tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 16, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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your dvr. don't miss a night. 10:00 eastern. start your day with fox and friends 5:00 a.m . thanks for joining us we'll see you soon. foet ♪ ♪ the "o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> this is the question america and the public is asking, why are we allowing folks to come over here and why when they're over here well's no quarantine. >> cdc chief thomas frieden confusing the public even as the ebola panic grows. we'll tell you what's going on. >> this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. fire and brimstone coming from the skies. 40 years of darkness, earthquake, volcanoes! >> it may not be that bad, but most americans believe the usa is on the skids. we have the results of a new poll that may surprise you. >> are we win something. >> no, we're not. >> also tonight, another credible military source says
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that isis is winning the terror fight. laura ingraham on that. >> caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi. i'm bill o'reilly. thank for watching us tonight. the ebola factor, that is the subject of this "talking points" memo and the ebola chaos grows, no one knows how it will influence politics in the usa. it's impossible to say at this time, but no question it will have an impact. experts believe ebola is suppressing the stock market and that will affect every american as fear hurts the economy. a new fox news poll of registered voters gives us a political snapshot. how do you feel about the direction of the country? 36% hopeful. 61% not hopeful. how are things anything in the world today? to hell in a hand basket, 58%.
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everything will be all right r. 35%. the handbasket aside, it is clear americans are not happy with the way the country is being run. the next question illuminates that. is the country worse off or better off since barack obama became president? 49% worse off, 39% said better off. president obama is at fault. his leadership on many serious issues has been lack ppg no question he made a tremendous mistake on the war of terror by pulling all u.s. troops out of iraq and they underestimated the muslim jihadist. the president has been outfoxed by putin, iran and china. overall, america's standing in the world has been greatly diminished under the obama administration. here at home, the most important indicator of economic well-being, take-home pay has fallen under the president. democrats can spin all they want, but the cold truth is working americans have less
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money in their pockets than in the past. a combination of high taxation and mediocre wages have hammered folks, and now we have the stock market tottering which will bring more bad news got marketplace. so it's difficult to see any great improvements under president obama. it will take years to figure out the benefits, if any, on obamacare. however, when americans were asked their opinion of the republican party, 54% said unfavorable. just 36% favorable. on the democratic side, 50% unfavorable, 43% favorable. that doesn't make much sense. you would think the democrats would be far less popular than the republicans with strong dissatisfaction in the country, but that's not the case. the reason is lack of leadership on the republican side. there is no leading gop voice, no one person. americans feel comfortable with in the political arena. in fact, talking points now
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believes mitt romney will once again run for president and could very well secure the nomination, but obviously, anything can happen in this turbulent time. when asked for whom would you vote if the mid-term elections were held today, instead of two and a half weeks from now, 45% of likely voters say they would support the republican candidate, 42% the democrat, very close, but interest in the upcoming election tilts heavily to the gop. 79% of republican voters are very interested in voting, 6% of dechl democrats are. now on to ebola. no question the federal government is mishandling the situation and again, that will go right back to the white house. the point man on ebola cdc chief dr. thomas frieden is botching the situation big time. we've already pounded dr. frieden on his inexplicable opposition to suspending visa and passports from west africa, and yesterday the man could not even explain how ebola should be
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handled in public transportation. >>. you're a member of the traveling public and are healthy shouldn't you be worried that you might have gotten it by sitting next to someone and the answer is no. second, if you are sick and you may have ebola, should you get on a bus and the answer to that is also no. you might become ill. you might have a problem that exposes someone around you. >> but if you can't get ebola by traveling on a bus, how can an ebola victim expose you? >> once again, dr. frieden is confused so talking points will help him out. if you are sitting on a bus and someone next to you has ebola actively and sneezes on you, you can get it. are you understanding that, dr. frieden? therefore -- therefore well, the federal government has to keep ebola victims out of public
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arena. that means, and i'm speaking slowly for the doctor, no people from the epidemic area should be admitted to the usa. something frieden opposes, but is absolutely the correct thing to do. >> we need a plan to treat those who are sick, to train health care workers to safely provide care and to stop the spread of this disease here at home and at the source in africa. this includes travel restrictions or bans from that region beginning today. >> even president obama's acolytes are saying that. >> i think the substantive actions have to be taken and they may involve, you know, flight restrictions. >> not only flight restrictions. no admittance to any person holing passports from the ebola epidemic areas. i mean, you could fly to montreal and drive in so the no admittance until we get things sorted out is the right thing on
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do. finally, i have nothing personally against dr. frieden, but his performance on ebola has been awful and he has to go. the fact that the obama administration continues to put this man in the spotlight will hurt the president of the united states and that is the ebola factor. and that's a memo. next on the rundown, reaction from andrea tantero and james carville and the second ebola carville and the second ebola victim flew on an airliner r r i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. [ male announcer ] when your office is 1,500 acres, it's good to have the right help. with models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400-pound payload. go tough. go strong.
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to the lead story, the ebola factor, how the disease will influence american politics. joining us from new orleans jails carville, a democrat and here in studio andzrya tanteros one of the co-hosts of the vibe. so am i peking mistakes here? i know you disagree with me on something. let's lead with that. >> you say frieden should sep down. >> yes. >> i understand your anger with them, i think unlike some people
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on this network, it is valid, but he's a doctor, bill. he's not a crisis communications expert. he's not a general. >> get him out of there, then. look, not only do i want him to sand down. i want frieden to be quarantined. i do. i'm stepping it up. >> in six months, i want him to get down to miami, a nice little hotel room and can't come out. >> he can hang out with lerner. >> whatever it is. i know he's a doctor, but he has a lot of experience. you know he's the head medical guy in new york city. >> i do. >> and he's spouting nonsense, gibberish. you just heard the bus thing, how insane is that. >> okay, bill, we learned this week that we have 60 days according to the world health organization to quarantine this. i don't think now is the time to switch horses midstream. move him out of the spotlight. i agree with you. he shouldn't be at the podium, but he does have valuable information and let him do his thing behind the scenes and bring in someone who knows how to handle a crisis. >> he's doing a lot of damage now and you have to get him out.
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carvill carville, do you agree with that or what? >> i think when you called for kathleen sebelius to resign, i think this exceeded anybody's expectations. sebelius had to resign and she did. it it just wasn't right away. >> at the end of the day -- >> end of the day, and it's the hundred bucks to wounded warriors, carville. it's a hundred bucks. >> i don't think that on make a change, he's well-qualified and everybody's learning curve on this and he's an immunologist and not an expert on ebola. >> carville, did you see him with megyn kelly? did you see frieden with -- >> he's not a communicator. >> just answer my question. >> did you see him with megyn kelly. >> he's not the most effective communicator. >> he knew it it, he had to know it and he still couldn't explain it. he looked like he was 5 years old out there. >> again, i would not -- he's
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not a great communicator, but i think he's a qualified man. >> i am fearful that the obama administration will give us someone worse. >> you can't be that -- >> i am worried they'll get someone worse than him. >> if there's someone worse we'll deal with him, but you basically have to have a performance level will when you have a situation of life and death. this is a performance situation. everyone agrees, even carville, that his performance is lacking. when you have life and death you say, okay, doc, you tried. thanks. here, take a vacation. here's a round-trip ticket to liberia. >> i think we'll get someone worse and get him out of the spotlig spotlight. >> you don't need to fire the guy. >> get someone more qualified. >> they'll have to get rid of him and we'll have an interesting sound bite coming up that you'll hear that. you'll have to get out and get rid of him, but obama is very, very stubborn. politically, carville, you've got to know that this whole ebola fiasco is anything to come
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back and hurt his job performance ratings. it's going to because again, he looks like he's not leading. >> first of all, i think we have a psychological problem in the united states and an underblown humanitarian crisis in west africa. if you're worried about getting ebola, you should worry about something else. and i'm talking about dr. tulane who basically came to my class and i talked to him 45 minutes ago, and he is every person that knows anything about this thinks the chances that we have any kind of significant outbreak in this country are remote. >> i'm not going to disagree with that, but you also have two american citizens now getting it here and then one american citizen getting it in africa. he's are human beings, carville. >> i agree, but i just think that people are worried about this outbreak in the united states, shepherd smith on our network did a brilliant job on this. what we have is a humanitarian crisis in west africa, and as to
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the travel ban, if there was a way that we could get military flights or get people in and out of -- >> charter flights go in and out all of the time. >> i don't want one aid worker stopped from going there. if you put a travel ban and you don't have alternative ways. >> the travel ban for the 85th time, visas and passports from the area denied. you can't come in. not a travel ban. charter flights. i have to ask you this, carville says that people are overreacting and i believe there's some truth to that. however, there are now schools in dallas closed. schools in cleveland closed, okay? because they have had some kind of interaction with people who may have ebola or do have it , all right some that's not an overreaction. you've got to be cautious when dealing with life and death. last word. >> i completely agree with you on the travel ban. i've said that for weeks. this is not a humanitarian crisis bill, and it's a crisis of leadership and this is why it
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will affect the polls and the fox news poll that you mentioned in your opening points to the fact, as well that they're looking at this administration going, who is at the wheel here, right some and i think the president's policy on national security, we see the numbers creeping up in that fox news poll. this is where even though republicans who have ayer itible brand, it's awful are seeing the president and they're seeing mr. bean. they're seeing chauncey gardner and that's an insult. >> peter sellers, everyone. >> this is who we're dealing with. and you know how we'll get change, bill? the unions because republicans are screaming at the top of their lungs will only make the president dig in to be passive aggressive and play more golf. the union guys will call up and say -- >> the flight attendants aren't happy about this at all. >> thanks a lot. flight attendants, as i said, furious about the ebola threat and we'll have the story. bernie goldberge media's covered ebola and how
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the factor, as you may have heard, the second nurse infected with the ebola virus took a round-trip flight from dallas to cleveland and they're trying to track the passengers onboarding coming back from cals. 29-year-old amber vinson called the cdc before she got on the plane, but ms. vinson was not forthcoming to cdc officials so the situation is still very murky. sarah nelson, the international president of the association of flight attendants. >> so, you know, you could understand, obviously, you're the president.
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you hear this all, and people now have to work with thousands of people and now this is in the back of their mind. how is that affecting flight attendants all over the country? >> i would say it's not just in the back of their mind. this is at the forefront of what flight attendants are thinking about as they're going to work so we're aviation's first responders and we're charged with the safety, health, security of the passengers in our care and everything happening the in the aircraft cabin and today we understand that there is a risk that we could encounter the, bowla virus onboard our aircraft. we know it's highly unlikely that this is going to happen, but the reality is that our frontier flight attendantses just confronted this the other day and now they're managing the fallout of that. >> okay. now -- >> it is at the forefront of our thoughts, though. >> so the reality is that flight attendants are at the mercy of fate, thomas duncan got on a plane in liberia, he went to
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brussels, he went to kennedy, he went to dallas. flight attendants had had this guy, you don't have to deal with this guy. and then we have miss vinson who after treating mr. duncan goes to cleveland and then cleveland to dallas. what is the attitude now? do the flight attendants want what i want? a suspension of west africans into this country? would your union support that? >> what flight attendants believe and what our union believes is that we need to look at every option to contain and minimize and stamp out the risk of ebola being spread through commercial of a yagdz. >> you'll have to make a decision whether to support the quarantine of west africans or not. i think it's going to happen, but i wouldn't -- you know, the flight attendants union is fairly powerful. if it were me i would be
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supporting that because you're going to have, if you don't do that, you'll have people flying in here from the affected areas. >> so this is not a matter of being supportive of that particular provision or not. this is the pact that i'm concerned that there are several precautions that need to be taken here and the reality is that we have ebola in the united states now. it's not just in west africa. so. we have a travel ban i want to make it very clear to the public and to everyone who is responsible for containing this, that that alone is not going to solve the problem. so we can talk about a travel ban, that's fine and we should be talking about that, but we need to be talking about all of the measures that need to be taken in order to keep our crews safe and the traveling public safe. >> like what? will you wear hazmat suits coming down the aisle giving people peanuts some i'm not making light of it, but look, you have latrine situation in an airplane where an infected person can use a lat reason and a hundred other people use the same lat reason and it has to be
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cleaned by airline workers and the flight attendants have access to that, as well. >> you have people who could sneeze on you. it's almost impossible to protect your membership, miss nelson. >> well-being the reality is that there is a lot that can be done to protect airline crew and passengers and first and foremost, bill, you're right. we have to keep the threat off the airplane. >> that's right. as much as we can away from this country. give me one thing that you want, your union and membership want that you don't have now in the ebola situation. just one. >> just one thing. okay. i can give you a whole list, but if you're asking for just one, we would like to see universal precaution kits boarded on every single flight available to every single crew member and any health care providers who may be onboard to help us contain an incident that we come encounter with. >> surgical masks, gloves, goggles, protective gear and we
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also need to have the ability to determine whether or not this is an actual threat because this is flu season, and don't forget -- >> you're never going to get that, miss nelson. you're not doctors. that's why this whole facade at jfk and dulles and newark and chicago. civilians will never be able to diagnose anything, but i -- >> what i'm rying to say, bill. >> i think you should have the kit. last word. >> absolutely. we need to have the best possible protective gear that we can r. our members have to have that and we have to have briefings before the flights so we understand what the reporting procedures are and what the procedures are if we encounter this on the aircraft and what we should be doing prior to the airplane door closing so we're keeping the threat off of the airplane. >> miss nelson, we appreciate it very much. as the fooshth moves along this evening, are the the isis terrorists winning their fight against the usa?
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laura ingraham has some thoughts. how politics are making all of us less safe. we hope you stay tuned for those we hope you stay tuned for those repppppp hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if
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somebody dropped the ball, we fumbled and a person is not held accountable. who is responsible for these short comings you're talking about. >> you have seen in a couple of instances dr. frieden take responsibility for the cdc not performing up to expectations and at the same time the cdc has been focused on this situation since march. >> that sounds like frieden be's a short timer. ed henry joins us now from washington. maybe i'm reading it wrong, but it's frieden. that's what came across to me. it's him. >> in a couple of weeks ago, remember, josh earnest was saying full confidence at julia pearson at the secret service. a day or so later she was gone. they've been saying this week full confidence in dr. frieden, as well. >> not full confidence there, henry. that was, hey, he's in charge. >> they're starting to maybe shift. >> did you take it that way, though some you know this guy better than me. did you take it that way?
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>> think about the broader issue and you talked to the president about health who is responsible? who will be held accountable? and remember kathleen sebelius stayed on and on and on. it does seem, though, in recent days they've gotten a signal especially as we get closer to the midterm election leadership out there has a big question that all of a sudden they're saying if you're a liability for this administration maybe you will go and there's more pressure on the president to find out who is really in charge here. >> but again, he doesn't like to make those kind of decisions and neither did bush the younger. they don't like it to throw their guys under the bus, but i have a spy in the white house. did you know that? >> i didn't know that. >> and my spy tells me that president obama was furious yesterday at the ebola meeting. absolutely livid. is my spy correct? >> your spy is correct. it was supposed to be a relatively short meeting and it went on for well over wo hours. how did this happen again?
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because after the first nurse had the gotten sick, we were told the protocols, it won't happen again and the second one got sick and he was demanding answers and that to me gets back to his leadership and not just dr. frieden which is okay. the president identified it and he's up sit about it it and he wants to fix it, but who is going to fix it and who will be held accountable for the mistakes and are they going let dr. frieden and others who have fumbled before just stay on the job and that will be the question. >> all right, now. i don't think it's fair to blame president obama and i know i'll get the hate mail and here it it comes, all right, for two nurses contracting ebola. >> sure. the guy is the president of the united states, the hardest job in the world. he's got to have confidence in the cdc to handle these things. i think he should replace frieden, and i've said that for a week now. the travel ban is absolutely the president's fault. with one stroke of the pen, he's got the pen and the phone,
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remember that, henry. he can say we don't accept visas and passports from the ebola areas in west africa until we get things sorted out here. he can do that in a heartbeat. he hasn't done it and his administration, i believe, is telling frieden this preposterous stuff. he is the puppet. frieden is the puppet for them. >> and even it it appears bill maher and jay carney are not suggesting if not an outright travel ban there need to be bigger prestruckeds and that's quite interesting because that suggests that even the folks on the left and people normally aligned with the president say, look, deal with the problem here within the united states, but what about these planes that are coming over from west africa some. >> the administration's answer is they have severe restrictions and we know one person got through the restrictions by lying that they know of. >> that's absurd. >> as i said to the president of the flight attendants unit. to think civilians can diagnose
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the disease at an airport when they, you know -- i just -- it's just insane. you do what you can do to protect the public, and you can do that and they don't do it drives me crazcrazy. last word, henry. >> the fact that the president yesterday and today canceled all of his fund-raising and campaign activity. remember, he's campaigned and fund raised through various crises, right after benghazi and right after the plane being downed over ukraine. the fact that they've done this this week, this close to the mid-terms they get that this is a huge problem, number one and secondly, his leadership is on the line. >> he'll get whacked by this. it's not in syria. it's in dallas. ed henry, everybody. when we come back, bernie goldberg analyzing the media, ebola and how politics are making us all less safe. bernie is next opinion. i'm not afraid. i can take sip after sip on this bumpy ride
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sensationalized. joining us from miami, the purveyor bernard goldberg. do you agree with that poll, bernie. >> >> bill, let me answer it this way. i think the poll like so many other things in our culture these days have been infected with politics. if you're a fan of barack obama, if you think he's doing a great job i'm guessing you're one of the people who said the coverage is sensational because it's on wall to wall, it's on nonstop and it it sort of gives the impression that the cdc and the white house really don't know what they're doing. if you're not especially a fan of barack obama then i think you'll find the coverage appropriate because of the same reason and it's on wall to wall and it's skeptical. i, personally, put myself in the appropriate category. i think skeptical coverage in this case is warranted because under this president the cdc has been politicized. you're absolutely right about dr. frieden, the director.
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he's not speaking for himself. he's speaking for a white house that apparently doesn't want to stigmatize africans with ebola so they won't instill -- impose this temporary travel or visa restrictions. but the big story, bill, the big story is that this is just one of many american institutions that should have nothing on do with politics that have been infected with politics under president obama's administration. >> it's interesting because if you go down the list, irs, we all know that's been infected with politics. it's beyond a reasonable doubt. >> no question. no question. >> attorney general, eric holder, certainly a liberal zealot whose first loyalty is to president obama, all right? >> absolutely. >> so that means the fbi, the dea, then you go into -- >> bill -- >> go ahead. >> even the united states military. i mean, if there's one
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institution that shouldn't be tainted by politics. it's been months since the trade for sergeant bergdahl. i don't want to get into whether it was a good trade or a bad trade, but we still don't know. >> right. >> months and months later if he was a deserter. nasa, nasa is a space agency, and the president told its director that one of its top priorities should be enlisting the muslim world into the space program so that they can feel good about their historical contributions to science. here's the problem. in a democracy like ours, certain institutions should be above politics otherwise it breeds cynicism in the population and people start to lose faith in their government and under this president, way on many institutions have been politicized. >> including the fbi. >> the fbi, the fbi in oklahoma.
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the woman has her head cut off by a muslim convert and the muslim convert is spouting arab phrases while he's doing it it. he's got a website that has anti-american crap all over it, and the fbi with the straight face calls it workplace violence. now why is that? because they work for eric holder ultimately, i mean, it falls under the category of the department of justice and then there's no domestic violence on president obama's watch. listen, i am not suggesting for a second that the president sends memos out to generals and to secretaries, cabinet secretaries and tells them what to say and what to do, but everything we've been talking about, everything that's been done has been done in his name, has been done for him, has been done to help him in one way or another. >> there's no doubt that he -- >> i think that's just the way he wants it. >> somehow in six years that the obama administration has been
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able to intimidate most of the agencies. you said domestic violence and you meant domestic terrorism. i don't want to get anybody confused here. >> yeah. domestic terrorism. thank you. >> we get back to frieden, okay, the doctor. he knows he's being used and he has to know he's looking dumb. i mean, if you saw him on megyn kelly he just looked dumb, and he's not dumb. he's not. he's a physician. >> right. >> he's got a long resume of working in very sophisticated jobs. he's got to know that he looks like you put the adjective, okay, but he doesn't seem to care. these people don't seem to care. >> bill, look at it this way. there are some people with a certain kind of personality like yours, i think like mine. we could never be used this way. we would be humiliated and we refuse to be humiliated. we could never be a presidential
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spokesperson because the one they have now, for instance, he humiliates himself on a regular basis, okay? i mean, these guys make baghdad bob look like honest abe, but there are other kinds of people like dr. frieden who are loyal servants of the boss and if the boss says, listen, you make up a story that a stupid third grader, the dumbest kid in the third grade class could see through about travel banses, you just tell them. >> and he does it. >> and we can't get people in and out, he'll do it. it's a matter of personality and he's got the kind of personality that is willing to humiliate himself. >> all right, bernie, thank you as always. ingraham on deck. a little back and forth with jon a little back and forth with jon stewart l l l l l l if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets.
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it's very difficult to cover the isis fight in syria and iraq. that's because reporters from not present. because if they were present and isis captured them, they'd be beheaded. some military experts believe iss is not being hurt all that much by american bombing. joining us with her assessment ms. laura ingraham. and you say? >> look, bill, i've been listening to general dempsey today saying we're making gains against isis, maintains we doept need boots on the ground. that we can win this fight without doing that at least right now. and certainly we're able to hold them off somewhat in this town of kobani which you've been talking about near the syrian/turkey border. however, we have a big problem right now. and this just broke a few hours
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ago in the town of amaria, fallujah, 25 miles outside of baghdad, there it's reported isis has besieged the town. and in iraq especially the territory controlled by isis has really not been diminished by american air strikes. so while we've seen some gains in syria, the 14 air strikes in the last two days inside iraq itself is still very problematic. >> here's the thing, and this goes off the conversation i just had with goldberg. dempsey, the head of the joint chiefs of staff, all right, top general. >> yeah. >> he works for obama. okay? >> yeah. >> so i don't think dempsey's going to come out and go, you know what, my direct boss, the commander in chief of the armed forces -- >> yeah, it's all political. >> so we can't really with all due respect to general dempsey who is a patriot and a brave man and trustworthy man -- >> he does not instill the type of confidence that we need for
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objectivity. >> and i know this because this is what got patton in trouble, all right. because patton wouldn't go with the orthodox. >> oh, they're going to like him for that. >> no, but eisenhower eisenhowe and patton would aren otonn' ot. he would say to the press. that's not the case and that's not what's happening. >> we have to go after stalin and he was a truth teller. >> you don't have that now. >> your talking points memo the other night. we need truth tellers in washington. we have enough political hacks in d.c. we need truth tellers whether it's dempsey or the defense secretary or the cdc chief or the nih guy. we need to hear them and think okay, that's a fair assessment and we think they're working for the betterment of the american people and the security and look at the polls, fox polls and nbc polls people are not thinking this iraq thing is going well and you will see the tide really turn against future american
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involvement in this war because we're spending a lot of money and we don't know where it's coming from and a lot of games played with the money deal here and isis still seems to be taking territory. >> they're not nearly. the the 60-nation coalition hasn't kicked in yet. so i can't wait for the italian army to get in there. >> oh, yeah, well. >> now -- talking about people who are now looking out for themselves or for the political powers that be rather than the pokes, we get back to frieden. it's quite apparent and i think you'll agree with me that they're going to have to impose some kind of ban in west africa. >> you're seeing cracks in democratic politicians coming out and saying, you know what? this is insane not to do it. >> it's a matter of time. it's a matter of time and i think frieden if you listen to the sound bite he had today, he is a short timer. >> there was a hearing where
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congressman billy long from missouri, he got up there and he was fabulous. he said to frieden, like, okay, why, if this thing is so difficult to catch, if it's bodily fluids and close contact, why has frontier airlines scrubbed this claim four times. they cleaned the one plane four times. well, i think everyone's being extra careful. he's hemming and hawing when asked by steve school ease whether he talked about a potential visa suspension or travel ban from west africa. he looked like he was -- he looked like he was a kid who i a 4-year-old in a calculous class. >> he's looking like somebody that just doesn't know a thing. >> i have a question. >> is it going to have to come down to this? this is a harsh question. will americans actually have to die before this president decides we have to lock this border down. >> one more case and then we'll be locked down.
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it will take one more. >> all right, laura. >> all right, laura. jon stewart and i debate white are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep
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"the factor" tip of the day, white privilege and jon stewart in a moment. couple notes, dennis miller and i will see everyone in virginia one week from tomorrow, friday october 24th at the municipal auditorium. details on show's a blast. if you'd like a signed copy of "killing patton," currently the best selling nonfiction book right now, you can order it through as well. all the money i get from the website goes to charity. that means everybody wins. you get a great gift and we get to help people who need help. you set this up and it's working great. mack, new castle, england, a travel ban on ebola means the u.s. would be effected because you have ebola.
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only ebola epidemic areas are covered there, mack. we have two cases right now and we don't want anymore. our government should wise up. brian hutchins, crescent city, california, bill, i e-mailed my congressman demanding he support a travel ban. but he's a democrat so i might be wasting my time. never wasting your time expressing your feelings to your local representatives. stony brook, new york. i agree dr. frieden's reciting talking pointing given to him. if i gave the answer he gave on the travel ban, i'd be told to consult a psychiatrist. ron, st. cloud, florida. bill, why are you dismissive of glenn beck when he states president obama has a hidden agenda in the ebola situation? because we don't do speculation here, ron. i wasn't dismisive. i just wanted beck's opinion on the facts that we presented. montreal, canada. what type of political agenda is behind the failure to quarantine
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the ebola infested areas. political correctness. the obama administration does not want to take any restrictive action because of that. daniel middleman, dubuque, iowa. o'reilly, why do you support green day for the rock and roll hall of fame? the band put out an album call the "american idiot." in a play off the album the idiot is a dope dealer, dan. my rock choices also are not based on politics. they're based on talent. i think neil jung is a genius. the doobie brothers and moody blues should be in the hall. nancy hicks, california, the real question, bill, is do you dance? depends who's asking, nancy. david mason, jackson, michigan. bill, your book killing patton is amazing, informative and hard to put down. what's next? three more killing books coming, dave. but i cannot tell you what they are. because if i do, somebody's
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going to copy the idea. somebody said that to "killing jesus." they stole the idea, tried to get it out, didn't sell any copies. finally, fa"the factor" tip of e day. white privilege, stewart is a big white privilege guy believing black americans have a huge disadvantage in life because whites dominate america. i say it is indeed harder for african-americans to succeed, but pushing the white privilege theory creates victimization. it gives people an excuse to fail or to do bad things. what happened in the past is important to understand, but creating current policy around it is foolish. >> let me repeat this and i'll do it slowly so even you can understand it. >> all right. all right. >> if you work hard, if you get educated, if you're an honest person, you can make it in america. >> if you live in a neighborhood where people are endemic, it's
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harder to work hard -- >> hey, it was harder for me than it was for the white guy in garden city. it's all relative, yes. it's harder if you're a ghetto kid. yes, but can you do it? yes. >> yes, you can. the book is called "killing patt patton" and i'm sure you've sold a lot. >> no white privilege in the book. here's "the factor" tip of the day, stewart and i always have lively debates and there are no hard feelings. that's the way it should be. if you disagree with someone, hold your ground. but don't get angry. and if possible inject some humor. "the factor" tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. check out fox news factor website totally different from we would like you to spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world. o'reilly@fox, name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be a
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prima donna. older americans know what that is. younger americans don't. no prima donnas. ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stop here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, after health officials spent days ducking responsibility for two new cases of the ebola virus, unnamed federal sources are now coming forward to blame the latest victim. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i am megyn kelly, battling a cold but doing all right. like a hollywood movie, the question of containing this virus has become the top issue in the country. it started after infected patient thomas duncan flew to america from liberia and wound up dying at texas presbyterian hospital in dallas. within a week nurse nina pham, who treated duncan, had fallen ill. on wednesday of this week, the head of the cdc appeared
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