tv Americas Newsroom FOX News October 23, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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middle of the game. viewers went crazy. especially in the washington area. they started rapting on twitter. the royals went on to play. bill: canadian police say the gunman acted alone. but new information on the gunman's past have many wondering if this is another instance of a lone wolf attack. welcome to a thursday morning edition of "america's newsroom." martha: we are learning more about the suspect in yesterday's shooting. he's a 32-year-old convert to islam who recently had his passport dereken away. he had an religious awakening
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and wanted to move to the middle east. >> reporter: they do believe the shooter act alone which has many breathing a sigh of relief. but we know the shooter michael zehaf-bibeau was killed a little after 11:00 yesterday after his rampage in the parliament. but for more than 9 hours ottawa remained tear righteremained --d and the city remained in lockdown looking for a gunman who did not exist. did he have accomplices. his own mother said i'm crying for the victims, not for my son. zehaf-bibeau told a friend at
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the mosque, the devil is after me. media reports say zehaf-bibeau had a relationship and knew another jihadist who recently traveled to syria. the other jihadist has -- disappeared. he apparently wanted to join terrorist groups. zehaf-bibeau had a murky past. we expect to learn more about him today. martha: in terms of the mood in canada one day later, has it changed really in many ways due to what happened yesterday? >> reporter: in many ways canadians will tell you this is a different country. ottawa is a different city. one of the most notable
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differences in the last 24 hours. members of the armed forces have been told off bases not to ware their uniforms. they have been told to keep a low profile. this is a city's very much on edge. we are. parliament is going to stick to its normal schedule. they are supposed to meet at 10:00 local time. but members of the public are not going to be allowed on parliament hill. it will remain off limits to the public. last night i had a chance to speak mayor of ottawa and he put in context what the shooting means to the city. >> ottawa is a very safety. we are a city of about a million people. up until today there had been four murders in the entire city. you put that in context and not overreact but a sad situation when a young soldier was killed
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while guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> reporter: later today a memorial will be held for corporal nathan cirillo. a friend of cirillo scrisheo ded him this way. he was there for everyone. martha: david lee, thank you very much. bill: two in one week now in canada. as the bullets were flying a reporter captured it on his cell phone. dramatic images few of us ever get the chance to witness here.
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[gunshots] bill: you can see officers running in with guns drawn. martha: the parliament sergeant-at-arms is being hailed a hero. kevin vickers shot and killed the gunman probably averting a massacre as he headed into parliament. parliamentary meetings were underway. he was taken down just outside the caucus rooms.
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bill: terrorist officials say there was a spike in terrorist chatter one day before the shootings. our secretary of homeland security is getting regular updates on what's happening and field offices have been put on higher alert. the shooting happening 60 miles from the u.s. border. gilborder. bill gavin is with us from boston, massachusetts. do you think there should be a universal threat increase? why now? >> everybody has a protocol but they have to understand what that protocol is and what they are supposed to do. it should be tested frequently but particularly today it should be tested very, very soon to determine whether it actually works. bill: the fbi has been told to
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quote raise the posture. is that not good enough, bill? >> i think that includes that whole concept. look at what they are supposed to do if there is some sort of incident and how they are to react. it's paying attention to what you are supposed to do. bill: are you suggesting we have not done enough? >> i suggested something like human nature. any time you don't look at something all the time and make sure it's foremost in your mind it tends to get rusty. so at these particular times you should gear up and brush the rust off something and make sure it works. bill: are we bert at monitoring increased chatter than we were post 9/11? >> i think we are better at monitoring that. we have greater cooperation since 9/11 and we have more translators.
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but with that said there is always a possibility something comes under the wire. so we have to turn up the high game on that. bill: in canada they took the passports away of nearly 100 people. when you do that, they are still in your country and you have to stay on them and that's not easy. >> no, it's a difficult thing. they immediately called them terrorists and didn't calm it workplace violence. number two they already pulled the passports. we should get more aggressive in this country together same thing but it does take manpower to keep these people under control after you have done something like that. bill: thank you, bill, good to have you back. martha: the home-grown terror attack in candace capital raises concerns for law enforcement. he was a convert to islam. he was identified as a security
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risk in his country. is there another lone wolf acting on inspiration from isis? we'll talk to a former operations officer. a lot of people believe it has already happened hear. you look at a number of incidences in this country in oklahoma city and new jersey where people believe this thrown wolf action has already taken down. bill: what do you think? talk to us on twitter. should we raise the alert here at home? late last night in the wake of the chaos in ottawa another white house fence jumper. this is fox news exclusive video showing the suspect on the north lawn punching and kicking a pair of police dogs. a veterinarian treating those dogs for injuries today.
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the suspect was not armed and did not make it anywhere near the white house unlike the incident last month where a man with a knife got all the way to the east room as entered the north door of the white house. martha: canada's prime minister calling yesterday's act a terrorist attack right away. >> canada is not immune to the terrorist attacks we have seen around the world. martha: what was our president's message? there are new questions about the leadership in the united states. bill: the nurse who contracted ebola from the first patient diagnosed in america. could she be heading home? martha: why are democrats refusing to even say the president's name in an interview. >> people have a sense of things out of control and that is
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soldier. he had a kindergarten-aged son. and his life cut short yesterday. bill: the prime minister called this deadly shooting spree a deadly and violent act of terror. >> canada is not immune to the times of terrorist attacks we have seen other places around the world. but we'll not be intimidated. bill: that in prime time. our own president and few hours earlier. >> we don't have enough information so as we understand better exactly what happened, this obviously is something we'll make sure to factor in the
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ongoing efforts we have to counter terrorist attacks in our country. obviously we are all shaken by it but were going to do everything we can to make sure we are standing side by side with canada. bill: what about that contrast? tucker carlson, did you notice a difference in tone? >> yeah. canada is intimidated and has every reason to be and the u.s. did have enough information hours before the president said we don't have enough information. we locked count u.s. embassy in canada. canada has a real problem. canada because of its liberal immigration policies has the fastest growing muslim pop nation the region. it's the fastest growing region
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in north america. and they have the largest muslim population in north america. yesterday there were two events planned in canada with the nobel prize winner. the 17-year-old pakistani girl pushing for education for girls. both of those events were cash said by the canadian government. clearly casing out of fear, worried events like that would spark more violence from islamists. bill: i was not aware of that. a very interesting move on their part. the president said we have to counter terrorist attacks in our country. he laid into it. but you know this guy had a long rap sheet. once they identify him they know who he is and they have been watching him. they took his passport away. >> this is information the u.s.
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government would have known as well and would be completely known to the president. anybody watching cable news knew what was going on and the early hunches are right. there is a belief on the part of the obama administration if you don't say things out loud they won't be real. if we don't identify something as an act of islamic terror maybe it wasn't. the evidence suggests that the opposite of the way you ought to approach things like this, you need to call things by their real names. bill: i wonder if we hear from him today. i think what comes back to mind is 2009 and the shooting in fort hood in texas when it was labeled workplace violence when eyewitnesses said the gunman was yelling allahu akbar. why is that been malt still present today in this
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administration. >> saying it out loud seems mean to them. up would think political correctness wouldn't play any role at this level. you would think concerns about hurting other people's feeling wouldn't factor into the equation. they don't want to seem they are buy assed against islam, even radical islam. that's violating the basic tenet of liberalism. the west is bad. you know the rules. bill: tucker carlson in washington. we'll see what we hear from the white house as well. martha: could it be voter fraud in chicago? a republican candidate said a voter machine turned his vote over to a democrat. what's going not windy city. plus this.
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bill: real-time terror unfolding in front of their very eyes. the reporter who captured these pictures is our guest next on america's newsroom. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪
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throughout the day. martha: a first-hand look at candace terror attack on parliament as it happened. [gunshots] a reporter inside the building captured the terror. josh wingrove, reporter with the globe and mail. take us through yesterday morning when you shot that video. >> it began as a regular morning here. wednesday is a day when our members of parliament are in
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that building for meetings. so we go as reporters to talk to them. we had a terror attack a couple days ago. i was writing a story about one of the ministers said minutes before. it sounded so out of the ordinary it could have been a bookshelf falling. i pulled out my ear phone and it was clear it wasn't that. i looked around the corner into the atrium entryway and saw smoke and smelled gun powder and saw officers with their guns drawn and followed them and that led to the video you are running right now. martha: we can see your camera going down a hallway. so you followed the police whose guns were drawn? >> it looked like they were on a hunt, not a chase.
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they had some one in their sights. that hallway they are moving up is called the hall of honor. it runs down the middle of it. on either side were rooms full of parliamentarians. there were 200 mps and senators. then we learned afterwards what happened at the war memorial. but we didn't know that at the time. all we knew in that building is we were under attack. martha: he ran from the warp memorial and walking toward the building where you shot this video. what about what happened next in terms of the sergeant-at-arms, kevin vickers taking this shooter down? >> it looked like he came in the door i used half an hour earlier. a door that mps and staff and
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accredited journalists go in and out of. you flash a fast. there is no metal detector. at the end much that hallway is the sergeant-at-arms office. it's a ceremonial role and he's also the boss of security. >> i was quite a ways back. i saw a lot of people firing. to pick out which gun and which bullet proved fatal, i wasn't able to do that. people are crediting him with bringing down the shooter. the whole thing was maybe a couple minutes. the blur of it all. i didn't end up watching the video until a few hours later. i upload it and the forgot about it. watching it for the first time was like living it for the first time. martha: you went as a reporter in afghanistan, you did some
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hostile environment training. did any of that training kick in for you yesterday? it appears it did. >> yes and no. it was more duck and cover that kicked in. but, you know, i tried to stay back. i figured if there were -- basically the back of a sphere. i was trying to document as best i could and catch cover behind a wall or pillar as best i could. my mom wasn't too pleased about it later. up got an earful last night. we heard about the death after soldier, just a tragic day here in ottawa. we don't have this kind of thing often. martha: i'm sure your family is very comforted that you and everybody else's family made it out of the there. we all mourn the soldier.
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josh, thank you so much. bill: such a high honor for canadians to guard that memorial. there are new details on the suspect. the reports that he had a religious awakening and wanted to go to the middle east to joint jihad. was this another lone wolf attack? we'll try to connect the dots to terror. martha: things got testy at game two of the world see why is in kansas city. >> hunter strickland was screaming atal extra doer perez at the plate.
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vickers walking through parliament with a gun in his right hand. that's the gun he used to shoot dead the gunman. here he comes walking toward us. and the others patrolling the ground wondering if there was another short in addition to the gunman based on the account dead at that point. >> martha: he appears to be strolling through that corridor. by all accounts he is a true hero. as we heard from the reporter around the corner there were a couple hundred members of parliament including the prime minister stephen harper right around the corner from this bhan the begun and this man took him down. meanwhile there are new questions about whether this was a lone wolf attack. canadian police saying the suspected gunman hop they identified as michael zehaf-bibeau did act alone.
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police are check out any connections to a muslim convert that killed a soldier in a hit-and-run attack. then they raised the tear jar alert in canada as a result of that. zehaf-bibeau reportedly wanted to travel to libya six weeks ago. the gunman also showed signs of instability according to a friend of his, something that attracted attention from leaders at a mosque. how do you put this together and figure out where the threats lie. charles, welcome back on the program. there were a number of signs, a previous record, erratic behavior at a mock and a friendship with a man who had gone to syria.
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>> everything you have so far tells you this was a lone-wolf attack, obviously isis inspired. and i think this will be the wave of the future. this is what you are going to continue to see and what we need to get prepared for. martha: you are saying we are going to live in an environment where this is somewhat normal. where these attacks happen. >> this guy as you just indicated was throwing up red flags for a long time to the extent the canadians took away his pass for the because they were so worried about his traveling abroad to fight. martha: we don't take away anyone's passport. both the u.k. and canada has instituted that policy but we don't do that here. >> we don't and we should. up get to the point where the
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guy's passport is taken, he's that much concern. we can't just check a box and closed the file. he's sometime out there and some sort of action needs to be taken. major hassan which you guys were talking about earlier, classic case where we had all kinds of warning what was going to happen with his guy and we did nothing to head him off. martha: you can put tamerlan tsarnaev on that list. he was asked to leave the mosque where he was as well. do mosques need to take more action when there is a threat? >> the whole muslim community should. there were prominent imams in canada, there have been for the last couple months talking publicly about recruitment activity going on on behalf of isis inside their mosques.
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that's the loudest warnings you could have that this is going to happen. martha: have we had a similar thing here? >> there are constant reports of that sort of thing here. but we are not taking decisive action to head it off. you have made reference to the boston bombers. there were all sorts of indicators that we needed to get these guys under control. martha: that's the equation we are looking at here. in most of these cases people have something on their record. robbery in this guy's case. erratic behavior. kicks connection with their family. a disturbance at a mosque as well. you put these pieces together, are you going to live in a world where we see these things happen and you say there were a lot of red flags there? there is no indication we are change the way we do things here, is there? >> that's precisely that's a perfect description of where we are right now.
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we are not putting our arms around the problem and confronting it. martha: obviously the biggest concern -- we are just watching this video from canada yesterday. we suave the video of the man -- we saw the video of the man who shot and killed the shooter washing back to his office with a gun in his hands. he's truly a hero, kevin vickers. should there be an effort to not shoot to kill in these situations so we can get more information out of these people? >> the reality is when you are involved in a situation like this where it's life and death and it's split seconds involved there is no time to be worried about what you are doing other than you are shooting until the guy is down and eliminating the threat. that's all you can do. martha: charles thank you very much. good to have you here today. bill: game two of the world series last night kansas city came alive. a big double from the catcher
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salvador perez scores two. second baseman gave casey to get something to get excited about. that brought home two more. the royals score five in the 6th inning. series is tide of at one game each. they go to san francisco for game three friday. now we have a series. martha: that's one for you and one for me. all right. this is the one name most democrats do not want to mention with 12 days to go before the mid terms and that's president obama. now even the head of the dnc seems to be avoiding the name, calling him, "him" in conversations. we'll talk to dana perino what she thinks about that. bill: is it the white house blocking an investigation into the irs investigation?
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martha: a jury in washington finding four security guards guilty in the case after deadly shooting in baghdad. one guard convicted of first degree murder. two others found guilty of manslaughter and gun violation. that attack left 30 iraqis dead. all four of the guards were hired to protect diplomats. witnesses claim that that shooting was unprovoked. bill: 12 days left before the mid-terms, the dnc chair joining
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the growing list of democrats who won't even mention the president's name. >> you vote for democrats. are you voting for a fin was of barack obama's policies. he says yes you are. >> if you vote for democrats you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move forward. bill: dana pe dana per today th. this is like a bad game of twister. >> the democrats 12 days before the election are thinking we just want to get it over with. we see the writing on the wall. the white house has not given them a lot to work with. the president is extremely unpopular.
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debbie wasserman schultz has been a loyal person. she is a survivor. she'll say anything. even as domestic tanks are rolling into the capital she'll pretend there isn't a problem for obama. this is happening all across the country. democrats are distancing from president obama. even to the point saying they wouldn't support him going forward. they will support them and that's what the republicans are been saying, don't believe these democrats who say they are so interest from president obama. they vote with him 99% of the time. tuesday when president obama talked to a al sharpton, he confirmed that. i told them they could lie. but they will be with me. bill: did they practice their answers before they go -- did they get ready for this, whether it's wasserman-shultz or allison lund greegrimes.
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>> they will not admit they voted for president obama. bill: when you are getting ready for these interviews -- >> the answers are so similar it's hard to believe they don't coordinate on some level. there is a lot of polling going on. they coordinate that information. kay hagan decided the pest thing she could do is not show up at all. that probably did work in her favor because she would be pressed on that very issue about president obama. bill: 7 points in colorado. cory gardner has a bit of an edge. >> he ran a better campaign. bill: colorado is one of these places where the war on women was really featured and debbie wasserman-shultz was the cheerleader in cheech of that. if gardner wins this race, is this message about the war on women over?
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>> i don't think so. i think i have to make a distinction between the mid-term election and the presidential election. constituents don't necessarily show up at a mid-term. the war on women didn't work because women care mostly about jobs and the economy. but the third thing is that this will come back around to help them in 2016. for example, cory gardner and ed gillespie. two male candidates running in this year. when asked about birth control and the war on women, they turn the tables and say we believe all birth control should be available over the counter and their opponent said, oh, what? but in 2012 when there was a presidential election the war on
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women worked well because we had two republican candidates who messed up royally and were wrong headed in their thinking and that allowed the war on women to further and take off. i believe it will come back around if hillary clinton is the nominee that will be one of the ways she gets turnout. bill: before we get to 2016. there is a report the chief of staff is asking a lot of folks ought the white house whether they are staying or leaving after this election. i have got a pretty good memory. i know people choose to leave but i don't see stories written about the possibility. they are taking a straw poll as to who is in and who is out. is that normal? >> one thing the white house loves to do is not be transparent when it comes to stories like the irs story of. derby wasserman-shultz, two weeks ago there was a story
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about white house aides throwing her under the bus. that the president is disabond it her. now chief mcdonough says if you can't maker it to the end of the term why not leave now. we had a similar thing in the bush administration but we didn't write a press release. pull need a strong team to finish out the last two years. bill: nice to see you at 9:30 in the morning. >> this is the first show i have done in a wreak i haven't coughed. bill: martha, i don't know about the other four at 5:00. they have been warned. martha: one lawmaker says the vote he cast was not the vote that was counted. >> there are new details about three american teenagers running
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away from home to try to join isis. >> these were good girls, we had no issues with them. i'm not afraid. i can take sip after sip on this bumpy ride and do it all in spandex. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match. with tena, i'm not afraid. and you won't be either.
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bill: we showed you this video 25 minutes ago and we want to show it again. this is the sergeant-at-arms kevin vickers moments after he shot and killed the gunman out of camera view. this was at times when that entire country and this country was rather tense with some drama trying to figure out what's the truth on the ground there. this man walked calmly with his weapon in his right hand and had just likely saved the lives of others inside of parliament right around this time. it was 9:52 eastern time.
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same time in ottawa. 24 hours ago almost to the minute when this gunman started firing in ottawa. martha: he probably never thought to live that in his days. a republican candidate in chicago says he tried to cast a ballot for himself as most candidates do only to have it switch over when he pushed the button to the democratic opponent. so wondered what could be up with that. mike, what happened? >> reporter: it's something that it wasn't just trying to vote for a candidate. he was trying to vote for himself. he went to the public library and cast his ballot. he's a republican but the vote
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went to the democrat. as he goes down the ballot he attempts to vote for his fellow republican in the 8th congressional district. the vote went to the democrat. here is if the quote we have in moynihan. i can't say whether this was intentional but cook county voters should have better. check your ballot very carefully before you hit that submit button. martha: what does the board of elections say about this? >> the board of elections says it has to do with one machine. it was a calibration problem with the touch screen. this is the only instance we have heard of something like this since early voting started monday. at every polling place both republican and democrat judges, every eye is on these machines.
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she says he did the right thing in alerting the election judges. in the end he didn't vote for anyone he didn't want to. martha: one of the actual candidates got right into that booth having the problem. the republican candidate for state representative jim moynihan will join gretchen at 2:00 p.m. bill: the fbi is on high alert after increased terror chatter leading in the up to that shooting in canada. we are getting 911 calls. you will hear some of those in just a moment.
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♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. martha: two terrorist attacks in three days targeting canada's military. now we are learning there were warning signs online in the days leading up to those attacks. flood to have you with us today.
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bill: a spike in isis-related chatter. isis vowing retaliation against canada for joining the coalition. corporal nathan cirillo shot dead while guarding the national war memorial. peter king on the kellyfile. file. >> isis made it clear they want to attack military personnel and their families. bill: what is the response to the so-called chatter at the white house, wendell. >> officials say there is no intelligence citing specific plans for attacks. but because isis and other terrorist groups called for
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attacks on the government in response to airstrikes on isis targets. the fbi agents have been asked to be especially vigilant. yesterday's shooting in ottawa also figures into this as does an incident monday in canada in which two soldiers were run over by a man in a car. one of the soldiers was killed. canadian authorities save he was a recent convert to islam related to isis and was the gunman yesterday. fell harper and president obama declared the u.s. and canada are in sync. bill: what did you are fox cameras see there, wendell? >> reporter: a different response to last night's fence jumper than there was to at jumper a month ago who managed to get all the way inside the white house before being
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subdued. fox business network's mike vanigan shot this video. he barely got over the fence before the secret service agents released the dogs on him. he has been charged with assaulting the dogs, resisting arrest and unlawful entry. the dogs were treated by a vet for minor bruising. his parent say their son has psychological problems. the u.s. marshal says there were outstanding warrant against him. martha: last night's hockey game between the toronto maple leafs and the ottawa senators was postponed. but hockey fans last night in pittsburgh, pennsylvania.
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♪ o canada we stand on guard for thee ... ♪ ♪ o canada we stand on guard for thee ♪ martha: a lovely moment. a nice tribute from pittsburgh last night. bill: well done, pittsburgh. well done. this is parliament in ottawa. they are back in session as of a moment ago. martha: mr. vickers walking through, the sergeant-at-arms, the hero who saved so many lives yesterday as he takes his usual spot for the morning. [applause]
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our duty and responsibility as members. grants us knowledge, wisdom and understanding to provide the blessings of this country for the benefits of all to make good and wise decisions. amen. we'll have a moment silence for private reflection and meditation. amen. ♪ o canada bill: the sergeant-at-arms is said to be ceremonial. kevin vickers is a grandfather. stands 6'4" tall. called his mom shortly after to
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tell his mom he was safe. martha: there is the prime minister stephen harper. of said clearly yesterday that they would not be intimidated by terrorism. here they are standing strong singing their anthem. praising kevin vickers on what has to be a very emotional day in parliament because all of these people have a sharp understanding of the fact that's of them might not be standing there today if it were not for this man kevin vickers, a true, true hero. bill: that's a great moment. very cool to watch. the prime minister may speak here as well. we are hanging on this image just for a little longer to see if that is the case. we were told he would make an address after he spoke to his people last night in prime time in what was said to be an undisclosed location. but he talked about what you were talking about, not being
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intimidated. they suspended 90-100 passports of people they suspected wanted to go overseas and join jihad and join isis and the gunman from yesterday was one of them who had his passport suspended. martha: it raises a question what do you do after you make that step. we don't pull passports of people here of people suspected of having terrorist sympathies. they do it in the u.k. as well. but they were alerted to somebody who was dangerous and was taken down yesterday by kevin vickers. it's just an incredibly beautiful historic building the parliament is in ottawa, canada. we talked about the fact their murder rate is so low. i think the mayor said they had four murders in ottawa prior to this. it is not something that they go about their day being very concerned about, and there was not a lot of security obviously.
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we heard the reporter earlier saying the gate he went through, reporters go through there with credentials and the people who are members of parliament go through with credentials. somehow this guy slipped in without any credentials and you can belt that's going to change. bill: this is the second moment of silence in parliament. we now know the identity of the victim as well. screen right, age 25. many in canada volunteer to stand on postal the war monument that is literally 250, maybe 300 yards from parliament hall. stephen harper the prime minister about to make his second address in 12 or 14 hours to the canadian people. we are going to hang with it for a moment. he said they will fight back and be on guard and they will not allow it to take root.
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[speaking french] >> i would like to begin today by thanking the leader of the opposition as well as the honorable members who were there and their encouraging words last night. [applause] the system in our country we are dependent but we are never [inaudible] we are all immigrants. [applause] >> across the aisle from one another, when faced with attacks
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on the country we all love and the things we all stand for i know we'll always stand together. [applause] [speaking french] >> today i'm happy to see all of my colleagues in good health from all parties. mr. speaker you might provide advice to my colleagues. my growing number of gray hairs entitles me to do there is once in a while. we are all engaged in extremely demanding and stressful jobs. but the stress that's of you faced yesterday was really ynld and above anything that --
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really beyond and above anything of any us were expecting to face. would i just say while we resume our duties -- and i'll talk about that in a moment. i encourage everybody here to take care of their health. be sure you find some time to relax in the next little while. also if any of you -- because we are not all in perfect health. if any of you are experiencing physical stress as a result of what occurred yesterday, please take the time to see a physician and get that checked out. [applause] i also just want to say to canadians, we heard a lot of feedback from canadians yesterday, we are all used to the feedback we get very regularly from canadians, much, much it in the form of brick bats and some of it deserves. but in this case i think we all
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experienced the tremendous outpouring of warmth and affection and good wishes from people a the country and we thank them, all of us do. [applause] bill: this after last night saying the times of terrorist attacks around the world have come to canada. can days not immune but let there be no misunderstanding canada will not be intimidated. more to cover in a moment right after this.
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bill: while we were in commercial break stephen harper, the prime minister of canada, is addressing parliament. in amazingly blunts language he's describing isis as the terrorist hospital wants to change the western way of life. some strong, tough language from the canadian prime minister. after what they have gone through the fast four days. two of their soldiers taken out by people they were tracking and had passports revoked and they were watching them in canada and nonetheless they still carried out their act of terror two days apart. harper continues, the prime minister there in ottawa. martha: remarkable speech at parliament. we are guest something new 911 calls that show dispatchers and pair immediate toicts ottawa shooting ram wage.
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these calls come together u.s.via the ottawa citizen. >> in front of the shadow lawyerier. possible shots fired. >> code 4, 1 are you due street. 1 are yo.rideau street. we'll need you for a code 4. ready to copy. call for shots fired. we may have multiple patients. one soldier has been hit. we'll switch this to a different radio channel. >> three more vehicles here, please. three more vehicles. march very calm in the case of very tense situation as it played out in ottawa. we have stephen harper's statements. clear live he is calling this terrorism and part after larger piece of what we are dealing
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with in the world now. i'm joined by florida congressman ron desantos. weep heard some strong language from the canadian prime minister. he said the planet is descending into savagery. he talked about the way members of is very treat women and children, and his concerns for the world. and his thanks for the people defending us. much stronger language you would have to note than what we hear from our president here at home. >> without question. we had an attack at fort hood in 2009 and to this day our government says that was workplace violence. this an individual who has not on been convicted, he's been open about his jihadist sympathies and why he did it. i'm encouraged to harper prime minister harper speak the truth and tell the people of canada the threat that we face.
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it's interesting. you guys mention this individual had been tracked. the canadian government pulled his passport yet he still committed the attack. our government is not pulling passion ports from americans who have joined isis. in fact the fbi director said just a couple weeks ago on cnn if they join isis but have a valid passport they are entitled to return to our country. i don't think the american people want them returning to our country. martha: there may be valid reasons not to pull passports if we are hot on someone's trail and we want to watch what they are doing. this man was tipped off to the fact he was on a list by having this passport pulled. then you get to the next layer of this where you ask yourself what do you do after that. how do you track these people. there is no doubt in my mind. we will likely have a similar situation at home. we have had our terror threat warning raised, members of the
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media were on that list. what do you think about that in terms of how seriously we are taking all this? >> if you have americans going to join isis and they come back, even if they are being tracked, their ideology won't want them to be sitting in a house behind a white picket fence. they will be asked to do something at some point. it's difficult to stop that if you are allowing them access into the country to begin with. what's going on from the middle east as isis has expanded and gained strength, they have a robust propaganda network so they can inspire people attracted to that ideology to act here in our country man other parts of the world. martha: members of congress who feel as you do that not enough is being done and maybe we should pull as ports and take a cue from our allies in canada and the u.k., are you doing anything to make that happen, to push that forward? >> there are bills in the both the house and senate. the government has the authority
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to pull the passports, they just haven't done it. these bill would make it mandatory to do so and i think that would be a good step. it's more than just the americans. you have all these is very fighters from western countries so they have passports from great britain or france. they callify for visa waivers. so they don't need a visa to get to tour country, all they have to do is buy a plane ticket. bill: the terrorist suspect is raising questions about his path to jihad. >> there is a middleman are they lone wolfs? we don't know. bill: did he act alone? i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word
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minister in canada as he walks over, getting a lot of applause. a very emotional day for him, no doubt. this just moments ago. thank you for it job well done. jon: and report when isis may have turned kobani in its favor. senior foreign affairs correspondent now. >> we have been watching the fight on several fronts and it has been very active of the syrian border town of kobani. we will show you what you should see is a brown berm in the
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distance, one of the kurdish frontline firing all day into the countryside, that is where one a u.s. airdrop had gone and ammunition landed. that is where overnight they had taken a strategic hold. you can make future supply missions for these embeddable to kurdish fighters skid we have been witnessing a round of u.s. airstrikes pounding the center. four airstrikes have hit kobani and the region. a lot of isis fighting that has intensified. they are moving on several fronts perhaps because they announced 200 fighters from iraq could be entering the fight in the coming days report of the
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heavy weapons artillery desperate need. we have been tracking the fighting right now, it has been intensifying and a little bit is coming over here. shots coming into this area the past 24 hours. behind the the tanks sitting there as they have been doing basically nothing as the basal rages on between the united states and the savage isis terrorists. bill: alongside turkish syrian fighters. thank you. martha: three girls back with her family after trying to join isis. how terrorists persuaded these teenagers to walk away from everything. bill: the future is here, the
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classic '80s film back to the future to go. they are here to talk about it. martha: just in time for christmas, maybe. bill: just in time for christmas. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012, but for every car stolen, 34 people had their identities stolen. identity thieves can steal your money, damage your credit, and wreak havoc on your life. why risk it when you can help protect yourself from identity theft with one call to lifelock, the leader in identity-theft protection? lifelock actively patrols your sensitive, personal information every second of every day, helping to guard your social security number, your bank accounts and credit, even the equity in your home -- your valuable personal assets. look. your bank may alert you to suspicious activity on your credit or debit card.
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martha: what a moment we just witnessed for kevin vickers, being held a hero. he shot and killed the other onl come in yesterday got a standing ovation at went on for many minutes as parliament got back to work and reopened. watch some of this. [applauding] martha: he was back to work as usual, clearly emotional although he was very forward with his emotion this morning as
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everybody was on their feet. he wrapped up a passionate speech moments ago talking about the threat of terrorism that grips entire planet now. we showe show you the video of s yesterday as he walked back after shooting the gunman. you can see the pistol in his right hand as he goes into the office, comes out again after carrying out the heroic act. bill: a grandfather, 6'4". alalthough nobody stands taller than that man in can do today. serious questions remain in this was an incident of a lone wolf attack. steve, how are you? and good morning to you. what are you picking up now and we have not heard?
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>> canada is no different than the united states. over a decade or so they have experienced at least a dozen major in targets in canada as well as facilities in the united states. all of them have been stocked with canadian intelligence, u.s. intelligence. the soundbite you played was spot on. the issue is if the government can get inside our minds, they can stop acts of terrorism. you can be radical but not cross the line, you are believing in a radical theology. when you cross that line you can be carrying out a criminal take it, it is illegal and the government has the rights to stop you. it won't stop you from carrying out an act of violence.
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bill: this man's passport was confiscated some of the passports of 90 others. you mentioned to our viewers, here's what he said on the record last night. >> for individuals it is pretty big. how will we be able to decide which one is going to act is the real problem. bill: how we are able to determine how they will act is a real problem. >> that is the quintessential problem because when the government becomes too intrusi intrusive, listening to conversations, taking down your phone numbers, looking at the books you read at the library, the public is outraged, yes those are indicators, potential indicators of whether you are potentially going to carry out an act of terrorism or if you're
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interested in in carrying out an act of terrorism. if you are not interested and the government extrude's on your privacy they yell this is an invasion of your civil liberties. in a free society there will always be this tension. after 9/11 there was no controversy at all about passing the patriot act. i passed 99-1. today i had a vote in the congress about the patriot act, i'm not so sure it would pass. it may not have passed last week. bill: it has a way of rubbing off. we were speaking last hour with a guest who said you have to raise the terror alert to make sure things still work. i don't know if that is something you wouldn't support here, is that necessary in our country? >> the issue of the alerts is a
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psychological thing, purpose to raise the public awareness. the reality is the public awareness is raised only through one thing, fear. the fear is engendered ironically through the successive attacks like the ones carried out in canada over the last three days. when the fbi is successful in stopping attacks, the public doesn't realize the manager of latitude of depth that could occur. bill: it is good to get your analysis. thank you for coming back. from washington, d.c. billmartha: the fbi intercepted three teenagers who are going to join isis in the middle east. it appears they recruited these girls online. live from the west coast newsroom. what do we know about this?
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>> every time you hear a story like this, it is easy to dismiss that i as some sort of isolated case. but this could be the next for good or canadian parliament gunman. these girls are from denver. 15-7-year-old sisters of small into sent and a sudanese girl. recruited by watching videos online. the girls tweeted about their adventure. >> their promise and husbands, children, showing pictures of these pretty houses they can live in. we are told had we not called home and let parents know they were in school, these girls may have had time to complete the
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journey and quite likely that saved their lives. >> this is the missing persons report the girls father filed, they grab their passports and took off to frankfurt, germany, to join isis and that is when they were caught. martha: incredible. bill: tensions flying as reports of the autopsy leaks to the public. will it bring an end to the unrest in missouri. martha: three shark attacks in hawaii in less than one week. details on the latest encounter.
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bill: we can work on that. here we go. throwback thursday texas back to 1925 with johnny carson. he began his career in radio later filling in as a substitute on "the tonight show." he hosted for 30 crate years. he set the bar high for late-night comedy make it difficult for every host that has followed him since. martha: johnny was the best. bill: here's martha! martha: this story has been causing a lot of controversy. new protests erupting in ferguson after leaked autopsy results appear to back up the police officers side of this story in the shooting death of unarmed teenager michael brown.
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the details leaked to st. louis dispatch and "the new york times" o have both written these stories in recent days. report there was a struggle that took place in the police car between the officer and michael brown before he shot the teenager to death. syndicated radio talk show host and was a marshall, welcome to both of you. good to have both of you. the last two and a half months wilson said of this story has not fully been told. a lot of controversy over if any of this should have leaked out, but the fact is it is now in the bloodstream of this story. the story is the two boys were walking down the middle of the street, asked to move to the sidewalk by officer, and then an
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altercation ensued when the did not want to move over to the sidewalk according to this and it started in the car. both sides of this story, wilson side and mike brown's side does not dispute there is altercation in the car. it is what happened after that that claims brown was lunging toward the officer at the end of this interchange and that is when the fatal shot was fired because the officer felt he was in danger. what are your impressions of this first? >> martha, this backs up what we have said for most the first week this story was talked about. this is what we thought happened. really good cop was done six years of policing in a community that has its share of problems. he has had no complaints, an altercation with this young man who had just pulled off a strong armed robbery and use physical size to bully a shopkeeper and the young man with marijuana in
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his system decide to grab the officer's gun inside the car. there was a struggle, he was shot in the arm, he autopsy back that up and he began to flee from the officer and turned and lunged at the officer. autopsy shows he was shot in the front, not in the act. entirely consistent with the story wilson has been telling were told on his behalf by those of us standing up for him from the very beginning. martha: the grand jury is underway. we don't know if there will be an indictment. what do you think about what has come out? >> it is dangerous to have information leaks especially with a grand jury convened because that can hurt the process and sway public opinion. i don't think this is a sequestered grand jury. as he said accurately, both sides don't dispute there was a
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struggle. i don't feel this one report necessarily is the nail in the coffin. the doctor who has been here on fox talked about the distance of the shot, where in the hand the shot was. this is information shoul that d have been kept private and certainly should have been kept private with the grand jury in order for them to make the termination. one of the problems is the lack of trust. huge element we have seen play into all of disruptive activities in ferguson, this just adds the fiel fuel to the . martha: we are not being privy to information a grand jury would not be privy to. this is all the same information they have, what has been leaked is the general public is also now learning what the grand jury has had a chance to review as well, right? >> absolutely. some of the agitators out there,
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some agitators in ferguson are unhappy because the facts coming out are not consistent with the agitation a have been doing the last couple of months causing damage, causing trouble and causing a lot of danger to citizens over something that shouldn't be an issue. martha: i had to give you a moment to respond to that. >> thank you for saying i am not an agitator. i don't feel this is a political issue at all. i want the truth, that is what the majority of people in ferguson want. do some of the people get angry if the facts don't support their theory or version of events? absolutely. in the end we have to wait and see what the grand jury does in november. martha: that is what we need, we need this process to go forward and we knew the case to stop representing a larger picture
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that may or may not exist in ferguson went to people's lives has been involved in something tragic for the family. so we have to let this play out and let the facts dictate where this whole thing goes. thank you very much. great to have you with us as well. bill: turning film fantasy into reality. a real-life hover board. how it works when the duo joins us live. you can get it for your husband for christmas. martha: that would be interesting.
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it was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions... while, for the rest of us, health care costs go up. no wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. they say 46 "overreached in a decidedly cynical way." it's a ploy "for trial lawyers to enrich themselves." and prop 46 has "too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk." time to vote no on prop 46.
7:53 am
bill: marty mcfly, eat your heart out, that is a real hover board like the one in back to the future part two. they ride the thing. they are live in mountain view, colorado. love to see the husband and wife team. how does this thing work? >> that is a really important question, that is what he wants to get the developer kits. we have to start by saying thank you to all of our supporters, friends and family. >> all the believers. bill: so this was a dream of yours and you wanted to make it real, and it has. what does it feel like? >> i am the first hover board rider.
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in between floating on water and on snow, it is strange to be disconnected from the earth. bill: but you are on the ground, you are not hovering literally, are you? >> yes, this is the real deal. depends on how much you weigh, about an inch to 2 inches. bill: if you're on the ramp you are above mother earth. why do i need one of these? >> great question. ithe hover board is a proof of concept. we are trying get this technology out there. it solves a lot of problems. much more than just about hover board. hover board is a great way to explain the steps everybody can understand. bill: what you think it is about?
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>> it can be used in all kinds of amazing ways. one thing your end gear to us is the concept of using this for things like seismic isolation, saving buildings and earthquakes. or just pieces of equipment or maybe an operating room. bill: a magnet that suspends this? >> we have focused letterman minnick energy energy in a very efficient way allowing us to carry dynamic payloads and be able to move them mono directionally. other advances allow propulsion and control so we can actually hover and drive around many directions. bill: that would be revolutionary. when will it be ready? >> the prototype is ready now. by 2015 we are had the schedule of marty mcfly arriving now with the prototype, it will be ready
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for production hover board. bill: not cheap. >> all 10 have sold out, so we are very excited about that. bill: congratulations. when you do the flux capacitor, come on back. >> absolutely. bill: good luck. martha: today canada's parliament has reopened this morning as new details emerge in yesterday's deadly terror attack. what we now have learned about the gunman when we come back.
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canada. martha: watch us on "stossel." bill: little bit after tease. martha: "happening now" start as couple seconds from now. we'll see you here tomorrow. jon: the nation of canada still reeling right now after a murder of a soldner the heart of its capital and a shootout in the halls of parliament. we're getting reports that the gunman may have been mentally ill and desperate to go to the middle east. welcome to "happening now" this morning. i'm jon scott. shannon: i'm shannon bream in for jenna lee. it began with a man with a scarf over his face and gunned down a soldier at the canada's national war memorial and a ended with a sergeant-at-arms shooting the man. that zehaf-bibeau acted alone in the attack. with the attack this week and two officers in quebec,
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