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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 14, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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hello, everyone, i'm kit's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> the cgc says that a nurse contracted the eebola virus. >> the cdc says it's discretionary funding has been cut by $585 million since 200. . >> our budget has been flat
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since fwooe, sposhtding to 2003o an infectious disease threat. >> and on the other side, some people are not happy with how the government is handling the crisis. >> so the ad, to me, it obviously is one of dpes per ration, the democrats figure out no time trying ing ting to hel themselves, to launch an ad like that is, one, provably false and it tries to take the heat of the democrats like harry reid. if they were so concerned by didn't they six months ago say something. the ebola threat is not new.
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and the president was on the defensive in august. t health care workers across the world and at the u.n. and doctors without borders says that the united states has been very slow to act. we have to be in # to the lead, wes are the global leader. the democrats are mistaken something. mother nature is in charge, this is mother nature's world and we have to live in it, and we have to try to manage it. his comments today led to an nbc headline that we need to rethink our ebola infection control. just last week they told us not to worry about anything, and i want to trust the cdc, because like i said, i don't think we have a lot of choice.
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i got to participate in a global pandemic exercise, i did, it was very fun. it's fascinating to see how does it happen, how does it spread, what do you do to keep everybody calm and keep them informed. the cdc is playing a little bit of catch up and are reassuring people. >> mother nature, a bit sexist. we are now living init.
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and a government -- they always will say more government, more government, and they look the prioritization that they put the
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highest premium on and then they create cuts. why do they have the street lamps study, at the centers for disease control, why would you have a street lamp study? >> why do the republicans think that government ought to be more involved in this when they're so much against government involvement? >> because believe it or not, we actually do care, because it is our money waend don't want it to go to obama eels cronies, maybea could have gone to a vaccine too. the money could have gone there instead of there. but the fact ask, i'm a guy who's money goes to the government and i would like to see it actually go to something that's worthwhile. >> this is from "usa today," washington bureau chief susan pages is chiming in about midterm elections, obama and ebola. >> both the stories, the ebola virus and the threats from isis are feeding into a sense that a
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lot of americans have that the world is not only a dangerous place, but that the government is not competent to handle them. that's a very serious situation for president obama. i think it's a big problem in the midterm elections. >> they couldn't protect the white house from a knife wielding man running in, they couldn't protect a cia compound in benghazi. no one trust this is government, especially as compounded by the fact that the president, whenever there is a screw up, uses incompetence as a defense.? 8% of the country distrusts the federal government. >> dana? >> if you look today at the gallup poll that came out that
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looked at the top five issues people are considering when they're heading into the midterm, in the top five, for éñq?e ebola into their thinking as to who would do a better job of governing and does the president need some sort of a checks and balance system like divided government, will that lead them, the few independents left, will that -- i don't have a picture but i'll try to put it on my facebook page. remember i did that fund-raiser for the african-american academy, they're in like beer yarks they've got this mirror, the school is shut down by order of the government. they're trying to do everything they can, a faith based
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organization to keep everybody safe in the middle of this epidemic, where people are dying every day. i understand in america, it's serious, but people want to realize that these are living on the line that they are -- that is happening as we speak and they dofbl have anything that we have. they don't have equipment, they don't have any way to feed themselves. those countries are d disintegrating and i think that the united states has an obligation to help these countries. >> the problem here is the perception that if the president is in a car, the president is behind the wheel texting instead of keeping his eyes on the road. he didn't say isis or ebola, he said climate change. we have a president today, a president tweeting today on
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climate change, also tweeting on minimum wage today, see in really isn't the priorities of an administration, it's a priority set by a teacher's lounge of glad stool activists. but it's true, the things that they care about, are things that belong in an elitist institution, is not what america is worried about. >> there is just a difference here. i mean, i happen to -- >> no, i agree. i happen to believe that climate change is the single biggest change is the single biggest threat to our
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at isis issed a zransing more
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than two months since the air campaign started. there's conflicting messages. >> there's no military commanders either on the ground or here in washington that the united states put in ground combat forces into iraq. the president has been very plain, that this is not a campaign that requires or even would benefit from american ground troops in combat again. >> but the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says likely yes. >> would we will more effective against isis if we had u.s. troops on the ground spotting targets? >> there are-mosul will be the decisive battle. my instinct is that that will require a different kind of
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advising and consisting because of the plexicomplexity of that . >> there are enormous contradictions in the u.s. strategy that are becoming more apparent every day. let's start with iraq, the iraqi army is in no better shape now than when it collapsed. in syria, there are men on the ground. there are some kurdish militia, we are backing them. >> why not give yourself, if you're the white house, give yours a little wiggle room for some flexibility, if it does occur to them, if they all come together and -- better than anyone else. to not be able to learn from their mistakes, then we're in a position where we play catch up. they should have done this to
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begin with so we shouldn't be in this situation. they wouldn't be taking kobani. we should be making more specific targets, increasing the air strikes, and the only way you do that, it's like trying to tie your shoe with one hand. you need the other hand to help out, to say put the loop right here. that's what it means when you say put some intelligence troops on the ground to tell us exactly where we need to be hitting so we can actually hit more of these militants and actually bomb the ground and we're slowing them down because they had to make a right before they made a left into baghdad. >> we need to be patient here, the pudding is still in the uvening, it hadn't had enough time to cook. you see additional pressures,
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and also possibly in baghdad. does that -- do we says we don't need it. kobani, they have been pushed
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back by about 10 kilometers. and the airport, this is the most ridiculous thing, there was a group of them that came within eight miles of the baghdad airport. >> he's not reading this stuff or seeing this, because bob, you would know these are inaccurate statements. this was a joke, it will be over. and look, we're still talking about it. >> i know that they have got the forces gathering at the delaware-new jersey border. >> if they decide -- if they were to authorize some sort of special elite forces to go in after baghdadi, that guy who runs isis, like osama bin laden. >> there already are boots on the ground. i don't understand why they box themselves in. >> the only strategy is to win, then you have to work backward
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from that, and basically that's going to -- i believe it's going to mean invading troops on the ground, you drive them into a certain area, and then you nuke the hell out of them. if you want to lose, you can work back from that and you will find the current strategy, which is confusion and fear. if you don't want to win, then you should leave. the only way that you can can win, if you want to win, my fear is that the administration has what i call american derangement syndrome, all of our white house's actions are derived by our sins of the country, and they have a fear of going into these countries and doing the business that needs to be done. they suffer from an intolerance phobia, which means they're going to look mean and insensitive if they do the right thing, what they're doing the air strike karaoke. maybe it will be better. but the fact is you're going to
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have to go in there and kill them all. >> you could talk about anything that you want. how about that? but -- >> three things going wrong with the strategy hire, one, these modern rebels -- they basically said we quit, they don't have afternoon alliance. all you guys are doing is helping assad. this iraqi military that we poured all these billions of training and money, they're basically cutting and running. they're leaving humvees for isis to take, it's ridiculous. and maliki leaving, they were going to stand up the iraqi army and then third, these afr strike, this was supposed to degrade and destroy. now they're outside of baghdad. and it takes an nbc news guy to say obama's strategy is failing. >> just outside of baghdad, really? >> yeah. >> uh-huh. >> he's been following the news all day. >> i don't think it's funny, bob.
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>> i also would like -- >> you all have no idea, when i have no idea, there are people on the ground, they are targeting -- why are we suggesting that the white house is holding back the air force from dropping bombs? i don't think so. >> you're saying right now we're being just as aggressive as we should be. you don't think we could be dropping more bombs, flying more sortes -- >> why don't you tell the air force that, if they're getting it wrong. >> including panetta and all these guys are saying we're doing it wrong. >> everybody look at my unicorn and take a deep breath. just when you think there's nobody that -- he says obama has
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in between throwing on aluminum fill fats, krugman goes on -- >> had this idea that obama was going to bring in a transformation of america, i thought was being naive, we got health care reform, we have got significant final reform. i think of my ranniking -- but fact, bill clinton was not a consequential president. and obama is a consequential president. >> and captain crazy is riling. obama is indeed the most successful leftist ever. enabling a country to experience
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the consequences of unbrideled government expansion in its purest form. he plays a sixth of the economy in government hands, he's shifted millions of americans into dependence zone. further atrophying the muscles of initiative. he recast -- everything he wanted, he got. a domestically divided, noble -- the result, every single democratic candidate who might lutz in november. so, yeah, when you consider mr. obama's achievements, they can be described as staggering, much like how our country is now. so i think krugman is right, that obama is a consequential
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president and he got what he wanted? >> i wouldn't agree with you on that, ily even liberals would m
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>> if he got it passed, he got a social program passed, that's a big deal for a left winger is to get more government into your life. >> he started a big tax reform, which the government could have gotten done. he chose health care reform instead and they've spent the rest of the time trying to mop that up. they take a much longer view, they believe that in the long run, it is going to work in america
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for most of america, the second monday in october marks the day we celebrate christopher columbus's fateful journey to the americas in 1492. seattle has opted to celebrate indigenous people's day. in the special preview of watters world-- >> do you know what columbus did? >> he discovered something, i don't know. >> concrete america, i think.
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>> in what was christopher columbus famous for? >> for discovering america. >> why do you put discovering in quotation? >> because there were already people living here. >> and christopher columbus, where was he from? >> was he from britain? >> colombia. >> he was hispanic. >> get me out of here. >> so you can see the rest of that tonight on the factor. i asked what year christopher columbus discovered america, there was some good answers there, christopher columbus, a good guy or a bad guy? >> he had enormous -- christopher columbus does not celebrate america. but the indigenous -- the truth is, this land belonged to native
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americans. and we treated them terribly, we put them in reservations, we destroyed a lot of them because we brought diseases here, the fact is that this story has never been told very well. the fact is white americans, almost completely destroyed indigenous people. >> and you take columbus day off, usually? >> we're working. >> i would rather celebrate your birthday. i mean what is the big deal? i give the guy credit for doing what he did. >> isn't it important to commemorate your founding traditions and the history of the country, even if it is sometimes -- even if it is sometimes evil, some would say, or that, obviously, the indians were mistreated by some people. >> but is it christopher
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columbus's fault who died as a pauper and was never able to profit off of what he did. this guy made four trips to this country, and he was doing his job. now he's become the devil? understand history, what's going on before you start -- we have become reckless with this political correctness. >> who was it that said that christopher columbus destroyed the indigenous americans. >> this is the causal lyn that can you tied together, bob. >> you're going to have a lot of italian americans. >> talk about history, i think that's a good thing. >> the indigenous people, really? >> the columbus day debate is really a proxy battle against america. we all know -- no, it's true, bob. we all know that columbus was no saint. people back then were brutal.
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we were not dealing with civilized people the way we are now. it's about shaming a country, which we now count as employment forring a democrat aches and students. the ideology of victim hood keeps you a victim as you victimize others. keep it columbus day but change it to something es. practical achievement actually would help native americans today, not make activists feel good because they were able to say, hey, we got rid of a holiday, i really don't care. that's the thing, nobody cares. >> they just want the stay off. >> the left chooses battles because that's what they're trained to do, it's their job to be a pest and make symbolic gestures. >> clash of civilizations, there's winners and losers. >> bruce harrell who is one of the -- he believes the city won't be successful in social
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programs and outreach until we fully recognize the evils of our past. in my opinion, i think the evils of our present are what we should be more concerned about. and that includes the united states as a global leader in the world has ignored a lot of suffering, poverty around the world, desperate people, tries to worry about things at home. isis has become a problem here. letting putin run rough shod over ukraine. i actually think it's the evilless of our president we should be more worried about. >> we want to celebrate christopher columbus and the native americans on the same day, let's just keep calling it columbus day. >> be careful how you say that. >> what do you mean? >> it was very angry on your part. >> we got to go, bob, i don't know what you're saying. still to come, a lot of people are appalled at wendy davis's -- are appalled at wendy davis's -- today, she defended herself and
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does
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get fire adapted now at
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texas gubernatorial candidate wendy davis's new ad.
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>> a tree fell on greg abbott, he xued and got millions, since then he spent his career working against other victims. >> she's not apologizing for the ad, she's sticking by it. >> greg abbott rightly got his justice, why doesn't he believe that a rape survivor or a person with a disability or a victim paralyzed forever by a drugged aled surgeon should get their justice. >> she was rounding by people in wheelchairs today. >> just when you thought it couldn't get worse, it did. this is somebody that is so grow tesing--she doesn't seem to care what's going on here, she uses an ad like that, then she puts herself using people with
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disabilities as props herself by having them stand behind her like that, it's just crazy. >> there's some people around davis i know who are pretty smart people, at least i used to think they were. do you think that there may be something here that we're missing, that there's some distraction here? >> i think whoever's responsible for the ad should be fired immediately. it's like somebody who gets accused of become racist, says i have tons of black friends. it skyrocketed her into the big leagues and she has poor judgment, it kind of reminds me of someone. >> part of the argument people in texas have told me who are not associated with her campaign have told me it clearly is a hail mary pass achkd it looks desperate, and it sounds desperate, and was perceived as desperate in the papers there,
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which is why she came back out to do this press conference. what do you think this press conference did for her? >> not much, it shows the ad originally, i don't blame the staff, the ad was approved by wendy davis. i'm tired of all these politicians blaming campaign staffers, sighing campaign staffers are responsible. this is not just an isolated case. hue huet -- the democrat ross miller, adama damagdamage tacks republican, a navy veteran, and ross miller, the democrat said i don't think your military service was serious. you were just a paper pusher. elise stefanik, attacked by her democratic male opponent saying she had never done manual labor. i think it does come down to judgment and character, the candidates are to blame, not the staff. >> what do you think, we got to be quake here.
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>> here's the thing. what if she's right. it doesn't matter, because she comes off looking like an insane person, which actually she might be. it doesn't matter if you're right, if you're not persuasively correct. she might be able to point out the hypocrisy of her point, but she did nit the same way that she was gasping at straws, she's desperate and she looks terrible. this is what happens when you look crazy, the right should learn from this. >> i dumped all of this on friday. i will say this about the press conference today. she did get to clarify a little bit. the fact is that her opponent did get trial lawyers to get a very big settlement. and he got a lot of trial lawyers money. it made it impossible to do things he did, is the height of the hypocrisy. >> but she screwed up the argument. >> to leave it all weekend and then do a press conference on
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monday to clean it up. that's dumb. >> also to get it direct from trial lawyers to get test
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al. hi, it's time now for one more thing. greg, what do you got? >> it's time for greg's top fourity music concern. led zeppelin ended up number one on the hedge hog charts with this song stairway to free berg. check it out. right now this is number one, this is his first album, i think he's going to go very far, he's a hedge hog, not enough hedge hogs in music these days. >> i'm a little under to the weather, kind of a flu, kind of cold, don't know, kimberly and i
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are asking, can we get some preventing cold remedies. >> that is the dumbest idea ever. >> up next, some calling for transparency, some cold remedies because the army will not release the results of the investigation into bowe bergd l bergdahl. they are looking at it whether he is guilty of desertion or other crimes and we would like to know the results. >> i follow these elections pretty carefully, in my own charts, i had the republicans up by seven skates in the senate. i now have that down to six, and i think in the house, there's going to be a surprise here that the democrats will lose seats, but way below double digits. >> all right, bob, we're going to see about that, we're going to bring back bob's psychic corner prediction thing.
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>> testy, hi. >> texas high school football, big mauch hetchup here, hebron , see if you can pick this up. see what they did right there? they snuck the 1 1th guy on the sideline. see him there on the left? >> is that allowed? >> of course it's allowed. way to go hebron. >> sneaky, sneaky, sneaky, but i like it, that's it for us, special report is next. >> it is tuesday october 14th rt. a fox news alert. ebola has americans on alert. officials and hazmat take 6
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passengers off of a plane. they are looking at how a nurse was infected. >> a brand new terror threat now isis targeted our police officers. what we have learned from washington. >> parents, ever wish you could put your child's truth telling to the test? >> did we eat pot roast for dinner tonight? >> yes. >> was it under cooked? >> no, it was rare. it was a little rare for my tastes. >> that was a good movie. >> now you can with a brand new home lie detector test. good parenting or is it over the line? we report you decide. "fox & friends first" starts right now.
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>> like emin m&m smiling back there. >> i am heather childers. >> i am lea gabrielle in for ainsley earhardt. an american airlines flight, the cabin begins to pop off. they are able to stick their hand inside the part that buckled they yelled for help. >> pop, pop, pop really loud and a ripping sound. the interior plastic insulation starts ripping out from the side of the aircraft. >> the flight landed safely in san francisco about an hour in the air. an air duct problem is to blame.


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