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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  October 24, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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huckabee and store receipts and other things that you handle each day, could they be harmful to your health? and pumpkin carving by power tools. >> karl rove, he is sticking around. >> i saw her kick you. bill: a new york city doctor testing positive for the deadly virus after treating patients in west africa. he rode the subway in new york. martha: he's 33 years old. his name is craig spencer. he's in isolation after he checked himself in with a 103 degree fever.
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the governor urged new yorkers to stay calm. >> i know it's a frightening situation. that it's here in new york it's more frightening. new york is a dense place. a lot of people on top of each other. but the more facts you know, the less frightening the situation is. martha: officials trying to keep everyone confident that new yorkers are not at a great risk. >> reporter: a lot of people are surprised a doctor who treated ebola patients in africa would come home on ride subways and go bowling even after feeling fatigued. but there is reason for optimism that the risk of the public being ex posed is very, very
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small. he spent a month treating ebola patients in guinea and west africa. he returned to his oklahoma in harlem last friday. he went for a three-nile one wednesday morning and too two trains to brooklyn to go bowling if wednesday night and he didn't run a fever until yesterday morning and that's when he called for help. >> there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarm. ebola is an extremely hard disease to contract. it's only transmitted through bodily fluids, not through casual contact. new yorkers who have not been exposed to his bodily fluids are not at all at risk. >> we do not have an update on his condition.
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martha: you just mentioned he has a see and you saye, h -- hea fiancee, he spent time with her. >> reporter: we don't know if this fiancee might get sick. she isn't showing symptoms. she is quarantined here at bellevue. two friends he spent time are placed in isolation. they are not showing symptoms either. there was an uber taxi driver. he was contacted and told not to worry. meanwhile spencer's apartment has been sealed off and items removed. martha: rick, thank you. great job overnight and this
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morning as well. bill: a week ago friday he arrived home at jfk. the last 6-7 days he's at home in manhattan. this is manhattan island and this is queens and brooklyn. the bowling alley is located right about here. if you took a higher taxi or driver to go back to 147th street. late last night we get word that bellevue hospital is where he's being treated. one of 8 hospitals has been designated in new york city to get ready for this. the city of 8-12 million. this is what they tell us. they tell us you are not contagious until you show symptoms. according to everything we know right now he showed symptoms
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yesterday morning and that's question he called for an ambulance. he came in contact with four people he believes after he got ill. martha: those four people wouldn't be at risk if we had a simple quarantine period. simple guidelines it seems would have prevented him from having put anyone in danger at all. big * seeing manall. -- bill: siegel will be arguing that as well. martha: dr. brantly' ... >> i was evaluating patients in the emergency room and i had contact with patients without
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the protective gear who were later confirmed to have ebola. i'm confident i contracted ebola from one of the patients in the emergency room. martha: he says many organize organizations are working hard to stop the spread of ebola. he faulted the government in many ways for not doing enough to contain this virus. bill: the virus is spread through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids. it is not airborne. you cannot get it from breathing it in or the food or water supply. there is no cure but vaccines have worked so far.
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martha: could it be a lone wolf terror attack, two police officers injured when this man armed with a hatchet -- look at this scene ... it's unbelievable. he wielded a hatchet against officers in jamaica queens. the unarmed officers shot and killed that suspect. the nwp -- said they can't rule out whether he was motivated by terrorism. jonathan hunt live in our new york newsroom. are police still searching for the motive? >> reporter: that's a major part of the investigation. a group of four rookie cops had been asked to pose by a photograph by someone police believe was up connected with the d was unconnected with the crime when a man appeared as if from nowhere holding a hatchet. he swung it like a baseball bat.
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he shut officer kenneth healey in the head, he hit another in the arm. the two cops opened fire on the suspects killing them. the other two cops opened fire and hit a woman standing near by. >> the case is heighten concerned based on what happened in canada and recan't events in israel. something that first comes to mind. that's what the investigation will attempt to determine. lorlt * officer healey is in critical but stable condition. officer meeka is in stable condition as is the woman hit by the stray bullet. we have been given a name by law
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enforcement sources. we decided not to use it until he's formally i.d.'d by the comes. but those same sources pointed up to a facebook page in the suspect's name. on that name there are anti-american rants that call for arms struggle and attacking america at home. there is no reference at this point to isis or al qaeda. so the question, did this man get radicalized by some islamist ideology? was he connected to terror groups or was he simply mentally disturbed. a former detective told me whatever the actual motive the danger of this type of attack is still the same. >> any lone wolf person who is going to commit an attack against an infrastructure, civilians, or police is almost
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virtually impossible to detect or stop before that act is committed. >> reporter: you can be sure cops throughout this city and indeed in of city across america today are on heightened alert. martha: jonathan, thank you very much. bill: we are getting new video of the suspected lone wolf attack in canada. it shows the gunman michael zehaf-bibeau running from the war memorial to the parliament building. he just shot a soldier minutes before. what happened in new york raising questions about this whole threat of lone wolf attacks and what we can and cannot do. general michael hayden will join us in a few minutes and we'll talk with congressman peter king
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next hour about what happened here in new york city. all that's coming up today on a busy friday morning. martha: a ruling has been handed down over the targeting of the irs. what a judge decided they had and did not have to do with regard to these groups. bill: a car smashing through a parking garage gate. martha: two acts of terrorism in three days as is very pushes for more lone wolf-style attacks. general michael hayden is coming up next. >> the the two tragedies this week and the two losses of life of our military personnel are cause for great concern and we are look at what else can be done to take action to support public safety.
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>> terrorism is the great struggle of our generation. obviously the people of iraq are paying a heavy price. i guess this is a reality of the 21st century. it's why we have to be strong and unequivocal stand up against this type of extremism. bill: that was canada's foreign
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minister on the threat of groving extremism. last night a hatchet-wielding man attacked two police officers. general michael hayden, welcome back to "america's newsroom." the canadian foreign minister said terrorism is the great struggle of our generation. i don't think i have heard that in six years. have you? >> not on this side of the borderer have much from national leadership. there is a pit of combat terrorism fatigue near the united states. i think the president played to that a little bit and i don't mean to be critical, the tide of war is receding, al qaeda is on the run and it's time to do nation building at home. but the enemy gets to vote. bill: and they are voting in a big way and a ferocious way in
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iraq and syria today. when it comes to the issue of lone wolves. you have dealt with this. can we stop it? >> no. i have to be truthful. this is at a they are hold below the kinds of attacks we feared, 5 and 10 years ago. what happened in canada was a tragedy but it wasn't a catastrophe. what we have are lower threshold attacks. they are very difficult to stop particularly when the individuals seem to be self-motivated. >> i want to can your brain on the advice for the administration. joe lieberman is out in the "wall street journal." he said they would have a plan two years ago and still they don't have a strategy today. why is that? is he right? >> i'm not in government, i can't confirm that. it doesn't look at if we are able to stop some of this
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radicalization that's going on and the recruitment going on on the worldwide web. at what point does that radicalization process transfer from protected free speech and three thought into something that's inevitably violent in which we as a people, a community, have a right to interfere. bill: if it's so difficult to do it comes back to the question again, can we do this? >> we can reduce it and manage it and harden ourselves. but at the end of the day, at the end of the process this may be more about resilience than sheer prevention. bill: in iraq and syria when you are going after isis, we can debate whether more needs to be done about isis. but you believe that encourages
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more action we have seen in canada and the united states. >> i support what we are doing in iraq and syria. i frankly fave more of what we are doing -- i frairnlly favor more than what we are doing in iraq and syria. t that kind of person we have seen this week will be more strongly motivated to act on their emotions'. so it makes this kind of activity more likely. bill: inevitable is what you are say? >> predictable. free people have a right to defend themselves. the canadians changed that equation. free people debate where is that line between security and safety over here. the canadians a bit different than us. we are toting this way. this is not an argument between light and darkness. these are decisions free people have to make all the time based on the totality of circumstance
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they find themselves and canada discovered the circumstance are different than they thought. bill: in canada they have taken passports away from all those people. should we do that? >> objectively that's not a bad idea. bill: you make some great points we should consider. martha: we'll talk to pete king and follow up on some of those ideas as well. a man in pennsylvania looks way too much like the fiewj touch eric frein. this case of mistaken identity turns out to be no laughing matter. bill: the lawsuit against the agency that was just tossed out by a federal judge. >> it gives one pause to think there is interagency collusion
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between private citizens. it's the weaponization of government.
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bill: a pennsylvania man says police have stopped and questioned him more than 20 times. apparently he bears a resemblance to suspected cop killer eric frein. he's accused of killing a state trooper a month a go. he says police have forced hip to the ground and held a rifle to his head. a sympathetic stranger is seeking donations on the crowd funding site to help hip get a car.
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martha: a judge saying the tax agency has done enough to correct the problem that surfaced despite concern this easily could happen again. see the lawsuit filed by true the vote which was one of the entities involved in this. listen to her story about how she was unfairly targeted. >> in 2011 my business and personal records were audited. in 2012 my business was inspect bid so shah and in 2012 the bureau of to be * and firearms contacted my business and in 2010 on six different occasion. all of these incursions started after filing for tax exemptions.
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i was targeted because of my political beliefs. martha: when you lit on the litany of invasions into her privacy. let's bring in michael warren. staff writer for the weekly standard. explain what this judge did specifically. what were they requesting that he shot down. >> reporter: they were requesting the irs not go after conservative groups. actually issue an order making sure the agency doesn't go after conservative groups and i think they were probably asking too much of this judge. it would have been too activist of this judge. the judge said the irs did grant this group status eventually within a relatively normal time period. i think they were asking for a little bit too much. even though this is a frustrating result for this conservative group and they feel like they deserve justice, it's probably the right and sort of
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narrow view of the lawsuit, the right call by this judge. the judge did not rule out other conservative groups who were not granted tax exempt status from filing lawsuits as well. but in this particular inand this group is sort of out of luck as far as the court is concerned. martha: i think they waited several years to get their tax exempt status which is much longer than for groups of the opposite political persuasion. he thought they had won what they were going to win in term of how much punishment the i.r.s. could be under. in was a request to make lois lerner and others pay a penalty. he shot that down too. right? if these conservative group want to see justice, i believe the judge made this point in his ruling which is to say they need
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to go through legislative channels to remedy this. ultimately these remedies come through the executive branch. conservatives don't feel confident in this particular president and administration to do so. but republicans are on track to win back the senate. you can expect to see legislation that's outlining the stringent equal protect for these groups who are going before the irs. this is always the issue. it's not that it was particularly conservative group targeted but they were targeted at the expense or not the way that liberal groups were being targeted. so perhaps the irs needs to be sure these groups observe tax exempt status but not singling them out because of their political beliefs. martha: i don't think they are going to stop here even though they have sort of been cut off
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at this particular bridge. thank you very much. we'll see you next time. bill: we are minutes away from a hearing on the hill about the u.s. response to ebola. that should be interesting. a new york city doctor infected by the virus. he's in a hospital here in new york city. we'll take you live to capitol hill for that. martha: the white house is on defense after a democratic senator is saying the path is quote not really relevant anymore. our political panel weighs in. >> reporter: what do you say about the president's leadership. >> he take all these responsibilities very seriously. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial,
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martha: a hearing on the government's response to the ebola crisis is getting underway on capitol hill. the house oversight committee is
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looking for answers on whether the government was ready for this crisis and whether we should have a travel ban or quarantine. bill: there are some tight races out there. we want to bring in chris stirewalt. how are you? this map is not doing well. this is live television. we do this what if thing. we have seen another debate new hampshire. we saw self debates throughout the work. 55-45, dems on republicans. gop needs six. i can give you 20 different scenarios that may or may not happen. this battle in new hampshire is
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1.5 points apart. i saw on cnn this is a dead heat. why is that happening in new hampshire? >> after watching her debate a couple of times one gets the sense why she doesn't do town halls and why she doesn't want to do debates. she doesn't fare well. new hampshire is a democratic leaning state. they are open to dmablg republicanism from time to time. brown i would say is still short of the goal line but it's so close. and when we look at the generic ballot and how people are leaning. he could pull off a stunner. bill: that is a blue state republicans want to turn red. was is a blue state republicans want to turn red. quinnipiac came out with a poll
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that shows ernst with a lead over prayly. in the white house they -- over prayly. over braley. >> you have got the governor who is going get reelected. they tried to get young voters to be part of the democratic coflitiodem -- of thedemocratic. she clearly has the edge. as long as republicans keep up their intensity level and they get out to vote, i think she is in good shape.
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martha: so meanwhile the white house forced to defend president obama's relevance after a democratic senator who is in a rough reelect battle tried to distance himself from the president. here is how the alaska senator answered a question on whether he voted for the president. he said yes, i did but that's irrelevant. he said in two years we'll be dealing with a new president. >> i think the vast majority of the united states would agree whoever the sitting president of the youth is relevant in a number of important ways. martha: joining me is mary
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katharine ham. it's incredible when you listen to that comment. let me get your thoughts on it first. >> we talked when allison lender beganal allisongrimes wouldn't r she voted for obama. this is a little embarrassing. it's a dance they are having to do. as much as they say he's not on the ballot. the fact that they have to say that means they are contending with his unpopularity at every turn and that's why this is happening. martha: this happened before. it's not an unusual position to find himself in where the counties don't want to talk about them and they say i get. we want you to win and if me not
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being there works for you that's fine. on the issue of relevance. let's go back to 1995 from then president clinton. >> the constitution gives me relevance. the power of our ideas gives me relevance. the record we built up the last two years and the things we are trying to do to i am plummet is relevant. the president is relevant, especially an activist president. martha: is that what we'll see if the senate is lost to republicans for the rest of this term to president obama who wants have much to be relevant. >> i hope so. the irony is democrats want to believe the president is not relevant and ra --relevant and t him to be relevant. of course he's relevant and he will continue to be relevant for two years. i wish he fought more to be more
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relevant, particularly in this election to defend his record. he has a record on economic growth. martha: why doesn't he? >> to me it's inexplicable. he has a record on record jobs growth. he cut the deficit by 2/3. martha: i saw a political cartoon this morning where he's on his iphone with the heads phone in and everyone is surrounding him look at his face. >> whether that's the reality or not i don't know but it's the perception and the perception is what matters. i think he would have done better by democrats to have defended his record through the cycle the same way he did in 2012 when he was on the ballot. ultimately yes the president is veil rant and will stay relevant for the next two years particularly if there is a republican senate and house.
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martha: relevant by virtue of the fact you are the president of the united states. it comes to mind what david axlerod said, the president isn't so good at the theatrics of the office. i wonder how good he is at selling his obama doctrine. who is he, what does he stand for. >> he was happy to make the case when he was on the ballot. he's good when it come to getting himself reelected. when it comes to the nuts and bolts of pushing things in congress and making the celt on pieces of policy he's not good at that. what you see in this cycle he doesn't make that sustained case. people are not feeling economic growth. when he does is these one-off interviews and said all these red state democrats are really strong supporters of mine.
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now those red state democrats are in trouble are there was no sustained case for his side. bill: isis may have crossed another red line. u.s. officials are looking at reports that the terror group may have used chemical weapons. martha: the latest on the canine heros to took on the guy who jumped the white house fence. how the officers are doing today. the best thing to me about truecar is, it doesn't have any of the games
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martha: the most recent white house fence jumper has made his first court appearance. he fought off the attack dogs. he punched his dwawg his 50s, kicking with his feet. it's quite a scene. he fought off the officers trying remove him. he's accused of assaulting the dogs.
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a preliminary hearing is set for monday. the dogs are pretty tough and they are apparently back to work which means they get dog toys and walks around the white house. a little bit of rehab for these guys. bill: the fears for those fighting back against isis may have been realized. there is a suspicious chlorine gas has been used on iraqi police officers. general jack keane, good morning to you. a mass of yellow smoke unleashed that hung close to the ground according to "the washington post." you say you are not surprised by this. >> no, i'm not. chlorine is available on the open market inside of iraq and syria, a and the isis has had the chemical storage siepts -- control of them going back to
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2013. they proper hi have not used the -- they probably have not used the chemical weapons because they are leaking and they are dangerous to the users as much as they would be to their opponents. but this is a terror weapon. you can see it, it's a yellow plume. you can sight. when people see that they break and they run. bill: what you are describing is it's going to happen again and happen more often. >> absolutely. we believe it was used in kobani. we don't know for sure. the symptoms were chlorine gas. they had severe headaches, vomiting, burning throat, burning eyes. that's what the doctors concluded. here it is again in iraq. bill: some argue the airstrike should be much more frequent and often. they also continue in syria in the town of kobani. you are saying that the white house is very involved in the
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application of this part of the war and that is significant. why? >> have much so. they are constipating the process because they are involved in it. and usually that's not the case. usually when we conduct an air campaign the president is shown the kind of targets we are attacking and he leaves the commanders to attack the targets. they are seeing the tarring test on a daily basis and they are making judgments about the targets. bill: you just let the military do it and execute the way they best see? >> you give the military commander the broad mission is to destroy and defeat isis, you don't tell him how to do it and you don't manage air strike on a daily basis. we haven't seen anything like that since lyndon baines johnson during the vietnam war when he
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was micromanaging airstrikes. usually the pentagon doesn't get involved in anything like this. the war fighting commanders are the ones who do this kind of work. it's decentralized. bill: why is this happening? you were about to say civilian casualties. >> going back to second tear question gates' book saying there is a fundamental distrust of the military in the white house that's dysfunctional and i think we are seeing that play out in front of our eyes. bill: you made the argument that we need to push back against isis not just militarily but on their own story. >> the president said he was going to undermine their ideology. this narrative that they have, we have to deglam'ris -- we havo deglamourize isis.
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what is life like for them in mosul where the people detest their presence and they are stigmatized by the people because they are isis. those three girls who went to frankfurt and got turned around. did they know that isis routinely even slaves women so they can rape them and the overwhelming majority women involved in this are muslims? did those girls know that? i doubt that. what did we do about this narrative. we are creative and sophisticated. we have the means to do it. the coalition should be involved with it. we have to undermine isis and deglamourize them. martha: the obama administration keeping thousands of document related to the fast and furious scandal hidden from congress. but some new details are coming out. and what they are telling us is
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alarming. bill: the driver going full steam ahead slamming into a parking gate. and the gate struck back. ross a, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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bill: a driver forcing his way through a parking gate. he didn't want to pay. the driver tries to smash the gate. the barrier is strong than anyone thought. the driver tries it again with a little more speed and the car is flipped by the gate. no one injured. that person look like they got whacked by the gate. iceland just releasing this
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video though the incident happened 3 years ago. martha: thousands of document the white house has exerted privilege off in relation to fast and furious. a gun smuggling operation where agents lost track of 2,000 weapons, including two that were found at the murder scene of this u.s. border agent brian terry. william, what did they find that has come out of these document. >> reporter: there are 23 emails between attorney general eric holder and his wife. why would those be protected if his wife is not part of the executive branch. the attorney general is using his wife's email in homes of shielding it from the public.
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the justice department continues to with hold document that shows the attorney general was directly involved in damage control in fast and furious. emails from 2011 show dennis burke discussed fast and furious. one day later he told the families that the guns found at the murder scene did not come from fast and furious. the head of the criminal division wrote to atf regarding a personnel matter. the president and attorney general claimed they knew nothing about fast and furious yet there are numerous emails from kevin o'reilly. this list is the result of a lawsuit from conservative watchdog group conservative watch. martha: they have been able to get their hands on document no one to get in congress. what is the justice department
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and the terry family saying in reaction? >> doj say they released the list as the result of a lawsuit. four years after brian's death they say they urge president obama to release thousands of documents. americans deserve the truth and transparency. we know 170 guns have been requested traces on those guns. and typically speaking a trace means if the begun was involved in some type of crime. martha: that's heartbreak and frustrating experience for that family for sure. william, thank you very much. bill: ebola hitting n city as congress looks for answers right now. that's the house oversight committee grilling government officials. a case of the deadly disease
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confirmed in the big apple. we are live on the details of the doctor's condition and what the government ready to do next. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match. with tena, i'm not afraid. and you won't be either.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy.
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see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. martha: breaking news in the hearing on the response to the ebola virus. a lot more coming up on this hearing which is live and ongoing on capitol hill at this hour, that's straight ahead. the first case of ebola confirmed here in new york city. a doctor just back from treating the delayed disease in west africa. health officials scrambling to find anyone with whom he had direct contact making sure they are getting the care they neeee. bill: he flew into new york's jfk airport a week ago today.
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for the last week dr. craig spencer traveled all off this city by subway and taxi and bowling alleys and restaurants and tourist hotpots. the mayor of new york is urging new yorkers to say they have got it under control and to stay calm. >> our understanding is very few people were in direct contact with him. we use the phrase medical detectives, trained medical professionals who are able to reconstruct with the patient and people close to the patient, anyone he may have come in contact with. ebola is not an airborne disease. it can only be spread by intimate contact. bill: what is the cdc doing in response to this latest case? >> the c -- c is sending -- the cdc is sending go teams to
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respond to this first confirmed case of ebola in new york. public health officials are saying it's highly unlikely this doctor infected anyone. ebola patients are not infectious until they developed symptoms. when he presented to authorities his fever was a relatively low 100.3. suggesting they intervened in the early stages of the disease when the patient is much less contagious. the cdc go team is joining other cdc experts who are already on the ground assessing hospitals in new york who are volunteering to treat ebola patients. they previously determined before this case that bellevue has well trained its staff and is capable of handling an ebola patient. meanwhile the world health organization confirms that two potential ebola vaccines are
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ready for clinical trials and that perhaps as many as 5 more will be ready for trial early next year. however, the who says there is no plan for mass vaccination before john o -- before june of. they want to wait for the clinical trials to make sure they are safe and effective. bill: they are telling us ebola patients are not contagious until they develop the symptoms. based on what we know this ebola patient developed symptoms yesterday morning. they are urged not to go back to work for 21 days. he has not gone back to work but he was still in the public and he's monitoring his temperature as well. >> doctors without borders agrees with what public health officials are saying, you are not contagious until you develop
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symptoms. however, the organization says when these people complete their long stints in africa, they are exhausted. they come back to the states and because they are exited they are more likely to develop common illnesses like flu or the common cold which mimic the early symptoms of ebola. they don't want these doctors going back to work so they don't cause stress for themselves and their colleagues as they are under going ebola tests for what could be the common cold. martha: there is no cause for alarm in new york city but a lot of people are wondering, what was this guy thinking? did this doctor who spent a month treating ebola patients needlessly put other people he was close to and perhaps others in the city at risk let's ask that question to fox news medical a team doctor marc siegel. good to have you here today,
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doctor. did he? were his actions irresponsible given the fact he was told not to go back to the hospital for 21 days. what's he doing bowling and riding the subways and getting into taxi cabs. >> even thought it's true there are a lot of diseases including malaria and flu. if we look at the thomas eric duncan case. duncan went around town, he was volume sitting and wasn't feeling well. it's hard to contract. that's the lesson we have to learn in new york city. having said all that, i do believe you are workers who take care of ebola patients should be in a quarantine whether it's superimposed or voluntary. not something where you don't feel well, it's probably not ebola i'm going to go bowling. martha: the same thing happened in texas. they told the family of thomas eric duncan we rick you stay inside. but they didn't. they went out around the public.
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thank god nothing happened. but i never have understood since the beginning of this story why we are not erring on the side of caution. if he had a 21-day quarantine imposed on him. he would say doctor i have got a quarantine for 21 days. that's the way it goes. >> reporter: the public health costs alone look for people on sub washingtons and taxi cabs and bowling alleys. the cost alone in a mandatory quarantine of all healthcare workers to take care of patients over there, at the the same time it's louit's laudatory that peod put their lives at risk that way. but we need to learn a lesson about mandatory quarantining of people who have been in healthcare over there. martha: people can't figure out why this hasn't been done
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before. another big headline for me here is the screening doesn't work. so he was screened at jfk. they tested him with a temperature but he did walk into this country with ebola. the screening therefore does not work. he has now put his loved ones in danger. >> it can't work because there is a 21 day incubation. martha: i want to play this sound bite from darrell issa. here is what he had to say moment sea go. >> it would be a major mistake to underestimate what ebola could do to populations around the world and any further fumbles bum bellfumbles or misss by people who can't defend how
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that certainty came to be and when it fails to be correct how they could have been so wrong cannot be tolerated. martha: is he right? >> i think tried and true testing has shown this is a virus that's hard to get. where is the new ebola czar? where is sylvia burwell? the head of hhs. nobody is stepping up taking responsibility. they say don't worry, don't worry. when you say don't worry and things go wrong, people worry. martha: maybe cities have to impose their own quarantines. thanks. bill: doctors are trying to fast track the experimental ebola vaccines. 200,000 doses could be ready for use in west africa by the middle of next year. two leading in the vaccine candidates are in human clinical trials and another five vaccines
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are being developed. but nothing kills the virus entirely. martha: a billionaire stepping up with big bucks. paul allen, the microsoft co-owner and the owner of the seattle seahawks. he's giving $100 million to fight this. this is on top of the other $40 million he already pledged. he says ebola is not somebody else's problem, it's ours. bill: some brand-new video just in to fox on the terror attack in ottawa. canadian police releasing surveillance videoed of the gunman getting out of a car holding a shotgun moments before he stormed into the parliament building. canada's foreign minister describing it today to gretta last night. >> i was 40 feet away from where the gunman was taken down.
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we heard two rifle shots. we weren't sure what it was. but when semi-automatic echo started to go through the marble halls we knew what it was and we ducked for cover. bill: what do we know about this video? what does it tell us? >> reporter: this video is a time line of what happened monday morning. it document the gunman's actions from the war memorial to the parliament building. let's take a look at some of the surveillance video, and what you are about to see are the moment when a carjacking takes place. the gunman grabsed the car after civilian, the driver runs away, fleeing for his life. rand paul officers notice his vehicle is moving with its doors open and they pursue the gunman. 3 leon panetta vehicles are on the scene as the gun man
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arrivals at the parliament. he enters the parliament and that's when a gunfight even sues. the rand paul officers withdraw slightly then they followed the gunman inside the parliament building. wham interesting here is what the video does not know. inside that parliament building the prime minister hid inside a closet for up to 15 minutes before he was escorted away by his security detail. martha: another possible lone wolf story in new york city. a man attacked two police officers. we know law enforcement should be on high alert from isis-inspired killers. bill: is the white house running interest eastern for the irs? why a key official will not talk to congress until after the elect and republican want answers now.
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martha: mitt romney out on the campaign trail. guess what he said? >> i do think it's fair to criticize how the president and his administration have dealt with a massive threat to america and to the world. frankly the president has been spectator-in-chief. i'm over the hill.
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my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. bill: a pair of senators pushing to expand a recall for faulty
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airbags nationwide. many manufacturers have limited the recall to southern states with high humidity. the lawmakers point out it's the northern states that get hot and humid. expanding the recall nationwide would affect 30 million vehicles. martha: there are concerns about a possible lone wolf attack in new york city. a man attacked four new york city officers with a hatchet. it's unbelievable every time i look at this video. 32 years old. his name according to some sources is zale thompson but we are confirming all that. he swings the axe at two of the policemen. one was hit in the head, one was hit in the arm. the us smengt was shot dead and a woman was hit in the
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crossfire. peter king is on the homeland security commit. good to have you here this morning. it's been a busy day in new york yesterday and a lot going on. this facebook input from him is getting a lot of attention. this is attributed to this man's facebook page. he said america's military is strong sea broad but they never faced an internal class revolt. they are weaker at home. we are scattered and decentralized. they are centralized and strong which can be exploited as a weakness. how does that add up for you? >> he clearly was influenced by islamist rantings. there was a picture of an islamist fighter on his facebook with a ski makes and weapon. there is no doubt in my mind that islamist teaching and
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rantings had influence on him. he probably was not part after conspiracy per se, but this is part of what we have to confront. people month may be on the edge mend alley who do become muslim converts and are influenced by what is says and what they hear in the media and it shows the leave it and death situations the officers are inner day. officer healey was only in the job 5 months and his father is a well-respected detective. martha: we look at the canadian soldier who was killed. we hope officer healey is on the mend. we heard the warnings from the highest levels in our own intelligence agency iowa they want to do is attack law enforcement. there has been there have been people with scary things coming through on their social media.
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members of law enforcement told to be careful and watch out for their families. when i see this in canada it does fall into the pattern they have told us will be happening here. >> i agree with you completely. whether this an official operativer to isis, this is part of the is very network we have to be look out for. people who are influenced by isis. that's why is very puts these ranting out there. that's why they encourage the killing and murder of police and soldiers and their families. so whether he's actually a card-carrying isis member is almost irrelevant. because he's the type of person who can be influenced by what isis does. martha: we have to accept there is a spectrum of terrorism. on one end you have highly coordinated attacks that come from the central office, so to
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speak, and then clearly according to his facebook he had jihadist tendencies. there are so many people in this country who are concerned about their privacy, that things they do on facebook might be invade, their cell phone calls. we busted some of those myths over the course of our reporting. a lot of people look at this and say if these guys were doing this in countries we don't want to associate ourselves with, they would be knock on his door. is our nsa able to do enough when it comes to tracking down these kind of people and stopping them. >> the nsa has been hurt because terrorists are adapting to what they learned from snowden. that make it difficult as far as any attack cord glad it overseas. this is what the nypd has to do. they are the ones. the boston police. unfortunately their hands are being tide. the "new york times" wrote
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article after article denounce can the nypd saying the nypd was an occupying ar occupy d an occy snooping on muslims and profiling muslims. they have to be in there surveilling them. martha: peter king, thank you very much. bill: new hampshire, north carolina and georgia. what do they have in common? they are tight senate races and democrats don't want a lot to do with the president in any of those states. >> martha: bikers taunted a police officer who was caught in the mid until.
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martha: some really disturbing video showing disrespect to law enforcement. a group of bikers were making a nuisance of themselves on a highway in san jose, california, popping wheelies, going too fast. a patrol officer pulled alongside trying to stop them, and one biker essentially taunted the officer, shooing him away. he then waved bye-bye, and then the officer drives off realizing he needed more help. the bikers then resumed the antics. backup eventually did arrive, but by that time the bikers were long gone. this is not wise. not wise. bill: our man jimmy would not be doing that. martha: absolutely not. bill: nearly two years after losing his bid for the white house, mitt romney is back on the trail going on a two-day swing through arizona, raising
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speculation about his own future. molly line is traveling with him. she's live in tucson today. what is the governor telling you about being back on the trail for these midterms, molly? >> reporter: well, we're getting an inside look. he says he's getting a warm welcome from republicans all across the nation, big, energized crowds, and his campaign staffers say he's been to more than 20 states since early spring. he believes these midterms are absolutely critical, that this is a critical time for republicans in the nation, and he sees the investment in this election as very important. we interviewed the governor just before he headlined a large rally for the republican candidate for arizona governor. >> this is going to be a big year for republicans. we're going to pick up senate seats, house seats, and we're going to pick up state seats across the country. so people are pretty excited. >> reporter: he believes that the shift in power will give the gop a chance to take action on a lot of issues; immigration, domestic issues as well as foreign policy issues. and he slammed the president
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pretty hard, calling him the spectator in chief regarding ebola. he referenced a long list of scandals and crises where he says a lack of involvement, a tail your to lead on the part of -- a failure to lead on the part of the president resulted in some of these problems. bill: and on foreign policy, he's hitting the obama administration on that. what's his position on that, molly? >> reporter: well, you know, you're absolutely right. he really hammered the president on this respect. particularly when it comes to the military. he said the president shrinking the military, shrinking involvement around the world and, quote: american weakness begets aggression on the part of some very bad people. take a listen. >> i want to see him become far more effective internationally. we're losing esteem around the world, and the cost of that is bloodshed and terror around the world. >> reporter: the governor says he's also very much looking forward to 2016, he would like to see a republican president get elected, but he says he's
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not running, that he has no plans to run, and right now he's focused on this critical election. he believes 2014 is where the focus should be, and in just a few hours he'll be rallying more people to support congressional candidates here on the ground in arizona. bill: the road continues for him. molly line, southern arizona today. martha: looks like place to be today. so there is a new twist in the irs political targeting scandal. what the obama administration is now refusing to do that is prompting more accusations of a cover-up. bill: also live on the hill, lawmakers probing the government's handling of the ebola crisis as an american doctor here in new york city is now confirmed positive. >> the ebola epidemic we face is truly a national security issue. absent our government's coordinated response in west africa, the virus' increasing spread brings the risk of more cases here in the united states. ♪ music
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martha: we are back on a very busy friday, and ebola is taking center stage this morning from the federal government all the way to the local level as well. in a moment, officials in brooklyn -- on the left-hand side of your screen -- they will hold a news conference at the bowling alley where the first ebola patient in new york visited earlier this week. stick around for that. also a congressional hearing is underway on the right-hand side of your screen, and that focuses on the government's response. there's a lot of big questions about how we've been handling this, why we wouldn't have enforced a quarantine months ago for doctors that were returning from this. that's the wig question. that's the big question. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. so, mike, what has the tone been so far in this hearing room? >> reporter: martha, i would say pretty serious and sober so far. chairman darrell issa set the tone pretty early saying it would be a major mistake to underestimate what ebola could do to populations around the world. let's take a live look inside
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that hearing where the house oversight committee is hearing from a range of officials from health and human services, the department of defense and other medical-related organizations. that includes a representative from national nurses united critical of the initial government standards and worried about nurses being exposed to ebola. and the department of homeland security inspector general, the agency watchdog, who is critical of the agency's planning and overall competence on this issue. there have also been mentions of the new ebola case in the new york city. >> an outbreak in an american city or any major city of the world could be very costly to contain and could have major economic impacts. >> as new york officials said last night, they had hoped they would not have to face an ebola case, but they did. they were also realistic, and they worked diligently and professionally over the last month to prepare themselves for this day.
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>> reporter: some expressed concerns being this close to an election day whether this could evolve into some kind of partisan or political food fight, but with it certainly seems the new case in new york city may have refocused efforts on the crisis america is facing. martha? martha: mike, thank you. ♪ ♪ bill: so the white house accused of stonewalling in this irs targeting scandal. house republicans now demanding testimony from what they say is a key witness who could unlock the mystery of who at the white house knew what and when they knew it. illinois congressman peter roskam is a republican on the ways and means committee. he's my guest now. sir, good morning to you. the name -- >> morning, bill. bill: senior counsel of treasury, who is she? >> she's a key person in this investigation, and chairman dave camp, chairman of the ways and means committee, has demanded to interview her through the process of the congressional
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investigation in the irs targeting, and lo and behold, the department of treasury has said they're not willing to produce her as a witness until sometime in november. and in my view, now we're dealing actually with impunity on the part of the administration that has been just nothing but difficult and obstinate and passive aggressive at the very least in terms of its participation. and ironically, this is supposed to be the most transparent administration in the history of the republic. bill: this is what dave camp, your colleague, said, quote: bill: what is the reason for this del? >> there is no reason for the delay. the administration is, in my opinion, concerned about the ramifications before the midterm election. it is insincere for them to make any other claim, and it is just incredibly cavalier. and i think it's one of the reasons that the president has
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been largely now siloed in very few locations where he can actually go out and campaign across the country. he can come here to illinois, he can come to some other blue states around the country, but he's largely been isolated in large part because of the handling of these types of issues and the lack of confidence that the public has on the transparency is just incredible. bill: i apologize for the interruption. a bit of a delay in the signal here. the treasury department said none of these people had any contact with lois lerner, they had no involvement in the irs targeting scandal, and they are, they are basically innocent. to that you would say what now? >> look, then all they've, then all they've got to do is say that on the record. come in for the investigation, come in for the inquiry, state that under oath and on the record. my suspicion is that there's more to the story and that there's more to the story in that this particular individual has actual knowledge about lois lerner's e-mails and the whole
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backlog story. so if it's as simple as that, bill, it's as simple as them saying we don't know anything about this. fine. let 'em say it under oath, and we'll turn the page. bill: you obviously have a deep theory about this, so connect the dots between the white house, department of treasury and the irs. how did it happen? >> well, what we do know is that president obama gave a speech early in his administrationing in a joint session -- administration in a joint session speech calling out some of these various groups. i argue there's a number of folks within and around his administration or in his general milieu that took that signal from him and taliban an investigation and -- began an investigation and began to work aggressively to work from people participating actively in the public square. it is an abuse of power when people do that, and lois lerner is in the middle of this. we have a duty and an obligation to find out who knew what and when they knew it, and the administration has not been forthcoming on this.
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the idea that her e-mails mysteriously disappeared, the idea that her hard drive mysteriously crashes is ridiculous. there's been a referral to the attorney general, eric holder, from are a majority in the house of representatives that said this needs to be investigated criminally, and obviously, eric holder has dope next to nothing. -- has done next to nothing. and the administration's own investigator is an obama supporter. bill: maybe you get your answers after the election, i don't know that you're going to get much movement until then. but after the election in november, you want to know more than just what this one woman knows. you want to know all the names of people in the department of treasury who were informed that the lerner e-mails went missing. why is that such a key part of this puzzle? >> it's a key part because the administration acts as if they, this was all a revelation to them. and our argument is, well, if it was a revelation, then you had a duty to dislose that to the american -- disclose that to the
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american public birdies closing that to the congress, and the timing so very important. in a nutshell, there's no reason for them not to offer this person as an available witness. we believe she has information that's material. if she doesn't, all she's got to do is state it under oath on the record that she knows nothing, and we can move on. bill: thank you for your time today. we'll stay in touch with you, okay? peter roskam, republican out of illinois from chicago today. >> thanks, bill. bill: thank you. martha: on a lighter note, today queen elizabeth joins twitter. so it's monica lewinsky and the queen in one week. [laughter] her very first tweet at the british monarchy account, it is a pleasure, she said, to open the innovation age exhibition today at the science museum, and i hope people will enjoy -- bill: do you think she typed that with gloves on? [laughter] martha: no. i think somebody else probably
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typed it. i think she probably hit send. these things are orchestrated smoothly. bill: the senate democrats in danger of losing control. you've got 11 days to go until the election, america. we'll tell you about the tightest races out there and who might have the momentum this morning. martha: very interesting new numbers today. and superheroes or super creeps? costumed characters throwing punches -- that's lovely -- on hollywood's walk of fame. we'll be right back.
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bill: some costumed characters in a battle on hollywood's walk of fame. chewbaca breaking up a fight between mr. incredible and batgirl. who wins that contest? martha: and waldo's in there too. bill: freddy krueger trying to talk some sense into them when waldo rushes in. you kind of find that in new york city sometimes.
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martha: yes, you do. bill: now questions whether or not the fight was staged. police are investigating. i didn't see any mad hatters in there though. martha: i have a feeling we're going to be seeing one soon. bill: there could be video sometime after halloween here in new york. martha: we're hoping. bill: of a mad hatter sighting. martha: one question we don't have, where's waldo? bill: where is waldo? martha: so it's 11 days until the midterms, and democratic candidates are continuing to try to distance themselves from president obama as we've seen throughout the course of all of this, and last night during a debate in new hampshire, senator jeanne shaheen tried to explain why the president has not campaigned with her. >> never said i didn't want president obama to come and campaign. um, the fact is he's busy in washington. he's dealing with the ebola threat, he's dealing with the threat from isis. i think he's exactly where he needs to be. >> by the way, the president also said that he doesn't need
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to be here because all his policies are on the ballot. i agree with him. he also said that, hey, i don't care if they don't want me, i don't care if they hide from me because i know when they get reelected, they'll be there for me, and that's what senator shaheen will do because she's done it for six years, folks. martha: and around and around and around it goes, right? senator brown, scott brown, and senator shaheen, i should say, in a very tight battle according to the average of the polls, shaheen is up by two points. this one's going to be really interesting right down to the wire to watch, and i am joined by paul lindsay, former communications director, and alfonse demat toe, and we had a democrat who was supposed to join us, we had a timing mix-up, and that became not possible, unfortunately, so we'll work to get him back on as we discuss the elections when we head into next week. gentlemen, it's good to have you here. paul, let me get your take, first, on this new hampshire race. what are you watching in this one? >> i think you just heard it
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from jeanne shaheen right there, she's doing everything she can to distance herself from president obama. and new hampshire is a state that president obama carried in 2008 and 2012. so it goes to show you what the political environment is like right now for democrats if you have jeanne shaheen trying to run away from president obama. the good thing for republicans is scott brown is a retail politician, a classic retail politician. new hampshire is a classic retail state. and he's going to have a really good shot against her. it's an uphill battle in the northeast, obviously, it leansai think scott brown has as good a shot as any. martha: it seems one of the big issues in this race is where you're from. jeanne shaheen, her family has a longtime political history in the granite state, and scott brown used to be from massachusetts. do you see that as a real issue for him here? >> that's something he has to overcome, but i think people look at the bigger issue, and he has been vacationing there before he moved there for many, many years, and he's lived close
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by in massachusetts, was a senator there. and i think this is going to really come down to turnout and traditionally when we have an off year, democrats are down on that. now when you have an unpopular president and when shaheen herself says she won't say who she voted for, she wouldn't even say that she voted for obama, and she said is, oh, that's very private. that's a personal matter. that's a real tipoff. independents are going to make the decision in this race as they do in most, and if you look at the polling, independents this year are going more and more for republicans. so i think scott brown, who had no chance when he started out, is right now basically dead even. he's going to win this race. martha: let's take a look at north carolina, and we'll pull the numbers up in north carolina which has also been one to watch. kay hagan was one of the earliest candidates we started to see a little bit of migration away from where she had been very popular basically over obamacare. she was one of the first races
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where we saw some polling issues where that health care issue was kind of weighing on her. one of a team of candidates that the republicans brought out this time around in an effort to not make some of the mistakes made last time, and he's one of the folks they feel very good about, paul, thom tillis. so give me your take on this race. 45.3 for kay hagan, 4be 3.7 -- 43.7 for thom tillis right now. >> it's one example where democrats have devoted a lot of outside resources -- martha: i think it's the most, right? 28 million, something like that? >> more than 25 million spent against thom tillis, but yet he's still tied up in a state that can go back and forth as a traditional swing state. president obama won it in 2008 but lost it in 2012. thom tillis is running a great race. he has the momentum right now, but it's obviously a very close race. the fact that democrats have spent so much money against him right now and the race is still tied, i think, again, says a lot
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about the political environment and how hard it's going to be for democrats. martha: i want to skip ahead to colorado, and that's how that looks. corey gardener has pulled ahead 47-43 in colorado. this is a state, senator d'amato, that the democrats have tried to turn permanently blue. and mark udall has really talked a lot about the war on women which was a very winning issue for democrats in the last presidential election, to be sure. doesn't seem like it's working as well this time around. >> well, you're right. and the democrats, i really would have said initially this is a democratic state. you have the governor's a democrat. he's in big trouble now. martha: yeah, he is too. >> and when you have a challenger who is not nearly as well known running ahead -- and remember this, the incumbent has better known, unless he or she is up to 50, they've got trouble. so that's the same situation here in colorado.
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i think colorado goes republican. similarly, new hampshire. she's well known, jeanne shaheen, former governor. she can't hit 50. they're in trouble. martha: all right. gentlemen, thank you very much. obviously, we're going to be watching these races all through the next 11 days until the big day. great to have you here today. bill: jon scott's coming up top of the hour for "happening now" and a busy friday already. jon, how you doing? jon: it is, as you well know, mr. hemmer. ebola confirmed in the nation's largest city. we've got fox team coverage, and we're asking if the cdc and the federal government are doing enough to stop the spread. plus, new fallout in canada and the u.s. after two terror attacks in a week strike fear inside our neighbor to the north. plus, how worried are democrats about the midterms, and why isn't the mainstream media spending more time covering the election? it's just 11 days away now. we'll talk about it, "happening now." bill: good question. thank you, jon. see you at the top of the hour.
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moments away now from an update on the ebola case here in new york city. the mayor will speak live in a few moments. we will have that for you. an american doctor just back from west africa confirmed positive.
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♪ martha: well, we've had some bad news on the ebola front and now some very good news on the ebola story. nina pham, whose face has become so familiar to all of us, is going to be discharged from the hospital. wonderful news for her, for her family, for all of those who fought so hard to take care of her. nih will do a statement on this later this morning at 11:30. bill: here is one for the record books, northern california certified as the world's largest corn maze, and it's growing even bigger this year. we find adam houseley there live outside sacramento with the
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story. hey, adam. >> reporter: can't necessarily find myself sometimes, bill, but you mentioned it. about 12 years ago this was about, oh, ten acres, now it's six times that size, and it's official according to the guinness book of world records, this is the world's largest corn maze. if you plant it -- >> every night. >> over here. >> every day. >> over here at 16d. >> try this way? >> reporter: -- they will come. >> the whole idea is to get lost. >> reporter: and amongst the seven-foot stalks, thousands get lost each fall. >> we're right here. >> we've got to go that way. okay. >> reporter: all searching for the one way out of the world's largest corn maze. >> it's a fun fall activity, get them outside, away from the video games. >> reporter: across the world corn mazes have become a common fall experience tied to pumpkin patches, hayrides and even pumpkin cannons. mazes are now a destination. this one in dixon, california, covers 63 acres.
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small as cornfields go, but massive when it comes to a farmland labyrinth. >> when you're talking to people and selling the ticket, we say, so where you from? oh, europe. we're like, what? >> reporter: matt cooley says it takes most visitors about two hours to find their way through -- >> the thing is huge. >> reporter: -- but every once in a while they send out a search party. >> it's a neat feeling that you're helping people make family memories. it is a neat thing. >> reporter: on the weekends, you know, bill, they'll have sever thousand people out here -- several thousand people out here. this is like one heck of a crossword puzzle. that is the way in and way out. you being from iowa, we won't need to end a search part -- send a search party, i think you could make it through. bill: i develop cha. you'd have to go to iowa, because i'm not from ohio. >> reporter: oh, man, i meant ohio. martha: very nice. all right, this story we've been
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covering throughout the morning, it's a very serious one. a lone wolf attack in new york city, a man wielding a hatchet.[ the latest coming up. no sign of him yet. keep looking. [ narrator ] their mission: to get richard sherman his campbell's chunky soup. hi, baby! hi, mama! take us home! wow! it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. beer... cheese... beef... bacon... ♪ i love it. and mama loves you. [ all ] awwwwww! it fills you up right.
7:58 am
7:59 am
[ al♪ ] awwwwww! (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go,
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the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. martha: busy day, busy week. eleven days to go until the midterm, and we will see you on monday. bill: have a greet -- great weekend. martha: bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ jon: a fourth case of ebola diagnosed in the u.s., this one in america's biggest city, right here in new york. what a way to begin a friday. that's "happening now." i'm jon scott is. shannon: and i'm shannon bream in for jenna lee. he is a doctor turned ebola patient now just home from west africa. craig spencer works for doctors without borders and recently volunteered to care for ebola patients in binny. the mayor and the governor urging calm. says he's been back in new york for about a week and was rushed to the hospital with a fever and other symptoms yesterday.


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