world as complex and as globally connected as we are to just prevent all of them. the question is how do we respond when that occurs? and i believe that the response in texas has been the appropriate one. they stumbled initially, but we're all a bit more on guard now. there are a whole series of steps in battling a pandemic and the most important one right now is containing when you decide, when you discoffer a case containing it and make certain that it does not spread. >> travel bans, that has been talked about a lot, whether we should say, look, if you're coming in from liberia, we're just not going to let you come in for a while. is that a good idea or is there a better way you can identify people who are sick before they get on that airplane and get here? >> my opinion is that the most important thing we do is screen at our border and at the border of those who have -- who are affected.
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a person could leave liberia and fly to paris and then take a plane from paris to the united states. if we're not monitoring at the borders during periods like this and looking for people who in fact are sick or could be from areas that are affected, we're likely to have adverse affects from that, so my view is that blanket travel bans may not be as effective as dramatically beefing up the kind of monitoring and watchfulness that we have at the liberian border, for example, and the united states border. >> well, mr. secretary, always a pleasure, thank you for joining us and great to get your insights on this. >> thank you. >> up next are the officials in your state prepared for ebola? we'll find out when we come back. stay with us. urkey cranberry flatbread before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics,
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we we recognize the concerns that even a single case of ebola creates on our shores. but we have the public health system and the public health providers in place to contain the spread of this disease. >> health and human services secretary sylvia burwell says that guidance has been sent to state and local officials for ebola. joining me now is dr. joe thompson, surgeon general for the state of arkansas. dr. thompson served for the chief health officer when i was governor, he and i worked together on a lot of public issues. dr. thompson, good to see you again. let's start out by finding out exactly what guidelines and information has the cdc provided to people like you, chief health officer at the state level? >> well the cdc has provided to local and state health centers
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across the nation, one is guidance on what to do if there is a potential suspected individual with ebola exposure or symptoms. and then following through, providing us with information to get out to our providers, both hospitals and physicians, clinics across the state, to actually stimulate the question, have you traveled major soversk in particular to west africa. >> do you think that the information you're providing to hospitals and clinics and other medical professionals, was it adequate? were you prepared for what happened in dallas? >> i think with ebola, we had an early warning with the cases coming out of africa. after dallas, providers across the nation and for sure here in our state have a much higher vigilance and responsiveness to
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assess the patients more accurately. >> it's hard to predict, governor, this virus is less easily spread than the h1n1 that you talked about earlier, i think most of them will be from travelers who come across, who were uninfected but asymptomatic when they came. it's up to the medical personnel for treatment and to our contact person for contact and containment. >> you probably heard the conversation that i just had with former secretary michael leavitt. you remember the bird flu scare, that we were all really afraid of and frankly we thought it was coming and we maybe overprepared for that. let's just act again as if we're at a press conference and i
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called you to the podium, because i did that several ti times, but let's pretend that we're doing that one for time, dr. thompson, come to the podium and tell the people of our state what they need to prepare for. what would your message be? >> my mess sand would be that we have a new threat in the united states, not yet in our state, here in arkansas, but a new threat that has emerged like many more will come and we have had in the past. the most important thing for an individual to do is actually wash their hands several times a day, not only for the ebola virus, but for the common flu which is starting later this month. keep yourself healthy. stay active, stay aware and don't panic. this is important exposure,we h our medical personnel to contain it. >> a lot of our emergency room nurses are very fright onned right now. there was an article that hospitals felt like they weren't
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adequately notified and maybe aren't fully staffed, prepared and people are coming into their emergency ram. is there a danger that nurses are going to say, look, i'm not touching that person until we know more? >> i they's where putting the question in the sequence before you actually get to the examination of the patient is important. have you traveled outside of the united states, question number one, if the answer to that is yes, then have you travelled to west africa. if the answer is yes-- >> i tell you what i'm going to do. i have already got my flu shot and as soon as we take the break, i'm going to go wash my hands again, because i don't know about this audience, i'm not sure about them. dr. thompson, great to see you again, thank you very much for very practical insight on the ebola crisis. as we come back, president
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obama met with with israeli president benjamin netanyahu this week, so what the president said is revealing and frightening, and huckabee correspondent ryan reese is going to take you inside the secret service fiasco, that's next. is next
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join me monday through friday for the huckabee report. for the station near you or to download the daily podcast, go to mike and are you my facebook friend? and if not, white noy not?
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the renal lapse in security has some people questioning whether some people in obama's secret service is doing its job. so we sent huckabee correspondent ryan reese to investigate. ryan r you there? >> reporter: i'm here, governor, reporting live from the oval office, on the state of who is security. >> wait a second, how did you get inside the white house? >> easy, i walked right through the front door. >> you're telling me that door is still unlocked? >> reporter: no, no, no, the former secret service director, left it wide open on her way out. >> that makes sense. this is really outrageous outside, i got to know, just what have you been doing there? >> reporter: i have found some pretty neat stuff, like this missing irs hard drive. >> oh, man, amazing. that's amazing. where did you find that? >> reporter: turns out joe biden put it in the vcr, he thought it
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was a movie. >> they still have a vcr? i guess it's still flashing 12:00 too huh? >> and a folder marked isis strategy. >> that's not all, governor, this was on the president's desk. >> please, just tell me that's a framed copy of the constitution. >> don't be silly, governor, it's an autographed photo of vladimir putin. >> i just don't believe, you've been running all over the white house. i'm curious, have you been confronted by anyone since you've been in there? >> reporter: yes, i met the president. >> what did he say? >> reporter: i've got some good news for you, i know you've been worried about the immigration policy, i can assure you that the borders are secure as his
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very own home. >> and that's what worries all of us. thank you, brian, good to have you on location. also this week, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with president obama at the white house to talk about the isis threat and israel's relations with the palestinians, but the president wasn't that worried about iran having a nuclear bomb. it was unhappy with israel's plans to build bedrooms in east justice let me. >> this will distance israel from even it's closest allies, poison the atmosphere, not only with the palestinians, but also with the very arab governments with which prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he wanted to build relations. >> the thought that iran could build nuclear weapons, the country who has vowed thatly
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wipe israel off the map and they're building the -- than they are about israel having some bedrooms in their own country. this ought to concern every american that our priorities are completely disjointed. and really need a refoe discuss. i don't know how the prime minister of israel was able to keep a straight face and to maintain some level of decor rum, but i hope that america will understand that we don't have a better friend in all of the world than israel and tlaels that they should be able to expect of us is that we would give them our friendship in return, not a kick in the rare got building bedrooms for their own families. well, does pope francis have a better handle on the isis threat than president obama? we'll talk about it when we come back, and later, melissa etheridge is here to play with the little rockers, you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back. ugh. heartburn.
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fox news is confirming that a patient exhibiting ebola like simple toms is in a delaware hospital. thomas duncan, the first person diagnosed with the deadly ebola virus in the united states is now fighting for his life. the cdc saying his condition is worsening. isis fighters shelling the border town of kobani. fighting is said to be fierce. more than 160,000 people have fled across the border into turkey. kurdish fighters in that besieged town are pleading for help. t i'm harris faulkner, now back to "huckabee."
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the beheading of british hostage alan henning is the fourth killing carried out by isis for the american air strikes. meanwhile pope francis held a summit at the vatican to discuss the threat of isis and the terrorists threat of christian persecution. father john than morris is going to be heading out to the vatican with cardinal dolan next week. he's also the author of a best selling book. father morris joins us right now. great to have you here. it seems to me unprecedented for a pope to call forth a summit among many ambassadors and leaders from other countries to talk about a military threat, a crisis of terrorism. this is unusual, is it not? >> this man who calls himself francis is very used to doing
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very unprecedented things, beginning with living in a guest house there in the vatican, rather than the papal apartments. what he has done that is so unexpected, i think, given the fact that he's always calling for peace is get ahead of the rest of the international community, calling out, first humanitarian aid, there's a major crisis. but then international community, get together and stop this terrorist group. and how do you stop terrorists? unfortunately, it's pretty messy. >> i respect so much that he's been realistic about this, because you would sort of expect the pope to say just pray for those who are doing bad things and maybe they'll change. there's a verse in the scripture from the sermon on the mount that jesus said blessed are the peacemakers and a lot of people have read that to mean bless reasonable doubt the peace lovers, but the peacemakers are often the soldiers, the ones that put on uniforms and take up weapons, and making peace is not always pretty, sometimes it's
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messy, and i think that in the true spirit of bless reasonable doubt the peacemakers, this pope has recognized that you're not going do defeat isis by sitting down achkd having a chat. >> at the same time, governor, he even said, i didn't say go bomb them, first and foremost, because it's not up to him as a spiritual leader to be coming up with political strategy. but what he said is, stop them, and that means use the minimal amount of force necessary in order to stop an unjust aggressor. in this case, it is very obvious that they're unjust and that they're an aggressor and that they're going after the innocent. shall we start with dialogue? absolutely. but there's also a time that com comes-there comes times when you have to say i'm going to use violence if necessary. >> when we see people, innocent people, journalists and others who aren't even warriors getting their heads served on video for
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heaven's sake, i think we're getting the picture that we're not dealing with a typical geo political force. how new a role is this for the catholic church and specifically for the pope to take on this level of leadership? because there have been many periods in history when the church has been unfortunately a lot more silent than maybe it should have been, like the run up to world war ii for for example. >> times have changed, even the papacy has changed, john paul really being the world spiritual leader and i think pope francis has recognized that. >> persecution is intense, we don't hear a lot about it from the main stream media us because maybe may don't recognize that's targeted towards christians, we have seen it among the kurds and in places in syria and in egypt. what can we do to help stem the tides of religious persecution? >> i think the reason media has
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tot -- pope francis and other spiritual leaders for months and months leading up to president obama and thanning god he has done something now, for months has been saying there's a major persecution, danger of a genocide, of ethic and religious cleansing and that has to stop and it wasn't until he finally started talking about stopping them, which made the news that people started doing something. i'm so glad that they have. >> well, aim deeply grateful for the leadership that the pope has shown on this and i hope that other world leaders will also speak out because we are in a very, very dangerous place because of it. congratulations on the book, i hope people will get the book, it's already on the "new york times" best seller list. so that means you better get your copy, they're selling out quick. >> i hope it makes sense to many in these trying times. >> thank you, father. great to have you here.
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law, including this one. >> under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions. >> first of all, this is a health care bill, it's not an abortion bill. >> the president has made it very clear that federal funds will not be used for abortion coverage. we're not changing the status quo in the law at all. >> well, in the words of that great american political philosopher goemer pile, surprise, surprise, surprise. the government accountability office which is nonpartisan found that obama care is funding abortions with your taxpayer dollars. here to explain how that's happening is betsy mccoy, the senior fellow at the london center for policy research. also the author of beating obama care 2014. >> some americans are pro life, some are pro choice, but we are all pro truth, am i right? we want our president to tell
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the truth and to keep his promises. and the fact is that way back in 2010, he didn't have the votes to pass this law. so he went to the pro life democratic caucus and he said, i'm going to make you a promise, all right? even though this law will make health insurance mandatory, no one will be forced to buy abortion coverage or have their tax dollars used to pay for abortion coverage. he provided the promise in writing. but not actually in the law. and then right after the law squeaked by with just a few extra votes, he decided to forget that promise. >> i remember very vividly, they called it the stupak, and bart stupak what ended up resigninging because of the pressure he got. he said don't worry, the president had given an executive order. but it's long been promised that
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even if there was going to be an abortion, there would not be federal funds used for abortion under the hyde amendment. it violates a long standing -- >> and it bamboozled the public just like it did with the law, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, or if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and you're going to get the same deal that your congressman gets? and you're going to save 2,50$2 a year. >> how is it written in the law? >> actually what the law says is qualified health plans that will be offered in all the exchanges across the country and states have some leeway in determining what qualified means and the secretary of health and human services has it. but the fact is, in the majority of states health plans are being sold to cover abortions and consumers who go to tex change to buy a health plan, aren't told here's the price without
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the abortion coverage, here's the coverage if you want the abortion coverage. this isn't a pro choice piece of legislation. >> is something that they knew was in this law? or was it oh, my gosh, we didn't know it? >> that's the question that we get hit with again and again, is it intentional in not one party or the other knows that we can write a health reform law that will cover the uninsured that will be fair enough and honest enough that politicians don't have the lie about it again and again and again and that's what we should be doing. >> we're now one year into the launch of obama care and one year the rollout of the website was disaster rouse, now we know it wasn't just a few hundred million bucks for a website, $2 billion. betsy, i don't know how you can spend 2 billi$2 billion dplrz o
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entire internet. >> it's not just a coincidence, despite what the law actually says, the obama administration moved the enrollment dates until after the election because they can't stand the idea of having to live through that again. >> what are people probably going to see with the renewal period? because that's where we are now, the renewal, are rates going to go up for a lot of people? >> here's what i'm really worried about. most people still get their health insurance through their employer, their own or their spouses. and they're going to get the bad news, as many as a million people could lose their job coverage this year and be forced on to one of those exchanges which is a very raw deal. and the reason is that the plans that the employers bought in the small group market suddenly are no longer eligible and employers are going to be stuck with going with the obama care one size fits all requirement or saying to their employees, we're sorry,
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you're going to have to get your health insurance somewhere else. >> there are a lot of people that are in for yet more surprises. betsy mccoy. always great to have you here. nobody understands this whole thing, more from the simple reason, you actually read it, you did something nancy pelosi has still never done. you read the stinking bill, what a novel idea. >> what lawmakers should be doing. >> what they should be doing. i do hope that you're not going to have an increase in your rates, but chances are many of you will and if you lose your coverage, just remember, you were promised that if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. that's what's frustrating. it's not just that there are problems, but they're broken promises that are the reason. for those problems that you're having right now. well, coming up, grammy winning rock star melissa etheridge, jamming with the little rockers, you're not going
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to want to miss this. we'll be right back with melissa. [ female announcer ] this is our new turkey cranberry flatbread before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich,
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> >> my next guest picked up her first guitar when she was all but 8 years 'ole. she made big hits like come to my window and, i'm the only one. would you please welcome melissa etheridge. thank you for being here. >> pleasure to be here. >> you know what i am thinking? people all over america are saying this is the odd couple. >> i am loving it. >> here's the thing. i know if we talked politicses we would be worlds apart on a lot of things, but the common ground we have is love and passion for music and the arts. >> absolutely.
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i love that about you. i love that when i found out i was going to be on the show you said i want to talk about music, i want to talk about music in the schools and how important it is. that is absolutely common ground. >> you weren't afraid this was going to kill your reputation and your career? >> no, sir. i am from arkansas. >> that was a thrill for me to find out you grew up spending summers in south ark aansas. >> how cool is that. >> we are probably cousins. i am just telling you now. >> there's something that your music has lasted now for 25 years. but i am thinking, you have had a sustained career through generations. i want to talk about, though, how you got started. to me this is so p important that people understand. you started when you were 8 years old. what first attracted you to music? >> first it was the music i was
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hearing myself. it was the 60's. there's the ed sullivan show. there was music on television then whb the am station in sull show, and this excited me. i didn't have any music in my home. my father was a high school teacher, my mother worked for the army. i just wanted to play the guitar, i saw it and i used to play the badminton rackets and there was mausic in the schools. starting in third grade we took music, i remember the music teacher saying bring your guitar to the class. >> it's breaks my heart to think that some schools think that music is expendable in the schools. >> it's been proven that it helps with math and it helps with learning when a child can be exposed to learning music. >> you know what i love about it too?
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it's a civilizing force, at a time when people are sometimes so angry and so passionate about things that divide. music brings people together. its one of the things i love most about it. this album that you have done. phenomenal album. by the way is audience is going to get a copy of melissa's cz. . and i am convinced after people hear this song, they will download not just this but the entire album. because it's filled with great tunes. and we're going to do one now from the album, it is called "a little bit of me." and before we do, i'm going do introduce the little rockers. mark on lead guitar today. there he is. christian is on keyboards and on drums, kenny. the little rockers. let's do "a little bit of me." >> one, two, three, four.
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♪ you were me if you try ♪ you can be enough to know you were alive ♪ ♪ if you lose the truth ♪ it couldn't be denied ♪ it can change the world ♪ and you might find ♪ that the world goes round and round and round and round ♪ ♪ everybody walks on common ground ♪ ♪ there's a little bit of me and a little bit of you ♪ ♪ the world goes round and round and round and round you don't need to be afraid of anybody ♪ ♪ a little bit of you and a little bit of me ♪ ♪ act a little bit of me note
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note is it on the skin ♪ ♪ is it in the love ♪ the things about each other that we're so scared of ♪ ♪ you can shake your ♪ you can change your mind ♪ either way you wake up inside yourself just fine ♪ ♪ the world round and round and round and round ♪ ♪ everybody wants some common ground ♪ ♪ we got to do better if we're going to pull through ♪ ♪ there's a little bit of me and a little bit of you ♪ ♪ the world goes round and round and round and round ♪ ♪ a little bit of you and a lib of me ♪ ♪ and a little bit of me ♪ lean to your left or lean to
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your right ♪ ♪ i'm a lishl of faith ♪ with everyone we'll see ♪ that all the good books in the world have a little bit of you and a little bit of me ♪ ♪ and the world goes round and round and round and round ♪ ♪ everybody walks on common ground ♪ ♪ no need to be afraid of anybody you see ♪ ♪ a little bit of you and a little bit of me ♪ ♪ and a little bit of me ♪ it's a little bit of you ♪ and a little bit of me ♪ and a little bit of me ♪ yeah
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♪ we're going to walk on common ground ♪ ♪ with just a little bit of me ♪. >> i love that song, if that junlt brighten your day and make it a little bit better, there's something wrong with you, that's all there is to it. melissa is going to be on a long concert tour, all that on her website we'll be back, i'll have some closing thoughts right after this.
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i took with big kenny with big and rich just last weekend. frank wrote in and said gang signs. sgleg gee wood said hang lose and peace are not gang signs. governor, that's the sign of the devil be careful well your hand signs. al saw it differently. he said that sign means, i love you but you forgot to put one singer up. you mean like this one photo four completely different interpretations. go figure. send us your thoughts on tonight's show on facebook or twitter. don't forget to set your dvr every saturday at 8:00 p.m. so you don't miss a single moment of the show. you can get the fox news go on your smart phone and you can watch the show on the go. october 14th don't miss a new documentary that exposes the abuses of the irs.
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you can hear from some of the features. the stories are incredible. good night and good bless. stay tuned for "justice with judge jeanine. >> welcome to this audience edition of "hannity." there's a crisis engulfing president obama and his administration for failure to lead at home and abroad. tonight we will figure out the reasons why. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community jim claf ford acknowledged they have under estimated what was taking place in


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