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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 8, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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they actually called our psat 911 and we were actually dispatched to them. [ inaudible ] >> what does that say if anything to you, that here's a man that walks into -- one essentially on their risk of identified people? >> well, i think it says that our health accident and our city and all the governmental resources always act on the side of caution and that's how we always have to approach these cases. you know, things sometimes turn out, sometimes thing do not, but i think for us, we can't afford to make mistakes, so we have to process all the patients as if they were actually whether they have ebola or other infectious diseases to be on the safe side.
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>> well, i think we always critique all of your operations consta constantly, but i think the response we did today is appropriate. >> david ask going to pass out a news release for us that basically details a response asset, the number of people that are assets at the scene. at this time they refused treatment transport and they have released them. >> they immediate transport to a hospital, we respond our ambus is capable of holding up to 26 persons, up to four or five critical patients, that was not the case here, but we put that
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on the scene just as a precaution. one or two more questions. >> let's go ahead and i think we have a press release, there's a lot of information, we'll take one more question. i think what we heard from thei we have the training, we have the am track equipment. and we used all our equipment and all our training in an overabundance of caution, we wanted to make sure that we responded ee eed a cattily. it is fast moving, as you can see, it's only been approximately three hours and our response has been moept for the situation. but we do want to assure the public that we are keeping up to date on information and if there's anything more we can share that we learn, we will do that. one last question and then we will end this press conference.
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[ inaudible ] >> again, the health departments have cleared them to open again. thank you all. [ inaudible ] >> i believe the chief mentioned that it would be approximately 48 hours. one thing that i wanted to leave you with is we're in constant communication with all the health authorities. we are sharing information and again the correct information and we will share that as we receive it. thank you for being here today. we appreciate everyone's time. >> that's the press conference from frisco, texas. commenting on a possible second case of possible, make that point, possible second case of ebola in the area and let's bring it around very quickly, they're clearly trying to calm the american people are a little bit nervous when they see things like this. >> that's a tough sell, especially when they don't have all the facts and circumstanc -
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circumstances--today have to communicate that in a way that's credible and they have to be very vij leapt. >> the decision was made obviously at the top level, including the tv industry to not try to righten people. the idea was not to build these things out of proportion, however, for the american people, when they're told that, not to worry, it seems to me that the next day we have something. we have to keep a perspective here that's both a balance that questi we don't want to scare people. >> tom freeden came to the podium as well and started talking about the things they were talking about prior. >> i don't think we have a choice, okay, so we have to wish them well and we hope to -- i think they understand that they are under a lot of scrutiny,
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they have got to do two things right now, so the director, so he has to manage it. and what i like about dr. freeden's commentary, he went to liberia so he's got some incredible eyewitness accounts and he talked about it when he came back. the president two weeks later went to the cdc, history will have to decide how late that was. i am curious about one thing communications wide and it's not from the cdc, it's actually from the white house. on friday, the white house said that they are not considering any sort of travel ban. i thought, well, how can you not even consider it? then monday, the president does an event in which the pool spray, the press comes in and says there might be some changes in travel. you have to be specific about that, because that led to the next 48 hours, for there to be even more confusion. in might be increased screening
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and temperature taking at jfk airport. they're sort of inching their way towards more of a strategy and a plan. >> usually the spray, the rest of us don't know what they mean. it sounds like everyone is coughing at the same time. >> the pool came in. >> dana points out, they picked five airports in the united states to add additional screening. how about all airports in the united states have additional screening? >> their argument for a travel ban is if we don't stay in those areas things get worse for those countries. which is basically saying if you want something done, you have to rely on the united states, our presence is necessary. what i don't understand, is why can't we have a travel bang to allow businesses to go there. i don't know why one causes the other. i mean, you can do both. don't panic.
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last night bill o'reilly hosted defense secretary leon pan netta, o'reilly brought his a-game, a blistering round of questions. we have got a lot of sound bites to get through, so let's start with this one. panetta on president obama as a leader. >> i think the big picture is this is a president who i think wants to do the right thing for the country. the real question is whether or not he's willing to -- >> so do our enemies throughout the world fear us? >> i these they're getting a mixed message as to whether or not the united states will stand by its word. i'm a guy who believes that barack obama by virtue of what i see by the time i was there, has the guts to do the right thing. the real question ask will he make the decision to do it? >> will he? what are your thoughts? >> you know what's getting tiresome ask how the president and all the staffers treat
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panetta as -- he's not a character in an after school special. he's the president of the united states. and what panetta is describing is a movie that everyone's already seeing, it's called the titanic and a it's tragedy. we already know these things, we have been talking about it for years. >> bill o'reilly leaned on panetta pretty hard there, i haven't scene him do that in a long time. he got exactly what we all suspected. leon saying i'm not sure the president has what it takes to be the leader. >> well, i think that's probably what leon believes. i think that the nv-- this is n new and i had panetta's close friend blistered me about my commentary, and i'm going to say what i think, but leon is selling a book, we have got to keep it in that context. but there is mounting evidence that the president did not -- it's not a question of leadership, it's not wanting to exert the leadership because he
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sees his policy choices broader and les militarized than other people do. and i think he's chosen the former not the latter. >> i have a question for dana on this next soundbite. so what if he didn't do it before, at least we're finding out now. >> i want to hear the truth, it's always a convenient time for the truth. it's auld the right time. i don't care if he makes money off this book or not. i want to hear the truth to that in real time, we can -- i'm glad that he had the courage and he dwchb didn't sit there like the rest of the may have been stream media. what's going on in this country is too important, so when people like bob criticize him and say he oh, he's selling books, it doesn't mean he's not doing anything, it doesn't mean he's not true. >> this whole thing with panetta lately does not sit well with some democrats. the former white house press secretary retaliated calling
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leon panetta small and petty. >> it's a shame that in his twilight, he's gone after the president at a time with a lot of instabilities around the world. this president has shoewn his leadership time and time again. to attack his leadership is small and petty. >> so the defense secretary, small and petty, is burton just delivering the defensive attacks that the white house can't deliver themselves because they picked him? >> i think bill burton serves as an effective advocate of the white house. i think small is effective. i take personal offense to being called small. leon panetta is not in his 30s starting out in his career, that got some nugget of information that he's trying to use to sell a book. he is 76 years old. he has not only the things that you mentioned in terms of cia
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director and secretary of defense. he was also the omb director, he is also -- the timing of the book is one that i question as well. bill burton suggests that leon panetta is dishonorable. the act of selling a book while the president is still in office is dishonorable. but lee yn panetta himself is not dishonorable. the credibility and graff tas of leon panetta, things that you read from general petraeus. also remember, mike mcfall leads the ambassador ship in russia because he says he can't agree be the policy. our ambassador in syria left because he said he can't abide by it. you have the entire national security apparatus suggesting that the president is not making good decisions and not listening to the people he has in place. >> it's a consistent threat.
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>> am i being conspiratorial when i -- burton hits the cnn and hits the talk circuit and says, look, let's call panetta small and petty. >> if they want to defend the president, yes, that's exactly how it works. >> but you know who backed up what pang netta -- that was a fund-raiser, and it could have been any day. but he said the perception is that the world is spinning out of control. who is doing the spinning? we all feel that way, because president obama as advocated the role of leader into crisis manager. he says, wow, he feels like the world is out of control. join the party. i think's this hesitancy that's put us behind in so many situations.
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>> i think and suggest as many people do. i think he's frankly not provable. >> i think, i have sat in the decloyne the destiny under obama. this is the fulfillment of his ideology. is that a smaller more manageable company. >> the comments delivered by susan rice and hillary clinton were known to be false. >> what i told the president was there was an attack that was going on in benghazi. >> did you use the word terror
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attack? >> i used the word attack, that there was an attack by terrorists. >> the u.n. ambassador susan rice goes out, after you and dempsey told them it was an attack by terrorists. when you heard gore rice say that, what went through leon panetta's mind? >> i think those talking points frankly were not on point. with the kind of weapons that were showed up, there's no question in my mind that it was a terrorist attack. >> the president deanies that he was told that he was told by leon panetta that it was a terrorist attack. >> we left out of this interview with leon panetta his absolute certainty that hillary clinton did not know and was not responsible for the security at benghazi and that for some
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reason found its way on the culting room floor here. >> i'm glad you brought that up. because that's an important point. there's a follow-up question in which leon panetta said, yes, if i had been in that position, and i had been given that position, yes, i would have been upset and i would have done something about it. it's actually a question of hillary clinton's leadership which actually the inspector general put out a report about it this week, and we haven't talked about it because there is so much other news. but i don't think it was actually that complementary to hillary clinton what he said. >> i think the proseat your at the state department. >> i think this is a reasonable discussion, i think what you're seeing is right, leon may have well have done it differently. but what he did say was that he did not these he was responsibility for these particular events. >> but we have learned who pushed the video which was president obama which expresses
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his obsession with islamophoba. >> but it put us in a worse position, it's dishonest at bits very core. >> o'reilly cornered panetta and said did you tell him? he said i kind of told him. >> that's what happens in court, it was like a legal moment with a cross-examination and you put it together and put the facts next to each other, what i heard from panetta, talking about hillary clinton, and then bobby side, i know hillary clinton, i have known her for a long tile. there was a security problem in benghazi, that helps her. >> you guys take this transition to this final piece of sound that we have from last night? >> i think it's unfair because if i know hillary clinton, if she knew there was a security problem in benghazi, she would have done something about it. >> why didn't she know if the
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cables exist telling the state department, look, we need more people here, the british had been attacked there. >> i don't know that bureaucracy, i know the defense department, i know what happened at the state department. but i know one thing, that she had done that there was a problem at benghazi, she would have done something about it. >> that would refute the point you were making there. >> i'm supportive of what i said. >> he's trying -- is he not trying to -- i don't know, provide some padding for hillary cli clinton. >> he's giving her some padding, but this is the follow-up question i would have asked. if that's true, let's just give her the benefit of the doubt. for the sake of this conversation, she has the benefit of the doubt. she decides not to go on the sunday shows and sends susan rice. susan rice tells the lie that it was a video that caused it, but hillary clinton repeats it at dover air force base days later. so to me, that suggests that either she was part of the
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cover-up or she still doesn't even know about the cover-up. she's either complicit in the lie or she didn't know anything about the lie or she's this innocent person that's caught up. >> is this leon panetta auditioning for something in the clinton administration? >> hillary clinton? >> i think it's she's going to go back which he should be doing. he's done his job and he's done it well, all his jobs he's done. but we also care about motives of people here, somebody decidesed to give us a piece of research calling bill burton a goon, that is a very scoff moric thing to do. >> americans has to learn that with obama you got what you paid for, you voted in cool -- we got ferris buhller when we needed
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die hard. >> we needed honesty to the american people. now hold on to your hats, jimmy carter ask blasting the president's foreign policy, stay tuned for that one next on the five. ♪
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save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf. come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery!
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one by one, former aides of president obama are coming out to critique his foreign policy, and now a former president is joining the chorus. >> it isn't hard to figure out exactly what his policy is, changes from time to time. i noticed both of the secretaries of defense, after they got out of office have been very critical of the lack of positive action on the part of the president. there's been delays, sometimes he draws red lines on the sand and here it is, sometimes he doesn't go through with it. >> then a pattern of previous presidents campaigning in their second midterm election in their
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campaigning for president obama ask keld and lonely. the "new york times" -- problem, let's start with you and jimmy carter, since that was your former boss. jimmy carter has been a former president that really does continue to seek the spotlight. you can hear the hammering in the background, i can only assume it was habitat for humanity. as the president said last week, being president is a hard enough job and you don't need former presidents piling on, necessarily. do you think the former white house even cares what jimmy carter said? >> i'm going to assume that many republicans and others don't. but let me just say that i think of all the people who have sought, bush probably the best and his dad, but jimmy carter has not sought the lights. if he had, people don't give him credit for eradicating diseases in africa, they don't give him credit for the things he's done. >> i already said that he was at
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a habitat for humanity event. >> he does bible studies every week. he tries to live by you don't take credit for what you didn't do. i'm sure he was sought out here. >> can we talk about the content? >> i just love -- i'm into content. so here's the deal. hilarious. >> i'm sorry. >> yeah. it's not easy for president obama when you have a president like carter, giving his ideology and his political leanings to come out and mike these comments against the president of the united states, i think it's a sobering moment, it's not a high point for the president and again, begs the question, are you going to sit there and criticize people like panetta when you have former presidents saying the same thing, it's not president bush saying it, it's something that plays for the same team. i think it's significant and i think his comments were actually on point. >> you got to worry when carter is to your right. carter's most famous battle was
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with a swamp rabbit. if carter was a half wit, that makes obama half full. >> this explains everything. >> i was there that day. >> i'm sorry, bob, i didn't mean to bring up that memory. washington post columnist writes a lot about foreign policy and about inner workings of the administration. he thinks that in this second term, the president needs new energy and talent to refurbish the second term, he mentions the george w. bush often for some shake-up in 2006, but a lot of people who they might be able to pick, have already left for clinton's world and they want to preserve their ability to work for clinton. one-third of the political appointments at the department of defense are still vacant. >> we have been talking about this big ideological and personal divide between the clinton camp and the obama camp.
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and boy is it exacerbating now. >> it is real. >> it is real? latest round with panetta can't truth. i think he's also trying to push attention from hillary clinton away from obama. >> i think he's concerned and he wants them to do the riling thing. i don't think he -- >> let's keep in mind that half the federal judges appointed by obama are being stalled by republicans. let's not get a holier than thou on this one. a lot of people have not been reappointed or want the job. if you're a democratic consultant, and you look where obama ask right now and i was still in the business of advising people, i would say get as far away as you possibly can, it's about survival of your job. >> away from obama or his policies? >> well, both. >> thank you. thank you for finally saying that. >> greg, if you had a magic -- >> i have been advised to keep quiet. but i just want to say this,
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that is a very unfair thing to say. >> if i see something about president obama, what's going on in the country, i don't want him or i have a race -- >> don't say something about it. >> all i really care about, most conservatives really care about are to the policies not begotten. >> i'm actually going to defend president obama. >> you think? >> i think it's unfair the critics are unfair to obama because they used him when his popularity and his charisma helped them but now they're deserting him over his policies. they're hypocrites because they knew what he believed at the start. now they're deserting him because they're no longer helpful to him. they are the mean girls because they used him when they needed him and now they ease deserting him. >> that's what happened to george w. bush, you have the people in the -- did not invite him in. that's politics. i'm sure he accepted it. i'm sure obama accepts it. >> we need like 20 more minutes for that block, but we don't
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have it. because next, lois learner does not like to be targeted. now he's become the target of critics and greg explains why ahead.
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when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing.
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across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. so as a stable mabel at the cable table, it's easy to feed red meat to viewers who already agree with you. but to win people over to your side, you must explain your perspective, persuasively with charming facts. you need to convert, not confirm, that should be your motto. these days with distroactions piled on distractions, achkd with the left with symbolism and sentimentality, it's not enough for you to be right, you need to
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be persuasively wright. >> chance to apologize, ms. learner. you didn't hesitate to target conservatives, yet you're hesitating to speak, why? you don't like being targeted, do you? you targeted conservative groups, is there an apology? i'm sorry i used as my position as a government official to try to crack down on political dissent? >> i just want -- >> why should we leave you alone. >> she's trying to get into the house. >> i don't want her in the house. >> i don't blame you, i wouldn't want her in my house either, it might bring the government after you. do you want to explain where those government e-mails are. are you going to try another house? >> seriously, that even made me feel bad for learner, and i can't stand her. look, she should be investigated, but you won't
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persuade any one of that by hounding her -- here's a new ad from americans for prosperity focusing on the 30 million young people who can't find jobs. >> i don't know where things went off track, i thought i was doing everything right and then i am -- i guess i lost hope. i had to move back in with my parents, after everything they have done for me. >> that's great work, anyone especially want to share? >> hi, my name is dan and i'm unemployed. >> hi, dan. >> big government is killing opportunity for young americans. don't they deserve the dream? >> pretty clever, it offers no solutions, but it defines the problem clearly and cleverly, and that's a big start. see, there's a whole world out there facing a scary future brought to them by a president who -- so we need real solutions and not stunts.
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but if you can't give us that, then maybe chasing ladies into strangers homes is the next best thing. the ad was written and directed, that second ad was written and directed by filmmaker jonathan kahn. they're also great people. so, bob, i know you want to talk about -- the logic of jason's ad or stunt was that since lois targeted the tea party, it's okay to target her. >> your friend who did that ad, that's a very good subject to do it. i think it was very well done. let me move to this jason, let me give a very special comment to him. you're twice as young as i am, you're a punk, you're a coward, my name is bob beckle, you're a coward, you're a punk, you pick on people and you deserve to
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have your -- kicked. so get in touch with me. >> do you know jason? >> i don't know jason, i care care who jason is. >> jason is a good guy. >> that's not a good guy. that's like chasing some poor person -- >> he's as conservative as anyone i know, you may not like what he did there, but i'm going to at least stand up and say, look, it's lois learner, i mean, how many people would like to hear the answer to that. >> if you would like to know my home address, i will gave it to you. >> i don't think ideology allows you to be rude. >> stand up for somebody like that. >> eiffi'm not going to stand ur that tactic, but the guy cares about the country. >> i can't use ideology to say i likesome, dana? >> i like what you said before, the best way to persuade people that you're right is facts, wit
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and charm. but also there's a lot of -- a lot of people are frustrated with the slow investigation, but i think patience is a better way to handle it. >> eric it's point that people want to know those answers is actually the right point. that's the right point. but i didn't get that. >> the problem is, right, it takes away from the message which is that this is a fair criticism, this is the woman who dodged the truth, hid behind the fifth, was not forth right with the american people, she is in a position where she is supposed to be accountable. so far the allegations against her, but i disagree tactics. >> andrew was a victim of a million of these. they loved to just corner him somewhere wherever he was and stick a microphone in his face and start pep evering him like that. >> i get your point, it's almost like conservatives are catching up to the left. they're catching up to the left. so they have to learn to adapt.
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>> that was an insult to brig brightbart's history. that was an insult to a guy who was an outright lie and american punk. you don't do that, you don't chase your neighbors down. >> he is un-american. >> let him go fight isis. >> that's fine, let him try it. >> this is amazing. >> this is so immature. >> i have to go to a tease, but it's entertaining. >> and bring a knife, punk. >> oh! >> oh, bob. >> i can't stand people to pick on people like that. >> i should have gone to a tease earlier. coming up a lesson for the left on radical islam, that would be calmer, from our very own bob beckle, stay tuned. no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. you have heard me condemn radical islam time and again on this show. unfortunately, not everyone on
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the left has followed the lead. check out what just took place on msnbc, christians were actually accused of terrorizing the world as much as muslims. >> there's a lot of people terrorizes -- this is a religion that issan shenlt, we don't deal with christianity because there's a lot of terrorism going on and being promoted in the -- >> one, it's harder to be critical of ourselves and the religion that is predominantly practiced in the u.s., which is christianity. we don't have to look across the seas in order to see that. >> i'll start over here and go around the table, eric? >> why don't you go ahead, i'm trying to figure out what he just did. he just hung white supremacy,
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hate towards women, all on christianity? >> crimes against women in the world essentially. terrorist organizations. >> why don't we lump in cancer and ebola and blame christianity. >> they did that early on ebola. i think it's a credit to the family -- i they women have a responsibility to help us that get to live in this freedom and the economic opportunity and mobility that we have an opportunity to help the women around the world. it does the feminist movement no good to have people equating the lifestyles of the united states to people around the world. just ask lisa dunham last night in all of her glory, she can do whatever she wants to do, but she has a responsibility to help others do it as well. >> there's nothing more -- they are literally scared to come out and say something honest. they said that christianity is
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against women or whatever, while there is an entire radical islamic faction that is torme tormenting women. >> what they said is so irresponsible, they're totally neglecting to stalk about all the work that christians have done throughout the world, that is helping the misfortunate and helping the religion of tolerance. >> i'm just going to take 30 seconds here to stay i've been a liberal for a long time, i'll put my liberal credentials up against nib anybody, what you're doing is -- you don't know what you're talking about, you're saying things that are just absolutely ridiculous. white supremacists? you equate that with christians? we have worked awfully hard on the left to try to disassociate
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those from each other. so please, i have a tendency to speak about things i don't know about. but this time the world is actually not flat. it's just sad, is all i can say. you're sad. >> bob? >> all right, actress jennifer lawrence addresses her new photo hacking scandal for the first time, you'll hear what she has to say next. for over 60,000 california foster children,
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actress jennifer lawrence was one of a slew of celebrity victims that was this summer's new hacking scandal. lawrence tells "vanity fair," quote, just because i'm an actress does not mean that i asked for this, it's my body and it shoumd be my choice. i can't believe we even live in that kind of world. she also says what happened to her was criminal. quote, it was not a scandal, it was a sex crime, it is a sexual violation, it is disgusting, the law needs to be changed. these websites are spochb s ars responsible. i can understand how she would feel like this, she did not pose for a magazine, do some kind of revealing celebrity photos sent
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to try and get press. this is a credible actress who's entitled to have her private moments and not be violated, dana. >> i'm persuaded by her argument, but i'm curious as to whether it would hold up in court because it seems like case law has not kept up with technology. she might be a pioneer in this case, i hope she takes it to court. i don't know if the courts agree, but she might be right in that the laws should be changed. >> that's what i love about the law, fluid, bring a test case, and change the law, so we're not always coming from behind. >> everything she said with the exception of at the end that these websites should be held accountable and reliable. do you realize how much you give up when you sign up for services with your iphone or your various carriers, you basically give up all your rights to fight against
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this. they're harking the pentagon. >> all right, real quick, bob, i'm going to finish this. >> in the last years, virtually all my income came from a blog that actually came from a wrong statement. i agree with dana, i don't know what the law does here. >> this is no different than somebody stealing your credit card information and leaking it. the perpetrators should be -- it does have an assault kind of feel to it because it's her body. i have some pictures out there. i am a reverse nudist. there are photos of me out there wearing 13 coats, it's pretty arousing stuff, dana. >> one more thing is up next.
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>> last week i told you about a couple of governor's races, there's three more on my radar screen. looks like charlie baker in massachuset massachusetts, he's a republican, looks like that race ask going to go his way if he can close it in the next few weeks. meanwhile in maryland, larry hogan has cut the lead down to 1%. the media has not covered this story at all, i think that lieutenant governor anthony brown could be in trouble, o'malley needs to go and campaign for him. three possible republican governors that are pickups. >> as a chairman on those and i think they're pretty good except for maryland is a dreamer. -- tonight, if you can get -- tonight is the second of the --
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>> you're going to show us the full moon? >> it happened this morning, the red moon, you get the see it twice more this year. it is a wonderful sight to see, it happens a few times a year, go look at it and don't think about it. >> greg, you're out? >> all right, it's time for -- >> greg's sports corner. first there was gay marriage, now there are robots playing humans in ping-pong. visit the national robot human ping-pong finals. that's xl 549445. he is the first time ping-pong player, he previously worked the line at chrysler, but he followed his dream as a ping-pong player, he got laid off, he's pisces, and he likes long walks in the woods at sun down where he often devours human beings. >> important news, this is an incredible moment, dr. kent brantley, actually for the
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second time donated his blood, matched the blood of ---you see the guy next to him at nebraska medical center, u.s. journalist, who also unfortunately came down with ebola, he gave him a transfusion so hopefully he can survive. a grim first for america. the first person diagnose with the ebola here has died. and today new screenings at airports are starting, this is special report. good evening, i'm brett baier, the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states has died. thomas eric duncan lost his battle with the virus this morning. and there's word that another person has come to the hospital with similar


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