tv Americas Newsroom FOX News October 15, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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yesterday. she's going to be out for a couple of weeks. but she e-mailed us last night, she's fine and on the mend. >> yep. >> keep her in your prayers. in the meantime, after the show show starts now. family. good morning, everybody. a second health worker out of dallas from that hospital infected with ebola of the patient is now in isolation as we get grand new details on the spread of deadly virus. changing literally by the hours in the past couple hours. i'm bill hemmer in "america's newsroom." martha: good morning, everybody, i'm martha maccallum. this latest patient along with the nurse, nina pham that helped take care of thomas duncan, the liberia national that died last week. texas officials say they are prepared for more people to get sick. >> we have a involving 77 people, two of which have tested positive for ebola.
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we are preparing contingencies for more and that is a very real possibility. bill: casey stiegel is live in dallas leading our coverage yet again. casey, good morning there. what else do we know about this second patient today? >> reporter: bill, good morning. we know she came down with a fever yesterday. officials say within 90 minutes she was isolated here at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas where she remains being treated right now. let's get to brand new video coming into fox news channel of this woman's apartment complex. very similar scene. hazmat crews working there this morning. we understand she lived alone, had no pets. just as you heard, now told this woman was one of 77 people, 77, who cared for thomas eric duncan. out of those 77, two now positive for ebola. so that leaves 75 others who are being watched very closely,
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employees of the hospital. and just now the hospital's chief clinical officer essentially admitting they are learning from their mistakes here. listen. >> we're a hospital that may have done some things different with the benefit of what we know today but make no mistake, no one wants to get this right more than our hospital. the first to diagnose and treat this insidious disease. >> reporter: hard to admit that there is a bit of a learning curve here it sound like when you're dealing with people's lives, bill. bill: how is the other nurse doing, casey? what can we report about her this morning? >> reporter: she is listed in good condition. in fact the 26-year-old critical care nurse released a statement from her hospital bed. we want to put it up on the screen. it reads in part, and i'm quoting here. i'm doing well and want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and prayers. i'm blessed by the support of
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family and friends. nina pham went on to thank the other staff at the hospital, her colleagues, staff who through the national nurses united union yesterday told the media that medical workers at presbyterian and around the rest of the country for that matter, big cities, little towns, medical centers, other hospitals, folks they claim are not properly trained to handle ebola cases. and they also claim that they do not have the necessary equipment to treat those patients as well. pretty alarming statement, bill. bill: indeed it is. casey, thanks. more details and more headlines when you get them live there in dallas. martha. martha: the cdc is coming under fire for not doing enough to help this dallas hospital both treat and stop the spread of ebola virus once they had it to deal with this. here is the head of the cdc last night with megyn. >> we know how ebola spreads and how to stop it from spreading
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but clearly what happened at the hospital shouldn't have happened. we're looking at that and saying, okay what is everything we can do to make sure anytime someone is caring for ebola their risk to kept to an absolute minimum. martha: is that too little too late? we'll talk to this man a former u.s. surgeon general, dr. richard carmona. we'll get his thoughts how he thinks the government has been handling all of this so far. we'll see what he has to say. bill: ebola in america, does it get worse before it gets better, yes or no? @marthamaccallum and @billhemmer. log on to our facebook pages, slash, america es a newsroom. -- "america's newsroom." perhaps not in dallas or go there immediately. that is what the cdc was saying. >> you have to wonder why the preparations were not put in place beforehand? with all the people infected in west africa, very likely one would travel here around we would have to deal with it. big questions how we've done so far. we'll talk more about that
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coming up. meantime another big steer this morning. bombshell new report of chemical weapons found in iraq but the pentagon according to this story buried that information. "new york times" report says american and iraqi soldiers repeatedly came across chemical weapons during the iraq war but the pentagon withheld that information and asked them to do the same. according to their eyewitness accounts. some of these weapons were reportedly discovered at a complex northwest of baghdad which has now, quite interestingly been taken by isis. they now control this area of this manufacturing plant. peter doocy is life in washington with more on this. so, peter, how many chemical weapons did these american troops discover? >> reporter: martha, 5000 shells and bombs containing things like sarin and mustard gas were discovered. 17 u.s. soldiers along with 17 iraqi police officers were injured by these chemical weapons. according to "the new york times." who also talked to army
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sergeant who was injured bit munitions. he says, quote, i love it when i hear, oh, there weren't any chemical weapons in iraq. there were plenty. a lot of weapons unearthed were near the state establishment where saddam hussein worked on chemical weapons in the '80s but they were spread out all over. several soldiers coming forward saying their exposures happened during bomb disposal and bomb destruction they would do every day. find a bomb by the side of the road, blow it up, pick up the shell, sometimes with their bare hand. that is dangerous work to begin with but potentially lethal as toxic chemical agents are add. sometimes discoveries in the field would go unreported. they destroyed a chemical weapon on the spot because it could take several hours for a special team to arrive, leaving some troops exposed to the enemy and several soldiers who were exposed to nerve agents now say clinics on base were not helpful. higher ups told them not to talk about their injuries and how they were hurt. and that they couldn't warn
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other bomb techs what was out there, martha. martha: those reports are very disturbing. there is a lot of layers to this story. in terms of the pentagon and what these soldiers are reporting which is as you said that they were said not to say anything about their injuries and not say anything about finding these particular chemical weapons. what does the pentagon say about that? >> reporter: a pentagon spokesman said, quote, secretary hagel is concerned by any allegation that our troops did not receive the care and administrate tough support that they deserved. the expectation that leaders at all levels will correct errors when and where they were made and achieve only highest standard of care and stew swordship. the pentagon participated in a senate report in 2006 that said 500 chemical weapons were found in iraq. but that number is really low according to "the new york times" report. >> peter, thank you. we'll get reaction from all of this, from ambassador paul bremer, the presidential onvoy
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to iraq under president george w. bush. he will be here just minutes from now. bill: 20 days away from election time and could republicans be gaining even more momentum? "wall street journal" today finding number of voters who see the country on the wrong track hitting its highest level ever in a midterm election year. chris stirewalt, fox news digital politics editor says there is lot in this poll from the "wall street journal" and "washington post." two different surveys. we'll get to the "washington post" in a moment. wrong track number off the chart, leads to this quote, republican pollster did the survey with a democrat said, quote, something weird will happen on election night when you're sitting on top of a unstable, ticked off electorate. there is a joker in the deck. that ought to give us a little bit of caution. what is he talking about? >> well, look, bill is one of the very best in the business other than our team he may be the best in the business and he is very right. which is frustration, the anger, at washington, the deep dissatisfaction with the way the
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country has been managed, the way it has been led or not led, causes people to be fed up. and this is a situation where republicans, people are not talking about voting for republicans. they're talking about voting against democrats. that is a different kind of thing. when that is happening it means unpredictable things could occur. bill: "washington post," president's job approval number, 40%. lowest of his career. how does that set things up? how does that factor? >> okay, this is a dire, dire prophecy for democrats in this poll. it is hard to overstate what is in there because what it tells us, not only is that the president's approval in this poll, which has typically done, he has done better in that poll than he has in some other metrics, down to 40. there is to snapback, there is no bounce. there is no change. the trajectory is dire for democrats when you look at generic ballot, when you would
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rather have a republican or democrat generally speaking representing you, numbers a lot of undecided voters, in these states, will be flopping republicans. that is bad news for incumbents. bill: dem consider the in kentucky are no longer on television. i don't know if that suggests they have given up fight of mitch mcconnell. a lot of polling suggests that new hampshire has gotten tighter and iowa has gotten tighter. how do you summarize the state of the race 20 days out. >> if democrats had five or eight ways they could maintain majority a bunch seats they could win to block republicans at five, the number of avenues they have, the number of paths to remaining a majority in the senate continues to shrink. they will not be able to drag alison lundergan grimes, who has proven not very good candidate over the finish line in kentucky. if they can't get to winners circle in kentucky they have to try a runoff in georgia.
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january runoff georgia, very improbable chance in south dakota. republicans are bringing states like new hampshire into play where democrats will have to continue to spend resources and defend. they're on a very tight, sort of cliff side road, democrats are to hold on. bill: talk to you a bit later. chris stirewalt in washington, d.c. we'll watch all the nuance as it goes back and forth the next 20 days and so stand by. martha: a lot of people run decided at this point. we'll see which way they break in the coming weeks. more coming up on the midterms in a little while. new developments today in the benghazi terror attacks as well. new charges against a lone suspect. new word that sensitive information was stolen by those terrorists that night. that goes to a lot of premeditation potentially in this attack. we're live with the details. bill: how about a road trip, america? you might be pleased when you pull over to fill up. we'll tell you why the gas prices are diving, by the day. >> despite more airstrikes against isis the terror group
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taking more territory in iraq. new poll shows americans think we need troops on the ground to take them out. >> airstrikes are working very limited. i mean 600 airstrikes over the course of two months is nothing. particularly since most of them are not controlled. ally bank 2, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. martha: new charges for the libyan militant accused in the benghazi terror attacks. act mid can tall la, facing
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indictment. he is alleged leader of the deadly 2012 attacks that killed four americans. plus we're getting new reports of sensitive data stolen from that u.s. consulate during those attacks. further proof this was planned way in advance. they knew what they were looking for the we have details coming up in a live report. >> are we winning? >> we're talking about a coalition of 60 nations that are working closely with iraq which security forces and working to build up syrian opposition fighters and there is no doubt that we can point to the success in the early days of this strategy? bill: the question, are we winning? new poll shows more americans support bringing ground troops into the battle to confront isis. the president insisting that will not happen. alan colmes, host of alan colmes radio show, fox news contributor, brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to president george w. bush. good morning to both of you.
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brad, are we winning? >> no, we're not winning and the american people know better than the commander-in-chief. they know what they see. they know what they hear. they understand a war can not be won against an enemy like isis who doesn't fight like conventional norm nation-state just from the air. you need combination of ground troops, air troops, intelligence on the ground. feeding our aircraft and rooting them out on the ground. so the american people are way ahead of where the president should be. unfortunately, bill the only way the president will take action if he is forced to, forced by events or forced by the american people themselves. bill: alan, if you were at podium taking that question how would you answer? >> i don't want the job as presidential press secretary. thanks for the offer. he is representing the president. the president is not going to say we're losing, this is disaster. i'm on record. i'm the record against the fact we should be there. it is not our fight. we don't have turkey participating as part of the coalition.
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turkey won't let kurds go through their territory. turkey is telling united states, unless we go after assad they will not be part after coalition. if we're going to fight and go in, with we have to go in full force and we have to use ground troops. much as i'm against it. you have to go to congress and get a declaration of war so that everybody's on board. so that it is on record in terms where they stand. bill: give me a chance to show viewers what "the wall street journal" poll found. this is from last month to, this month. middle of the screen. airstrikes and ground troops moved from 34% up to 41%. brad, that goes to your point about the american people coming around to this whole idea. just like president bush made the call on surge, it was entirely his call. he was aegon on that. president obama is becoming more and more isolated on his call to stay out. go. >> that's right. and here's the problem, i believe that the president is steeped in politics. we know that from what he said
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to the president of russia prior to the 2012 presidential election when he with whispered, i have more fle election. this is more a political decision by the president, three weeks before a midterm election than it is leading -- >> purely political, huh? >> i really believe, i hate to say -- bill: bush decision was about strategy. you don't think this is decision about strategy? go at it, take out the bad actors before you get in the middle of it? >> you bet. got to take it to them. take it regardless of political timing of a decision. no decision to go to war. no decision to root out evil and risk our troops. it's a decision that a president wants to make but you have to make it regardless of timing. bill: this is a fact, gentlemen. ernest said yesterday, our capacity to prevent the town from falling, kobani in northern syria are limited by fact that airstrikes can only do so much. that is what the general been saying for a long time, alan.
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>> true. i'm not a military strategist by any stretch of the imagination, you will have to go in full force. i don't know how you defeat them without ground troops. i don't know how you do it without turkey's participation and have more robust coalition. bill: that is good point too. alan, does that suggest you're coming around to this idea. >> no. i don't think we should be there, we're playing a whac-a-mole. we go get isis. a few years later another group pops up. we'll be there forever. we shouldn't be there. bill: alan and brad blakeman. thank you. 20 past, martha. martha: new report claims that u.s. troops repeatedly found buried stockpiles in iraq and that this report claims the pentagon covered it up. is this vindication for president bush? we'll talk with paul bremer who served aspects envoy to iraq. we'll speak to him coming up. bill: have the feds done enough to get ready for american hospitals and the deadly virus?
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oil. it is now at $80 per barrel. martha: ouch. >> they're swimming in red ink. we have the oil. we have the leverage over our enemies and our rivals. i think that is good news item number one. number two, of course is gas prizes are -- prices are literally tumbling. the 10 states where the average in those states is below $3 a gallon and someplaces, some states you can find gas at 2.50. that is good news. martha: that opens up possibilities of people where they put the rest of their money, especially with christmas coming up, could be good news for retailers. >> big shot in the arm for everybody. >> not great news for other companies? >> tesla, they make an electric car, over $100,000 per copy. why would you spend over $100,000 on electric car when the underlying price of gas is below $3? doesn't make economic sense. why would you buy one of the very small compact cars from detroit which are not economical
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for the company to produce them, why buy one of them when the price of gas is below $3? it makes whole investment, small cars, fuel-efficient cars not such a payoff as it was. i think this is bad news for small carmakers and electric carmakers. martha: if i made each one, look, these things are cyclical. we've seen gas prices go up or down, you think this might be a lasting trend? >> i think so. there is a worldwide glut of oil. america is producing more and more of our own oil. that suggests supply leads demand for a long time to come which means the price of gas will be down for a long time to come. martha: energy dependence on the united states is good equation. >> watch out for gas taxes. they might jump on the opportunity to slap you with a gas tax. martha: don't even say it. stuart, thank you very much. we'll see you next time. don't miss stewart varney on our sister network. if you're not sure where to find
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fox business network in your area, finder. there is no excuse. bill: i'm googling channel finder. >> that is exactly what you're supposed to do. bill: thank you, stuart. the pentagon, according to this bombshell report intentionally with holding information about thousands of chemical weapons discovered by u.s. forces during the iraq war. ambassador paul bremer served as presidential envoy to iraq during the first years of that war. we'll talk to him live about that report in a moment. martha: they did it again. the royals one win away from history and into the world series. >> he did it.
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pham, helped take care of thomas duncan, the liberia national who died about a week ago. in moments we talk to a former surgeon general about whether we are prepared now to fight this deadly disease. martha: stunning new report that claims that the pentagon intentionally withheld information about old chemical weapons that were found during the iraq war. "the new york times," in a very lengthy piece today, says that the u.s. troops and they speak to several of them, found approximately 5000 warheads and shells following the 2003 invasion and that 17 soldiers were exposed to those chemical agents. what's worse, perhaps as bad, there is a look at the state establishment where these were found, isis took over control of that state establishment where these weapons were found. it was an old manufacturing area that they knew was at one point producing these kind of weapons before 1991.
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u.n. officials believed up to 2500 chemical rockets still remain on the grounds in that plant area. as you can see when you look at a broader part in the map, it is smack in the area controlled by isis. we'll get to both side of this story. we're glad to have with us this morning, ambassador paul bremer, who served aspects envoy to iraq under president bush two 2003 and 2004. >> good morning, martha. good to be with you. bill: martha: these chemical weapons, there is a lot of layers about this, but first of all, is it surprising to you, 1700 people when you were there looking for these weapons and they were not found and suddenly they started to surface and found by these soldiers and marines? >> you have to remember the search was huge and complex situation. iraq is the size of france. it's a large area. a lot of desert. you can hide chemical and biological weapons fairly easily.
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i do think if it is true that the pentagon was putting american soldiers at some risk about these chemical find without telling them, that is a serious problem. >> the story in this are twofold. they talk about finding shells and putting them in the back after truck and driving and realizing they were getting reactions and seeing leaks and things coming out of them. the soldiers in this piece claim that the reason that no one ever heard about this at the time was because they weren't the right weapons of mass destruction. that they were created before 1991, these weapons. and that they were built in parts by american machinery or western machinery, in plants that were designed to help iraq in the iraq-iran war. so essentially they were weapons of mass destruction but they were the wrong ones and they didn't want to hear about it? >> well i don't, i have really no knowledge about that. it is the case that the story shows in fact saddam still did
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have weapons of mass destruction in 2003 when we invaded. that is to me the broad takeaway from this story. now we have, the additional point you mentioned, which is, will the islamic state get its hands on some of this stuff? martha: indeed. that is the issue that we deal with today. these things were found at muthanna, a plant long known to be a plant producing biological weapons in the years that everybody knew that saddam hussein used them on the kurds. now that area is under control by isis as we said. here is general saki of the state department -- jen psaki of the state department responding to the areas and are they still dangerous and can isis get their hands on them? this is what she said. >> contains two bunkers hold degraded chemical and don't contain packed chemical weapons which is different an hard or if not i am possible to use this
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for military purposes and frankly move it. >> that is head scratcher. you listen to reports of these soldiers who had physical effects from handling these things in 2004 and now we're supposed to believe in 2014 if isis gets their hands on them they're completely inert? i don't know the science behind them. would they be inert at this point? >> well, i'm not a scientist either. i don't think that is really the question. the question is whether they could be used effectively as a weapon. i think probably not. sound like they're fairly eroded or degraded. dangerous to the person who handles them which would be isis soldiers. but it raises a broader question how we'll deal with the threat posed by the islamic state. that is the really the key question before us. martha: i want to ask you one other question breaking earlier. sounds like there was a major leader from the shiite side in the badr militia who was killed, assassinated with 20 other
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people in baghdad this morning by is. what is your tyke how baghdad is doing and holding up given these assaults and these sass thankses? >> he will with the problem the united states faces is the president has outline ad goal which agree with, which is to destroy the islamic state. whether he is prepared to carry out the means to make that happen which among other things is supporting new iraqi government in efforts to control baghdad and anbar province, that is the question. sooner or later as both his secretary of defense and his chief of the army said we'll have to put american boots on the ground there and the question is, how long will it take for the president to realize that he has got to do that to carry out his objective? martha: what do you make of the relationship between those two sides? when you got your chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and your secretary of defense talking about potential need for boots on the ground and president crossing it off the
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list and sending susan rice out and saying it is absolutely not on the table, how long can the two side work together? >> sooner or later reality will hit the president. he said something yesterday when he met with our allied chiefs of defense at andrews air force base. he said that victory will not come by military means alone. certainly won't come unless you have the military means. we're not, it suggest ad fundamental misunderstanding of the threat. we're not up against a group of agitated youngsters who will be propush eighted by more midnight basketball. we're up against a very radical group of ideologues who belief in establishing a caliphate a universal caliphate. now in the last 24 hours the taliban in pakistan pledged allegiance to the new so-called caliph. we have a big, huge, strategic problem. it will eventually take a more robust american military operation in iraq and in syria.
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martha: how, do you think baghdad at this point in danger of falling? what about anbar province before i let you go? >> well, anbar province is a risk and i think there is one airbase there, al-asad airbase, which is still in the hands of the iraqi army. we need to move some of these apache attack helicopters that we have in baghdad out in that direction. i think baghdad is now, the threat is really to the airport in baghdad i think because they're getting to within rocket range, the isis is of the airport there. that is the key now. we need a stepped up air campaign in iraq and syria and eventually we'll need american forward air controllers, intelligence forces and special operators on the ground now. martha: that is the commitment the at administration has not made at this point. ambassador bremer, thank you very much. a lot of questions coming up on "the new york times" piece as well. good to have you with us today. >> nice to be with you. bill: kansas city royals, they
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are hot on fire. baltimore orioles, mike mustakas, has gps on his brain. look at that, tracking. what a catch. royals looking to be in the world series first time in 29 years. game 4 is today. meanwhile, great catch. the giants have taken a 2-1 series lead beating cardinals in extra innings after that errant throw allowed san francisco to score. great game, 5-4 final there. all four teams play later this afternoon and later tonight as well. while that is going on, i was watching the dow. we're trading sharply lower. and that is an understatement. martha: look at that. bill: off 360 points in the first nine minutes of trading. the dow is down, down, down. we'll watch it throughout the day here on "america's newsroom." martha: so as second health care worker is infected with ebola, the dallas hospital where they work admitting that they were not ready to handle ebola
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victims. next former u.s. surgeon general dr. richard carmona joins us in "america's newsroom" to talk about how unprepared our u.s. hospitals may be. bill: so you built the home of your dreams, right, along the beach? only you find out the guy you hired to do the work made one very big, glaring mistake. martha: ridiculous. how does this happen? ♪
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martha: missouri company's dream sound more like a nightmare. mark and brenda voss hired a contractor to build this $680,000 home in florida on the beach. six months later they discover they had a little bit of a problem. it was on the wrong lot. the couple is hiring a lawyer. the contractor is trying to negotiate a settlement. this should be interesting. it comes with five bedrooms, a
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game room and screened in pool and on a wrong lot. do they own it. do they buy the other lot? bill: can they move it? martha: they could probably move it. it is an empty lot. just swap with the other owner. bill: something tells me somebody should have known. >> somebody should have known. bill: breaking news in dallas. the hospital that treated ebola victim thomas eric duncan admitting they were not prepared to learn how to control the deadly virus on the fly. the second health care worker in that hospital has now been confirmed with the infection. at least 76 workers, as many as 125 workers could potentially have been exposed to that disease and they are being watched now. dr. richard carmona, former surgeon general, distinguished professor at university of arizona. sir, good morning to you. thank you for your time here. >> good morning, bill. happy to be with you. bill: what do we need to understand now about the news we're trying to piece together in dallas? >> well this is a very complex
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issue. when the first case was discovered, mr. duncan passed away, it was clear it was a break in policy, procedure, use of equipment, we didn't know. the cdc would send teams down to investigate that. now that there is a second case it reinforces that. there is a very risky situation and on top of that, we have the nurses telling us they're unprepared and as a former registered nurse myself, i know that nurses are often the barometer how hospitals function because they're at the patient's bedside, seven, 24. we need to listen and take appropriate action. >> what is the level of confidence we should have in the cdc in dealing with this? >> well i think the cdc has the information. having worked with them closely, dr. frieden is smart guy. dr. tony fauci at nih, over a decade ago after 9/11 and i was surgeon general and george bush's administration we worked in tirelessly to put in place the preparedness programs after 9/11 including those against bio
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agents. the problem when we also in activities, we train hospitals and train communities. the standards are out there. they are regulated by groups like joint commission on hospital accreditation, however you get a little complacent. you're not testing yourself. you're not keeping up with things. this is no fault of any particular hospital, but it is tough to stay proficient in between and when you cut budgets -- bill: that whole idea about complacency. how in the world that is possible when the whole country is watching you? >> well there is no question. all of us are busy. hospitals are busy. you're trying to run disaster drills. bill: you're also trying to make sure it doesn't get any worse. and it has? >> bill, you're absolutely right. again stating the facts that we understand how these things happen. and of course during those also when nothing brad is happening like ebola, those skills are perishable. we forget how to put on equipment and forget how to do things. we're seeing a hospital struggling to do the right
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things and clearly there are gaps in how they handled the situation. bill: the head of the cdc tom frieden with megyn last night. >> cdc, its heart is in the right place but its information is misplaced and wrong. >> no, let me correct you on that. >> okay. >> our information is clear and correct but we do look what happens and we adjust as we need to. we know how ebola spreads. we know how to stop it. bill: okay he is also saying yet he admitted mistakes, admitted errors and they're learning as they go. he said they will send response teams within hours of a case anywhere in the country. how, how reasonable is that? >> well the response teams were put in place years ago to be able to respond to unique situations. but, that doesn't take away the responsibility from every clinic, every hospital. because think about it. no matter where a challenge is. if it is ebola or any other
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pathogen, each community health system has to be aware. that is the first point of interaction with any given patient. so every hospital, every doctor, every nurses that to understand the basic premises all hazards preparedness including these bio agents. bill: did that response team go to the hospital in dallas then? >> my understanding is they did send their response team to dallas to help them and people from the cdc -- bill: can we say that response team has already failed? >> well, billion the specificking on that to be honest with you. last time i heard they sent a response team. there were public health officers to be sent to studying where the break was in policy, procedure or equipment that allowed these people to become infected and all i know they were sent. what the outcomes were i do not know. bill: you hear a lot of talk about a travel ban. are you in favor of that? do you support that or not, sir? >> well i think we have to put on the table any and all options. the travel ban, when we looked
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at this when i was surgeon general we were concerned because if we banned travel, it puts people underground. they won't come into the system. they will try and hide. on the other hand there is no reason not to reconsider that now. it is a new situation, new science, new pathogen with ebola should there be some type of restriction should be discussed but the general public health approach has been that is counterproductive. but i think we still need to look at all of these options. bill: in a word, how concerned are you? or do you -- >> i'm very concerned. bill: you are? so you just don't think we're blowing this out of proportion then? >> no. i'm very concerned because the public is very stressed. they don't understand how complicated this issue is. people need a, you know, clear messaging that will give them information but not inflame the situation, that will allow them to understand how they can best protect their families and their communities. doctors, nurse, health professionals need that same information. and right now there is a lot of people talking. it does get confusing and we
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have to do a better job improving the health literacy of the nation around these complicated issues. bill: doctor, complicated indeed. richard carmona. tucson. bill: arizona. >> thank you, bill. martha: parts of the country bracing for potentially nasty storms. we'll get a live update from the fox extreme weather center on that. bill: a question, should police officers be forced to wear a body camera? it is new technology that might end up saving taxpayers a lot of money? and then some. >> sit down. sit down. look at me. sit down.
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think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. martha: there is on going debate whether police officers should wear body cameras. one town in new jersey embraced devices. they say they cut down on
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frivolous lawsuits and save taxpayers hundreds of thousandsdollars. rick leventhal is in the newsroom. people may be surprised how many cops are wearing these. >> reporter: martha, the biggest departments are testing body cameras and thousands of agencies using them full including a township in new jersey where officers are required to wear a body camera every time they wear the uniform and turn it on every time they interact with the public. they record audio and video and eliminate any doubt what happens between traffic stops and contact with civilians. they cost more than $60,000. but the chief says they're getting 600% return on investments because frivolous lawsuits are no longer being filed. >> a citizen kay come in and complain, say officer acted inappropriately or demeanor was improper or unlawful search or use of force. we have the now the ability to play back the entire incident as it unfolded in the officer's
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eyes and the citizens ice. >> one civilian claim of officer misconduct was supported by body camera evidence. every other case was dropped after the video was shown to the person complaining. martha: that ask remarkable. what are critics saying about this? >> reporter: biggest concerns, privacy a and protecting video from hackers and how long they keep the footage. and videos are kept 90 days. most police unions are supporting the devices as long as they're used fairly. >> we're using body cameras to the police officer accountable for what they did wrong. we need to hold the members of the public accountable when they make that complaint and allegation against a police officer that is in fact a false report. >> reporter: of course body cameras could have shed immediate light on the fatal police shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri in august. police started wearing cameras weeks after the incident, martha. martha: all right. very interesting development. rick, thank you very much. >> sure.
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bill: 20 days away from an election. the possibility of an october surprise right before the midterms. is this year's surprise a ebola? how the handling of the crisis here at home could be costing votes for one particular party. we'll look at that. martha: some new revelations of dangerous chemical weapons that were found during the iraq war, that now are in isis control. ralph peters, live on that.
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so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! martha: all right, let's take a look at what the dow jones industrial are doing because it gives people a little bit of a sweat this morning. already well off the lows of the morning down 6-7% over the course of the past 52 weeks. obviously it is a concern, a lot of volatility, and lot of up and down in the market. also, breaking news.
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another case of ebola. another worker where the patient was treated originally, he died of her being treated at that hospital. now you have two people who worked with him tested positive for the virus. 77 coworkers are now under close scrutiny and watch. welcome, everybody, a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." glad you are here. >> dow authorities urging people not to panic. >> we want to deal with facts, not fear. i continue to believe while they are anxious about this and the news this morning, the inside he level goes up a level, we are not fearful did it may get worse before it gets better, that it will get better. bill: the cdc is under fire be an admitting they did not handle this well from the beginning. growing calls for the director
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to step down. good morning at the white house. administration on a bit of defense. >> no doubt about it. josh earnest said the president has full confidence in the cdc director be had despite all this pressure, let's not forget not just the cdc director. the president of the united states went a few weeks ago and said it is highly unlikely we would have any ebola cases, now at least two people who have been infected, that is why pat roberts says this white house has been playing defense. >> the president is about two steps behind on everything and sort of does the heisman and this has to be an integrated international effort. i don't see that yet. it is here.
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>> that is why they got questions if they were a bit overconfident. when the top aide said they were confident the with staf stoppeda in its tracks. had h it not been a major outbreak. bill: how are they pushing back? >> they are not focus on the challenges they have had, they are focused on their have been results, not a major outbreak, listen. >> the fact problems occur dealing with a deadly disease shouldn't be a surprise anybody. how do you respond? when you sel saw the two patiens recover from ebola base what they got from the doctors, report back with support from the federal government. >> the cases now are down in dallas.
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saying this could get worse before it gets better. so confident they will get past it, but some have been infected. the bottom line is this kind of crisis is not what the white house wants to be dealing with less than three weeks before the midterm election. bill: thanks. martha: senior writer for the weekly standard and fox news contributor. you look back at the handling of this so far and have to ask yourself why did we not implement a care caution and benchmarks in way to prevent people from coming into the country who had this in the first place? we take off our shoes at the airport. why would you let this happen? it seems there should have been ways to prevent it. >> and why have we not implement it a travel ban. you can look back and where you heard from the administration and folks closer to this, an attempt to avoid panic.
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we can understand why do white house did not want to contribute to a rolling climate of fear and hysteria. the focus was almost casual. confidence the white house was in front of everything, the cdc understood what was happening at the exact time you had the head of the cdc giving people reassurance everything would be fine, that would not be any provisional problems and they knew how to handle this. we now hear nurses were ill-prepared to be treating thomas eric duncan, the protocols at the texas hospital weren't in fact being followed and a series of problems now coming at the same time we're hearing these reassurance. martha: these health care workers believed all that. they believed they didn't have anything to worry about and look at the situation they are in now. i cannot imagine how outraged their families must be.
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>> the chances of an ebola outbreak here in the united states are extremely low. in the unlikely event somebody with a ebola reaches our shores, we have taken good measures so we are prepared here at home. martha: really? i understand you do not want to breed panic. but why not say look, we understand how this disease is transmitted but we are going the extra mile, w who will put in precautions, if you want to visit, they have to going to isolation for 21 days to make sure they don't have any symptoms and they likely would have opted not to come here until the whole thing had ended. >> the problem we have seen from the white house as we had these words of assurance and these half measures even when the doctor announce them, he acknowledged they wouldn't have prevented mr. duncan from coming
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to the united states. nobody think they're going to be preventing new cases of ebola coming to the united states. the broader problem for the white house is a soundbite like the one you just play with the president calm and in charge, now we're hearing the united states government has to rethink their approach to ebola. if you want to talk about something like this to contribute additional fear, warranted or not, that kind of a shift in rhetoric from our leaders. in terms of perception. martha: so many areas they bend over backwards be overly cautious, strikes very strange we wouldn't have been using that better fight of valor in caution in this instance as well. steve, thank you very much. bill: going to get you overseas right now.
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this story continues as forces pushing further now into kobani. right along the border of turkey. closing on positions held by the kurdish militia. live in southeast turkey watching it near the syrian border. >> literally three minutes ago another major u.s. coalition airstrike. i'm going to step back and show you the smoke rising from kobani where terrorists are clashing with kurdish fighters. we have seen several of these strikes. they are about to get us out of here, concerned of kurdish protesters. also among the smoke you are seeing smoke from tires being burned by terrorists. kind of a smokescreen to hype the position from the u.s. jets. we have not been seen too much of that successful.
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earlier today we saw a mammoth triple strike from the u.s. jets, three bombs dropped simultaneously on the town right in the main square were losing so much fighting. a sign kurdish fighters are coordinating with u.s. pilots. contacts say there have been multiple positions struck throughout the night and amazingly after yesterday's massive wave of strikes, the aftermath of which you are seeing right now, the frontlines haven't moved. holding one-third or one half of the entire town. in fact is we were told one more thing, this battle could be right down to the end. fighting to the finish. we're going to have to leave now because they are asking us to leave, another sign of tension.
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kurdish protesters want in turkey to get involved, turkey saying no, they don't want to get involved. if i don't close this live shot in 15 seconds, we're going to get a massive wave of tear gas. that is it from here with antagonistic military here and the fighting behind me. back to you guys at the new york studio. bill: terrific work along the border looking into syria. nine minutes past. martha: a new warning from the fbi for government workers and media in this country to be careful. bill: new charges in the benghazi attack that sensitive information was stolen at night by the terrorists. reports in a live report on that. martha: a bloody attack on to rangers in the middle of the day in the country's most well-known park.
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>> put out a cigarette, don't think you are allowed to smoke in the commons. he said no, leave me alone. still tried to get him to do it. bill: witnesses in the crowded park pointing him out to police. now facing attempted murder charges. martha: federal officials are now warning law enforcement about potential isis inspired attacks in this country. targeting police, government workers as well as prominent media figures according to this morning. the fbi and homeland security have received this bulletin as they continue to use social media as a form to motivate supporters out there. former cia operations officer and former head of the cia terrorism unit. welcome. what do you think prompted this bulletin? >> the bulletin is based b in response to a series of declarations isis has made.
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the made public calls feel he and net for people to stage attacks, this is what this is a reaction to. martha: how good is our intelligence and people who may be inspired in this country to carry out the acts they may want to do to impress somebody overseas? >> we should definitely take it seriously, these guys are not fooling around. we have seen in the past what happens when people respond to these internet requests. on the other hand because it is simply in response to the statements by isis, another indication we are not really threat intelligence coming from sources inside the organization. our intelligence and what they're doing is is not very good still. bill: in terms of what we're able to do, we've done so many stories on our intelligence, but he to tap into cell phone calls or look at what people are doing online and when you are able to get a warrant, local law
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enforcement worried about somebody in a mosque. how good are we at that kind of ground work? >> we are good at it if somebody gives instructions we're going to put serious time and effort into focusing on this kind of thing. takes time to penetrate an organization. as so many who has done the work, it is possible, but you have to have from the top a serious focus on this and we have not had them. >> you look at what happened in the streets of london, the exams we have seen here at home of homegrown inspired islamic motivated terrorism, while it does not be a central focus? based on what we know, it is likely to happen, charles, right? >> it is absolutely likely to happen. i think you can see from the very top the white house on down we have not taken this is a serious threat.
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you cannot turn on human intelligence and 24, 48 hours. it takes months or to penetrate a network like this. martha: you say we are not prepared. >> it is a very, very serious threat. would you have is the capacity for these organizations to leapfrog directly through the recruitment process talking to somebody directly over the internet. if you're talking about lone wolf attacks were individual acts, all of our mechanisms for detecting a network is a subset organized communicating is effectively useless. what their tongue these guys expressly is go out, get up 1 day and start killing people. martha: thank you very much. disturbing report, good to have you with us. martha: a major update.
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supreme court siding with the clinics for this is far from over. martha: and tech savvy police credited with saving a woman trapped after her car plunged over a cliff. how they managed to find her car after the tracking device sent searchers in the wrong direction. >> we all just want her to be okay. and we are just here to support her mom and we are here to support our family together right now. that is all we have to say right now.
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the global economy and despite the fact earnings season has been okay. some companies come out and beat expectations, top earnings, but others may be a bit borderline. china, germany and places in between have been a bit spooked. we will watch it for you here. martha: an incredible rescue took place in northern california. a woman airlifted by the coast guard helicopter after her car plunged off a mountain and went into the cold ravine where she is trapped for 24 hours. there is the airlift in san jose, california. >> the vehicle went off the road and landed on the roof. she is awake. able to speak with the officers,
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in a bit of pain. martha: the woman's car has on tar service -- onstar service but he pointed them in the wrong direction. they used the "find my iphone" app to track her location. bill: now the supreme court handing abortion right at figures a victory for now after blocking a law that would have kept for the half of the abortion clinics shut. the legal fight is not over. what did the supreme say on this? spea>> the supreme court stoppee effect of the texas law until he supreme court can decide whether or not it wants to hear an appeal of it. texas enacted a law that said if you want to have an abortion in texas it has to be by a doctor that has privileges at a hospital in case something goes wrong and the abortion clinic has to be within a certain
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reasonable distance. the law was challenged, the federal law throughout the challenge, state appealed and the state won. at that point, the law came into effect. yesterday the providers asked supreme court to stop the effect of the law and decide whether or not they want to hear it. the supreme court has previously upheld portions of this very law. it is unlikely it is going disturb it may want to rule on every aspect of the loss of this battleground zero can and the finale. bill: this a question of geography? >> and the credentials of the physicians who perform the abortions. member the horrible case in philadelphia?
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babies and mothers were dying because was unable to care for his own patients. texas responded by saying to you want abortions? it has be performed by dr. who can bring you to the hospital and the hospital has to be near the place it is being performed. this is the statute wendy davis famously filibustered and became a national star. with the supreme court's decision affect the race? she is 10 points behind this morning, things will be 15 points behind when this settles. it is very unpopular. bill: the dissenters. >> very unusual. and near procedural ruling to
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stop temporarily the effect of a law. they normally don't want to commit themselves to that sort of a thing so the fact the justices did this means they were not happy, they really didn't think the court should be dealing with this now in the middle of an election period in texas. bill: your gut reaction on this? >> it will be upheld. the very nature of these laws to require a higher level of hygiene at the time it is performed have generally been upheld by the supreme court. bill: we will see where it goes. thank you. >> new fallout from benghazi and classified information we now know was stolen during those attacks as a grand jury filing charges against that allege ringleader. bill: concerns of chemical weapons fall into the hands of
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bill: the big headlines this morning for just joining us, a second case of an ebola at the hospital that cared for eric duncan. and purdue university dr. has been studying ebola for more than a decade. warning there is more than one way to spread this virus. >> ebola has inherent capacity to enter lung tissue, human lung tissue from the airways as influenza does. i cannot put a number on how possible it is but the most importing messages the longer it goes on, more cases, the more likely it comes. bill: a possibility.
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so far it hasn't happened. martha: we really don't know how they caught it. i have not been willing to say so far this texas hospital because i have not been able to ascertain it. he questions how that might change. more on that coming up. fox news alert as an indictment of militant convicted in the attack now confirms what fox news has reporting since a year ago computers containing sensitive and classified information were stolen from a compound on the night of that attack. live with more on this today. welcome. >> this indictment leaves little doubt the attack had three stages and the goal was to drive the u.s. out of eastern libya. the superseding indictment
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suggests he took part in at least two co-phases of the attack starting with u.s. consulate. the third phase and final wave of the assault comes from the cia antics. they did unlawfully and knowingly use, brandishing discharge firearms to include handguns, semiautomatic assault rifles, ak-47 assault rifles and destructive devices. grenades and rocket propelled grenades. firepower alone is completely inconsistent with the administration's initial explanation a demonstration was somehow to blame, martha. this morning a state department spokesman has tried to suggest information on the computer was not a big deal when the indictment clearly states the computer had location information on the cia, that is a classified site. fox news first reported on the
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computers in july. they once again downplayed the theft. >> in the evacuation, all caps five computers were safely removed by the tsa agents. no classified information was compromised. >> fox news was told locals employed by the u.s. consulate were threatened by a text message and our context of a blue the information was directly from those computers. martha: thank you very much get bill: now thousands of banned chemical weapons kept secret by the pentagon. now possibly the hands of isis militants. "the new york times" reporting on a huge stockpile of ammunition left unsecured of the complex controlled by isis. they could be using chemical weapons against the kurds.
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fox news strategic analyst with me now. good morning to you. a long story, very detailed. your reaction to it is what? >> this is perfectly timed for the election to divert attention from president obama's countless screw ups. the heart of this story the military may have withheld one to two dozen troops, no fidelity's exposed to chemical weapons during the occupation in iraq. just bureaucratic clumsiness. no vast right-win right wing con this. look at the timing. front page, four pages inside the paper, there is some good reporting, and a lot of jumping to conclusions as they would say, and i truly believe the
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timing is to divert attention from obama's request appointment of 4000 largely unprepared troops to countries in west africa. screwing up the campaign against isis, screw up in libya, and it is just not going to stick. bill: that thing took weeks put together if not more. it was that detailed. on-screen for our viewers. the defense department made public the discovery as far back as 2006 acknowledged the likelihood more could be found. i don't necessarily remember that. do you? >> no, i don't remember that. look, if there was some sort of low-level cover or some sort of a cover-up i don't blame the military for that.
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really i cannot stress enough while we have to take care of every soldier and take them seriously, this isn't the huge scandal "the new york times" is portraying to us. this is to me a political stunt. "the new york times" has a really good reporting staff. the editorial pages, commentaries are bit small. unfortunately this time the news staff got co-opted by the editorial to protect obama. let's get it out and say there is no great threat from these old weapons from getting to the hands of isis being used against the u.s. i am not saying no threat, but a very small. bill: here is that very topic one hour ago with martha here on "america's newsroom."
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>> the question is of they could be used effectively as a weapon. i think probably not. they are corroded and still very dangerous to the person who handles them. but i do think it raises the broader question of how to deal with a threat posed by islamic state. bill: i would imagine you would agree with those points. >> no other ground degrade as quick as chemical weapons. greatest danger to the isis military handling them. they could use some in baghdad, but it is easier to build fresh chemical weapons then try to refresh and three weapon nice old corroded weapons which are just plain dangerous. let's take care of the troops that may have been exposed or were exposed to chemical weapons but don't pretend this is the greatest scale in history when we have bigger scandals to worry
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about on every side of this administration. the great untold story here is president obama one time in his entire time in office made a decision about sending u.s. troops into a crisis zone and that was about ebola. i hope they come home safe. bill: thank you for your time. president obama: 20 days away from midterm elections republicans seem poised to make gains. democrats seem to be closing that gap and little bit. could the g.o.p., many thought had this in the bag fumble the ball? bill: the selfie of the day, one of the more mysterious objects you will find in our galaxy. martha: that is incredible.
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bill: wants to bring you up to speed on the chaos in hong kong. what is considered the worst violence, the protests started ttwo and a half weeks ago. there were hundreds of officers in riot gear using pepper spray to push back the crowds. 45 people arrested, the crowds not backing down. four is investigating excessive police force. demonstrators still demanding free elections for their candidates in hong kong. martha: republicans holding a slight advantage 20 days ahead of the midterm election.
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according to the "wall street journal" poll, 46% would prefer the g.o.p. controlled congress, only a two-point advantage from the 44% to want democrats to take over, so a pretty slim margin there. welcome to both of you. clearly some of these areas are tightening up. let's talk about iowa. this is for the senate. 45, 47. this is an extreme the tight race, what do you make of it? >> absolutely. it is extremely important in a state carried by barack obama. it is on the ground, focusing on republican voters turning them out which normally don't turn
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out in the off cycle campaigns but this is very interesting considering being so far behind before, not pulling enough grassroots support. it is indicative all of the country the failure of this administration obama is bringing in terror party down and republicans have to capitalize on this. martha: that is one of the themes we're hearing a lot of. the brutal national environment forcing democrats onto the defensive. a big issue for democrats. >> it is the calculus of the election season. democrats are they have any hope of regaining a majority in congress, which is slim to none, thei have seventh republican ses they need to win back. of those seats in contention, only seven held by republicans now. it is looking the polls are showing 72% chance republicans
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are going to win the majority of the senate, so it is not at all clear this is over yet. we saw those images out of hong kong. what they are rallying for is exactly what everybody here watching should be doing 20 days from now. whoever you are going to vote for because that is how important this is to determine our own future and our own government. there is no question the president as the leader of the party has been a drag on the party, but this isn't a referendum on the government. there are some interesting house races where the candidates are lot more liberal than their party usually is. martha: interesting comparison to an area trying to fend off the strong arm of china in the role of politics.
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let's take a look at the president's approval numbers. "wall street journal" disapproval of 52.7. how much of a role is the president playing in all of this? some people calling an october surprise in this election. >> right here in dallas. these numbers are very clear. they're kind to distance themselves. not just about the unpopular the of the president. every aspect of this administration has failed in leadership. you just mentioned ebola. we have problems at the border, other viruses paralyzing americans and even killing their children. this is a referendum on failed leadership across the board. >> whether the president is
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republican or democrat, has nothing to do with who is in the oval office. the part that bothers me, it looks like the republicans are going to fare a lot better. the part that nags at me, i noticed the opposition role to oppose but there is a real opening for republicans to come out and give a slew of great, bold new policy ideas. all they have been able to do is scare the american people about ebola. criticizing the president and criticize no less a candidate for voting for the president or supporting a little bit of obamacare. martha: there are a lot of legitimate questions.
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pulling out of kentucky. just got into trouble because she failed to answer just voted for the president ge. with 20 days to go until the election, that will be the headline and frankly distract from the issues she feels passionately about. the things that are important are for coal the industry. martha: wants to get you in here one more time. we hear so much about how democrats have perfected these
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areas, obviously a lot of money flowing into these very tight races like iowa and others. what do you make of that? >> it is clear the democrats have failed leadership in all areas. the reason she didn't want to admit she voted for obama is because it could hurt her campaign. there is failed leadership. if this president can ban flights to israel but not from west africa, that is a problem for many americans especially dallas dealing with the issue face to face. >> people try to politicize it. we face a real threat, national security or outbreak or epidemic, americans don't typically like to point the finger at political leaders or members of congress. if they are banking on ebola, i think it is a failed strategy.
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the driver pulled over. state troopers shot the suspect when he failed to put on the weapon. he later died a hospital and three others injured in the stabbing. interstate was closed for a while. it is now back open. bill: there is a bit of a super soaker, a big storm sweeping across the southeast pushing its way to the mid-atlantic into the northeast running a straight line, trees crashing down. heavy rain and strong wind pounding. >> i heard a loud rang. >> i was in the house and the wind was blowing. normally does when it is raining and i see the tree fall. i jump, scream, yell at my people to get out of the house. bill: maria molina in the extreme weather center. it covers a lot of area. maria: in the center of the
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country and from areas to the gulf coast to the midwest now targeting parts of the east coast. the good news is we are not expecting to see very organized severe weather risk like we have seen the past two days, but still in place along the east coast portions of upstate new york, florida, a risk of isolated severe weather. some storms could produce damaging wind and even an isolated tornado. we had tornado warnings across parts of the mid-atlantic in the state of maryland. areas of heavy rain, three to 4 inches could fall, portions of north carolina two portions of new england. localized flash flooding is a concern. i want to switch gears to the atlantic. hurricane gonzalo at 130 miles per hour, category four hurricane.
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take a look at the forecast track heading into friday afternoon. we could look at impacts in bermuda. tropical storm conditions as early as friday morning. hurricane watches have been issued. in the central pacific, bill, another tropical storm, anna, could be making landfall there as a category one hurricane. bill: something to watch. get the storm chasers on those. maria: maybe somebody who put a ring on my finger can go chase these. maybe i will take a long. martha: the latest developments out of dallas where a second health care worker tested positive for the ebola virus. a live report at the top of the hour. we will be right back to "america's newsroom."
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away? european spacecraft snapped a picture of itswn solar panel with a comet hovering 10 miles away. i guess hemmer say, that is photo shopped. bill: what do you think? martha: i'm a believerrer. we've got to go. "happening now." bye, everybody. jon: second health care worker at a texas hospital tests positive for ebola as some nurses charge that hospital's sloppy response to the virus put their lives at risk. welcome to this edition of "happening now." i'm jon scott. heather: i'm heather nauert in for jenna lee. national nurses union said that thomas duncan was left in an open area in the emergency room for hours and hours as other patients waited as well. this happened in texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. they said this, caregivers worked without enough
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