tv Red Eye FOX News October 7, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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they said enough. up next the o'reilly factor, good night from new york city. we will see you tomorrow night. 7:00 p.m. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" have zombies lost their appetite for human flesh thanks to a government obsessed with healthy food? and are you scared the undead would rather do zoomba than devour your brain? and what place did the staff inform him that joe biden can't find on a map? >> for a longtime it was china. today they say europe, japan and the midwest. >> and finally is the world ready for a bamboo sacks -- saxaphone. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> she is hotter than the wax i have my pool boys drip on me
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in my special hot waxing dripping room. i am here with brooke goldstein, founder of the children's rights institute. a real thing i am told and director of the law fair project. another real thing i'm sure is real. like a new world cabernet she is intense and plans to linger until she turns bitter and gives you the runs. it is joanne nosuchunsky. hey, something new there. like a fine milk he gets more sour as he ages. it is tv's andy levey. the most emotion i have ever seen. and his face is more animated than the cartoon network. next to me, look at that,. nice shirt. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. is the president's hair showing somewhere? it is a question that could be asked -- a new totally
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scientific study says president obama's grair is 130% grayer than it was when he took office. they looked at pictures from every month of his presidency and analyzing them with photoshop to find the median gray value. it was published by the precedings of the national institute of science. they note that, quote, -- that's how it is pronounced, p-e-n-i-s. look it up. in january of 2009 we estimate obama's hair was similar in color to morgan free man and in august 2014 it was 52% similar to morgan freeman. i think i did this study five years ago. and they predict by may of 2016 it will be 62% similar to freeman's. we brought in a studio panel of normal folks to help us discuss this quick question before we start. how many thought you were coming to see montel williams?
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suckers. they never would have come to this. andrew, i get from this study a serious point that they say america made obama's hair turn gray and it is our fault. >> i agree. absolutely. it is our fault. i don't know what we have done. i don't have a point of view on it. i hope nobody else has a point of view. i suppose he has gray hair and he is working. if he was president -- if he wasn't getting gray hair i would be earn cked. >> and it coincides with his age. he is entering the age where his hair turns gray. >> does that happen? >> are you going completely bald. you are one of the gois that has really, really great hair and then it is gone. >> not with propecia. >> who is she? is that a girl you are dating? >> brooke, is this another liberal media conspiracy to see how badly we have treated mr. obama? >> it happens to all
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presidents. they all go gray because as you said they work so hard. i am just not sure why it is happening to president obama. he is golfing when he should be mourning the death of an american citizen, foley. he is not paying attention to his security briefings on isis, apparently. he is asleep at the wheel with benghazi. that was a surprise. and ebola, i mean he is not closing the borders. iffy bow law does not scare the [bleep -- if ebola does not scare the] bleep [out of you, i don't know. >> i think she stepped over the line there. >> joe, in the green room you were saying you like gray hair on a man as long as it is attached to a fat wallet. >> and it usually is. see i think obama is not stressed. i think the gray is an effect. he is dying his hair lighter to seem more weathered and seem more human. like he is stressed out by
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this. we all know he doesn't have many emotions. >> it is cold. he is mr. spoke. spock. and we know who he will be for halloween. >> who? >> morgan freeman. we handed him that one on a silver platter. >> go ahead and defend your hero, president obama's hair. >> this is just another lie that barak hussein obama sold to the american people. he claimed the oceans would stop rising and they are still rising. he claimed to be born in america, but he was born in hawaii. and he ran for president as a man with black hair. as soon as he got elected he was a man with gray hair. americans didn't vote for a man with gray hair. he is not the beloved morgan freeman of "shawshank." he is morgan freeman after "wanted." where he appeared to be a law
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man he was a traitor. he was the guy who would tell you if you like your health care plan you can keep it. wake up, america. >> i will say this before we move to an actual story, i believe -- you can put your finger down. actually keep it up. you look like the guy from scandal. >> which one? >> the older gay fellow. >> when they start to make him young, that's who you look like. this is crazy right now. >> i have never seen you so excited. >> he has the pink shirt on and everything. >> so in the last year -- >> that was worth the obama bashing. >> this is just starting from march. he had a missing jetliner and then you had the russian ukraine stop and then the plane being shot down and then
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ferguson and then isis and the white house intruder and ebola. that would be normally enough for eight years. and that is in about eight months. is that because there are a lot of scandals or we are covering all of this. >> he is not doing anything about it. that's the whole point. he would be stressed out if he was dealing with the problem. it seems to me he is wiping his hands clean. >> is he a real white house intruder? >> nicely done. >> wake up, america. >> i see a special section in "read --" red eye" called of wake up america. did subway make a flub way? the sandwich chain wants women to stay skinny for halloween and it makes us wonder is this -- >> is this sexist? >> you thought i forgot. no, i didn't forget. sigh -- see this little --
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subway has a new ad that sparked complaints on twitter. you know obviously it is a big deal. have a look, have a lookers. >> you guys are eating burgers? you have to stay in shape for the costumes. you know, like attractive nurse. viking princess warrior. sassy teacher and foxy full back. >> can we go over the viking lady? >> whatever you are staying fit for. >> disgusting. wrote stephanie on twitter, at subway, what an incredibly sexist commercial. your halloween got to stay in shape ad. wrote tim, these are people who have nothing to do. sexist and deceiving food commercial at the same time? yes. yes, that's all it takes for
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us to make this into a story. what do other viewers think? >> you have to stay in shape for the costumes. >> what is that? >> like attractive nurse. spicy red riding hood. viking princess warrior. hot devil. sassy teacher. >> poor little owl. on a scale of 1 to kangaroo how offended were you? >> i love this ad. i don't think it is the ad that is sexist. i think they are making fun of halloween costumeses that are se xist. that's why the ad was so funny. and the halloween costumes we are expected to dress in. if i want to be a sailor, can't i be a sailor? >> you can. you have the mouth for it. >> she hit me in the head with the pen.
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>> wow, calm it down. calm it down, brooke. >> seven years and i have never had -- >> take it back. >> this is after you swore. that's why i said you have a mouth like a sai -- sailor. you swore. >> if you caught it with your mouth -- >> with my eye. >> brooke, out. >> harmless fun or harmless unfun? >> i went to college with this girl. her name is natalie. i swear to god. when this came up i thought i think i know this girl. we went to college together and she is a sexist. this is totally okay. she is totally on board and that was the goal.
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she wanted to pull back women. >> that's why she did it. >> all of those costumes by the way are jobs. how is that sexist? >> and being a viking. >> that is more than equality. during the viking times women were being taken against their will. she is taking men against their will. it is getting a little [bleep]. >> we will get rid of that part. >> what was worst, the fat shaming or the object tau fying women? >> it is problematic in so many ways. as someone who dresses up as spicy red riding hood, i found it insulting. >> because only women can wear those things. >> that's the message of the ad. >> as a straight, white man i can't argue with people on twitter. if they say it is sexist, it is obviously sexist.
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>> what is sexist about it? i don't get it. >> they should want to go to halloween without looking sexist. >> she says stay in shape. she didn't say lose weight. if she said lose weight like jarod which none of us got angry about. dudes are like, it is so sexist this lard had to lose 400 pounds. she said stay in shape and that's fine. you should stay in shape. >> he didn't choose to wear the spandex. >> let's send spandex to joanne. speaking of tight pants the main issue i have is with the last costumes. we all know women can't play football. >> there are leagues, i believe. >> here is the message that people are missing about diet
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in general. the most successful diets are picking something -- like a vacation. everybody does this. daylight savings comes and you say i know i am going to the beach in july so i will lose 10 pounds. every man and woman does this. >> your wedding. you lose weight for your wedding. >> you have to have goals. whatever helps you get healthy i say do it. >> and don't be gross in a nurse's out -- outfit. you are going in public. >> you are playing a nurse. >> you don't want to smear the industry withover antics. >> and your candy. >> i love that story, but we are moving on. their flings are waiting in the wings. people with relationships use facebook to keep in contact with back burners. these are ex's or friends they know they can hookup with.
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men had twice as many fall backs as women and they had romantic and sexual conversations with two people besides their current partner. and almost half of women have a back up husband. a writer said infidelity has existed for years. and the internet allows for more discrete one on one with a larger group of potential cheaters. speaking of cheaters. >> are you cheating? you are cheating. go for walks. >> that's a lazy owner. >> maybe that was the other other -- the owner her collie
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halloween costumes. >> a sexy collie. >> a collie flower. brooke, is there -- is there more cheating or has technology given us more evidence of the cheating? >> exactly. that's the point of facebook. you can keep in touch exes and e everything when you are on fox news. is it sending you a private message. where is the line? >> if you don't want your spouse to see it, that's the line. >> i bet these people don't think they are doing anything wrong, but i also bet they don't tell their partner they are doing it which means it is wrong. >> it means going oh who is this? and then you go, oh, an old
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friend from a decade ago. you quickly add, she has two kids. as if that matters, right? am i right? you are a scum. >> i am scum. >> it seems right up your alley keeping the ex's in case the current thing goes bad. >> all of my ex's hate me. >> that is a country song. >> i want to know what a back up husband is. if the back up husband does president have to go -- doesn't have to go to bed i can stay up and watch "red eye" and not have to watch the recorded version because she is tired. >> that's true. >> and i am not a grown up. >> you are not a grown up. >> and i don't get to choose when i go to bed. >> joanne, do your numerous b and c-list ex's try to keep in contact with you as their careers fade? >> they don't. their careers are going much
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better than mine. i just want to follow on twitter. >> they won't even follow you? >> you have to listen on twitter. >> i think you are funny on twitter. look at me pulling back quickly. >> i would be more concerned my husband cheating with his phone. i saw "her." people laugh, but that is what it is coming to. >> you can't compete with that. >> scarlet johansson's voice is like butter -- hoyt, boiling butter -- hot, boiling butter going into your ears. >> is that a good thing? >> no, i tried it. andy, do you have a back burner cat in case the other cat doesn't work out. >> i was putting ads on craigslist for back burners
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and couldn't figure out why nobody was answering. they thought this is what iment. what i meant. i was looking for some hot lax action. this explains so much. i am happy we did this story. >> when there are split ups in the old day it was depressing for a guy. you had to go to a singles bar and cry into your drink. i would see the guys that just split up and how sad it was. now guys only do it if they have the other exon the ready. then when they break up it is a seemless shift into another world. >> do you think that both of them are ready? >> no. >> usually it is one person. >> when they say guys have twice as many?
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>> of course. validation is way harder for us. if you walk down the street there are five guys that stop both of you. if we walk down the street -- >> five guys. >> that's right. no girls will. >> i will be sitting in five guys having a burger. i once got stopped by menudo. five guys at once. i am trying to think of five guys. squid, eighten den tau cals and sea creatures or a meal is delicately battered. the debate they wouldn't let me do on owe riley. oriley. first, the wreck of ben affleck.
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they couldn't keep calm over islam. he is easy llama phobic, phobic. ben affleck battled bill maher and sam harris. they argued they are crowds when it comes out to the world views and gay rights. that's when affleck did what any super movie star did. call them bigots and then miss the target. >> every criticism of the doctrine of islam is inflated with bigotry toward muslims as people. that's ridiculous. >> are you the person who understands the doctrine of islam? you are an interpreter of that? >> i am well educated on the topic. you are saying if i criticize -- you say easy llama phobia is not a thing? why are you so hostile about it? >> it is gross and it is racist.
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>> it is not. >> we have to criticize bad ideas. >> of course we do. >> but islam is the mother lode of bad ideas. >> it is the only religion that acts like the move mofia that will [bleep] kill you if you say the wrong thing and draw the wrong picture and write the wrong book. >> that couldn't have gone any better for affleck. speaking of radicals here is a skateboarding goat. running low on animal videos. that was stupid. brock, were you saying in the green room you had nothing to say on this topic. >> you did this because you think i am an islamaphobe. >> sam harris has a really
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good point. it is the attempt to stigma ties anyone who exercises their free speech to speak about militant islam and see a logically motivated terrorist. it is called an anti-muslim or racist. and the flip side is if raising awareness about human rights violations happening against innocent children is anti-muslim, what is pro muslim? this is a real pho phenomenon. if you look back at peter king when he was doing the radicalization hearings he was called an easy easy -- islamaphobe. we know it is happening right now. police knew about a child sex trafficking ring and refused to prosecute them for 10 years because they were afraid of being called islamaphobic. it is a made up term propogated by the islamic cooperation at the united nations.
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and it is abetted by the obama administration. we see groups. they are currently lobbying the department of justice to make criticism of islam a civil rights violation. this is a real issue that affects everyone's first amendment right to speak. it is not racist to talk about these issues. islam is an idea. it is not a race. it is not racist to criticize islam. >> we willed dit ought of that out and we will be right back no. andrew, do you have something as incredibly thorough as that? >> i do. i was thinking about this a lot. especially when ben affleck started talking and i was looking at his jaw and his hair. look at that face. w45 a gorgeous face. then you look at bill maher and you are like maybe there is a god. he is punishing you for not believing in him.
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seriously i think ben affleck is doing what you do to get an uh flaws on bill maher's show. >> i think you are right. i'm white, i'm white i put my hands together when things are good. is that what i do? i don't think. i clap. >> nice impression. affleck's facial impression seemed to say he knew he was losing the argument. he didn't seem happy. >> he looked like a high school boy. the competition on the debate team. he is like, i did all of my research and this is my position. yes, you have facts and passion. he showed the difference between the left and the right. the right works on fact and the left works on emotion. i am saying in terms of the facts. he is an old leftist. he is a true liberal in that sense where you can see the per scrergs -- the perversion where they don't defend muslim
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women. that is turning a blind eye to the crimes. you say that's your culture. >> i may i say something? he has a film where he kills his wife. islamaphobic? >> cut it, cut it. >> andy, affleck was the exact opposite of the argument, right? >> they were saying to confront radicalism you get called a bigot. >> he said it is an ugly thing to say. that was his response for everything. that doesn't address everything. >> they are truthful and they can be ugly to say and false. it is completely meaning
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less. same harris brought up numbers and the cartoon should have been prosecuted and they had no response. he ignored it. what separates islam is that they believe -- the religious and political are one in the same. there is no jesus saying my kingdom of this world. the belief is that civil law should be the same as religious law and that's a problem because there are people in the world who don't want that. i don't think most muslims support isis. but a lot of muslims want a version of shari'a law to be a version of the land and that's a problem. >> it is. we have to take a break. by the way, i have sam harrison's new book "waking up." i asked him to be on the show and he said yes. then he said no. what got to you, sam?
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beast" --" the daily beasts" argue it is time to give teens in the u.s. the same right. they say kids over the age of 14 are required to pay taxes if they work and can be tried and convicted for crimes as adults in most states. while some say teens are too uninformed to vote, keenan says there are a lot of stupid adults as well and i can't argue about that. bo the tom line this is about teens and we need teen input. put down your atari.joystick. it is time for -- welcome back to teen corner. i am your hot host. i would like to read a letter from one of my many teen fans. this is todd from bakersfield. dear greg, as a matter of fact my family will be uh vai in november. you can stay at my house.
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and yes there is a local hardware store nearby that sells plastic tarp by the yard. see you soon. that's good to know. how does this affect the political system lowering the age? >> what is the saying? if you are young and not a liberal you have no heart. but if you are older and not a conservative you have no brain. this is something perhaps republicans would be very much against. the rational is that teens can go to jail so should they be adult enough to vote? when i read that i was like that's the threshold you are using? i don't think that should be the benchmark. a lot of people can go to jail. you have to have a rational understanding of the world. teens can be smart. if your only worldly experience is going to soccer practice and maybe having a part-time job, i don't think you can vote when it comes to like the economy and foreign policy. >> but that's not fair. they make it clear that this
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would only apply to teens who are working and paying taxes. >> how many are paying taxes? >> it would apply to those who do. the ones who are working and paying taxes are actually being subject to taxation without representation. >> which is unconstitutional. >> i believe it violates the declaration of the magna-carta. >> you would be god on jeopardy. >> what about these teens who are in prison? didn't they do something childish to get them behind bars? they are not acting like an adult. >> i like how she accidentally stumbled into logic yell. it is like a weird sea animal. andrew, teens already have the right to vote on "american idol." >> what more do they want? >> aren't they being grabby? >> get over it. what makes you think they are
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going to vote? >> that's my vote. >> if you give me the day off of school, you think i will come back to school with the voting machines? you can't get adults to vote. focus on the people who can. when you cap that out bring on the 16 and 70 teen-year-olds. >> imagine the pandering involved if they could vote. it would be about fake id's. >> call of duty. >> acne cream. curfews. all of the commercials would be aimed at your stupid parents. >> it would be illegal to spank your kids. >> and we would have to see more of katy perry. >> that's true. >> i would be in favor of -- we need a modified star ship trooper system. we raise the age to 41, but if you -- if you join the military it is 18. >> if you have citizenship, but you don't work, we should
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take away your right to vote and give it to someone who doesn't have citizenship that is working. no? >> that was a lot of information. >> if you have a kid who is 28 and on the couch of his parents' house give it to raul who is working and upporting a em fa. >> when i say something moderately intelligent it is very confusing. >> does 50 shades lead to sex and spades? the young women who read the trilogy were more likely to binge drink and have had five sexual partners. >> the women are more likely to suffer from eating disorders. >> have a husband or boyfriend who is verbally abusive and stop them. >> they said it is possible they influenced the onset of the behaviors. >> it is possible.
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>> i didn't like the joke that was written this there. >> brooke, what do you make of this? my theory is the correlation can be in reverse. >> you read my talking points. >> do you think i have the time? i do "the five". >> he can't read anything with his eye. >> talk about abuse. >> well, yeah, i mean given that i am someone who obviously read the book back to front and front to back in the reverse order. >> the correlation is wrong. you are not a slut for reading the book. you are more likely to read. it if that is the stuff that turns you on. what this really is is a poor novel gone mainstream, but i lied. i didn't read it. i am waiting for the movie. one can only imagine how many degenerates will show up. who will be attracted to watching that? >> i am going. i will be a line waiter. i will wait in line for hours. you thought that was something
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else. >> a line waiter? some kind of food delivery service? >> what do you make of this study? >> honestly it seems to me that girl who read "50 shades of grey" are fun. that's what i get. if you have had less than five partners what are we going to talk about? what will we really do in bed? i need you to read that book and maybe go and experience a summer abroad. >> i thought it was five partners in a law official. law firm. >> then we can talk. >> how many times have you read the book? >> i have read all three. >> that's creepy. >> it is true. >> you learned so much about me. >> yeah, in the book he is a sadist, but he really cares about her. i am an advocate for
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literacy. >> that's true. you are. >> so i am looking at the positives that young women are reading. >> it is a good thing. >> it is a good thing. were you offended the research was only done on women? what about the male readers like yourself? >> the sad thing is you think literacy is picking up trash on the highway. >> is that necessary? >> i love the orange suits. >> they are flattering. >> what was the question? >> the researcher said it could be the other way arpdz. she -- the other way around. she thinks it is problematic either way. not really sure why, but she did a stud dough last year that concluded that 50 shades perpetuates the violence against women and she hates the book. >> i see, i see. all right. we have to take a break. i have no opinions on on this.
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the most us frustrating thing about this book is the writers. there is no logic or science. >> it has slow points. >> if you look at the cover, the book looks like it is self-published. yet it is just completely -- if you are trying to sell and you go like -- now i am going to write a book about that then. it won't happen. >> it makes sense why it works. >> i guess. coming up, a cyber murder that is coming at some point. look "not cool." order it and autographed copy g back in a moment. first, here is what is coming up tomorrow on the independence. >> hey, guys how are you doing? tomorrow night on the independence i will break some dumb laws. you noy in reno it is illegal to have a dance party. you can't do dh. you can't do this.
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it is only a matter of time before cars and homes and every data vices are web connected. euro poll notes the internet of things as this internet connection is known has a new attack vector that we believe they will be looking for ways to exploit. they warn that criminals can be locked out of their homes and cars and then demand payment for access to be restored. that is genius. andrew, this new technology can be used to kill us. are you frightened? >> i am a little frightened. i am not as frightened as i am of euro poll that sounds like a porn site. i don't have a defibrilator and if you lock me out of the house you are not going to kill me. i am happy though that the internet companies are going to have to start spending tons of money to protect themselves. ten people running a company that makes $50 billion is not
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fair. you will have to hire some people. brooke, are our lives too intar nety and we should -- internety and we should return to simpler times. >> i know what the internet is. apparently this is why dick cheney had his de fib defibrilator taken out. i thought he wase rue acting to a "homeland" episode. 1k3 now it looks like we are giving these potential murderers a manual. who knew this was possible until we started doing stories on it? >> it is possible. joanne, thoughts? >> i won't be scared until this is an episode on "law and order svu." that's where i get all of my fears. what i think is so scary is that it is something we can't control or see coming. we like to pretend we have an intuition about people doing awful stuff to us or warning signs. with this there isn't. i think that is what freaks
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people out the most. >> you know what freaks mooy out the most? andy, what precautions are you taking? >> i have copper mesh installed on my windows. it blocks all electromagnet particular radiation. and i carry a mini emt device that candice able any and all electronic devices. >> they also said self-driving cars are machines for terror. i say they are machines foremaster baiters. people -- for masterbators. it goes to sex first. except for toasters. they can never figure out that one. thank god for that. don't want to play with your toaster. >> do you think that's how the first guy who did the suicide in the bath? >> it might not have been a toaster. it might not have been a suicide.
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>> they aren't stoked for your strokes. cats don't like you to pet them. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> what did you expect? >> what did you expect? cats discovered the majority of british cat owners are unaware that a caress can cause stress. they say being held for too long can be stressful for some cats. spacing pieces off in what they need. what comforts us will not necessarily comfort them. yes all cats hate being petted as i'm sure this video will confirm. >> she had an itch. >> who doesn't have an itch? you are the cat expert here.
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>> this is what the study says. it can be stressful for humans. but this isn't breaking news. cats are cat-like. they think food and water is free. i want to pet you when i am lonely. catch me some mice, right, joanne? i mean, catch me some mice. >> isn't that why people get a pet? i want to feel love. my roommate has the cat and i i go to pet her and she tries to bite me.
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>> are you sure it is a cat and not a furry little person? >> it is possible. >> that's something else cat owners don't know. >> i don't believe in the story for exactly what joanne said. if cats don't like it, they will scratch you. they are not going to sit there and take it if they don't like it. that's why i hate cats. they scratch all the time. >> are you a dog lady? >> for some reason they can't like cats and dogs. that's stressful for a cat and a dog so that you may like both. >> they don't get along. >> i like cats and dogs. >> it dwindles down. >> we have to work on the ends of the show. >> in this case it is a whim per. it is sad and pathetic.
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start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. patrick c patrick cavuto award. >> it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." washington is getting a vote of no confidence from the american people. according to a new poll, more than half the people aren't very confident that government can solve problems like terrorism and the economy. perhaps it's understandable that they're -- on "meet the press," chuck todd asked white house chief advisor about the -- >> one of the challenges is a deficit that's been created over the last 18 months.
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