tv The Five FOX News October 21, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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she says if the public wants to reach out to the african-american community there are ways they should do it. and a message for democrats, quit pandering. king, be there, tonight. it's 5:00 in new york city, it's time for "the five." >> okay, so we're two weeks out from midterm elections and it's going to be a close call on what wins the senate, every day counts, every seat counts so the motto should be no mistakes for anyone, republican or democrat, but president obama made a huge mistake in an interview with am sharpton yesterday. the president admitting that democratic candidate also pushing away from his unpopular policies just to get elected and then they will vote with him again.
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>> the bottom line is these are all folks that vote with me, they have supported my agenda in congress, they are on the right side of minimum wage, they're on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure, they're on the right side of early childhood education. this isn't about my feelings being hurt, these are folks who are strong allies achy ies and s of me. i tell them, you know what? you do what you need to win, i will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn out. >> he's basically telling them, lie now so they can win the election. greg, any surprises here? >> you know it's bad when you go to al sharpton to help build your reputation, that's like going to chris matthews for advice on sanity. it's just strange bedfellows, if you're a child, you don't keep a balloon if it's out of helium, you don't drag it behind you.
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and the president is like that kid with a deflated balloon. they're not putting obama out in the front, they're putting him in the back. >> are you surprised he basically admitted, he spoke the words that we're all suspecting, they really don't want president obama around, they don't want his policy attached to what they're going. but once they get elected, they're going to vote that way. >> i think the president spoke the truth. this is the truth. three weeks ago, when he said, david axelrod, one of his former political advisors said that was a big mistake, the president shouldn't have said that, i said, well the president's just being honest. so the president goes on with al sharpton and he's just honest. because the democrats have spent fen s tens of millions of ds
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on ads saying they are not obama democrats. they will fall in to lock step on november 4 and thigh will support him. >> i know it's shocking, joe, the last three presidents in six years, presidents clinton, bush and obama, they all had bad polls and they -- the people that go against the democrats on obama policy are set. look at the undecided numbers. there are no more voters to get. the only issue here is there a way to get out the democratic base. i don't see it, but that's what he said, he's exactly right. >> alaska, arkansas, iowa, kansas, colorado, georgia, maybe this will swing a couple of the undecideds into the republican camp knowing that if you vote for his democrats, you're not sure what you're going to get,
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are you going to get the guy you see on tv or are you going to get president obama's policies. >> i like the fact that he's being honest, this is who we know he is, this is what bob would do, he would tell them cash it in on election day and go back to your true self after it's done and everything will be forgiven. >> what a horrible person i am. of course we're going to play politics, we want to win at any cost. >> do you think a statement like that actually helps the democrats? >> in the minority community, they actually like him. >> why would you try to hurt the red state democrats. >> it's the red state democrats, the ones we were talking about. >> the people in the south are heavily backed by turnout. whether it's louisiana, going down the list, that's all black turnout, that's what makes the difference. that doesn't necessarily help the turnout.
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>> i think it's worried about it. >> the majority of americans femaling things are getting worse under president obama's watch. what could possibly motivate someone to vote democratic, mr. bill o'reilly has a few thoughts. >> if a whopping 54% of america think thinks -- the answer is emotion. democrats have been very successful in convincing some voters that the republican party favors the rich and is anti-woman. the republican party has not been able to put forth a leader to refute those allegations effectively. >> k.g.? >> he's right because there hasn't been nisomeone what has come forward and said this is why you need to vote democrat. instead you have people just voting on emotion, out of fear, out of listening to debbie
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wasserman-schultz saying republicans are out of here. >> looking at it from a political campaign standpoint. it's just what you do. and republicans do it too. and right now, who's ever on the side two weeks out, half of them won't vote, so now you're looking at a very small number of undecided voters. if you had a 5% or 78% of inundd voters. >> is it all about emotion? >> i think you could probably make that case as well, as a matter of fact for president obama's first election in 2008, the country was just swept up in a fervor and voit felt good to vote for him. if you are a partisan voter, you show up at the midterms.
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that's what they're trying to find to try to get out on both sides, but i also think that peoplesome some ways vote out of a sense of survival. so the democrats have tried to paint this as a disaster, if president obama doesn't have a democratic majority of the senate going forward. and the republicans have said if the president doesn't have a republican or a democrat majority. >> greg, weigh in on this. you can take it where you want. but we're two weeks out. if we haven't stood up enough emotion for the democrats, it looks like the republicans are going to take it. what's the emotions going change -- >> you don't go to a restaurant because the chef is emotional. you got to the restaurant because the chef is a great chef, not because he makes you feel passion, that's a bunch of garbage. it's happened in the past four
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decades where we have had a movm towards feeling over fact, grievance over grit, it used to be what you did, not how you feel. the democratic party has become a mosaic of feeling fascist, you hate the truth because it hurts. >> i just wanting to tell you that the typical turnout in a president's offyear, 10 million voted in the off year elections. e-mail josh ernest and tell him we're still doing the show. >> we brought research. >> democrats are going to follow president obama's successful 2012 script by waginging a war on women. there's only one problem, voters aren't buying it anymore. jeremy peters tells how it's affecting one big race. >> it's not nearly as sizable
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anded a van stage you has it once was. we have mark udall who's making it about reproductive rights. now that's shrunk to about nine points. >> and of course it backfired. >> he's not the only journalist pointing out that dems are losing the battle. here's a comment by tena brown. >> particularly for women, i don't think he makes them feel safe. he made them unsafe economically, unsafe with regard to isis, unsafe about ebola. what i'm upset about is the government response to different crises. >> you want to take this one? colorado, you see the voting. >> the number one issue for women across the board has always been the polls have told us, it's jobs and the economy and that hasn't changed. but what tena brown is talking about is more recent events in terms of security, it's not just
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economic security but your national security and you worry about your children and your grandchildren. i think a key difference of last year's election cycle is you had the two big mistakes by senate republican candidates bringing up rape and birth control, and that's the october surprise that will make it look like birth control was the most important issue to voters and democrats played that very well. that has bu because candidates are smarter. >> they are running out of time before midterms. >> people have misinterpreted this. married women vote republican. single women vote heavily democrat. that's where the democrat comes from. >> true. >> i know. >> but the question now is, they generally say the democrats wvo feel safer with democrats. >> so drum up a war on women, make it look like the other side
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has a war on women but it's not working out. >> we just quoted two people who know nothing about politics. >> with age comes wisdom and it's a known fact that the older you get the more conservative you get. and you don't have to tell young people, don't wait to become conservative. a lot of people have caught on to the big joke, which seems to be even more sexist to assume that women cannot take care of themselves because they're women, and therefore need the government to take care of them. >> but when you're young like that, it's the same reason why young women on juries, they don't get it, kids, communities, crime, education, health care, they're healthy and hot and running around without a care in
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the world. >> they have every right in the world. >> i just thank and excuse them so they can go back on >> what will all this mean in the conservative political commentator markste stein says winning two weeks from now would be great but it will nothing if women don't wage a cultural war the rest of the year. >> election day is win day of the year and the culture is the other 364 days of the year, so if you're not out there competing in the schools, competing in the pop culture, competing in the media, competing in the main line churches, then the air that we breathe becomes liberal. that's the default setting of society. and whoever gets elected on a tuesday morning in november, doesn't actually makes that much different. >> stein makes a lot of sense here, the other 364 to win the culture war. >> first of all -- i think mark
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stein is a brilliant guy and we have two people who -- it used to mean the culture war was generally run by the christian coalition, they made a big mark on that, i'm not sure what it means anymore. >> i agree with you, i would have loved a follow-up question, because i think mark has a great point, but i want to know what does he mean by that? >> does he -- is he talking about a dependency culture of identification, sexual identity, as opposed to patriotism and achievement? is that what he's talking about? because when you hear culture war, you think about something completely different. >> i said maybe he means what which were just talking about a few minutes ago. maybe it means a mentality of young people. but this feeling that you a minority, you had some kind of compromised opportunity, therefor you deserve more. >> mark, if you're watching, call the control room.
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>> think about, every novel that i read, i would say 99% of the novels i read have some sort of shot against a republican or conservative idea. so in some ways, you could take that part, novels and books are important to me, i read right past that stuff, i don't let it bother me, but it does seep into culture over time. if you look at any women's magazine, that is lost, it is just full bore liberal talking points. >> the most important thing and i will say this until i'm blue in my face, it's one thing to be right, but it's more important to be persuasively right, to articulate a point with humor, with wit, with charm. for the most part republicans aren't as good at doing it as democrats have been. >> the problem is, without compromise, you're not going to get anything done and it's a congress that did nothing, and
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the president did nothing, the next two years, without some kind of compromise. >> you're not the party of know or just saying you're against something. >> some of the best legislation happened when one party controlled the white house and one controlled congress, because they're forced to compromise. >> the last two years with the republican senate. >> he's going to have to worry about that. >> don't forget, he's got his pen. >> and a phone. >> what are your media habits? what do they say about your politics and vice versa? coming riling up. put your hands together for new nestlé© toll house delightfulls morsels, the chocolate you know and love now filled with caramel, peanut butter, cherry, and mint. so peanut butter up some brownies. and caramel-ify those chocolate chip cookies with new nestlé© toll house delightfulls. bake some love™
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hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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a new study on polarize zpags finds that when it comes to consuming news, the left and right prefer to eat separately. they found that cons get their info from fnc while libs get theirs from the -- and that prove's key point. liberals feed from a variety of outlets because that variety is decidedly liberal. in fact 28 of the 36 most news sources of news are favored by
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liberals, is parking themselves at the buffet says nothing about open mindedness, it just says most of the media meets their asu assumpti assumptions, dozens of different items are on the menu. the survey also shows that the right expresses greater distrust of most news, except for fox news, suggesting perhaps that maybe we are the polarizers, i've the -- most people are les likely to trust that they're fair and balanced, since fnc is the only store sells that stuff, they come to us. so as researchers desperately try to dissect fnc's success like it's an alien autopsy, we know i why it works because it's an honest portrayal. we know it's a vailed la meant for to the good old days when
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lock step was the only method of traveling. bob, you love polls, some say too much. what did you make from this study? there's a lot of interesting stuff there. >> it's a very, very good -- they're getting better and better. and a few are independent. they're not one way or another. but here's the thing, it follows the course of what you see in the census data, the conservatives are living together in the same areas. it's polarization not just in politics, but the news sources, when i hear republicans complain got this, and i understand that, but you know, that's just the way it is, you can't shut them down, so what do you do? i think you open more right wing -- this has been around a long time, the republicans have not learned how to manage that fact. >> i always explain, did you hear any complaints? >> all the time. >> as far as the study goes, greg miles ain't points out. you need a burger, you go to the
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burger joint, you go to the tofu. >> complaining about this media blast. >> president obama complains about fox news all the time. all the other media outlets support his world view, that actually is -- >> the question is, just because you assume that they're liberal and they don't support -- republicans don't make their case very well. >> no, i don't think that's the case. >> what about this, eric. this is funny, liberals are more likely to drop a friend on face book. there's a small percentage of both, but they do it much more. >> are you saying that conservatives are loyal? >> they're move tolerant. >> like loyal to friends. >> i don't like what you said, but i'm not going to drop you yet. i drop a lot of things very quickly, buzz feed at the very bottom of that list. >> least trusted, with all the cat videos. >> don't blame it on the cat
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videos. >> i'm sorry, "wall street journal" near the very fop. hats off to our sister group over there at wsj. >> you say tolerant for republicans? a lot of us haven't heard that. >> but a lot of their friends are democrats. liberals, obviously, listen, you've got people it's very popular to be against republicans, don't be a republican's friend, defriend them on facebook. >> go out and get yourself some media outlets. i'm tired of hearing it. >> before fox news, there wasn't any. >> if it weren't for fox news, it would be complete group think with the main stream media. that's what it would be. who else is like us? who tells the whole story? >> one thing about fox, you admit thatyou're living it. you have a very loud vocal opinion. there is no conservative voice
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like your liberal voice is here. no conservative voice. >> and they're unequaled. >> and it also occurs on most fox shows. >> we also have liberal at this network, that are employees here that are liberals. >> i also tell them all, don't look me in the eye, especially that skinny guy that used to be with hannity, i can't think of his name. yes, it drives me crazy. i had the situation a month ago where an old friend e-mailed me and said you're turning into the crazy people on facebook. i realized that he was just upset that i disagreed with him on his aasumpation so he jumped me. >> once you're affiliated with fox -- >> it might also be, bob, i think michael barone has written a lot about this, people tending to move where they'll get along better with people, they share a world view, if you want a better
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state government, you might leave michigan for texas. >> but you like what you like. >> your home state-- >> what's wrong with liking what you like or wanting to be around people who you like? >> i would rather live with liberals. >> i don't want to be around anybody. >> bob, what? >> do you have more liberal friends or conservative friends? like true friends? >> conservative. >> consider most situations. i love conservatives. i just don't love what they're paying for it. if you want to get paid without having to show up for work, we have just the job for you, stay tuned. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection.
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government workers are getting paid to do nothing. you heard that right, a stunning new gao report found that from 2010 to 2013, more than 57,000 government workers were put on paid leave for months. sometimes even years, all while they waited to be punished for misbehavior. the cost to taxpayers, a cool $775 million just for their salary alone. is anybody irritated? i know bob is not. greg, do you have a thought on this? >> i read some interesting stuff. one of the guys got paid leave for using pornography at work. this is an amazing work, got off at work and got off from work. leave paid. government often is a lottery for many people, instead of scratching the card, you fill out on application, and some people can win and a lot of
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these people win. >> what about these numbers, $775 million hard earned dollars, american taxpayer dollars. >> it was put in to place so if there were disputes, people questioning -- someone says -- he was wrongly accused, this person should have been put on paid leave. they realize that you can almost ask for anyone to go on ollleav and dispute anything, i have a problem with my boss, i'm a whistle blower, anything big. people realized they could stay home and get paid and when you retire, you can salary up and retire at a higher pension when you're not even working. it's disturbing. >> it's disturbing, but the fact that so many people in many cases charged, they haven't proven they have done anything wrong, the defense department has 37% of the employees in the federal government. they have more than 10,000
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people on this list. a lot of these people coming to work, why not go home, why should you take salary while you're proving you haven't done something wrong. >> they abuse the system. people were looking for -- not innocent. >> people were looking for paid ollie to stay home. people have a right to get paid until they're proven they have broken some laws. >> congress could change the law so that it would say, you will be eligible for back pay if you r your name is cleared. if you get accused of pornography or something, you have to have some discretion as a manager, that doesn't exist here, so that's why so many people are taking advantage of it. and just two weeks ago, we didn't have a chance to talk about it on the show, but there was a security officer at the veteran affairs accident, she
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was about to get fired for really bad behavior, so she retired instead, so she's sitting pretty on tax pipayer dollars instead of getting fired and she was going to get fired. >> you're talking about a fai y ly significant number of people, but we still don't know how many people did something wrong. >> look at the lois learner case, she was receiving compensation the time. she was on paid leave refusing to answer questions of the taxpayers in a lawful investigation, get paid to lie, get paid to not do your job, get paid to obstruct justice. >> in some cases, they would lose their child and go to prison. >> if they were going to jail for life. >> this kind of corruption, if you need this money legitimately to pay these people. the corruption is a by product of a bloated bureaucracy, these
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things would not happen if government was smaller because you lack the luxury of a payout. especially in times of strife, you tend to tighten your belts, you prioritize, you look at $779 million that could have been used for vaccines against ebola or the entero virus. >> i agree, by the way, i think zero based budgeting in the government. if you go through these department agencies, there's so many duplicates. here's the problem, they all have constituency, it's very tough. i think the biggest issue democrats or republicans could go on is tax reform. >> i agree. >> the problem is, the tax code has got all these special interests. if there's one place democrats and republicans agree is tax reform. >> i like the idea of the two-year budget. >> it's so ridiculous, because we never make it. >> then we don't have to talk
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about it every year. that would be great. >> that's a perfect place. let's leave it right there. >> no let's keep talking about it. is your home phone gathering dust, maybe it's gone the way of the dinosaur. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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. excuse me one second. hello? >> would you be interested in switching over to tmi long distance service? >> i can't talk now, why don't you give me your home number and we'll talk later. >> i'm sorry, we're not allowed to do that. >> i guess you don't like people calling you at home? >> no. >> i guess you know how i feel. >> not many people like getting calls from telemarketers, a new study says 35% of respond dents
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normally ignore their home phone numbers. and 28% can't even tell you what their own numbers are. i don't know about this datablei don't have a land line anymore. >> i have a land line, achkd and i don't answer it anymore. >> then why do you have it? >> cable companies realize that if you bundle to the home phone in with internet and tv, you're going to take it. yeah, for a few bucks more. you can't live without tv and you can't live without the internet, you can live without the land line, but at that point, it's a -- >> and verizon with fios. >> you're the only one with a land line who still has it. >> when i grew up as a kid, we had, what do you call them? >> party lines.
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>> yeah, party line,s, that was great because i could listen in to all my neighbors. they spent 50 years putting this thing together and you might as well use it. it's a way to get information to the home. how else would you do it? >> curious, kimberly, do you have a land line. >> i have a home phone, but it's just for my doorman. >> your doorman? how about your chauffeur. >> it's just so they can ring me to say, oh, there's a package, there's a delivery, there's some strange guy down here. his name is greg. >> you have a land line don't you? or do i just not have that number? >> i got rid of it because of you, do we have to get into that here on tv? the air little brother of a friend who tags along whatever.
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there is a tragedy with the death of the home phone. first was the crank call. which was my expertise from 8 to 18, i would tape record a flushing toilet and i would call up restaurants and play the flushing toilet. but there's no more scenes in made for the movies where somebody gets strangled with a phone cord. you cou >> when i was growing up my sister and i shared the phone with my mom and dad and my mom and dad could monitor our phone activity and if somebody called after 9:00, you would be in trouble. there's no phone anymore. >> you stick your ear to the wall or walk down the hallway, real quietly and just listen to the conversation. that's the only way -- you can't pick up the other line anymore.
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because now it's just conference on it. if you do pick it up. >> i have debt collectors that have been after me for eight years for a particular thing. they all called on the land line achkd i didn't have to answer it. now they call on the landline. >> how do you keep up with polls, how are they polling people if they're not on their land lines? >> they have cell phones and that was a big controversy for a couple of years because they couldn't figure out how to get the cell phones. because if you depend on land lines, you're going to have 10% of the voters. >> 40% of households no longer have a land line. that's a lot. i always thought there should be a correlation between a rise in cell phones and the rise in debt. you always had to ring seven
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numbers, now you've got a cell phone, and the cops get in there. >> nobody knows, like, i know my mom's phone number, but i can't tell you my sister's, so i just go in my phone and i call angie. that's the way it works. but if i lose my phone, i would lose all those numbers. >> but you don't like angie, you have said that before. >> i don't like the other sister. not angie. the most excited show in history, the price is right. plus our favorite shows of all time coming up.
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it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools.
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$25,000! 25 grand, buddy. what happened? >> i love america. >> it's hard to describe exactly what kind of moves elliott was making after he won that big showcase showdown, whatever that means, he later walked away with an 11-night cruise to tahiti by himself. you guys, david's been on a smart show. if you had your choice of being on one game show, what would it be? >> can i point out when we opened the ratings for our show, we were number one of all nice by miles? >> bob does that before the show. >> i will do it but i have to have a reason to do kit. >> oh, my god, that looks weird.
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>> the producers asked me if he could be on any game show, which would it be, that would be american ninja warriors. my favorite game shows are who wants to be a millionaire and minute to win it. >> i was thinking more along the lines of a group activity. i would love to see "the five" go on family feud. >> i picked that too. >> we would win. >> we would dominate. >> i really want to do that. >> i would dominate you. >> you know what? >> come on, bring it on. >> i want to make a point before i tell you my favorite game show, i actually have an idea for my own game show called servitude, and it's where contestants compete for each other's services. anyway, my favorite game show, i don't have a name, i just want to go on anything from japan. they have the best games shows ever.
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in this case, this is the marshmallow eats contest. it's a combination of torture, novelty and food, embarrassment, it gets incredibly kinky, i don't know what's going on or why, but it's leagues better than anything in america because it's comedy and it's awesome, it's leagues ahead of any american comedy. >> what is your favorite? >> i already tell you, it's "family is the bachelor a game? >> i love wheel of fortune, i wanted to meet wayne brady who does let's make a deal now. >> deal or no deal, that was fun. >> that was good too. >> i had a baby. >> take the money. >> what was that show you picked a door, what's behind the door,
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someone who i have admired for years. oscar de la renta passed away, he's a fashion icon, i was privileged to know him. some of the first ladies enjoyed his brilliant. designs. hillary clinton wore his designs for his second inauguration and laura bush look lau laura michelle obama. and actually did the wedding gown for clooney's bride. it's time for greg's crime corner. hands in the air. the crime. a stolen kiss, cleveland cavalier s, christian thompson, alley clifton.
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>> you're kind of moving back to that forward position tonight, but you said, they're interchangeable, what's the approach? >> see the ball, get the ball, the same old approach. you know, tena. >> all right, all right. okay. >> so anyway, he was later arrested, he's facing 17 years. no actually, alley tweeted it was an inside joke and it was not a big deal. however when i do that on the bus, i get arrested. >> he doesn't do that to me. >> that's true. we had to quarantine you for a month. so president o cast his ballot in his home state yesterday, watch how that went. >> there's an example of a prodigy. just for no reason whatsoever. we're going back home. what's his name? >> mike.
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>> i can't believe mike, he's such a fool. >> no one tells president o. what to do, watch how it ended. >> take care. >> whooo! that was very cute, good job, president o. >> bob, you're up. >> i want to say that today is the birthday of my capitol hill heroine, kim kardashian. you were going to run for mayor, and i put together the campaign because brains are overrated. i got to tell you, you're not nearly that way, anybody who can make money by selling her kids' pictures and her wedding pictures for millions of dollars of west, whatever his name. i would do that too, but nobody would want my picture. happy birthday, kim. how old is she, does anybody
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know? 43? okay, who's up. >> i'm loving this. you want to hear more? >> all right, dana's up. >> i am inaugurating pay it forward one more thing. >> oh, no, i'm promoting other people's stuff. kimberly will be on the o'reilly factor tonight, she's going to be on is it legal you see it every tuesday. bob is leading an aa meeting, bob, you can find him 11:30 saturdays. greg is hosting tonight. >> president obama's going to be dropping by, we're going to be just chatting, we go way back, it's going to be a pretty short interview, he's going to give me some golf tips, it's going to be great, we're probably going to cook something, i had a really good cooking segment on "red eye." >> definitely don't want to mis"
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"red eye." >> set your dvr so you'll never miss an episode of "the five." "special report is next." this is a fox news alert. i'm brett baier, we are now just two weeks away from a midterm election that could decide the balance of power in washington, specifically the u.s. senate. this is how the breakdown stands democrats 45% republicans 55%. as you look at the breakdown around the country, we look at the tight races, if you were to have the election day, the average of polls, the republicans are poised to pick up in alaska, in montana, in south daka,
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