tv Hannity FOX News October 5, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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of the folks in that documentary. their stories are incredible. that's it for now. this is mike huckabee from new york. or follow me on twitter. have a great weekend. welcome to this audience edition of "hannity." there is a crisis of confidence engulfing president obama and his administration for their failure to lead at home and abroad. tonight, we're here to lay out the reasons why. >> how did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? was that a complete surprise to you? >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria.
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>> isn't a person with a criminal record and a gun getting inches away from the president enough to say somebody needs to be fired here? >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here. >> is he back? >> yeah, sounds like he's running around out here. >> he drove to the front of the business, entered the business and did sever her head. >> this is not workplace violence. an act of terrorism. >> the chances of an ebola outbreak here in the united states are extremely low. >> an individual traveling from liberia has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> now, our current commander in chief and members of his administration are clearly in way over their heads. and the example that proves this point is their ignorance when it comes to terrorists who want to kill innocent americans. now, for years we were assured we no longer had to worry about this threat. here's what i mean. >> i'm not talking about al
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qaeda's grandiose vision of global domination through a violent islamic caliphate. that vision is absurd. and we are not going to organize our counterterrorism policies against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen. >> osama bin laden is no longer a threat to our country. we've put al qaeda on the path to defeat. >> osama bin laden is dead and general motors is alive. >> we ended the war in iraq, refocused our attention on those who actually killed us on 9/11. and as a consequence al qaeda's core leadership has been decimated. >> now, unfortunately some americans actually believed all that. but when we all started to learn more about a group called isis and the threat that they pose, not just in the middle east but around the world, well, president obama was asked about this seemingly new terror network back in january. and he told the new yorker "the analogy we use around here sometimes, and i think is accurate that if a jayvee team puts on lakers uniforms, that
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doesn't make them kobe bryant. however the rise of isis continued and as a result the rhetoric of our commander in chief, well, that started to evolve a lot. >> i don't want to put the cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. >> if we were joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. our objective is clear. we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil. >> and that's exactly why we put together tonight's distinguished audience as we cover all the week's hot topics from isis to the oklahoma beheading to the secret service scandal, ebola and much more. with that we bring in our panel. how could the president be so
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wrong about isis? how could you possibly be that wrong? >> well, he was that wrong because he wanted to be that wrong. it's the axiom of this administration and that the murder of osama bin laden -- the killing of osama bin laden put paid to al qaeda. and so 2012 was spent with that argument. and once that argument is made for a year, it's not as if the white house can turn around and simply say, i know we said that during the election, but we were kind of wrong and we didn't really mean it and in fact we're really in a lot of trouble now. so they had to hue to the narrative line that they created. and they hue to it and hue to it until heads be lopped off literally. >> monica crowley, after he attacked the intelligence agency, something he's well known to do which is blame somebody else other than himself, well, got it wrong on isis.
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he didn't read the presidential briefings, now we find out he would have known about in granular detail if he would have read them. also pinpoint accuracy everything that would happen if he left iraq too early. how could he be that out of touch? >> well, if barack obama ran and won as an antiwar leftist and he's remained stubbornly committed to that ideology. that's why he spent the last six years of his presidency miniaturizing and minimizing the islamic terror threat and frankly threats of all manner and of all nature, because he doesn't want to have to deal with it. this also explains why he is pressed forward with the gutting of the military. it's all part of a leftist ideology. he has persistently tried to deny the threat, deflect attention away from it so he can continue his fundamental transformation at home. until he could no longer do it anymore. once the beheadings generated
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enough outrage -- understand his heart is not in this. >> i agree with you 100%. let me go to tamara. you defend the administration a lot. remember they were called overseas contingency oerpgs. man-caused disasters. we were told the official position of the government of the united states and this administration today is that what happened at ft. hood is an example of workplace violence. they're saying they're not sure but the initial narrative was that's probably workplace violence in oklahoma. you add to that isis is not islamic. the president was asked last sunday if we were at war with isis, he said we're not at war with isis. why can't this president get simple basic things about radical islamists right? >> well, i think the first thing monica's incorrect saying it's a leftist ideology. there are people on the left like myself who do not agree with this president, think that he is lazy in his leadership and lazy in his policy and he does not listen to the intelligence that is coming to him. so to blame an entire group of
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people is irresponsible -- >> but they're fighting back. isn't it interesting that all of a sudden the intelligence community, all these leaks, no, he was warned about isis repeated repeatedly, warned of the ramifications of pulling out of iraq repeatedly. >> that's not a leftist ideology. i don't think anybody but you may deny -- >> no, it has nothing to do with a leftist. a poor leader. >> leon panetta described that in his book, and that's his philosophy and he wanted to stay true to that campaign promise -- no. no, but it's saying that he wanted to abandon iraq because that is his ideology. that is part of the left wing ideology. >> let me go to bill. i want to ask you specifically. one month ago obama said about the syrian opposition he said it's a fantasy that won't happen. these are doctors and pharmacists who couldn't possibly aid our efforts. that's now become the core of
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his foreign policy. >> let's not simplify this. we're dealing with barbarians. every day i get videos from the great navy s.e.a.l.s. friends i have. they send me videos of these hundreds of beheadings putting people's heads on poles. we're dealing with barbarians. now to use the social media now to influx into the united states of america and get more people to join up. this is the world war 3 beginning. these people that are out there are barbarians, sean. people have to realize what is going on. and the only way to defeat them, what we should do is if they don't want to put our boots on the ground, we have a lot of heroes, a lot of navy s.e.a.l.s., people in england, they should put together a mercenary force, 10,000 real soldiers could wipe them out. they wouldn't be like the iraq -- >> i would go for that. i would absolutely go if they said you want to go. >> you would go? >> absolutely. >> because you view it as a clear and present danger. >> if obama's not going to do anything about it, i'd be happy to. >> i wish i could go with him.
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>> we'll put you in a tank. >> you got heroes over in england. s.a.s. guys, you got guys over there. these are not going to be like the iraqis standing with their hands tied behind their back and get their heads sawed off. you got real military guys. >> i put your whole detective squad against them. let me turn to the muslim side of this question because the president has come under fire repeatedly for saying the islamic state is not islamic. yes, it is islamic. we have boko haram. we have the islamic jihad. we have isis. we have al qaeda. we have hezbollah. we have hamas. all in the name of your religion, which i know bothers you. this is happening in the name of islam. >> there are two islams out there. one is a pristine islam which a majority of muslims follow. and the other is mangled up islam.
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when the isil guys quote quran and other things not quoted in the quran, they are rightfully quoting it, it is not in the quran, but it is in the islamic -- sean, this is -- >> wait a minute. the quran -- the quran talks a lot about infidels. it talks about holy war, about jihad, it talks about take neither christians nor jews for friends. a rigid interpretation is how they justify what they're doing, correct? >> absolutely correct. >> okay. so in other words they read it verbatim. it talks about jihad. take neither christians nor jews for your friends and that justifies killing in the name of allah. >> actually, they do not read that way, but they have been conditioned to read that way. the scholars -- >> i have read the quran. >> i agree. from the tenth and eleventh century scholars muslim scholars misinterpreted the whole thing including the one said don't take friends for jews and christia christians. these are all the misinterpretation -- >> jihad, infidels, you're an
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imam. >> why is the majority of what we see in the media today all anti-christian, anti-jew. why isn't there not a bigger cry from the muslim community? >> convert or die? >> exactly. >> i'm glad you mentioned. if you google it there are millions of muslims all over the world have condemned isis. i was the first one to condemn on september 5. i wrote to president obama -- >> millions? there's over a billion muslims. >> -- said don't demonstrate -- >> your voice is -- i find moderate muslims that have their religion being hijacked their voices are almost mute. there is a fear because what happens? they're labeled an apostate. you had threats on you. >> i did. i have death threats. >> that's because you come on my show. let's go to the imam. give you a quick chance. this is happening in the name of your religion. i asked you once if hezbollah is a terrorist group, you wouldn't give me a definitive answer. in their charter it says
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obliterate the state of israel. >> that was hamas though. >> hamas, sorry. >> we'll start off right. >> right. will you condemn them now? >> will i condemn hamas? no, i will not condemn hamas. i wouldn't care if a thousand people disagree. >> hamas's charter says to obliterate jews and obliterate the -- >> they need to change the charter. >> how are you not going to condemn them? >> are we going to talk or scream? >> we're going to get a statement. >> first of all, what i would say is this. first of all, anybody who has an ounce of sense knows that the tag that was given to these people, barbarians, that's perfectly accurate. so don't -- but you can't substitute barbarians with islam. they may take on the idea of islam, but both christianity, judaism and islam, we invite
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everybody in. let's be fair, sean. let me just finish one thought. >> judaism does not invite everybody. >> but christianity and islam does. >> yes, you do. >> so the point i'm making we can't scrutinize who comes through the door. you can't just because every time someone goes bananas -- >> in the mosque -- >> nor -- >> let michelle. in the mosque in oklahoma we're told they had back room meetings. this was the convert or die position. >> i'm sorry, if someone comes to the door and says they want to kill anyone who's nonmuslim chrks is what the oklahoma guy put on facebook, yeah, i would stop them at the door and say you are not allowed in here. you would let someone in? >> let's be real. >> you just said you'd let anyone in. >> let's be real. >> let's be real, sir. a grandmother was beheaded in the united states of america, sir. a grandmother was beheaded in the united states of america -- >> do i get a chance to respond? do i get a chance to respond?
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15 people ask -- >> go ahead. >> first of all, this man, if he was a muslim for three years, what was he before that? and do we indict what he was before that because of the fact he went bananas? >> he spoke in arabic and asked for a muslim lawyer. >> what about the man who just killed his six children? >> stay focused here. >> that was a violent criminal. he was a violent criminal before he did this. let's not make the fact he found religion as an excuse -- >> all over facebook page a radical islam. >> i know. but he's a crazy person. don't forget he went postal. >> sean -- >> hold on. hold on. >> went back to his employer who fired him and killed someone there. nothing to do with islam or the quran. >> all over his facebook is influence of radical islam. >> so anyone who's a christian who kills someone behold christian indicted for that, right? comet on. >> give me the isis comparison in a christian community. >> how about the ku klux klan. >> the jewish comparison, in the 1960s there was a radical right
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wing jewish group called the jewish defense league. and mainstream jews attacked it. when barook goldstein killed 28 arabs in 1995, mainstream judaism went after him worse. worse than anybody else. so that is the model. >> that's mass murder. that's not a religion. >> that's what i'm saying. >> i promise, we'll get back to you when we come back. coming up, our audience just getting warmed up. we confront the extremist ideology that is to blame for the brutal beheading in oklahoma when we return on this edition when we return on this edition of "hannity."
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it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. welcome back to our audience edition of "hannity" as we examine the crisis of confidence of our current commander in
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chief. before he stepped foot in the oval office, president obama was busy crisscrossing the globe boldly declaring islam is a religion of peace. you may remember this. >> the united states is not and will never be at war with islam. isil is not islamic. no religion condones the killing of innocence. and the vast majority of isil's victims have been muslim. we have reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. >> all right. now in light of the brutal beheading in oklahoma late last week and other acts of barbarism around the globe, tonight we are asking whether or not president obama's truly literally taking the threat of radical islam seriously. here with reaction we bring back our studio audience. we have learned a lot about this guy in oklahoma who's beheading. we learned that he wanted a muslim judge, that he asked the judge -- i'm sorry, a muslim attorney. and he also was speaking in
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arabic as he was beheading this poor woman. >> that's pretty scary. he has a photo of an isis leader on his facebook page. his facebook page has since been taken down. he referred to the group as his brothers. he also told co-workers that women should be stoned for an offense. he also went to the same mosque as a 9/11 conspirator. and inside that mosque behind closed doors "they taught the true teachings of islam which include the choice to nonmuslims that you must convert, live under islamic rule or be fought against jihad for the sake of allah." also on facebook he wrote america and israel are wicked. wake up muslims, he says. and posted a photo of the burning twin towers and said don't y'all know why the eastern part of the world hates america. everything god says don't do america does. >> before i get to you, joe. how many here doubt this guy supports radical islam. who doubts it?
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>> sean, sean -- >> oh, come on. i read the quran. i bet you he hasn't even read the quran. >> how is that lunatic -- >> these are people -- >> they're not the extremists. >> he's a criminal and using the quran and using islam as opportunistic. what we're not talking about is how much -- >> she just gave you facts about what this guy would do. >> he's crazy. this is not an indictment. this is not an indictment on the religion. and what we're not talking about -- >> based on -- my friend joe. >> joe. >> sorry. that would mean that every radical islamist just say is crazy and not a terrorist. that's what you're saying. >> anyone who's going to use the quran or any other religious artifact to extract -- to commit crimes of violence is someone who's a criminal and someone
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who's not -- but do you think this individual who was a violent criminal before he converted was a christian-american who was a christian committing acts of violence. >> joe, you got noncriminals in america and england going over to the isis for religion. that's what they're doing. >> committed acts of violence before, joe. put them in jail. >> joe, they're not criminals that are running over there. they have no criminal records and they're joining up with isis for religion. >> that is different -- >> sean, between joe and myself we have, what, 30 years of being criminal defense attorneys. i've been a criminal defense attorney for almost ten years. let me finish. let me finish. let me finish please. i'm not defending him. i'm not defending isis and their behaviors and the barbaric acts of certain people who are part of that group. however, this is a man who is a crazy person who will probably go and say that he's insane and ask for an evaluation by the court just because he is saying he's a muslim does not mean -- >> what i heard from aimsly is a
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sympathizing radical islamist. wektd say the same thing about every group and every member of the group based on what these two are saying. >> you certainly could. what was 9/11? air rage? based on the arguments we're hearing to be the that's exactly what we're hearing. the fact of the matter is an american grandmother was beheaded on american soil. then you have the obama administration hedging, well, we're not quite sure if it was terrorism or not. look, this was an act of terrorism on american soil. and you have to stop appeasing these islamist -- he's an actor. he's a criminal actor who had a violent history and is using the quran now as his motivation. come on. >> let me go to noel in the back. >> now he's a spokesperson for terroristic groups. >> noel, what about 9/11? >> joe, joe, joe, what about ft. hood, that major hassan, was that workplace violence?
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was that workplace violence? distorted he's using the quran as his defense -- >> noel. >> people using the quran to commit acts of terrorism. >> commit crimes and murders and then -- do we? this is a single isolated incident by a single human being. you guys are killing me. this guy is not isis. come on. >> making a good point. >> joe, you're talking about because this is a single individual this can't be a terrorist attack? what about the boston marathon bombing? that's a terrorist attack. >> we got to take a break. we'll go back to mutual corners when we return the american people can't even feel secure that the president of the united states and the first family are safe in the white house. we'll explain how the secret service security breach is als
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when you only have one hand you're not doing anything as fast as you used to. do you need help? [doorbell chime] what is that? swiffer dusters... and it can extend so i don't have to get on the step stool. it's like a dirt magnet, just like my kids. i think swiffer definitely gave me some of that time back. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪
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live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. fox news confirming another patient was admitted for possible ebola. meanwhile, thomas duncan remains in critical condition fighting for his life. the cdc say they're hoping for his recovery. it's been three weeks now and still no sign of missing university of virginia student hannah graham the charlottesville police chief say they're searching for the 18-year-old. more than 100 police officers covered an eight-mile area around the city this weekend. jesse matthew has been arrested and charged in this case. police say they have forensic evidence linking him to a 2009 death of a virginia tech student. now back to "hannity". foxnews.c.
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welcome back to this audience edition of "hannity." the american public was shocked to learn the man who jumped the fence and ran into the white house originally reported, to make matters worse members of the obama administration were contradicting themselves about the matter. listen to what press secretary josh earnest said about the head of the secret service julia pierson before and after she resigned. >> she is more than qualified to do her job. she is somebody that's very difficult responsibility. but he continues to have confidence in the ability of the leadership of the secret service to protect him and his family and to implement the necessary reforms to strengthen that security. >> director perks ierson offered her resignation today because she believed it was in the best interest of the agency to which she has dedicated her career. the secretary agreed with that assessment. the president did as well. over the last several days we've seen recent and accumulating reports raising questions about the performance of the agency.
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and the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. >> oops. just 24 short hours later those comments clearly prove the crisis in confidence that's ungulfing the obama white house as is warranted. we have two former secret service agents here, dan, running for congress in maryland's sixth district and also -- we have three incidents. we have the fence jumper made it much further into the white house, even past the stairs going up to the residence. >> sure. >> which is scary. we have the second incident in 2011 six shots fired at the white house and took them four days to determine they thought it had nothing related to do with the white house, which i disagree with. and then a guy with a gun got on an elevator with the president of the united states. isis, our enemies are watching this. we got to protect our president. >> right, no question. there's no partisanship in that. these were clear failures. there's no putting lipstick on them. now you have a tutorial video on youtube basically how to jump the fence on the north lawn,
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which if you had a triage of problems, that to me is the most frightening. the only thing i can hope is there's some kind of exhaustive review and it really breaks up the bureaucracy in the dhs and gets some answers and actually secures the for a minute. i would argue there have been holes in it the entire time and just been subjected to bureaucratic pressure. on even little things, sean, like changes the anesthetics of the white house. >> i heard he walked through the door, literally pushed aside one agent like it was nothing and then walked into three different rooms. >> right. >> an officer, sean, uniformed division officer, let's not confuse that with agent. >> sorry about that. >> that's okay. >> one has to wonder in this day and age, what if he had god forbid a bomb strapped to his body. >> that's exactly right, sean. that's why in my view lethal force should have been used. and perhaps this is where dan and i split on what we think about this, but you have to look at the white house actually as a living thing. it's not just a building. this is the home of the president of the united states. he had just left.
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the president could have easily have had to come back to the house for any number of reasons. and if mr. gonzalez had been running rampant through the house at that point, that could have caused quite a problem. >> doug. >> sean, there's a bigger issue in all of this. it is the insecurity of the united states both domestically and internationally. and the failure as americans and patriots to articulate a rationale for our values, freedom, liberty, democracy, freedom of religion. sean, we don't hear that from our president. we didn't hear it tonight. and as an old fashioned american patriot of the john f. kennedy style, i say we have to do that otherwise we will lose no matter what the debate is. >> don't we have to recognize -- you and i disagree on a lot. we do agree a lot on foreign policy. don't we have to have the courage to identify terrorism for terrorism. >> we have to identify terrorism. >> why won't this president say it? you're a democrat, why won't he say it? >> he's wrong. but what is right about america is the vast majority of the
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american people democrats, republicans and independents. >> doesn't it project a weakness? it projects weakness to the world. >> of course it does. but don't we emphasize the positive, sean? what brings us together rather than tearing us down. >> let me go to nicholas first and then i promise noel. nicholas, go ahead. >> as far as the white house jumper. >> yeah. >> i would have shot him. >> you're a former ranger. >> sniper. >> sniper. >> what's that? >> i want to shoot with you. >> let's do it. yeah. >> let me just -- let's say the guy that pulled the gun -- pulled the trigger finds out later it's a guy with ptsd, which it turned out to be. i want this guy to get help. he's a former guy that served this country. i don't want to put him in jail. i want to make sure he gets help. >> well, ptsd, there's a lot of guy who is have ptsd. >> there's 250,000. so he sho now you're going to have the liberal media come out and say he shot this guy, why'd they shoot that guy. >> so much technology, sean.
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>> you can never appease the liberal media. >> oh, come on. >> wait a second. wait a second. >> hang on. we got to get these people in. carl. >> there's no appeasing the liberal media. you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. >> let's say it becomes a black/whitish shoe. let's say it becomes ferguson, trayvon martin, now, noel, you've got a whole different set of issues comes up. >> well, back to your point on terrorism and the white house not really fully saying -- calling terrorism terrorism. you have to realize obama's background from the very beginning. this is someone that palled around with bill ayers. look what bill ayers' background is. this is someone that went to a church that basically preached hate. so you've got to realize -- >> hang on. she's making the point. let her make it. noel. >> the point of it is is obama is someone that's antiwar, antiterrorism.
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tamara, stop. thanks. >> wait for the mic. >> he doesn't want to call e terrorism when it's actually terrorism. that's what it's about. and it's jeopardizing our national security. >> alex, let me bring you in here. >> well, i would like to find out from former secret service why was the front door not locked? isn't there a security device? i mean, i think it was congressman isis asked that. wasn't there -- >> that's the key point here is of course he didn't have to be shot. if things were working right, he would have been detained before he got to the door. so the question here -- let me finish for a second. >> i'm in the security business. >> yeah, i know. so what. that's not the point. >> detectives could have observed him going over the wall, an alarm could have went off, dogs there, it didn't happen. >> of course. i worked in the white house like a lot of people here or a lot of -- you know, it's mind boggling to think that he got anywhere near the door. he should have been stopped near the door. the question then is a
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managerial question. it's a larger managerial question. >> sean, we have nonlethal options. the man was an iraq war vet with ptsd. are you prepared to put a rifle slug into his head -- let's fix it before talking about blowing the guy away. i'm not apologizing for it. it was a massive failure. are we arguing we should put a bullet in the head of trespassers? >> i'm a former navy s.e.a.l. >> what about the rules of engagement you guys had? >> that's the problem you're talking about tonight. there's two issues. to sum it up as far as the islamic caliphate goes. look at history. in 1900 over a million and a half armenians were killed muhammad, he carried out the first caliphate, basically the movement of islam. but the other problem you have is leadership. what happened at the white house with the secret service comes down to this, if you don't have a plan, you're going to react. if you have a plan, you respond effectively.
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and that's the problem. things are not being looked at beforehand. and this administration is 100% reactive. >> we'll take a break. when we come back it's not just issues on national security that have now sparked this crisis of confidence. president obama promised us all that the chances of an ebola outbreak in america weren't going to happen. well, guess what, a case has been diagnosed in texas. there's growing concern tonight from coast-to-coast. our medical experts, they are on our panel. and we'll talk about issue when
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welcome back to this audience edition of "hannity." so when the ebola outbreak first erupted in west africa, americans watched in horror and wondered if in fact it could make it to our shores. president obama assured the country we had little to fear. >> first and foremost i want the american people to know that our experts here at the cdc and across our government agree that the chances of an ebola outbreak
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here in the united states are extremely low. >> today, we are providing the information that an individual traveling from liberia has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> so with hundreds of people now reportedly being monowhoed monitored in texas and beyond, only hope they weren't infected. we bring back our fox medical team. dr. siegel, a lot of people are worried. 12 being monitored, 18, now 100. >> you can do whatever you want. >> look, i want to say from three years of riding mountain bikes with president bush is that the biggest problem the secret service had were keeping up to him. they were devoted to him. so i don't want the whole division -- >> i have a secret service -- pin. it may not have been the secret service on the outside because there are different layers, many, many layers that get -- that have not factored in here.
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do americans have to worry about ebola? >> yes and no. but i want to start by saying it's clear that there was a delayed response here. that's the biggest problem. looks like president obama delays on everything. he delayed on isis. he delayed on this. the biggest hope we have of squashing this outbreak or epidemic in west africa was to get people there before, boots on the ground before, build the facilities before, teach the health educators before. no, no, listen. the military is very, very good in this kind of a situation. >> do not send the military into that. they don't belong there. >> the kind they're sending in are very smart at emerging infectious diseases. the military knows an emergingin feks. here's to sean's point. there's going to be cases here now because we waited too long. it is not going to be a sustained epidemic here because it is very difficult to spread this virus.
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>> we have an infrastructure, a medical infrastructure. >> that's right. >> that they don't have in the countries where this outbreak is killing so many people. dr. radcliff, air france, great britain have stopped travel to some of the countries involved. the president on the very same day this guy went in the hospital said we won't send anybody back to some of these countries. is that a mistake? >> i don't think it's a mistake. ebola is a part of this world and we have to deal with it. it's not contained to one country or one city. >> why should we let a country that's being devastated and imimpacted, why let the people here? the people aren't allowed to go to france, not allowed to travel to great britain. >> understand ebola wears a very different face in the united states. the testament to this is -- >> bring a disease spite of of ability to cure it. >> look at what happened to emory hospital. they were 100% effective. >> i love emory hospital. i don't want to go to emory
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hospital. >> one point i want to make is i can't understand why we're not at least checking temperatures here. they have guns they can literally shoot infrared temperatures. we're toing it in west africa, but when they're entering the united states we're relying on customs officials to recognize sick people. >> we've got to take a break. president bush was right when he warned in 2007 what would happen if we pulled out of iraq too soon. how many americans lost their lives? 4,000. brian sat down and asked the president about this and more. also what he thinks about the rise of isis. those highlights and our studio audience reaction next. ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea.
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welcome back to our audience edition of "hannity." while it's no secret president obama has zero confidence or sound vision when it comes to defeating isis. well, his predecessor, president george w. bush, not only predicted the current crisis and what would happen if we pulled out of iraq too early but is now offering a message to the american people about what's happening. take a look at what he told fox & friends co-host brian kilmy this week. >> i know the nature of the enemy. anybody who kills 3,000
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innocence and beheads people because of their religion or because of their point of view is dangerous. there's a short-term strategy which is to bring them to justice skprks a long-term marginalize their ideology. the long-term strategy just takes time. americans have got to understand that the lesson of 9/11 is still rgço06c, x5vñ d?@nlx+ñrix;;x>ñk .#!3dñcw@yw)12fkóy+cy human con elsewhere matters to our national security. >> we security. >> we bring back our audience. >> the nature of the enemy. and there are sympathizers ck%pl eáñy#é(nd/cx"0;meicb#bik47xtç.b dn% : call it terror? this guy in oklahoma -- >> everything is a is about a christian. >> and he's a terrorist. >> it should be part of the isis cell? >> are we back to that?
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>> terrorist. >> don't give him the name of islam. >> he is a barbaric radical. >> he's an islamic radical. >> he's using a tactic to change people. >> he's a terrorist sympathizer. >> that is right. it's not a belief. >> can i just say part of isis, this is part of isis' strategy of they want lone wolf terrorists. >> do you think isis targeted this guy? >> propaganda leads to people like this. >> the time line is -- >> it's all about islam. what do you mean? you can't remove islam from this. >> you can't remove it. by you buying into it, you're allowing them to prove that kind of thing. >> three days prior to the beheading in oklahoma the head of isis called for lone wolfs to
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do specific things, bomb cars and behead people. mere coincidence? >> this guy used the guise of terrorism or isis to commit a crime. it wasn't a random act of violence. it is his former place of employment he was disrupted. >> look the fact you're unwilling to admit this is going to make it easier for them to fight this war on our front lawns they're here, they're going to do whatever it is they believe in doing which is beheading people. >> today's twitter has the isis people telling you we know where you live, soldiers' families we're going to get your addresses >> nicholas? >> i think as far as the isis situation he was a member of isis. he -- on his facebook he talked
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about being a part of, supporting them, my opinion he's a terrorist. >> we lose our focus on what president bush said. and yes, sean. democrat saying president bush was right about short term and long term because we're so busy arguing is he a terrorist? it's our values >> is it embarrassing beb bebe netanyahu is on the stage and our president is weak? >> we are making -- >> none of this -- >> we make a grave and dangerous mistake when start the so called
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20th hijacker went to trial his public defender tried to claim he was crazy. he slammed the desk and said i am not crazy, i am a jihadi. >> i was just saying that i think that this guy is a terrorist on his facebook page he has a picture of isis you guys are saying he's not a member of isis you don't have to be asked to join and have an initiation. you are or you aren't. >> members of isis are, were former leaders under saddam hussien. they're part of an organization. >> coming up, we're going to have more "hannity" coming up right after the break. straight ahead.
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big hand for the audience tonight. thank you for being with us we'll see you back here monday. have a great weekend. john: is crime rising? >> yeah. >> i believe so. john: it must be true, i hear it on news. >> crime on the rise. >> growing so rapidly. om8[u!rf(kjn7ióç !9%?n,]g2;gú[xs"4!q=ai >> should government have stricter laws to ban guns. >> i feel like we should. >> time for our leaders to act. john: they did, watch out. >> he picked up that pop-tart, and made a gun noise. john: ridiculous, but didn't government have to do something? i'm told it is a mean, mean world is it? that is our show, tonight.
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