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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 23, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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thanks for being with us. i will see you tomorrow on the five. greta back tomorrow. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight. a violent terror attack on canada's parliament. what's behind it and why won't the world yaw night against terrorism? we'll have a no spin report. >> fears of another ebola case on american soil. a patient is undergoing tests at university hospital in newark, new jersey. >> is that a scare tactic? is mr. rose and other journalists trying to frighten you? that's what some supporters of president obama are saying. we will have analysis of that situation. >> what do you say to people who say the justice system is going through its cases? let it work?
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which have a wonderful set of facts to support the way it has engaged. >> >> also ahead, some new information about the shootingeth death of michael brown will not make the antipolice folks happy. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly thanks for watching us tonight. talking points memo on fear and how it pertains to the obama administration will be in our second segment tonight, leading the factor, terror in canada. today, 32-year-old michael bebo opened fire in ottawa. killing a soldier and wounding at least three other people. the terrorists then ran into the parliament building
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where he was shot dead. witnesses say at least 30 shots were fired in the altercations. this comes after another canadian soldier was killed by a muslim on monday. after the man ran him over with a car a second soldier was injured in that terror attack. situation in canada is fluid, fox news will have hard news updates throughout the evening. joining us now from 00 warnings mark, radio talk show host. what you can add to the story tonight? >> well, bill, it's been a shocking day in ottawa. this is the kind of thing that i think a lot of canadian feels typically happens in other countries, not here in what we consider to be a peaceful space nation. and we have had had, as you point out in the last three days, two canadian soldiers who have been killed deliberately on canadian soil. the national war memorial in downtown ottawa is a location that's open to the public, very accessible and it appears somebody walked up to one of the two centuries who was standing
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guard over the tomb of the unknown soldier shot him in the chest and killed him and made a short trip over to the parliament buildings which are not as secure as they should be, quite frankly. walked right up through the front door of the center block of the parliament buildings and fortunately, before he was able to cause any harm, was shot by the sergeant at arms of the canadian parliament. and was killed. >> don't you guys have -- don't you guys have electronic monitoring? the guy has got a gun. he has got a mask. he is dressed all in black. how can he get into the building? >> security in canada is not like it is in other countries. and security in the parliament buildings is unfortunately. >> amazing. >> very relaxed. >> amazing. >> measures that have been taken since september 11th, but they have not gone far enough. it wasn't so long ago we had major road that ran underneath our national defense headquarters. our equivalent of your pentagon. there was a city road that
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ran underneath that building. fortunately they closed that more recently. can you walk up on to the lawn of the parliament buildings, the road in front of parliament hill is always open to traffic. tour buses parked along there. and i think there has just been a false sense of security that this kind of thing wouldn't happen in canada. >> whats what the reaction on monday when a muslim killed the soldier and wounded another? were people outraged? was there a backlash against muslim canadians? what was the reaction? >> there hasn't been any backlash that i'm aware of, bill, there certainly was outrage. canada, though we are considered to be a peaceful nation, we are very very strong supporters of men and women in uniform, the canadian military, i think a lot of canadians were shocked by the fact that a member of the military, two members of the military in this case, one killed, one injured were deliberately targeted by this individual. and for this to happen again now just two days later, i think really has shaken a
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lot of people in this country. >> canada has been a little bit reticent although it did join the coalition to fight isis. it hasn't been in the forefront of being anti-terror warriors. do you expect to to change now? >> well, i think there are going to be some people who are going to say that this is in response to the fact that canada is joining the war against isis. that some people. >> could be. >> are opposing that. >> could be. >> canada has fought in afghanistan. and more than 1 auto canadians lost their lives in afghanistan. it's been a big part of our -- of the fabric of our country for the last 12 years and so we feel like we have done our part even though we weren't part of the war in iraq. >> okay, now, the muslim community in canada, in great britain, it's radicalized there are a lot of trouble over there in great britain with crazy imams. here in the united states, not so much. you know, it's quieter here. more peaceful here. what's it like in canada?
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>> i would say it's quieter and more although there have been reports from security officials in canada very recently over the last couple of weeks that have talked about individuals who have been radicalized, people who are born in canada and have converted to islam and have become followers of web sites and social medias, outlets that have been promoting hatred against canadians and americans. encouraging traveled to turkey wanted to get to isis. and on the facebook pages in canada, there is a lot of hatred, there is a lot of pro-terrorist isis stuff.
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that on the terror attack on your country was imminent i understand, do you know anything about that? >> i'm not aware of that specific warning. it's clear that the police did know the individual who was involved in the attack on monday. let him go because he hadn't committed any crimes and they didn't feel he was immediate threat. obviously that turned out to be wrong. i think the canadian security officials certainly are very vigilant and spent a lot of time interacting with other countries like the united states and keeping watchful eye on individuals but the list is not complete. if an event like today could still happen. >> obviously it would be a lot more coming out about this. the man was 32 years old, shooter today, 32-year-old man and we'll know a lot about him shortly. thank you very much. we appreciate it next on the rundown, did you know that your fear is the reason
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president obama's job approval numbers are down? it's your fault and mine as well. then later, some new information about the police shooting of michael brown. the officer involved tells his story.
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i'm shepard smith in new york. >> impact segment tonight, scaring americans. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. with the president's job approval ratings falling fast, some of his supporters are blaming the fear factor. they say things are not
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really that bad in the u.s.a. but commentators like me and others are instilling fear among the population. ebola isis soft economy are all overblown they say. danger is not eminent and fear is being used to damage the president. >> it's the atmospherics that's creating this sense is of doom and foreboding and chaos and so the particulars, if you look at them, they don't pars, right? they don't actually make sense as discreet things you ought to be scared of, but they are trying to create this atmosphere that you ought to be scared of it all. >> i'm scared of that commentary. mr. robinson is a long time left wing zealot, ardent supporter of mr. obama. apparently not afraid of isis or ebola or inefficiency of government. let's take them one by one. there will be no ebola epidemic in america. that will not happen. but the fact that the feds screwed things up so badly causing two dallas, texas nurses to contract the
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disease because of liberian national with ebola was admitted to the u.s.a. should scare the hell out of everybody. you may not get ebola, but some of your fellow citizens could. that scenario is frightening. the centers for disease control couldn't control the information flow or direct healthcare workers in the proper way. once again, that's frightening. the man in charge, dr. thomas frieden should have been relieved of command. also travel restrictions on west african visas should have been imposed, and the fact that they have not been is frightening. it's interesting to read the "new york times" writing about how great senegal and nigeria have done keeping ebola away from their citizens. "times" is full of praise for those countries, one thing the liberal paper does not mention is senegal and nigeria will not allow other americans from the -- other africans from the ebola regions entry. somehow the "times" missed that in its extensive
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coverage. now, on to isis is and other terrorist activity. some far left folks not all that concerned. they want to stay out of it they don't even want to mention the jihad or muslim terrorism in general. it's over there. why should would he be afraid? tell that to the families of the two canadian soldiers killed this week in their own country by terrorists striking out at random. all sane people should be fearful of terror activity all over the world. the world should join together to destroy the jihadists. president obama will have to stand on his own performance. the smoke screen of fear is nonsense. just another lame attempt to divert attention away from the real problem, weak leadership. that's the memo. now for reaction. "wall street journal" columnist and bret stevens. where am i going wrong here, mr. stephens. >> you are not going wrong. when you talk about fear mongering, one of the things that i find amazing is that if you are going to talk about pandemics, look at an op. ed in the "new york times" from may of 2013,
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before ebola. headline is, the next pandemic, not if but when. so when the fear mongering is convenient, quote fear mongering is convenient. >> what is watt point of the editorial? >> point of the editorial is that we are a world that will face some kind of serious pandemic whether it's sars, mers. >> there is always an agenda. look, the "times," as i said, very, very in its praise of senegal. dent mention they slapped it down and said i'm sorry neighboring countries you can't come in here. nigeria has lifted that now to some extent. so, we can't strus basically what the mainstream media is reported about president obama because they are so he emotionally tied into him. don't you agree with that? >> right. i think they are emotionally
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tied to the president and the two things the president loves the most. number one, government. the idea that tsi screeners at these five airports will be able to stop, track, monitor patients or people who might be carrying the virus. >> you don't believe that do you? >> no, i don't. >> i don't believe it. >> do you trust the tsa? >> it's not the tsa i don't trust. they are not medical people. >> hear president hearing how he talked to the experts. we very a long record in this country of listening it to the experts until we realize that the expertsz are wrong. the amount of money that americans spend to cob taken epidemics like this is just quantum fold what other countries. >> i don't think that's going to happen. however, do i think that terrorism is going to happen and now we are seeing it in canada. we are seeing it today in canada that these lone wolves, these guys run around. this is not an organized 9/11 attack on the world trade center. this is a couple of guys, the one on monday we know is a muslim.
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we know he motivated by that as you just heard in the first segment, this guy had a mask on that shot the soldier today. he -- you know, this is the kind of stuff that the world has got to unite against but we aren't uniting against it. >> look, i was reading the canadian press just two weeks ago the national post good paper in canada reported that the royal canadian police were tracking something in the order of scores of potential terrorist threats within the country. there was -- just on monday, there were reports of increased chatter on islamist web sites. my first thought when this attack occurred in ottawa, in the parliament is what if this had happened three months ago at the white house because it seems that the ottawa parliament was nearly as undefended as the white house was just before. >> it was. mr. stephens, thanks very much. we appreciate it next on the rundown, the police officer in ferguson, missouri, telling his side of the story in the shooting of
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michael brown. martha maccallum will report. and later miller on the struckive college kids in struckive college kids in new hampshire, why are they
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does
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get fire adapted now at factor follow up segment tonight, the other side of the ferguson missouri police shooting as you may know on august 9th, police officer darren wilson shot 18-year-old michael brown dead. supporters of mr. brown rioted in ferguson and some media figures like al sharpton convicted mr. will some of murder on television now two newspaper reports other by the saint lewis post dispatch say there is evidence that mr. brown was involved in a physical confrontation with officer wilson. here with details fox news anchor martha maccallum. we must point out that the "new york times" of st. louis post liberal papers, all right. certainly not -- they have no animosity toward mr. brown. so, when they print it,
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that, you know, we go, whoa. let's take the st. louis post dispatch first. et what's the headline? >> the headline is that they are stashiating according to their reporting that there was an altercation at the car. >> the police car? >> the police car. >> right. >> inside the police car with michael brown. and, basically, they are -- their sources are a source very close to darren wilson, the police officer that you see on the right-hand side of your screen. and also leaked information from the official autopsy in this case. >> anonymous source but leaked information from the autopsy. >> exactly. >> go ahead. >> so what it accounts is that the car that the two of them, johnson and brown were walking down the middle of the street. that wilson pulled up behind them, told them to get up on the sidewalk. then an altercation ensued as wilson started to get out of his car and open the door. the account in the dispatch say the door was pushed closed by michael brown and
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that he punched him on the right side of the face and the left side of his face according to this report. >> mr. brown about 300 pounds. >> true. >> big man. >> true. >> and before the altercation with the officer had pushed around as we have seen now a deli owner. he had marijuana in his system, correct? >> that's true. >> what about the gun? how did the gunfire inside of the police car? >> two parts here. you have the first two shots and even benjamin crump who you have spoken with the attorney acknowledges there were witnesses to some brief altercation he says at the police car. the first two shots according to this report went off in the car. they say that the autopsy report shows that bullet going through his right thumb and up towards the wrist on the hand of michael brown. darren wilson claims that he was struggling to get his gun in his holster and that's. >> mr. brown was trying to take the the police officer's gun away? >> true. and in the struggle the gun went off and shot mr. brown. mr. brown then ran away from
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the car. >> that's right. >> the officer then pursued him? >> darren wilson says according to this source in the dispatch that after those first two shots were fired in the car and this is where the "new york times" kind of left off and the dispatch picks up the rest of the story, the final four shots happened outside of the car about 200 feet from the car. he says that michael brown ran away, injured, his hand was injured but that he then turned around and came back towards officer wilson. and that officer wilson told him to stop, keep in mind that at this point, officer wilson believed that he had had twice called for backup. which had not arrived at this point. that he started -- michael brown started to come back towards the officer, he told him to stop. he did not stop. and that's when he continued to fire. >> okay, and then he shot him. does the autopsy say because there were reports that mr. brown was shot in the back, or with his hands up, surrendering, autopsy indicate that according to the post dispatch. >> according to the post dispatch report, he was coming towards him at the time of those final shots. he leaned forward, it may have been from his injury
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that he went forward. and that the final shot was in the head as we originally. >> okay. so there is still doubt about what happened outside the car. and, i mean, again, this is an anonymous source saying it. could be somebody sticking up for dash wilson, could be his mom, we just don't know. but the autopsy does destroy some of the initial reporting that this was an aggressive action by the police officer who, you know, shot a fleeing wilson or wilson with his hands up. is that fair? >> according to this report that is fair. and as you point out, the biggest discrepancy is the part -- the second part, because even his attorney acknowledges that there was an altercation that happened inside the car. >> inside the car, right. we just don't know what happened outside the car. all right, martha, thanks as always we appreciate it tomorrow we have a follow-up to this report which is getting very intense. plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. as the midterm elections come forward, president obama is not wanted by his own party.
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dana perino with some thoughts on that. banning black americans from the suburbs, did it happen the way the left says did?
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charles krauthammer said on this program republican also win the senate two weeks from tonight. good odds o, all over the country, president obama is being asked to stay home by his own party. >> a lot of the states this time are states that i didn't win. and so some of the candidates there, you know, difficult at best to have me were us now to analyze some co-host of the five dana per reason no, president bush the younger so your former
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boss at the end of his second term was almost as unpopular as president obama you yeah. >> did the republicans ask him to stay home? did they call and say perino, we don't want the president. did they do that. >> they would call karl rove and tell them that. karl would deal with that there are a lot of similarities between what's happening now to president obama and what happened in 2006. president bush was unpopular. and it is almost always the case that a president in his second term loses members of his own party in that second midterm. it's almost happened. bill clinton who scared everybody about impeachment and got his people to turn out to wrote and defight history president obama is facing something more severe partly because of what he was talking about. and that's the map. there are more senate democrats that are vulnerable this time around that are in states that voted for romney. so he is -- president obama is unpopular and they have been trying to distance
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themselves from him. >> did president bush know that the country had turned against him largely because of iraq at that point? at that point it was all iraq centric because the economy was still pretty good. and the the economy is okay. iraq, even though the president did support the surge and they pulled it out of the fire, americans d.c. of it addition the other thing you have to keep in mind that hurricane katrina happened in august of 2005. that dominated headlines rightly so the attitude about it wasn't very popular even with republicans. >> he knew history very well and other presidents had gone through it he accepted it and did what he could. he did as much fundraising as possible and went it the states that the district wanted to be around. >> did he take it personally. >> no. >> he didn't. >> i do think that is the difference with this
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president in a way. what president obama said yesterday actually should never have been spoken aloud. it's one of those things that you should just say i know i'm unpopular i know this they have disoons themselves from me. keep my mouth shut about it what he did yesterday in talking to al sharpton was undo all of those ads that the democrats have been pushing to say we are different from president obama, vote for us because we can get things done. we are going to push on president obama. what he basically said is that the republicans are right. these guys all vote with me 99% of the time. all will be forgiven on november ath. >> okay. so politics is a game where you have to be very careful in a variety of things. president obama has done far more fundraisers than president bush did. okay? that's hurt his image, president obama. now, up until a few months ago, he didn't care. now, i think he cares. now it's to the point of critical mass. that was beheading. when he announced the beheading of american citizen by isis and went out and played golf and the golf
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and fundraising is tied in because they both take it him away from the serious business around the country president bush was in crawford doing the brush thing or driving. >> i don't remember that kind of criticism about president bush at the time. reporters complained about not being allowed in to cover the fundraisers that has continued with president obama. but certainly president obama, no democrat will be able to complain that he didn't raise enough money for them. >> yeah but we as americans can complain he didn't pay enough attention to isis and ebola. that's legitimate criticism. >> all of that has caught up with him over the summer. especially isis and ebola. those are the two big ones. >> dana perino, everybody. when we come right lack back, the truth about obamacare and bias against black americans. miller on crazy collegel break.
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in now back to the o'reilly factor still live. thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the truth serum segment tonight. two hot topics beginning with the cost of obama care. still a very murky situation. some people are paying more. 80% of those who signed up on the exchanges are being subsidized by the feds. president obama says all americans though are coming out ahead.
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>> if we hadn't taken this on and premiums had kept growing at the rate they did in the last decade, the average premium for family coverage today would be $1,800 higher than they are. now, most people don't notice it, but that's $1,800 you don't have to pay out of your pocket or see vanish from your paycheck. that's like $1,800 tax cut. >> here now our truth sur. does the president have his facts right. >> to kick things off the government expectation about certain amount of money being shelled out health coverage but then is not shelled out is not the equivalent of a tax cut. look at this as the president saying that money is staying in people's pockets. then there are a couple things here that have to do with selective math. they arrive at this
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interesting way. first off even if businesses are not paying as much as they expected to cover their employees, it doesn't necessarily mean they are passing that difference on to their workers. so that is point 1. point 2 the truth is that healthcare spending is lower. there is a big thing being left out of that statement so big it's called the great recession there are a lot of things that have been lower including economic growth and healthcare spending has been lower as well. but, finally, the selected math that i talked about what the white house is doing, they are comparing the last four years since obamacare began to be implemented in 2010 to it the previous 10 years from 2000 to 2010. so a four year comparison to a 10 year comparison and opponents of this logic essentially say that isn't fair when you talk about healthcare premiums and when they were higher the beginning of the decade is when they were higher in 2000 to 2007. >> here is what bothers me about this. deductibles for people like me, all right, have gone up. so we buy our health insurance. we don't get subsidies from the government.
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and maybe the premiums are a little lower. in my case they are not. i'm opting for the best coverage. all right. but the deductibles, the -- what you have to pay out of your pocket before any kind of insurance kicks in. are up a all over the place. and i don't think the president is factoring that in is he. >> that goes back to employers, what employers are doing. they may not necessarily be passing on the way the this works, they may not be passing that on to their employees and deductibles could feasibly be higher. a lot of part-time around the country say healthcare plans changed. might be paying more. depend on the individual. >> situation. i don't think it's going to be clear to anyone for another three or four years whether this thing is economically beneficial to all americans. look, i don't have 1800 bucks back in my pocket from health insurance. i can tell you that right now. do i care? no. all right.
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i'm getting the best that i can get. i can afford it i'm not whining about it. but a lot of people are on that bubble. and if they have to pay more on the deductible. it's not going to work out for them. all right. now, you remember me and jon stewart. you know jon stewart, right? okay. so we were on a show promoting killing patton. and it came down to white privilege roll the tape. >> did that upbringing leave a mark on you even today? >> of course. every upbringing leaves a mark on people. >> could black people live in left town. >> not at that time. they could not. >> so that, my friend, is what we call in the business white privilege. [cheers] >> that was in 19 -- >> -- that was in 1950, all right? >> now, stuart is correct, sean, that blacks couldn't move into left town in 1950. when did that change? >> well, is he correct because the federal government actually backed
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that. the federal housing administration had a covenant in the lease in the house that your parents' owned said it could only be used by caucasian. started to change in '54, '55 with some court cases but, still, left town by 1960 out of 15,000 homes there were still only 15 owned by african-americans. >> so, then there was a law passed in the 60's that said you couldn't discriminate against black people. >> yep. >> in any way, shape or form. >> fair housing act of 1968. >> stuart is right that there was a period of time. but the mistakes he makes is that there was some kind of privilege associated with living in left town. >> it was the law federal government and william left had had a deed people could only be used by caucasian race. >> is he making it out to be blair. all right. trust me. it was a good place to grow up because there were a lot of kids but there wasn't any privilege involved in growing up there.
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black on long island lived in places like hempstead and west burry. some of those neighborhoods were good and some weren't. there was immigration so we have to give stuart props for history, right, white privilege extending out, wrong. there they are the truth serum guys and gals. serum guys and gals. the advice the d man's mom
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at
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back of the book segment tonight, miller time, this evening the sage of the southern california is here in new york city and here he is. >> billy, came in a little early. we have shows this weekend. i want to get in early and get i wanted to get in early, get a free temperature reading at newark airport. >> how are you, miller? >> yeah, okay. i went to jfk. they're one degree off. i don't know what to make of it. >> i suggest they put you in isolation for about six months. >> you know what?
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it will still be funny in isolation. hey, i was just back in the green room watching the buddy edison in the hill billy, i love that show. >> i'm trying to figure out. my mother's 92. i'm going, mom, exactly what privilege was associated with living here. and -- >> he's a bad guy. >> awful guy. all right. you're a wacky college kid, went to school somewhere in pittsburgh, we all did a little high jinx -- what happened at the pumpkin festival? >> these kids are out of their gourds. they've turned into jack-o-lanterns. >> isn't that near really neat-o junior college? >> dartmouth. >> all i know is this, kids are smart nowadays, but they're not
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wise. you've got kids from denver flying over girls to be jihad. when we were a kid if you wanted to rebel, you liked the beatles instead of rolling stones. now they're flying over for isis. >> but there are always crazy people. >> we need to spank people again. >> spank? you want to spank them? >> if i was their parents i would say what are you nuts going to visit isil, smack you over my knee. we're going to do away with the mid stop on the flight. they'll start flying from denver to directly to isis' tent. >> advise you not to do this next segment, but i'm going to have to let miller go because julian assange, this is the wikileaks man, go. >> if he was the dinty moore man, but ironically here's the
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weird thing about his clothing line, the pants all have button fly jeans which makes it really hard to leak. and you would think the wikileaks guy would -- >> that's it? >> i've got a backup. i've got a backup. >> what? >> underneath the julian assange you wear the edward snowden jock strap. >> i knew i shouldn't have let him do it. i knew it. >> you gave me that last week. >> and i told it for a reason. >> listen, they're only selling in one place, india, because over there assange is considered a god, i mean a cow. >> all right. bolder fresher show miller does a very interesting -- >> wait, you said bull. >> i said bolder fresher. his mother was a woman who could phrase things in a very pithy way. >> you'll have to bleep this but it's the essence of the thing. and when i was leaving pittsburgh as i went out the
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door my mom said to me, when i was going to l.a., she said don't become [ bleep ]. >> and that was it. that was the advice. >> billy, you know how short brief -- your whole life. every time i'd go to buy into it in l.a. i would remember my mom saying it. obviously you heard it bleeped at home. she said don't with a southern offramp, if you know what i mean. that sort of stuff makes life easy. >> and to this day you still hear your mom say that. >> whenever i go to do a thing that feels phony to me or feels like butt kissy, i'll remember her looking at me and right after she hugged me and said don't be a blank. and that sticks in my head. and i pull back from it and honor her memory. >> that's good advice. quick reminder bolder fresher show rolls into charleston, west virginia this coming friday night. we'll be at the municipal auditorium.
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details on "the factor" tip of the day, the most overused wordsdsdsdsdsds
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"the factor" tip of the day in a moment, words i overuse, me. first the mail, mr. o'reilly, suggesting harvard's ban on travel to liberia is equivalent to banning spring break travel makes you a huge pinhead. you took my words out of context, lisa. my comparison was posed in a question about what harvard and other colleges can legally ban. can the schools simply say no to anything they don't like? so it is you, lisa, who might be misguided although i will not assign you the pinheaded status. mark, maryland. the hypocritical travel restrictions imposed by harvard have also been implemented by johns hopkins university. kentucky, bill, thanks for another excellent assessment of the false racism claims made by
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the left. you are a reliable source for revealing deceit. that's one of our mandates on "the factor." illinois, bill, you consistently get it wrong about the free market economy and the cause of the collapse in 2008. government policy is what -- untrue. government-backed agencies like freddie mac and fannie mae is what contributed, but lehmans pedalled the ... america. i don't see why an elective college course on abortion should disallowed. calling it propaganda was speculative and i thought you didn't deal in speculation, bill? come on, you get the pinhead level. contains no scrutiny of the abortion industry whatsoever. also a fact, california taxpayers are funding it including those who oppose abortion. that's wrong on every level.
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killing patton is a great book but caused me to lose respect for dwight eisenhower. had to make -- in order to keep allied forces united. did some personal things that are not all admirable but human beings are all. on behalf of my late father, sergeant john jordan, thank you for writing killing patton. dad served in the third army during the battle of the bulge and said many times he did not believe patton's death was accidental. thank you. tip of the day, here are four words that i overuse in my house. turn the machines off. what a struggle. the urchins can't get away fwr these things. they totally dominate their leisure time. many adults are even worse. the tide is coming in and nobody can stop it.
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when i was in bermuda recently it was tough getting text and e-mails, drove me crazy because i had to make decisions on those stupid machines. here's the tip of the day, pertains to kids and adult, schedule times daily when the machines rest, off, asleep, not up and running. you keep expanding that time. make a tech-free time-out part of your life each day. that sit for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website. and spout off about "the factor" anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be drafish when writing to "the factor." ms. megyn is next. >> it's thursday, october 23rdrd. terror in canada. he storms a war memorial then storms parliament.
1:59 am
(gun fire) >> what we now know about the suspect as possible radical ties. >> it has happened again, the white house on lock down after another man jumps the fence. new information on the security breech and the dog that took down the jumper. >> apple users may be seeing double, charges that is. why you may need to cheek your accounts. "fox & friends first" starts now. >> you are watching "fox & friends first". i am leah gabrielle in for ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. setting off chaos in canada.
2:00 am
>> a gunman storming a soldier to death at the national war memorial. an act of terror. a recent muslim convert with possible ties to isis. now the fbi is on high lart urging vigilance watching for signs of a similar attack at home. >> a brave unarmed soldier corporal nathan sorilo the father of a young son. >> law enforcement running through the streets guns drawn as shots are ringing out a capital city on lock down. >> a minute by minute look at how the chaos in unfolded we are back we have breaking news coming from parliament in canada where there is a reported shooting. >> the reports are that shots have been fired that one soldier is down on


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