tv The Five FOX News October 10, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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nce quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. hello, along with kimberly, andrew, and greg. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." well the left would have you believe that following the path of liberalism is the key to a good life. yesterday president obama took that message to the next generation of leaders, the millineals. >> we're coming out of this recession be the most diverse, the most -- the good news is despite some of the grit lock in
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washington we're making progress. and when i come to places like this, it inspires me and reminds me why i'm chronically optimistic about america. >> even get this, rolling out an imoge campaign on the committee. how are his liberal policies working owl for young people. the unemployment rate for teens hit 24% in september. so should millenials on the set today. bob, it's not any of the guys. >> you call it girlfriends? >> neither one of you. >> so we should define millennium -- i thought
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millennials were -- >> i'm a millennial. >> so let's do it this way, young people, should they be buying what president obama's selling? >> not if they want to be able to have a job. they will be able to have sex with whoever they want and smoke all the pot they want but they will not have a job. >> this imoge campaign, what are the symbols? like a pack of contraception, a joint, a pink slip? i don't know. >> our other millennial after dark. he's their best hope, right, president obama is, this is a guy that's really talking the language they speak. they relate to him, he relates to them. they're his group. that's his lay-up. that's his easy shot.
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>> you know, the liberal philosophy is based on a desire for acceptance. i think we know that, based on a detire to be cool. which is why president obama and the liberals work together so well. they have no choice but to embrace obama because if they don't, they're met with criticism by their academic professors and also they feel compelled to do it because celebrities make it cool to do that. but we can knock millenials for the shallow impulse to belong. but we need to devolt our energies to something better to articulate a vision they would like. the left is really, really good at selling bad ideas, but the right is lousy at selling good ideas ach s and the right needs able to learn from the left or they will keep losing and losing and losing. >> 11.5% if you're 20 to 24.
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>> this is argue free day. >> i want don't an argue free day, bob. >> he lives for strife. >> honestly, bob, fasten your seat belt. >> the mill less than yals are the largest generation, they have the most number of volunteer work hours they do according to the pugh research. they are the most digitally connected, so they have learned to communicate in a way. >> but if you think about during this campaign, he understood the campaign as to how too get these people. number one, the future in is technology, they're not going to be blue collar jobs anymore. >> isn't it correct that imoge
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basically represents feeling. >> he has slipped in the numbers with the millennials. you're absolutely right, they do care about -- the actress walked -- that i can't even speak porely. . >> all right, greg, you mentioned celebrities, boy, celebrities gushing for the guy. >> gwyneth paltrow is a metaphor for all of hollywood. president obama is like a left wing version of one direction, justin bieber and minudo all in
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one. what's interesting, what happens is, and this is what a cut does, it takes people who are considerconsider ed literal and open minded and call them a cult. at least the definition of a cult when somebody says who believes they're open minded says i would rather him make all the decisions for everyone. >> but that is like richard nix song. >> that is the basis of liberalism, it is saying that the government knows better than the people so we're letting is government take all the power and make all the decisions. and by the way, we did give obama the power to override the government. >> he circumvented congress how many times? >> i wish he would do it all the time. >> gwyneth paltrow and the celebrities, despite all the --
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>> he's still fund raising, but every once in a while, he needs a pick me up. you know what? he's got a wicked three shot when it comes to fundraising. >> he's addicted to applause. >> when you go to a place in hollywood and they're all fawning all over you like you're the biggest celebrity in the room, and gwyneth, newly single, is gaga over you. >> you mention a fistfight with michelle, man, that would be tough. >> michelle will take gwyneth down. >> no kidding. >> let me just point something at you. this is election season. it's less than 40 days, that's what presidents do, they raise money. >> i didn't say anything negative, i was actually pretty nice and said this is something that makes them feel good. >> in the latest ploy to get millenial votes.
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a celebrity filled video with like -- tell young voters they think they should be turning out the vote for, watch this. >> i'm e.j. and i'm turning out. >> i'm turning out for reproductive rights. >> what's up, this is lil' john. and i'm turning out for the legalization of marijuana. >> lil' john wants to smoke weed and she wants to take her pants off zblvm i like the beat, i think it's a catchy ad, i like everybody showing the diversity, i don't like some of the content, like rock the boat for marijuana, but that's just me as a former prosecutor. >> what about using music and, you know, culture to get people to vote? >> it worked for them for both
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campaigns for obama. no one has a problem with that. no. >> it also raises a lot of money. >> lena dunham did that ad comparing voting to losing your virginity. and they said let's have her do it with her pants on. >> remember, this is rock the vote, it's not rock the liberal vote. but however, every issue that is mentioned in here skews liberal. if you think about it, whether it is pot or -- it's a video celebration of issues that date tore the self. these are things that i want. it not about what makes the country better, it's that i want my pot or i want this or i want that. that's the way of the world. >> but that's good, though, right? i mean -- >> there are single issues that they're voting for. >> right, vote your mind, vote what you want. >> on a serious note, what the republicans need to take a page out of this thing here, because
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this is a way to get to the youth vote, the republicans have been notoriously bad at not being able to get their message through. >> they don't have to put anything about obama care in there because president obama made it accessible, you can stay on your parents health care, today they're 26, it was a way to get the youth vote. you can take that off to the list. but i think the hypocrisy of lena dunham talking about reproductive rights. the whole point of feminism, that women didn't need a man to pay their bills. and this is women encouraging president obama to step up and pay your bills. >> remember talking about problems with your body being a personal issue. but now it's like i need the government, i'm a skrikt. >> we have this belief button that the producers hover around waiting to push that button.
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>> the kids who go to harvard are supposed to be the smartest, but smartest, the brightest of the bright. but many of them have stupid things to say when its comes to isis, america and which one is the real threat to world peace. >> what is the biggest threat to world peace, america or isis? >> to world peace? >> oh, america. >> as a western civilization, we're to blame for a lot of the problems we're in know. >> our attempts to control the oil in the middle east, we're allowing groups like isis to retain power. >> america's more threatening to world peace than isis. >> there is some right wing b g blogs edited a few interviews, the vast majority of harvard
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students don't agree with that. >> there were a lot more than just those three, we only had time for three of them. i didn't say any that said, no, isis is a threat to world peace. >> by the way, you're welcome to bring any of that information to the table any time you want to. >> it's a pretty amazing scam that you can gets parents to pay $50,000 a year to make somebody dumber. if we give professors tenure to spread it throughout the world, it's incredible. >> statistically, bob, statisical statisically, you go by -- >> they're just laying down one kind of knowledge, it's not opening minds, it's closing them, it's paying a lot of money and sacrifice. how about having some balance in the curriculum, instead of
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brainwashi ining kids. >> is this possible, at cairo university, it started apologizing for american professionalism. >> the u.s. has been down right oppressive in the approach to foreign policy, and that's when he was apologizing basically to the middle east. this wasn't just college kids. president obama has said similar things. allan combs said some more things. i think we should take some of these liberal policies and we should start to tax schools like harvard and their endowments. this is where the richest 1% send their kids, how would they feel about taxing their professors, and taxing their universities and their very, very lucrative endowments. >> can you come up with a devil'sed a have cat -- >> i wouldn't equate it to president obama because this
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kind of sensibility has been around for decades, your ability to criticize, we won these great wars that allowed people to raise families and raise children but then look back at the greatness of america and go, well, this sucks because i feel really guilty. it's white liberal guilty. >> leave it there? >> we're good. we're good. >> all right, coming up, why won't a democratic senate candidate admit if she voted for president obama, her painful answer to a simple question, next, achnd later, we'll be answering your questions on facebook friday, post your questions and we'll get to them later.
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>> sometimes he draws red lines in the saturday and he doesn't go through with it. >> barack obama when i was there, has the guts to do the right thing, the real question is, will he make the decision to do it? we govern either by leadership or crisis. >> with president obama, his poll numbers are so bad. >> the president is a drag on democrats, democrats try to localize these elections, make it between them and their opponent, not between them and obama and their opponent. >> and you know things are bad when democratic candidates don't even want to be seen with him. >> allison lund diagnosgren gri doesn't want -- >> this election, it isn't about
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the president. >> i respect the sanctity of the ballot box. >> and kentuckians expect her to cast a tough vote on anything? is she ever go doing answer a tough question on anything? you want to be a u.s. senator? i think she disqualified h herself. >> she can't even admit, bob, that she voted for president obama. >> it's amazing to me, i have been in that business for 20 years achkd having some candidates that just don't get it. what did she think she was going to do, hide that, and somebody was going to buy into that notion that she doesn't want to pay attention to him? this is an example of where the campaign manager should have said get rid of the shovel and stop digging. >> i can't even believe that the race is as close as it is. >> it's close because she's -- >> she says i voted for him, but
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i wouldn't vote for him now. he she looks shady. >> it looks like she lacks credible, and she's a waiver, and a fair weather fan, it's all bad. i don't see how any of this could come back to her. >> you need a lot of black votes in kentucky north to win in that state. >> you need a lot of coal votes, is what you need. >> she painted herself into the comper -- she shot the target with a rifle, my guess is that she didn't want to be on tape staying i voted for him, but had this big ad saying she didn't agree with all of his policies. so she painted herself into that corner. she should say look, i did vote for this--
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>> before i talk about grimes, everybody always says president obama is an albatross around the neck. whoever put albatrosses around necks. i don't understand what that means. somebody write to me about that. grimes is like a guy who distanced himself from a friend who's blowing off the bar, i'm not with him, imnot with him. in order to run, you're running away from a manage that you knew to be true to your plains approximatelies, you're running away from your own principles, you see she's actually running from herself, which is mind-boggli mind-boggling. >> she's running away from obama and these candidates, look what happened to bush, any president whose popularity is low, candidates are not going too get near them. >> if she really was running away from them, i wonder if she accepted c
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accepted campaign money who's raising it hand over fist. >> you have these operatives that say she doesn't believe everything in her ad. she's cut, the most important point though that is the democrats have to wear a addition guise if they want to win. >> check out this ad, you remember wendy davis, a very controversial candidate. >> a tree fell on greg abbott, he stued and got millions, since then he's spend his career working against other victims, abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb. he ruled against a rape victim who sued a corporation for
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failing to do a back ground check on a sexual predator, he sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients. greg abbott, he's not for sure. >> featuring greg abbott, when wendy davis has already been hit on a string of things, this is, what, a hail mary? >> this isn't a hail mary, this is a hail mary to looiz, this is like running the other way with the ball, this is the kind of thing that you never u ever do, is take advantage of your importa opponent's physical or mental condition, to do this, is almost certain to back fire in every direction you can possibly imagine. whoever you are, resign. >> greg? >> i mean, it's a strong ad, i mean, it's a strong ad with a very clear point of view, and a
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very clear perspective. however it is a skin of desperation, it's a sign that they held it for so long, it said we got to do it, so they threw it -- >> you're absolutely right. >> if you're going to go all waylike that, she's going to put -- 6. >> she's been a very controversial candidate, i think u you're right, bob, i think that she's probably, speaking of candidates who are cooked like the last one, i think she's cooked too. >> coming up on "the five." is baghdad about to fall to isis? and will america stop them? and it's facing book friday, you can post your questions for us. (vo) you are a business pro.
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remember last month when joe biden issued this warning to isis? >> when people harm americans, we don't retreat. we don't forget, they should know, we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. because hell is where they will reside. >> that still works for me. but does america still plan to chase them there? well the terror network is now reportedly just eight miles from baghdad. if baghdad falls the entire country won't be far behind. jana goldberg thinks the campaign so far is just for show. >> this is sclillightly less th pr campaign. we're taking the heat off him
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through the midterms, to make it seem as if he's doing what he needs to do as commander in chief, when in fact, it's essentially a glorified light show at in point. >> all right, well, let's see if there's some evidence to the contrary, they're certainly doing the air strikes, there's criticism that that is insufficient and baghdad, they're eight miles away, what does this tell us about the efficiency and the lethalness of this operation? >> they could step it up, i know, i think the numbers we looked at a couple of days ago, there was 400 total air strikes in a couple of months, they could be doing 400 in a day. it's expensive, we're dropping $4 million bombs on $20,000 trucks. >> but spend more, i mean what's the point if it's not going to make a difference? >> there's 200,000 iraqi soldiers should be protecting baghdad right now, up against 30,000 isis soldiers. peshmerga could get them from
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both sides. you guys get so ticked off at when i say i don't wanting to put american troops in harm's way over there. >> listen, be fair, because you've got the peshmerga, they've basically got like switchblades and you've got knives that -- it is not a firefight. but guess what, you don't say oh, i wish they were better fighters. -- >> that's why we never should have been in this war in the first place. >> the fact that we're doing this segment tells us that the president's strategy is not clear, i said last week about air strike karaoke, it's symbolic, it's not substantive. if you don't play to win, you lose. >> when you do the air strikes, then everyone feels clean, safe,
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buttoned up about it. but if it's not working, we're doing more harm than good, it's ridiculous, we have got to do more air str the right people. >> you can't be half hearted and more, that's the surest way that you're going to lose if you're being half hearted. >> i agree, no american boots on the ground. i don't think the president should have said it. they want to plant their tanks along the border just in case isis flows across the border to turkey. this is their fight, i hate to see anything happen to those civilians on the grouchkd, but it's not our fight. two in iraq, it would be incredibly embarrassing to have the baghdad airport fall. and it would be --
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>> are we concerned that we could be giving them an airport? >> i am concerned about it. and the reason why you have to understand from the strategic stand point, is the way you're able to target achkd make these air strikes more deadly is by having information, manpower on the ground to tell you specifically, bombing empty space is not going to help anything, you've got to hit the right targets. >> we do have boots on the ground and they're not going to take the baghdad airport. the other thing that drives me crazy, i know that jonah goldberg is part of the family, but the idea of suggesting that this is system pr campaign that goldberg said, that the president of the united states would put airport pilots in harm's way for our election is disgraceful, and sophomoric. >> what are you yelling at me for? because i'll meet you after the show. >> the problem with relying on
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the kurds, is that the kurds were going to help us last year, and we drew that red line and we never enforced it. they were waiting for the u.s. to help. and we haven't given them anything to help them be the boots on the ground. so we're failing on all legals. >> we trained 200,000 troops. >> i think we can all agree at the table, perhaps we differ on exactly what that should be, fair enough. >> fair enough. >> you don't go away, because facebook friday, oh, yeah, it's going to get crazier, it's next. people with type 2 diabetes
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ooktivity is. >> do you k56r7? >> i do not camp. i like anywhere you can drink in public without judgment. i'm not really a tennis fan. >> outdoor drinking. >> sit on a beach, i'm not very physical when i'm outside. >> eric, this is from grace p. how ironic, given where i just was. are you as pumped up as i am for the fifth season of "walking dead? ." it's not just zombies, zombies are there because it's a zombie show, but the real interesting part of it is the relationshi relationshipsal between the characters. >> you strike me as zombieists, they're struggling through a tough time being dead. they steam to be dead right in about 30 years. mark my worth, corpses are
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coming back, bob, this is from o iggie. what would be your ideal afternoon, spending the day at the dog park with jasper or getti getting mani/pedis with bob? >> but we usually go every saturday afternoon, so it's not in. >> k.g., this is from dawn, what is your favorite fall activity to do with ronan? which is your song, i might add. >> thank you for paying attention to that. soccer is one of the favorites. and then natural history museums. >> you have a picture there. >> i didn't put it up there, they know who my son is, they know what the question's going to be, we don't. >> and from joni h., what is the
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best concert you ever went to? >> it's all in 1980s, u-2, saw the cramps in 1980 and i saw another of the clash, women calling tour, that era was amazing. >> in the '80s? >> '79/'80. all right, where are my knows? andrea, do you have any advice for a young republican in college? that's from caleb o. >> don't listen to your professors at all, and get a really good internship. and just show you know, show up until they actually give you the internship. >> it's not stocking. >> it shows enthusiasm, you know? >> eric, this is from andrew
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water vapor imagery aw. and he's asking who wins the world series? >> if it wasn't the cubs, it had to be the cardinals. >> giants, giants, giants. >> all right. >> i got those in the divorce ". >> you got the tickets? >> i got the -- you got the as. you got the better end of the deal. >> bob, happy birthday. >> bob, this is from pat w., i'm wondering how you are doing single digits you gave up sugar. i hope, well, it's not a person. >> it's very difficult, you're right. this is the ninth day and i just am dying. i got to get -- >> one day at a time, bob. >> i know. can i just say the 50s question
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out there, dr. phil? they're great questions, but very personal. sugar is one of the toughest addictions you can possibly have. >> you've had more energy. >> ever since he gave up sugar, he's been crazy. k.g., kimberly, this is from jan s., what is the number one most played song on your ipod? >> oh, my gosh, i don't know the number one most played, i like quite a bit of music. an oldie but a goodie, van hallen, meeting in the laetd's room. by climax, that's another good one. >> so finally, would you, from brittany s., would you consider
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teaching a college course in skres to happy? >> i teach a course to america. we should be doing to colleges classes. professors should be airing our show in school. we should be on campus. >> can we go on a road show, please? >> don't forget to bring in a little -- >> what would be the first college campus we would do? >> harvest. >> we would have to watch bob like a hawk. they might egg us. >> that's fun. >> you're pretty good at this, you can be official. >> i'm going to take my time now, ahead the halftime performer for super bowl xxxxviii.
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the super bowl halftime show next year. what do you think of that pick, and if you had to pick, what would it be? >> she's a great pick, she's got a lot of pop songs that are very recognizable, they have 5,000 views on youtube. great pick on the super bowl. the pick for me would be the rolling stones. >> adam levine, greg and adam levine are frienemiys. . >> i just did, you couldn't hear me, but i did. and my runner up, if it wasn't katy perry would have been pink. and i would have been a back up dancer for either one of them.
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>> what do you think of katy perry and -- >> i never think of katy perry, and i'm not going to start thinking of katy perry now. i hate pop culture's involvement in sports, as well as the graphic element that shows up in sports now w these dpansing robots, i think the spectacle is band, the wood lands o for a high school marching band, they're from texas, woodlands, texas. do you like katy perry. >> she's one of my favorite hot tub performers. i love it. >> but you know what? a great performers, always, u-2.
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i think that's phenomenal. >> you should have inge vitded him to your house. >> i don't know much about katy perry, i don't know what her songs are, but my choice would be, unquestionably. >> all these tracks that they have got, all of these dancers that have been imported from greenwich village, get it done. sing three or four songs and get back to football. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple?
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all right, it's time for one more thing. >> so a republican candidate, was attacked for apparently not having worked manual labor. >> lee stephanic has lid a very white collar life, i don't know if you have ever worked manually for a living. >> regardless of whether i have had a job, i am proud of working in my family's small business. our trucks are loaded five days of the week delivering to countries all across the district. >> she said she's not really worthy of this position because
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she's never worked with her hands or her legs. you know what you have never worked with, sir? your brain. >> he said, yom what i mean? you know what i mean? greg, you're up. >> war on women, damn it. don't, set your clocks because caution, the shortest host ever will be hosting o'reilly. a lot of great stuff happens on that show. i don't want to tell you what's going to happen because it's absolutely out of control. i sit on three pillows and i say, caution. >> you do it very well. >> thank you. i've been practicing in front of a mirror, shirtless. >> with adam le levine. >> it's friday, so it must be --
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time for one more thing. -- the seattle city council has decided to change columbus day to indigenous people. but by overwhelming margin, gwyneth paltrow is going to be the number one pick, president obama is so handsome she can't speak and number two, she could rel to working women and number three, she just can't understand why we can't give president obama all the power he needs to get everything done. for these three, gwyneth paltrow, fool of the week. >> all right, nobel peace prize, last year she was the runner up, and this year she is one big winner. of course it was the young woman who was shot by the taliban, very courageous, made an
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incredible come back and been very vocal about the abuses of the taliban. also we have someone that received it with her. kailash satyarthi, he's been at the forefront for ending child slavery, congratulations to both of them. both, well, well deserved. >> you know, i normally don't -- if you watch this show a lot, you know i'm usually talking to producers and making fun of them. it's probably the best produced show that i have ever been around and they have to take all the heat and get beat. i don't say stuff like you do. when you say be nice, these people work hard. they don't get paid a 15th of what you get paid. i just want to congratulate them in all they do. >> and for saving your job every day. >> they save my job, they beep me at the right time, they should have beeped eric at the
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right time. nymph, we're supposed to go to the special -- or whatever it is. >> don't forget, watch greg on the o'reilly factor tonight. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." as isis terrorists close in on a key syrian border town, isis zero on a much more strategic target, this is "special report." there are intense fears tonight that heads will literally roll in kobani, the town between libya and turkey will -- and there's also concern tonight that the terror wave could soon engulf a city where so many americans have fought and died. baghdad. senior white house foreign
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