tv Media Buzz FOX News October 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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we're not really prepared yet, but the time will come that we will be open to take care of all of these people. isolate the disease, identify, isolate, take care of it and inspect. don't be fearful. >> fun to work with you for the hour. thanks for being with us. on buzz beater this sunday the ebola news gets worse, the coverage turns more alarming and the media plunge into that pathetic beltway ritual the blame game. >> the president should be cautious, safety first. but we're doing political correctness first. i think this is mass incompetence and arrogance. >> it's a pattern with this administration. they're always telling us, don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks. >> do not listen to the hysterical voices on radio or television. or read the fear provoking words online. the people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible. is shep right? is the saturation coverage fueling fear.
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mid-term elections heating up with the press pounding kentucky candidate allison grimes for refusing to say whether she voted for barack obama and wendy davis for using a wheelchair ad against her disabled opponent. are journalists driving the agenda. a conservative commentator says something nice about president obama and faces a backlash. >> i get tons of hate mail. >> what does it say. >> that i'm a rhino. i'm a closet progressive. that i'm closet leftist. if anybody knows my politics i'm libertarian leaning. i'm just not interested in the petty, knee jerk reactions. >> on the challenge of staying independent. plus msnbc sinking in the ratings, putting up its lowest numbers ever and cnn ten years ago to the day after this memorable showdown. >> here's what i want to tell you guys. stop. [ laughter ]
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stop, stop, stop hurting america. >> the network cancels crossfire again. good riddance? i'm howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz." as cable news devotes hour after nerve-racking hour to the dangers of ebola some commentators are blaming the obama administration. bill o'reilly says cdc chief tom frieden should resign and he gets push back from other folks at fox. >> believing that civilian airport people at jfk or newark or dulles airport can spot ebola that is dormant, believing that is stupid and irresponsible and puts all americans at risk. it's a dumb and dangerous ruse and frieden is the chief propagandist. he knows better. >> i won't call you hysterical. it's boarding hysterical.
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>> i disagree totally with him. i think dr. frieden has done a good job and i want him to don't lead this and i think bill o'reilly is dead wrong on this one. >> some liberal commentators turning focus on republicans after the nih told "huffington post" the agency would have discovered an ebola vaccine by now if there were not congressional budget cuts. some of them touting an attack ad by a left wing group. >> essentially blames republicans in washington for cutting the parts of government that we're now counting on to fight against ebola. >> cut. >> cut. >> cut. >> make a cut. >> i think that this one party that's been screaming for the government to do more is the party that has hampered the government's response. >> one of the strongest voices for media restraint fox's shepherd smith. >> we both know there's no widespread panic across the country. we know that.
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i think we also know that if there is widespread panic, it's not based in fact. it's not based in reason. i think more than anything those are just words that people on tv sometimes use. >> are the meeting turning this into a partisan slugfest? ed henry joins me now. matt lewis senior contributor at the daily caller. and honorary contributor at the daily beast. the lead story in "the new york times" yesterday. president obama is seething, he's angry, frustrated over ebola. >> no drama obama is so mad. no. it gets out there because the white house realized too late they had to show the president was mad about this. mad as hell so mad what he told his staff was guys this is not tight. i've never heard something so angry in my entire life. >> unnamed white house aides gave you that story would you have gone on the air? >> i would use that information
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how they are pushing back on the idea that he's been adrift and not paid attention and that's important. but i mock it a little because i just think it's sort of the media buying a story line that all of a sudden the president is mad as hell and won't take it any more. first of all, what took him so long? it was after days and days coverage of this when they finally said we have to change course. they told us for days in the briefing that the idea of an ebola czar is silly and now on friday here's an ebola czar. >> as the media narrative moved calling for cdc's tom frieden to being fired to calling for an ebola czar. >> yeah. look i think there are two things happening. one is irresponsible and one is perfectly legitimate. the irresponsible thing is spreading the fear and the worries that this is going to be a contagion that will spread like wildfire. it's very, very difficult to get ebola. on the other hand, i think it's perfectly legitimate to raise
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public policy questions. on the left it's perfectly fine to say should we be spending more money on the cdc or other nih or whatever. for conservatives and republicans i think it's fair to question like, okay, they finally have a czar, is this guy a political operative. >> he's a political operative, no question about that. they have a lot of doctors at various agencies. we can argue whether ron klain is the right choice. >> operative was my nice word. >> matt says it's okay to question the level of spending. what some liberals are saying it's because of republican budget cuts. >> it's okay to question the amount of spending. the nih's budget is a billion less than it was in 2004. i think it's perfectly legitimate to say we don't spend as much as we should on infectious diseases. flu is the only infectious disease that's in the top ten of killers of americans. it's good to discuss spending.
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the discussion how the president feels, or if he's angry enough, i mean that's not incredibly relevant. the question that i see all the time -- >> where is matt half wrong. >> like sort of -- >> i'm wrong that we should criticize obama. >> we should criticize is the actual policies being put in place. the czar thing, i think he gave into pressure. that wasn't a right move. i think ron klain -- i don't feel safer. >> do you feel safer today? >> i want to say something. what's wrong is to have this discussion about whether obama is doing enough. there is an empirical answer to that question. there's an emt peer call scientific answer. if you have an r or a d after your name, you should not be talking about this. >> president obama and his administration the way they handled it, the way they
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poo-pooed anything, this is no big deal. >> picture being, headline being better than a thousand words. let me put up the "new york daily news." there's the president for god's sake, get a grip. coming back to your point, ed. the president doing televised briefings about the state of the ebola effort and cancelling campaign fundraising. that's been an issue in the past. has the white house caved to the media argument that optics matter? >> they were telling us over the summer when the jetliner was shot down over ukraine you can be president from anywhere. of course if events dictate he needs to be in the white house he'll go back. in this case he could have done these briefings, secure phone lines on air force one. he's continued fundraising throughout all kinds of things. the benghazi attack in 2012 he went to las vegas for a political rally the next day on september 12.
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this week they realized the narrative had changed and what changed was the second nurse getting infected. and we found out that she went on a frontier airlines jet and people started freaking out a bit. now the white house in that position has to do something to calm everyone down. the schedule changing that was just part it. the broader issue is they had to focus 110% on it. >> here's my thesis. this is what people hate about washington and the media that the scoring of points seems to take precedence over dealing with an actual health crisis. depending on how much of a crisis you think it is. true or false? >> i think it's absolutely true. people hate that. democracy is messy. >> talking about the way in which we in this business are blaring this 24 hours a day. >> i think -- >> score keeping, i don't know if we're doing that or not. what we're doing is challenging the president's words. dr. frieden's words. that's what journalists do. >> i agree. that's different than how does
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he feel. where does he -- >> i agree it's a sidebar. >> the public cares about it because we care about it. if we didn't cover how angry the president is or what this looks like i'm not sure the american people would care. if we covered what's being done. what money success spent. where is that money going. >> i would say that optics do matter. >> they matter because we make them matter. >> not the superficial optics part. there's leadership. there's the fact that a president, part of a president's job, part of a president's job is to inspire confidence and trust in the nation that we believe that he can get things done that administration can get things done. part of that showing up and looking like you know what you're doing. >> they do matter. they are not everything. but there's concern. i want to bring this back to this question of the volume and tone of the coverage. to do that i want to play some of it compiled by that noted
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media critic jon stewart. >> another case of ebola in america. >> a new case of ebola. >> a texas health care worker does have ebola. >> shocking hospital officials. >> fears ebola can spread. >> the cdc still doesn't know the point of contact. >> big question now is how did 14e she get it? >> how could she possibly contract ebola. >> what is wrong with you people? [ laughter ] she was a nurse. in the ebola unit. she take care of the ebola man. >> would you concede that some of this coverage is getting out of control. >> yes. on the other hand, jon stewart does a great job of making fun of journalists, except in that case wolf blitzer is asking a legitimate question. what he was trying to get at we were told by the government again and again health care
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workers would be protected, they had these special suits on. it's a legitimate question to say what the heck happened. the government repeatedly told us it's fine. >> we'll turn this into a 24/7 story. every news conference, every development, every update. doesn't it convey a sense of crisis. >> absolutely. we could have this conversation about almost any issue. is cable news over blowing the controversy and the answer is always yes because that's what they have to do. >> yeah. it's always yes. i think, you know, this has been said before the comparison before ebola and the flu. there was a great onion headline i'm worried about ebola says man who refuses to get a flu shot. 3,000 people die of the flu every year. you're twice as likely to get the flu if you're exposed. under bush, three times as many people died of flu in a usual year. did people ask if bush was doing enough. was he leading hard enough.
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13,000 people died in the worst flu epidemic we had. >> everything that cable news does, all the networks including fox. >> including the live video of the car taking the nurse to the hospital. >> imagine if we covered the flu this way. >> it can also be a reflection of how people are feeling. we shouldn't give in to the worst idea and fuel it more i agree and we shouldn't scare people. >> the danger is the boy who cried wolf. >> that's a very good point, ed. tremendous public interest and concern about this. we have to reflect that. at the same time we have to fine that balance where we don't scare people. media were initially slow on this story. there's a good piece in "the washington post" in june the world health organization said this is one of the deadliest outbreaks ever, more than 200 victims at that time in three countries, very little coverage. didn't make the front page of the "new york times" until july 28th until an american was infected. it's okay to have, not be super
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serious but as a cnn producer tweeted this picture on the set of the morning show "new day" where they are pretending to be afraid of ebola. that was quickly deleted. that was a good move. send me a tweet about our show at this hour at howard kurtz. if you want to be part of your buzz, e-mail us @media duz why are msnbc ratings hitting record lows. but when we come back, the battle for control of the senate. why some pundits say it's an election about nothing. punditsy so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine
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think it's a big fact yawn. david brooks says the 2014 campaign has been the most boring and uncreative campaign i can remember. democrats cry my republican opponents is an extremist loon. republicans cry my democratic opponent once shook hands with president obama. it's become clear the center of this election a whole lot of nothing. is this a relatively boring election? is it because republicans are running against obama and have not created a national platform. >> interesting stuff is happening in kansas and in states where weird things are happening. look, aside from 1994, mid-terms are usually not about big grand ideas. right? so what do they want? does the media want this -- do they want sex scandals. would that make it more exciting. i think so. yes. >> i was nodding my head. is this a boring election it in part because democrats are whacking their opponents, running away from president obama.
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>> i don't think any election is boring. i'm weird. i don't think so. i think there are always issues that are happening. i think it's completely irresponsible of columnists to say it's boring or about nothing because it's concretely about things. there are issues that get decided that affect people's everyday lives. if you tell people it's boring, if you tell people this election doesn't matter they won't show up. as someone who would like to see more liberals in office that suppresses the liberal vote and conservatives turn out. anyone who calls this election boring is doing a disservice. >> will they nominate serious candidates who aren't saying stupid things. >> matt is about 22% right. i think it ties into the last thing we were talking about with ebola. sometimes where we do err in the media, i would acknowledge, is
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overcovering one story to the detriment of another. the story last week is isis now flying planes. we've been covering isis a lot but everyone dropped isis to move on to the other crisis ebola. that's a big issue in the mid-terms. who has a better plan to deal with the terrorists? that's a pretty big issue. >> has ebola now swallowed this election? candidates on one side or the other say we need to this, that or the other. look what happened to the economy which polls show people care about. >> a couple of days ago we had the lowest budget deficit since 2007. president can't do anything to tout that because everybody is talking about ebola or something else. he's tried a million different ways to talk about the economy and it doesn't break through. there are signs it's gotten better, a lot of americans are not feeling it. >> i know ed henry is a white house correspondent for fox. you'll personally be covering
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the serious issues and none of the noise, right? >> i didn't say that nobody is covering serious issues at all and i take your point. of course sometimes we get in a horse race but we do try to cover these serious issues. >> it's cyclical and hard to break. we talk about it. the public thinks about it. they ask questions of the candidates. we ask questions of the candidates. that issue becomes even more important. some people have to individually break through the noise. i'm not entirely kidding. >> i can say so much. let's call out journalists. the fact we think it has to amuse us says something more about journalism than it does about politics. that it's not exciting enough. >> you're 80% right now. >> are you using a fan? >> yes. >> charlie crist. thanks very much for joining us this sunday. up next some tube talk with msnbc's ratings sinking and cnn cancelling crossfire and backlash over comments on president obama and why she won't back down. backlash over comments on
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president obama and why she ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! health can change in a minute. so cvs health is changing healthcare. making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walk-in medical care. and more on the way. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything.
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"new york times" noted this week that msnbc fell behind cnn in the third quarter rating, even its biggest star rachel maddow posting lower numbers. that prompted this in my sitdown with bill o'reilly. >> what i am amazed about is msnbc doesn't pull the plug. once you fall behind cnn, cnn is beating them, where is there to go on this thing? they won't be successful. >> msnbc won't pull the plug but but can it climb out of this hole? joining me from new york is a columnist for media eye. any network can have a bad quarter. what's behind the longer term slide in the numbers at msnbc. >> there was once a time when msnbc was relatively successful. in 2009 first quarter they had
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400,000 viewers in the primetime demo. latest quarter, 125,000. think about this. 70% of their audience is gone. why did that happen? partially because last year msnbc president said that they no longer did breaking news and the strategy was to go to more opinion. now the problem with going to more opinion is outside of the morning show which does have some dissent and diverse views from 9:00 a.m. to about 11:00 p.m. outside of matthews and maddow it's impossible to discern one show from another. every song sounds the same. i think when you don't have the scent it doesn't make for compelling television and people especially liberals are moving away in droves. as the numbers indicate. >> you don't have as many nbc reporters appearing on msnbc. you have mostly with some exceptions, left-leaning hosts having left leaning guests. plus michael steele. i think people are also tired of politics.
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you report this week you broke the news of a possible cancellation at msnbc. >> yes. that's ronan farrow. that's the son of the actress, possibly the son of frank sinatra. he gets paid $650,000 to do a 1:00 p.m. show on a cable news network. he was on jimmy fallon before it launched. "new york times" did a feature on him. a lot of magazines said he could save msnbc. the golden boy. and what happened? when you give a kid in his 20s who never hosted so much as a community access show one hour on a national news network, two things. it will be awkward, uncomfortable and the numbers bore that out. the first impression was ronan farrow should not be hosting a show. they threw him right in. put him on at 1:00 in the afternoon when no millennials are watching. this is your result. he lost half the audience from the year before.
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>> msnbc has not confirmed this but somehow it leaked out. let me turn to cnn. roughly a year ago or so the resurrected franchise "crossfire" came back on the air with newt gingrich, and others. let's take a look at that program. >> both agree that this is one of the most tumultuous periods of change we can remember. >> cnn cancelling "crossfire". why do you think the reconstituted version was a flop? >> when you go under the rule that i use you can't get a girl -- or can't kind of get a girl pregnant, you can't put a show on for a couple of months, then
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pull it out, then put it back on. how can you build an audience when people don't know when a show is going to be on. the irony here is that ten years ago to the day that this current version of "crossfire" was announced it was going to be cancelled that's when jon stewart appeared and did that evisceration. >> that's why we played that. thank you for joining us. ahead, nbc papers over a huge blunder by dr. nancy snyderman who has been ordered into mandatory quarantine. but coming up, fox's jedediah bili rips predictable pundits across the political spectrum. ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪
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remains that could be those of missing university of virginia sophomore hannah graham. forensic testing is under way for possible confirmation. hanna's parents have been notified. suspect jesse matthew is charged in the disappearance. he was last seen in charlottesville on september 13. and in the fight against the terror army isis, some of the most intense combat we've seen yet is taking place in the air and on the ground. the u.s.-led coalition launched massive air strikes on kobani. we are supporting kurdish forces who are said to be hanging on. isis has been trying to take control of that strategically important city of kobani for a month. i'm harris faulkner. see you at 7:00 p.m. eastern. now back to "mediabuzz." cable news likes to pigeon hole its pundits. these folks are on the right, these folks are on the left. let's book them and let them fight. sometimes commentators don't fit neatly in slots.
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i talked about that in new york with a fox news contributor jedediah bila. jedediah bila, welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> president obama gives a short speech when he launched the air strikes into iraq and syria. you said some nice things about his remarks. you said many in the fox audience did not like it. what was your response? >> i thought he was direct. i thought he said what needed to be said. there's this knee jerk reaction. some in the conservative community feel they need to criticize president obama at all times whether he's saying that needs criticized or not. >> that including fox news? >> it includes everyone at some point or another who feel they are compelled. they are republican. they should be spewing republican talking points. there are people that wait with bated breath on twitter, watching the president, waiting to pick on something. this president does a lot of stuff wrong. obamacare. foreign policy. i can name a ton of things that people have legitimate reasons
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to take issue with. don't be that person sitting at home waiting to pick on him no matter what he says. give him a chance to speak. let's see what he has to say. >> what happens when you say something nice and you get some push back from the audience that sort of like you're off the team. >> i get hate mail. tons of hate mail. >> what does this hate mail say? >> that i'm a rhino, i'm a closet progressive, i'm a closet leftist. anyone who knows my politics knows i'm libertarian leaning. i'm not interested in the petty knee jerk reactions. i don't think it does anyone a good service. i saw my friend on the left for years do that to president bush. >> you went right to my next question. >> see,ky read your mind. >> you wrote a column about this. you said that some of your liberal friends couldn't wait to criticize george w. bush no matter what he said. >> no matter what. the man could be talking about the weather and they could make it into a discussion how he didn't care about climate change. they would sit in my room watching the television watching
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for him to say something. what i'm saying to people left, right, center, i don't care where you are. listen. form an educated opinion. if you have a problem with something the president is doing fine. but it's not your job to every minute of the day sit and search for something because you're supposed to. because a republican strategist or someone you used to work for told you that's your job. >> let's be candid. isn't much of cable news built on predictable partisan talking points? when bierk -- bookers call, they get a guest on the left and right and they expect them to fight. >> they don't get that when they book me. i'm independent. not registered with a television. fox news has a lot of independent minded people that get on television. i do a show called independence on fox business all the time. there are a lot of people that don't spew the talk points. there's a lot of people who are highly unpredictable. i support gay marriage. i'm a strong fiscal
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conservative. i have certain opinions about our educational system. when you book me you don't know what i'm going to say about any issue and that's good tv. >> i hate predictable talking points. they put me to sleep. i rather have candid opinions whether pro or con. you're a conservative but you're libertarian leaning. but you also wrote a column chiding republicans saying where is that alternative to obamacare. >> exactly. i think republicans oftentimes are viewed of the party of no because they allow themselves to be. if you criticize obamacare for years, which is what they are doing, where's your alternative? if you have a problem with these policies and you should in many cases. and you should. obamacare is a disaster. there should be a pro growth, pro- free market alternative. if you don't have a solution the public will sit back and say why is that the better alternative. >> so in half a minute when you get this kind of push back, hate tweets from the audience does it bother you. >> it doesn't. i grew up in new york city.
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i'm a conservative and i live in new york. i worked in academia. >> so you're used to people on the streets saying you don't know what you're talking about. >> i love the challenge. i love to be able to call people on that. hold on a second what's your problem what he said. what have you taken issue with. i they's what people need to do. challenge those people who are having those knee jerk reactions because either we will change hearts and minds and get people to understand why conservatism matters and these policies matter or turn people off. so make a decision. who do you want to be. do you open other people's mind or shuts minds down. i want to open minds. >> jedediah bila, see you on twitter. >> absolutely. thanks. and on "mediabuzz" matt lawyer's emotional interview at risk for ebola.
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with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu.
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national media have pounced on some high-profile mid-term races. kentucky, alison lundergan grimes running against mitch mcconnell stumbled over this question and then as the pundits hammered her she doubled down. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012? >> this election isn't about the president. it's about -- >> i know. >> it's about making sure we put kentuckians back to work.
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>> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there's no reluctance. this is a matter of principle. >> so how much is the coverage driving these contests? joining us now, editor and chief of the hill and, chief congressional correspondent for the "washington examiner." susan, let's stipulate that alison lundergan grimes made a dumb move. and this was a self-inflicted wound. the media have decided this is her defining issue. fair or unfair? >> this is one of the best questions of the campaign. her entire campaign hinged on defining herself as not barack obama. so an editorial board asks her the question. in 2012 did you vote for the president? this is just a private citizen voting. >> not a gotcha question. >> this is about whether or not she endorsed the policies and legislation that the president approved of during his first presidency. if she voted for him that's an endorsement. that's saying i support his policies. fair, i say. >> chuck todd said this was disqualifying for alison
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lundergan grimes and he wound up in a mitch mcconnell ad. >> it's okay. in every campaign at most you remember one thing. this is going to be the thing we're going to remember. i think this was the gaffe of the cycle. people were talking about it and she doubled down on it. everyone knows she did vote for barack obama. she doesn't want to talk about president obama but now we're talking about president obama and alison lundergan grimes and that's part of the reason why democrats are no longer investing in that race. >> the grimes race say the national media is fixated on that but the local media led with issues such as coal. let me turn to the other candidate i mentioned democrat wendy davis in texas running for governor against greg abbott. here we have the focus being on an ad and we have a further doubling down when wendy davis appeared on msnbc. let's take a look. >> a tree fell on greg abbott.
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he sued and got millions. since then he spent his career working against other victims. >> do you think the graphic showing the empty wheelchair focusing on his being wheelchair bound crossed a line? >> andrea, this ad really is about one thing and one thing only. he has been working to kick that ladder down and deny that same opportunity for justice to other people. >> i found the wendy davis ad offensive and somewhat misleading because i looked at the substance of the claims against abbott's record as state attorney general and supreme court justice. one of my pet peeves is no one looks at the substance of these ads. but is it worth a week of coverage? >> she's back double digits. people are asking questions about a big campaign mistake the image of the wheelchair. there's a way she could have knead argument without it looking the way it did. she double downed violating a
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cardinal rule in the campaign which is don't go back and remind people of the mistake you just made and i think that's what she did. they felt they had a great point. they wanted to portray her opponent as a hypocrite. someone that the voters can't trust. instead it turned all the negativity on her. she's back so far anyway it's a hail mary pass. >> when wendy davis goes on msnbc and repeats the same talking points, is she daring the media to keep covering it? >> she knows the media will continue to hound it. if you apologize and say we went too far the story goes away. in this situation, the claims -- i agree with susan in the last 25 seconds of that ad could have been made but you have to be more subtle than the first five seconds. >> too much national focus on the gaffes like, you know, charlie crist, the florida governor's debate insisting on using a fan. governor rick scott refusing to come out. >> jon stewart loved that thing. >> let me get our scores for who
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won the media week. susan? >> first of all the democrats can't seem to get a win lately. has a lot to do with the president. this week the nation was looking for leadership from the president on ebola. we saw conflicting headlines. on one hand you see the president say look public don't give in to the hysteria. on the other hand, he's leaking these stories to the "new york times" about him seething behind the scenes about the ineffectiveness of his own administration. it makes him look indecisive. >> so you give it to the republicans? >> absolutely. >> bob? >> republicans, partly because when we had that big press conference about the second ebola patient no one from the federal government was there. and that dominated the we republicans doing better. alison lundergan grimes issue and democrats pulling out of kentucky. republicans won. >> thanks very much bob and susan. after the break dr. nancy snyderman breaks her ebola quarantine. did her apology go far enough.
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matt lauer's interview with the nurse from the dallas hospital who is worried about her own safety. our video verdict is next. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend.
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dr. nancy snider man put herself and and her nbc crew into voluntary consignment after a cameraman came down with ebola, but then she made an t embarrassing mista mistake, going out with a man ir a car to pick up takeout food od that prompted new jersey authorities to put them under to mandatory quarantine. here's how brian williams reported it on nbc news. >> and our chief medical experts has been in the news herself ms these past few days. spoke we spoke with nancy earlier she today during which time she sair quote, while under voluntary fr
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quarantine guidelines, members of our group violated those g guidelines and understand that t ouran quarantine is now mandatol until 12i days have passed.pass. we remain healthy and our temperatures are normal as a health professional, i know tha we have no symptoms and pose not risk to the public,o but i am deeply sorry for the concerns hs this episode caused.>> you you know what happened right there? nbc gavehere? nancy sneiderman y because in that apology it said members in our group. dr. nancy picked up the take out food. you have to give her credit for leaving the friendly confides op going to liberia and taking that risk, but nightly news should have reported exactly what and happened, it already was in the papers and not run a sanitized t apology. today show landed anoday l inte with brianna agari. she blew the whistle on many ofe its mistakes and matt lauer got
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personal. >> you're saying l things that going to make a lot of people at that hospital look very, very e bad. are you worried aboutth theat fallout here? the for you personally? >> i'm very concerned about losing my job. it is,it it's the best job i ev had. i'm the bread winler of my d. family and i'm terrified.and >> if you were to start to wer experience symptoms of ebola, el texas health presbyterian yteri hospital would be the r recommended hospital for you toy go for toou treatment. >> i would try anything to evert everything to refuse to go there to be treated. would i would feel at risk by going if there. if i don't actually have n'teboc i may contract it there. >> that was a very moving h interview, brianna, and matt lauer handled it skillfully, he listened to detailed information about the mishandling of the ebola patient at that dallas hospital, and you have to admirt this woman, this nurse for, , despite her nervousness and pe i
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going on national television, nt risking her jobel because she h such heartfelt concerns about as what happens happening at that hospital, and fear for her safey safety a and those of her colleagues. come,,ill to your top tweets. new york times is selling trips with a reporter to iran. this one is str neil youngik strikes a note wita steempb colbert. nt note with st colbert. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
2:55 pm
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here's what i'm buzzed off about. the new york times is offering folk a chance to accompany a veteran correspondent to iran for $7,000. to discover the ancient secrets of persia. journing through beautiful landscapes and stay in luxurious hotel, no mention of iran's nuclear program, support of terrorism, or threats against israel. no mention that the state department warns u.s. citizens.
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you can go on this trip, if your passport shows you've been to israel and best not say if you're jewish. that is truly awful idea. the ebola coverage pushed the president of being more visible, naming a czar, rich, a combination of media fear, he finally stepped up and out to show his actions. ricky, the press will blame someone else and not him. absolute fri a u.s. medical stand point, none of this was necessary from a portfolio one, it became mandatory. czar question planted by white house with the -- tell the public if it were. for days and days to know if they would appointment a czar. mixed politics with music back to four dead in ohio, about the penn state killing during the nixon administration.
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and he's still doing that, as in this interview with stephen colbert. >> the last time you were here, you tried to get me to sing a song about impeaching the president, who at the time, was george w. bush, and you wanted to impeach him over getting us into the war in iraq. now that obama is getting us into war and iraq, are you up for impeaching him too? >> no. no. >> no? >> no. >> well then you're a double hypocrite? yeah, really? you don't care? don't care this time. >> i think we should impeach him for fracking. >> i'm a big fan of neil, he's entitled to push his views, but does he want every president to be impeached? the fact is most fans are more interested in his songs than stances, and colbert nailed him. that's it for this edition of "media buzz."
3:00 pm
we posted original content online, if you want to chat with me on friday, write to i'm chris wallace. president obama names an ebola czar. but there are growing demands in congress for a travel ban from west africa. >> our fundamental mission is to protect americans, right now, we're able to track everyone who comes in. >> but you're not stopping them from. being around other people, doctor. >> we'll get the latest from allergy and infectious diseases and we'll discuss criticism of the government response with a chair of the house oversight panel. congressman tim murphy, infectious disease expert michael osterhal. has the government overs
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