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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 18, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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was ron klian the right choice for ebola czar or political choice? good night from washington, d.c. see you monday night 7:00 p.m. right here. and why does the president think it is okay to skip a movie with nicholas cage? >> there is money and time and heartache. >> and finally, the competition to beat greg gutfeld's intern is down to the final four. who has the inside track? stay tuned to find out. none of these stories on "red eye" jie. let's welcome our guest. she is so hot ladder 47 is
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already on its way. i am here with fox news contributor stacy dash. and stacy starred in clueless, but joanne is clueless. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and he is back from the dead, otherwise known as los angeles. remember him? and he is happier than a clam. i will open him with a knife and hope there is a pearl inside. sitting next to me is a true lady killer. seriously. he just hasn't been convicted yet. tk tom shillue. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> do they have the curse after sitting near a nurse? two schools in ohio and three in texas are closed for disinfecting because students and teachers made contact with the nurse the day after showing the ebola symptoms. it is day 87 of -- i am
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especially proud of that. i made that myself. two students from central texas were on the same flight as the nurse, amber vinson. and a district employee from the cleveland area returned to ohio on a different flight, but perhaps the same flight. schools were shutdown despite the cbc -- cdc saying there was a low chance of anyone on the flight getting infected. meanwhile, the lives of two beef cakes could be at stake. axel on the left and taylor cole. they are both erotic novel models and are in quarantine after sitting near vinson on the plane. thisy were told to stay three feet away from their roommates which is tragic for their roommates. they have to monitor their temperature and administer daily sponge bathes to each other. i am not sure if that is true. here are a few of the romance covers. and given their circumstances, we thought of a few new
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titles. next one. temptation in isolation. and the last one, forbidden love on order from the cdc. they could have done better with that title. this panic stuff is crazy. >> i don't know if it is. >> are you one of them? >> greg, we are human beings. >> that's true. >> that's why we are still around. you know why we didn't panic? the dojo. >> did dinosaurs not panic and that's why they are gone? >> it is a theory. of course these people drive me crazy. >> they do. should they schools be closed? would you send your kids to school? >> yes, it is fine. maybe they will finally clean the plane. i am on the plane and there is always salt on the seat. why is there salt on my seat? >> there is always something on my feet. that's true.
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>> i prefer that. i actually specify that i would like a soiled seat. >> i can't fix them. are we being overly cautious? >> i have to say no because i am a parent and i started wiping everything down on airplanes in 1992. it happened in 1976 when i was a kid. but in 1992 i was a mother and that's when i was a paranoid mother. 1999 as well. ever since then i have been wiping everything down with anti-bacterial wipes and everybody looks at me like i am crazy and i don't care. guy isn't that the -- >> isn't that the perfect justice is when you are a parent you are concerned with fluids. but you are with a baby who is shooting things? what about these two incredibly muscular
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gentlemen? aren't -- i mean it is crazy that they actually have to self-quarantine. they should be out there flexing. >> well they can flex for the ceb cam, greg. you are overreacting to all of this. we live in an exciting time. i never thought a a kid we would grow up to live in steven king's "the stand." this is like "doomsday." there are a lot of bright sides. you are overreacting.. >> so you say i am overreacting to the overreaction? >> yes. >> i am panicking over the panic. joanne, you sat in the green room you didn't care about ebola until the hunks were at risk. do you really only care if the attractive people are in danger? >> then i'm next. >> wouldn't that be ironic? >> stop it! >> say you are sorry. >> they self-quarantine voluntarily. they wanted exposure. >> i don't know why guys like
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this would be seeking exposure. they seem like humble guys to me. >> i think it is the first case we have had in a very, very longtime. and the people who are -- you are bound to mess up. there are bound to be mistakes when you have health workers who haven't dealt with this before the errors always happen in the beginning. >> and then you don't make the same mistake twice anyone who is treating anyone infected should be quarantined. and they should want to be quarantines. >> god bless these people. >> i have never hamed fluids. -- handled fluids. i never want to handle fluids. >> you know what is amazing about this disease? it tells you worst part of the job.
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being a nurse with this sort of thing, this disease is all about abusive secretions. that's what it is. that's the problem. you are basically going to a death zone so you have to be a special, strong person to do it. >> that nurse shouldn't have gone on the plane. she is like a soldier. >> first responders and caregivers. >> they are the first to go. >> as a public service i will volunteer to take care of they gentlemen. i will be monitoring them and giving them massages. but not touching their fluids. >> you may not have a choy. choice. i don't know what that means. before i move on, look at this. a woman who vomited on a plane to chicago was kept in the bathroom. meanwhile a cruiseship carrying a quarantined hospital worker is being denieden -- entrance to
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mexico. are we to blame for this? >> i don't know why anyone was allowed out of the hospital after they found out that man had ebola. everyone should have had to stay. >> we are entering an era though and i will predict this where we will not know the difference between ebola and bad sushi. there is good diarrhea and bad diarrhea. you know what it is? as we enter flu season it will be an issue. >> but we will get these stories all the time. somebody vomits in public and it is ebola. >> i said this on "the five" which is another show you probably haven't seen. i said this is bad for binge drinkers. they will be puking in the morning and somebody will think you have ebola. >> oh no, now i have to stay home from work for 21 days. let's move on to something less depressing. are pairns to blame if their kids defame? a georgia court, they have them there, is that ruled that
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the mom and dad of a seventh grader may be ledge for not making him delete the facebook profile of a female classmate. they used an app to make the girl look fat and racist and per miss skew us with. they grounded him, but the nasty account stayed up for months. the jury said the pairns caused part of the injury the girl sustained from the boy's action. let's go to the chief legal correspondent. >> all right. i guess that is cute. what do you make of the ruling? is it fair to parents that -- the thing that you brought into this earth that you could have like brought out to the woods and just left there, but
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you are taking care of it could screw you over. >> in one of many ways. i am blessedly without children. i am not allowed to breed. i have no sympathy. if you are a parent, shouldn't you be monitoring your kids' social media? >> yes. >> yes. how old is your child? >> i have two children, 11 and 24. >> wow. >> the 24-year-old, not so much. the 11-year-old, absolutely. >> does the 11-year-old have a facebook? >> no. >> and they shouldn't have facebook. >> it is like smoking. you take it away and they will want to do it. that's why i let all my kids smoke and do shots of tequilla and on their 16th birthday they get heroin. i don't have kids. if you demonize it won't they want it? >> yeah. you have to explain to them why not. >> well that's good. i guess that's what parents do. i wouldn't know. i am talking -- you actually have like 37 children. >> i thought you were going to
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say 37 facebook accounts. i was going to say 36! i have two kids and they are not on social media. parents shouldn't allow their kids on social media. if the kids do anything terrible on there, of course the parents should be -- they are responsible for everything else. >> it is like you are saying if your dog bites the mail man and the mail man sues you. if your child bullies another child they can sue you even though your child may be an [bleep]. >> i don't think people should be able to sue for anything. >> well that's not part of the story. >> parents should be responsible for their kids, but nobody should be able to sue. this app made her fat and per miss skew with you and a rapist? how do they do that in an app? >> i don't know. maybe you should look it up. >> you are a terrible father. >> joanne, you will never have kids. is this something you care about? >> my tax money goes to schools and prisons so i want to keep them in one and not the other.
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i disagree with tom. kids are autonomous beings. you raise them and bring them up , but what they do is their own actions. where will this end? where will the line be crossed? if they murder someone do you have to serve their prison sentence? if they rob a bank do you have to serve their prison sentence? i mean think about it. >> joanne, one day you will have children and they will not be autonomous, i promise you. >> they will be murderers and thieves. >> you know what i say? i say i have a lot to lose. i have been working for almost 30 years and i don't want some punk to drain my bank account or ruin my life because he does something stupid. >> duct tape his fingers. >> i am not having kids. i don't want my kid to ruin my life. >> go back to the old days where you write joanne is a skank on the bathroom wall and
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not the facebook wall. >> facebook is the bathroom wall, so is twitter by the way. you know what, i do miss the bathroom wall. speaking of, do men prefer nooky for a cookie? scientist tees university of raw cheer -- raw cheer found round male worms will focus on finding a mate. and what is true of round worms is true of humans. i think newton said that. concluded one doctor, they point the face at mechanisms that may not only face differences between males and females, but why different sexes may be acceptable to certain neurological disorders. that was boring. we asked a typical man to respond.
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>> it is great how he pretends that it hurts. you wouldn't be doing that if he liked it. does this research surprise you in anyway? >> no. it explains your weight loss, greg. >> thank you. well i do feel rather trim. although it is the laxatives. it is not really working out. i am just sitting there in pain. now i get her joke. i am not eating. all right, screw you. i didn't mean that. i meant that as a -- >> that was a good thing. i am saying you are having more 6. >> we will talk about that later. tom has been holding back. is this an example of the different sexess? we want the genders the same. >> people want that to be
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true, but then when you get to nature they are quite different. >> they are, tom. >> the emphasis on that sentence was well played. >> but greg i think like most studies this didn't have to be done. that's why single guys are skinny and then after they get married and have kids and a family they get fat. they don't need it. >> wow, that makes sense. >> it is true. after they get married. i went from whatever to blah. it is like i exploded like an air bag in a car. >> that's exactly what happens. >> you look great. >> stop going to the gym. john, are you married? >> i am not married. >> were you married? >> i have never been married. >> not to your knowledge. >> every man makes choices. >> have you had domino's cheesy bread? >> it is incredible. >> it is amazing.
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>> it is easier -- food is easier to deal with. >> it doesn't talk back. it doesn't make decisions. have you made love to a is cay role? casserole? >> that's the point, it is a choice. it is about priorities and preferences and survival. i think this is where -- this is about survival about when a man chooses sex is because his role is to further the genes where the woman -- or protecting the creatures alive now and hence they are out gathering. >> and the women want to be prepared for childbirth so they want to be well nourished. they can produce healthy off spring, or so i hear. i think women will always choose food. there are no surprises. the big bowl of pasta will be delicious and it will never
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give you vd. >> that's true. >> there are condoms for that. >> i would never put condoms in my pasta. that's repulsive. >> you believe the research is true for men, but not for women? >> i think it is more true for women. >> interesting. i learned something new every day. >> that's what "red eye" is about. >> i instantly forget it. i learn something and wow, the next day, i have no idea what i learned. >> retension, that's the most important. >> what did you say? >> it is because you are not eating enough, greg. >> who? >> you are thinking about sex. >> a story so amazing i am thinking of asking it out for drinks and then staring at it awkwardly. you will love the next block.
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guy they want to lend you their ear. i speak of tingle heads. they are sound f -- fetishes. here is jessica roy of to explain. [inaudible]. >> that was arousing. anyway, they can also be triggered by sounds other than whispers. here is some examples. >> drink water.
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>> scratching on a book. zipping, unzipping. >> this might be the greatest thing i have ever seen. a lot of azmer videos, what does that stand for? >> it is an acro anymore. they are asmr videos. it says, quote, is asmr more about relaxation than stimulation? or is it kind of basically soft core porn? the erotic videos have put a divide in the community between the clean and the dirty and it is threatening, i believe, to tear this country apart. what do you make of this fetish? it makes sense to me. i don't believe it is a fetish. i believe it is normal that
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every one of those sounds is pleasing. therefore it is not a fetish. it is jo relaxing. -- it is relaxing. it is a full body massage, but for your brain. >> i am not one of the fetishes. i can understand people like sounds. i used to like the clickity-clack of trains. >> of course you did. >> i had a cd called "trains." >> how old were you? >> a fully grown adult. it drove my wife crazy. i played clickity-clack trains when i fell asleep. she said are you doing this your whole life? >> it is like a washing machine. i like the sound. i like the soft sounds of machines. >> did you ever sit on the washing machine? >> no. now you went too far. >> you get up there and read a book. >> disgusting. >> i want to say i am with the clean people. people that sexualize
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everything drive me crazy. get into your sound and stop talking about sex. >> he likes trains. i have a number of sounds. do you have any? >> i love the sound of rain. and i love the sound of a man whispering in my ear at the same time. >> could that man be a soft spoken weather man? combine it altogether. there is a front approaching. >> i never knew any soft spoken weather man. >> did you know the man when i spurring? man whispering. >> random man. >> you know what would be a cool organization? an organize of genius weather men and it would be called it's raining mensa. >> i love that, greg. >> now are you being diplomatic. that's an ugly version of tom. all right, joanne, you are an expert in the vocal fry which
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is the lower level of talking. is this the opposite of that? something that is more comfortable? >> whispering is just as bad on the vocal cords. >> really? >> when you lose your voice you are not supposed to whisper. >> that's true. you are not supposed to talk at all. >> you know what, i hate whispering. i think because my mother used to do it when i was little, but the mother whispering in public, she is really not -- >> look at that man with that scar. >> when i hear someone whisper it is like, can you speak up? but i don't judge people. if this is what you like, that's great, but i won't date you. >> you should judge. you should say this is not hurting anybody. >> i haven't even gotten to my analysis. i have been talking about this on "red eye" for years. and you remember my long
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20-minute tirade about the show "cops." >> cops and whispering. >> i watch "cops" because of the sound of the interior of the car. you know how you like to hear a train? i watched cops and the sound of the bleeping and the clicking and the sound of cars. the noises in cars. even when i am in a real car i enjoy it. i never not like being in the backseat of a car. quote me on that, america. >> never unhappy. >> but i like listening. >> i don't think that's true. >> john, i had a question, but it was lost in my confession. where are we? >> which sounds. these people get turned on by the inpho -- infamacy. >> it is those people.
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>> god bless them. >> it is interesting that the cops thing, as i am thinking of it, there was a lot of beats going on. i think they laid them in falsely. >> i hope not. that would bother me. it would be like being with an inflatable doll. it has to be real. by the way, -- >> a real cop whispering? >> yes, it has to be real. this was written by me, 2007 i think so it is very old. this is me talking about i love this, this is true. i love the sound of zippers. i own a dozen zipper bags. inside the zipper bags i keep other zipper bags. there is a sleeping bag that comes with a revariable slide. i don't even go camping. you can't find a better sound than a sleeping bag being zipped up. is that true? >> it is true. >> the bigger the zipper, the better.
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>> exactly. now here is the next page. i am talking about british accents. i found a recording made by a retired bus conductress. during the recording she talked about old houses and the pride people took in keeping their gardens well manicured. it made my hair and other parts stand on end. >> you are one of these ople. >> i have been telling you and talking about it for ages that it is an area that nobody talks about. >> do you do accents? >> they are very unamerican. that was very strange. you learned something. they are all different in a disgusting way. that's good, right? >> serious.
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>> coming up, wheaties and breakfast of champions or sad snack for secretaries of state. >> tonight's sponsor is the scales of justice. how do you know if justice is served? by weighing it. last week jus at the wasn't -- last week justice wasn't eating enough and they can wrestle in the proper weight class. we know this because of the scales of justice. stay healthy, justice.
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they are mad about madeline and right with all bright. the latest cover of wheaties is madeline all bright. she tweeted this photo with the caption, just finished my breakfast of champions. thank you general mills, friend of the military. usually it features famous athletes, but the company says with the rise of the internet and mill 11 yell culture the word champion is changing. i i didn't know internet changed that. it is no longer the mega star athlete. it is any person who look inside and challenges their personal best. translation, athletes scare the hell out of us. other boxes featured the gimp, bare chested cowboy the
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abagoda, the little fish, and yours truly. stacy, okay, wheaties is going the nonathlete route. is there a reason behind this? >> baffled. >> i know why. >> baffled. >> you don't know why? do you think it is a good move? >> baffled. i don't know why. >> i baffled you, haven't i? >> no, wheaties baffled me. it is hard to baffle when you are covering with soundproof. i have a theory about your theory. you go first. >> your theory is they are all on drugs. they are running out of athletes to look up to. >> my theory is they have been burned by somebody being on the cover and being arrested, somebody on the cover and beating their kids. >> 10 minutes after phelps was on wheaties he was smoking pot. >> and the guy who hit his kid with a switch i believe was on
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a wheaties box. the idea that they are pretending this was about some kind of em plow better meant -- empowerment was like, -- >> to be fair he wasn't -- they didn't show him doing that with the switch. >> that is not. that is carnation, actually. damn you, carnation. what are you doing to our children? i never had carnation at my house. and we never had wheaties because we thought they were lying to us. that's not my question. as a pageant winner you probably loved stuff like this. isn't this great? >> they chose her because she's hot. >> that's true. she is a beautiful woman. what they are really doing is cereal foods are down because of food fads and they aren't market to children. they are trying to market to adults. look, 12 pr fiber -- 12 percent fiber in here. you need your fiber and so
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does mad de all bright. >> they are going after those people who subscribe to "foreign policy" magazine. >> really if i were on a box i want it to be cracklin oat bran. it is so good. >> cracklin oat bran is choke full of sugar. >> it has a lot of sugar and a lot of fiber. >> she is right. athlete are not eating carbs for breakfast. they are eating egg whites. >> so racist. john you go to the cereal bar and it is unbelievable. if you are walking down there you think what a mighty empire. >> there are 27 versions of cornflakes. >> have you ever had krave
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cereal? >> no. >> it is cookies with chocolate inside. >> that's amazing. >> i am convinced you can take cookies and pour it into a bowl of milk. >> like cookie crisp. >> people talk about how america is struggling and so many issues and challenges. walk down the cereal aisle. >> that's the bread basket. she has not been secretary of state since 2001. what is the reason she was chosen? >> she is the best. >> if i had to see that every morning i would be terrified. >> she was a fine secretary of state. >> she was. >> and i will go out and get myself a box of wheaties. >> they are realizing that they are running out of options. >> and next month it is jim baker. >> they better get kissinger in there. he is up there. met him a couple months ago.
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splendid fellow. before i move on, let a talk about wheaties. wheaties, if you didn't have the athlete's angle, it was a poor man's cornflakes. there was nothing special about wheaties, was there? >> i ate it. >> i was taken in by the athlete. i remember when bruce jenner had the decathlon and we had the box of wheaties. >> i was taken in by an athlete once. anyway. they think i am done with it. anybody have words they want to say about how stupid wheaties is? >> nope. >> nope? >> who wants to eat wheat? >> nice one. >> everyone is gluten free now. if they had gluten free wheaties. >> none of you could eat those cereals as kids. >> it was only when you went
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camping. you got the condominium of the cereals. you had corn pops and apple jacks. >> smacks. >> sugar smacks which smells like a dead skunk. >> sugar cereals were like add deer roll for kids before. that's what my mom gave me. >> and if you sprinkle sugar on top, oh. >> rice crispies are amazing. >> raisen bran. >> raisen bran is not bad, but needs sugar. i think we tackled this topic in ways i can't begin to explain. coming up, i don't know if we are going to do this story. let's go to the next thing. "not cool" order it autographed copy g
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i know. >> you can keep that cereal forever. people at home are saying shut up. a writer at the national journal , aren't they all, points out that conservatives react more negatively so it is making conservatives act more conservative. he cites research that shows liberals are more likely to try new things while conservatives tend to protect what they have. this protection makes them react more strongly to perceived and real threats like terror, crime and disease and tom shillue. meanwhile, liberals do the
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opposite and let everyone die. i think that's proven. you are the only one. >> i am. >> love and respect. >> it is a delicious dish. >> do you believe this to be true? it is science and i don't think you are anti-science. >> no, i believe in science like "star trek" and battle star galactica. here is what i have to say. when it hits the fan they are the ones who i will seek out. my bug out plan is find my conservative plans and offer what i have to offer which is con conversation and hugs and love. >> you are like evolved from like the court gesture and they kept them around to entertain.
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>> give me some of your canned food. >> the moment things go bad i am looking for terry and his guns. they live upstate, by the way. stacy, you were nodding through this, and i don't think you were falling asleep, but because you agreed. >> i agree. >> yes. we get things done. liberals are like, oh, karma. that will take care of it. >> but -- or their priorities are different. their priorities are for like -- priorities are not about exter national threats, but inter -- about exter national threats, but internal threats. that could be the fault of yourself or your family. they won't look at the invading hoards or exter national -- >> exactly and they would say as much, greg. that's why this scientific research is again confirming what we already know. basically they do the research and they list the dictionary definition of conservative and liberal lists. our studies show conservatives are more cautious. yet that's what conservatives
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say about themselves. i am a conservative. liberals are like, change, i like it. you needed a study for that? >> do you feel yourself -- do you feel yourself with a humane change constantly? is it becoming more conservative each day? the answer has to be yes. >> i am sweating a lot more. what does that mean? i don't know. conservatives like to find the most effective way to solve problems and get from a to b, the best route possible, and the fear lies in others dropping the ball. it keeps happening so we keep fearing it happening. although i don't completely agree. conservatives should be fearful of global warming. if you are trying to protect what you have, we only have one earth, right? >> really? really? >> i mean, i took a science class and that's what they told me. >> they are not afraid of nature though.
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they are afraid of people doing things. they know when anyone does anything they screw it up. >> well i screw up a lot. >> well, i see your point. i think that -- and john i say this to you because you are the liberal here. liberals govern and theoretically can only exist in times of calm. your demeanor can only last if there is nothing to worry about. when the [bleep] hits the fan you just run. is that true? >> during a pandemic you want a competent, big government caring for the greater good. what is the alternative to that. what is the market solution to a pandemic? >> private companies developing drugs, experimental drugs. >> a travel ban? >> so you would want the fda to fast track? >> get rid of all regulations. if you are going to die, try
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something. >> i don't know. is that a joke you are making? >> i am not saying -- if there are regulations that are holding back experimental drugs from the hands of people you know will die. >> and if people are willing to do it. >> people will prey upon people. if you allow experimental drugs into the hands of people dying you will have share -- charlitains. remember the cancer drug? so many people bought into it. they had three months to live. they traveled to mexico and died in mexico. i think steve mcqueen was one of them if i remember my history. that isn't his -- history. it is is national national enquirer. you should allow the spear experimentation to happen if there is -- reduce the regulation is what i am saying. >> i think he walked into the divorce track. they are always doing this and say oh conservatives.
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i guess you don't like the fire department. >> he got you. >> all right. coming up, should face paint be banned? don't ask me. i can't hear you. by the way, we need more videos of animals. some of them lately have been really disappointing. i am kind of sad. i will watch one and just say that's a terrible animal video. it has nothing to do with the animal and everything to do with you. you are letting me down. send your animal videos, good ones to fox eye and maybe i will forgive you.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at thank you.
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ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. last story. that's the last story. >> is it racist to paint your face-ist? arizona state university, whatever that is, may be banning face paint at sporting events after a few students painted their face black for a blackout football game. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> is this racist? >> anyway, at the annual blackout game which looks
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something like this. i have never seen this. everyone in the stadium dresses in black. the students who painted their faces black said they didn't mean to off fend anyone, but they called it demeaning to the african culture. they said it is important to foster an environment where everyone feels safe and accepted. and we discourage the use of face paint at any event whether it is black, maroon, gold white. stacy, i didn't know it was black paint. i thought it was all paint. how can they do this? it does look bad. black paint and white people in black paint looks scary, yes? i don't know. >> everybody was in black. >> that's true. what is the origin? i don't understand. >> it is a blackout. it is a thing they do at their school. >> do they play football in the dark?
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>> i don't know. >> everyone wears black. everyone on the team wears black so all of the spectators will wear black in support of this one -- i guess it is like a homecoming game. >> so you are in favor of black face? >> i was explaining what they were doing. >> i was trying to create an out of context quote for you. >> i uh preesh -- appreciate that. >> why do they dress in black. you can't see the game? >> does it matter why? >> the students of 2014 should know. they should have looked in the mirror and said look at our culture we are part of. this is not something we should do. >> tom, i know you will disagree with john. >> i think they so go further. ban the black clothes. why is it just the paibt? paint? if you are dressed in black it looks like you have a black person's body. that's just as bad as the face. >> it doesn't look like a
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black person it looks like baggie skin. >> i can't show you. >> why is the black face paint racist? >> i don't know. i don't think it is. they should take it on a case by case basis. >> if they think someone is going -- >> obviously they were kind of trying to have a contest to see who can have the blackest. some people wear black t-shirts and others cover themselves. >> clearly their intent was not racist, but there is taste in social norms and for the most part people who have more black face -- >> in the past and also in the future. people were like, i'm going to dress up. >> get rid of sports. >> i'm with you. >> get rid of it.
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>> eliminate something i do not participate in. that's what i say. >> how about get rid of punks. >> get rid of punks, art, sports , cereal guy the chess club. >> let a raise taxes.
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>> hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." yesterday president obama raised the possibility that he might be appointing yet another czar. >> i will answer this one question about an ebola czar, it may make sense for us to have one person in part just so that after this initial surge of activi activity, we can have a more regular process just to make sure that we're crossing all


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