tv The Kelly File FOX News October 7, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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day, do not be a coxcomb. again, thanks for watching. ms. meghan is up next. the spin stops here. breaking tonight, america is in crisis, and its president will not lead. so says not the republican party but the democrats who served as defense secretary and cia director under president obama in a scathing new assessment just delivered on the o'reilly factor. welcome to "the kelly file." first, to the remarkable interview that aired just last hour. as bill o'reilly and leon panetta went almost 40 minutes head-to-head on some of the most critical foreign policy decisions by the obama administration. while secretary panetta has spoken in recent days about our decision to leave iraq and the events surrounding benghazi, this went way beyond that.
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as o'reilly drills down on the president's ability and his willingness to do this job and listen as secretary panetta tells the nation the real questions he thinks we ought to be asking. >> have you ever heard barack obama in your conversations with him as cia chief and defense secretary say, i was wrong, i made a mistake? >> i heard him admit to mistakes. the real question is whether or not you learn from those lessons and then do the right thing. >> obviously, in your book you don't think he's learned from the lesson. i'm seeing a president, all right, from your eyes, former cia chief, former defense secretary, who is either incapable or doesn't understand the dangers that the united states faces. that's the message i'm getting from you. >> i think this president is smart enough to understand the dangers. the real question is can he translate that into the kind of action that will help protect
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this country. >> would i be wrong and a mean guy to say i don't believe barack obama has the stomach for the fight? >> look, i'm a guy who believes that barack obama, by virtue of what i've seen in the time i was there, has the guts to do the right thing. the real question is will he make the decision to do it. >> when you think back about how the country has changed in six years since barack obama has been president, i am worried about this country. >> me, too. me, too. >> we're in decline now, is that a correct statement? >> i think -- >> we're in decline. >> we govern either by leadership or crisis. today we're governing he's one t members who questioned the president this year. first, robert gates, then former secretary of state hillary clinton, and finally now former defense secretary leon panetta.
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so is this a crisis of leadership in this white house? dana perino is co-host of "the fi five." she served as white house press secretary under president bush. it was interesting when he ticked off the real questions as he put them. can the president learn from his lessons he's been taught and do the right thing? can he translate his understanding of the dangers into action to protect us? he has the guts to do the right things, but will he do it? these are questions that our defense secretary who knows president obama well is asking. >> i'm fascinated by this turn of events. leon panetta is the third national security official, and these are not some low level people. these are not nobodies writing books that want to become somebodies. these are not people who seek fortune, they don't need fame. the three of them, gave clinton and panetta, i counted up about 90 years of collective
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experience. they're talking about the history of the world. they're worried about the position of the united states. all of them are saying publicly in their books that they gave different advice to president obama and that he decided to go in a different direction. now, that's okay. i am confuseded about a couple of things. i do not support former administration officials writing books that are critical of a sitting president, per se. however, the books are written, and they are here, and i think that there is a theme amongst these three that they are alarmed. okay? they're worried about the present and the future. now, maybe hillary clinton is slightly worried about the future for a different reason, maybe her own political future. perhaps some people have suggested maybe panetta is thinking of that, too. but when i read reviews of the books because i haven't had time to read 517 pages of it yet, and you hear the tone, i think what they're saying is we are alarmed and that we're hoping that the
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president does the right thing. they're reluctant to criticize them at the time. there's a question that bill o'reilly did not ask leon panetta which i was really hoping he'd ask, if you felt so strongly at the time that politics was trumping people, then why didn't you resign on principle? i'm curious about why they waited. none of them resigned, they all left and went on to have different lives and futures and they're trying to rewrite history a little bit. why didn't they resign at the time? >> let me just ask you that. that's fine. o'reilly can ask them that, but the real news in this interview tonight and the others that panetta has given, mr. panetta, is he seems scared to me, dana. he seems genuinely worried. he seems to be trying to telegraph to us that he is very concerned about the leadership of the man sitting in the oval office right now, that he thinks he's a good guy, he thinks he's smart, that he has courage, but
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that he's very concerned about whether he'll use any of that to protect the country. >> i think what he's trying to do, panetta in particular, is a saying you need a better policy and strategy. panetta and gate's books have talked about policy -- not the policy folks but from the political side of things and the communication side of things. easy to try to point fingers at valerie jarrett or ben rose, but the truth is to me that comes from the top. this is a problem that president obama and his chief of staff mcdonough needs to fix. i don't know where secretary hagel and kerry stand on this, but you hear rumblings of the concern. let's have a strategy. two weeks before he addressed the nation, he says we don't have a strategy. a month before that, he says it's jv. you can go back week after week. that's why panetta is -- he's measured and calm but you can feel this undergrounding of
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concern. i just say that -- >> yes. you can hear it in the questions. when bill asked him question after question, does he have the guts, the stomach, the long pauses. if i asked you that about president bush, that you believed in him, you were loyal to him, you genuinely believed in the man and his policies, the long pauses as he searched for an answer that wouldn't completely condemn his former boss, then comes out with some half hearted, he has the guts but the question is whether he'll actually act on it. going down the list about how he's worried that he doesn't think this is just an intelligence failure the way we wound up with this nightmare that is isis, that it was a policy failure as well. repeatedly criticizing the policy of the leadership in the white house and he has the passion of a law professor than the passion of a leader. that's all good for fodder for conversation at a cocktail party
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except that we're at war now and we need a leader. >> one of the reasons that we're at war right now is because of decisions that were not made four years ago, two years ago leading up to the presidential election in particular. that quote you said from the book is probably one of the most important one that crystallizes everything. the president relied on the logic of a law professor rather than the passion of a leader. but they're careful not to criticize the president. then in interviews, well, don't take things out of proportion. hillary calls up to apologize to barack obama for that interview she gave where don't do stupid stuff is not a good strategy. they're having a collective moment on the democratic side to say we're worried about the president. not so much they're looking beyond the president. we've got immediate crisis and they have two more years before there's another president. and we have to make sure that this president is doing all he can to give his successor the best possible situation to keep
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all of us safe. that has to be very much in the forefront of the white house's minds right now, what do we have to do to make sure the next president has all they need in order to be successful protecting the country? >> you just heard them say flat out to o'reilly, he's worried about the country under this president. just extraordinary. dana, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> unbelievable. we also have new information tonight on what we are told was a terror plot to behead people on the street by isis fighters who returned back home. plus the syrian town now surrounded by isis falls. we may see the slaughter of thousands of innocents. the unsays it cannot be allowed to fall, this town. and tonight a remarkable admission from the chairman of the joint chiefs. >> i have no doubt that isil will conduct the same kind of horrific atrocities if they have the opportunity to do so. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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breaking news on details that an isis attack may have been broken up in london. ab editor for the telegraph newspaper appeared on fox news hours ago with this remarkable bit of news about what the terrorists had planned. >> this is a breaking story here in london, but the material we have from scotland yard and the intelligence services is that they've uncovered the first isis plot here in the uk, basically british jihadists coming back to london and wanting to carry out a plot. and i'm told that the plot was to behead people on the streets of london. >> brooke goldstein is a human rights attorney and director of the law fair project. this is extraordinary as they say isis is doing the very thing
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we feared they would do, recruiting fighters abroad and sending them back to the homeland, in this case, great britain, with orders to carry out beheadings on the streets of london. >> isis is doing the very thing that it said it would do. it has come out and stated multiple times publicly that it's training its foreign fighters to come home and carry out terrorist attacks. now the uk government has now raised the threat level to severe, which is the second highest level under critical. and this arrest comes only two weeks after the arrest of ten men who are also taken into custody for plotting terrorist attacks and for being associated with terrorist groups. we know that at minimum, 500 british citizens are currently fighting abroad with isis and other islamist terrorist groups, but we know that 250 have already come back to england, are in england and the uk police have admitted that they don't know where they are. >> could it happen here?
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>> god forbid it should happen here, but what we need to do is to secure our borders. there is no reason why someone can be detained at a border for not paying duty on perfume or detained at the border for bringing fruit into the country and yet our security apparatus in the united states is telling us that they're not going to do the same with people who have been fighting abroad. >> not only that, but last night we had a segment where we discussed the fact that the state department can revoke your passport for being in arrears on your child support, but not for engaging in terrorist acts in syria. >> that is incorrect. >> they can come back into the country and the fbi saying, well, we're going to watch them. we'll watch them. >> no, that's incorrect. if you have an american passport, it does not give you the right to come into this country when you've provided material support to designated terrorist groups. that's a federal crime. most states also have that as a crime. you should be arrested at the airport and charged with
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material support for terrorism. there is no excuse. >> that is not currently the plan. let me ask you this. britain has tried to reach out to these pockets of radicalism in its community to try to reradicalize some of the sts. is that not working? >> it's not working. in fact, since 2007, 309,000 people have been referred to the deradicalization program. psychologists are coming out from that program saying if they pose a serious threat the deradicalization is not working. they're not well funded. we have a major home grown radicalization problem in london that's not being addressed. >> brooke goldstein, thank you. >> thank you very much. back in the u.s. this terror group managed to threaten an air force pilot and his young son.
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new details on that. plus, 12 months ago tonight roger ayles and the fox news channel took a big chance. and we have a chance to bring you the northeast news. some of the most remarkable moments. >> the real accountability is have we put in place a system that ensures that the program works and the administration has taken steps to do that. >> you don't believe that. >> we're seeing them take steps to ensure accountability. >> stop that because why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup >>because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®
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[light instrumental music] ♪ female announcer: recycle your old fridge and get $50. schedule your free pickup at: we have been following warnings by the u.s. army that went out to american military families across the u.s. and the world. the military threat center recommending our men and women in uniform take steps to stay
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safe against the terrorist group isis. tonight a group confirming to fox news that a u.s. air force pilot and his teenaged son were targeted and threatened by isis supporters on facebook. we have more in the kelly file investigation tonight. >> after the unidentified air force pilot posted those pictures on his facebook, isis found the pilot's social media profile and used it to link to his teenaged son's facebook page. the son's page was soon swarming with threats and derogatory comments and a counterterrorism source confirms to fox news that this online attack is the real deal, that isis is trying to inspire lone wolf terrorist to attack u.s. military personnel. a post on an isis linked twitter account provides even more proofreading, quote, we have a raid on an american pilot account at 9:00 mecca time who is participating in the crusa r crusaders' bombing. retweet this if you are ready to be part of the raid. as the kelly file has
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extensively reported u.s. intelligence agencies have been warning military families about lone wolf attacks since well before the air strikes in iraq and syria began. saying that ambush style attacks citing one terror organization pushing its followers to, quote, use facebook and linkedin to find names of soldiers where they live, then show up and slaughter them. now, the army threat integration center or artic is saying given the continued rhetoric being issued by isil's media services and supporters through various social media platforms the artic is concerned about the attack. the pages of the air force pilot and his son have been taken down and all have been warned that the world is also watching what they post. meghan. >> trace, thank you. 12 months ago tonight "the kelly file" came to you with our
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very first broadcast. tonight some of the more remarkable moments you helped pick. a syrian town now at risk of falling to the terrorists. we'll speak to a senior intelligence fer? contact with those who are fighting for their lives. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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breaking tonight, moments ago the canadian parliament voted to join in the effort to beat back the terror army known as isis. the vote was tight, though. the measure approving air combat missions passed by a margin of just a couple dozen votes, 157-134. it authorizes missions in iraq and specifically states that no ground troops be used in combat operations. also breaking tonight, just 24 hours after we heard dire warnings of a possible massacre
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in the middle east, the obama administration confirming that the threat is real predicting it may happen any moment and they do not sound optimistic about stopping it. dark news out of the middle east tonight as isis appears poised to take another city. amateur video coming in from northern syria. a group of outgunned folks targeted by isis now fighting for their lives in a struggle now getting worldwide attention. for weeks the obama administration has been monitoring the battle around the city of kobani on the border of turkey and syria and ordering air strikes against certain isis targets but those air strikes have failed to stop the terrorists' advance. we're told that 200,000 people may have escaped the city and sought refuge in turkey, but an unknown number remain behind. turkey is sitting there refusing to get involved on the ground. all in the region are looking to america. our answer today was ground troops are not coming. a short time ago the chairman of
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the joint chiefs of staff general martin dempsey said the city may fall. >> well, it may be about to fall. the isil fighters have been putting pressure on the outskirts of the city and, in fact, into the city itself. i'm fearful that kobani will fall. i have no doubt that isil will conduct the same kind of horrific atrocities if they have the opportunity to do so. >> tonight, just as we saw last night, the black flags of isis wave over this city in which civilians are waiting and wondering. moments before we came to air i spoke with a man who is a senior kurdish intelligence official not far from the fighting. and i had asked him, what will happen if kobani falls to isis. >> well, hopefully kobani won't fall.
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>> so you are telling -- i mean, just the connection is a little fuzzy, so i want to confirm. you're saying that if this city falls, there will be a massacre of biblical proportions. is it not the case that most of the citizen, most of the civilians have made it out of the city? >> ma'am, the people of kobani are very resilient people. they're brave people. most of them have decided to stay. we believe there's in excess of 50,000 civilians inside the city and 10,000 to 20,000 on the outskirts of the city and these people would rather die fighting than give their city over to isis. >> a veteran of the iraq and afghanistan wars, ceo of concernconcer concerned veterans for america. put it in perspective for us,
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the u.s. is saying that kobani cannot fall. yet chairman dempsey says it is going to fall. the turks came out today to say it's about to fall. and this gentleman who is in the region says if it falls we'll see the slaughter of thousands. >> well, meghan, this is a dark day in the military history and forces. this administration has deliberately let kobani be in a position where they cannot survive. we've not used our air power, we've not used our forces and information dominance to stop isis from even getting to kobani, which they could have, and your previous speakers pointed out the forces being marshaled from all over the middle east to go to kobani, we could have stopped that. this is a disgrace. this administration is going to be complicit in this slaughter as well as the turkish government.
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>> why didn't we stop it? why didn't we stop it? i get the turks don't want to get involved. they don't like the kurds. they don't want to get involved. they're waiting for us to put boots on the ground. why didn't we stop this with more air strikes? >> if you listen to bill o'reilly and secretary panetta, you understand why this president made the decision not to do it. this is coming from my sources, it's coming directly from the white house and a minimalist campaign and they're just doing it for political purposes before 4 november. i do not have the exact answer, but any basic airman knows that we could have stopped them because it's perfect territory for air power. there's not a tree out there. when you see it, it's flat or rolling hills. we could have stopped them marshaling, we could have stopped them -- we could even stop them in the city. it's harder. but we have that information dominance to do it. we had five air strikes today. how about a thousand, megyn, then you see if they'd be taking
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that city. there should have been a thousand air strikes in there today. >> pete, the state department defended our approach there and the pentagon made it clear we are not going to change course. we feel we're doing enough there. they clearly don't seem to value as a strategic area kobani. how bad will it be if isis takes over? >> the pentagon is going to have to spin this the best they can. but this is a manifestation of a jv strategy in kobani. a crystallization of all the things that are wrong. with our allies they don't have the weapons they need. the kurds, the closest ally wes have in that region. they're using small light weapons system against a army that's laying siege to kobani. and we haven't gotten them the weapons when they need it. we're hitting individual targets and talking about the number of strike, clearly it's not strategically significant. this is a faux air campaign. then we talk about our alliance, the most powerful imagery of
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today's siege is the turkish tanks the on the border just watching this happen. >> turkey, which is a nato member. >> a nato member. how difficult -- >> they're supposed to jump in and help. >> but, of course, the enemy of their enemy is assad. and they really want to take up with bashar al assad, not isis. they don't trust the kurds. >> the turks are not. they're not going to help with this. but you got some 5,000 or more innocent civilians waiting there as isis is storming the city on three sides. there's a question about we're not more concerned. you heard general mack talk about whether the president's heart is in it and o'reilly asked leon panetta about that minutes ago. listen. >> we're in decline. >> we govern either by leadership or crisis, and today we're largely governing by crisis. >> your thoughts on that, pete? >> we overpromised and
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underdelivered. we set out a mission of destroy, instead we're barely degrading and not doing anything strategically significant. instead we allow ourselves to be governed by rules of engagement, a fear of any civilian casualties whatsoever so these air strikes are hitting individual vehicles which doesn't have a strategic impact. i know general mcinerney with his background knows. >> isn't that how we have to do it? should we be careless about civilians? won't we get compared to the enemy if we do that? >> we're talking about the wrong issue. driving from mosul to raqqa to kobani, there aren't civilians there. there were too many opportunities where there were no civilians. there are too many opportunities out there right now where there are no civilians. the problem is we don't have the numbers. we're doing this in such a puny amount, it's a deliberate
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affront to air power, to american, every american ought to be ashamed with what's going on over there today and the slaughter that's going to follow on to this. it is a low, low day. >> we lack the intelligence to know what target to hit because we don't have people on the ground. >> i got to go. thank you both so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> just ahead, tonight marks s remarkable 12 months of bringing you this broadcast. some of what you called your favorite moments. >> the judge, by the way, remains out of a job. >> this is so not the way it was when i was practicing law. things have changed a lot. a lot. they used to wear robes. man: i know the name of eight princesses. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them,
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one year ago tonight roger ales and the fox news channel took a risk by changing an already successful lineup and giving us the chance to join you every night at 9:00. and you had have made that decision a huge success. fox news just celebrated one of the most successful periods in our history. because of all of you watching at home, we have become one of the top programs in cable news. so we say thank you. so celebrate our one-year anniversary, we took some of your suggestions of your favorite "kelly file" moments, and featured them in this special reel. we've been working hard on it.
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watch. welcome to the very first broadcast of "the kelly file" live from the heart of new york. what's it like to be the most hated man in america? moments ago fox news getting our very first look at concrete numbers from the big health care signup. and it shows just six people enrolled on the first day of signup. okay. so when the president said to the people, if you like your plan, you can keep it, period, you believe he genuinely believed that in his mind? >> whether you can anticipate what business would do is irrelevant. >> stop saying that. i'll tell you what's relevant to my viewers. i think i know my viewers, and i think they think this is relevant. megyn kelly will have a special hour at midnight eastern. hey, megyn. >> hey, brett. >> hey. >> i've now determined that there is one tiny down side to taking the 9:00 p.m. >> occasionally, occasionally
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there's a government shutdown and debt deal to come up at midnight. what's coming up on the show? this is supposed to be a tease for you. >> there's a lot of people that want other options to work, but the only place they can go is to walmart. >> my phone was ringing in the last segment, and they're there to deliver the turkey. honey, if you can let them in. in other news -- >> you seem pretty straight down the line. how do you deal with that? >> i'm a straight news anchor. i'm not one of the opinion hosts at fox. but i always laugh because i have a conservative pull me aside and say, i love your conservative principles. then i say you assume too much. then i have the liberal side say, i know you're one of us. a few days ago i had a chance to sit down with family members of the newtown shooting victims. have you found that forgiveness?
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>> i found it the day after. >> how? >> there was no other way. i didn't want to live in pain, and i mean live in pain, in hate. i didn't want to hate. >> when you think back on your time here, how will you remember -- how do you remember it now? >> i remember it as an awful lot of fun, and that i made an awful lot of mistakes and i wish i could go back and be more uniting in my language because i -- i think i played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart. and ats ps not -- it's not who we are. >> does that mean we have another long night in bed together? >> oh, my goodness, i have no words except that we're going to be on youtube in a few minutes. >> a malaysian airline aircraft apparently lost contact with air
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traffic control several hours ago. raise your hand if you now think this is a criminal case. wow. wow. do you feel exonerated? >> yeah, i do. >> has this incident given you any pause about your own behavior? >> no. i mean, because i think what people don't understand or some don't want to understand is i'm a really passionate guy and i'm very direct. >> he's a fellow at the center for future of diplomacy at the harvard kennedy school. >> i have systematically been condemned by muslim individuals, muslim organizations, relatives. any time that i've been up, the treatment of women of islam or the link between violence and violence justified in the name of islam. >> what are young women supposed to be doing? >> they need to negotiate for themselves but they need to do it differently.
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for example use more communal language, we, not i. >> we need some more money. we need deserve -- we're joined by six members of bowe bergdahl's platoon. thank you all so much for being here. >> i don't know how he felt about us, but we would all die for him and he left. >> raise your hand if you think he deserted. wow. raise your hand if you have some question about whether he deserted. ah. breaking tonight, a stunning development on this primary election night. the news breaking just a short time ago that house majority leader eric cantor has been defeated by dave brat, a little known and little funded political novice. wow, how about that lineup? look at those guys. that's four handsome gentlemen right there ready to take us through this. when you play cards with your grandkids, you let them lose. if they lost, they lost. >> well, i do. i don't annihilate them, which i actually could do. i have to leave them with some
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sort of spirit. but i've been railing against this. i don't understand the practical results of it. when you run a race, the object of the race is to win the race. >> you describe yourself as a fair down the middle journalist, your show is on between two, i would describe, very conservative journalists. >> o'reilly, i think he's more of a populist. i'll be number one not him and he'll write a book called kelly megyn. al qaeda is resurging, iraq is disintegrating, now we may look to iran to help us stop it. iran. iraq could be on the brink of a civil war that could engulf the middle east. what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many? you admitted people could have been hurt. >> i admitted people could have been hurt and thank god they weren't. we made every attempt to not to.
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>> do you appreciate the recklessness of that? >> i don't say it wasn't reckless. >> individuals who may have been around this building. >> i don't say reckless and i don't say it wasn't illegal. it was illegal. >> it is so much bigger than that. you could have murdered somebody with those bombs. nancy pelosi either doesn't know what she is talking about or is intentionally misleading you. joining me now in their first joint television interview since the end of the 2012 presidential campaign, governor mitt romney and congressman paul ryan. you believe that president obama has made, quote, more mistakes than you predicted. how so? >> well, the list is long. >> does this change the race? i mean, could his seat -- obviously he's a democrat -- go red because of this? >> he was looking pretty toasty before. i would say this is bacon now. i would say this is all cut. >> bacon. >> well, people love bacon. >> new fallout from the
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president's argument from the terror group calling itself the islamic state is neither islamic or a state. i'm sorry, but did you see that? you know. grapenuts, neither grapes nor nuts. why do they say that? >> you have to get off the golf course, get away from the fund-raisers and do the job and look these guys in the eye and explain to them how the cow eats the cabbage as we say down south. >> i don't know what that means but that sounds profound. i'll google that during the commercial break. we expect to hear from the president within moments outlining his strategy for defeating the terror group isis. my exclusive interview with former professor ward churchill. do you believe the united states ought to be bombed? >> i think the united states by its own rules is subject to being bombed. >> you can't answer the question. >> i have answered the question. >> yes or no. yes or no, do we deserve to be
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bombed? why can't you have the courage to just answer honestly, yes or no. do we deserve to be bombed? just say it if you think it's true. >> i say that if you open yourself up under rule of law for rerip ro kags in kind, it's quite likely going to happen. >> what a dark moment that must have been. you're in this sudanese prison, you're holding your newborn baby, your young toddler son is in there with you. you're knowing that you have been sentenced to die. how did you deal with that? >>. >> translator: this was a very difficult situation, but i had my faith in god. i knew that god would help me, that god knew that i was a victim of injustice. it is my right to be able to practice the religion i choose. >> she's very striking but very metallic, very cold. her eyes are very cold.
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and then there's the eyes. the man's got a point. they can be cold. not as cold as those of the three people killed while making bombs for his group but icy at times especially when i'm looking at a serial bomber who terrorized so many including an innocent boy. by the way, when my husband was on to talk about his new book "the means," the viewer said that my eyes looked very dreamy. look at them there. look. see the dreaminess? so it's not always cold. she says, the greatest invens of her lifetime is the garage door opener. today my nanna, mother of two, grandmother of five, great-grandmother of 11 turns 95. >> it's not baloney. >> you were beautiful then and you still are. for what it's worth, you too have the power to change your life and find happiness in our
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limited time here. i'm megyn kelly. this is the kelly file. i wanted to call that the changing hairstyles of megyn kelly. they said, no, it's just a highlight reel. we owe it all to you. from an unhappy lawyer to the host of this broadcast. the one thing that got me here. next. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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and erick erickson. >> i saw that on tv and i just cold called her and said, i love you. you are awesome. i know everyone here agrees. unbelievable. >> oh, thank you. >> this is not the same reaction i got from the guys on the set that day. >> correct. >> totally different experience watching it in this room. >> you are covering serious topics and you're doing it with strength and conviction. how do you think about that? how do you thing about being a woman and doing that? how do you think about the fact that men would never be asked the question i'm asking you right now? >> when i sit in front of that desk, i don't care who is across from me. i don't care if it's a republican, democrat, a president, doesn't matter. i only have one master, and that's my audience. i will serve that audience. if you try to dodge or weave, you're going to get pinned down. i feel very empowered to do that when i'm on the set. >> you have what you call settled for more. i'd love for you to talk about thatp about a great phrase. >> my settle for more philosophy is basically the life i was just
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telling you about, which is back in the day when i was unhappily married and unhappily working, i heard a brilliant man by the name of dr. phil say the only difference between you and someone you envy is you settled for less. it just spoke to me. it just spoke to me like yes. that's exactly right. so settle for more. that was me. and i started putting it into practice, sheryl. and it really did change my life. instead of wasting energy looking at someone who i admired and thinking, oh, god, she's got it all. why can't i have it all. she's on tv. oh, i would love that job. she seems so happily married, i wish i were happily married. i did start to change my life little by little. and success breeds success. >> much more on the opposite >> much more on the opposite side of
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$21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ if you want to see more of the interview go to kelly file glenn beck
10:00 pm
>> an airtanker fighting a fast-growing wildfire in northern california has crashed. rescue crews are still trying to reach the wreckage inside yosemite national park. no word on the fate of the pilot who was the only one on board. the plane was fighting a fire that has grown to about 130 acres and forced people from dozens of homes near the community of oresta. i'm kelly wright. hannity starts right now. for all your news headlines, log on to fox the president sends thank you letter to this mosque now? why not call for an investigation? >> why won't the fbi take a closer look at the oklahoma beheaders mosque? lieutenant
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