tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 10, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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this wrong. i am a machinist and i work with all guys. sorry about that, joe. "fox & friends" starts right now. happy friday. good morning. today is friday, october 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope. raising jihad, praising it and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still be called workplace violence? we'll tell you. >> we will. anger against police in st. louis reaching a boiling point. now protesters are thr knives and even burning, as you can see right there, the american flag. >> thanks, steve. ladies, would you like a raise? before you go asking your boss for more money, a top male c.e.o. says it's much easier to rely on karma
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instead. we'll discuss it. mornings are better with friends. >> hi. i'm billy baldwin and you're watching "fox & friends." >> thank you, billy baldwin. >> he calls himself the white sheep of the family because he's the one who is just a normal guy. >> and you're practically a member of the family. >> right and they might adopt me. >> because his father was a history teacher at your high school. >> maria is trying to work her way into the hasselbeck family. >> we'll see about that. >> cousin steve and cousin brian in our family. welcome aboard. it is a friday and we start with a jaw dropper. the fort hood shooter has sent a handwritten warning to the pope and to the vatican and to other religious leaders around the world. >> nidal hasan rambling about jihad and radical islam in his latest
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correspondence. >> we're live in washington with more on this. we're all sort of shaking our heads on this. what more can you tell us? >> good morning. his lawyer says this letter shows how much convicted fort hood shooter nidal's hasan thoughts are driven by religious zeal. he asked to send a letter to pope francis and hasan tells the pontiff, quote, the willingness to fight for almighty allah can be a test in and of itself. mujahedin have a greater rank in the eyes of allah than those who don't fight and are encouraged to inspire believers. the he went on a shooting rampage in fort hood in 2009 and was convicted of killing 13 people and wounding 31 more; also writes in a letter to the head of the catholic church, quote, those who
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inspire divinity through christ and reject the koran are liars and disbelievers. please take heed. hasan describes himself in the letter as he has previously as an s.o.a. or soldier of allah. the obama administration called the fort hood massacre an example of workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism. >> we called in arthur aidallah. i'm holding in my hands the letter he wrote to the pope and other religious leaders. he has nice handwriting. >> the only good thing i'm going to say, he does have nice handwriting. >> isn't this terrorism? isn't this written terrorism? >> i'm racking my brain. i don't believe there is any ethical obligation on behalf of a lawyer to disseminate information like this. what the hawr has said is he wants -- what the lawyer has said septs to use this
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letter in an appeal to show he wasn't thinking properly and apparently in the trial he was not allowed to testify about his religious beliefs. but there is no reason to be releasing this publicly. >> here is the lawyer's explanation officially. it says it also reenforces my tblef that the military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting major hasan from both testifying and arguing how his religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting. so this is proof that he didn't get a chance to talk at trial and it was because of that that he sent this to the pope. >> this is a unanimous decision. panel 13 across the board said death penalty. >> what the attorney leaves out is that last step. it's reversible error. he wasn't able to testify. he goes if he was able to testify, x, y, z. that's not there. usually it would say it would create a defense of extreme emotional
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disturbance which would mitigate it from a death penalty case to a nondeath penalty case. i don't understand why this lawyer did this in such a public way. it doesn't make any sense to me. i don't know. it doesn't seem like the most professional action. that is the nicest thing i can say. >> when you see quotes like this, this is from the letter, those who die their final death worshipping other than allah are not forgiven. their good deeds are rendered useless. >> and this is going to the pope. it is not like he's just releasing it. it's going to the pope. all i can tell you this, brian, if i got a letter like this from my attorney regarding this or anything else -- i apologize from my client as an attorney, i want you to disseminate this, i have no obligation. i would say no. >> this is what bothers me. he's still able to write and play a role. the fact that he's able to do this and offer threats. >> he should have broke his fingers. >> -- allowed to
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communicate? >> brian, hold on a second. even the worst people are allowed -- you're still allowed to write a letter. >> the lawyer doesn't have the obligation to -- >> correct. disseminate it. he's in a horrible place. nobody would want to be where this guy is, physically where he is. nobody wants to trade places with him, and he is allowed to write letters. >> there are a bunch of people that lost their lives -- >> i'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be there. >> there are many that died at his hands who would love to at least have the ability to write a letter. his lawyer passing this on -- and i think you hit it right on the head, arthur, by saying he's under no obligation about this. why is he? >> it does not make sense to me, elisabeth. if you want me to tell you i think he's being used by this guy or maybe he wants five minutes of fame -- look now he's on "fox & friends" now he's famous. >> here's what makes it worse. he's an islamic extremist. this guy is becoming a
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celebrity amongst the people that hate us most. >> i agree. that is why i would never do this. i don't understand what the motivation is. if it is reversible error, put it in your papers and send it to court. >> it pretty much solidifies even though the department of justice decides it is not terrorism, we're going to try him on workplace violence, dr. jasser was on with megyn last night and said this proves it was terrorism. >> the report on fort hood was 84 pages and never mentioned islam, jihad. there were copy cats after nidal. another who wanted to commit another fort hood. how many recurrences, hundreds we've seen of this violence of jihaddism that keeps represent -- replicating and because of the fear of our administration, groups that are apologists that want to put a cover over the real
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cold war of the 21st century which is islamic -- >> we'll give you the last word. >> let's talk about it from a realistic point of view, he wasn't prosecuted under terrorism but he did get justice that he deserves, and that's the ultimate, ultimate goal that these families want. i shame on you, attorney, for doing this, in my opinion. you represent all attorneys and i feel that way and any time i step into a courtroom or act, you should know better than that than to be this guy's tool. this guy's pawn. >> he want to be famous. >> he's famous but he still is on death row. >> with his fingers, though he can write. >> many people didn't realize he had the option to not send it and you just opened that up for them. thank you for that. >> all right. nine minutes after the top of the hour on this very busy friday. heather's got the headlines. >> it is the weekend;
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right? we have some other news for you. the clock is ticking. in less than 24 hours new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk, new york's largest airport. next week four other airports wip join in. newark, dulles, o'hare and heartsfield jackson in atlanta. travelers from west africa will now have their temperature taken. but airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video just into "fox & friends." fire fighters in hazmat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out it was just a case of motion sickness. breaking overnight, protesters in st. louis, missouri, are burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. [chanting] don't shoot! no peace! >> during the chaos rioters threw a knife at a knife at
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an officer hitting him in shoulder, two people were arrested. jason miller in custody this morning after a three-hour standoff with police. he tweeted during the entire thing. all of this unfolding in california. officers tried to apparently serve him with an arrest warrant on a list of charges including domestic violence. here's just one of his tweets at one point saying just don't let them shoot me. miller looking pleased with himself in his mug shot. he is being held on $200,000 bail. >> how about good news for this friday. the nobel peace prize awarded this morning. pakistani child malala and satyari getting this year's honor. the nobel committee citing
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them for work for children. >> an alabama mother furious after her five-year-old kindergartner is forced to sign a no suicide contract at school. >> did you say she's five? >> she's five. you have the story for us. what's going on here? >> good morning, elisabeth. the mother rebecca wants to remain anonymous but says it started when mobile county officials called her about an incident involving her daughter. she said, quote, they told me she drew something that resembled a gun. according to them she point add crayon at another student and said pew-pew. rebecca said she questioned her daughter about suicidal thoughts but that is not all. rebecca said she had to sign a sign a contractor promising not to commit
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suicide. she is now pushing to have the incident removed from her child's record saying the situation should have been handled differently. she said as a parent that is not right. i'm the one who should be able to talk to my child and not have somebody else mention words like this. the school not commenting and according to alabama state law anyone under the anal of 19 can -- under the age of 19 cannot legally sign contracts without a parent. >> that final point is so crazy. you don't have kids sign a contract. that is my opinion as the mama of a five-year-old. >> she said pew-pew, not bang-bang. what do you think about that? please e-mail us at friends at fox or tweet us at "fox & friends." this story had so many of you outraged yesterday. did the e.p.a. pull an i.r.s. because thousands of text messages that were supposed to be handed over accidentally deleted. we have brand-new details
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it looks like the government has not learned much from the lois lerner scandal. her e-mails vanished when congress launched its probe but now it's happened to a top e.p.a. official as well. the environmental protection agency agency says it deleted thousands of text messages after a conservative think tank started asking questions. so what is the agency trying to cover up? here to explain is the fellow fellow at the energy and the environment chris warner. >> first we saw the text messaging correspondence of the woman who had been the deputy in charge of what's known as the war on coal, e.p.a.'s most expensive, most aggressive regulatory agenda. gina mccarthy, she's now the administrator. on 18 separate days because we had been told she had
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been warned about what she was writing and was going to get the administration in trouble. for 18 days we requested and got no answers. we ran the odds and figured she was not texting on those days but she actually texted like a teenager instead of e-mail. we sought all of them. once again they said she doesn't have any. it turns out in one lawsuit she admitted through counsel to having destroyed all over 5,000 messages over a three-year period. we got meta data that shows she was corresponding with her senior aides in the war on coal even though she defended her cyber bonfire by saying they were all personal. they wiped out theirs too. e.p.a. is destroying an entire class of correspondence. >> what do you think those text messages could reveal and why did you
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>> if you look at what happened to lois lerner, she got her job for about a year because she pleads the fifth and she's living okay. what do we learn from lois lerner? better to give you the stiff arm than tell the truth and realize what she might be doing is flatout corruption. >> we'll see if everybody gets away with this. on its face it violates the criminal code, you can get up to three years per incident. i'm not saying she needs to fit herself in stripes but
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gina mccarthy was the person in charge of making sure the laws were abided. >> some politicians in these coal states should be applauding you for what you're doing because you're keeping their industry alive. thanks so much. he's fired up on a friday. ten minutes before the top. het me tell you what's straight ahead. they are here and hired to serve and protect but how are they supposed to do that if they have no weapons? wait until you hear about a plan to take away their guns. more and more schools forcing kids to get flu shots and what happens if you don't want your child to get one? can they be denied an education? we separate facts from fiction. ♪ ♪ ♪
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we have some friday morning headlines for you now. the u.s. supreme court stopping officials in wisconsin from requiring residents to provide photo i.d. before voting. hours later a federal judge in texas blocked that state's voter i.d. law calling it a poll tax. texas attorney general greg abbott says it will be appealed. who's the bully here? the kansas chapter of the united auto workers using its website to call out g.m. workers who chose not to pay union dues. it dedicated an entire page with the names of 30 people who are not in the union. critics say it's an all-outest to intimidate and pressure them into joining. pressure tax. that's the news. here's the doctor and elisabeth. >> thank you. october is the start of flu
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season. while no one is immune parents may be hesitant to get their children vaccinated with the flu shot. should they be worried with that? here to separate flu from fact fiction is fox news medical a team dr. marc siegel. the flu season starts earlier, lasts longer; a lot of concerns with parents. let's go through fact or fiction possible myth. the flu vaccine is safe for children? >> absolutely a fact. it is completely safe for children. you can get the injected vaccine which is a dead virus. that is completely safe. it can't cause the flu. children sometimes do better with the inhaled vaccine which is a live virus. you can't have that if you have asthma but that is easier to take and there is some evidence it causes better immunity. i'm all for that flu mist for children. >> as long as they don't have asthma. second, children can be denied from school without a flu shot? >> that's fiction. but i'll tell you something, there's a couple of states where it's becoming fact.
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in new jersey, connecticut and new york over the last couple of years if you want to go to preschool, your kid to go to preschool or day care they have to take a flu shot. there's an advantage to that. it decreases the amount of flu that is circulating. we know our preschools are like petri dishes, spreading and touching each other. there is a decrease of hospitalization of young people who take the flu shot. the flu shot doesn't usually prevent the flu but it decreases how severe a flu you get if you get the flu. for a young child or old person especially important. >> by law? >> right now. in those states. not across the country yet. very controversial but i think it is very valuable. >> if you're trying to get pregnant you should avoid the flu shot? fact or fiction? >> fiction. there's three reasons you should have the flu shot. flu shots do not cause miscarriages. flu shots when you're pregnant protect you. if you get the flu when you're pregnant it's very
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severe. itcan be quite severe and can lead to problems in fetuses, birth defects. it protects the baby for the first six months of life when you can't give them the flu shot. c.d.c. recommends giving them the flu shot after the first six months. in the first six months you're relying on the immunity you got from your mom. >> you can get the flu from a flu shot? >> you absolutely cannot. many times i tell people that, they still think it's the case. you cannot. the first 24 hours after you get the flu shot you may get some symptoms, you may get under the weather, may get a little fever, muscle aches. that is an allergy to the flu shot. it is a dead virus. >> what about the nasal spray? >> the nasal spray is a live virus. you always ask the smartest questions. it is a live virus but
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can't give you the flu. >> what about those with an egg allergy? this says those with an egg allergy can't get the flu vaccine. >> also fiction. we now have a version of the flu shot that is egg free. if you have a severe allergy you can get a different kind of flu shot that won't cause the allergy. get your flu shot no matter what. >> great message. dr. segal, always great to have you here. >> you ask the best questions. >> thanks for being here. i have my flu shot. coming up now, it's a "fox & friends" exclusive. brian sits down with mark cuban, a guy who doesn't worry about what comes out of his mouth at all. >> are you worried about political correctness today? >> i'm not worried so much because i don't give a damn. >> wait until you hear what he thinks about washington. ladies, would you like a
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raise? before you go ask for more money a top male c.e.o. says just rely on karma. first happy birthday to david lee roth. he turns 60 years old today. ♪ ♪ ♪ wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is.
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he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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less-expensive optionf than a traditional lawyer? at legalzoom you get personalized services for your family and your business that's 100% guaranteed. so go to today for personalized, affordable legal protection. ♪ ♪ >> we are celebrating. it's our shot of the morning. we're kicking off columbus day weekend with an italian feast. pizza for everybody. we have the head chef of l & b gardens, lenny gardens.
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>> you guys came here as a family in 1917? >> grandpa came as a young boy. he came with practically nothing. he came, he lived in a little place on president street and he was all by himself and he started from a kid that came as an orphan and created a pizza dynasty. i mean, the dpie went -- the guy went -- >> on the cover of your box you've got a horse and buggy. >> he delivered by horse? >> that's right. the ice cream. great. >> family recipe. >> it is basically a grandma pizza but mass produced. grandma pizza is a pizza cooked from fresh and it goes in the oven with the sauce on top. if it goes in fresh with
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the mozzarella on top, the mozzarella would burn. >> this is the pizza i grew up with. >> what is this? >> my mother's salami sandwich from coney island. >> does she know you took it? >> she passed away. this is the best. you have salami on the bottom. it is almost like a salad. >> will you be here all morning? >> our friend arthur aidala has been telling us about your place for many years you've got a friend. >> we invite you all. >> thank you very much. love it. >> time for some news. for that, heather childers joins us. >> nothing like pizza for breakfast. we begin with this, 1,000 air force service men are losing health care because they're told they never should have had it in the first place. the air force says that
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they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating air men earlier this year. the problem is anyone optingor voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. and now that it's being taken away, air men and women, they're furious saying we were told one thing and now we're being told another. the police are there to serve and protect, just not with guns? one d.c. council man wants to disarm cops. independent david grosso saying he wants to get rid of all guns in the city including for police officers. other city council members quickly jumped to defend him even saying officers in other countries aren't armed. grosso adding he's not introducing any legislation. he's just starting a conversation. like a bad game of dodge ball, a democratic kentucky senate candidate alison grimes ducking question after question on whether she voted for president obama. take a listen.
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>> did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about making sure we put kentuckyans back to work. >> did you vote? >> i was in 2008 a delegate for hillary clinton. >> she didn't answer. the latest fox news poll puts mitch mcconnell ahead of grimes by fow points. a firestorm of controversy surrounding the c.e.o. of microsoft after he told a group of women not asking for a raise is good karma. it happened at an event celebrating women and technology. he said it is not really about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along because that is's good karma. twitter went nuts, one woman tweeting maybe he meant the good women who don't ask for raises will
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be reincarnated as men who get those raises. he tweeted back saying was inarticulate about how women ask for raise. our industry must close gender pay gap so a raise is not needed because of bias. what do you think? >> he could have just said everyone. >> if he says everyone, for me, if i'm a worker, i want my boss to give me a raise i don't want to ask for it, no problem. i don't know why it was specific to women. other people say you've got to go ask for it. go storm in there. it's a strategy. it's a style. here's the thing. he was answering a question of if you're a woman, i think in his mind -- i don't know him -- he was probably saying in general people who ask, i would like to recognize them rather than -- >> he would like a do-over. what do you think about
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that? e-mail us at friends at in the meantime you're looking at an image from nasa of a major typhoon heading for japan. more than 50,000 american troops are stationed there. maria molina joins us and she's got an eye on that big storm and our whether as well. >> good morning. hello everyone. that storm system is equivalent to a category 4 hurricane that would be in the atlantic. it has maximum sustained winds now of about 140 miles per hour and landfall is expected out there coming up very shortly over the next few days not only across okinawa about northward across parts of japan. in the lower 48 we have rain across a stationary front. anywhere from texas to parts of arkansas and into missouri you're going to be looking at several inches of rain possible. there are flash d into watches in effect and eventually that rain will
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be moving into portions of the mid-atlantic. tomorrow morning you can expect showers in places like washington, d.c. along this front boundary the risk of severe storms that will start today and pick up in intensity sunday into monday. we'll be watching in in states like oklahoma, arkansas and parts of texas. otherwise temperatures to the north of the front very chilly. only in the 50's in places like kansas city and chicago but 90's across texas. let's head back inside. >> thank you. >> on monday i had an interview with the owner of dallas mavericks mark cuban. we talked about everything from his first job selling garbage bags to his tough talk on washington. here's an excerpt you're going to see on monday. >> i vote for the guy who's going to do the least. >> in what way? about what? >> about everything.
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because again, politicians are there to be reelected. i don't think they do a good job of thinking. i don't care if it's republicans or democrats, there is no difference between the two. they're there to get elected. i think what i look for is you just stay out of the way. because the more they try to do, the harder it gets. >> has president obama lived up to your expectations? >> good tease. that's a great way to put it, although i don't know how many candidates are going to run for -- i will do the least. >> he characterized himself as a libertarian. i said rand paul is your guy? he said, no, he's not my guy. he's very much on the fence. he voted for president obama twice but he's actually probusiness, go out and get it. he talks about entitlement and kids. he talks about owner of the mavericks and where he gets his drive from. he looks at himself as an average guy with an above average work ethic. >> too bad he's so shy
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about his opinions. i give him a lot of credit because he's so honest. >> he mentioned he voted for the president twice. on monday find out does he regret voting for president obama. find that out and more. mark cuban talking with brian on monday. >> next, if you recently bought a blizzard with a credit card. dairy barn -- dairy queen? >> you go there a lot. >> if you just charged something at dairy barn you're fine, but dairy queen -- >> that's a problem. >> boys and girls, just call them purple penguins? that's right. a school is going gender inclusive, an outraged parent is here next from the news barn. ♪ ♪ ♪
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quick consumer headlines now. dow drama may have had a lot of people worried yesterday especially after their 401(k) plunged 335 points perhaps. that means if you had $the 0,000 in your -- if you had 90 thousand dollars in your retirement yesterday it dropped to 88 thousand dollars. dairy queen, the latest victim to be hit by customers, 600 customers had credit card information study. you can check your dairy queen website. amazon set to open a retail store in new york city. it says it will be like a mini warehouse used for
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same day deliveries and pickups. the store expected to be open just in time for the holidays. that is a great idea. >> a school cedric in the state of nebraska -- a school district in nebraska under fire for training material aimed at helping teachers deal with transgender students in dowms titled 12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness, teachers are told don't use phrases such as boys and girls, girls and guys or ladies and gentlemen and similarly gender expression to get students attention. instead use nicknames like purple penguins, all the purple penguins meet on the rug. that is what they are asked to do rather than say ladies and gentlemen. is this how the school district should be spending its time and money?
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our next guest was the first parent to learn about the training materials. her e-mails to other parents on the matter is what sparked this debate. good morning, rachel. thanks for joining us from lincoln. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> as i understand it, you got a heads up on this because a teacher or two e-mailed you and said you've got to spread the word; right? >> right, right. and i really respect and honor these teachers for putting their jobs on the line to do what they thought was best for their student. >> apparently the school district believes this is part of their antibullying campaign to get rid of this, you know, eliminate saying boys and girls because there are transgender students perhaps in the classroom? >> yeah. bullying is a big topic and i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the
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political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably isn't the best way to help children feel safer at school. >> what do you mean, the political correctness? >> i think that's probably where this gender spectrum idea is coming from. you know, it's not everybody feels comfortable with the boy and girl, let's get rid of it for everybody. it's extreme political correctness being misused in a way that's confusing to children. >> when the teachers reached out to you, you say they were concerned, they don't think it's a good idea. why? because well, i think part of the reason is clearly you can see how teachers might feel uncomfortable with the directions to speak this way. it's unnatural to the teachers and probably goes against the belief system of many of the teachers.
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i'm sure that they're concerned about parental rights as well. >> the school district superintendent had this sound bite and talks about how the media portrayal of the training papers not accurate. listen to this and then your reaction. >> have we or anybody inside our system mandated that a teacher take boys and girls or ladies and gentlemen out of their interactions with children or interactions with adults? this was about adults, professional educators, who care deeply about trying to reach and establish relationships with children, looking for strategies on how they can be more effective in their classroom. >> there you've got the superintendent denying they've asked teachers to stop doing that. you say what? >> i wasn't at the training
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meeting, and as far as i know, they haven't told teachers you're not allowed to say boys and girls or ladies and gentlemen. you know, what i've heard is that the handouts were given out as suggestions for teachers to use in their classroom. but, you know, i think he's probably trying to distance himself a little bit from that around this firestorm. >> i know there's a big school district meeting coming up on tuesday and you're encouraging parents to show and speak out against it. everybody gets five minutes. all right. rachel terry joining us from lincoln. thank you very much for telling your story. >> thank you. >> what do you think about that? e-mail us. coming up, he was the defense secretary and head of the c.i.a. for president obama, but obama's supporters say he's dishonorable? >> it's kind of sad that in its twilight, he's done such a
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dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. >> does bill burton have a point? we want to know what you think. mail us about that asç well. grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. with no artificial ingredients. del monte. bursting with life. ir is perfect. with no artificial ingredients. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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well, it has been another busy week here on "fox & friends." >> in case you missed it, here is a look back, way back. >> welcome to "fox & friends." the number one show on cable. >> right now. >> thanks to awful you at home. >> the only endorsement donald trump is giving out is watch "fox & friends." >> well, it's a great group and i have a lot of fun.
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>> congratulations! you're engaged! >> there you go. >> any chance to get a cake. >> i don't know where to put my feet. >> evidently she has longer legs than we were told. >> what's the problem? >> she's kicking me in the shin shins! >> by the way, i was actually in "pineapple express." i was. >> really?g story. >> yeah, i was. i was on the radio. >> is this true? >> seriously? >> yes. or was that "tropic thunder"? >> the truth is out there somewhere, scully. >> you know how i love broadway. sting is coming to broadway. and i love musicals. >> you went to "rocky" on broadway. >> i saw him stinging "frozen." let it go. >> you'll never make it in vegas. >> wind machine, smoke machine, people dancing. trying to sing here. >> larry gatlin has a new song.
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♪ you underestimate these united states ♪ ♪ and the righteous people standing up as one ♪ ♪ we exist to fan the flame of freedom ♪ ♪ batman ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, adam west! >> i'm a senior super hero now, just kind of a geezer. >> how old are you? >> 86. >> no kidding. >> yes. >> that voice is the same as it was the day i heard it when i was a kid watching trick or treat. >> you have to rock us out. ♪ ♪ >> do we have any time left? , no. >> joe perry, awesome. what a week! >> a lot of music this week.
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>> yeah. >> we're going to be right back with two more hours unless steve has another agenda. >> wait until you hear what gwyneth paltrow said about the president last night. she's crazy about him. >> you think so? ♪ ♪ i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend.
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at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. good morning. today is friday, october 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still now be called workplace violence? >> when is that going to change? he was the defense secretary and head of the c.i.a., but president obama's supporter says he's dishonorable. >> it's kind of sad that in its twilight, he's done such a dishonorable thing by -- by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. >> so does bill burton have a point? we report. you decide.
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he wrote a book. a kindergartener is forced to sign a no suicide contract at school because she drew a picture that kind of looked like a gun. what? oh, boy. thank you for joining us. it's friday. you're watching "fox & friends". >> hello, everybody. this is lenny from l and bspumoni garden! manja! >> i know it's 7:00 o'clock on friday morning, but i've already had one piece of pizza. it's delicious. >> it is a mob scene outside. like we starved the crew for 72 hours. >> they brought us italian food to kick off columbus day whether isñr monday. >> right. we told but this in the cold open. fort hood shooter sending a handwritten warning to pope francis and the vatican. >> rambling on about jihad and
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radical islam in his latest correspondence there. >> molly henneberg is live. we got a copy of the letter. tell us what he's saying. >> reporter: good morning. the letter is a message to pope francis and others instructing them how they can get right with allah and how jihad can, quote, inspire the believers. nidal hasan's lawyer says this letter shows how much of the convicted fort hood shooter's, quote, life actions and mental thought are driven by religious zeal. hasan asked his lawyer to mail a six-page handwritten letter to the pope that begins, quote, a warning to pope francis, members of the vatican, and other religious leaders around the world, with all due courtesy, i invite you to understand the purpose of life as defined by almighty allah. in one section of the letter titled jihad, he tells the pontiff that muslims who wage jihad, quote v a greater rank in the eyes of allah. hassan, a former army
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psychiatrist, went on a shooting rampage at fort hood in 2009 and was later convicted of killing 13 people and wounding 31 more. he also writes in this letter to the head of the catholic church, quote, christians are specifically warned by the god of abraham to believe in the koran and not to say jesus is the son of god. hasan describes himself in the letter as he has previously as an soa, or soldier of allah. the obama administration has called the fort hood massacre an example of workplace violence rather than islamic terrorism. back to you all in new york. >> allall right. molly henneberg live in our nation's capitol, thank you. interesting look at the letter, we all got copies of it. in this letter to the pope, hasan -- while he says i'm ready for jihad and ready to do what it takes because he's a soldier of allah, and yeah, and i'm the guy that murder 13 people and tried to murder 31 others. >> you can only put so much in a letter, steve.
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the other thing to keep in mind is how was he radicalized? by writing to al-awlaki. by doing this, he's making himself a star in that underworld and trying to radicalize other people by telling them what he thinks is the right way to serve allah. >> so in other words, if you want to wind up on death row like me, here is a way. >> but he's surviving. to some people in that warped sensibility, it's like wow, he's my idol. >> his attorney decided to pass it on. one of the quotes is this: the willingness to fight for almighty allah can be a test in itself, believing fighters have a greater rank in the eyes of allah than believers who don't fight. >> that's from former major nidal hasan. his lawyer -- this is the extraordinary part about it. he wrote this letter and asked his lawyer, deliver this to the pope. and the reason he about it was he said this makes my case. he says, quote, this letter also reinforces my belief that the
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military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting major hasan from both testifying and arguing how his religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting. so in other words, the lawyer says this is proof his religious zeal drove him to murder. >> yeah. >> so who is -- can we at least acknowledge he's being motivated by islamic extremism? >> that's the part that gets us. it was clearly terrorism, but this department of justice decided to prosecute him and he was convicted on charges of workplace violence. >> here is what you're saying. >> stephanie e mailed us this, because this case was designated workplace violence, the military members were treated incorrectly. there are victims who survived, but lost their careers. the designation made a horrible situation even worse. >> it did indeed. also kevin e mailed, if the president does not now after this letter admit he was wrong about this not being workplace
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violence, our country is in danger. keep the e-mail coming. facebook us. you can tweet under the circumstances. >> as we toss to heather, keep in mind, we got another shot at this. that's the oklahoma beheader, that lunatic that went into his workplace after being suspended and started screaming islamic phrases and we know what he did. so let's get it right this time. >> that happening in moore, oklahoma. >> yep. the clock is ticking. in less than 24 hours, new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk, new york's largest airport. next week four other airports will join in. newark, dulles, o'hare and atlanta. travels from west africa will now have their temperature taken. but airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video. this is just in to "fox & friends." firefighters in haz-mat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out that was just a case
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of motion sickness. breaking overnight, protesters in st. louis, missouri, now burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. during the chaos, rioters through threw a knife at a police officer and hit him in the shoulder. two people were arrested. theç violent crowd also smashig this glass door at a pharmacy. also shattering the window of a patrol car. an alabama mother is furious. have you heard about this? after her five-year-old kindergartener is forced to sign a no suicide contract, all because she drew a picture of what looked like a gun. rebecca, who wants to remain anonymous, says while she was waiting in the lobby, the school questioned her daughter about suicidal thoughts. but that's not all. they also had her sign a suicide and homicide contract promising not to hurt herself or others. she's now pushing to have the
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incident removed from her child's record. there is a look at your headlines. five years old. >> yep. >> teeny little one to have to write such things. >> i don't know if i could write my last name at five. >> then promise in crayon not to do it again. we asked for comments and got a lot. >> ruth says, quote, so ridiculous, i'm a preschool teacher and some of my students make guns out of toys. i simply tell them we don't do that in schools. >> jean says this whole political correctness nonsense about guns and the like is nuts. when i grew up, every kid brought a toy cap gun or water pistol to school and we played cowboys and indians during recess. >> and brian tweets from the couch, i agree with those first two e-mailers. >> thank you. >> and i retreat. >> thank you very much. appreciate that. >> leon panetta has a new book. it is rocketing up the best seller charts. in it he talks about how the president of the united states, he's got really good intentions, but he has made a lot of mistakes. >> didn't listen to leon panetta a lot of times. >> essentially didn't listen to anybody. well, cnn needed somebody to
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counter that, so they called up paid attack dog bill burton who was a spokesperson for the campaign and also the white house and now did a super pac. apparently will he they couldn't get anybody from the administration to attack leon panetta, who by the way has had a long and storied career in washington, d.c nobody said leon panetta is an attack dog. but that's bill burton's role in this sound bite from cnn on tuesday. >> it's kind of sad that in its twilight, he's done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. this president has shown his leadership time and again. he has moved this country in the right direction and to attack his leadership i think is small and petty. >> that's very interesting for leon panetta to be challenged by bill burton, deputy communications director who is no longer even with the administration. it's hardly equal weight.
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we talked about this yesterday. if you want to push back against leon panetta, get someone on par with him, then it's an equal fight. when you try to have bill burton compared to leon panetta, it's like spitting in the wind. >> if it's only leon panetta, that's one issue. this is someone who i believe if you listen to his interview, he's expressing deep concern with the chance to actually make changes moving forward for the benefit our national security. gates' book that came out, hillary clinton's book came out. there are a lot of those lining up that were all part of this administration's team at one point saying that they have reservations about how things were handled. >> charlie rose s why did you write the book to leon panetta and he said i did it to get a message to him, you can still change it all around. >> in the last two years of his administration. so somebody who is not critical of the president, in fact, is crazy about him, is gwyneth paltrow. the president is -- he's had a really busy week of fund-raiser. he held one at her house in
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brentwood and as she was introducing him, she said this is the president, i am one of your biggest fans, if not the biggest. and then went on to say, it would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass. also she said at one point, you're so handsome that i can't speak properly. >> right. and that's what elisabeth said to me when she first saw me. very similar. if that is true, no one was taping. >> you know i love you. you may have 100% approval rating from me, and you do, too, steve. obama may have 100% approval rating from gwyneth paltrow, but not so much so in the state of california. his approval rating dropped 20% here. down from 65% in 2009 to 45% approval rating there now, which is astounding, which may explain why he headed this, had
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a big party in brentwood, julia roberts was there and bradley wickford and it sounds like she was the hostess. the mid terms are important. >> she likes him. >> she likes him a lot. >> a lot of people like him a lot. >> this coming up soon, were agents caught up in the colombian prostitution scandal thrown under the bus to cover up the white house's involvement and protect the president's reelection? former secret service agent knows the inside scoop and he is going to join us with it next. and a horse walks into a police station. no really. a horse walks into a police station. there was no joke there. that's the horse. >> hey, get back. >> hello. ♪ ♪
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the white house embroiled in yet another controversy after a new report claims that senior officials knew about the involvement of a white house aide in the secret service prostitution scandal. many are surprised. our next guest is not. more than a year ago, he wrote, quote, i assure you, if the same level of investigative scrutiny
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i can't say applied to white house staff members conducting advance work as was applied to the secret service, the results would not be flattering. joining us now is the author of "life inside the bubble," former secret service agent, dan bonjino. thanks for being with us this morning. i want to say your brother was a secret service agent accuse evidence being involved in that colombian scandal there. and was exonerated. given the new information to many that's come out, what are your thoughts? >> the hypocrisy here is absolutely stunning. this is a two-tiered government. you're either a connected insider on the inside or you're not. and if you're not, you're going to be paraded to be tarred and feathered in front of the public and everyone else. the white house staffer gets a promotion and is celebrated. >> and others punished for looking into it. the lead investigator on this was told to delay this information as it was reported
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and then also instruct to do sort of step aside. this is david nieland and his account here. why is this happening? step aside, hold this so that the white house doesn't look bad. was this always the case? >> no, elisabeth. this is pattern of of behavior with this administration. they jump in front of the cameras. they act horrified and aircrafted at what happened and then pick a target and go after it. another example is the irs case where they blame the cincinnati rank and file employees, or benghazi where they blame the c.i.a. here they ran out in front of the cameras, called the secret service agents knuckle heads. we can argue about the punishment for the secret service agents, harsh or lenient, but what we can't argue about is there were clearly two sets of rules. the insiders got promoted, global initiative, and everyone else was fired and humiliated. including, by the way, some pressure put on the i.g.'s office to make this
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investigation go away the last of the election. >> as it seems. i'm so glad you're here because you were there. you know this. you write about it. but connect the dots for me. going back from this scandal to now where we're seeing these security breaches and white house making statements about the secret service, did it all start back then? it seems as though there is such a wall between the white house and the secret service that maybe wasn't there before. where did it start? >> that's a good question. i've never seen in my 12 years when i was with the secret service and three administrations, i've never seen the relationship so strained. it didn't just start here. there were things like the sequester. remember they blamed the secret service for the closing of the white house tours. that was ridiculous. everybody knew it was. the secret service had nothing to do with that decision. and i know a lot of the men and women that worked there felt thrown under the bus there as well. elisabeth, one point on this, when i wrote that book, i knew a lot more than i wrote.
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that's why i kind of was cryptic about what i wrote. everybody knew that there was staff involved in this cartagena scandal and everybody knows there has been a pattern of staff misbehavior as well on foreign trips. i'm not apologizing or justifying what anybody did in the secret service, but applying those two sets of rules has definitely built that wall and made it higher between the service and the white house. >> your insight could not be more important adds all these new reports come in. we thank you for joining us this morning and always. >> thanks, elisabeth. >> great to see you. coming up, this story has so many of you ticked off. teachers not allowed to call kids boys and girls. just call them purple penguins? we're going to read some of your comments on that. they're firey. and from the state to the kitchen, martina mcbride is here to share her favorite recipes with us, like corn chowder and chicken. ♪
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we've got quick headlines for you right now. women don't need to ask for a raise. they should just trust the system. yep. the ceo of microsoft facing criticism after he told a group of women at a tech conference just that, saying not asking for a raise is good karma. he tried walking it back and he said that he had been inarticulate. none the less, he's in a little hot water. who do you prefer working with in the office? a new study found both men and women are happier when they don't have to work with each other. the women interviewed in the study said they sometimes felt bullied by guys. the guys said they felt like they had to walk on egg shells around the women. that's some of the news.
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>> all right. she's used to entertaining millions with her music. currently on tour with her latest album which debuted at number one which i think is good. but now she's teaching her fans how to entertain with her brand-new book called "around the table." welcome, more tina mcbride to our show. >> good to be here. >> you were tired of eating catering. you could whip up a home made meal on the road. >> good one at that. >> yeah. i mean, i love to cook. i've always loved to cook. and entertain people in my home. so decided to write a book that kind of has a lot of not only recipes and menus, but a lot of tips for entertaining. >> you and i have something in common. we're both from little towns in kansas. and i understand your bedroom was right off the kitchen where your mom taught you how to dot dot -- do the cooking. >> exactly. my mother-in-law later. >> what are some of the best tips? it can be really easy. you're busy, but you always make time and good food.
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>> i think people get intimidated by the whole process of having people in their home. you never think your house looks exactly right and you think you're going to mess something up. it's really about jumping in and doing it. this book is a lot of tips to make it easy. >> why don't you teach us? >> allall right. this is that chowder. >> yeah. >> how do you make that? show us a demo of it. >> first you cook some bacon and you have the leftover bacon fat, which is always a good thing. >> absolutely. >> you bring your own fat? >> takes it to a next level. then put in the vegetables. i have celery, onion, jalapeno pepper and bell pepper. >> you have a chopper? >> my kids help me chop. it takes a lot of time. cook that a little bit. then put in just spices. i have cumin and cayenne pepper, a little salt. >> by the way, the recipes will be on our web site.
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put it all in. soup in a pot. how hard can it be? >> once everything is kind of cooking and smell it, then you can started aing ingredients and then add the stock? >> let your vegetables get soft. then a little white wine. >> i'm surprised the crew left that here. >> a little chicken stock. >> do you bring it to a boil and let it cook? >> with soup, usually the longer it cooks, the better it is. everything kind of gets all cooked up. then add some potatoes. >> this is for a lot of people, how many people you serving here? >> as many as she wants. >> this serves about ten to 12 people. then you can easily double it. >> you can add more stuff. >> it's good the next day, too. >> and then through the magic of television, it winds up looking just like that. delicious. >> with a a great fall treat.
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>> also on our web site, you've got the recipe for an autumn chopped salad and spiced zucchini bread. >> that's it, yeah. >> everybody talking about the zucchini bread, i have to say. >> it is good. >> what's the secret? >> it's just a great bread for -- you can have it for dessert, with coffee in the morning. my daughter and i like ours cold with butter on top. >> here is what's so great about your book. people think when you become as famous as you, you have a butler and full-time chef. you're saying no, i still cook. i still do things to keep me grounded. >> yeah. i love to cook. for me, it's a way of nurturing and taking care of people. and there is nothing like putting some love into some food and then sitting down and having everybody enjoy it. >> sure. you pass it on. >> the good news, brian, you can have your butler do the preparing. >> exactly. i open he's watching. >> he needs to run out and get the new book "around the table." thank you for joining us live. >> thank you for having me.
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>> we'll get your cd, too. >> switching gears, coming up, major nidal hasan sending an explosive letter to the pope. we want to know, since the government ignored the warning signs with hasan before the fort hood attack, is history repeating itself? a horse walks into a police station. no, it's not a joke. a horse walked into a police station. i think they're going to let him go. so heç goes in there. hear what's next. ♪ ♪
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when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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we have a fox news alert. explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. >> will our government finally take this latest threat seriously or will it be another white wash like labeling the murder of 13 people workplace violence? here to weigh in, peter johnson, jr. this isn't just a guy on death row just spouting off. there is more to this. >> there is more to this. i'm afraid history will repeat itself. the government at every level missed jar in a san's radical radicalization. the letter that was received by the pope or sent to the pope by his attorney is a typical jihad convert or die. he's telling the pope, convert or die. so i believe this is violate of
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the law. if there is spwckal administrative measures in place, meaning if a federal bureau of prisons is a military prison at leavenworth, you can't send letters out, you can't make contact with supporters. you can't radicalize. and then the lawyer carries that letter out in the u.s. mail and says i'm going to send this to the pope because, quote, i was instructed, unquote, by my client to send this out, i find that to be utterly disturbing and we are repeating history in this country, ignoring the warning signs that we have with major hasan. >> do you see this letter as a threat? >> oh, absolutely do see it as a threat. when you send a warning to pope francis and you talk about in the letter that the past of the precious few and it talks about -- >> peter, read this. >> he says worshiping allah, those who died their final death, worshiping other than awill are not forgiven and their
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good deeds are rendered useless. >> peter, let me ask you this. when you came in, you were remembering and you've got a great memory -- you were remembering another attorney based here in new york city who also dealt with somebody who was involved in terror. >> let's remember the blind sheik, convicted for seditious in the early 2000s, he was going to blow up part of a conspiracy to blow up about five sites in new york city post the '93 world trade center bombing. he had a lawyer named lynn stewart. lynn stewart was ultimately convicted after the conviction in which she represented him of passing messages to his supporters. she went to federal jail. she's out on it now. so the point that you've been making really well this morning is that he's never been convicted of anything more than workplace violence. the d.o.d. said it's workplace violence.
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but what are we doing in this country that we would allow this man not to be part of special administrative measures prohibiting him from contacting people? there is something called a fatwa, that's what the blind sheik was involved with. there is something -- brian talked about radicalization. there is go messages. there is about ten different things. >> all in there. >> we're dealing with a terrorist. this is a terrorist who happens to be on death row. in my mind, he's lost his rights to send letters. >> so there should be restrictions? >> oh, there absolutely should be restrictions. >> but there aren't. >> so either the prison system failed and the military failed in opposing them, or they haven't been regulating them. but to have a lawyer -- >> would he have these rights if it were not deemed workplace violence? >> no, there are people in prison, 40 or 50 people in federal prisons that have special administrative measures. not all of them are terrorist
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related crimes. and so we do this to protect ourselves. one final point, the people, some of the people, some of the families received e-mails from the isis terrorists before and after the beheadings of their loved ones. is this any different? should this man be writing to the pope or to you at home or to any of us around the world? he shouldn't be. >> he shouldn't be. he should be dead. >> he's on death row. peter, great analysis this morning. thank you. it is 23 minutes before the top of the hour. heather has got some headlines. >> yes, we do. we begin with college students who so enthusiastically supported president obama. now feeling the effect. at the university of colorado, boulder, students are finding out that their work hours are being slashed all thanks to obamacare. under the affordable care act,
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employers must provide health care coverage to any employee working 30 hours a week or more. ad junct faculty are seeing their hours reduced. 1,000 members of the air force areç losing health care because they're told they never should have had it in the first place. they said they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating airmen earlier this year. the problem is anyone opting for voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. airmen and women are furious, saying they were told one thing and are now being told another. i.d. laws were just struck down in two states. the supreme court stopping officials in wisconsin from requiring residents to provide photo i.d. before voting in the upcoming election. and a federal judge in texas blocked the lone star state law calling it a poll tax. texas attorney general greg abbott says he will appeal that ruling. and finally, have you heard
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the one about a horse walking into a police station? no joke. this actually happened. look at the video. it happened in england. the sliding glass doors opened right up for the horse. he walked right into the lobby. yes. and an officer quickly brought him back home to a nearby field where it had escaped. those are a look at your headlines. the first thing they said to the horse when it walked in? >> why the long face? >> no. >> i got another one. they said, hey, and he said, yes, thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen, she'll be here all week! >> all right! now let's go out to the streets of new york city and see if maria molina will engage in a joke. >> i don't have a joke. that was so good. i do have the weather forecast. let's switch gears. we want to talk about the stationary front that's in place across parts of the central
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plains. this system is going to be producing some areas of heavy rain coming up today and also into tomorrow. we do have a concern for some flash flooding out here. we have a number of watches that are in effect. those areas of rain will be across missouri, arkansas, and also into texas. there is also the risk for some severe storms across portions of texas and oklahoma not only today, but take a look at this. as we head into sunday, we also have the risk for more severe weather and that does include tornadoes, damaging winds and also some large hail. temperature wise, north of this front you'll be on the cool side. only in the 50s in kansas city and chicago. temperatures making it into the 90s across parts of the south, including texas. let's head back inside. >> thanks, maria. thursday night football for you. colts and texans played a great game. indy taking a huge lead early. richardson would punch one in from one yard out. you'll see that. andrew luck throwing for another touchdown three minutes later.
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impressive. but then the comeback. watch the texans j.j. watt, one of the two emerging super stars in this league pick up a fumble and score on his third touchdown on the year. the colts come away with a hard-fought victory. are you ready for some football and katy perry? ♪ ♪ >> wow. there you go. the "new york post" reporting the star will be performing at half time on super bowl 49. figure out those roman numerals. she's been rumored to fill the slot and the poster saying perry is negotiating with the nfl to finalize the deal. the super bowl airs february 1. you don't get paid for that, but you make so much in your downloads because you grew up in the music industry, you know what bruno mars benefited last year? >> absolutely. he was fantastic and he sold a million albums after that. downloads. >> i predict tight outfits on
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her. i don't know what's going to happen in the game. i know whatever she has will be tight. very tight. >> okay. >> thank you. >> time will tell. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. up next, this story has so many of you ticked off. teachers not allowed to call the kids boys and girls. just call them purple penguins? your comments pouring in. we're going to read some of them next i have the worst cold with this runny nose. i better take something. dayquill cold and flu doesn't treat your runny nose. seriously? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. oh, what a relief it is.
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i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. we were telling you the story earlier on "fox & friends" this morning and i'm going to just read out of the lincoln star journal. it says lincoln, nebraska, public schools administrators have begun talking to staff about transgender issues so they can better help students and they have some parents worried that the district is promoting an agenda. what they say is -- according to
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one parent who was with us about an hour ago, they want teachers apparently to stop saying boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, hey, guys. instead, say things like, okay. who likes bikes? who likes skateboards? who likes milk? who likes shoes? or create nick names for the classroom that are all inclusive. all right, let's come up with a nickname for the class. let's call ourselves the purple penguins. all the purple penguins over there by the rugs. >> all 12 easy tips to follow so you don't get gender specific. >> you spoke with the mom, rachel terry, three students in the lincoln school district there and she said this is just political correctness run amuck. >> i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably
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isn't the best way to help children feel safer at school. if not everybody feels comfortable with boy or girl, then get rid of it for everybody. i think it's extreme political correctness being misused in a way that's confusing to children. >> they've got a big school board meeting coming up on tuesday and she is suggesting that parents show up and go ahead and voice their opinions about whether or not they think this is a good idea. apparently it is all part of the anti-bullying campaign that the school district is trying to promote. >> over there, this is pretty much conservative state. you think about you don't expect things like this. what are you saying about this? ben says, i have three girls, daughters or young women. they are females. that's how god made them. they are making us all sound more like lucky charms than human beings. >> interesting. donna said this, i have ten grand penguins and a little great grand penguin on the way.
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has everyone lost their purple penguin minds? >> and addressing children as purple penguins instead of boys and girls is simply madness. i was a teacher for 34 years and i would have refused to comply with the district mandate of this nature. one of the other suggestion social security rather than call them boys and girls, hey, campers! >> come on, campers. >> what if they don't camp? >> oh, no! >> all the parents should show up in purple penguin outfits for the big meeting. >> they would think it's for halloween, which is just around the corner. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. up next, star studded cast, robert downey, junior and robert duval starring in "the judge." does it live up to the hype? >> kevin mccarthy is here to tell us if it's worth your money or not this weekend. >> 2002, "a moment like this" by kelly clarkson was number one song in america.
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welcome back. a big weekend coming up at the box office. "the judge" starring robert downey, junior, and "men, women and children" will be lighting up the silver screen. are they worth seeing it and your money? here to tell us is our friend and fox news contributor, kevin mccarthy. great to have you right here. >> awesome to be on the couch. you know i love being here. >> great to have you. tell us about "the judge." >> this is a passion project for robert downey, junior.
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it took a couple years toity get it made. his wife produced it. he's a big shot lawyer who travels back to his childhood home after his mother passes away and his father, the judge in the town, and while he's there, he becomes a suspect of a hit and run murder. >> robert duval? >> he does. robert downey, junior defends his father. what i've been saying is it's inconsistently great. you have these phenomenal scenes between the two. like the dialogue is phenomenal, acting is amazing. the best performances from both of them in a long, long time. then mixed in with this 2 1/2 movie of these cheesy lifetime moments. you have cheesy music. it's overexposed. for me, it was like going from a 2 1/2, then to a five, then a five. for me overall, i gave it three. it didn't blow my mind. there are great scenes. >> he might be the best actor in the world today. robert duval i heard had to be convinced to do it. >> he's absolutely phenomenal.
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it's one of the best things he's ever done. three out of five. then "men, women and children." the idea here is it deals with the idea of how technology affects our relationships. jennifer garner stars in the movie. one thing i wanted to ask her about, as a mother, when is the appropriate time to give your child a cell phone and also how do you balance out not being too overprotective 'cause her older daughter is nine years old. check it out. >> there will come a point where she'll -- everyone will have a phone and then a year later, she's going to be saying, mom, dad, and we're going to say, oh, i want to know where she is and i want her to be able to text me after soccer, whatever it is. this technology is changing and growing faster than we can keep up with and kids are way ahead of adults. so we're trying to figure out how to parent it. they've already figured it out, learned it, mastered it and moved on and we're trying to figure out what boundaries do we set up? how do you set up a boundary about senate chat? what do you do as a parent.
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>> when is the appropriate time to give your child a cell phone? it's scary. >> with snap chat, you set a bound spree it disappears in 30 seconds. >> we can actually right now give kids under a certain age, we can learn it if not with them, a little bit ahead of them and get versed in all things on line. >> kevin, today you're wearing kind of a faded pink shirt. >> right. >> this is so different than not long ago when brian attacked you on the air. >> violently. >> for your choice of shirt. take a look at this. >> you look great in your red shirt. >> really? >> i picked it out just for the show. i went to express last night and picked it out just for you guys. >> kevin mccarthy joining us from dc in his beautiful red shirt from express. >> so apparently express saw the ad and they wanted to deliver a shirt to brian here, but they
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said you weren't answering their e-mails. i said i would deliver it. >> the only tribulation is you have to try this on on the air. you need to put this on on the air. >> you were the one who commented on the show. why do i get in trouble? >> at the end of the show, will you have this on? >> right now. you need to get this on. >> okay. it's a large. so it's custom. i appreciate it. >> i love the color. watermelon. let's see how it looks on you. >> it's 100% rayon. >> that's beautiful. >> really good. >> rock it out. i bought this tie to bring for you. >> by the end of the program, brian will be wearing that shirt. >> i'm not sure why i have to wear one, steve pointed it out. >> by the end of the show, that needs to be on. 2 1/2 stars for "men, women and children." >> thank you very much. >> thanks.
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coming up on this show, if you are a woman and if you'd like a raise, don't ask for it. just rely on karma. that's the ceo message from microsoft guy. geraldo rivera will weigh in. ♪ ♪ why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup >>because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt,
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good morning. today is friday, october 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, an explosive warning from the fort hood shooter to the pope, praising jihad and calling himself a soldier of allah. can his massacre still now be called workplace violence? geraldo rivera weighs in in minutes. and he was the secretary of defense and the head of the c.i.a. during the obama administration, but an obama supporter says that guy is dishonorable. >> it's kind of sad that in its twilight, he's done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world.
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>> spit it out. >> wouldn't that president have something to do with the instabilities? does bill burton have a point about leon panetta in his twilight? we're going to report and you decide. it's like a bad game of dodge ball. democratic candidate ducking out of this question. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. >> really? is that the question? what about the answer? it's what the candidate didn't say that has you fired up this morning. we'll examine it because mornings are better with friends >> you are watching "fox & friends." and i apologize for it. >> thank you very much, bill o'reilly. welcome to the world's number one cable morning news show. we're the number one show on all of cable right this second. not just news. all the channels. >> when we get geraldo up and put a suit on him, the ratings go up even higher. >> and you know why the ratings are going to be even higher this
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hour? because by the end of this hour, you're going to be wearing that crazy pink shirt. >> that bright red shirt. >> then you can write in how many stars you give it. why not? >> it was a different shirt and now i'm forced to wear it. heather, you look very nice today. >> thank you. no pink, but i blend in with everybody. >> absolutely. >> here are some headlines. the clock is ticking in less than 24 hours, new screening for ebola goes into effect at jfk. new york's largest airport. next week four other airports will join in, newark, dulles, o'hare and heartfield-jackson in atlanta. travelers from west africa will have their temperature taken. airports are already on high alert. take a look at this video. this is just in to "fox & friends." firefighters in haz-mat gear swarming a plane in alabama after a passenger gets sick mid flight. turns out it was just a case of motion sickness. breaking news overnight, protesters in st. louis,
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missouri, now burning american flags over the shooting death of a teenage boy by police. >> no peace! >> during the chaos, rioters threw a knife at a police officer, actually hit him in the shoulder. two people were arrested. the violent crowd also smashing this glass door at a pharmacy and shattering the window of a patrol car. jason mayhem miller in custody after a three-hour stand-off with police. he tweeted during the entire event. all of this unfolding in california. officers apparently tried to serve him with a warrant. they say that on a list of charges, including domestic olence. here is just one of his tweets. take a look. i wish you no harm. i respect the police. but this is overkill for something that would be settled with one piece of paperwork. miller looking pleased with himself, to say the least in this mug shot. he is being held on $200,000
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bail. and a fire storm of controversy surrounding the ceo of microsoft after he told a group of women not asking for a raise is good karma. at an event celebrating women in technology, he was asked to give his advice to women who are uncomfortable with requesting a raise. his answer? it's not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along because that's good karma. he apologized, saying his comments were inarticulate. your comments are pouring in and we want to know what you have to say. steve, you have a couple of those, right? >> we do indeed. thank you very much. lisa tweeted, is microsoft paying their employees through karma now? that must be why their software is so full of bugs. >> and candy said out here in the work world without agents who ask for raises, we generally wait for reviews and then ask for a raise, whether man or woman. >> you know he shows up every
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friday. >> we're happy to have him. >> you love him, you hate him. you can't live without him. geraldo rivera. >> elisabeth and heather are like a singing group. we should all be like them. >> that would be great. >> look so good. >> i saw you right away when this letter was obtained, a message to the pope. as peter johnson, jr. examines the verbiage, this is essentially condition vote or die message. should we be giving this guy a trumpet? >> i think you have to be very careful. when lynn stewart, the attorney in new york who represented the blind sheik was convicted, she was convicted basically of being a terrorist. she was convicted of conveying a message from the blind sheik to clients in egypt. it was true. i remember condemning her at the time. and then her two-year sentence was made a ten-year sentence because it was found she lied during the trial to the judge. this is a little different. you can't stop someone from
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ranting and raving in a lunatic fashion. i think that is what this is. >> should there have been ethical pause on the part of the lawyer here in passing this on to the pope? >> i guess. i guess. i'm not very excited about it because the guy is a creep. major hasan is a greeny terrorist. he can blather all he wants. the pope is not going to take it personally. >> there could be a go sign to somebody -- >> well, that's different, brian. if indeed there is an operational signal that can be proven and it is indeed an act of -- criminal act that is being inspired or conspired, then it's actionable, then it's a crime, then the attorney would be in severe jeopardy, as lynn stewart was. this is very serious. go to jail for ten years, man. the only reason she was released is is she has terminal cancer. >> let's switch gears. leon panetta has written a book and it's going to be number one on the "new york times" best seller list. >> you didn't ask me about workplace violence and
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terrorism. >> it's a broad topic, but if you would like to weigh in, go ahead. >> i think that we have to get past the rhetoric. it is the new face of terrorism. i think there are two things that have to happen. because it is an act of terrorism and we have to recognize that and moore, oklahoma, and the guy that killed the prep school student -- >> you're talking to eric holder. >> not only does it make it clear in terms of the lines of communication and who is in charge of the investigations, but there are also implication when is it comes to the victims and their rights. for instance, in the fort hood case, those guys that were shot, the 13 who died, they died in combat, i believe. so get past the rhetoric. let's declare the new face of terrorism what it is and put this issue to rest. >> what should we call it, oklahoma? >> i think okay o'clock is terrorism also -- oklahoma is terrorism also. because if your inspiration is jihad, then that's it. that's the end of it.
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it's not more complicated than that. >> we pardoned your interruption. >> really, i feel so badly. >> leon panetta has written a book and in it he talks about working for president obama since he's gotten his heart in the right place. he's gotten a lot of advice, but he's m of mistakes and we're sending out mixed messages. so the white house needed somebody to go out on television, apparently they couldn't get anybody from the administration, so they got former spokesperson bill burton, a flak for the president for many, many years. >> his name was at the top of my list. >> he said this about leon panetta. listen. >> it's kind of sad that in its twilight, he's done such a dishonorable thing by going after the president that he served at a time of a lot of different instabilities around the world. this president has shown his leadership time and again. he has moved this country in the right direction and, you know, to attack his leadership i think is small and petty.
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>> without getting into the substance of what the former secretary of defense, c.i.a. director leon panetta said in the book, i wrote a bookç in 10 called "exposing myself." >> we read it. >> 20 years later, one of the women mentic"d in the book said you ruined my life with that book. and i said oh, my god. what have i done? so you have to be extremely careful when you tread lightly, when you're not just exposing what you did, but you're affecting someone else. i remember when scott mccollum, this guy reminds me of him. george w. bush's press secretary, he got out of office, i remember how sleazy we all felt that that was. this is kind of like that. leon panetta. gates' book i thought was better, more vivid. it was more pointed and the criticism was more constructive in a way. >> but this book -- a lot of stuff has gone wrong. >> i don't feel really intensely negative about leon panetta for writing the book. it's kind of like, you know, i wish i hadn't quite written
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mine, or at least when i wrote it. >> who came up to you and said you ruined my life? >> bette midler? >> shhh. >> by the way -- >> way to go, brian. >> thank you so much for your discretion. i can always count on you to be discreet and understated. you always do the right thing. >> of all the names in that book, that's the one he brings up. >> peggy noonan was very critical of the book. >> peggy noonan, too? >> i'll meet you after the show. we'll go to have a meat ball and a beer and a glass of wine. >> have a good weekend. >> you, too. >> thank you. coming up, it's a top concern in this election, how to lock down our borders. but our next guest has a blueprint to keep our nation safe. congressman michael mccaru
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from drug cartels to isis, the threat to america's national security has never been higher. but texas congressman michael mccaul says he's got a blueprint for keeping the country safe and starts at the border and joins us now live from the capitol city of texas, austin. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, steve. thanks for having me. >> i want to start things out, there is a story out today, judicial watch says that in the last 36 hours, four isis terrorists were arrested at our southern bopdi9ñ do we know anything about that? >> that hasn't been confirmed. i talked to homeland security officials. they claim that's not accurate. i'm obviously investigating the matter. i think this demonstrates why the border is such a concern and why it is still vulnerable and why we need to get operational control of the border. that's what my blueprint does.
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we go sector by sector and address the needs and threats of each one and what assets, particularly technology assets and aviation assets need to be put down there so we can better secure it. >> and your blueprint to secure our southern border in particular, because let's face it, it's pretty much an open door down there. you're suggesting to use some of the equipment from afghanistan, repurpose it, and use it on our southern border to keep an eye on who is coming in and whatnot. >> that's right. last time i was in afghanistan, i met with general allen in kabul and their aviation assets and i said, what are you going to do when we withdraw from afghanistan? he said i'm going to leave this technology over here and i thought, you know, what about redeploying that to the southwest border? since that time, we've had five redeployed and six more are on their way. that's good news to the dod department of homeland security security coordination where we can get some progress done
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there. >> it does make sense. we've already bought the stuff, we might as well put it to use, right? >> correct. >> also i understand later today you're going to be involved in a hearing on ebola and if there is one state in the union particularly interested in ebola, it is texas where mr. duncan was until he passed away a couple of days ago. tell us a little bit about the concerns of texans regarding ebola. >> i think it's a national concern. certainly my state, having had the first fatality due to ebola in the united states, it is of grave concern. you talk a lot about isis, this is an enemy and a threat that you can't see. it's very insidious. when you're infected, it's a very nasty virus. so what we're going to talk about today is we're going to have the top federal officials from cdc and homeland security talking about what are they doing to stop this virus from getting into the country? we already have five cases in
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the united states. in africa, it is spreading like a wildfire that needs to be put out. and so it's going to be very interesting hearing. tune in. >> it was announced in the last day or so that at five different airports where some people from west africa do enter our country, they're going to have another getting off the plane, taking of the temperature, stuff like that. given the fact that i think british air, also air france and some other airlines have already stopped serving that area of africa, shouldn't the united states seriously consider stopping air service right now until they get a handle on things? >> that's going to be the first question i'm going to have at the hearing is a lot of my constituents want all flights banned and why shouldn't we do that? if they don't think we should, then why not? and i think it will be interesting to hear what they say. we do need the health care providers to give them access to go to west africa to contain and
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control this virus so it doesn't spread out of control in africa and then bleed over into other nations and continents. so i think it's going to be a very interesting hearing. the first one on the ebola virus and in a state that's been probably impacted the most. >> absolutely. you got a busy day, thanks for starting with us here at fox. >> thanks a lot. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, they're bravely serving our country. now members of the air force are losing health care because the government screwed up. that story coming up. and it's a "fox & friends" exclusive. brian sits down with mark cuban, a guy who doesn't worry about what comes out of his mouth. >> are you worried about political correctness today? >> i'm not worried so much 'cause i don't give a damn. >> it's easy like that when you're a billionaire. more about what he feels regarding washington politics coming up. ♪ ♪
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce
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medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. over the last four weeks, we have teamed up with the ailes apprentice program and aliciaacuna. she's here to tell us about a man who is changing young lives with his music in a most remarkable way. >> this is quite beautiful. thank you so much. francisco nunez was raised by a single parent in new york city. back then there was little to do outside except get into trouble or worse, but his mother introduced him to the power of music and it opened up a whole new world for him, one he's been sharing with the children of new york ever since.
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♪ ♪ >> i never wanted to teach. when i was younger as a pianist, i wanted to be a pianist. so when i worked with children for the very first time, they became human. they became incredible. they were limitless. ♪ ♪ >> i said, you know what? i have to be an amazing musician to teach these kids 'cause they're good. they're as good as itches when i was a child. the difference is they don't know it yet. >> francisco nun. >> and his young people's chorus of new york city may not act like most choral groups. they dance and sing songs like something you would hear in a rain forest and come from just about every neighborhood in new york city, rich and poor. their voices mixed together perfectly and their friendships run deep. after all, most of these kids have been singing together for the past eight to ten years.
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>> something that you kind of learned day one is that you have in common with people that you might not think that you do. >> get that first pitch. ♪ ♪ one, two, three. again. louder and softer. one, two, three. >> outside of the chorus, your first impressions are how does someone look or what are they wearing, that sort of thing? but when you're in a chorus environment, the first impression is how well can they sing? >> it seems like everyone at ypc, as they call themselves, can do just that. sing. ♪ ♪ >> just listen to a performance they can last summer in tokyo. ♪ ♪ >> it's an opportunity, you join because your friends are there, you want to sing, or maybe your parent loved that you sing at home. but when you come to ypc, once you join us, something starts to transform. you start to see it's a little
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bit more than singing. that's what we're about. ♪ ♪ >> raised in washington heights by a single parent, his mother bought him a piano from the salvation army to keep francisco and his older brother out of trouble. >> it was terrible conditions, but it worked enough for me. little by little, i started to figure out that i have a talent for a piano. my mother worked very hard and she got piano me and she would clean their homes in return for the piano lessons. >> it also kept him safe inside. washington heights was a different place back then. >> certain blocks were blocks you were not supposed to enter no matter what. i happened to live on a great street. once you go one street up, i would never go up that block. >> music would be his way out. opportunity landed when his mother enrolled him in a public school further downtown. there he met a young lady who invited him into her house after
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school. >> and it was a beautiful building. there was even a doorman inside in the elevator who pushed the button for you. i thought wow, what a job. and i went upstairs. her mom was there and she served me cookies. and then we sat down and played the piano. and i started giving her piano lessons. >> it was a turning point for francisco. for a kid who didn't leave his room, much less his neighborhood, music became his entry into a whole new world. >> and that's what starts to break that entire feeling of difference. so here is a kid with money, sitting a poor kid and saying hey, i respect your music. and it started changing everything for me. >> so after college at nyu, he created a music program where kids from every social economic background could meet and sing together. >> i want to help poor people. if you surround yourself with poor people and everybody around
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you is poor, a lot is going to happen. a lot of inspiration is going to happen. but it's much harder. i want to fight poverty for education and getting rid of racial differences because we are taught that if you're a different color, different religion, you're not good enough. and i want to change that. >> it didn't happen overnight and it wouldn't be easy. but today the group travels around the world providing life-changing experiences for everyone in his group. >> i love working with young people today 'cause it's so smart. when you teach them in such a way to change so quickly, they want to go wherever you want to go with them. the hope that i have is they will keep music alive in their lives and they'll become better doctors, better engineers, better teachers, better social workers because they knew that through music, they gave their voice to society.
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♪ ♪ >> awesome. that was beautiful. thank you. >> francisco has been nationally recognized for his great work with the chorus. he won a mcarthur fellowship in 2011. but his greatest wish is to start similar music programs in every city across america, bringing all kids together, rich and poor, to sing as one voice. so an amazing man doing some extraordinary things for young people. >> wow. such an ear for music, heart for kids and vision for this world and this great nation. i'm just blown away by his story >> yes. 100% of the kids who have worked with him have gone on to college. so there is an investment there. >> sure is. and his part what he's doing, exceptional. thank you for this package. if everyone wants to see more, you can see all this celebrating hispanic heritage month series that alicia has brought us.
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visit us at foxnews, great work. now this, it's like a game of dodge ball. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. >> she's not the only democrat dodging the president. so how is this going to play out in the midterm elections? we're going to look at that with chris wallace next. ♪ ♪ you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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voters by talk being his new devotion to technology. unfortunately heard him because they were all on their phones. >> the president, i think has been in washington one or two days this entire week because he's been fundraising. somebody you can always count on to be at his post in our nation's capitol, particularly on friday to do a free plug on this program is that man right there, chris wallace. >> listen, we don't even have to mention fox news sunday and the fact that we're going to have a great debate between ted olson and tony perkins about same sex marriage or have rove and trippi go over the midterm elections. that's not why i'm here. i'm not here to plug. i'm here because i think -- i love talking to you guys. >> we don't have to put up those full screens. that's not why you're here. >> not at all. you're also not here to talk about the mid terms with us. one important one we want to talk about is in kentucky and dodge ball. we keep calling it, because allison lundy grimes refused on camera to say whether she voted
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for president obama and whether he has anything to do with her. this is the little dodge. >> i like it. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about making sure we put kentuckians back to work. >> can you answer the question? >> i was actually in 08 a delegate for hillary clinton and i think that kentuckians know i'm a clinton democrat through and through. i respect the ballot box and i'm going to let the members of the board do as well. >> you're not going to answer? >> i don't think the president is on the ballot. as much as mitch mcconnell might want him to be, it's my name. >> she looks a little silly there dodging that ball. chris, why would answering yes, i voted for president obama, why would that kill her? >> i don't think it would kill her. but it does show the lengths to which democrats, particularly in red states, states that romney
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beat obama in in 2012, are trying to distance themselves from the president. he'll come to the state, hold fund-raisers to raise money for the candidate. but the candidate won't be seen in public with him because of the fact that their approval ratings are in the 30s. his approval rating rather. but that was crazy for her not to say of course i voted for him and yes, i'm disappointed in some of the things he did and liked it. but to be unwilling to say that you voted, she's the democrat running against mitch mcconnell in kentucky and she's not even willing to say she voted for the democratic candidate for president. it seems to me it's kind of silly. >> this is the i don't know midterm elections. gorman in kansas. i don't know how i'd do on that. i don't know about obamacare. >> he said he voted for "black hawk down." >> at least he said. i don't know about that. the same thing in north carolina. kay hagin, won't say what she did agree with the president or not. that's an opportunity. it's not a trap question. >> particularly because the
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amount of voters across the nation are trending that way, too. yeah, they voted for him, but they're kind of disappointed. why not just go with the majority there for your own sake? >> i agree with you. it seems it's a question you can answer and sit there and pretend -- when you get into the talking points and somebody says, did you do this? you say, this is really about the future. it's not about that. but it goes to the -- it shows just how unpopular allison launder grimes, think she's a smart politician, even if she didn't handle that well, feels that obama is in her home state and that even saying i voted for him six years ago or two years ago would damage her and i'm sure that knowing mitch mcconnell as i do, he's going to have some fun with that. >> right. >> name dropper. this is normally the part of the segment where you would tell us what's coming up on your program. >> do you want me to tell you? anyway, we are going to be talking with karl rove and joe
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trippi. we're going to ask rove is take us to the majority. get us how you think the republicans are going to take it over and take us state through state and then we'll ask joe trippi. south dakota, there were three states, montana, west virginia, south dakota, seen as gimmes, turnover to republican. now south dakota is getting very close. kansas is close. not at all clear that pat roberts is going to hold on to that seat. on the other hand, there, a bunch of seats we thought were going to be tough for the republicans to take over and they're moving out ahead in those. so this race isn't decided at all. it's very much up for grabs. >> it will mean big ratings for you again. good job. thank you for joining us. >> wait, wait. one last thing, is it true that the great white shark is on the premise? >> yes. >> greg norman. >> he's just hanging out. >> come on over here and just
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wave real fast. >> say hello to chris wallace. >> you drop names. we have the actual person. there he is. >> ask him how his hand is. >> how is your hand? >> it's working. >> it's working, look. >> the lesson we learned from you, is if a chain saw is falling, let it drop. don't grab it. >> glad you're okay. >> do you know a lot of people mistake me for the great white shark. i'll be walking down the street and they'll go, greg norman? and i go no, greg norman. >> really? >> chris wallace joining us from our nation's capitol revealing we have a vast studio audience, including famous people. >> right. >> chris, thank you very much. >> see you on sunday. >> mr. norman, thank you very much. >> we'll see new a bit. >> you have no idea who else is in theç studio. heather childers.
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>> i've already taken a picture with him and tweeted it out. >> they tweet each other. >> we have some headlines. nobel peace prize just awarded this morning. activist malala si, indian child rights active getting this year's honor. the nobel committee citing the two for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people. mullah la, 17 years old when she was shot in the head by a taliban gunman two years ago. 1,000 members of the air force losing health care because they're told they never should have had it in the first place. the air force says they mistakenly issued medical coverage to voluntarily separating airmen earlier this year. the problem is anyone opting for voluntary separation is not eligible for health care. airmen and women are furious, saying they were told one thing and are now being told another. and it is a "fox & friends"
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exclusive, mark cuban billionaire owner of the dallas mavericks sitting down with our very own brian kilmeade and he's not afraid to say what's on his mind. >> are you worried about political correctness today? >> i'm not worried so much 'cause i don't give a damn. >> and he does not mince words about politics in politics. >> what role do you think washington should play? >> as little as possible. i vote fort guy who will do the least. >> in what way? >> about everything. >> the entire interview with mark cuban coming up monday morning. so that should be exciting. not a lot of people surprised that he's not afraid to speak his mind. >> that's great thing about being a billionaire with your own plane. >> exactly. >> you downtown have to kiss up. >> coming up on this friday, this story has all of you talking this morning. teachers not allowed to call the kids boys and girls. just instead call them purple penguins. what? where is that happening? your comments coming straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having reduced pain is great, and i'm grateful for it. ask your doctor about lyrica and visit to learn about our $25 co-pay offer. business headlines for you. all eyes are on the dow after it plunged 335 points. its lowest level since june last year. for complete coverage, check out the "fox business" network. go to channel kinder to find it on the dial as well. and dairy queen, not dairy barn, latest business to be hit by hackers. 600,000 customers in 395 stores had credit card info stolen. to see if you are a victim, check dairy queen's web site for that. and amazon set to open a retail store in new york city. it will be like a mini warehouse used for same day deliveries, product returns and on line
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order pickups. good news there. >> i think it will be great. you see amazon on line, don't you want to feel it and touch it? >> we order stuff on line and the stuff is there the next day. >> prime. >> in new york city t cost 50s bucks to park the car. >> i like touching the stuff. is there any more of this? >> congratulations, the store is coming. this is the number one story you are e-mailing us about today. school district in nebraska,ç e lincoln, nebraska schools, i'm going to read out of a local newspaper. they have the administrators began talking to staff about transgender issues so they can better help students and that has some parents worried that the district is promoting an agenda. what this handbook, these guidelines they put out say is don't refer to them as boys and girls. don't call them ladies and gentlemen.: instead say, who likes juice? who likes milk? >> i like bikes. >> who likes bikes?
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who likes camping? campers or refer to them as purple penguins if that is the name that the class picks out. a mother who has got three kids in the school strict here on this program said this is pc correctness run amuck. >> i think we can all agree that no child should be bullied, that all children should be welcomed, included. but i feel like the political correctness here is really distorting reality and probably isn't the best way to help children feel safer at school. if not everybody feels comfortable with the boy or girl, then we'll get rid of it for everybody, i think it's extreme political correctness being misused in a way that's confusing to children. >> exactly. here is what you're saying now. jack tweeted, what are the students supposed to call their teachers? polar bears #purplepenguins.
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>> greg tweeted this, is there anyone think being how purple penguins might feel being used in that way? >> finally. >> bear don tweet, i'm a teacher. somewhat liberal. i think that is silly. what do you think? keep e-mailing us. i got a feeling we're going to be talking about this throughout the weekend. >> we have explosive stories today. i'm surprised that this one has dominated. >> can you imagine in a classroom of grade school kids, you can't call them boys and girls? >> it sounds like a zoo. >> it's a little different. >> bucko, hey you. >> this up next, it's the perfect time to buy a new home. we're going to tell you where you can find one just like this for $260,000. look at that. >> that's beautiful. right now let's check in with bill hemmer who could use a house like that. >> yeah. i'll take two. how are you? good morning. happy friday. what we are learning about plans to close gitmo. details on that in a moment.
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also breaking news on the isis offensive. live on the front lines there. why an ebola quarantine is exactly the wrong thing to do in the u.s. dr. mark siegle makes his case. only weeks from that election, we'll talk to a rising republican star in iowa. can joany ernst win her senate race? we'll find out when martha and i join you at the top of the hour on this friday morning will that be all, sir?
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the housing market is getting back to about normal. making a comeback. according to the latest housing barometer from trulia, three out of five measures are close to normal again, making it the perfect time to go house hunting if you're in the market. >> joining us now with three great open houses happening this weekend is real estate expert
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and author of "find it, fix it, flip it," michael corbett. okay. good morning. why don't we head to braidington, florida. >> absolutely. let's go house shopping. here is a house that i really like. it's a unique, interesting house down here. you're going to see it, it's all wood ranch style. they call it the treehouse. it's 289, 900. a double lot on a half acre. beautiful property. two bedrooms, three beds. 1700 square feet. open floor plan. large eat-in kitchen. antique hardwood floors. what's really wonderful, it's got these beautiful views of the river, including this incredible swimming pool that's screened in and if you like it, head over there sunday between 1 and 4. just for the view alone, just go over there. >> all right. now let's go to laurenville, georgia. i know that's not far from atlanta. you've got a house for $239,000 and it's gigantic. >> it is. this is a colonial, brick
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exterior, great curb appeal on this one. four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 3,000 square feet on a half acre. got a classic floor plan. formal dining room. french doors, huge sun room. lots of big windows. eat-in kitchen, family room. this is going to cost you about $1,200 a month with 20% down, taxes and insurance. you know what? saturday and sunday, 1 to 3, head over there this weekend. >> okay. >> follow the balloons. >> if you're near lewisville, texas, where should you head? >> you want to head to lawrenceville, texas. this is a great property. $260,000. four bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths, 3,000 square feet. it's a gorgeous brick, very stately, lots of upgrades, hardwood floors, open floor plan. got a private study, fireplace, eat-in kitchen. granite counter tops, and it's got a wonderful, big master bath that's allegra nate and tile. if you want to check this one
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out, it's open. head over there on sunday, this weekend, between 2 and 4. i love being able to go open houseç shopping. one of my favorite things to do. >> a lot of people do. >> that last house looked like it had nine-foot ceilings. if people want more information about all the houses that you've shown us today, how do we find it? >> just go to "fox & friends" web site. >> okay. perfect. thanks. have a great weekend. >> you got it. we made you a promise at the beginning of this hour. >> let's hope we can pay it off. we'll know in two minutes. >> we're going to try. >> brian, you ready? ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ you look great in your red shirt. >> really. >> i picked this out just for the show. i went to express last night and bought it just for you.
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>> i hope next time you get 20% off. >> kevin mccarthy joining us from dc in his beautiful red shirt from express. >> you know what? brian was also so fascinated by the shirt, will he show up in a similar shirt? ladies and gentlemen! >> it looks really good! >> i have never felt so sexy. i feel like i got something going. how is the fit? >> i'm very happy. it's fitted for somebody. >> are you and anna going to wear something like this this weekend. >> i'm going with yellow. >> are you going to go with this? >> probably. never wash it. >> i can smell his cologne. >> can a k. with a k. >> what's on this weekend? >> comic con this week.
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new york city comic con. we're going to dress up. >> pumpkins, it's that time of year. >> watch them this weekend. we'll see you back here monday. morning everybody. fox news alert. closing gitmo. president obama said to explore every option to shut it down. "the wall street journal" reports that the white house is looking for ways to override congressional ban on detainee transfers and send 149 terrorists to this country or to others. more in just a couple minutes on the breaking news. first, more breaking news on isis terrorists taking a key government building as the u.s. appears to be changing its strategy. ramping airstrikes along the turkish-syrian bored. friday, good morning. welcome, everybody. it is "america's newsroom." i'm bill hemmer. good morning, everybody. >> good morning, bill.
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