tv Americas Newsroom FOX News October 9, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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how about a midnight express red? >> he was great and he watches "fox & friends" every morning. >> we should wave to him. >> see you tomorrow. bill: the ebola emergency in america. now a second person in isolation after showing signs of ebola. a sheriff's deputy being tested after just entering the apartment of that infected liberian national. he just went inside the apartment. we'll separate the fact from the fear. martha: if he tests positive the police officer will become the first person to contract ebola on american soil. this is coming hours after thomas eric duncan died of the deadly virus.
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casey stegall joins us live. >> reporter: the good news is he does not have a fever and any doctor will tell you that's one of the first symptoms of ebola in the early stages. that's why they are talking about degree temperature screening at airports. apparently he woke up yesterday, had an upset stomach and aches and pains so he went to a local urgent care facility and they are errin on the side of caution and they brought the deputy here to the presbyterian hospital where thomas duncan was treated. he was one of five who accompanied health officials to the apartment where thomas duncan had been staying with his family. the cdc tells us he was not exposed to any body fluids but he apparently was not wearing
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any protective gear when he went inside that apartment unit. now he's being tested for ebola. it can take up to two days to get the test results. bill: how are duncan's family doing. >> reporter: they are mourning their loss and they are worried they will face the same fate. they were trapped inside that apartment for days and days. ebola has a maximum 21-day incubation period. they are under quarantine until the 19th of october. more than a week to go until they are considered in the clear. but they are not showing any symptoms. louise row louise troh releaseds statement.
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this has dramatically changed our lives and we'll be grieving for a long time. mr. duncan's body will be created. one of the safest methods of disposing of the body because ebola can live inside a body days. martha: getting through customs may take longer as five major airports are adding addition tall screening this weekend. jfk, dulles, chicago, atlanta, all will be checking passengers. critics warned the screen would go not have caught thomas duncan because he was asymptomatic when he arrived. bill: newark airport workers
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going on strike over ebola. some 200 cabin cleaners picketing outside la guardia airport. >> workers have been exposed to blood, urine, feces, we heard stories of people emptying tanks and being spoused with feces, the contents of the toilet. >> we are cleaning inside the plane. bill: they are picketing this morning. no word yet from the airlines or the airport on what they are willing to do to address this issue. what do you think at home, at work, ebola, legit con southern or too much hype. >> bill: send us a tweet.
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this sheriff's deputy, all he did was going inside and served the warrants. marc siegel will tell you it's an amazing thing given the screwups in dallas that we have not seen more people contract the ebola virus. he says it's because ebola is tough to catch. martha: the next 7-8 days will tell the story. back to the other huge story. isis on the verge after major victory in syria. closing in on the kurdish city of kobani. despite the intensifying coalition airstrikes it looks like isis may be winning this battle. it has sparked deadly riots in neighboring turkey. the kurds have been protesting
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the lack of action on the part of turkey in kobani to save the city which they say could lead to an eventual massacre of their countrymen on that border. gregg palkot is live on the turkey-syria border with the latest. >> reporter: we are back here near the he center with the battle with isis. we are two miles away from the town of kobani. there have been developments since we last talked to you. we'll give and your viewers a tour of the battlefield. where we showed you those isis flags on the left side, that's the eastern side of the city. we believe isis was there and had a good strong hold. that's been confirmed today. over the center of the city where we reported so much heavy fighting it's eerily quite. it might mean that isis has moved in over there.
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now, over to the western side of the city you can see the smoke coming up just over those hills. that's where the battle is now. that's where we have been hearing small arms fire and artillery. give the way. you see a turkish military chief and a building. we see a lot of tanks around here, too. they are doing nothing at all. let's go back to a few pictures we shot a short while ago. weep believe we saw at least one, maybe more is very car or truck bomb hitting kurdish locations. huge blast, huge noise and huge casualties. in the distance we believe we've saw the remnants of u.s.-led airstrikes and in fact we did. a half hour ago centcom confirming there were five different airstrikes hitting isis units, meaning groups of
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terrorists. a support base and some vehicles. as we have been saying the u.s. has been hitting but outside the city and the fight is inside the city. the on the benefit could be the supply lines are disrupted, reinforcement flow could be disrupted. one more note, in ankara, the capital of turkey, meetings with president erdogan of turkey. martha: you just showed us images of the turkish tanks pointed in the direction of syria but doing nothing. the's going to be the discussion between general allen and erdogan today. bill: a major shakeup on obamacare right before the mid-terms. hundreds of thousands of americans could lose their healthcare plans very soon.
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stuart, what gives. this is still going on? >> reporter: it's back, by the way. what's happening here is out with the old plans, in with the new obama compliant plans, obamacare compliant plans. no more delay in 12 states and the district of clowm yeah. this is a political bombshell dropped into this election season. the state of virginia is probably going to be the worst affected. up to 250,000 people will receive a notice right before the election that their old plan has been canceled because it dos doesn't comply with the man daints demands of obamacare. they will have to shift from their old plan which they may or may not have liked to a new plan. this could mean they can't keep the doctor they always had and they will may more in terms much deductibles or premiums or get tap whopping big subsidy or free
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at the taxpayers expense. bill: just a quick follow on this. the other side would argue there are tens of millions who are covered under the health insurance plan and this is but a drop in the bucket. but the headline is dramatic. the cancellations started a couple years back. >> reporter: the headline is the cancellations are coming right before the election and the time is up. you can't hold on to that old plan. now it's gone. you have got to go with obamacare complaint plans the 12 states and the district of columbia. and the broken promises. >> if you like your stuart varney you can still have your stuart varney at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we'll see you then. thank you, stuart.
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martha: a suicide bomb tears through the capital of yemen. but first this. >> i'm sorry to tell you they remain on syria's side. it has got to the point where you have president obama's own former defense secretary leon panetta having no choice but to call the president out. bill: that's senator ted cruz calling towel the president over his strategy against isis. martha: did you see this last night with gretta? the mother of one of the victims of the deadly terror attacks in benghazi is speaking out. she believes her son's death could have been sea voided given all that she has learned. is the government telling the truth about what happened that night. >> his love for his fellow man is what cost him his life.
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the death toll is reported at 50. we'll have more on this story as it comes in. >> what we have seen in six years of the obama-clinton-kerry foreign policy has been a foreign policy that seems to focus on photo-ops and press releases but not concrete foreign policy. it seems to be driven by political operatives in the white house rather than clear military objectives. bill: ted cruz is saying the white house is not up to dealing with isis and getting the job done. general keane is with us from california. we just watched our crew across
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the border in turkey from southern kobani see what appeared to be a significant airstrike from the u.s. is there a possibility the strategy is changing? >> with two months now of airstrikes, the president's strategy clearly isn't working. isil continues to grow fan gobble up more territory * from baghdad to kobani. we are hitting them behind where they are. they are inside the city and we are attack knowledge outside the city. the president says we can't have boots on the ground. all of our retired military leaders say we can't win his without having boots on the ground. you have to have people there that tell the pilots where to strike so they can hit the
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meaningful targets. unless you have boots on the ground that will be able to build coalitions and take territory and hold it, we are going continue to see this. they keep moving, they get stronger. the president gave a speech a couple months ago how serious the threat is and how we would degrade and destroy them. well, we are not. bill: what i'm hearing you is ground troops. that's one thing. is that the ultimate answer? >> reporter: we are in football season. a coach the night before the game doesn't tell the other team we are not going to pass tomorrow and the other team sets up for a running game. you don't tell your enemy what you are going to do or not do. we started out by saying we are not going put boots on the
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ground. what we should be doing is listening to our military leaders. yesterday we had a nice photo-op with them then the president went to new york and held three fundraisers. he can't seem to focus on what he says is a dangerous threat. he needs to hold to that. we need to do all that we can to win. not just hit them from the air at a cost of millions of dollars a day. if that's not accomplishing the objective. they are continuing to strengthen, to grow, and while we are spending all this money and doing things that looks like we are doing something, we are not accomplishing the objective of degrading and destroying. bill: push through this to the why. the turks are not doing anything. they are sitting on the other side of the borderer looking through binoculars. the kurdish population of which there are millions in southern turkey, they are ticked off so
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they have their own problems. why do you believe the commander-in-chief does not want to make the moves you are suggesting now? >> it comes down to leadership. i think that he was pointed out by secretary panetta. he gets discouraged, he backs off and he moves on to something else. that's what we have seen for six years. if you are going to fight a war, the one that is in it to win is usually the one that wins. the one that just talks and acts around the peripheral and goes on to something else. we have men and women there engaged and the commander-in-chief is not engaged. he needs to get with the military leaders and listen to them. he makes the big decisions should we go to war. but not are we going to fight it this way or this way.
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fdr made a decision to go to world war ii, but he turned it over to the military people and said do whatever it takes, just win. bill: thank you for your time. we'll see you in the coming weeks or months. martha: a horrifying attack by a swarm of bees that turned deadly. we are going to tell you about the hundreds of thousands of bees and one man who was stung more than 100 times. bill: the mother of a benghazi hero speaking out, pleading for the truth once and for all. >> i'm not sure anyone was really sure at that point what had happened. and even to this day i'm reading different stormies about what happened. so i'm not even sure.
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bill: this peacive bee attack left a person dead and four others in the hospital. the hive was 6 feet long and said to contain 800,000 bees. the ex term hear it inner said the bees were ticked off. >> they were aggressive. they were dropping down on she, they were dive bombing me, that's a sign back off, back off. >> reporter: the victims were said to be doing landscaping work and believed the sound from a lawnmower may have triggered the attack. martha: two years after benghazi the mother of one of the victims is breaking her silence. she has not spoken out about the death of her son all this time.
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glen doherty was a former navy seal and he gave his life protecting our diplomatic mission from islamic terrorists. his mother barbara says she believes his death could have been avoided. >> reporter: criticism is a harsh word from a mother of a child who lost his life, but how the government handled it that night? >> the more we are finding out the more criticism you feel, yes. i felt in the beginning there was such chaos that it couldn't be helped. but now as more details have come out, yes, it could have been prevented. it wasn't. martha: tucker carlson editor of "the daily caller,."
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mrs. doherty has been silent. she said in the beginning she was greeferg her son and she wasn't that concerned initially with what had happened. but now the more she learns, the more questions come up for her. you know, you can't blame her, tucker. it's been intentional confusion in many ways, has it not? >> of course it has. it's hard to hear an interview like that. she is not publicity seeker. the callousness she was handled by the government is today he pressing to hear. she heard about this from her relatives at first, the government couldn't find her phone number, she says the fbi which is comical but also sad. but then they lied to her. it's almost touching to listen to her say i had total faith in the government. i knew of he was in in an official capacity. he died and i assumed nothing more could be done.
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but now we have the eyewitness testimony of four security operatives, who would a book about it, "13 hours" that laid out in detail how they tried to save these men and they were prevented. they were told to stand down do not come to their assistance because we don't want anyone to know we are here. martha: let's play a piece of that sound. >> i said it a million times now. why are they lying about what happened that night? why are they misleading in the people when we knew the truth and we passed it on to our superiors at that time as well. it made me very angry and it still makes me angry to this day. it was misleading in the. it was not the truth. it was a lie.
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martha: you think we need congressional hearings on this topic? >> they were lying for the same reason bureaucrats always lie, to protect themselves and their jobs and reputations. but this units of americans was benghazi supervising the weapons from qaddafi stockpiles to syria to aid the so-called syrian rebels, some of them who turned out to be anti-american terrorists. some of them in isis. those weapons have been used against american interests. this was done by the administration in secret without congressional approval. there was never a vote taken on this. it was done stub -- it was done. martha: you are talking about an
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iran-contra style scandal. one hillary clinton scoffed at when rand palm suggested to her at a hearing as being commit off the wall. >> but it happened. bill: we are getting closer. new fox polling on the critical races. we'll show you in a moment what we have found so far. martha: some very interesting comments from former president jimmy carter now among the critics piling on president obama for failing to act sooner against isis. >> the emperor has no clothes here. this thing has been exposed as a complete sham and as time goes on a complete failure. we ca can thank jimmy carter. ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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"the washington post" claimed the administration claims the investigators to with hold his findings until after the election of 2012. it was two years ago when members of the secret service brought prostitutes into their hotel rooms in colombia. >> the white house needs to come clean. in is a white house staffer involved in this. there were nearly two dozen military or secret service personnel fired or reprimand. but when it came to the white house a totally different standard. and perhaps misdirection and coverup to make sure that story never saw the light of day before the 2012 election. bill: we'll have more from ed henry. so stay tuned for that. martha: new reaction to former president jimmy carter saying the white house basically blew it with isis.
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president carter said we waited too long. we let the islamic state build its money, capability and weapons while it was still in syria and when it moved into iraq. the sunni muslims object to them being there and a third of the territory in iraq was abandoned. >> not on is the analysis consistent with the critiques we have heard of the fecklessness of obama's strategy, but the fact that one former president and a democrat to boot would say it about the an incumbent president is stunning. carter's criticism of obama on isis is stronger than anything either of the president bushes have said. martha: welcome doug schoen. and monica crowley. two of our favorite people to have here. i saw this cross the wires. i thought, whoa, even jimmy
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carter is piling on. he's probably the most maligned foreign policy adviser in history. >> he understood he need to stand up to the russians in afghanistan in the late 70s and 80s. he did stand for human rights so he has a legacy that's carried none his ex-presidency. you have bob gates, leon panetta. you now have jimmy carter making all the same argument about our lack of preparedness and with kobani now literally at risk and an administration at seeming odds with the turks over what we should do and how we should do it, this is a tragedy unfolding, martha. martha: we have a picture that puts together the people on board who are critics of the
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policy. this is not just people talking. these are people involved in the administration, that were involved in the administration. who were trying to encourage the president to take a different tack. >> i think there are a couple things going on. i think all of the criticisms are coming from very honest places with these people. these are honest critiques of a president's weakness and ineffectual nay our of his foreign policy. but i also think many of these democrats realize it's hopeless. the democrats are going to lose in about a month in november. there is no use trying to get the democrats over the lines for the november election. they are now in the business of advancing and protecting hillary clinton. so a lot of this has to do with protecting the democratic brand which obama is really damaging
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quite severely and protecting her going into 2016. if they can make the argument obama has been incompetent and ineffectual. by contrast hillary clinton will look more competent. martha: they can say we have a new idea for you which which is an old idea. but that's what's being set up in terms of the ground work. take us inside the white house. put yourself in the shoes of a valerie jared or someone who is close to the president. we are hearing all of this out there. he has to be saying to himself. i have got two more years. i'm getting slammed even by jimmy carter. a, does he care? and b, what does he do now? >> this president is battening count hatches. of course he cares. what i think he's doing. what many democrats do criticizing the president say he doesn't take counsel from
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anyone. valerie jared however close she is to the obamas, she is not a foreign policy expert. martha: who is his foreign policy expert, who is advising him? >> he has john kerry and susan rice. i think president obama -- i have been there in the white house with president clinton. he doesn't have a sense what to do. you see the chaos playing out daily in terms of the statements from josh earnest and other senior administration officials. martha: what do they do? do you expect to see a shakeup at the white house in november? >> i don't think we'll see a shakeup. this i brings in closer and closer. martha: they all do, ma monica. >> we are looking at a unique
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situation this president because he's so strictly and rigidly ideological that he will not change. the president for whom dowgd worked, bill clinton, when he realized he was going off the rails, he tacked in a big way. he changed gears. he's the one who started the defense buildup that reagan continued. this president has not changed one iota in six years because he is so wedded to this far left ideology he will not change. martha: he believes that he's right and history will prove he's right. if that's the bet he's making we'll see in time if he's right. bill: to the three of you. stand by. what you need to know about the battle for congress. the keep matchup in five battleground states that could make it or break it in four weeks. martha: a woman koisked this plane for what she said to her
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bill: some new poll can to tell you about. chris stirewalt. the fox news digital politics editor. on the board behind us we cued up and lot of things. at 6:00 p.m. we got a lot of information. right to the center part of the country. in kansas this has been a battle. pat roberts has a 5-point lead on the independent greg orman.
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you put all the polls together airport's less than that, 2.4. disapproval for the president in kansas is 63%. >> rob earth woke. and orman if you were a republican sounds like a republican. if you are a democrat he sound like a democrat. as it goes forward's aligning more like democrats. for kansas voters they see him more clearly as a vote against a republican majority in the senate. bill: come east in kentucky it is red for mitch mcconnell. kansas has not voted for a democrat since 1932.
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if greg orman were to pull this off it would and national story. in kentucky mitch mcconnell is in a significant challenge. ' ream clear politics average drops town to 3 points. also in kentucky the disapproval number for the president is at 59%. not as high as kansas but still significant. what do you see? >> reporter: there are a lot of good things about work on the fox news channel and we have the best polling in the business. this comports with that average. it indicates a democratic strategy early on was keep the republicans on defense in kentucky, georgia and and then they added kansas into the mix. as it turns out that's not shaping up for democrats. it will be expensive but it doesn't look like they will be able to try their best defense
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is an offense. bill: $100 million in kentucky and north carolina. we have never been there for a senate race. south dakota is democrat. for weeks, for months republicans have said that's a sure fire bet to go from blue to red the first tuesday in november. what changed in the last 24 hours and got everybody's heart pumping? >> reporter: there is a poll that shows it is the race is competitive. there is a turncoat republican guy who left the party, pressler a former senator in striking distance. mike brown the popular former governor may have to take a cue from senator roberts down in kansas which is there are no sure things. he's going to have to wake up and get in the fight and get out there and engage to a greater degree. but democrats are looking for
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anyplace with cheap media to make republicans play a little defense. you can buy an awful lot of television time in south dakota for a million bucks. bill: we'll see if it's an outlier or if it's legit. we talked about kentucky for the president. 59%, kansas 63%. colorado, 57%. arkansas tight race 61%. alaska similar, 61% as well. when you see numbers like this for a sitting president what happens? >> his party loses. >> the president's party almost always loses except for one time in modern political history. when you see approval numbers this very low and you see it across the country, you know that there are going to be democrats who might otherwise be able to save themselves like mark pryor in arkansas, unable
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to swim against a tide that strong. bill: 26 days. i don't think you are sleeping, chris. nice to have you chris. we'll speak with tom cotten. >> martha: mark pryor a legendary name. but the tide has been turning in arkansas for quite some time. will tom cotten be the latest example of that? he is a rurnlt congressman. 37 years old and big news from him today as well. we have big news in the search for a cop killer. the key piece of evidence that police describe as quote absolutely chilling. bill: hundreds of airport workers are walking off the job. they say they will not do it saying they fear for their own personal safety. we'll tell you why next. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches?
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bill: the fcc force a phone carrier to payback $105 million to its customers. they call it cramming. it's the largest settlement of its kind with a major mobile provider. martha: new developments in the manhunt for the alleged cop killer. they say they discovered a journal that has a cold blood and chilling account of the am burg that left an officer dead and another injured.
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what does this reveal? >> reporter: he described the road block and how his jeep wound up in a shallow pond calling it a disaster. police released new images. he shaved his head in a mohawk-style haircut just before he ambushed the troopers in the pocono mountains. this is where versus versus found handwritten pieces of paper with green' with frien's d confession. >> friday got a shot and took it. he dropped. i was surprised at how quick. i took a followup shot on his head and neck area. he was still and quiet after that. >> reporter: in addition to murder charges he also faces charges of possession of weapons
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of mass destruction. the pipe bombs they found in the woods police say he built them and was planning to use them as booby traps. they say frien is most likely in a five-mile a square area. rugged wooth that he's familiar with and he practiced the art of hiding. helping them elude agents for 28 days. search teams won't give up because frien is a consistent danger. >> i can only describe eric frein *'s actions as pure evil. >> reporter: the colonel says when evil rears its ugly head we must deal with it. bill: there are you are in allegations of a coverup at the white house.
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an investigator says he was told to sit on the details of the secret service scandal until after the election of 2012. martha: former defense secretary leon panetta's blunt critique rest hear it inning far beyond washington. turn the trips you have to take, into one you'll never forget. earn triple points when you book with the expedia app. expedia plus rewards.
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clean, refreshing, nothing is better. martha: senior aids of president obama reportedly hiding a direct white house link to the prostitution scandal that erupted in colombia shortly before the 2012 election. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. the secret service giving evidence to the white house aids suggesting a member of the president's advance team brought a prostitute to his hotel room.
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the white house received it was old news. here is you and congressmoon jason chaffetz. >> we'll look at this. come clean. share all the documents from the white house. they say it's an old story. then give us the information and let the american people see it. bill: that was from fox and friend earlier today. the white house is trying to say there is nothing new here. is there? >> the point is that the white house let the secret service take the hit for this. you can't absolve the fact that's secret service personnel kid the wrong thing and some of them los their jobs. but jay carney and others repeatedly denied there was any white house involvement. "the washington post" receives they have hotel bills and other documents suggesting there was at least one white house person who was involved who checked the hooker into his room. that person was not a paid white who is staffer but advance person that goes ahead of the
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person to set up the trip and was work on a volunteer basis but working under the white house and getting his trip expenses reimbursed. the white house counsel at the time said she was investigating this carefully and looking into it, but really did not dig deeply. she is now a candidate to replace eric holder as attorney general. somebody on the president's short list. if she is nominated republicans. senate republicans could do what jason chaffetz is saying, where is the documents. bill: the question is whether there was a coverup. this is jay carney now. in april of 2012, 7 months before the election, watch. >> there are no to my knowledge and have been no credible or
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specific allegations of misconduct by any member of the white house advance team or white house staff. but out of due diligence this review was conducted and there is no indication of any misconduct. bill: you put that in a different frame. april 2012. elections 7 months after that time. the timing -- is there a suggestion there has been an attempt to sweep that away because of the election? >> yes. another thing the "washington post" is reporting and the white house denies it had any political connection. but "the washington post" is claiming they have sources saying the white house inspector general's office was told repeatedly in private, stop investigating this. don't go after the white house. this is an election year. that's an allegation. jason chaffetz and others have written a letter saying give us your documents. what did you know about this
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potential white house involvement. were you trying to sweep it under the rug during an election year. the secret service took a huge public relations hit over this. if the white house had been drug into it it would have been a huge political problem. martha: that raises a lot of questions. for more bret baier joins me now. >> reporter: good morning, martha. martha: it seems to raise a question about why they would be protecting this individual. if there was somebody on the advance team and doesn't work directly on white house staff. his expenses have covered. why couldn't you just hang this guy out to dry along with the secret service who were also reprimand. >> reporter: we should credit the post for a lot of these stories on the secret service. they are very details sanford leaning and led the way on a lot of this. if all this pans out you are
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seeing wootr white house protect this 25-year-old yale student advance team member. his father happens to be a big democratic donor no the democratic party and president obama and also now a member of the administration. and health and human services. all of this nepotism, the whole thing factors in'. but the bottom line is if this is true, the white house lied. and it was in an election year, and whether you think this is a big deal about a prostitute going to a hotel room where prostitution is legal in cartagena, it's the security issue. interacting with foreign nationals in the hotel the president was, also the continues between how the two sides were handled, two dozen secret service members and members of the military were either reprimanded or fired as a result of this incident.
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martha: another big question is the delay. the request to delay the information and how concerted an effort the investigation was. than how that reflects on catherine rumler who is on the short list for the next a.g. >> reporter: it does not reflect well. the inspector general who is investigating it left. he resigned. edwards. and in connection with all of this apparently. there are a lot of questions here that i think are going to pop up for this white house that's already as you know embroiled in a lot of different questions on a lot of different fronts. i should point out, i was down in cartagena for that event. i was a moderator on a panel about natural resources and economic development in latin america. a bunch of c kerks tos talking about it and all of this was overshadowed on that first day
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by this blockbuster story. martha: when you take a look at the other -- one of the other ages of this, that this individual now has a position in the group that's doing global women's issues, the irony is not lost. a global women's issue is something he was very familiar with. >> reporter: the family through an attorney is denying john on dak had a possible city tiewtd in his room. , but if you look at the evidence, it's registered to the room that he had. and they have a photocopy of her driver's license. it's pretty remarkable when you look back at that. if it all pans out and the white house knew this and failed to investigate it further, you know, it's a big deal. it also puts a rift between the white house and the secret service and how they are
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handled. and that's not a good thing when you are talking about the protection of the president. martha: when you look at the secret service issues the warn e washington post" has revealed since. you wonder why they would be lax or lenient with them. we'll see you tonight. >> reporter: see ya, martha. bill: there are hundreds of workers at la guardia's airport on strike today. jfk airport as well, chit, atlanta, newark all will test for fever passengers from west africa. leland vittert is live at dulles in virginia. how is this screening going to work? >> there is 150 a day coming to the united states from the three countries affected most by
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ebola. when they arrive in the united states at one of these airport.they will be subject to an additional part of the customs screening process. they will have their temperature taken with a no-touch thermometer. health officials will tell you a fever is indykive of ebola. they will be subjected to a health questionnaire. they will quarantine people who may have ebola. they are talking about the thought of false positives. there are a lot of folks who have malaria and it presents similar to ebola. it's one of the things they are concerned about here is they begin this screening process. some begin over the weekend and the rest next week. bill: what are the whoms in the the system? >> there are major gaps here. it doesn't catch everybody. it's only 90-95% of the people coming in from these countries. the incubation period is 21
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days. someone could appear to be healthy but be carrying the virus. that what's they believe happened with thomas duncan in dallas. the cdc is saying these measures will help but they are far from foolproof. >> what we are doing is putting in additional protect. we have been very clear that as long as even continues to spread in africa we can't make the risk zero here. we wish we could. we wish there were some way we could make it zero here. >> reporter: the other they can they are working on is the hospital situation. if you remember thomas eric duncan was sent home from the hospital in dallas when he presented with symptoms of ebola. we are told by the associated press that new york city hospitals are sending in actor hospital go into the hospitals and ers and act like the they he
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symptoms of ebola. bill: no one walking the line at dulles? >> reporter: haven't seen any protesters here. bill: we'll see how this thing works. did you expect people to go on the picket line? martha: people feel like we should have bench more proactive. it's better to be overly cautious than underly cautious. it's designed not to create a panic but that's what it does in a lot of ways. u.s. troops on the ground to fight ebola. the president sending soldiers overseas but not for isis. but for ebola. >> we'll have the latest on what the fbi is finding. plus there is this. martha: violent protests break out after another deadly
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teenager shot dead by a police officer. protesters surrounding officers yelling threats and damaging a few of the cars in response to the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old who police say opened fire on an off-duty police officer. st. louis police say the officer was defending himself when he fired 17 shots. >> i know emotions are high and tensions are high. but the reality is what we have seen and what the evidence tells me is the individual pointed a gun at a police officer, fired at least three round. bill: but there were no arrests made. the shooting under investigation in st. louis. martha: questions why the obama administration is putting boots on the ground in west africa but is unwilling to do the same in the fight against isis. thousands of service members are
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already there. our president promised our troops will be out of harm's way. >> we are doing it in a way that insures our men and women in uniform are safe. that's been my top priority. i instructed folks we are not going tolth and safety of our armed services. reporter: lieutenant colonel ralph peters is a fox news military analyst. the president says not to worry, that they will not be put in harm's way. what do you think? >> if the president were worry about the seat tough of our troops, he wouldn't be sending them. there is no way he can keep that promise. no more than he can destroy isis with these airstrikes. what troubles me, martha than i do take the ebola epidemic seriously, by the way. it's dangerous to america. to hear within our country more serious than the president seems
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to. but with the troop deployments. with enthusiasm the president is sending -- exposing 4,000 u.s. troops to ebola, he will they will be exposed to it in west flik africa. d in west africa. that's 2 and a half times more the number he's deploying to fight isis. they are not even allowed to fight. the president in a sincere way thinks this anti-ebola mission is exact hi what our military should be doing. not fighting to defend our country. my second concern is this. we always here from this administration that our military can't do everything. and that's true. it can't. so what about the burden share we hear about. we are doing the fighting against islamist extremism. why can't the countries that won't fight in nay or to neutrals like sweden and switzerland and use tria pick up
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the slack on the anti-ebola fight. the ebola epidemic matters, but sending 4,000 u.s. troops there -- i wouldn't do it. i wouldn't do it. martha: one might look at that situation and say in west africa, people aren't going to be shooting. isis is not going to be shooting at our troops or marines. it's a different situation. >> you have got a better chance of recovering from a bullet wound than you do from ebola. and again, i see so many truly symbolic gestures from this white house. we are going to screen people at airports. but with the long incubation period for ebola they could develop the fever the day after they get here. i'll tell you historically. i have done projects in africa and west africa. i'm rooting for them.
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they are recovering from a lot of problems. i want them to do well. but our first priority has to be to protect americans. and quarantines, stopping flights from those countries, denying entry to people, that works. martha: the cdc says the best way to protect us at home is help contain the virus over there and they will be building facilities and creating an environment they believe as part of this project will help contain that virus where it began in west africa and that's the president's -- >> it's an important mission, it has to be done, i'm just saying why is it always us? it's time for some other folks to step up. martha: very good question. bill: @the arkansas senate -- the arkansas senate race is red hot. we'll talk live with tom cotten, a republican candidate trying to turn his state from blue to red.
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martha: former defense secretary leon panetta's book set off a firestorm. but he's not the first democrat to criticize the president. why is this message seeming to resonate more than others. bill: have you ever heard barack obama in your discussions with him say i was wrong, i made a mistake. >> i heard him admit to mistakes. the real question is whether you learn from those lessons and do the right thing. to get immediate and long lasting sensitivity relief instead of sensitivity toothpaste? find out, with new crest sensi-stop strips. just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. crest sensi-stop strips. a whole new way to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. life opens up when you relieve sensitivity.
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we will keep a close eye on that. >> i thought deep down he knows what needs to be done, develop the will to fight to make it happen. >> he better get on it. bill: former cia director and pentagon chief talking. leon panetta promoting a new book. of course it is not the first book critical of the presidents but it is guarding more attention than the others. host of "media buzz." if that is true, why is that true? >> panetta is seen as a straight shooter. the right loves it because it validates the theory obama is more of a law professor than a leader.
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this morning a name to administration officials pushing back against leon panetta signing he wasn't very vocal and arming the syrian rebels, he is reinventing history. that shows you his drawing a line. bill: a few articles pushing back on the claims of panetta. that is telling. >> i think well conservatives are embracing leon mehta, this left the impression this book nails it, whatever other talents may have is a reluctant warrior, has been slow. the books timing is perfect because it looks like the u.s. is trying to catch up from behind, cannot stop the process of isis, so they want to know why. bill: politically they think jimmy carter speaking, hillary clinton has spoken a little bit, bill clinton spoke the other day at arkansas. he had prior to that, it is almost like the left is now
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publicly divorcing itself from the president. >> trying to save their own skin, -- bill: maybe not just midterms. maybe a future beyond that. >> it is worth asking the question, if this is such an active conscious, he feels so strongly about before post mistakes made by the administration, what does he wait until he have a look on track to go public? you know what he said? i care about the country, i don't want to see the next year so down the drain. bill: he wants obama to change course. >> i am not saying he shouldn't speak his mind but there is something where it seems everybody writes a book. bill: i understand the point you are making.
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national journey on the screen for our viewers, the democrats speak admirably about intentio intentions, but they question the leadership. we are panetta speaks for them now. >> it is definitely difficult to say the president is doing a bad job. it can quote for a former pentagon chief to validate the hearing off the record from a lot of disaffected members. bill: more on this this week on your show? thank you. martha: the fbi has asked for your help to identify this man from a isis propaganda video. now some very strong leads on who he is and where he is from. can they nabbed this english-speaking terrorist? bill: and a video of the great white shark going viral. a teacher who took the picture of her life is here to tell us
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in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. martha: isis taking its grip on kobani. now that long a third of the town. launching airstrikes overnight at an attempt of pushing them back. it appears th he was is now tryg to stop a takeover of this town, but we have heard any reports getting more and more difficult. >> four days and we have seen forces make steady advances to the northern city of kobani, advances until recently were unimpeded by any u.s. forces. now the u.s. began responding with airstrikes just the past 24 hours. u.s. central command confirms
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u.s. aircraft including a bomber, fighter jet and drones launched five strikes south of kobani damaging a training camp, also destroying two vehicles. kurdish militia continue controlling most of the city and are holding out those far against isis. meeting with the joint chiefs a meeting that oak heard amidst deep criticism on the policy no american boots on the ground. reiterating that criticism about an hour ago. >> we are in football season. a coach doesn't tell the other team we are not to pass tomorrow. the other team sets up for a running game. you don't tell your enemy what you're going to do or not do. wthey will not put boots on the ground.
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bill: jennifer griffin poised this important question to the spokesman. >> is the pentagon prepared to ask the commander-in-chief for permission to put ground forces in there? describing kobani as a place airstrikes will be of limited value, you don't have ground troops on the ground, is it time now to ask for permission to use ground forces there? >> no. bill: a simple one word answer. some wonder if that strategy might change if kobani falls, martha. martha: thank you very much. bill: so the fbi telling us it claims to have several strong leads into the search for a man who appeared in a recent propaganda video things to their new isis decline. former chief assistant u.s. attorney who led the prosecution against the shake here in new york. what do you think the idea of
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one the public into this idea and looking for boots? >> it has worked very well for the fbi. think of the 10 most wanted posters you saw in the post office as a kid because those kind of images the public is like a force multiplier for the fbi. many more people on the ground then there are a few thousand fbi agents. if you're going to get a lead on somebody it is more likely to come from a member of the public han an fbi agent. bill: with this terrorist you see in this video, he has at least two people digging their own grave and apparently toward the end of this 15 minutes video, this guy shoots them, ends their life. you can hear him speak in english, goes terrific and seems to be fluent in both. you can see his eyelids, his eyebrows, you can see his eyes. from that, what can you tell? >> if you think about people you
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know in your own life, the sound of a voice, the look in someone's eye, something you can recognize, the better we know people of less of a full view you need to identify them and that is why the public is so important to the fbi in terms of getting leads to identify them. bill: in the case of england they think they identified the guy who beheaded americans. the individual with a south london accent, so it is possible. >> it is possible, but recognize we are in a war, not a law enforcement situation. the fbi has good reasons for wanting to identify people who might have to welcome back to the united states, but for the time being they are enemy combatants. even if you manage to identify somebody in syria, it is not like we can' can indict them or prosecute them in the united states. the most important thing is to
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confront these guys as a war problem, not a law problem. bill: they knew he was out there, they had talked to him in the year prior to him being captured. he wasn't identified until he put a surveillance photo to the public domain and got leads from the public and that led them to arrest. bill: the new tip line will give the fbi perhaps not a new prey to catch a major threat they could provide longer-term leads. almost like throw the net in the water. >> somebody called up and says i'm not sure if this is the guy, but a guy my neighborhood talking crazy radical stuff, he goes to a mosque notorious for that. those are the kind of things information they will get now. improving their intelligence base even if they don't identify this particular suspect.
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it is actually the situational premise a lot of the intelligence police we do even totally apart from law enforcement. bill: thank you very much. you point out the challenge here. this guy is in syria. how are you going to get him unless you go in and find him? thank you for your input today. martha: an active volcano erupts shooting toxic gas --dash 2 miles into the air putting hundreds of people in danger. bill: republicans pulling away in a key battleground state that usually goes democrat. will that leave hold up? our guest live in a moment.
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bill: it woman claims she was kicked off a flight because she complained about a delay on social media. she tweeted a picture of a boston bound plane at the gate in philadelphia, but she also posted critical comments apparently about the pilot. the pilot thought he was being accused of drinking too much. she says she was given the boot. listen. >> three children without their mom's night because a pilot made a decision that my social media interaction with my friends and family was not appropriate and he was not going to be tolerated by him. bill: jetblue says the pilot was given is a bright he test and was cleared and denies ruining her night because of the tweet. so the only remove customers who are disruptive. martha:'s what happened? sounds like a he said she said at this point.
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but there are lots of witnesses, we are suspecting. all right, some brand-new foxholes show republicans pulling ahead in the key battleground states in the midterms which are now less than 30 days away. this is arkansas. the latest numbers we have, this shows the congressman leading the incumbents by 7%, and we look at the average, a real clear politics average of all the latest polling the charisma anis still up by nearly 5% only one poll shows him ahead at this point. good morning, cumbersome, good to have you here. >> good morning, grace to be on with you. martha: have a little bit of a delay. first of all, you are in iraq and afghanistan war veteran. rip tide will what is on in the kobani. you here with the chairman chief
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joined the staff is saying about what he may need in terms of boots on the ground and all these other reports of what might be necessary to win, i'm curious what is going through your mind on that. >> it is frustrating the president has left the islamic state fester for years. when he disregarded the advice of his commanders in 2011 and withdrew a small stay behind course despite their ability to go there, he let them regroup. now they're not just a terrorist group, they are a terrorist army. who is billed as miss them as the jv team. so we don't have a strategy. probably more a political strategy to get him through the election rather than a military strategy to defeat islamic state. that is why there on the advanced bots to take the city of kobani on the border helping to secure the supply line and make it that much easier for them to attack our allies in the region and against americans and
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to kill americans. martha: w you hideous mixed messages with the chairman joint chief of staff, how hard is it for our people involved? >> it sends the wrong signal to everybody involved. as long as they can avoid airstrikes, move undercover, they don't have to worry about americans being able to defeat them. it sends the wrong signal to our allies who might be more engaged in going to take the fight to the islamic state if they knew the president the clear military strategy for victory as opposed to a political strategy to get past the election. billmartha: let's talk about arkansas. here is what he had to say. >> the end of it is i may wander and i may roam but i will never be far from home area did [applauding]
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you are in my heart and you will always be arkansas, you run deep in me. vote your heart. martha: he told them to vote up and down across the board for democrats in the state of arkansas. something to sway the election election for president obama at the dnc election. what do you think? >> i'm not too troubled for bill clinton's support for mark pryor be at i'm more concerned with mark prior supporting barack obama. he cast the decisive vote for obamacare. the prior obama candidacy is not working. from groceries to guest electricity to health care is going up at a time where adding a trillion dollars per year on average to our national debt. at the end, they know barack obama's agenda is not right for arkansas and he has been a loyal supporter that agenda. >>martha: some are not happy tht
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you voted against the farm bill which is difficult political territory in arkansas. do you stand by that? >> the farm bill should be called a foodstamp bilby it hundreds of billions of dollars of new spending. 80% of it is new spending. arkansas farmers, dyslexia benefit of one half of 1%, that is a bad deal for arkansas farmers, bad deal for taxpayers. i stood up for a true farm bill and true foodstamp reform bill but they insisted we keep doing things the old way which is the way we got $18 trillion of debt to begin with. martha: you are said to be part of the no crowd. if you were elected and if republicans at the senate, what is the first thing you would say yes to? >> we need to pass the job pretty bills the house of representatives have already passed like the keystone
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pipeline, individual mandate tax of obamacare, letting people keep their health care plan. those are things that we can pass in january. house of representatives have already passed. martha: you got a little bit of good news already this morning, didn't you? >> yes, we did. my wife and i announced we are expecting our first child. some people think campaigning is hard but my wife tells the first trimester is much harder. martha: i'm going to vote for your wife on that, i think she is right, congratulations to you both. great to have you here today. martha: great news there. he is responding right now. bill: we have been told for several months they have recruited better candidates. u.s. military experience, that is part of the reason why they
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believe they have their shots dwindling. martha: he is definitely on that team. we will see how they do. >> arkansas next. "happening now" rolling your way in 12 minutes. >> i'm here to tell you breaking news from the front lines in the fight against isis in kobani. and a dozen dead inside turkey. and here with his crystal ball, a couple of new changes in the key senate race or two. and the governor's races coming up in less than a month. and g.o.p. with big games and another possible case of ebola in texas. bill: face-to-face with a great white shark. this incredible photo taken by a teacher in new jersey. only she has the story.
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next. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
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martha: a volcano shooting ash into the sky. forcing hundreds of people to leave a neighboring village. no injuries reported. the mountain has been active for over a year and erupted in february. but at the lives of 16 people and forced thousands of people from their homes. one of the more active of the volcanoes in indonesia. bill: a photo of the great white sharks getting a lot of attention. this shot off the coast of
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south africa by nama driscoll teacher in new jersey. she is in the studio to tell her story. good day to you. >> thank you for having me. "national geographic" just wrote a story about it today. bill: fancy pants. why were you in south africa? >> south africa was a gold mine. had a passion of sharks my whole life so i found a company called white shark africa, they are ecotourism meaning they not only take scientists out to collect data but also taking out tourists to introduce them the sharks so people can learn. bill: how did you get this shot? >> it was locked. really most important for me to be paying attention to the sharks, their behaviors and appreciating the moment i had with them the happened to catch it on camera.
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bill: you embrace the creature. >> yes. it erases the fear, there is this mentality when it comes to sharks they are killers and these ferocious beasts, and they are not, they are protected species with population troubles and the goal is to get out and get people in front of them to see they are not that scary. bill: the closer you got to great white more impressed you were because he could see how smart they were. what was that about? >> i was there for a month so i was lucky enough to witness their behavior regularly and they are so incredibly intelligent and in this particular shot you see the shark going for the bait but that wasn't always the case. they spun around, checked out, tried to figure out what it was and what we were doing there. it is incredible to see these giant fish been so prevalent.
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bill: so you hum this picture in your classroom, what do the kids say? speak of the kids are loving it. they say you are famous. but i am not. putting the words out to protect the species like this and tongue the kids the same thing. bill: as you know, it is a beautiful shot. and i'm scared to to death of sharks. >> that is why we send them out. bill: next summer to you go back? >> they are having me back so hopefully i can take some more photos, collect data and get the word out there. bringing my go pro. they just sent me a brand-new one. bill: thank you. martha: happy to have you back. coming up, isis inching closer to turkey as militia fight the key border town in syria. allies now stepping in to help. the latest on the most intense airstrikes so far.
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♪ martha: we like throw back thursday. we like to throw back. 1985, october 9th, 29 years ago today, a portion of new york city's central park was officially dedicated in honor of john lennon. lennon would have turned 45 on that day. the section of the park steps away from the home he shared with his wife yoko ono, it is named for the strong, strawberry fields forever. it has a single word imagine. isn't that beautiful? that is a nice shot which is another classic lennon song. ahead of his birthday celebration. john lennon studio albums were available in high rez on streaming service spotify. bill: big tourist spot in new york. martha: you can see the home they lived n.
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a few feet into central park which is a beautiful, beautiful place is strawberry fields. bill: what do what do you thinkf teacher diving with sharks? martha: great. i love that story. bill: she has a tat of a shark on right shoulder. martha: so she says. "happening now" coming up. bye, everybody. eric: american and allied warplanes hammering isis targets near kobani. as terrorists fight to seize the syrian border town. it is the most intense strikes of the air campaign so far, but the big question this morning, will they work. welcome to "happening now." i'm eric shawn in for jon scott. shannon: i'm shannon breen in for jenna lee. isis is pushing forward yards from the turkish border with fierce battles. [explosions] shannon: some are claiming isis controls a third of kobani but kurd deny it.
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