tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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loan wolves of terror. you want to see this. do i think the barricade around the white house fence is a good security measure or totally if useless vote on our poll. looks like isis inspired terrorism in end canada as another muslim fanatic commits terror. >> all of a sudden seven or eight people afraid to say anything. it all sounds shady. nld a bunch of leaks police officer wilson may have been defending himself when he shot michael dead in ferguson, missouri. it is quite possibly the best minute and half of audio we've ever come across. >> pushes me down on the grass,
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drive mez across the grass [ bleep ] -- [ bleep ] -- [ bleep ]. also tonight cnn embear as the palin family. also what happened is embarrassing. also a possible ebola case right here in new york city. you're about to enter the no spin zone. factor begins right now. hi i'm biwe're gathering information about a possible ebola case here in new york city. first more isis-inspired terrorist, 32-year-old michael zehaf-bibeau murdered a canadian
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soldier and wounded three other people for absolutely no reason at all. he was shot dead for his trouble. this coming just days after rouleau ran down a man with his car. both men are dead. now we have canada under assault by muslim terrorists. this is obviously unsettling especially to people who don't want islamic terrorism to be a topic of conversation. we all know president obama has in the past attempted to deemphasizing jihadism. actor ben affleck was offended that bill mahr was condemning
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muslims in general. there are good muslims in the community. not all people of muslim are violent people. i've been to the country never had a problem. however there are mill yuions o muslim who believe harming non-muslims is acceptable behavior and muslim terrorism is the world's number one problem. that's the hard truth. president obama doesn't want to deal with the problem. neither do any of the other nations, with the exception of israel. which is threatened by muslim. the answer is what will it take to wake up the world. to answer that question you have to have a weapon of mass destruction used by muslim terrorists.
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if nato and the world joined together isis could be destroyed but it is not happening. the 60-nation coalition is a fars. it is doing nothing. we can expect more muslim killers like those in canada to cause destruction almost everywhere. this is not going to stop until the world, the entire world unites against terrorism, generated by muslims. that's the memo. now for the top story let's go to canada. do you believe the attacks in clandesti change the perception of muslim terrorisms in yuour country? >> i think it already has. the idea you have two home grown terroris terrorists, these are young white males now by definition any recent convert to islam white male will be a suspect.
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this has already metasticized in the west. in canada we haven't seen this for 44 years until when quebec was seeing a movement around 1970. so this all comes as a shock. there's a lot of anger is that has ensued. people are wondering if it is fair well to peaceful kingdom. this could be a game changer from this point forward. >> it will be interesting to see how the folks in canada respond. i understand that both of these guys are not dead, were picked up by the canadian authorities as possible threats. is that correct? >> yeah, that's correct and that's also disconcerting because they were on a watch list of about 90 because the authorities had already talked to them, in one case arrested an individual, they revoked their passport so they couldn't fly to
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turkey as a staging area to get into syria or iraq so they decided to wreak havoc on home soil. so the fact they fell through the cracks is a failure on part of authorities to not take it seriously if enough or we don't have the resources to address this bully or it is one of those things you can't practically reasonably, how do you stop someone from running a guy over with a crime. >> in america or canada you got to submit a crime before they can put you in jail or arrest you. if you're on a watch list they can take away your passport as they did in these two cases. they can shadow and watch you. that obviously was not happening in this case. this guy had a gun. canada has tough gun laws so that's another discussion. but at this point canada has not been soft, did send 150 guys
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there, isis, eh, and i'm just won wondering whether canadian government is going to unite with united states, great britain at the forefront or will they still hang back. >> it is interesting you bring that up. in effect we used to have a war measures act. it has been updated since 1988. it is kind of a patriot act, resembles that, and people are calling for that. where you can take people out of the electiquation for a while. almost like a state intervention if you will. >> that's tough though. the inturnment in world war ii with the japanese. people recoil against that. look, the bottom line open free societies will never be able to stop lone gunman from committing crimes and that's that.
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what is important though is an attitude of no tolerance towards muslim terrorists. zero tolerance. we're not there yet as this crazy coalition and the isis thing proves over in syria and iraq. last word. >> like the addage the price you pay for your freedoms. we since everybody is on the watch. it is disconcerting because we would like to get back to the way it used to be. no one thought this would happen in canada. like to put the jeanie back in the bottle. hopefully those days are gone. >> not going to happen. is the american media trying to help the democrat party in the upcoming election. there is compelling evidence of that. and then. michael brown may have attacked before the officer shot and killed him.
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impact segment. eight years ago there was a midterm election, president bush and current president obama both had similar job approval ratings, bad. few years ago nightly newscast went out to cover the campaigns which democrats won taking both the n house and senate. this time around the graph is far different. at this point in time, abc news did 36 election reports eight years ago. so far this year, zero. nothing. cbs, 58 in year 2006. 14 this year. nbc, 65, eight years ago. eleven this year. simply stunny.
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simply stunning. what say you about this? >> you know, that's one explanation. the more plausible explanation is president obama hasn't been able to change politics and politics isn't selling well on network news. but we'll see what the turn out is in 2014. >> so you think the network news isn't covering the campaign because it doesn't get ratings? is that what can you're saying? >> yeah. >> but it did eight years ago. >> well maybe it didn't. maybe they looked back, i think the network people are striving to make money. >> is it possible -- is it possible that they sensed the democratic victory eight years ago and threw a lot of resources into making it happen and that year they sense a republican victory throughout will is a
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black out. is that possible? >> yeah it is possible. >> good. there you go. it's possible. yes. squl yes, you are right. but let's be fair a little bit. flashing back to 2006, that was in the middle of the congressional page scandal with mark foley and i was working for thomas rend reynolds and they got their clocks cleaned. this time around, i'm actually relieved the media isn't covering this because if they were they would make republicans out to be women-hating anti-feminist. i'm happy the media for the first time is covering the straight news. you saw what they did with todd akin, this time around they are covering story that's matter. to their credit. ebola. they are not doing what they typically do.
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squl and that's track republican. >> i find it very, very strange there are political stories out there for example. president obama's story on his campai campaign twhoo campaign wouldn't that be a good story. >> but they also want to talk about renee zel weger. >> you could do both. let me ask, is it possible that the network's chiefs sense a republican land slide and therefore don't want to mention it. >> no question. >> okay. good. so the three of us have common ground that it is possible. all right. now we have an election in twelve days that is going to be very, very important. i believe the turn out is going to be low. all right.
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i don't think a lot of people will come out to vote. particularly people who are, who have voted for president obama and then have changed their minds and are fed up. >> right. >> if it is that, aren't the networks hurting themselves because we assume they still have a little bit invested with obama. they want him to succeed with obamacare and other things. tler are they hurting themselves. >> i think they want to make money first and foremost. you asked me if something is possible, yeah, it's possible, a 5% chance, i think it is an 80% chance that if you look at morning tv, across the board, they're just covering less and less politics because people aren't that interested in it. they are turned off by it. >> how do you explain a very high ratings of this program,
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for example, last night we had an enormous amount of viewership and we cover politics on a daily basis. doesn't seem to make sense. >> across the board this show does get a very high rating but again, tv network news and morning shows -- >> -- no morning is a whole different thing. >> i think they are motivated by profits not ideology. i think the networks will do anything to get a rating. >> not anything but they will do a lot of things. >> most anything legal. >> last word. >> they are very depressed with president obama. a lot of the networks have carried the water for the president. they see the writing on the wall. they don't want to cover the stories because it is not good for them. the viewers are all depressed because their guy president obama is likely going to lose and it's all his fault. hau
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haufr the straight news we're covering, isis, ebola it is the failures they are putting on television. i'm okay with. >> all right. more about the michael brown shooting case in missouri. people likal sharpton are not going to be happy. coming right back. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. no sign of him yet. keep looking. [ narrator ] their mission: to get richard sherman his campbell's chunky soup.
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the post weighed in saying as many as eight eye witnesses backs up officer wilson's account that he was attacked but none of them have spoken publicly because they say they're afraid according to the washington post. joining us senior pastor of the new life in christ church and reverend pastor from central baptist church. scott, do you believe what the papers are reporting? >> well, i do struggle with these leak that's have taken place and i'm wondering why that has happened in particular, the washington post as well as the dispatch. and my concern is, it seems like they're trying to prep the audience as well as other readers for a nonindictment. i would contend there are three sides to the story.
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officer wilson's side. mike brown's side and then there's the truth somewhere in the middle. i don't want to say whether or not i believe it but i do think we will not be able to hear mr. michael brown's side because he's not here. >> but they are liberal newspapers they don't generally favor the police over the victim. so all three newspapers are saying, and you're right, it's being leaked by people, i think, who are sympathetic to the officer. but doesn't seem to by a political agenda. how do you see this bishop? >> very similar to reverend scott. the fact is can we put a lot of faith in leaked things in the paper. when you look at that, what are we being set up for? i think this is an opportunity for us to really go further beyond the leak and look at this opportunity as a time for our community to come together.
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this really is causing a lot of concern and i would say some division because it seems like we're trying to get another narrative out. >> but if the narrative is true and all of this would have to be backed up by forensic evidence which would have to be presented to the public, by the way, if it's true, bishop, then there isn't going to be an indictment. it's not going to happen. it's going to be a self-defense play. are you willing to accept that? >> not really because i think what america does best is this, we get to the truth by looking at both sides and then we drive to justice. that's what america is about. >> but if its hard forensic evidence. evidence that is, you can see it, all right. blood on a gun. dna on a car door. okay. it's not subjective any longer. and you, bishop, are telling me
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you're not going to accept hard evidence. now reverend scott are you going to accept hard evidence. >> no, no, no, i'm not saying that and i don't think reverend scott is saying that eerng. either. let me say this one thing. when we look at leaked things we can't say it is hard because it is leaked. the other thing we have to do is that we really have to get to a trial jury where we can get both sides out. it may not happen but that's where we really should go because that's what america does best to get both sides out. >> with all due respect. i think you're not understanding something. >> okay. >> whoever leaked to the newspapers obviously has access to this information. it is hard information. i will ask reverend scott the same question, if it comes out that forensics say mr. brown attacked the officer, and eight
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african-american witnesses back it up as the washington post stated today, will you reverend scott accept that? that there might not be an indictment? >> well, it's not a matter of whether i will accept it. >> no i want to know will you accept it or not? >> no, no, no, it's not a matter of whether i will accept the indictment or not. the question is what will we do if there is or if there's not. here's the thing you fail to understand. the issue here is who interprets the data, the forensic evidence and when you look what the is taking place as far as the autopsies are concerned this is nothing new. in that particular vein i think it is very important for us to understand that the interpretation or whoever decides to interpret the data they are the ones that basically writes the script. now what are we going to do as
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far as the indictment is concerned, i think it will be important if there is no indictment that our community will try to do whatever we cana to pull together and move beyond the issues as far as police interaction and brutality is concerned. i think it is very important for us to understand that the narrative that has been written is that this is a racial crime and it's deeper than that. >> there's no crime established. z >> no, sir, all i'm just saying is that the issue is, how is it that the police who have been sworn to protect and serve engae engage and interact with the public. >> all right. all right. >> i said that the issue is that people are trying to make it a race issue. >> i got to go. i want you to think about some.
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the take of this tape, you will see on the replay when you watch it. i'm going to bring you guys back. i got to go guys. >> bill. >> i want you to think about something and i will bring you back next week. there's a very good possibility that the hard evidence will show. that the officer was -- [ overlapping speakers ] are you going to accept that? >> i will accept what the interpretation is. >> there is no interpretation. >> depending on who is doing the interpretation. >> there are only facts. i got to go guys. plenty more as "the factor" moves along this evening. we're investigating a possible new ebola case and we'll have details. plus we'll analyze the media's rorlt reporting on ferguson much of it condemned the police officer last summer.
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we have reaction to the interview we just heard about the ferguson shooting and how the media continues to cover the case. to me, i like those guys, they are stand up guys, but they're not going to accept any verdict that doesn't get it into court and convict the officer, no matter what the evidence is they're not going to accept it.
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>> right, here's the headline as i see it, and it's a headline, interestly that you're really not supposed to acknowledge because it is considered bad form, and that is, many liberals in america, many not all, but many liberals, especially black liberals, like the two guests you had on who seem like decent gentleman, justice will not be defined by getting the truth out. despite what they say. justice will only be defined by pthese liberals as a, an indictment of the police officer, b, a trial, and c, a conviction of the police officer. anything less than a guilty verdict will be seen as an injustice. and then i think republicasonab people should be concerninged
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o -- concerned how it plays out on the street. >> of course when you say the fix is in, you're going to have trouble. you're going to have violence. what i didn't understand about the two reverends is that they believe forensic evidence is subjective. we must say the reporting by the st. louis dispatch, new york times and washington post is anonymous but it seems credible if you read the articles, certainly not sympathetic to the police but it is not a matter of interpretation, it's, the blood was here, the gunshots were there, and the crime becomes apparent, or lack of crime, by the physical evidence. but you heard both men say, we're -- you know, who's giving the evidence. which basically sends the message that the fix is in and into matter what if there isn't an indictment it's bull. >> i think facts -- facts mean
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one thing to us and to millions and millions of other americans and fact means something totally different to your two guests. and a lot of people who agree with them. i think, and i want to say this with sadness, and not with an ounce of malice, i think that slavery segregation and the humiliatation blacks suffered under jim crowe has turned some people socially paranoid. they see things that others don't see. she will n they will not be satisfied with the facts being laid out. that is not good enough. >> no. >> the facts being laid out isn't good enough. it has to be a trial and despite what they say, it really has to be a conviction for them to see that as just zblicjustice.
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>> and the media on the left will fan it. i mean, some of the statements last night. it's almost beyond belief. because, and i understand what you're saying, it's a very per ceptive point. the reverends believe that their congregation continues to be op pressed. has been oppressed in the past and continues to be by the police, the white privileged, they in their heart absolutely believe that, sincere, no question. and even when confront wed with here's where the blood is. here's the trajectory. here's the eight african-american eye witnesses who backed up the police officers account, still, still, they are not going to say okay justice was served. no indictment. last word.
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>> i don't believe if there was a videotape showing that michael brown attacked the police officer and then came after the police officer outside the police car, if there was a videotape showing that, just as i believe there was a videotape showing oj simpson killing those two people, i don't think it will sway someone like al sharpton. >> no he has too much invested. he can't come on and say i was wrong. and he won't. all right. thanks very much. laura ingram embarrassing the family of sarah palin. laura is next. sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing.
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thanks for staying with us. this is the weekend review tonight. cnn embarrassing the family of sarah palin. remember on september 6th there was an alleged brawl that involved sarah palin, her husband and some of her children. it got huge media coverage. now we have audio of 20-year-old bristol palin being interviewed.
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>> this is quite possibly the best minute maid and half of video we've come across in a long time. a massive brawl reportedly involving sarah palin's kids and her husband, it was sparked after someone pushed one of her kids at a party. we have audio of the interview. it has rather colorful language from bristol. here now is her recollection of how that night unfolded. sit back and enjoy. >> i'm going to defend my sister. a guy comes out of nowhere, pushes me by my ground, takes me by my feet, in front of everybody, come on you [ bleep ] -- [ bleep ] -- i don't know this guy. i've never seen this guy in my life. [ bleep ]. that's what i don't get. >> i think that long beep was my
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favorite part. >> she has since apologized for her on-air behavior. joining us now miss laura ingram. i am surprised bought carol is a left-wing person. we have analyzed her stuff before. she's supposed to be a news anchor. not like you or me, we're analyst, if we said these things that would be all right. but she's joyful that this girl is being embarrassed. i thought that was way out of bounds. >> a couple of things are going on here. number one the fact a cnn anchor finds this to be the most interesting compelling one minute of audio that you could run means they are not really doing their jobs over there at cnn. fascinating things are happening on the border, with china, the
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ukraine, fascinating things if we care to become journalist. number two if she was the du daughter of a renown liberal, they therewouldn't be this cute funny smirk, i don't know if they would be throwing to the audio at all. look, the palin's are the favorite whipping posts because i think the left thinks they are easy targets. if we demean or riddic you'll them maybe it will make us look a little better or something like that, all i could say is, i would be careful to judge anyone's private life when it involves a family member who is a daughter who is not in politics as far as can i tell, and i can think just trying to live her life. >> it was pretty nasty. i don't know why she has to be that nasty and i don't
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understand the continuing palin hatred. sarah pailen is now a media figure. she doesn't hold any position. she's in the media. if you want to go after sarah palin, that's fine, she's a big girl. she can defend herself. but a 24-year-old. i don't know. >> if were the daughter of a revered liberal, a black, latina, doesn't matter the color skin, they would never ever do it this way, and we know it. it's a war on women. >> you live in washington do you know her? >> i don't know her. these people to some extent are interchangeable because everything has become so tabloid in television. cnn, i mean, this is what they're covering. when we have major crisis facing this country, economic, foreign policy, a crisis in confidence in washington, d.c. and you want to know why people don't trust
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the media and don't pay attention to much of what they say ask because of nonsense like that. if they want to critic size bristol's view on political issue, they can waste their time at that because she's a private citizen but this is a cheap shot. reveals more about the anchor on cnn than it does about the palins. the president obama hurt by the ebola situation. and the fact are you scared of ebola. we'll have all the facts of the new story when we come right back. i'm over the hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend.
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white house correspondent. all throughout the program we've been investigating a possible ebola case in new york city. we have the information. we of the panic quotient in all of this. a doctor named craig spencer. he worked with doctors without borders if guinea. he came back to the united states, he turned himself in, he has a fever. he's in bellevue hospital being evaluated for ebola. that's what we know. back. if that had happened, then dr. spencer would not have come in
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contact with people, which he did here in new york. so another mistake. even if he doesn't have ebola was a mistake. to let a doctor who's treating ebola patients in west africa come back without a 21-day quarantine. another mistake. my question to you is, does president obama know how badly he's being harmed by all of this ebola chaos? >> i don't think they do, but i think that what this does show as you suggest is that the administration has been in pushing back on a travel ban from the beginning insisting the existing restrictions they had in place were good enough. as you say, this case, we don't know all the facts yet, but as it plays out raises questions about why that 21-day quarantine was not put in sooner as you say because that would have potentially stopped this from even going any further. >> right. >> now, the administration's obviously going to argue we're moving to deal with that. >> it's too late. >> right. like the isis thing.
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>> they're always too late. they never move quick enough. in life/death situations. i mean, they're too late with isis. they're too late with ebola. the american people have gotten it now. there's no two sides to the story anymore. there used to be, but now there's not. >> what's interesting is democrat kay hagan, one of these pivotal races, she was asked has the president shown strong leadership. on a series of those she mentioned ebola, she mentioned the oil spill from five, six years ago, the bp oil spill saying what you just said saying the president has been behind the curve on a lot of these. interesting because again she's a democratic senator trying to win in north carolina, which is a difficult state for the president. and so, look, we've known for a long time that democrats were distancing themselves as president. but now they're going further. now they're actually attacking his leadership. >> all right. now, tomorrow when you have your
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little tet ta tet with what's his name. >> josh earnest. >> josh earnest, okay. are you going to say, mr. earnest, will you now finally admit that the administration has been behind on ebola? particularly if this doctor does have the disease. >> i will ask him certainly why that 21-day quarantine which they're now saying is a good idea so they're implementing wasn't done sooner. that's a fair question. you called him what's his name. josh earnest a couple weeks ago referred to you as a best selling author from the podium behind me. you might want to apologize. >> i do apologize. but i'm old and names are escaping me at a frightening rate. sam -- oh, i mean ed. i'm thinking of sam donaldson. you remind me of sam donaldson because he wore the pocket hank
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ki as well. >> all right. you going to ask that? >> yeah. >> all right. "the factor" tip of the day, does ebola scare you? the tip moments away. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action.
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"the factor" tip of the day, are you scared of ebola? in a moment. dennis and i will see everybody in charleston, west virginia, friday night, tomorrow, at the municipal auditorium. the bolder fresher show is going to be a blast. "killing patton" remains the number one best selling nonfiction book in the world. four weeks. and also the audio of killing patton number one four weeks running as well. we thank you all. now the mail, tampa, florida, bill, here's a news flash, whites only means white privilege anywhere concept is applied. so jump on another bandwagon. historical injustice does not equal contemporary oppression, mr. thompson. almost every race on earth has been oppressed at some time with
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blacks getting it the worst, but jews also suffering grievously. the liberal concept of white privilege in america is actually harmful to blacks. it provides an excuse for failure and antisocial behavior. and it robs some people of motivation. i will continue to knock down this bogus destructive propaganda, and you should applaud me for doing it. tony, maryland, can obamacare be repealed by the next president? congress can repeal or revise a current law. the president would have to sign it or be overridden by a two-thirds vote in the senate. dr. fernando, bell harbor, new york. o'reilly, as you noted the affordable health care act has increased deductibles and copays at least for my patients. only subsidized plans pay the full amount. it is disturbing president obama and attorney general holder associate with al sharpton. i fully agree with that, mike.
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mexico, the left spends millions trying to convince blacks and women that republicans will harm them. and they say you spread fear, bill? i know, it's rich, isn't it? corey stewart, northville, michigan. i vote for watters to guest host "the factor." results on a poll tomorrow. careful what you wish for. still time to vote. bill, world war 3 has broken out in my house over whether my wife or i get to read killing patton first. virginia beach, another incredible killing book. i've read all four. i found the bathing habits of winston churchill in killing patton to be rather profound. i'm glad martin researched that and not me. thanks for reading the book. finally "the factor" tip of the day, fear. according to a new "the washington post" 43% americans are very or somewhat worried about getting ebola, 56% are
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not. there's virtually no chance you will get,ñ ebola unless you're health care worker. after the initial chaos things are calming down, but we do have a case that we're looking at here in new york city. however, overall the only thing you have to fear is fear itself as fdr once said. here's the tip, life is tough enough without you creating farfetched disasters for yourself. if you preoccupy yourself with doom, you're going to miss a lot of happiness. fate will take care of you. and there's nothing at all you can do to derail fate. so keep yourself as healthy as possible. don't take foolish physical risks and seize the day, make it work as best you can. don't worry about ebola or other stuff you can't control. "the factor" tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news and spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be delusive when writing to "the
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factor." again, thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember the spin stops here cause we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, another case of ebola in america as a new york city doctor reportedly tests positive for the virus. this time in the usa's largest city. the governor of new york and the new york city mayor are about to hold a press conference. we are watching that for you right now in realtime. this after this doctor spent time in west africa working with ebola patients before returning to new york city and spending at least a week walking around this town before he was admitted to the hospital with a fever today. also breaking tonight, one day after a lone wolf terror attack in canada, a man suspected of terror ties he
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