tv Hannity FOX News October 14, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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country after a texas nurse contracted the virus from thomas duncan who later died. the nurse nina pham is listed in good condition. 76 other health care workers in texas are being monitored for ebola. hurricane gonzalo growing into a major category 3 storm expected to strengthen further as it heads towards bermuda. the storm is blamed for at least one death on st. maarten and anna is supposed to strengthen this week. it's moved to hawaii's big island hit a by tropical storm two weeks ago. "hannity" starts now. happen. thanks for watching. this is "the kelly file." see you tomorrow. tonight, american prepares for the worst. >> it's only a matter of time before the next case comes to our shores. >> is it time for the u.s.
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government to ban travel from ebola-stricken nations? and the ebola blame game. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. >> democrats point the finger at the gop. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. >> make a cut. >> but will that be a winning strategy come november? >> while you dig through the accounts looking for gas money, she flies around in private jets. >> will democratic policies is hurt minorities? you'll meet the man behind the controversial new ad. the investigation into bowe bergdahl is complete. so why won't the white house release the results? the sergeant's former platoon mate is back to respond to this growing cover-up. all of that plus your pets andpkay ebola. it's tonight's question of the day. hannity starts right now. >> welcome to "hannity." the dallas nurse infected with ebola in america has been identified as 26-year-old nina
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pham. the young nurse has been in isolation at the dallas hospital since friday. on sunday, dr. kent brantly, an ebola survivor who contracted the disease while working in liberia this summer donated his blood to nina. my next guest,"eallas county judge clay jenkins with her family. while nina's parents are concerned, they do recognize this risk as part of her calling. clay jenkins joins me with more. sir, welcome to the program. i mean this -- it's so sad. she puts her life on the line for somebody. i know that might be part of her w says., as her family she's 26 years old. how's she doing? >> she's doing well. she sent out a little note today to let the people know that she's doing well, and she's got a strong family and she is a true hero. she's -- she is dealing with this with grace and dignity, and
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she's a hero. and i know the whole nation is praying for her. >> what about the proclamation this weekend that she might have breached protocol in some way. that was taken back a little bit. do you know the answer to that? do you believe that happened? >> well, i think the term "breach" in that situation is a term of art in public health. i don't think her family who are involved in public health took it as a pointing the finger at nina. there was a breach or a rm.mist or whatever you want to call it somewhere and, regardless of whether that was through protocol or procedure, that's not nina's fault. that falls on the hospital and the people up the chain fromm/o nina. nina was doing her job, and she was providing care to eric duncan and is a4# hero in this >> i agree with that assessment a thousand percent. and she's in our thoughts and prayers. there was one report that came
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f2qñ that thomas duncan had explosive diarrhea. so there were a lot of bodily fluids in and around the area where he was being taken care of. some 70 people i think had contact with him in the hospital. is that true? >> the number is roughly that number. >> yeah. now, the world health organization, how aware is her family, as you have spoken with them, that the world health organization is saying that maybe 10,000 new cases of ebola every week for the next two months and they raise the death rate from 50% of the cases now to 70% of the cases. is the family aware of these new numbers that they're putting out? >> well, i'll see her family in less than an hour and i'll talk to her mother and father and sisters about that. their focus and my focus is on nina and this outbreak and what's important to nina at this point is important to dallas county and to the city of dallas. and one of those things is
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bentley, the dog. there are a host of other things. we want to take care of all those things for nina so nina and her family can focus on nin getting well. >> as it should be. this was the front cover of the "new york post" today. a picture of nina and her dog. there was a nurse in spain that contracted the disease and in that case they euthanized the dog. we'll debate that later in the program tonight. so the dog will be quarantined and the dog will be checked before anything like that is considered, is that right? >> that's right. we've tried to re-create the home of where the dog was and give the dog some room to roam, the food that the dog's used to some toys and provide just some compassion. the dog is in pretty good spirits. separation anxiety from its owner, but beyond that in good spirits. >> no indication ofl 4erñ dog's doing fine health wi.
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>> good. we appreciate you being with us, judge. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> and amid the horrifying numbers released, as i just mentioned from the world health organization, there are growing calls right here in the u.s. for travel bans for those that are infected and from infected countries. now fox news contributor charles krauthammer had very strong words about this issue last night on special report. let's take a look. >> we'll have to have a travel ban. if this patient who arrived off liberia or off the west coast is indeed ebola or if and when the next patient happens, there is no reason why we should still be flying air france, british air have canceled. the reason that it will stop aid going into west africa, that's nonsense. >> dr. krauthammer is not alone, according to a brand new poll, 67%, more than two-thirds of americans support restricting entry into the u.s. for peopleñ coming from those affected countries and a whopping 91% of americans support stricter
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screen of passengers that are entering the country. joining me with reaction are infectious disease fo james wil jr. and ebola virologist dr. david saunders is with us. doctor, let me start with you, because you're here with us. you've been studying this virsous since 2003? >> that's right. >> very impressive. you work at purdue. >> that's correct. >> you have said and a lot of people were takenok back by you comments and it made a lot of press that while the virus thus far has been shown to be transferred via bodily fluids, you're arguing that this virus in fact could very well become airborne. why do you say that? >> that's correct. we actually have the data that shows that ebola enters the lung tissue from the airway side. this was done with human lung tissue and it enters by the same side of the cell as influenza ñ it has that inherent capacity.
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>> we were first told the only way somebody could get this was through direct contact with bodily fluids. they were tryingfn! to reassure people who were on the plane with thomas duncan. then they backtracked and they said three feet. now you're telling us they may be wrong an all accounts? >> i don't have any direct evidence that that is what is occurring now. i mean, that's an important message. we don't know that. we do know, we do know that it can happen in terms of the biology. that's important. and it could become -- you know, through mutations, there's a possibility for it to change in such a way that that occurs more readily. >> dr. wilson, let me turn to you, if i may. what are your thoughts on that? there was a "pittsburgh tribune review" article that says airborne transmission has not beenv+úñü9ñ if it's not been studied why would the government give us bg reassurances that they couldn't possibly know? >> i would counteract that by
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saying it is being studied right no/iìáhp &hc% your proof is dallas. we're at day 19. none of the additional contacts on the contact list have become symptomatic. we have two more days to go before we hit the 21-day period. i think the evidence speaks for itself. as someone who has been on the ground in environments where we studied ebola in the late 1990s on the border with liberia, i can tell you that there is the aspect of fear, there's always the aspect of probabilities and worrying about, you know, sort of the end point game scenario of an aerosolized or airborne ebola, but the reality is that the data doesn't support that. i think moving beyond the lab, moving beyond an academic study and looking at the epidemiological data -- >> let me go back to dr. david saunders. talking about aerosolized, is it possible at different stages after somebody contracts the
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disease, that it could be aerosolized within their lungs and at that point it becomes aã greater danger? in other words, maybe it wasn't as great a danger when thomas duncan was on the plane but if he was on the plane a week later it could have been a greater danger. is that possible? >> all these things are possible. i do want to concur that we57r don't have any evidence that that's what actually happening right now. my point is that it can happen. when people say there's no chance for airborne ebola, that's simply not true. they haven't reviewed the scientific literature on the issue. i agree we don't have evided& for it happening now. we do have some evidence that it occurred with a very closely related virus called ebola resting. >> more from a legal point of view, with these facts in mind, what the w.h.o. is saying, 10,000 new cases every week for the next two months and the death rate increased to 70% that those that contract the disease. bloomberg news today had an article that said 150 potential
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ebola carriers, those people coming from at-risk nations are coming into america each and every day. >> it will increase over time. the more the disease increases in west africa. the prediction is 1.4 million cases by january. and if you hold the 70% death rate to be true, we're talking about 980,000 people succumbing to ebola. you're doing something with a lot of other people are not doing on other networks. you're putting science over the politics. so it's important to hear from dr. sanders andl understand what the risks are. white house to listen to men and women like the people you have on your show here tonight. >> what about legally, quarantine, travel ban and obviously shore up borders? >> the federal government has the capacity for quarantine, social distancing, all these things. as time goes on and if it gets to be a greater crisis, we're going to see those things and we'll have questions at that
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point about how our civil liberties are a result of it. >> it could be a big legal issue. >> it could be a big legal issue. on the travel ban, there's science on both sides. there's modeling on both sides as to whether it works or doesn't. but we need to look and the president needs to step up because in the end it's got to be his decision. we're talking about millions of lives around the world. >> dr.l> obviously our prayers are
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with the pham family. nina is a real heropi for what she's done and our thoughts are with her. the issue of canines potentially being exposed to ebola is actually a bigger concern in west africa where we do have reports of canines feeding on corpses there and running through the villages unchecked. that has been raised as a concern. i will say that that's a far minor concern than what we're seeing as the bulk of the problem and that is unrestrained, uncontained human to human transmission. that's the real key issue is getting control of the human-based transmission. >> doctor? >> so that is where we are seeing most of the transmission. we do have to remember that the origin of this virus is in most likely a fruit bat. and so if you have infected animals, they are potential sources of infection for humans as well. >> the government needs to do a better job. why are they spraying stuff down outside the home of this poor nurse? explain why that goes on.
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and if in fact there was some breach of so-called protocol or procedure or something happened. say specifically what happened without blaming her and using -- >> and the hospital. >> and use it as a teaching moment to health care workers across the country. >> i thought they rushed in. unless there was something they haven't told us, why presume a breach. creates the element of crisis and something is being held back. and that's what's wrong. >> thank you all for being here. coming up ajej%rqpáed hannity debate about what should happen to the dallas nurse's dog if in fact it becomes infected with ebola. but first tonight -- >> first ran for senate in 1996 promising to be a champion for the black community. 18&o# years later little has changed. >> the man behind that blistering ad targeting left wing senator mary landrieu. he'll join us next. plus the army's investigation surrounding bowe bergdahl's
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capture is now complete, but the findings are not being released yet. and speculation is running rampant as to why. could it be because the white house doesn't want egg on its face right before you head to the polls in 21 days, three weeks from today? his former platoon leaders here to respond.into to bass pro shops than right now. announcer: bass pro shops is the place for huge savings. like half off redhead lifetime guarantee socks. and this redhead reversible jacket for under $30.
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welcome back to "hannity." a striking new ad released by the free at last pac featuring my next guest. he says democratic louisiana senator mary landrieu and her/w policies is are actually hindering black constituents in the state of louisiana. watch this. >> mary landrieu first ran for senate in 1996 promising to be a champion for the black
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community. 18 years],itçlater, little has changed. while you scrounge together food stamps to buy kool-aid, she sips champagne at cocktail parties. while you dig through the couch looking for gas money, she flies around in privat8iñ jets fundin by taxpayer dollars. mary hasn't helped us at all. so on november 4th, let's send her back home to her father's house jxé to her mansion in washington, d.c., or to wherever the heck she lives because one thing is for sure, she does not live#alx here. >> the video is hoping to trigger a national debate over which party's policies are actually helping minorities in america. here to talk about that and more is the man you just saw in that ad, republican louisiana state senator elbert gilroy and stacy dash. good to see you all. senator, you know you do an ad like that you're coming under fire. why isam
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somehow the democratic party has a monopoly of compassion and support for minority communities? why do people have that perception? >> i think it has to do with history. but we are certainly going to try to change that. we're working very hard to tell the truth about that. that piece you just played does tell the exact truth and shows the truth. the businesses that are shuttered, the buildings that are abandoned, the men and women out of work, bullets flying and mothers crying at funerals in the inner city. we have to -- those poll sis ha -- policies have not worked for us. >> before i bring in deroy and stacy, the percentage of the time that mary landrieu votes with obama. in the year 2013, an astounding
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97% in 201290%. in the senate race she's losing 48-42, a pretty significant margin. there's the latest rnc ad that goes after mary landrieu and her support of obama and obama care. >> since 2009 mary landrieu has voted 95% with president obama. >> a loyal democrat to her president and to his agenda. >> with the help of mary landrieu, we're going to get health care done this year. >> while those individuals who like the coverage they already had will be able to keep their current plan. this is a very accurate description of this bill. >> fact, mary landrieu cast the deciding vote for obama care. >> of course, as a supporter of his and as a democrat, i'm very happy to see the president defend what i think is really an extraordinary record.m1á i may lose my seat over it, but i'm prepared to do it. >> facts, in louisiana there were 62,000jo, canceled plans a
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premiums will increase by as much as 19%. >> basically you said what the president said. any regrets? >> no, wolf, whatsoever. if i had to vote for the bill again, i would vote for it tomorrow. i'm standing on this election as a supporter of the affordable care act. uñit, they don't like can unelect us. believe me, they'll have a great chance because i'm uplgt for re-election right now. >> hasv voting for obama 90% of the time and obama care, has that helped the minority community in louisiana? >> no, not at all. >> &éwhy? >> because it still keeps them stuck. they're getting money for free. they feel :aoworthless. they're uneducated. as long as you're that way they can keep you under their control. >> meaning the democratic party. they create dependency. >> yeah, they have a plantation mentality. as long as they give you this much money, you'll stay right there. you don't need to know too much because if you do, you'll start thinking for yourself. >> i think state senator
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guillory has done a service by asking in return what do you get, 18 years of poverty under mary landrieu in louisiana. and nationwide, what has obama done? you areb]hs÷ seeing the black f under poverty go from 25.8 to 27.2. home ownership down. number of black people on food stamps 7.3qáájjz to 10.9 million. there's this tremendous loyalty for the democrats. and what have they done for us lately? >> why did you switch to be from a democrat to a republican, senator? >> values. the values of the democratic party just moved too far to the left for me, for the comfort of me, my parents, my community and my heart. >> stacey, you came under such fire in the 2012 election because you tweeted out in favor of mitt romney. deroy races
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infuriates me as a conservative because i believe conservative principles and solutions would help all americans. >> i agree. >> are republicans representing the more conservative wing or the more conservative wing or messaging? >> yes. >> i agree with you. >> they're doing a poor job. i don't know if it's fear of failure or fear of the repercussions. >> look what bobby jindal has don in louisiana. >> yeah. >> one thing we have is this tremendous use of charter schools in new orleans. >> the democrats tried to shut that down. >> exactly. but rather than going on and saying the black kids are learn in louisiana, they're trying to shut it down and end the progress that black kids are seeing in new orleans. >> same thing in new york. >> bobby has done a great job in job creation. moving louisiana from 42nd in the nation to number 8 in the nation. >> wow, that's great. the big problem is that members of the minority community aren't
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prepared. >> guys, good toglñ see you. welcome back from california. you're back from the liberal state. liberals want you to believe coo blame for ebola in america? coming up next, i kid you za8$ñ we've got the ad to prove it. we'll set the record straight. then the army says that politics has nothing to do with it. i'm not sold. why the results of the investigation surrounding
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>> washington actually can't cut spending. >> the cdc says its discretionary funding has been cut by 585 million since 2010. >> cut less government. >> cut. >> cut. >> our budget has been flat since 2003. responding to an emerging infectious disease threat, this is particularly damaging. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. t,that was the left hook. the right cross was the @#yrñnow, that ad w the agenda project. that's a group that is no stranger to baseless propaganda. you may remember this little gem from 2011 then-congressman paul ryan. take a look. ♪ ♪pgh >> so this latest shot and the
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2014 campaign in the ad wars are going to help democrats on november 4th in three weeks? "the new york times" best seller "the rise of isis: a threat we cannot ignore" jay sekulow and juan williams. i had erica payne on the program last night and i tried to get her to answer a simple question. watch this. do you think $18ú8m trillion in debt and $100-/a0vñ trillion in unfunded libts, do you think that's fair to push on to our children? >> i think that we want to make sure that our spending priorities are the right priorities. >> do you think that's fair for our children? do you think that. >> and nih and cdc have harmed our ability to deal with the ebola virus. >> do you think we should have a balanced budget? >> not necessarily. >> will you support a travel ban from these ebola-ravaged countries, "a," and would you support securing ourbuñ border people can't come in here legally? do you support those two things?
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>> sean, i think it's pathetic. >> do you support those two things. >> has to institute a border control situation.t we ourse ií don't think o that.d >> juan, i did a little fact i went back and looked$x at obama's original budget plan for fiscal 2012. it cut funding for cdc, health, pub lib health emergency preparedness program by $72 million and the republicans actually restored some of that money. >> get out of town. >> get out of town? i'm telling the truth. >> you have been a big supporter of sequestration and budget cuts. >> i did. that's right. >> now cuts have consequences. and you don't want to take responsibility for them. >> let me educate you again because you're not yárr'g close attention. >> i know your positions and you are changing and doing an about face here. >> barack obama's original budget plan for fiscal year 1+g2
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was the cut funding for the cdc's public health emergency preparedness program. >> saean, you are distorting -- >> i'm not distourting it. >> yes, you are. >> a ten-year slide in cuts pushed by republicans in the name of austerity. they've done this in -- >> let me go to jay. -- >> here we are three weeks out of the election. democrats are tidesperate. inoo: past years al gore said before a predominantly black audience, republicans don't want to count you in the census. hillary clinton changes her =ñ voice. like my father is killed all over again, the james byrd ad. thetám ad, black churches will burn. this seems like the old pattern.
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>> it is because a soin of desperation. the greg abbott ad was som/o despicable, i can't believe the democratic party has not come out and condemned that ad as despicable because that's the only thing it is. they looked at the politics and in their view it somehow is going to motivate their base. they're doing the same thing with the cut, cut, cut ad that you just showed.,+ what people fail to realize -- and juan knows this -- $6.9roo billion is what the cdc budget is. it was increased, ÷ojuan, $563 million this year. this idea that government doesn't have enough money to handle this is ridiculous. you know whata. the problem is the guy that heads the cdc gets on the air and scares the entire country with good reason but he's the worse public relations agent the cdc could have because it's complete confusion. >> i want you to respond directly to what jay said here. that the budget went up $563 million. >> this year, sean. this year.
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now. >> the rise is going on now. >> it's a ten-year slide. ten years! >> 6.9 billion. >> under bush i4bxx double in t time he was president. >> no. >> in ten years that republicans had control of congress. >> yes. it doubled. doubled. >> nih and cdc have seen their actual spending, their ability to purchase, do research cut. you may be talking about some overall number that -- >> does anybody really believe that $6.9 billion with the $567 million increase this year and the crisis we're engaged in right now, look, i'm concerned about that nurse, i really am. i think the idea that we're not closing down access points to the country, the same thing. why are we allowing people that go to sear qula and come back and why are we saying they have as00 they get to do it. >> will you support a travel ban and do you believe that between ebola and isis it's time to secure america's borders? >> does this mean you've given
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up on the budget argument? >> no, we already won that and we moved on. >> okay. i'll take that one, thank you, gentlemen. but as far as this travel. >> judge, jury and executioner. go ahead. >> it's like panic. you guys are reacting. >> i asked you >> that doesn't make sense. >> i asked you a question. >> no, i just told you i didn't because it doesn't make sense. it would make the situation in >> secure the borders? >> no, he doesn't support that either. >> even with the isis threat, even with the terrorism threat coming out of the middle east don't secure the. borders with mexico, don't do that, you think that's a mistake? >> jay, you're exactly right. you and sean thing the borders aren't secure. >> well, they're not. >> if there's a problem in west africa and people that will push their way out of there because they're human beings escaping a panic -- >> all right, i got to go. obama administration, why are they hiding the results of their
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investigation into sergeant bowe bergdahl's7coy desertion is ano cover-up in the works ahead of election day. one of bergdahl's former platoon leaders as well as lieutenant colonel ralph peters will respond tonight. plus what should happen to the dog of the dallas nurse infected and contracted ebola? we'll have a heated "hannity" debate as we continue straight ahead. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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♪ welcome back to "hannity." major speculation is brewing regarding the u.s. army's investigation into sergeant bowe bergdahl's disappearance from his base in afghanistan in 2009. his desertion led him to be held by the taliban for five years and eventually resulted in one of the most controversial prison swaps in history in which the obamae-y administration set fi gitmo detainees free.
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the army has yet to release those findings, raising very serious questions about what important information may in fact be concealed from you, the american people ande.c why. could this have anything to do ""át upcoming elections. here to respond exclusively is bergdahl's platoon leader and also joining us the colonel ralph peters. good to see you both. sergeant, welcome back. why -- you know why he left. you know what happened as do your other platoon mates, is that not true? >> that's true. we've come out when he first got released and we explained exactly what happened. he deserted his post all on his own. and we're now still sitting here waiting for answers. >> were you interviewed by the people doing this report? >> yes, i was. i sat down with general dahl at ft. lewis in washington and had a lengthy review with him and
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kind of a debrief with him. >> at the time if i recall, you also heard that there were locals on the radio saying that there's an american that's actually looking for the enemy. did you not hear that? >> yes. just -- i think it was the day of or the day after he left. we did hear over the radio that there was an american looking for someone who spoke english so he could talk to the taliban. that's something i explained to the general as well. >> pretty much does everybody in your platoon agree with your assessment. is there anybody that you know that disagreed? >> there's not one person who disagrees. i have a list of the people that the general spoke to during this investigation. it's everyone from the platoon and i know exactly what they said. there's no way that they could conclude this investigation they're definitely -- >> lieutenant, colonel peters, this tells me could this be
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politically -- why is the government not telling the american people the truth? >> well, sean, before i answer that, i have to thank sergeant buetow and his cam rads for their incredible service not only in afghanistan but here at home. >> agreed. >> thank you. >> those guys did more for their country than i ever did in uniform. when it comes to why it's being withheld is obvious, it's going to be withheld until after the election because no matter which way the report goes, obama loses. if the white house was able to exert sufficient pressure on the chain of command in the pentagon to whitewash bergdahl's actions, then there's going to be in huge outcry from those serving in uniform from veterans, from conservatives, from you, sean, you'll stand up, too, and certainly from me. but if it turns out that the army, you know, got some backbone and really looked at what bergdahl did, listened to people like sergeant buetow and his platoon mates and finds
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that, yes, he should be charged with desertion, then the rose garden ceremony looks like an even greater debacle. so obama has dug himself into a very, very deep hole. he can't stop digging. >> so this isn't going to be revealed before the election. the increase in obama care rates -- we'll put that off until after the election. executive action on amnesty, we'll put that off till after the election. you go back and look at what happened before 2012 and we now know that leon panetta told the series of lies a terror attack regarding benghazi before an election. this is a pretty serious allegation, colonel. >> when you start with one lie, it leads to another lie and another lie and another lie. but sean, i want to make thing clear to all the viewers. i have nothing personal against bergdahl. i never met the guy. this is about a much greater issue than one individual who appears to have deserted from
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his post and left his comrades behind. >> it's about looking for him. >> yes. the principle is this. the obama administration really despises our military, in my view. they understand why bergdahl would desert. they just don't understand why anybody would join the military. they fits their overall view of warfare. but if there's a whitewash and he walks with all his back pay. the precedent it sets for all future wars, hey, dude, it's okay. you don't like what's going on, walk away. we'll cover for you. >> colonel, we've got to run. thank you, colonel. and sergeant, i echo colonel peters' comments about you and your platoon. experts areé@ closely monitoring the dog of the nurse infected with ebola. what should happen to her beloved pet if it does come down with a deadly disease? i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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eebola to be euthanized. that is a dallas area nurse now placed in isolation. the big question, should pets exposed to the virus be euthanized? or is isolation the right approach? what is your dog's name? >> baby hope. she was fostered adopted her i disagree with you. you should never euthanize a dog whatsoever. >> let me draw a fact out. >> this hope now? >> she's been a baby. they never grow up and go to college. >> cdc acknowledges animals can, in fact get ebola virus, transmit the virus. that is why they did this in
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spain. if you look at this, this is this nurse in texas. there is the ebola nurse and the dog they decided to quarantine the dog. >> just like a human. kykykañ got to go. >> here is the issue. dogs diagnose cancer. parkinson's disease. they have to -- so meaning they could be the answer. >> the who says we're going to have 10,000 more cases per month. they're predicting death rate was 50% of those contracting the veerus now 70% it's a deadly disease. >> 10,000 cases in america? >> no. in the world. >> world health organization. >> that is all i care about. >> is that all i care about? >> i want to make sure i'm good before i can take care of someone else. >> if she had a child would you say after 21 days kill the child? >> no. but don't hug it.
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>> i'm saying if -- >> if the dog shows symptoms, yes, kill the dog. >> what is the difference between a child and a dog? >> a lot. >> do you have a dog? >> i had a dog 15 years a yoeshgy, too. small dog. 15 years loved him. >> if you did a poll, you would find every person that has a dog which is more than half of the u.s. population, would say absolutely never euthanize a dog. >> with8vpvy ebola? an e-dog? >> put them in a kennel. you know? a hospital. just like a -- >> edog is what they're called on the streets. just like any human. >> that is what we call it in the streets? >> how are you going to bring your dog here? >> i want to look that dog in the eye and say hope if you get in contact with ebola, you're done. >> baby hope if you get e dog and you got to go.
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you don't want to go to work then you're going to get an infectious disease? 26 years old? our thoughts and prayers with are with that girl. >> thank god she's in america. >> if you look at spain there are many dogs on the streets n america we're good and active. >> is that real diamonds? >> i would never. no. no. she doesn't care about things at all. she's not material liftiismater. i this is the best material i have ever had >> on this front, question of the day. what should happen to pets who may have been exposed to ebola. my answer, straight ahead >> e-dog. she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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welcome back. should pets who might have been exposed to eebola be euthanized? i think quarantine them, and we want to hear from you. head over to facebook. tell us what you think on that question. that is the timenllc we have le. before we go, we hope you'll record "hahn write" the series each week night here at fox.
11:00 pm
start your day with fox and friends first at 5:00 a.m . thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. eeb yoela. this is a fox news alert. and this is terrifying. the world health organization is now warning there could soon be up to 10,000 new ebola cases a week. 10,000 a week. also today for the first time we are hearing directly from the dallas nurse infected with ebola as she is fighting for her life in a just released written statement. nina pham saying i'm doing well and i want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and prayers. i'm blessed by the support of family and friends. and am blessed to be cared for by the best team of nurses and doctors in the world here at presbyterian health presbyterian hospital in dallas. there is is more ebola news tonight. dozen of other hospital workers who may have had contact with thomas duncan who died are still being
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