tv Americas Newsroom FOX News October 20, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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>> that's good math. >> not bad. >> the reason she selected those three costumes is 'cause she owns them. >> there you go. >> will she listen to america? fox news alert. significant day for dozens of patients being monitored for ebola. more than 40 people declared symptom-free. a 21 day incubation period ended overnight. texas health officials holding a news conference live on the next steps for them and others sill being watched. it's a busy monday, right? martha: good morning. he bill. i'm martha maccallum. the group in the clear includes the family of thomas eric duncan and the group who had contact with the liberian man. the centers for disease control
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announces new strict guidelines to stop the spread of the disease. bill: john roberts in atlanta near the cdc with more on what they're saying. >> reporter: officials announced in the last few minutes, that 43 of the 48 people that were monitored, twice daily monitoring rolled off the list. included is the fiance of thomas eric duncan the first person to die from ebola in this country. she said in a statement while she is relieved to be disease-free, but still in the morning for her fiance and thanking the health care workers that put their lives on the line. our hearts go out to the two brave women infected by this terrible disease as they were trying to help him. we're aware how this affected many people of my city. dallas county emergency management director urged people to welcome back the people who were quarantined particularly the children. >> time period for them to get
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ebola has lapsed, it is over. so they do not have ebola. they are people who have been an incredible ordeal and they are people who need our compassion, our respect and our love. >> reporter: five more people do remain on that list though. an ambulance attendant who is expected to come off the list later on today and four health care workers, bill, that won't come off until the next three, four days. bill: what about the new cdc guidelines, john? is there something new on that? >> reporter: new guidelines for personal equipment for workers treating ebola. the delay has been they have been consulting with emory university, nebraska, the nih whether the new guidelines would work. they mirror the recommendations for workers in africa, treatment full head to toe, coverage, no skin is exposed. wearing tie best suits, face
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shields. making sure no liquid can get on your skin. having a buddy system in place to check each other. we're learning, this is headline, bill, the officials at cdc are rethinking idea unrestricted travel to africa. not that they support a travel ban. they may be inclined to suggest restrictions in the number of types of visas handed out by the state department. we hope to have more later on today. bill: updates as we get them. john roberts leading coverage at the cdc in atlanta, georgia. martha: the pentagon ordering a 30 member ebola response team back mere in the united states. they would come and assist if the cdc says it is needed. defense officials say the team will include critical care nurses and five doctors. as the military prepares to send as many as 4,000 u.s. troops to liberia to help contain the disease there. bill: back here at home now, more lawmakers blasting the
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choice of ron klain as so-called ebola czar. critics say the choice is about politics because klain has no medical experience. >> this is like dealing with terrorism. we have to be right 100% of the time and ebola only has to get in once and that is what happened so far. these false assurances aren't working. bill: congressman tim murphy from sunday. he is live here in a moment. what concerns him today? we'll talk about that in a matter of moments in "america's newsroom." martha: we will. shift in strategy in the battle against isis. shifting weapons to kurdish forces on the ground, protect the key syrian town of kobani falling into isis hands. the obama administration made it clear that last night's airdrops are merely tactical and meant to keep pressure on isis. >> the decision to do air crops last night was based solely on our assessment and our understanding of the supply
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situation for those kurdish forces inside of kobani. i want to vest that the material that was airdropped is arms, ammunition, medical supplies. this is not not water. this was designed to get the kurdish forces to be able to keep fighting. martha: greg palkot in the center of it all live from the turkey-syria border. >> reporter: martha, the kurdish defenders of the syrian border town of kobani behind me have been begging for more weapons, ammunition and fighters. they might be getting all very soon. i will ask my cameraman greg to pan off of me to show the west side of the city. that is held by kurdish fighters. that we're told by locals where the u.s. aircraft, c-130s dropped. seven bundles of supplies to kurdish fighters. they have made from that position all the way into the town. that is a town so far has been generally quiet today. what we have seen in the past
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half hour or so one us air strike. the locals tell us there were about six in the last 24 hours. there have been some clashes by isis and kurd fighters but mostly we reckon those kurdish militia are sorting out the new gear. it includes we are told, antitank weapons, very useful in the fight against isis and their own heavy weapons. we're also told, this is very important, that the turkish foreign minister announced today that his country would be allowing kurdish peshmerga fighters from iraq to come in and join the fight. we have spent a lot of time with them over the summer. they are very good fighters. they're pretty busy over there with isis too. some are supposed to come over here as well. this has been a big turn around for turkey. it has been resisting helping kobani and its kurdish defenders in any wayo president obama over the weekend spoke with turkish president
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erdogan, maybe twisting some arms. there is a lot of world pressure for turkey to act for the besieged people there and the refugees coming over. martha, we'll see if all parties deliver, if the parties take advantage and if we can move this thing from a deadly stalemate now into action, humanitarian action. back to you. martha: very heavy lift to get turkey on board with the kurdish fight in syria. greg, thank you so much. bill: 15 days, america. a bold prediction from the head of the nc with about two weeks into the midterms. debbie wasserman-schultz saying that democrats will maintain control of congress. >> are you going to lose the senate? >> number we're going to hold the senate and we're going to hold the senate because over next couple of weeks and leading up to even today, the one question that voters are going to ask themselves, chris, who has my back. bill: steven hayes has your back this morning. senior writer, "weekly standard," fox news contributor. hello to you, steve.
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"new york times" says it about a 62% republicans take control of the senate. "washington post" has this. a "washington post" forecast, gives the gop is 93% chance of taking the where are we then 15 days out, steve? >> i certainly think it is more likely that republicans take the senate than that they not take the senate but you know, you expect this from the chairwoman of the democratic national committee. in a sense her role is to be out there to be a cheerleader to get her troops motivated, to try to raise money. most importantly i think at this point of the races it to try to get democrats on the ground to bring people to the polls, to be working the early voting efforts and that is how we'll determine who wins the next 15 days. bill: this from this morning. brand new polling steve. take a paragraph from article. 2/3 of the people in the united states that they have lost control of major challenges.
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only 36% of the country is quote, good position to meet its economic and national security hurdles. how do you fight against that tide if you're a democrat? >> it is really hard. those numbers are not exactly new. we've been seeing that kind of polling about faith in big institutions, about faith in government, about faith in this administration now for several months. you've got faith in government right now at virtually all-time lows or at least post-watergate lows. it is hard for democrats to make the case to say we are the party that is going to turn things around when they have been basically in control of washington for six years. bill: when you look at approval, disapproval too, in the states where senate battles are up, these are really red states that have gone blue and the point was made that the president is not on the ballot but his policies are. even said it 10 days ago. and some of these critical states like alaska, louisiana, arkansas, he is below 40%. some of these states around the
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mid 30s. how does that play or does it in a senate state race? >> it absolutely plays. if you look at historical trend democrats run very closely to where the president's approval ratings are, both in 2010 and 2012. so if you are a democrat struggling to keep control of your seat in one of those states, either a red state or a purple state, that spells trouble i think. that spells the possible difficulty of getting people to the polls when there is such a lack of enthusiasm for the president of the united states. we had the president in maryland just a couple of days ago, over the weekend. you had people leaving his speech early, which is virtually unheard of. bill: it has been perhaps until now. steve, thanks. we'll rely on you a lot for your analyses over the next 15 days. steve hayes in washington. >> thank you, bill. bill: some of democratic battles taking it out of some states and put it into other places considered to be a long shot.
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maybe it won't be over in 15 days. maybe it shall linger in georgia. maybe it shall linger in louisiana. martha: it may. we may have to go to runoffs, december, even january in one case. more on that coming up. a sobererring assessment that w strategists say conga line of screw-ups will hand the senate to republicans according to him. we have a fair and balanced panel coming up moments away. that, plus this? >> i called nine one one, but we've got to get -- >> is everybody -- >> no, there is a man in there. we got to get the dead out of there. >> run. >> there wasn't just one man. there were two. one was a mystery man running into a burning building. the heroic rescue caught on tape. now they want to talk to him. martha: what a story that is. potentially tragic ending in the search for uva student hannah
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graham. unidentified remains found miles from the place where she disappeared. >> i want to thank everyone who gave up their days, their nights, their weekends. people who called, and wrote and dropped food and good wishes and words of encouragement to the search groups and to the detectives that have worked so hard in this investigation. the. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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>> mr. klain is not a doctor. he is not a health care professional. he doesn't have background in these issues. we don't need another white house political operative which is what mr. klain has been. what we need is presidential leadership. the person who needs to be on top of this is the president of the united states, standing up and leading and treating it as a public health emergency. two weeks ago the president should have stood up and suspended flights from these countries. two weeks ago, the president should have stood up and put additional resources on your borders. bill: senator ted cruz not holding back, slamming choice for newly appointed medical czar. ron klain a lawyer, with no medical back frowned. some critics calling entire ebola response a symbol after larger issue, government incompetence. tim murphy back home in pittsburgh, pa. sir, good morning. welcome back to "america's newsroom." >> good morning. bill: they might have been a little bit behind but do you
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believe the white house is making up for lost time? >> did nine different steps i recommended they should take, travel restrictions, quarantine those health care workers, speeding up the work on vaccines, working on other transportation systems. training more people and working in hospitals. they're starting to advance some of those. i hope the white house still considers non-essential travel restrictions. i think that is essential. i understand moving forward trying to identify more than four hospitals where we can treat victims. they made number of training in treating hospital workers. getting old way of gowning and gloving workers. that is important. we still have a number of things to go with regard to advancing, speeding up vaccine reserve. we need mechanisms of transporting people here should american citizens develop ebola. bill: that is a big list. i take the answer is no but there has been some progress as you see it but listening to your
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list most immediate still seems to be the travel ban still, do i hear that right? >> yes. look, our biggest enemy here on scientific and government standpoint is hubris. we still have a lot of uncertainty and that is why we still have to look at this perimeter defense until we get ahold of this and we don't. 10 of thoses of more people are affects. more will die in africa tragically and we say we have only one case and out of the woods here in the united states. we're not out of the woods by a long shot and we need the strong perimeter of defense. bill: we got impression this morning and significant day for dozens of patients in texas. 43 patients reached 21-day mark which is the incubation period. they have been now cleared. that leads one to wonder whether we're climbing out of this, albeit slowly but are we? >> not necessarily. we should have had travel restrictions before for nurses
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and other people that worked on patients. it only takes one other person to get through. like terrorism we have to be correct 100% of the time. with ebola we only have to miss one time. i think what will happen in africa will worsen. let's not be arrogant that we're okay and we're doing a great job. keep our guard up. bill: you talked on sunday with chris wallace on the false assumptions that have been made in the very beginning. are you in the camp of government incompetence on this issue? >> i think it is government arrogance gotten us in trouble and medical and scientific arrogance where people think they have an answer. what will help reduce panic of the american people for scientists to have that scientific quality of humility to say, look, we only know this. we don't know this and quite frankly we don't know what we don't know. so let's be certain. when people begin to worry and panic and lose their faith and trust in the cdc and the white house when people make a statement that is bold and with
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certainty with the hope of calming people and it turns out to be false. it is much better off, i believe hhs secretary and the president should speak more in terms of candid but cautious. and not overstate things but still have this perimeter defense. bill: tim murphy, thank you for your time. >> thank you. bill: back home in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. appreciate you coming back. 20 past. here is martha. martha: a fall festival turned ugly at a college campus. watch what happened. [shouting] tell you what is started all of that. bill: there are possible grim new developments in the search for that missing university of virginia student. are we any closer to what happened to hannah graham. >> personally makes me feel scared, it really does. you can't trust nobody. you can't even go to the downtown mall or just go mingle with your friend without worrying somebody being in the shadows.
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bill: supposed to be an evening of family fun. it is an annual pumpkin festival and this is what happened in new hampshire. [shouting] they were having a big ol' time. police in riot gear firing tear gas and rubber bullets into some partygoers near keynes college in new hampshire. this is prior to halloween. the crowd was mostly college students. they say alcohol-fueled it which turned into violence and vandalism. more than a dozen people were taken into jail. 30 others were injured. martha: their parents are so proud. this story from charlottesville as the worst fears may be coming
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true for the family of the missing university of virginia student. hannah graham disappeared over a month ago after she left a party in charlottesville. police discovered remains on an abandoned property not far from the suspect's home. they have not identified those remains as of yet. >> we know you will be patient. we know you will be respectful because there will come a time when we will be able to tell you more but that's not today. martha: leland vittert live in charlottesville. any idea when they will be able to give a positive i.d. here? >> reporter: martha, good morning. as you can tell police are very tight-lipped and held everything close to the vest on this one. they have said there is not going to be a press conference today but that could change in terms of positive identification. let me set the scene for you. i'm standing about where hannah graham disappeared from a little more than a month ago. the area where this body was found is a little more than 10 miles away as the crow flies. it is a densely wooded area.
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very rural part of virginia. law enforcement spent yesterday out there searching again, looking possibly for some clothing that could have been dropped there or even a cell phone that belonged to hannah graham. they will not say whether the body they found in the greek bed behind a vacant home is that of hannah gram. they have however called off all the searches for her. they have also called and informed her parents of this very grim discovery. meantime, jesse matthew, the suspect in this case who is charged only with her abduction is right now in the county jail awaiting more charges if the state medical examiner comes back and postively i.d.s this body as that of hannah graham. closure for the family would be sad if that is the news. martha. martha: got to be a very difficult time for them. what do we know about this area in terms of why he might have gone there, leland? >> reporter: very interesting. it's a very rural area. i drove out there. dark and desolate with would be an understatement. you can tell from the aerial
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shots there just how thick the woods are. two things we know about it. it is very close to where jesse matthew grew up. he knew the area eggs extraordinarily well. his mother had a house not far from there. not the first time they found a body in that area. five years ago they found the body of a morgan harrington after a metallic can concert. she was found not far away in a similar wooded area. the harrington case also linked to jesse matthew. looks like police may be able to solve more than a couple of cases with the arrest of jesse matthew. so far he is not been charged in that case. police say it is possible. >> heartbreaking all around. thank you very much. bill: we'll talk to dr. michael baden about this and the evidence they have so are. one political watcher say the midterms are about one single thing. >> we have had a conga line of screw-ups between the irs, syria, red line fiasco and now we have ebola. bill: why he says those issues
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will lead to a big wave for republicans. our panel weighs in. we'll debate that. martha: historic moment for the nfl. there is the catch that sealed the deal as peyton manning throw as record-breaking touchdown pass. he is being called the greatest quarterback of all time. >> looks pretty clean to me. i think he dragged that back foot with the catch. [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. introducing cvs health. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team
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bill: so the breaking news, headline on ebola in america as we begin another week now. the 21-day quarantine for the first people contacting thomas eric duncan who later died, that quarantine period is now officially over as of midnight. >> today we're able to announce that of the original 48 contacts, 43 of those contacts have effectively rolled off and are ebola-free as of midnight last night. >> so that was from a moment ago at the cdc. overall health officials still monitoring about 120 more
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people. check that, that is dallas, texas, that press conference who came in contact with three ebola patients. more as we get it here and we'll keep you posted and updated. martha: critics saying that the midterm elections will be a referendum on president obama just over two weeks before voters head to the ballot box. here is one political consultant over the weekend why he thinks democrats in several key races are in trouble. >> can't get alison lundergan grimes to admit who she voted for with jaws of life. that was disaster for her. mitch mcconnell will win. democrats in a problem. when the president's numbers are 40%. you will have a rejection. right now i believe the thing is moving in a good republican direction because the national reject the president numbers. we have had a conga line of screw-ups between the irs, syria red line fiasco and ebola. you have to be careful about politicizing it but it becomes a narrative of incompetence. he will get punished.
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martha: that is comments from sunday into monday a conga line of screw-ups. the president is less popular than broccoli. he believes all that adds up to big election day for republicans. katie pavlich, and marianne marsh, assistant to john kerry. you believe this is wrong, that democrats could pull this out of the hat. >> that is the difference between republicans and democrats. republicans rely on emotions to win elections, midterm elections. democrats rely on organization that is what this election is all about. fit is republicans likely voters, republicans win. if democrats get sporadic voters or new voters out they win. that is the battleground. that is why you saw the democratic senate campaign committee out of $129 million they raised, spent $60 million a loan on grassroots organizations. that what you saw in the 2012 elections. republicans were sure romney would win, that was likely voter
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election. instead obama won because all the newly registered voters and sporadic voters they were able to get to the polls. that is what the battleground races are b they're all dead-even or within a few points. martha: interesting talking about mark stein and margaret thatcher, with her, the belief you have to win the argument before you have to win the election. listen to all the people how much money is spent and ground game and all of that, but you have to win the argument across the nation in terms of direction for the country. in terms of that, katy, it is not looking good for democrats. >> it certainly isn't. actually if you look at polling shows that democrats are not interested necessarily going to the polls in november and people are looking at foreign policy as one of their top issues going to the polls here in 15 days. and so the president is in a tough spot there because his foreign policy rating among the american people is very low. and i got news for you, mary ann, conservatives and
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republicans are spending just as much money get-out-the-vote efforts. they have a significant grassroots campaign getting people to the polls. the bottom line that president obama and his administration have handled crisis after crisis with incompetence and then they have just laughed it off if it doesn't matter. the american peopleeserve better and they will vote better when it comes to election day in 15 years. martha: over the weekend the president had a harsh situation. he was speaking at rally for lieutenant governor anthony brown in maryland. mary ann, while he was talking, according to the pool reporter there, people started walking out and heckling. i mean, i can't even imagine what that must feel like for a sitting president of the united states to go speak to people and have them literally walking out and leaving as you see in these pictures? >> we, look, i have no idea what happened there and what i read online last night, did not reflect. that let's look at something that really matters in this election. look at georgia. 140,000 new voters registered. they're not in any anybody's polls.
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that is going to help michelle nunn who is getting close to 50% in the polls. and could win this on election day, not on runoff in january. this is not a national election. when you look at polls, as people just registered they're not on anybody's polling list. not on likely voter list. they just got registered. if you're sporadic voter you're not in anybody's polls. i'm fine with katy and republicans this will be just likely voters and national elections. that is what they need to win. instead however this is ground game that the democrats are far better at than republicans. republicans are trying to catch up. this isn't a national election. oh, by the way, two of largest states in the country, new york and california don't have a race that matters. that is how you need to look at this. that is how i look at it. i think democrats will beat conventional wisdom all day long on november 4th. >> "real clear politics" average show mike round and i can are wyland race, rounds is head by 9.%. that is south dakota. georgia race, nunn and perdue.
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perdue is up by .6 1%. that looks like tight race in georgia that could potentially go without the runoff a lot of people expect. >> well i'm certainly not saying that republicans have it in the bag. there is a lot that can happen in next 15 days. republicans still have a ton of work to do. i am saying president obama is on ballot wants to be or not. he said despite democrats running away from his policies, they haven't been on the campaign trail with him and don't want to see with him. he said a couple weeks ago, my policies are absolutely on the ballot. when you look at transparency around issues that democrats pushed behind the midterms election and that they're not willing to put immigration reform, bowe bergdahl report, open enrollment period that things have been pushed back and which is not transparent. people want answers. that unfortunate for democrats because they're not putting
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those position on issues in front of the voters before polls. martha: final thought on that, mary ann? if the president had not backburnerred some of these issues and taken them head on, do you think your party would be in better situation going into this race? >> i think democrats are in a great situation when they focus on the things folks really care about. to get democrats out to vote and unenrolled voters out to vote, this is getting people back to work an continuing to fight the fight. getting better jobs. getting better paychecks. has wall street, market been any better, martha? you know that better than anybody? getting housing back. those things really matter to voters. that is what is driving this election. katy's arguments and issues what she will argue to get republicans out. vast majority of voters care -- martha: you may think the economy has improved, perhaps some people do but wall street is a very fickle place and it separate, it operates very separately often from what is going on in the hearts and minds of americans who seem to say by large percentages that the country is headed in the wrong
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direction. we'll get a real look at that, and you're right, could be closer than people think when they go to the polls in 15 days. mary ann, katy, thank you very much. see you both next time. bill: nfl history made last night. watch here. paste ton manning on the field. -- peyton manning. >>. manning guns it and it is, they're waiting. touchdown. bill: al michaels. 509 career touchdown passes. threw for four on the night. breaks a record by brett favre. threw that with three minutes left in the half. wasting little time. broncos beat 49ers, three years after manning had spinal fusion surgery. then they had fun but the teammates played keep away with the football. which was a cool moment. >> think about the spinal fusion he had. a lot of people thought he would never be the same after that. he through therapy and hard work, he proved them wrong
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clearly. bill: he has played in 56 fewer games than brett favre and still did it. i thought whole keep away thing was cool, they practiced it at practice on friday. martha: nothing spontaneous in the world anymore. do you think he is the best quarterback of all time? bill: we can debate that and that debate will take -- joe montana, fran tarkenton. you said joe namath. martha: tom brady. bill: bred favre. tom brady. andrew luck maybe in the future. on and on. martha: quarterback who has the most touchdowns necessarily the best quarterback overall? bill: this is why you're so good because you ask such great, penetrating questions. martha: thank you. we'll leave that some more time. let that breathe a little bit. tweet us on your favorite quarterback. let us know what you're thinking there. all right, the u.s. is arming the kurds in the fight against isis. we're talking about military support that has been just airlifted to the kurds. so will that make a difference?
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plus this. >> i called 911 but we've got to get, is. >> is everybody out? >> no. there's a man in there. >> father trapped inside of that burning home when a mystery rescuer runs into the smoke and into the flames. we will show you how this ended. >> no, there is a man inside! ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
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martha: something away from our news of the day here. you can clear your calendar for royal baby fever. the due date has now been announced. apparently kate middleton and prince william are expecting their second child in april. the royal household said the duke and duchess of cambridge are delighted. why wouldn't they be. just like her first pregnancy, she suffered from acute morning sickness which is not a whole lot of fun. her condition is steadily improving. the baby will be fourth in line to the throne to prince george. they will have an heir and a spare. he was born in july of last
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year. bill: good for them. i think she is cool too. martha: she is cool. bill: right? so far so good. even you approve. martha: of course. bill: greatest royal watcher in all of america. >> oh, please, come on. bill: you would say kate is great, right? i'll give it to you, maccallum. got some breaking news on the fight against isis. the u.s. military airdropping weapons and supply to kurdish fighters now in kobani, syria. they're struggling to hold off the advancing terrorist army. will it make a difference? pete hegseth, ceo of concerned vets for america is also a fox news contributor. kt mcfarland is our fox news national security analyst. good morning to both of you. a couple of simple and direct questions i want to get to in a moment but i think this is very interesting. if you read deep into the reporting, centcom says that the c-130 cargo planes flown by united states pilots were dropping arms and supplies provided by the kurdish authorities in iraq. kt, i don't know if that is
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nuanced or if that is significant but looks like we're the middleman on this. why would that be important if these are kurd tisch supplies provided by the u.s.? >> well, if, what i think what that report says, is that the united states is the taxi service. that it is taking kurdish weapons from the kurdish military, and in iraq and delivering them to the kurdish military fighting in military. that means the corrupt and incompetent iraqi army is not delivering weapons directly to the kurds, and turks, supposedly our nato allies and good friends are not letting us to deliver weapons to the fighting kurds across turkish territory. bill: it can be a confusing mess. pete, what do you think of that part of the story? >> well, it inreforces what kt just said. turks see this kurdish element as frankly a terrorist group. what this is, a signal of reality we had to deliver.
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iran guns in iraq and supported city council president who was under siege from al qaeda. you can make promises all you want. until you deliver with the weapons, ak-47s on the doorstep of that city councilmember or in this case of the kurds you're not really helping. hopefully this is a turning point. it is clear we have to be the middleman because the kurds in iraq don't have ability to deliver the supplies and no one else has the will. we have to be the ones that do it. hopefully this bolsters the defense of this critical town. bill: we'll see where that the past story goes. kt, simple yes. i don't know if the kurds in kobani are winning or losing now? what does this signal. >> this battle will go on. kobani is not only city they're fighting, the kurds are fighting isis. i think the bigger point, bill, kobani is a symbol of, who is fighting isis, right? we're bombing. other countries are giving humanitarian assistance. nobody is willing to put their boots on the ground. no one is willing to send combat
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forces except one group. that is the kurd. that is the only one up to now. the kurds are only ones standing up to isis. the kurds even have a women's brigade. in fact 1/3 of the kurdish fighters fighting isis in kobani are women. kurds are wildly pro-american. they have equal rights for women. all they want is weapons to fight on their own. they're not asking for anything else. sometimes we, often, in fact for a decade turn ad blind ear to it. bill: you made that point consistently, kt, over and over with us here in "america's newsroom." pete, when you were last in iraq, eight years ago, right, 2006? you had a role with supplying weapons to some of the leaders in iraq then. what did you learn about that experience that will help us gain a better understanding about what is happening today? >> what you learn is that when someone asks for help they usually mean it. in the meetings we held with the leaders in samarra, which is that town, we wanted to talk
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about governance and they we wanted to talk about progress. but they said we're under attack by al qaeda. we need weapons. we were able to start to develop opportunities in samarra and in iraq. in kobani the kurds want to know whether we really stand with them. the talk is one thing. the weapons is another. these airstrikes, we're creating a killing field of isis. hopefully we move beyond a stalemate. i hope this is not desire to create a stalemate to kill isis. we need to arm the kurds and push them out of kobani and out of these areas in syria and northern iraq. as kt said, they're our real ally in the region. bill: the big fear if isis wins in kobanany, those kurds will be massacred. thank you, kt mcfarland in new york. pete hegseth in minneapolis. martha? martha: we're minutes away from a court hearing coming up for the suspected leader of the benghazi terror attack. this case continues to raise
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more questions what really happened that night. bill: why this video has national guard officials in utah a bit fired up. and they have got an investigation to figure out how this happened. this is pretty involved here. pretty elaborate. >> well-trained i'm sure. bill: they didn't slap this thing together in an afternoon. hey matt, what's up?
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to be worth the risk." ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. bill: perhaps some echoes of the cold war deep underwater? sweden searching for a submarine that apparently entered its waters illegally. it is being called the biggest hunt for a sub since the final days of the soviet union. one official calling the incution, a potential, quote, game-changer for that part of the world. russia, for its part denies any involvement. hmmm. >> caught on camera. a man walks into a burning house to save a complete stranger
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according to these reports. look at this fire. it is in fresno, california, a woman was yelling her father was trapped inside. you see everybody, then you see this. this man running out with this woman's father over his shoulder. william la jeunesse has more what happened here. good morning, william. >> reporter: good morning, martha. you know how many people would risk their life to save a vanger t happens in movies but rarely in real life and rarely caught on video but here it is, fresno, california, a duplex is on fire. a man is on oxygen. he is inside. watch closely as a man in the blue dodgers cap, screen right, he does not say a word. he walks into the burning house. while roughly a dozen others continue to watch, despite a woman's pleas that someone save her father. >> we got to get the dad out of there. >> ron? >> oh, my god! >> is everybody out? >> no. there is a man inside.
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bill: the man is gone about two minutes and no one knows he is inside. outside they're still yelling and fire department is two minutes away. he walks out with the victim on his shoulder and sets him down on the sidewalk. still, the mystery man with the moustache says nothing. the video goes about five minutes long. when the videographer finally scans the crowd, the hero is long gone. >> oh, my god. >> this man in a blue cap is very calmly walking toward where the house was, where the fire was, where those guys had been with the hose. and just very calmly starts walking back there and, i just kept filming. next thing you know here he is coming back out carrying this man and set him down. we said, thank god. we're greatly relieved. >> reporter: so the mystery man seems to have been alone though his picture has been seen by millions of people. i spoke to fresno fire dispatch, police dispatch this morning. they still don't know who the guy is, short of 7:00 a.m. here
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and the name of an investigator who might know more. we'll keep you up to speed. martha? martha: can clearly see him on the video. people who see it and know him are going to know that it was that man. what a remarkable act. william, thank you very much. >> good stuff. martha: that is the question, would you rush into a burning building to save a strangeer? for that man, his family and friends, they know the answer. bill: we'll keep an eye on that. once we identify him we'll get him on "america's newsroom" and talk to him. president obama is not feeling the love. much of the crowd heads to the exits. what does that say? brit hume analyzes that in a few moments. >> a possible serial killer behind bars in the heartland. why investigators say this end a decade-long reign of terror. ♪
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washington, d.c., facing new charges of murder this morning, so where will this go? a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." bill: good morning. captured back in june already charged with conspiracy. prosecutors say he's a senior terrorist leader directin drinkn who carried out the attack. martha: catherine heritage is outside the courthouse in washington, d.c., this morning. what new details are we going to learn today, catherine? >> he makes no mention of a demonstration in the video, rather it alleges the suspect was the leader of islamic militia in benghazi. agencies were collecting information and he was determined to drive them out of eastern libya. indictment alleges took two dozen men to the consulate, lit it on fire, and also stall documents as well as computers
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that contained the locations of the cia operations. >> talking about an annex which is a cia facility. the location of the facility, everything connected is classified. reporter: fox news was first report it had been stolen from the consulate, they have argued unsuccessfully the classified information was not compromised in that attack, martha. martha: it sheds things in such a different light of the information and what they were going after after that attack. another question is do these new charges carry the death penalty, catherine? reporter: the new charges include in murder of a u.s. diplomat, u.s. personnel and destruction of property. b the consulate and cia annex and those do potentially carry the death penalty.
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it alleges that took heavy firepower when they attacked the annex including ak-47s, semi semiautomatic rifles, grenades, rocket propelled grenades and mortars called indirect fire. this undercuts the initial explanation somehow the demonstration was to blame for this terrorist attack, martha. martha: maybe we will get some of the information through this process. thank you very much. reporter: you are welcome. bill: more breaking as i make md element fighting isis. and drop of tons of ammunition and medical supplies to kurdish forces on the ground in the battle with the terror group in syria. jennifer griffin at the pentagon. why now? >> good morning, bill. the fight for kobani has been going on for weeks but took a turn when a senior state department official met with syrian kurdish representative in
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paris. they had been doing the fighting on the ground are connected to a group of the u.s. terror list. they had been fighting isis and three u.s. dropped bundles of small arms ammunition and medical supplies to the kurds fighting on the ground, it was a first air drop of its kind to the contested ground on the turkish border. bill: are they assisting with aid? >> they are not assisting. president obama called the turkish president on saturday to inform him they would be making the deliveries. it is so closely aligned with the pkk, a terror group in their own country. one of the reasons they have had
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to airdrop this aid is the truth have blocked kurdish fighters from entering syria to help fight in kobani. because they have closed the border and not supporting material aid. bill: they say the ammunition and supplies were provided by kurdish authorities in iraq. one might assume that of the american weapons and supply, but apparently not. is that significant? >> it is significant. tell the turkish president don't worry, we are providing airlift, from the iraq he government. from neighboring iraq. martha: now let's get a closer look at the syrian kurds fighting isis. 1.7 million are in syria, making them the country's largest
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non-arab ethnic and arty in syria. claiming to have 50,000 fighters though independent estimates but the number closer to 30,000. they have been resisting a takeover by islamic militants for more than two years now. bill: it is crucial to keep pressure because that group is throwing so many of its own resources and equipment and the attempts to take over the state he had >> the more resources they have there, the more they represent and we will be foolish not to take advantage of that. we're pretty opportunistic ourselves, degrade their capabilities. they are being hit, working very hard, wanted to make sure we could resupply them to ge contie that effort. bill: there are no plans because
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they are not needed. they can push back against isis. martha: a rare appearance on sunday on the campaign trail did not end well for president obama. he was sobbing for anthony brown and he hopes with the governor in maryland and people started walking out. these are still pictures. it stated people started to stream as did his dream of people walked out of the auditorium as he spoke, and a heckler interrupted his remarks. that is the background reporting we have out of that room. brit hume joins us now. your reaction to that report. >> it sort of confirms what a lot of us have thought for some time, the rockstar image of president obama is no more, and
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he is just not as interesting to people as he once was. members of his party are somewhat disinterested and demoralized fearing a big republican win in a few weeks, and that race in maryland, the democrat is well ahead. martha: let's put those numbers up to take a look. >> the average suggests that race has already been won. the political situation, you can see it, that is the job approval rating, which is reflected in people's reaction to him. the average is plus 11 for the democrat, so if that is the case, you don't have that down to the wire sense of urgency might otherwise have for a candidate who appears to have the race well in hand. that may have drained the event even though it was the president. he still remains pretty much a rockstar on the fund-raising circuit and has been benefiting
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his party by raising a large sum of money for them in this cycle. martha: it may point to the fact a candidate only in that situation might feel comfortable having the president come to the campaign forms because those in tight races have not. not wanting to admit whether or not she voted for the president, that seems to have hurt her. the other race he has gotten involved in is the illinois race. taking a little more of a gamble by as the president to campaign for him. >> perhaps that is true, but the governor is not quite as tied to the politics of washington as a senate candidate or a house candidate, so that feeds into that position. this could be important, the democrats are making a big effort to turn out their vote, they did a remarkable job in 2012 especially turning out minority voters whose loyalty was very clear then and remains
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clear to this day, the president's presence may energize or helped energize the very kind of voters democrats working very hard to target and get to the polls. they may not be excited voters this time, but their vote counts as much as those who are all fired up. that figures into the equation as well to why the president may be able to help in some places by going out and stumping. martha: thank you so much, thank you for coming out this morning. bill: the national institute of health announcing there have been a lot of mistakes response to the ebola virus. >> nothing is completely risk-free. the relative risk is what people need to understand is very small. bill: two nurses getting sick because of protocols were wrong.
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now the cdc has new ideas, but will that be enough to keep america safe? martha: a possible serial killer behind bars admitting to killing at least one saying she was not the first. bill: new evidence in ferguson, missouri, shipping light with what happened that fateful night. the blood inside the patrol car that could prove the police officers side of the story. l sharpton saying he does not buy it. >> now we've got a report that said he feared for his life.
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bill: so, it appears the hawaiian islands have dodged a major bullet. hurricane and i'm brushing by over the weekend. bringing a lot of heavy rain. local reports show the islands avoided the damage. weekly listingquickly losing st. martha: a top u.s. infectious disease expert now acknowledging mistakes were made in the ebola response. from the national health institute of health now says the two nurses who contracted the disease got sick because they were following protocols suit a call for field work but not treatment inside a hospital. >> what's very clear now is
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doing things h would not do in africa very invasive type procedures, that is not the optimal way. so we don't know for sure, but it is likely they got infected. not completely covered. martha, is been to eat king joins me now. good morning to you. what do you make of what anthony had to say this morning in the procedures and how ready we were for this to come to our shores? >> clearly we weren't prepared. that is bad enough. i can understand to an extent. what bothers me the most is what the medical professionals have. was told by his advisors polo would never come to the united states. and then we were told it would not be communicable.
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yet to nurses were in the most protective gear coming down with ebola. the nurse had been exposed to it could fly. mistake after mistake and yet now they are saying without absolute certitude a travel ban in west africa would have no impact. meccmecca people have lost a lof confidence not because they are not qualified but because they make a mistake and don't acknowledge them. martha: the news is the people under quarantine had direct connections and physical contact, that is wonderful news. a lot of people will feel we cross the barrier with this thing and it will be okay. is that a good way to look at this, do you think? >> it is too soon to claim victory. hoping nobody else contracted it, but so many missteps over the last several weeks, we have
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to still take every possible preventative measure. this obviously a different strain were not used to dealing with it under these circumstances, what the cdc thought was the case is not the case. i keep going back to the fact they were in this protective gear, supposedly somebody on a subway train or a bus, what would have happened to them? martha: the reason nobody got it, before his symptoms became so that he had to go to the hospital, none of them got it. he was at the absolute worst point of his illness and they were exposed to a lot of fluids. the report they expect 10,000 more cases each week in west africa.
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having our military there and trying to help them is responsible way to go about it. there could be another thomas duncan getting on a plane and come here, we could find ourselves in a similar situation. the president said there is no need for hysteria. lotta people are concerned things got so out of control here. they wonder how it has been handled from the top. >> it goes to the top because the president is ultimately responsible. in the most intensive situation. suppose just continued to stay in the public and was in shopping centers or whatever, what would happen to those people? so many missteps from the start, so much arrogance.
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now from the present cavalierly stated a travel ban will not work. now proven wrong and you have to me the most common sense short term proposal would be to have an event until the military is able to get the job done in west africa. martha: thank you so much, see you soon. bill: the search for missing college student may have come to a tragic end. >> cannot jump to any conclusions based on these discoveries. i asked for patience we move forward to pursue what is a new ongoing death investigation. bill: next on what we might be able to find out. martha: rescue workers ripped a chimney to shreds.
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have you seen this? what was she doing there in the first place? something to do with dating apparently when we come back we had getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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martha: you do not see this every day, emergency teams rescued a woman who was stock in a chimney. she was not santa claus. you think dish soap to smooth her way out of the chimney. authorities say they were trying to break into the home of a former boyfriend. this was not the first time she had been spotted on his roof. charged with illegal entry and lying to the police.
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>> a criminal investigation, unlikely to have any information in the very near future, perhaps in the days to come that we can share with you about what we learned today and what we will likely learn in the days to come. we know you will be respectful because there will come a time when we can tell you more, but that is not today. bill: determining the human remains over the weekend whether or not those are of a missing student hannah graham. fox news contributor with me now in the studio. you believe they already know who these remains a long two. >> yes, the normal procedure would be when somebody goes missing to get dental records. dental records that they could have compared that to the remains and made an identification the same day the remains were found. they are probably waiting for
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the dna to come back to medical examiner's office to make a public announcement. bill: that could be closing or other identifying signs the thee too. did the alleged suspect have to confess in order to lead police? they were looking at this particular area. >> this is the kind of fellow who is not going to confess, but they have been looking at area and didn't find in th the body l the dogs or a neighbor somebody smelled and odor. on the basis of that they found the remains and it will be up the medical examiner to get the official determining information and to determine if the death occurred back around 35 days
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before she went missing. and also the cause of death is what is going to be most difficult depending on the degree of deterioration because most of the time if this person is a serial murderer, the mode of death is regulation. blunt, would be seen readily, but it depends on the conditions of the remains and the injuries. bill: police charged 32-year-old jesse matthew with abduction and attempted to file it under virginia law, this fall intent to file comes under a category
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of a violent felony that compels the suspect to submit to dna testing, which could be very important. >> yes. interesting thing, state of virginia has been in the forefront of using dna for criminal justice purposes. in 2002, in the university they didn't have that law. now there is a law that everybody who was arrested for sexual assault have to give up dna. that could help prevent further instances of sexual assault or homicide in the future. bill: let's hope for all the best. allegations of rate or some variation of that.
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>> the degree of injury. bill: if this is the person. thank you. martha: 15 days until voters head to the polls and the election we have talked so much about. the reports rated democrats could put money into longshot races around the country, so what will happen. will they be successful when the dust settles? the very latest take on the upcoming elections. bill: machine guns, tanks and bikini-clad models. why a swimsuit video utah national guard up in arms. hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers.
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after a suspect confesses to the seven women. the first victim strangled at a motel near gary, indiana. mike, we are hearing this case may even be linked to other states, right? >> that is the case. police have yet to identify the suspect but he spent a lifetime moving around, gary indiana is one of his stops. >> there are court records indicating he was here back in 2004, 2005, but also records he was in austin, texas, he appears to be a person who has moved back and forth between a number of cities. >> police are linking him to four deaths. he led police to the bodies of three others, most of them in abandoned buildings. in addition to that, three women killed around the state possibly connected to this one suspect,
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martha. martha: what led them to this suspect in the first place? >> they said it was evidence from the scene friday night and hinted what they did was backtrack. looking for people whom the victim had contact. she was killed in the hotel room. possibly linked to an online escort service. she had been strangled in the hotel room. her body was found saturday night with information developed from this investigation. the mayor anticipates this would expand even possibly to other states. there is in the path of this suspect a conviction for sexual offenses and a divorce on record. a lot of evidence and forward rather rapidly. martha: thank you very much. bill: 13 days from the election. i want to bring in at rollins,
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campaign manager for the regular-bush reelection campaign. and a howard dean campaign manager, both are fox news competitors. want to drill down a little bit on the battle for the senate because maybe there is a firewall democrats are talking about right now. we have a what if scenario. for the sake of this conversation, you will indulge me, right? west virginia, let's say it goes red. maybe montana as well. save for the sake of this discussion alaska goes republican. now 48-52. you still need two more. maybe arkansas, maybe louisiana. now you are 50/50. all this talk about georgia being competitive. if democrats are able to make georgia go from red to blue, they would still maintain control of the senate. now why is all this talk
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happening? it is razor tight between david, michelle. start us out, do you see this? >> it is kind of desperation politics but it is not stupid. you have to take everything as seriously as he can. they have had maximum money, maximum advertising, so why not take a risk on these two states that haven't particularly come to fruition. in the nb end we win both of the races, but who knows. i make the same decision if i was the democrat. bill: is this real or is this imagined? >> it is real. you spread out your forces and you try to go into some of these states at the end because of the reason you said. if republicans pick up those six seats, pick south dakota or georgia, georgia definitely in
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range, it is a tough fight, but michelle is actually hanging in close to 50, she could get there. bill: say he is right on this one, it will make red instead of blue and now we are back to 50/50. maybe they have to go back to iowa or colorado. now a discussion about south dakota, they might have a chance of their in south dakota. why would that be? you have a three-way race. this is the average of all the pole and put together, there is a strong challenge. i don't know if you see that thing in play or not. >> it is a small state had the irony is he was defeated badly last time he was incumbent senator for a time. he lives in washington, d.c., so
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my sense at the end of the day the governor is going to come through here. bill: you think you have a shot in south dakota, or is that a pipe dream? >> absolutely. this is about the former governor, there's a reason he was in the 30s. i think that is really weighing on him, people looking for an alternative. maybe the democrats could pull that one out. it is a cheap state for setting a million dollars in there to the democratic senate campaign committee. bill: this morning, obama is underwater with female voters especially women unaffiliated with a political party making it harder for democrats to take advantage of the gender gap.
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if that is true, this is going to be a very long night for democrats in 15 days. >> i think it is true, the reality is women feel very much like others do in this country, the president has not lived up thupto the promises he has made. i have never seen a president in this much of a drawback on his ticket. bill: make your best case. >> you're going to be a drag with all the demographic groups out there. so look, if this is about whether the republicans can win five, eight, nine seats, five would be huge in a normal year, so it is going to be a long night for democrats and republicans are going to win between 5-8 seats. but five doesn't make it, that is the problem. bill: we will see. thank you, we will talk to you
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guys next monday. we will see what happens. you can draw the map up in 15 different area codes. martha: several tight races out there. bill: much more than what we have the time to show. martha: the utah national guard investigate a swimsuit video, folks. i don't know what is going on here. girls firing high-powered weapons and writing around in tanks and aching knees. most was shot at a private gun club in utah. the national guard and public of safety is checke checking it out because they want to know if any of their equipment or personnel appear i in the video bid production of this kind are not in keeping with their values.
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i don't know why several said this was their favorite story of the day. i can't figure it out. bill: it was not the wake-up call some had in mind. this car plowing through the room. what police say is happening in a moment. martha: and a report seems to back up claims from officer williamwilson that brown attackm in the patrol car before he fatally shot the teenager. does this, these new revelations change anything in this case, which is going to be a huge news item to continue watching here? l sharpton says he does not believe it does. a fair and balanced debate coming up. >> we were involved in avon martin. they were supportive of george davis by cs parents. the strange thing is that all of
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them used the same excuse. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. that's never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar.
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bill: so this is in the fall classic. baseball fans taking sports rivalry 20 level. radio stations do not play a hit song because of the title. they will not play the hit single "royals" during the series between the giants and the royals. they plan to play this at the top of every hour from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. game one tuesday night in kc. martha: l sharpton speaking out i knew report on the shooting death of michael brown. saying this evidence backing up claims made by ferguson officer
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wilson. he told officers he is being pinned down in his car and he and michael brown struggled for his weapon before he opened fire. l sharpton says he does not by this testimony. speak out now we are being told officer wilson is saying that he shot because he was in fear of his life. there was a scuffle in the police vehicle, and he shot because he feared for his life. the only gun there was wilson's. martha: a former political advisor to democratic senator and fox news contributor. welcome to both of you be at this case has been very painful for people of ferguson, missouri. more details continue to come out.
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it says government officials the source for this "the york times" story, but it does put the sequence of events a slightly different light. >> it does. what is troubling to me is not smudge what they are saying, but the fact they are saying anything at all. we are not sure why it is being leaked, government officials perhaps in order to give the groundwork, but what is more troubling to me as we have a grand jury being violated. the people of ferguson on both sides should be outraged about that. martha: you have to go back to the fact some people would say that happened at the beginning of this case from the highest officials in the land when eric holder went there and said he understood why the people would be mistrustful of the police, sweet tone may have been set wrongly at the administration on day one. >> yet look at what reverend al
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sharpton said. how does that help raise relations in the united states today? we did not know what happened with those events. we had heard both sides of the story but we didn't know what was going on. you have eric holder, every single civil rights screaming the police were horrible. what happened to being called innocent until proven guilty? eric holder did not help the situation. this could have been a great teaching situation for the entire country. bill: it seems to me when you look at the friend six of this case, there's a question about when the gun went off in the car, eyewitnesses say the officer hit them with the car door and that is how all of this happened, he reached out and grabbed michael brown into the car, and a very different version of events he lunged into the car.
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it happened from the beginning, the tone has not been set, we have to wait until all the facts come out. >> it has not been fair, but this is not a controversial statement i'm about to make the people will find it controversial anyway. none of the three of us have to worry about their kids walking down the street and being targeted by the police because our kids are white. people who are black. if you don't think black kids today have it harder just walking down the street across this country, i think you are being naive about it. >> you cannot take an isolated case and say it has to stand for greater society else. you must take the case and look at what happened because that is the problem here. we have become emotional about it and put all kinds of emotions
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and feelings about injustice onto this case. that is not fair to this police officer because we don't yet know what happened. >> you're right in the case of a grand jury and the law. the case of the community who see their kids targeted across the country because they have been walking down the street. the facts, the police officer acted right and assaulted by michael brown, if that is the truth, this works in reverse of that because now police officers going to say we can be attacked. this does not help the situation. they will be more likely to profile. this is not helping the situation, and actually believe this is the fault of al sharpton, jesse jackson coming and sensationalizing it. >> if you don't profiling happens in this country. >> it happens to everybody be at
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a little white blond kid will not be targeted and profiled the same way an african-american boy will. >> my son walking ou on certain neighborhoods minette be safe as well. i will say again, wilson deserves to have his innocence protected until proven guilty. his family has been put up, representing all of the society else and everything might have happened in the past in ferguson, and that is not fair, that has to be the measure here for justice and have to allow it to take its course in the way we expected to be taken in this country and not put other things on top of it. we will see where this goes, it will be with us for quite a while. bill: jon scott standing by, could morning. >> both democrats and republican leaders for their side will. will try to separate redbrick from reality ahead of the midterms did in the search results in a gruesome discovery, friends of tests underway to
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so this is going to come whizzing by as it has had 87,000 miles an hour and these devices can do what? >> in orbit around the planet, on the surface, we have american, european and indian spacecraft all watching. it is a front-row seat twist masses calling a one in a million event. >> it is called sightings spring. >> that is the observatory where they found it. a chunk of ice about 2000 feet across place the size of the empire state building moving 10 times the speed of a rifle bullet. bill: what do you think we should expect to learn? >> there are two kinds of lesson. the danger lesson. a lot of stuff that hits, we've seen things hit mars, things hit the moon. we saw the meteor over russia last year.
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this will tell us more understanding what happens when things hit and are near misses. and the science, this a chunk of the very early solar system, before there were planets. we can see what happens. but watching the formation of the solar system, our history 4.5 billion years ago now. bill: by the observation of this comment, would you be able to figure out how we could prepare ourselves for the potential of aacomment? >> this isn't going to tell us a lot of how to avoid it that will tell us how to protect yourselves. kind of duck and cover routine. if you get a near miss and protect medications headlights now we have a better idea.
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la quinta! >> pretty busy for a monday. a lot going on. 15 days to the big election. bill: how was your weekend? martha. great, how was yours? bill: phenomenal. martha: see you on "the kelly file." i will be back here tomorrow. bye, guys. jon: the u.s. military taking a major step in the battle to defeat isis. airdropping weapons to kurdish fighters on the front lines in syria. good morning to you. i'm jon scott. >> i'm shannon bream in for jenna lee today. our c-130 cargo planes dropping weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to the outgunned troops in kobani where they have been locked in a weeks long battle for control of that keyboarder city. this effort comes after 11 new coalition airstrikes on isis targets there. jon: our greg palkot is live near the
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