tv The Kelly File FOX News October 24, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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ms. megaiyn warming up in the bullpen. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here because we definitely are lookingfor you. breaking tonight, a series of major stories unfolding at this hour in what has turned out to be another very busy night for "the kelly file." welcome everybody. i'm megyn kelly. at this hour two deputies are dead following a 30-mile shooting spree on the west coast. what police are saying about the suspects in this developing story coming up. to the east, terror on the streets of new york city as the police commissioner today confirms an attack on four rookie officers was indeed the work of a home grown radical. >> at this particular point in time i would be comfortable preliminary evaluation is that this was a terrorist act. >> a terrorist attack. plus, just 24 hours after confirming another ebola case in
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america, two governors from opposite sides of the aisle team up. the dramatic step they are taking to keep this often deadly disease from spreading in just a bit. also breaking tonight, we begin with a suspected student gunman opening fire in another deadly school shooting incident. at 10:30 a.m. local time this marysville, washington high school was on lockdown. teachers and students running out. police and s.w.a.t. teams arrive. some panicked parents trying to contact their children. all they knew is that there were shots in the cafeteria. hours later police sources and eyewitnesses confirming the shooter was a student who killed a female student, shot four others and then turned the gun on himself. it is "the kelly file"'s policy not to publish the names of shooters in cases like these. and we will not do so tonight. this video was shot just seven days ago when the suspect, we've blurred his face but you can see the banner across his chest here, he was a member of the
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football team and was named to the homecoming court as the banner reflects. devastated students and parents trying tonight to make sense of it all. one student says she knew the girl that was reportedly killed today. >> the girl that i was talking about that passed away, my best friend is her best friend. knows her like a daughter. >> i have a son and a daughter. my son had -- he had actually called me. he's like, dad, there was a shooting. please just come get me. there's a kid shooting. and he was pretty much crying and freaking out. >> reporter hannah kim with fox affiliate q 13 in seattle live for us tonight in marysville, washington. hannah. >> well, megyn, local police here are not releasing a motive. it's way too early for that. but the shooter's family members told us that the shooter got into a fight with some students over a girl. and that's possibly a reason why he walked into the school this morning opening fire inside of a
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crowded cafeteria. eyewitnesses say he fired multiple shots at other students including his own relatives who attend marysville pilchuck high school. before this rampage the shooter tweeted, it won't last, it will never last. that tweet was written just yesterday. family members say he seemed fine this morning. he kissed his mother good-bye and went off to school. but then just a few hours later he opened fire changing the course of so many people's lives. the shooter's family says they are shocked because this was a popular kid, an excellent student. in fact, you mentioned the youtube clip that shows him just last week being crowned homecoming prince. tonight, so many people are asking why. there is so much pain. so much disbelief as investigators try to piece together what happened here yet another mass school shooting. megyn, back to you. >> hana, thank you. joining me with more, dr. keith ablo, psychiatrist and fox news contributor. doctor, we meet again. >> indeed.
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sadly. >> after newtown there was resolve. we were going to shore up the mental health system in this country. we were going to start taking a hard look at our students and our young individuals in this country to try to detect early signs of oppression or aggression or a spiral that perhaps be identified to prevent another shooting. here we are again. what happened? none of that has happened, megyn. remains shattered. sorry excuse for what it could be. schools have not been laced into any kind of a network protection. emergency rooms themselves flounder in terms of asking the right questions or responding rapidly to parental concerns. drugs are more rampant than ever with tainted things, tainted marijuana and additives more prevalent than ever before. there's always a why. so we'll get the answer in this
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case too, but these won't end until we have a real safety net. >> people look at this particular shooter and say he was the homecoming prince. he was in the homecoming court. he was popular. he was well-liked by most accounts. he had a breakup with a girl. he had a fight with a student later -- earlier this month. he was suspended for a short time. sounds like those were isolated incidents and he had friends and so on. >> yes. >> the truth is, doctor, you don't know what's going on behind a kid's head. he could be homecoming king and in the court every year. it doesn't necessarily tell us whether he was happy and healthy. >> i'm in the business of why. and our viewers over the next days should be attentive of that question because the data will come forward. at the point, megyn, where he was suspended, perhaps that's one page of this story that investigators can look at very closely. were questions asked about that
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fight? was he asked, are you mad enough to really do something more than what was done? we're not suggesting that you would. god forbid if you do, but please tell us how angry you are. was there follow-up? these are difficult times for kids. and again with substances rampant, with head trauma as common as it is, with all of these factors, we have to go deep early to prevent this. >> that's the thing. because you look back at what happened in columbine and one of the two shooters there was said to be suffering greatly. i mean, extremely depressed and unhappy, if you read his private writings. but on the outside his parents said they had no idea he was so depressed. he seemed like a happy kid. he had loving parents. what do we need to do in these schools preemptively for the ones -- the shooter in newtown, it wouldn't have taken much to figure out that that -- that he was headed for violence. but these other shooters who fly
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under the radar, what is it some sort of affirmative program in the schools that lets them know disasters are not as big as they appear when you are 16 years old. >> we have to have a way for kids to turn for help in a reliable way that is perhaps anonymous. because a lot of people will come for help if they know how to go get it. and the other thing is that we have to train everybody including school counselors to suspend disbelief. in other words, when i evaluate someone who's depressed, i always ask, hey, listen, have you thought, god forbid, of hurting yourself? now, asking the question opens up a real discussion. no one wants to have that discussion, but now my denial has evaporated. my defenses are now down, so i ask the question every time. so too should evaluators in these schools and parents as well. >> let me ask you, i don't know if it's a strange question or
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not, he had reportedly just been broken up with by a girl. i mean, is it at the point now if you have a daughter who breaks up with a boy, you should think twice about sending her to school that day? i mean, i know that sounds like a crazy question, but i'll bet you i'm not the only parent who's wondering wh to that is. >> well, here's the thing. i think that people have pretty good internal radar but they don't want to believe that psychological thrillers could be unfolding in their house, in their neighborhood, at their school. so if a young man, or for that matter a young woman, i suppose, although it does seem to be young men most of the time although there was a stabbing with this slender man incident, that was girls. so if somebody gives you that sense, the spidery sense if you will, like something's wrong, this person's not reacting the way he should, too many texts, too much anger, ask the next question and the next question.
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sure, if you have the sense things aren't safe at school for your kid, you don't send her to school for a few days. >> follow on twitter and facebook as the parent of that last twitter message, it won't last, it will never last, at least worthy of inquiry. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> thank you, megyn. also breaking news on a shooting spree killing two police deputies. a live report from the scene just ahead. also, police attacked with an axe in new york city. tonight, this is being called an act of terror. what we are learning about the lone wolf suspect and how he became radicalized. plus, the dramatic steps two governors are taking now to keep people in their streets safe from ebola. >> voluntary quarantine, sounds like an oxymoron to me. this is a very serious situation. voluntary quarantine, raise your right hand and promise you're going to stay home for 21 days,
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right? we've seen what happens on a number of cases. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side breaking tonight, new york city police confirming that this hatchet attack we brought to you yesterday, news of it, was an act of terror. this is video moments before he ambushed four police officers hitting two of them with an axe. the suspect zale thompson, was then shot and killed by police. tonight, one officerñjz
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us tonight in washington. >> megyn, at that news conference in new york, cops were not discounting. they were laying out the fact that he fits the classic profile of a lone wolf terrorist. >> i believe he acted alone. that we described him as a self-radicalized. we would describe him as -- he was self-directed in his activities. >> since that horrific attack police have been working on a motive that led this recent convert to charge a group of police officers wielding an axe and critically wounding one of them. tonight, investigators are combing through thompson's electronics as fox's ongoing reporting of home grown terrorism has shown there are often clues including radical islamic prop began dan as well
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as contacts with other extremists. commenting on a youtube video two days after the 9/11 anniversary, thompson writes about the islamic state or caliphate "if you're looking for perfect muslims who never make any mistakes in their jihad, then you would be looking in vein. if they had never invaded and colonized the islamic lands after world war i, then there would be no need for jihad. a preliminary search shows he was following global terrorist networks including isis in iraq and syria but has called on followers and sympathizers to target the military and law enforcement inside the u.s. as well as the al qaeda affiliate in east africa. >> common thread that goes through those conversations are anti-western, anti-government, in some cases anti-white. in addition more recent indicators based on search of this computer show activities, visiting websites that are
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focused on designated terrorist groups, al qaeda, isis, al shabaab. >> whatever the motive, the outcome is the same senseless violen violence. and a rookie 25-year-old cop is in the hospital tonight fighting for his life. >> catherine, you've been telling us for a long time about dhs's concern about lone wolf terror attacks. how does that concern rate right now in the wake of attacks like this what we've seen from isis and its calls versus concerns about the larger scale attacks? >> well, it's part of our ongoing reporting here at fox which really began with ft. hood back in 2009. we have shown that there really is something called a new digital jihad. you don't have to travel overseas to become radicalized and get the kind of motivation and training you need to launch your own attack inside of the u.s. what we see documented, megyn, in the last six weeks is at
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least three intelligence bulletins warning not only the military but also law enforcement that isis is calling on followers to act here in the united states very much self-directed like what we saw unfortunately in new york city. >> so dark. catherine, thank you. >> it is. you're welcome. joining me mike baker, former cia covert operations officer and global intelligence security firm. that's the problem, if you live in a free and open society, there's only so much we can do to track the lone nut case. and i don't mean to diminish what they're doing. these are terrorist acts to be sure, but this guy was also a nut case. and there's only so much we can do to track them. >> that's absolutely right. and the problem -- one of the problems in trying to prevent these lone wolf style attacks is that there are a number, maybe countless number of scenarios of types of individual from as you mentioned the nut case who just latches on, he's drifting through life depressed, mental
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health issues, whatever it is and latches onto something, in this islamic state or al qaeda ramblings online. then there's the actually convert, muslim who is in a classical sense is radicalized a true believer. but from islamic state's perspective or al qaeda's perspective, they don't care who they attract to carry out these attacks. they don't care whether it's a psychotic individual or a true believer. as long as they commit an act of terror, from their perspective they've won. >> you know, it's like the internet has almost in some ways eliminated the oceans that are on the coasts of this country. because this guy was said to have converted online to have radicalized by himself online. he accessed all sorts of terrorist jihadi propaganda online. and then he came out and put a hatchet in the head of a new york city police officer and axed down another. the public looks at this and they say why couldn't we have
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known? why couldn't they have been tracking him if he was posting that stuff on facebook? >> that raises a really interesting point. particularly with the snowden leaks and all the snowden supporters saying for some time, government, law enforcement, all they do all day long is sit and read our facebook pages and listening to our phone calls and reading our e-mails. well, that's their spin. and it's nonsense. but it has raised the sense within the population that how come we can't stop them? because that's what we're doing, but we're not. and you try to talk about that during the snowden leaks and people would roll their eyes. but the truth of the matter is to open a file, to start an investigation on an individual who's been identified, maybe he's radicalized, maybe he's in the process of self-radicalization, the law enforcement -- you know, the authorities have to jurp through a significant number of hoops. it's not like we were led to believe by the snowden camp and frankly we don't want to live in that sort of society. you raise a really good point. a society like that where we've locked it down and we can track
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all these potential lone wolf candidates, that would look a lot like north korea. >> what about accessing public information like a facebook page? what we saw that was public was concerning enough. i mean, do you think this administration is being aggressive enough, federal and state, about looking for these sort of telltale warning signs? or if they do that, if they just see, you know, arabic on some of these facebook page and pictures of a guy who looks like an isis fighter, you know, they're going to say that's racial profiling and that's going to get shut down by the civil liberties folks. >> right. and i think that's absolutely correct. we're in a dilemma which is over the past years the white house has been we've decimated al qaeda, the war on terror, let's forget about it because we're tired of it. and we want it to go away. well, that's not the way the real world works. but as a result of that narrative, as a result of that desire, we've actually been dismantling to some degree our
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ability to aggressively take care of this issue of dealing with something like a lone wolf. for example, the department of justice advising the fbi that they can't use religion as a factor when doing their threat monitoring. we don't want to do that. >> even though some factions of some religions like islam we've seen have been politicized. it's not the true believer. mike, thanks for being here. >> sure. thank you. up next, the governors of new york and new jersey taking some dramatic steps tonight in the wake of new york city's first confirmed case of ebola. what they're doing goes above and beyond what the cdc is recommending and they are already being criticized for it. we'll tell you. plus, fallout from the bombshell autopsy in the ferguson shooting of 18-year-old michael brown. attorney general eric holder now speaking out condemning the leaks coming out in this case. he says someone's trying to sway
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public opinion. we'll have a full report and reaction. >> i promised the people of ferguson when i went there was that we would conduct an independent and thorough investigation. investigation. ♪ investigation. [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ [safety beeping] ♪ the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is your imagination. ♪ nissan. innovation that excites.
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californians are discovering the real risks behind prop 46. it was written and paid for by the trial lawyers to make them millions... while, for the rest of us, health care costs go up. no wonder every major newspaper in the state opposes prop 46. they say 46 "overreached in a decidedly cynical way." it's a ploy "for trial lawyers to enrich themselves." and prop 46 has "too many potential drawbacks
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to be worth the risk." time to vote no on prop 46. we just got a statement from doctors without borders released protocols on what these doctors are supposed to do. and this dr. spencer appears to have followed them to the letter. but it begs to question whether those were adequate. that was this broadcast 24 hours ago discussing the case of dr. craig spencer, the latest case of ebola in america. dr. spencer went to africa to help ebola patients. when he returned to new york he traveled all over the city for six days as no quarantine was
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required. not even for a medical worker who just spent weeks dealing with sick ebola patients. late this afternoon the governors of new york and new jersey decided to change that putting their own mandatory quarantine rules in place. listen. >> voluntary quarantine, no. sounds like an oxymoron to me. this is a very serious situation. voluntary quarantine, raise your right hand and promise you're willing to stay home for 21 days, right? >> we tried voluntary quarantine once with the nbc news crew, and within a day or two they violated their agreement with us. and then we issued a mandatory order. the stakes are just too high. to count on people to do it. we have the legal authority to do it. we're doing it. >> governor christie and i believe that in this area we need guidelines and procedures that go further. >> joining me now, resident fellow at the american enterprise institute and former
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deputy commissioner of the fda. good to see you tonight. do you agree with their move or not? >> i think it's a good idea to put in place more active monitoring on people who come from the affected region. if we're going to put health care workers into a mandatory quarantine, we're going to discourage health care workers from going over there. so we may help ourselves in the short-term but hurt ourselves in the long-term by exacerbating the problems over there because they need more health care workers. i think we ought to think about along with these measures ways to try to offset the impact of these. that wasn't part of the announcement today. do that? because there are some reports that some -- these doctors who go and help with doctors without borders are not necessarily rich men, or women, most of the time they're not. the issue is you tell them they're going to be quarantined and not see their family and friends and be quarantined and can't return to work, think they can't afford it. >> you can compensate for the time, but the other thing you
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could do is put them in a more hospitable location. quarantine themselves in a vacation spot rather than a government facility. i think we need to think about that chl we don't want these steps to reduce incentive of health care workers to go over there because right now they need more health care workers and quite frankly they need our health care workers. >> there's no question we need to be fighting ebola abroad. everybody seems to agree that the best way of protecting ourselves is to make sure we rye to eradicate this disease over there so fewer people will potentially come over here with it. but when you hear about this doctor, and they say he did everything right. as i said in that clip, he did everything right. self-monitoring, taking his temperature twice a day. and the problem is -- i know you can't get ebola unless you're symptomatic, but what people are saying is how are we supposed to feel comfortable that 12 hours before he detected his fever he was in an uber car, he went to two bowling alleys and ate at a
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restaurant and we're supposed to believe it was those 12 hours that made all the difference he was definitely not contagious at all when he was at the bowling alley versus the next morning. >> i agree it's not a binary event. we're not going to be able to fully reduce our risk until we get the epidemic under control. we're not going to put bellevue health care workers into quarantine, yet they're treating an ebola patient right now. we're making a distinction treating here and west africa. we've shown in the united states we couldn't protect health care workers in dallas. our health care workers here are at risk as well. i'm not suggesting to put bellevue health care workers into quarantine, but there's a weird dichotomy. it doesn't make a lot of policy sense. >> and the people look at the fact that medical workers got ebola here in the united states who had full, you know, regalia on and they think, oh, my god, a person who had that was at the bowling alley with me last night and they panic. >> right. and, look, i think people should be concerned. this is a very deadly virus.
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we've shown the ability to treat it here. we have some vaccines and drugs that might be effective. >> both of the two nurses have been declared ebola free who got it down in texas. >> it suggests we don't know fully what went on with their medical care. we certainly suggest in the modern health care system the rate of death is going to be a lot lower probably. also suggests maybe the antiviral drugs they're getting could be effective. i think we need to figure out how to roll those out on a wider basis. >> it's been remarkable. a week ago tonight we showed nina pham air lifted, hospital, hazmat suits basically all around her. and today she's hugging the president of the united states and coming on camera saying she cannot wait to get back home. look at her. she looks awesome. to get back home to her dog. doctor, thank for being here. >> thanks a lot. >> all the best to her. attorney general eric holder condemning the leak of the bombshell autopsy report in the michael brown shooting. he says someone's trying to sway public opinion. and he says that's his job --
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no, he says he objects and we will have a full report on that next. plus, we are awaiting a police news conference on a shooting spree that has kill twod police deputies. we'll have a live report from the scene straight ahead. >> he was angry. how this could happen in one day this guy can kill two cops and shoot an innocent person. i'm not afraid. i can take sip after sip on this bumpy ride and do it all in spandex. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match. with tena, i'm not afraid. and you won't be either. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing.
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allie. >> reporter: well, megyn, as you said, a sad day for law enforcement here in northern california. two deputies shot and killed. we have the identity of one of them. he's identified as danny oliver. this all started, as you said, 10:00 this morning our time, pacific time in sacramento county where two sheriff's deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle, two suspects, a man and woman, fired shots. that's when one of those deputies, the one that has been identified, was shot and later died. and then those two suspects started carjacking a vehicle. they took a vehicle all the way up 30 miles northeast of sacramento county to where we are now. this is placer county. and at some point shots were fired, two more deputies shot here in placer county. we do know that one placer county deputy died from his injuries. the other's expected to survive. there was a female suspect taken into custody. and then the manholed himself
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up, went into a home in the area where we are now, he went into a home and law enforcement, dozens of vehicles up into the area where this home was. we're not sure what led him up here, but it took a couple hours, the whole area was on lockdown. and then they were able to cature him around 4:00 california time. >> wow. thank you. developing tonight, attorney general eric holder speaking out today for the first time in the leak of several reports in the shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown in ferguson, missouri. this week several -- we also got our hands on the official autopsy report of michael brown that appears to refute the hands up narrative that has fueled violent protest in months. in other words, it concludes he likely did not have his hands up
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in the surrender position when he was shot as some have claimed. eric holder condemning the laengs saying they are hurting the judicial process. >> exasperated. i'm disappointed. i think this selective leak of grand jury information is harmful to the process. it appears that people are trying to somehow shape public opinion. >> j christian adams, exposing the racial agenda of the obama justice department. he can't believe that somebody might be trying to shape public opinion with a leak, chris. >> i mean, talk about shameless, megyn. this is a guy who flew in on a 757 that's the president's plane into ferguson and spent the next month trying to shape the process. he talked about how he experienced police abuse. he unleashed the hounds from the
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d.o.j.'s community relations service to go there. he did everything he could to shape the process. >> he put 40 fbi agents on the process. >> yeah. total overkill. and now he's upset someone else is shaping the process. this is a guy who simply knows no shame. there's a reason he's the least popular member of the administration, i think 20% approval rating. >> it's just like remember when the governor of missouri, governor nixon came out and demanded the night before the grand jury convened a prosecution that there be a prosecution in this case. and i remember the day after eric holder came out saying that is inappropriate, you are trying to shape -- oh, wait. no, that was not apparently a problem for him then. but this, leaks that might be helpful to the officer whose case is under consideration, that is a bridge too far. >> and this is a justice department that has done nothing but leak for the last six years to places like media matters and left wing blogs. so suddenly it's bad. >> that is totally different. those are leaks that help eric
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holder. you're mixes apples with oranges again. we're being tough on the attorney general because the hypocrisy leaks. there's no disputing. they shouldn't be done in a criminal case especially one of this high profile nature. but to act so dig nant over the fact they're being done, one has to wonder if he would be as indignant if these leaks were condemning of the officer -- of officer wilson. >> of course he would. in dig nancy is part of what he does. he's always indignant about what other people are doing except the administration. but, megyn, you're right. grand jury information shouldn't leak out. but even there it's a state issue. it's a state crime to leak grand jury information. what does the federal government have to do with whether or not somebody violated a state grand jury -- >> as you know he's opened up his own case. he's going after the ferguson police department, potentially, for civil rights violations. so he's looking into that as well. and actually today when he was
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asked, do you have any fear that if the report comes out that exonerates this police officer that we will see riots all over again. first of all he said i would hope not. i would hope we wouldn't see those. but he didn't call for calm. he didn't say we're going to standby the grand jury. he didn't say we'll accept their opinion. he went right to this police department is still going to be in his crosshairs. >> i hope not. what i promised the people of ferguson when i went there was we would conduct an independent and thorough investigation. we are in the process of doing that. so from the federal side we will not only look at whether or not there's individual responsibility but also what we need to do with regard to that police department itself. >> your thoughts on that. >> he's still blaming the police department. megyn, this is an administration, an attorney general, this is a new by the way assistant attorney general he just appointed that thinks the police are the problem.
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and when the police in ferguson released the video of michael brown committing a strong-armed federal felony robbery, the justice department tried to stop the police department from doing that. this is a justice department that seems less interested in the truth and more interested in racial politics. >> but i have a question for you. is there any chance despite his protests over the leak that the d.o.j. actually leaked this autopsy report? because whatever you think about eric holder, he is a good lawyer. he probably seized the evidence. and there's no more you see that autopsy report and think it is going to help an indictment. is there any chance they leaked it to try to set the stage, lay the foundation with the public to get them ready for the likelihood that there will be no indictment in this case? >> well, let's hope local prosecutors have not invited
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with a little over a week into the midterm elections democrat having trouble when asked whether president obama is a strong leader. north carolina senator kay hagan is in a very tight race. >> do you think president obama is a strong leader? >> you know, president obama has a lot on his plate. and it seems like whether it's the oil spill that took place earlier -- a number of years ago in the gulf, and to this ebola crisis now, to isis gaining strength, i mean, you look at all the condemnation of things like that. >> do you think he's acted as a strong leader? >> i think there's definitely -- like with ebola, we have definitely been late to the table in making decisions about that. being sure the cdc has -- understands and gets -- >> so you don't think he should -- >> certainly there are issues
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that i think no. >> joining me, kirsten powers. good job to that local nbc reporter who sensed a dodge and didn't get off of her question. and ultimately got an answer, kirsten, after we heard about how he's got a lot on he has plate and maybe he's a little late to the table. >> yeah. you would think that these democratic candidates would have sort of a canned answer for this question instead of this meandering around and not being able to answer whether they voted for him or refusing to answer, things like that. it's sort of strange that they can't have just a very simple answ answer. >> it makes them look bad. this is not an honest broker. not an honest broker. >> yeah. seems like they could just say basically just turn it around onto what the race is really about that the race is really about them and not get into a situation say there are some things i agree with him and some
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things i don't agree with him on. >> why can't they just say, yes, he is a strong leader. there are things that i disagree with him on. >> yeah. >> there's always areas to criticize a president on. and i've done that publicly. this is what you can say. >> right. >> but i stand by my president and he's led us through tough times and is it so hard? there you go. >> i don't think they can say that. >> why? >> because i think what you're seeing is happened such as in alaska or north carolina or georgia, these are states where obama is so unpopular. to say that you think he's a strong leader i think is something could really backfire. >> it goes back to what we saw from dana milbank in "the washington post" that he is president pariah right now. >> yes. >> these democrats don't want anything to do with him. and yet is the public, i mean, truly with all due respect do they think the public is stupid? these democrats voted with him
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lock, stock and barrel. doesn't mean they're not democrats through and through who agreed with mostly fallacies. >> right. well, i think that's for their opponents to point out. but for the candidate they're going to do whatever they can to suggest that i'm going to go to washington and be sort of a check against, you know, president obama and i'm a moderate. >> i want to play for the audience how the white house, josh earnest, reacted when asked about the fact kay hagan would not say he's a strong leader. >> senator hagan is somebody that has a track record and credentials for getting results for the people of north carolina even if it means criticizing members of her own party, even if it means criticizing the leader of her own party. i think that's a testament to her character. >> a testament to her character. >> yeah. that's spin. but at the same time i think the president is actually fine with them criticizing him because what he cares about much more is having democrats in the senate. and so if this is what they have to do to stay in the senate, i'm
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sure he is giving the blessing. >> i don't know why they're saying that. my policies are going to be on the ballot. if he's okay with it, they can say whatever they want to, it's still all me that's going to be on the ballot. >> i've given up trying to explain why he does some of the things he does because it doesn't make sense. i do think he understands what they're doing. i think he is simultaneously trying to get the voters out there who do like him. and there are voters out there who do like him, african-american voters actually like president obama and he needs them to turn out for these candidates. so it's a very fine line of them distancing but also making sure those obama voters turn out. >> a lot of voters like him except jean shaheen and ka kay hagan and other senators who won't say it publicly. good to see you. >> thank you. a frequent guest on "the kelly file" has just announced
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may i introduce y may i introduce you to who i think will be the next president of the united states -- [ cheers and applause ] >> how about that? and joining me now, the man in the video, dennis michael lynch, entrepreneur and documentary zy÷ filmmaker and candidate for president of the united states, sir? >> megyn, how did we arrive here? >> you tell me.
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>> i announced that i'm exploring the idea. and i would tell you unless something significantly changes, which i don't expect will, i will announce in the future that i am going to run for the presidency. and the reason why i'm doing that, megyn, is because i'm absolutely in love with my country. i'm in love with the american people. i want to protect them like i in the sense that somebody has to step up and get this country back on track, to protect americans, their jobs, their lives, their health. and if a guy like me, or specifically me were in place right now, we wouldn't have an ebola scare here on our shores. we wouldn't have an isis scare. i would have been in front of those problems. in almost every report i've ever done with you, you end with, you know, you said this was going to happen. it's not because i have magic medicine or information coming in to me. it's because i understand how to forecast the problems and stop them before they come in. i have very bold solutions, very conservative, tight solutions for this country to get back on track. >> how are you going to do it without any infrastructure or
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party money behind you? >> you know, the same question was asked to that virginia professor, how are you going to be eric cantor when you only have a quarter million dollars and he has $5.5 million? and the way it can be done is through my messaging. i have a very powerful message. and people really -- look, you saw the reaction in that video, megyn. i don't talk the talk, i walk the walk. i'm more experienced in the places that we need experience than any other person's ever mentioned on the gop side. i've hired more people, i've created more jobs than rand paul, ted cruz and mr. carson put together. and you answer me this question, who in the country can secure those borders and protect from the illegal immigration problem that we have than me? there's nobody. the same way ronald reagan promised to bring home the hostages, i promise to secure those borders. >> dennis michael lynch, i can't wait to get you on the stage in a presidential debate. thank you, sir. >> i can't wait to be back in your studio. i wish we were in front of each÷ other.
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shooting at a seattle area high school. a government official and multiple witnesses say jaylen fryberg opened fire in the cafeteria. he killed one person and wounded several others before taking his own life. he played on the football team and was crowned freshman homecoming prince. his motive remains unclear. a health care worker quarantined in new jersey after returning from west africa has developed a fever and is being tested for ebola. the woman landed at newark airport friday. she's the first traveler to be quarantined under a new rule imposed by the governors of new york and new jersey. the mandatory quarantine order i'm lauren green. now back to "hannity." as the citizens of colorado try toái keep their businesses afloat -- >> i don't sleep much these days. >> and navigate governmen
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