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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  October 25, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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bags? >> i do. consumer spending continues to get pinched. buy on the dip. that's it for "forbes on fox." have a wonderful weekend. keep it right here. the number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." we are everywhere. chilling words from isis as the terrorist group reins in north america. how can we fight back before this happens again? plus, what do the most business friendly states have in common? they all have republican governors. take a guess who owns most of the leaf states? all voters need to hear this before they vote. and "cashin' in" for not working? raking in hundreds of millions in paid leave and hard-working
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americans like you and me are picking up the tab. "cashin' in" starts -- right now. hi, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week. wayne rost herbsish john thin hoenig, dagen mcdowell and jonas ferris. welcome. intensifying an online campaign to inspire lone wolf attacks by isis. new calls for social media companies to put a stop to this. michelle, facebook, twitter, youtube, google. take your pick. should the companies be doing more or less, like pulling isis off their venues? >> i think when they noticed that there are accounts that are just there to distribute propaganda to identify people who are sympathetic and get new recruits and radicalize people, facebook and twitter have a duty to shut those accounts down. but as we see accounts used for logistics and planning, i don't
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think facebook and twitter should shut those accounts down. turn them over to the intelligence community to harvest, contact and get information and data. >> weigh in, wayne? there is a privacy right we have to talk about, too, but go ahead. >> yes. of course there is, but i think michelle make as good point when she says we have to monitor those ones that -- in other words, you can't shut them down. they're going to communicate with each other anyway. before we had the, all of these methods by which we used with hand phones and telephone -- all of that. we had telephones and telegraphs. they're going to communicate with each other anyway. to shut them down totally is crazy. you are right. there is a right of privacy and we can't violate that. >> as these lone wolf attacks, could be a kid sitting in his basement on youtube looking at isis saying i want to about
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jihadist, goes out and starts blowing people away. should we pull them off the videos isis is putting out, pull them off social media? >> yeah, but get a warrant first. my "cashin' in" family likes to make fun of me for having a libertarian streak. look, the constitution of our country is clear. no search without a warrant. that includes your e-mails, your phone calls. let's be clear about it. you can go to the fisa quarter if it's a matter of secrecy, get a warrant. that way we protect our privacy rights, ba if we go too far we've already got, you know -- unlimited detention. you know, torturing people. you know, the patriot act keeps getting renewed. this is excess and violates our rights. >> honestly -- >> go ahead, john. i think you agree with juan. >> no, i'm not agreeing with juan. i don't think that people declared war on america have a need to get a warrant. have we forgotten how to fight a
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war in this country, eric? you don't stop butchers by suspending their hotmail accounts. these people declared war on america. they're beheading americans. the only response is military force. you cannot negotiate with brutality and monitoring your twitter accounts isn't going to make a difference. >> you would say, pull the isis recruitment videos off. don't let them tweet, shut down twitter accounts. is that what you're saying? >> makes no difference. trying to fight them by better finances or more savvy social media actually encourages islamic terrorism because it says to them, you have a chance. the only response to brutality has to be physical force, and if we did it correctly, had leadership in washington to do it correctly you wouldn't need much to do it. >> michelle, jump in. go ahead. >> we shouldn't be shutting down the accounts that are giving us information. this is an intelligence information that we need.
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the ones that are just disseminating propaganda, those should definitely be shut down. these are getting more people, more sympathizers and more recruits. >> so let me throw this out to the panel. maybe i have to go back to jonathan on this. what about the nsa data minding incident americans, literally taking if not millions tens's millions maybe med da data and they take it, is that okay? >> talked about that many, many weeks. of course it's terrible and doesn't do anything to actually address militant islam and their attacks against america. a good start would actually be naming the enemy. of course, can't even do that. it's isil, it's isis, extremist. homeland security doesn't make us safer at all. richard reid, in all attempts to viol violate homeland security -- >> jonathan, you are all over the map. the fact, you said we should attack them, no.
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get it right. >> wait. say that again. i didn't hear you. >> get an ideological war. you cannot use force to go after a kid in ontario who wants to somehow read something on the internet. >> you make a point. you have to win -- >> -- going after this should get warrants and respect our constitutional rights. >> respect the constitutional rights of people who have declared war against america? have we gone crazy in this country? >> protect your -- respect your right, my right -- >> the company -- >> wayne's rights. >> they have terms of service. they can shut them down if they want. a private company can do that. it's fine with twitter and facebook to do that. >> you bring up a great point. to wayne on this. should the government do it or these companies be doing it themselves, self-policing themselves on this issue? >> the less the government does, the better off we are. the government should not be doing it. look, we know in the case, for example, james rosen. you know, when they investigated him, when the justice department did that, we know in the case of
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lois lerner. you know, she took the fifth when she was spying on people's tax returns and things like that. all of this kind of stuff where they put -- power in the hand of the federal government to do something. nome are they going to mess it up, they're messing in the private area of private citizens rights and things like that. this -- people are going to communicate with each other whether it's social media, radio. you know, telephones, whatever it is. >> thank you. >> you can't stop that. so that's -- >> right. we just have to be better about -- >> how we conduct the vigil part of what we're doing. that's what we need to do john? >> the only way to stop it, physical force. military force. >> oh, gosh. >> so -- >> let me stay -- >> hold on. stay with you. physical force. mandated by government, or write writing private companies, google, youtube, pull these things down themselves? do we really want the government telling us, picking and choosing who gets to -- who's on the list to not be able to use these venues?
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>> no, eric nap is not the per view of government. the only per viurview is to go . that's what they do. you're missing the point. shutting down their communication does nothing to disseminate ideas. if you want to win the war against militant islam, destroy their ideas. shutting down a twitter account tells them they have a chance. use another type of online situation to communicate. disseminate ideas that can only be done through physical force. >> i thought you wanted them shut out. >> he's all over the map here. >> i want them physically destroyed. shut down e-mail accounts does nothing's pt first thing i said. >> go ahead, wayne. >> jonathan doesn't realize this, but he's agreeing with us, i think. >> all right, michelle, last final thought. >> let's go. >> look, i think the reason why they're able to recruit a lot of westerners is because their young, they're dumb. but because they're seeing success happen with isis, if we destroy isis, people don't want to join a group that has tons of unsuccessful headlines and
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campaigns. let's destroy them and then we won't have to worry about anyone wanting to join them. >> that's it. exactly it. >> we end on a note we can all agree on. you can continue the conversation right now on twitter. another week, another social media record campaign by you guys. our view crew, made our #cashinin the most tweeted. a mind-boggling 238 million. 30 minutes of this show "cashin' in" leaves a bigger footprint than cnn and msnbc's fup date of programs. i tweeted this with a picture. white house quick to call canadian incident terror, why are fort hood and oklahoma city violence? #absurd. coming up, an eye-opener. top states to do business in, but what we uncovered about them could rattle the midterms ten days from now. i'm not afraid.
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i can take sip after sip on this bumpy ride and do it all in spandex. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match. with tena, i'm not afraid. and you won't be either.
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well, it's the list that could sway the midterm election pap new survey of ceos showing
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the states with the best business climate. on the flip side, on the bottom of the list, california, new york, illinois, new jersey and massachusetts. so "cashin' in" did digging. here's what we noticed. all top five have gop governors, top six do. four out of the bottom five have democrat governors. business leaders responded to things like taxes and regulations. what are these states doing right? >> they're supporting the free market system. what they're doing right, eric. we know for example, north america, has only 7% of the world's population produces 25% -- 25% -- of the gdp of the world. we know the free market system works. important to western civilization. supporting the free market system. those with democrat governments are attacking the free market system. >> to juan. texas, florida, georgia, the carolinas and tennessee. seriously, all republican governors. now, the bottom five, four of
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them are democrat governors. clearly, clearly taxes and regulation matter in business. >> you know, i guess i know how you're voting, eric. let me tell you something, you're making the same mistake mitt romney made in '12. businesses are not people. look at the reality. those stats you mentioned -- >> no, no. >> -- let me speak. >> your premise is inaccurate. it's not me. it's 500 ceos surveyed. >> let me tell you something. they're making the same mistake in a another mistake romney made. >> okay. >> guess what? they have higher unemployment on the national average with the exception of texas. they all have the worst schools, worst health care, highest number of people who don't have health care benefits. those states all have the lowest in terms of wage increases for workers. so, yeah, business may benefit, but the american people, people living in those states, don't benefit. >> juan, let me ask juan a
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question. juan, who are american businesses? american businesses are made up of people. they're made up of individuals. that's all business is. it's a conglomeration of individuals and it's common knowledge to wayne's point what's good for business. what's good for business, by the way is good for america. low taxes, low regulation. that's a growing economy. the reason the gop loses on this issue, they always make the practical case for business. like wayne did. more jobs, more you can given more to charity. they need to make a moral case that free markets means free men. that's the way to win elections. >> clearly, a lot of success in the top six and not a lot of success in the bottom five. very partisan divide. >> i understand, how liberals like juan push this agenda. look as cities like los angeles, detroit, chicago. cities run by democrats for quite some time. really where the liberal ideology has been realized and it's not working. these are some of the worst
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cities in america. so if liberalism is so great, it's so good, why hasn't it worked for these cities? juan? why? >> what are you talking about? hang on. people want to live there. that's why those cities are growing. >> oh, they want to live in detroit? no. >> that's why you see innovation. >> oh, yeah. chicago, detroit. >> some of the most broke cities -- some of the most -- >> with those governors, don't care about health care or good schools for anybody. >> people are fleeing new york and illinois at record numbers. >> we need to go, guys. this is a heated discussion. we ran out of time. got to tell you, juan, some of the most broke cities in some of the most broke states are run by democrat administrations. leave it there. i think voters will keep this in mind when heading to the polls in a little over a week. that brings me to a quick programming note. neil cavuto will host a live "cost of business" business block, "dash to the cash," your money is on the line. top candidates in every big race and the best business minds on the planet a special two hours
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starting at 10:00 a.m. right here on fox. coming up here, want to get paid to do nothing? get a government job. this price tag will leave you peeved.
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coming up, paid not to work. taxpayers paying for workers on
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tag: sooner or later, everyone needs a helping hand, or a helping paw! so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train assistance dogs for wounded veterans. veteran: i live independently because of what all it provides for me. and it's huge! there's a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. tag: you can lend a helping paw too. give at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs-- helping dogs help people.
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. hello, everybody, i'm uma pemmaraju in washington. new york police are calling the hatchet attack terror and there are concerns lone wolf attacks are becoming the new normal. you will hear from governor h k huckabee in a few moments.
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plus, a mandatory quarantine for travelers in new york, new jersey and illinois who had contact with ebola patients in west africa. is the government doing enough to protect you? we'll have live team coverage just ahead. and with just over a week to go for the all-important midterms, republicans and democrats are making their final push for votes. control of the senate hangs in the balance. and you won't believe just how close some of these races are. campaign expert and fox news political analyst ed rollins will join us live. plus a fair and balanced debate on the upcoming races. a special two-hour edition of america's news headquarters at the top of the hour. paid leave is good economic policy. >> well, that was our labor secretary pushing for more paid leave in america. ironically, his comments come as we learned this. federal workers got more than $775 million in paid leave in the past few year. jonathan, is this -- let me put
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it this way, this is big bloated bureaucratic government at its worst, isn't it? >> this is obama's animal farm. all the animals are equal except some, especially those in d.c., are more equal than rest. they have job perks that no one else has in the u.s. not only can they not get fired but they have paid leave which i understand are supposed to only be reserved for things like organize are donations and funerals. >> clearly, they're abusing the system. >> it's totally outrageous. lois learner was put on paid leave after she defied the congress, lied probably, and was held in -- should have been held in context. it's totally outrageous. jonathan is absolutely right. this is something that's gone totally out of hand.
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they ought to stop it immediately. nowhere in the private sector is that done where you are rewarded for doing something stew pit and dumb. >> the labor sect suggested the private sector do the same. he said there should be more paid leave in the private sector as well. >> absolutely. america's way behind. we're the only developing country that doesn't guarantee paid leave, for example, to pregnant women. it's a shame. it's an outrage. are you kidding me? every woman should be guaranteed leave when it comes to their pregnancy and a new child in this country and yet it's not the case. i'm glad to say megan kelly, big decision of this. newscorp offers paid leave to women who get pregnant here. so i don't understand it. >> hold on. allow me to get michelle in here. juan, you called yourself a libertarian earlier on in the show. go ahead, michelle. >> i'm saying that's basic decency. >> that's not libertarian at
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all, juan. don't try to pretend you're libertarian. the people in the government right now, we can't even call them public servants. we are the public serbants because we worked and worked and worked. and they just sit on the couch, collect their checks and they don't do anything. they're just a bunch of lazy bureaucrats and we're paying for it. >> michelle, you really want to call our soldiers that? you really want to call people who go out every day, some who could make more in the private sector but are committed to public service, you want to curse them? >> no, come on, most of the people the bureaucrats in washington, d.c. are not doing anything. i'm talking about the people who are just pushing paper and doing nothing. which is most of the people in d.c. let me bring -- very quick thoughts, only a few quick seconds. go. >> just to correct what juan said. it's great that newscorp and a lot of companies provide these benefits but they do it voluntarily. when government gets involved, forces people -- >> -- want to tie it up? >> i think it's -- juan makes a
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good point. there's no point in the two. if you take care of somebody. we're talking about those who totally abuse, who just bail people out for no reason at all except political reasons. >> coming up, a new poll about how americans feel about their kid's future. i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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all right, i want to say thanks to our "cashing in crew" for joining us this week. all right, time to "wake up, america." a cancer has taken over our constitution. has spread throughout america. from big city to main street usa. from the business world to the breakfast table. that cancer is the growing and creeping liberal agenda. president obama promised to fundamentally transform america and we elected him anyway. in the six years since then, we've seen a massive exodus of the labor force. 92 million americans are
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available to work but are not. we've heard our commander in chief with a serious straight face declare, you didn't build that. referring to our businesses, our careers, our innovative products. he gave government credit for all of american economic might. this year, government will take a record, i said take, $3 trillion of your hard earned dollars. that's not even enough. the grab won't even come close to covering all their spending. education, transportation, food stamp, welfare. they'll outspend our tax revenues by $500 billion. a record number of takers taking a record amount of your money. it's no wonder more than 6 in 10 americans think life in the next generation will get worse. well, in ten days, you have the opportunity to quit the experimental treatments and deliver a cure. on november 4th, vote. cure the cancer of liberalism that has america on her knees. vote for smaller government.
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vote for freer markets. vote for capitalism to return to our great country to the super power we were and can be. wake up, america, you can cure the cancer. what do we do in a moment like this? what do you say in a moment like this? >> what do you say? we begin a very busy news day. with many questions but few answers. a popular high school freshman recently crowned homecoming prince opens fire at a washington state high school cafeteria leaving one girl dead and wounding several others before turning the gun on himself. we'll have the very latest on this investigation. the manhunt ends for the gunman who shoots down three deputies and eluding hundreds of cops for hours. with this week's lone wolf terror attack in ottawa, some are asking if it's


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