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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 16, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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onment tonight. >> a second healthcare worker at texas presbyterian hospital has preliminarily tested positive for ebola. >> more bad news on ebola. this time an infected american flew on a u.s. jet liner after she columbus blue jacketed the disease. we'll continue our reporting on this awful situation. >> if we isolate these countries. what's not going to happen is disease staying there. it's going to spread more all over africa and we will be at higher risk. >> once again the head of the cdc makes no sense at all in imposing a travel ban from west africa. we have a follow-up tonight. also ahead, glenn beck, dennis miller and our true sir rum reporters will all
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weigh in on ebola. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the ebola situation gets even worse. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. when president obama cancels a fundraising trip, you know things are serious. and that's what happened today. mr. obama meeting with his cabinet about the growing ebola chaos in the u.s.a. instead of traveling. late last night texas health authorities announced a second healthcare worker at texas health presbyterian hospital has contracted ebola. she is 29-year-old amber joy vincent a registered nurse who treated the man who died from ebola thomas duncan a liberian national. that make twos american nurses infected after treating duncan the other nurse pham remains in isolation.
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the other case is even more harrowing than the first because ms. vinson took flight 113 from cleveland to dallas on october 13th. apparently carrying the ebola virus. now everybody on that flight has it to be monitored as well as all the people they came into contact with you can see how thomas duncan coming into the u.s.a. on a false premises has led to disaster. as you may know, talking points has demanded that u.s. authorities stop admitting west africans into america right now. we have also called for the resignation of dr. thomas frieden, the head of the cdc because he opposes that last night on the kelly file dr. frieden was almost incoherent. >> why not put a travel ban in place until we have shorn up the system? >> above all do no harm. if we do things that are going to make it harder to stop the epidemic there, it's going to spread to other parts. >> how is it going to make it harder to stop it over there. >> because you can't get people in and out? >> why can't we have charter flights. >> you know are charter flights don't do the same
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thing commercial airliner does? >> what do you they fly in and y out. >> if we isolate these countries what's not going to happen is disease spreading there we will be at higher risk. >> does that make any sense to anybody? anybody? it is just ridiculous. the man is spouting nonsense. >> his explanation, like previous ones that have been given for the reason for not imposing a travel ban in order to keep people from those infected areas out of this country for the time being i thought makes no sense. >> and there could be even a more frightening scenario on the horizon. marine corps general john kelly who is in charge of the u.s. southern command told the national defense university that all hell could very well break loose in this country. >> if ebola breaks out, in haiti or in central america, i think it is literally cady bar the door in terms of the mass migration of central americans into the united states. 68,000 children essentially
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this year. country into the pretty much unimpeded. so, these populations will move. to either run away from ebola or if they have been -- are in the fear of having been infected to get to the united states where they will be taken care of. >> general kelly's assessment is speculative but certainly possible. so now the federal government looks stupid. it underreacted to the ebola threat. it still isn't imposing a travel ban from west africa and our border is still porous in the south. that's what happens when leadership is weak: dr. frieden out of there. he botched it. period. president obama, stop the fundraising, pay attention to your country. for everybody else, stay calm, but let your senators and congress people know you want that travel ban now. and that's the memo. now for the top story. tomorrow, there will be a hearing about ebola in
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washington. joining us from pittsburgh, the chairman of the house energy and commerce committee subcommittee on oversight and investigations, congressman tim murphy who will oversee that hearing. first of all, congressman, do you agree with my assessment? >> about the travel ban, yes. i was calling for that initially as well. look, when president obama told us back in september screening people on airlines and telling flight attendants how to screen and what to watch out for and screening from africa was going to work it wasn't going to work. we had that evidence right from the on set when mr. duncan and others, let's face it, if you had had a chance to come to the united states for healthcare, would anybody tell the truth? i think no. i would not trust that the second thing is if they are screening with these thermometers, you can mask that by taking medication. you may still be carrying ebola but not symptomatic. two parts of this travel ban that i'm concerned about. making sure that american citizens have the right to return. but there needs to be restrictions on where they can be. a quarantine, other travel
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bans domestically, not getting on planes and traveling around. >> but the crux of the matter is you don't accept citizens from infected areas. you don't accept their visas. you don't accept their passports if they come and fly in from belgium or whatever, you say i'm sorry you have to go home. you don't let them in. that's how you handle it. you talked to dr. frieden yourself i understand about the travel ban, did you not? >> yes, i did. he explained to me the concern was that there are fledgling democracies and if we put a travel ban that may affect their harm them. >> this guy is telling you their theoretical things that their economies may be damaged? his job is to protect us. not some theoretical thing about maybe an economy will be damaged. i mean, this is why this guy has got to go. he has got to go. >> and i see it as, look, we can still move planes in and out thereof with supplies. >> of course. >> we can do a lot. we can help in every other way with economics. we can provide a lot of
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support to these nations. thunited states is doing it both the government and nongovernment organizations. a massive amount of charity is going to help these people as we should. i don't understand the concept of if we stop flights in travel that would be a problem. i think we need to do that because our first concern is. >> absolutely. >> do no harm. >> this guy has not been able to answer that question from the jump. he has -- i would like to know tomorrow when you are talking to him because is he coming in to talk to you, right, frieden? >> yes, he is. >> who is pulling his strings, congressman? he is not doing it on his own. somebody is telling him to say this stuff. is it secretary of state kerry? who is it? who is pulling this guy's strings? have you been around long enough to know these bureaucrats don't come out and make policy. they are telling him what to say. who is telling him? president obama telling him that? will you get that for us if you can? >> we intend to ask him where this policy is coming from, these other aspects and why he thinks that. we have a lot of questions to ask him. including such things as what happens coming forth? are hospital personnel
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properly trained? are they equipped? i don't think they are. >> of course not. they are not equipped. and as you pointed out, civilian employees at jfk and dulles airport are supposed to spot this thing when it's dormant for 21 days? this is so insane. i'm so angry now. and i'm blaming it on the president because the president can change this policy like that. can he issue an executive order, stop the flights right now. stop the visas and passports right now. air france has stopped them. british airways has stopped them. we don't fly nonstop into most of these countries by the way. we go over places. it's not like we have a lot of commerce. and not a lot of people coming from those countries here. but just until you get organized, stop it. last word, congressman. >> well, and precisely that every morning this president wakes up, his first concern should be the safety of our country. whether it's isis. whether it's a disease. whether it's anything. that should be his conery day. he doesn't need to appoint another czar. he doesn't need lead from
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behind. he doesn't need to appoint his way out of this. >> he needs to do executive order right after your hearing tomorrow. and frieden needs to go. all right, congressman. thanks very much. next on the rundown glenn beck who lives in dallas will give us his take on the ebola stuff. later, dennis miller on nbc medical correspondent dr. nancy sneiderman breaking her quarantine on ebola. wait until you hear this. factor is coming right back.
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continuing now with lead story. threat of ebola in the u.s.a. should the u.s.a. ban flights from countries with where the ebola virus has broken out. 65% yes. 6 5% no. is the government hiding information about ebola. had 45% yes. 46% no. joining us from dallas, legendary glenn beck who now lives north of that city. >> what's your assessment? >> i think this is crazy. i mean, you hit it nail right on the head, bill. with your last guest,
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congressman, and your talking points memo right spot on. their policies make absolutely no sense whatsoever for them to say they are not going to stop flights doesn't make any sense. we can help people by flying people. in but a quarantine is necessary. this has been -- this has happened from the beginning of time. everybody knows you quarantine. this idea that nurse has ebola in the hospital flew from frontier airlines from cleveland and back. and now they have ground the plane. they are looking for the other people that were on the plane and here is the most insane thing, bill. they are now saying that they are going to stop people from flying. those people can't fly anymore. and if you have been around ebola you can't fly anymore. so they are banning our citizens from flying but they won't ban foreigners from flying into our countries. it's madness all built
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around political correctness. >> and arrogance dereliction of leadership. narms it out to frieden. he must know that he looks like a ridiculous. >> i don't think so, bill. >> he wouldn't come on the factor, beck. we asked him on and he wouldn't come on here and he has to know i would have carved him up and that's why he didn't come on. >> here's the thing. is he easy to carve up. he did his token last night. he talked to one of us, fortunately it was megan and she, you know, carved him up as well. but, all of us can expose this guy. but you don't need to work very hard. it doesn't make any sense i'm living in texas. 11 miles away from the hospital. four employees two of them live in that complex. two of them live a block
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away from that complex where that nurse was. they haven't had any exposure to this. i have several employees, i have 310 employees. several employees have said to me today, what do we do? should they be here? should they not be here? a, nothing to worry about at this point, b, i don't know what to do. tonight, i mean i actually -- i feel like i'm on the set of the sopranos, can you open up a bit? tonight we have the whole set wrapped because i'm going to show you exactly how easy what these guys did and how they wrapped themselves and how easy it is to be tainted with the ebola virus. nobody is paying attention to this o. pofer that goggle testimony -- every person that gets this mutates it and changes. safety first but we are doing political correctness first. >> that's right. in france and great britain got on it right away. i don't know if he they are denying visas and passports. they shouldable over there.
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>> there is nothing wrong with quarantine. if you you want to come to america. come to america. that's great. 21 days, 25 days in quarantine. that's what ellis island was for. we have done this before. >> there is no compelling reason, by the way, all right. for us not to have this ban because, with technology, i'm talking from new jmzjes'ie"8073úks8el5kf()káf/)f today? that's with two people that are in a hospital right now with ebola. it dropped almost 400 points. what are you talking. >> at one point it came back a little bit. we are going to do that in a little while. you are absolutely right. >> if somebody has a relative over there. they would have to go through a procedure and have to be examined before they get, in ther waivers but just -- there is no compelling reason not to do
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this i think this is mass incompetence arrogance. let me just ask you this question. if this were happening in washington, d.c. right now, do you think the president and his administration would be acting like this? do you think the congress would be acting like this? this is happening in dallas, texas. this is a top ten city in the united states of america. happens to be one that doesn't particularly care for the president all that much and his policies. one that the president has not been too favorable on. we are already being squeezed on our southern border. now we are being squeezed by ebola. is there an agenda here? wúhzu)qsc&h,iw9z'tko+trl,ñsco+oh the. our southern border is so porous right now. we have cartel killings. the cartels are here. do you think if people think they can get a
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cure here. >> no doubt about it. >> is he the big -- general in charge of the southern command. >> real crazy. >> real quick. are you buying this poor guy mukpo freelance nbc cameraman now in nebraska. he says he g byit wash ago car can a. are you buying that? >> i don't know what to buy anymore, bill. i don't think so. but i don't know. >> cameraman go to liberia and wash cars, beck. >> it's nbc news. probably all of them instead of actually tracking down sources for their story. >> all right. there is beck, everybody and his new book dreamers and deceivers, true stories of the heroes and villains had who made america will be released on october 28th just in time for haul eaten. would directly ahead telling the truth about ebola. our truth serum correspondence are on the case. nbc medical correspondent dr. nancy sneiderman breaking her quarantine. those reports up ahead.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does
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truth serum segment tonight. we begin with an early sound bite from president obama on ebola. >> it is not spread like the flu. you cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus. you cannot get it from another person until they show the symptoms of the disease like fever. here now ace correspondents molly line and eric shawn. did the president make any mistakes? today p. >> today dr. frieden your favorite. >> my pal. >> he said that statement was vetted by the cdc before the president said that i think there is a glaring omission intentional or not. they have been telling us for weeks th isebola only spread by direct contact through bodily fluids, vomit, diarrhea, blood. you are not going to put your hands in someone's diarrhea and blood. also through mucous.
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that means someone has it and symptomatic and sneeze like on this it airplane and you are just a foot away. a droplets if you ingest the droplets the cdc does admit it is possible then to catch ebola. >> we have a letter writer who said, look, if these two nurses from dallas who were wearing protective gear by the way. that's the reporting from the federal government, both of them. they can get it that is a civilian who comes into casual contact, what chance do they have? i think that the government to be truthf thehis is truth serum segment under played this. does it look like they underplayed this? >> i think when you consider the fact that if you sneeze and get the droplets in your eyes or nose. >> you are going to get it? >> potentially. also something else, doorknobs this was hided in the "new york times" two weeks ago. a point, like a nugget according to cdc the virus can survive for a few hours on dry surfaces like doorknobs and counter
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tops. survive several days. puddles and no evidence of direct contact from a doorknob or surface but still it can survive. >> this is a contagion that is vicious. that's why we can't play around anymore. that being said, line, the far left group, the agenda project, a bunch loons are trying to use the ebola virus in a p roll the tape. >> washington actually can cut spending. >> the dc says discretionary funding has been cut by 585 million since 2010. >> cut, cut, cut. >> cut, cut can. cut. make a cut. [breathing] >> okay, so what's the cut deal? >> terrible editing there.
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you see it all mashed together like their creepy ad but completely and totally true that the discretionary budget has been cut over the last four years. the cdc funding for emerging and infectious diseases actually increased by $109 million in the last four years also really worth noting that comes to the total cdc program funding, congress actually gave the cdc more money than the white house asked for in 2013 and 2014. for instance $6.4 billion the level of spending that congress actually enacted the administration had requested 6.6 billion for 2014 the last year sequester which you said in the beginning across the board cuts was passed into law by who? >> signed into law by, of course, the president. >> the president of the united states. >> whenever you talk about budget issues you talk about everybody. >> i love this the agenda project they trot out all -- they were not even talking
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about cutting the cdc budget they were talking these conservative republicans talking about cutting the budget so they take that out of context think totally ignore the facts that the cuts cut cdc signed into law by president obama. >> look at the timing here, suspicious timing. >> don't you beautye of this. i hope you see the beauty of this con. this is the biggest con. >> i see a lot of beauty in politics. >> they put that out, they lie blatantly, they take out of context, cut cut cut when they are not talking about the cdc and then they ignore the fact the sequester they did cut was signed by president obama and then for the trifecta, then they say nothing about the fact that congress gave more money to cdc more than president obama asked. that is bipartisan. they all recognize that, hey, we do need protection let's fund them more. should the a project be
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fired with can you fire a project? i don't know but they should be. my summation was it accurate? >> very accurate. this is abou mide terms. people are nervous about ebola. a lot of people identify this as fear mongering. >> there the truththe serum people. plenty more ahead the factor moves along this evening. will the federal government put fox news correspondent james rosen in prison. place your bets now. rosen will be here. and then miller on ebola. and a bunch of other stuff that may amuse you because we need some levity tonight. we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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washington beat segment tonight there is new data
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about the senate races out today. as you know democrats are in danger of losing the senate which would put president obama in a very bad place should that happen. fnc correspondent james rosen and carl cameron. what's the headline today, cammeron. what's going on in these races? >> well, probably democrats getting desperate. we have been out to a bunch of these battleground states, bill. voters are ticked off and turned off. a pew research poll says only 15% of the country is paying attention to this election. for majority in incumbents that is terrible. six of the most vulnerable democratic senators are in red states won by mitt romney in 2012. by double digits in every single one of them what's worse for the left. polls show about 6% of americans think the country is on the wrong track. most are blames the president and agenda. even in polls where show close or dead heat contest. first alert forecasting gurus are giving republicans a big advantage. >> even that, is questionable because a new poll out today, fox news poll shows a democratic
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party is more popular than the republican party. still, after all of this, all these debacles, the republican party can not surpass the democrats in popularity, dumper. neither are popular. democrats poll by republicans. >> when you are under 35% and only a couple of points above the other party. it really doesn't matter. the statisti all of this have gotten so much more sophisticated, bill. the famous statistician from 2012 nate silver 538 page is the most cau all the big guys he is saying 58.6% likelihood that republicans take over of the "new york times," the great lady, the liberal newspaper has a web page called upshot they give republicans 74% chance. that, bill, is tame compared to the "the washington post." election lab says it is a 94% chance ú@w>áxeg][jy q? there. i'm positive.
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pryor is going to lose in arkansas. the two interesting races i'm watching ar colorado. >> yep. >> all right. where the republican challenger is now overtaken the incumbent. correct? >> yep. that's right. cory gardner the congressman. beating mark udall the incumbent democratic senator who was one of the lead democrats on the so-called war on woman accusing republicans of policies that are anti-women's health. it's totally back fired on udall. the two newspapers in the state johnny one note candidate and basically the quote war on women as waged by republican notice democratic view is essentially a sham. it's hurting him. it has shown an n. a number of places th just's not cutting it. >> that's good. i'm glad that's happening. and the other one is in iowa where joan earnst, i guess, is beating the democratic. >> those polls are going back and forth. back and forth. because this is a democratically held seat, and the polls have been consistent w marginhe of error for either candidate. so it could really go either way. the momentum seems to be
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on joni earnst's side. she has had a big string of republican luminaires coming. in braley the democratic congressman who is trying to protect that seat for the democrats got named bailey. >> by michelle obama. >> over and over and over again. >> won't you come home bill bailey? >> her gaffe has made him look even worse. >> when you listen to bobby darian stinging bill bailey, that's what you sing. >> bill, if the republicans do not win the majority and pick up six seats, because of the expectations are so high in part by the. >> be a big debacle. >> a huge letdown. one that will go into 2016. >> rosen, have you ever been to alcatraz? ever taken the tour of the federal prison out there. >> i personally prefer the bobby darren references just now. i have not. >> you ought to go there and see where al capone was and others. because you, they have closed al can a
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truss they may have opened for you. because you are still, still in play with the federal government, right? they still want to know your sources. >> well, no, as a matter of fact, it has been made clear in that there is no further prosecution contemplated in the case where the obama administration prosecuted an individual for allegedly leaking to me that individual confessed to that. >> jail right? >> yes. despite your legendary gifts for intimidation, bill. i feel here no compulsion to surrender to bill o'reilly the recommendation that i would have gone to prison to withhold from eric holder and the fbi. >> i'll not going to let do you that risen, the "new york times" reporter was here this week. and he said he is going on trial. but you're saying, james rosen, because it's similar. your case is similar to his. that you are free and clear. they are not going to go after you. >> right. that was made clear about a year and a half ago.
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look, and james refinery, from whom i have great respect, were discussing press freedom in the obama error. in that context, the salient fact in my case in a secret fbi search warrant improperly kept from me and the public. attorney general of the united states personally approved the designation of me, a working reporter as a criminal and flight risk. phone records and the phone records of my colleagues here at fox news and my parents. that was a first in american history. it put barack obama and holder in a class by themselves. richard nixo john mitchell never designated the "new york times" reporter who published the criminal. on the flight risk business by the way, put aside the fact that i'm on tv pretty much every day and where would i go consider that during this periodme i was permitted several times to fly on the air force one fleet with the secretaries of state and defense to a dozen different countries in 10 days on each occasion. >> you could have gotten off and ran away, rosen. >> not the
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smartest handling of a genuine flight risk. >> i wanted to bring that up because risen had brought up your name and we want everybody -- a lot of mail, maybe three letters saying jeesh is, rosen okay? >> we will take h cake with a key in it. >> all right. when we come right back, it will be miller time. ebola and other stuff that's less inten
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thank you for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller sometime segment tonight. a disturbing situation, dr. nancy sneiderman has issued a statement apologizing for breaking her ebola quarantine. dr. snyderman as you may know and her arew isolated because the cameraman they work with mukpo has ebola and is being treated in nebraska. joining us now is dennis miller. what do you think of dr. snyderman going out for soup? >> i want to taste that soup? that must be good soup, billy. i think the restaurant ought to branch out into ebolathey are on to something over there i would like to say that sneiderman would fall into disrepair, might lose her job as a chief medical correspondent, but the simple fact is, billy, she has probably put herself at the front of list for surgeon general. she might be ou ebola czar
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down the road. >> everybody makes mistakes. she is probably the frontrunner. kathleen sebelius will be the ebola caesar we are a screw up nation. >> the doctors should have understood that it's a serious situation in the sense that she is in the forefront of this whole deal. and that she, you know, to leave the quarantine she was ordered under, not in a legal way though. but saying, look, you can't go out. because you might, possibly, infect someone to get soup. send somebody out for soup, miller, you would have went out for soup. i would have gone out for soup. i was grammatically incorrect with miller. leave me alone. both miller and i would have gone out for soup for the doctor. we wouldn't have handed it to her. we would have slid it under the door but i'm sure she has got people to get her soup. >> i don't know about that bill, but shouldn't she be fired? >> interesting? shouldn't she be fired? she is the chief medical
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correspondent. >>io, true. she walked out of ebola quarantine to get soup. it at the very least, if ed murrow were there, he would say we can't have you. you lack credibility. >> i hear what you are saying. maybe i would have suspended her. i don't know if i would have fired her. >> billy, you know, this whole thing is re/,wñzjhe0.z6lc2gy say an nfl team or major league baseball team can't throw the switch in the playoffs? we can't -- we are in the playoffs now. this is the big league. this is something that makes people's eyes plead. and we don't have it together anymore in this country. that's for sure. now we are a and i red don't think we are going to be able to deal with this. i don't know what will happen. i will not get beckian with you. let's face facts we are a screw up nation at this point. nobody pays for anything. continue to be the chief medical correspondent. i mean, there is nobody -- you know, pa forny price anything anymore. >> i think you are right on
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that. >> you want to know how bad this is, i had no idea it was this bad until i heard obama cancel fundraiser tonight. you talk abo are we that screwed that obama is canceling fundraisers? that's how bad it's gotten? you jrvettle you know why he cancelled it though and this is absolutely true. we were going to send waters up to his bridgeport, connecticut fundraiser. i think they got wind that waters was going to be up there. >> you better tell your friend at the jack victor collection to start putting together aberdeen hazmat suits on the show. >> that brings me to one of the big costumes for halloween is hazmat suit. people walking around with it . we don't kno fixw to things anymore. i was looking at my end of the world core sheet today. if i can find an isis guy with ebola, i have got end of the world jats is i. that's how close we are. >> dennis mi everybody, nine days from now on friday october 24th, miller and i
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will see everybody in charleston, west virginia at the municipal auditorium for the bolder fresher show. it's a blast. info on bill o' martha maccallum on deck. if you have stocks, you cannot be happy. maccallum moments away.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does
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back of the book st tonight, did you see that? it's estimated that in the past two weeks, the stock market has lost about a trillion dollars in value. truly amazing. here now to explain why fox news anchor martha maccallum who used to be a business correspondent on cnbc when you were exactly, let me talk about the stock market. i remember. i did, that was
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at 10,000, it was very exciting when the dow hit 10,000 when i was there. >> it wasn't too exciting today this week was it. >> take a look what's going on in the world. economies are contracting around the world. you have got western europe, france, italy, all these countries are. hits the airlines, all of those kind of company cans are hit -- there is a lot of fear out there in the world. a lot of disease in the world. >> always chaos. >> not like, this bill. not like this. i really do. >> you think ebola and isis are driving. >> lead to uncertainty and nobody likes uncertainty in the markets. the brass tachs of what is going on in terms of the market everybody knows that the united states is going to turn off the spig got. the quantitative easing as they call it that's low -- >> the low interest rates. >> absolutely. >> here's what i think and i don't know anything. i mean, i don't. i'm not an economist. i think the lack of leadership in america is what's driving this. the market believes president
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obama's going to lose the senate. democrats are going to lose it. >> interesting to see if we see a change after the election. >> you yourself because you make so much mone do you have a stock portfolio? >> we have investments, absolutely. but overall americans are much less invested in the stock market than they were in 2002. that was the height. now you're at like 38%. >> most americans don't even care. >> 16% or 18% -- >> people are not invested the way they werbefore. >> when people stop spending and expanding and investing then jobs dry up. and then the economy goes down. >> absolutely. >> so this is bad. >> what you're hitting on is in global leadership is a problem as well because you have all of the western european countries spending so much go-ahead on spending. everyone's been spending -- it's a fake thing. there's not real growth going on in the world. and that's the problem. >> all right. so are now you advising people to hang on. you can't sell into this. you have to hang on. >> you have to hang on.
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the good news is that oil prices have backed up a lot. you're going pay a lot less at the pump. people have a little extra money in their wallet. oil companie them good for but good for consumers. >> you ever been to nebraska. >> i've never been to nebraska. >> it's a great state. they have this crazy school now that is called gender inclusive policies. gender inclusive. now, pick that up. it involves defining boys and girls, correct? >> yeah. dr. steve joel is the superintendent out there. he is saying that he never told teachers, never mandated they had to start calling boys boys and girls girls. >> but that's the rumor. >> exactly. but he wants the school to be more gender neutral. he signed up for a program to teach teachers how to be more sensitive and understanding when they're deal ng with -- >> i'm going to go out. i need to be more sensitive. now, selling to parents out there then i'm liking this.
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go. >> not everybody feels comfortable with the boy or girl, then we'll get rid of it for everybody. i think it's extreme political correctness being misused in a way that's confusing to children. >> okay. so now -- but the superintendent says no, no, we're not ban ning the use of boy and girl, just be -- >> exactly. don't divide boys in this side and girls on that side, which i don't think anybody does anymore anyway. and who likes to ride their bikes on thi side -- >> or how about when boys are setting fire to the girls are you allow today say, hey, boys, put that match down. or, do you have to say, gender neutrals, do gender that neutral on fire? come on. >> keep in mind this is happening while we're 27th in the country n math. so we're spe time talking about what you should call each other? kids know how to treat each other. people know how to treat each other. >> you can't say boys or girls when you're ofo that kind
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political madness. >> according to jesse watters they don't know who columbus is either. >> then you can't call him a boy even though he was one. >> he was just columbus. >> gender neutral -- >> same amount of man and womanness. >> listen to me and listen closely, christopher columbus was a gender neutral mariner. >> he did kind of wear a dress. >> i didn't say that. "the factor" tip of the day about the rock and roll hall of fame. will i be in there? the tip moments away.
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"the factor" tip of the day about the ro roll hall of fame in a moment. first, viewer warning i will be hearing jon stewart tonight. i hope stewart's ready because i'm coming over. now for mail. enough of the government lies. to nurse wearing protect i have gear gets ebola, imagine how easily the average person
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could get it? michigan, kirsten powers calls you hysterical for your coverage of ebola. you are rightly concerned. i see her as indifferent. oregon, bill, why even have the doctor on "the factor," i want to hear dissenting points of view and you did not give him time to speak. i went back and looked. you're right. i should have give him more time. president obama purposely let the isis situation get out of control and dwert attention from health care. all the talking points are now centered around -- you think those two issues are going to help the president? come on. new york, o'reilly, i watched dr. frieden on kelly as you requested inday. tip of the i think he's a weasel. i wanted to reach out and wring his neck. you were ans er about frieden, answered with sweet sounding
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nonanswers. he should be the white house press secretary. juan luiz rodriguez, the state of texas should sue thomas duncan's estate for the costsin cured from h s lying. i disagree with charles krauthammer. at some point african-americans must put reality over racial solidarity. why? why would they do that? much of the president's support remains emot likely to stay that way. charles is right. anne marie, greer -- i'll get it. anne marie, forest lake, minnesota. o'reilly, do not argue with charles. he is the windshield, you are the bug. that's a nice vision, anne marie. thank you for writing. carol, westchester, pennsylvania. bill, are you planning to write a kids version of "killing patton."
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yes, it will be out early next year. meantime continues to be the best selling nonfiction book in the world. half million copies sold in about three weeks and we thank you all. also tonight, congratulations to edith and alvin in crockett, texas. they're celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary this week. wow. and finally tonight, "the factor" tip voting ay, for the rock and roll hall o fame under way. there are 15 nominees this year. and scanning the list my votes go to sting, joanjett, green day, the spinners and sheik, disco group chic. regular folks have a limited say in who gets into the hall of fame. industry people usually make that call. however you can vote at and the winners will be announced in december. "the factor"
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tip of the day. and that is t for us tonight. please check fox news factor website which is different from also, we would like you to spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world, o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be craven when writing to "the factor." again, thank watching us tonight. ms. megyn warming up in the bullpen. i am bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops right here we are definitely looking out for you. >> it is thursday october 16th, 2014. she knew she was sick and so did the cdc but she was still allowed to fly. brand new questions
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about the second nurse stricken with ebola. >> another ebola brief causing panic and a mystery man without any protective gear is seen loading the woman into a helicopter. >> the big court ruling setting a precedent. "fox & friends first" starts now. >> you are watching "fox & friends first" on this thursday morning. i am ainsley earhardt. >> thank you for starting your day off with us. amber vincent the second nurse infected with ebola flew on a commercial jet with a fever which means she could have been contagious. searching for 132 passengers on the front ear airlines flight from cleveladallas. they grounded the plane and p t six crew members on
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paid leave but the plane already took five flights since vincent was on it. >> as if all isn'tis bad enough we just learned cdc cleared vinson to fly with the fever. >> casey, what is going on from here. let's talk about the transfer of the second nurs become infected with ebola. amber vinson was lying on a jet. she was wearing a bio hazard suit but those who assisted he were not. she was taken from dallas to emery hospit in atlanta. they have a highly specializeed by owe containment unit and successfully treated patients with ebola before. now let's talk about that flight. vinson traveled to ohio to visit visit her family


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