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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  October 25, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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lock in your savings, and get the car you want hassle-free. with truecar, it's never been easier. we begin this hour with the search for what drove a student to kill his classmate, wound others and kill himself. a live report on the tragic school shooting in marysville, washington, coming up. another deadly shooting in sacramento. two sheriff deputies killed, a third rounded. we'll tell you about the dramatic conclusion to a six-hours chase and manhunt that spanned two northern california counties. and, there are new fears this morning about the spread of the ebola virus. a third state is ordering mandatory quarantines. >> it doesn't matter how wonderful the protocols are that we have from cdc, it doesn't matter how much our experts know, we're going to be inundated with cases. >> dr. ben carson is coming up
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and finally some closure in the case of missing student hannah graham. we'll tell you how coming up. good afternoon from washington. thanks for joining us this saturday. we thank you for joining us and begin this new hour with concerns over fears about ebola. illinois, the latest added to the list ordering mandatory quarantines. new york and new jersey making that quarantine order yesterday for those who have been in contact with people in the hardest hit countries of west africa. we have fox team coverage of this afternoon. peter doocy in d.c. with how the government's response to the crisis is playing out politically, but first let's get to bryan llensa in new york where a doctor remains hospitalized with ebola after arriving from africa. bryan? >> hi, uma. let's start off with the new tough policy in illinois, new york, and new jersey. first announced yesterday by new york governor andrew cuomo and new jersey governor chris
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christie. what it calls for is the mandatory quarantine for 21 days for anyone, including health care workers, who have been in direct contact with ebola patients in west africa. this is a direct response to what governors say is really a policy, a cdc policy, that's not strict enough, that calls for specifically health care workers to go into voluntary quarantine. really yesterday, the first health care worker was quarantined under the new policy in new york and new jersey. she tested negative for ebola in a preliminary test but remains ins isolation and observation at university hospital in newark. she arrived at newark international airport yesterday from west africa. she had no symptoms when she was screened but she developed a fever while in isolation. now dr. craig spencer who became the first case of ebola in new york city, spencer treated ebola patients in guinea and he returned last week. he followed those cdc guidelines, he self-monitored himself for symptoms and continued to go about his daily
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routine. he got on the subway and ate at restaurants and took an uber taxi and visited a bowling al hely and he eventually had a fever and hospitalized on thursday. critics say dr. spencer put the public at risk and should have been quarantined from the start. >> he was a volunteer and doing great work, but that was a voluntarieeary quarantine situa for 21 days. he's a doctor and even he didn't follow the guidelines for the quarantine. let's be honest. we have to do more. it's too serious a situation to leave it to the honor system of compliance. >> important to net that aid organizations are warning and they say that these mandatory quarantines could actually deter doctors and nurses from volunteering in west africa. as for dr. spencer here at bellevue hospital as of yesterday he is in stable condition and one last important note, ebola can only be, again, can only be transferred to somebody else, only contagious
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when someone is showing symptoms, again that's an important thing to know and through bodily fluids. uma? >> thank you for the update. appreciate it. and we continue our coverage with peter doocy who is here in washington. there's been a lot of criticism over how the administration has handled the response to ebola. so what is the latest with that as we have now learned of yet another case. peter? >> and here in washington, lawmakers are reacting to that news case of ebola in new york that happened on the watch of the new ebola response coordinator ron klain whose credentials continue to be questioned by the president's critics and we heard republicans now yesterday at a hearing asking the top hhs official in charge of preparedness and response, why she isn't ebola czar. >> i mean if this were an outbreak of people who don't have wills in west africa or this were an outbreak on contested elections in west africa, then i'd say yeah, high
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mr. klain. but it's not. it's a medical crisis. so why not you? >> right now i have a full-time job doing my job in the department of health and human services. i really appreciate the vote of confidence and i have a lot of confidence in mr. klain. >> amid questions about how ebola patients keep ending up here the pentagon is applauding the american response to the west african outbreak saying treating people there is saving a lot of lives here. >> the ebola epidemic we face is truly a national security issue. absent our government's coordinated response ins west africa, the virus increasing spread brings more cases here in the united states. >> the three week long quarantine for anyone returning from west africa is aimed at preventing people from going to subways and hanging out at restaurants and going to bowling alleys like dr. craig spencer. now we wait to see if it
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workses. >> peter doocy live in washington with the administration's response. thanks. >> uma. >> we need to know why there have been breakdowns and if our system for responding to such serious crisis is working properly. that was a line i was supposed to read, i think we all know that the system is not yet refined to where we could say it is working properly. >> that from congressman darrell issa criticizing the obama administration's response to the ebola crisis. is the administration doing enough to fights this dreaded disease here in the u.s.? joining us now, fox news contributor and former director of pediatric neurosurgery at johns hap kins, dr. ben carson. i know you've had real concerns about some of the procedures and protocols in place. what do you make of these latest protocols putting people in quarantine shortly after they arrive in the united states if they've been in contact with folks in west africa. >> certainly it's better than
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what we were doing before. as i've been stating for many, many weeks, it's a mistake to bring this disease into the united states. under any circumstances, particularly when we can treat it elsewhere and bring people back. the reason is not because we don't have excellent infectious disease people and good protocols out of the cdc. it's because of human error. there's always going to be human error so when you're dealing with something this dangerous, why expose the population to it? and, you know, several other countries have seen fit to ban flights from the areas of infestation. that only makes sense. this is not going to be a permanent ban forever. but until we get this disease under control, recognizing the potential for problems, we have a tendency to always plan for best case scenario. we need to plan for worst case scenario. we need to also concentrate the
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effort, i think, in west africa. get the resources and people we need to obliterate this disease over there. >> over there first. >> if it spreads across the african continent into the middle east where there's hygiene issue going on there, the spread could be very rapid. >> we have the protocols in place, for example, at jfk airport and the doctor right now in the hospital in new york, he apparently passed the test set up to take the temperature of individuals. that's supposed to be in place to help us feel like the situation is under control, that the feds are doing something about this to protect us, and yet he contracted the virus, days later, i mean the symptoms he developed, and ran around new york on a subwaishgs went to a bowling alley, restaurant. at the same time he followed the
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procedures are that are now in place in new york. >> which if people stop being proud and can say, you know, we were wrong, let's reexamine this, and what could we have done to prevented that situation, what could we have done to prevent mr. duncan from getting in here, what policies would have kept that from happening, that's what we should be doing, rather than trying to cover our tracks and find ways to make excuses. let's not do that. this is not to say we don't have excellent care here. >> putting a lot of emphasis on self-monitoring, people are supposed to report to the government, to the officials, about their symptoms, supposed to be checking in on a regular basis. people aren't going to do that. >> of course they're not. not only that, but remember, the nurse in dallas, who called to
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see, to tell them she had a fever and was not told she could not fly. we don't even have the protocols correct. we don't know what we're doing. >> we have an ebola czar but haven't seen much of him in the last few days, what do you make of that the fact that we have a czar in the first place? >> i don't want to get started on my opinion of czars. they're unconstitutional. they don't answer to anybody. there was never any provision for them made. i don't think that's the correct way to do things. we have excellent people at the cdc. we have, you know, secretary of health, you know, these are the people who should be running this and we should be utilizing the tremendous expertise we have now. i would caution the american people not to panic because we have a number of people who are working on a vaccine and they're very good and my understanding they're making tremendous progress. so i do think we will have
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something before something really horrible happens, but to preclude the horrible things from happening we need to be planning for worse case scenarios, be ready for those. we these to put the ban on. they probably will eli do that. >> closer to the elections, timed that way? >> i don't know. i mean they will, but with we're always a dollar short and a day late. why can't we be out in front of things rather than always bringing up the rear. i think that's the thing that makes the american people worry about us. and we have smart people who know this, but we also have people who are just i'm right, i don't care what anybody else has to say. this is not what works in anything. >> especially in public health when talking about lives at stake. >> absolutely. >> i know you have a new book out called "one vote"ing that a hot of folks should pick up and take a look at. >> to get the american people to
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understand we are at the pinnacle of power in the system, but in order to exercise that we must be informed, be an informed voter. so you can go on-line and get a free company, make your voice and what they believe, how they vote evoted, not how t said they voted. you can figure this stuff out easily. it's worth your while. very much more important than going to a basketball or football game and or rock consterts. >> quickly, lots of folks are having that you're going to make a decision about 2016. any closer to that? >> i'm thinking. i'm listening. it's still not something that i want to do, but every place i go i'm being told that i have to do it, so i'm listening to my compatriots and i will continue to do that. >> always great to have you
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here. >> thank you. >> appreciate it very much. >> we have been asking you with the new cdc protocols in place, do you protect the government to protect the u.s. against a ebola outbreak? rob is saying he doesn't trust the cdc. he doesn't think they're a medical department fae more but arm of politics. paula is scared from the information she's learning so she doesn't trust it now. so many other folks weighing in on this. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. we'll continue to monitor your tweets and bring you more later in the program. new details this afternoon about the washington school shooting where a student killed a classmate, wounded four others and killed himself. officials say two of the victims were cousins of freshman jaylen fryberg. students say fryberg was is staring at his victims as he shot them inside the cafeteria. in sacramento, marcelo marquez in custody after the deadly shooting of two sheriff deputies. officials say he led dozens of
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police officers on a wild six-hour chase and manhunt across two northern california counties. on this side of the country a hatchet attack on four rookie officers is being called a terrorist attack by a homegrown radical. >> he acted alone, that we would describe him as a self-radicalized. we would describe him as inspired. we feel at this time he was self-directed in his activities. >> police killed suspect zale thompson. he's said to be a muslim convert who ranted against america on social media but had no ties to international terrorism. domestic terrorists like these are not tied to any formal dprups and often live undetected in our communities until they strike. tonight greta investigates recent cases of lone wolf terrorism across the united
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states and the united kingdom. >> ali humam mad brown sits in a jail cell as authorities pour over his past life. lone wolf terrorist or serial killer using islam as an excuse? >> greta investigates. we'll examine brown's ties to a jihadi seattle barbershop at the center of a federal terrorism investigation in the mid 2000s. watch "greta investigates the lone wolves of terror" tonight at 10:00. more than a month long search for hannah graham has ended after police confirm remains found are those of the university sophomore. graham seen here was last seen with 32-year-old jesse matthew on september 30th. --s 13th. matthew faces multiple charges now in this case. both the northern and southern u.s. borders could be vulnerable to terrorism. we will discuss with former bin laden unit leader mike shore.
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plus democrats are trying to hang on to the senate as the polls tighten but they don't want to be seen in the same room as their party's leader president obama. we'll talk about that. the law that could require the faithful to violate their religious beliefs or face jail time. >> this is simply about the government coming in and forcing two ordained ministers to violate their beliefs. [ female ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers
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welcome back, everybody. turning to a controversy in idaho where some of the state's christian ministers may be forced to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies or face possible jail time. fox news correspondent dan springer has more. >> reporter: don and evelyn nap have been marrying couples 25 years. the ordained ministers own the hitching post wedding chapel in idaho, ground zero in the fight over religious freedom because they refuse to marry gay couples a stand that may have them breaking the city's anti-discrimination law. >> we told them well, based on what you're telling us and you're a for profit business, you're doing it for a profit, and you're performing civil services, not religious, but civil services, as well, you would likely be in violation of
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this ordinance. >> reporter: same-sex couples just won the right to get married last week when idaho's marriage act was struck down by a federal court. the naps say within days they were asked to marry two gay men. they refused. then filed a lawsuit against the city saying the ordinance with penalties of up to six months in jail, and a thousand dollar fine, violates their constitutional right to practice their religion. >> this is simply about the government coming in and forcing two ordained ministers to violate their beliefs to violate their ordination vows and threaten them with jail or fine simply for carrying out their faith and marrying people like they've always done. >> reporter: the city appears to be backing down. just before filing their lawsuit the naps registered as a religious corporation which is exempt from the law. wedding chapels in a legal gray area, but it's a fight the city may avoid. >> i understand that way the law
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is currently written right now that the religious freedom has a priority. it trumps that other desire of mine to see more equality in that area. >> all right. with no complaints yet against the hitching post, it's unclear at this point if the city will prosecute the naps but we know that this is just the beginning. wedding chapels in las vegas are now refusing to marry gay couples and there are court cases involving photographers along with florists who will not work at gay weddings. well, we want to hear from you. tell us what you think. should ministers be forced to conduct same-sex weddings even if the government says it's legal. tweet us your answers. we'll be reading some of those answers later in our show. >> look forward to hearing from you. all eyes on politics. the second to last weekend before the midterms. we're going to take a look at the big -- we're going to take a look at the big races, try that again, and tell you all you feed to know coming up.
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quick look at some of the stories making news right now. police are continuing to gather evidence from the scene of a washington state high school shooting rampage that took place yesterday. investigators found a 40 caliber hand gun believed to be the weapon used by the shooter. freshman jaylen fryberg took his own life after killing one classmate and injuring four others. police right now are still looking for a motive. a manhunt in sacramento, california, yesterday left two sheriff's deputies dead and another one injured. officials say marcelo marquez shot at the officers and then led them on a six-hour chase across two counties before he was forced out of a home by tear gas and then arrested. a civilian was injured in the case. the pentagon says the first u.s. military member has died during "operation inherent resolve" the fight against islamic state and its militants. the 19-year-old is shawn neil, a
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marine from riverside, california, died thursday in baghdad from a noncombat related incident. the pentagon says they are investigating his death. and those are a look at some of your top stories. uma? >> well, election day 2014 nearly here and senate control hangs in the balance at the moment. republicans need to pick up six seats and real clear politics is reporting there are at least nine seats up for grabs. molly joining us now with the latest on what's at play right now. >> we're going to look at the five of them, what may be the five hottest senate races right now. we'll start in new hampshire. democrats are hoping current senator jeanne shaheen can keep that but scott brown is making it a tight race. shaheen leading by 1.8 points. that kuz not include gains or losses after their debate last fight which shaheen tried to distance herself from president
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obama and said with so much going on in the country it doesn't, quote, make sense for the president to come up and campaign with her. to colorado, republicans are hopeful that congressman cory gardener can maintain a lead and defeat democratic senator mark udall. one analyst said garnder got a boost from one source. >> the denver post which is a liberal newspaper endorsed cory garnder. there was an earthquake in colorado when that happened. >> in iowa republicans looking to pick up a seat there. joanie ernst is leading bruce braley by 2.5 points. the georgia a potential nail biter. democrats are hoping they can gain a seat here if michele nunn can defeat david perdue. but they point out that in georgia the winning candidate has to get 50% of the vote plus one or there's a runoff. >> if a runoff is january 6th, three days after congress is supposed to reconvene, just
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imagine if the senate control depends on that one seat. >> finally kansas, where independent greg has a 0.8 lead over senator pat roberts. this race has gone back and forth all month. orman has indicated if he wins he likely would caucus which which ever party has the majority in the senate. >> all right. thank you very much. lots to look forward to. and here for a fair and balanced debate former adviser to george w. bush brad blakeman and talk show host and author alan combs. thanks for being here. i want to play an ad out of alaska from begitch and see your reaction. take a listen. >> like when i took on obama to open up drilling in arctic and took him on to protect our gun rights and exempt alaska schools from no child left behind. >> what does it say the president's coattails in some
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ways have become toxic? >> the democratic party can't define itself. with democrats like this who needs republicans. people like begitch, michele nun, allison lunder gren grimes in kentucky won't admit they voted for obama. think we're stupid the secretary of state and democrat in kentucky facing mitch mcconnell didn't vote for barack obama. it's outrageous. the democrats trig to run as republicans and it's going to hurt them because i think even the people on the right would like to have a choice between two well-defined political parties and democrats might as well be republicans at this point. >> brad, are you going to take them? >> i think we're going to sweep the senate and i think it's going to be a landslide election for republicans and here's why. if it wasn't for bad news obama doesn't make news. you can run away from the president, the incumbent democrats but can't run away from your voting record. most of the incumbent democrats
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they voted with him lock step over 90% of the time and that's why it's not going to work. i happen to agree with alan, stick with a guy that you brought to the white house or you're not. but if you don't, you're going to suffer the same fate as obama in popularity and in getting out the vote, you're not going to win. >> speaking of -- >> not only that but if they ran on obama's record reduced the deficit by two-thirds, reduced unemployment, supported more illegal immigrants undocumented immigrants than ever happened before. 7 million have health care. >> it would appear there's no question a number of democratic candidates running from his record. it's interesting interesting who is running to the help of the republicans. we heard from molly, you talked about how mitt romney is one of the most in demand guys on the trail and the 2016 contenders, folks like marco rubio, ted cruz, these kinds of people hitting the trail as well as surrogates. i want to play a clip from hillary clinton just recently, i think last night, when she was
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talking to a group of democrats. >> don't let anybody tell you that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. you know that old theory, trickle down economics. that bhas been tried, that has failed, it has failed rather spectacularly. you know, one of the things my husband says when people say well, what did you bring to washington? he said i brought arithmetic. >> former secretary of state there in boston, massachusetts, during a governors campaign event. i want to ask you this, brad, frame the current midterm elections the next two weeks as we look forward in 2016. >> if you're a republican it's not enough to be against somebody. you have to stand for something. not enough to bank on obama's unpopularity running off on the democrats you're running
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against. you have to stand for something. republicans have to bring home fiscal responsibility, the economy is what is going to be first and foremost on people's minds second to national security because of what we're seeing with ebola and isis and the tragedies we've seen in canada and america. i think if republicans stay positive on what the future can bring and not harp on the unpopularity of the president we will have a fabulous day in the first tuesday of november. >> brad is right but they're not doing that, you know. the best thing that could happen to democrats is having republicans take over the senate and we can see that they stand for nothing, they're simply against whatever the president is doing and, in fact, if the republicans do sirp well on november 4th this year i think it will only help democrats retain the white house in 2016. >> alan i have to cut you off. i've heard this before. is this sort of saying eventually we're going to lose anyway, we might as well make the best of it. do you believe the best thing for democrats is to lose the senate? >> i'm not going to say we're
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going to lose anyway. if the republicans do as well as they're projecting and grant is saying, and they don't have anything to be against, they're just the party of no, it's not going to help them in 2016. >> would you rather be in the majority or minority. >> i would love to be in the majority of the senate and keep the house and will put obama's feet to the fire because either he has to deal with us or pick up his pen and phone, something the american people reject. >> brad and alan, thank you, appreciate you being here. we'll see what happens in -- next tuesday. uma? >> can't wait. >> we will. coming up, documents being kept secret from the fast and furious investigation. we will take a look at what information the president is refusing to release at this time. and a path to the north has terror analysts focusing on lone wolfs. a close look after this.
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thanks for staying with us and consider this bit of math. our northern border is nearly three times the length of our southern border. yet it has just one tenth of the border patrol agents. >> the risk on a northern border is that someone can get into canada if they get into canada legally, they can legally come in to the united states. they just have to show their passport and say i'm going to go visit vermont or buffalo or detroit or seattle. >> that was former immigration and customs secretary john torres concerned of the lone wolf attack at the canadian parliament that officials now he says should be working to protect our northern border. former officer mike shorer joins us to discuss it. back when you were at the agency things were different. you were hunting islamic terrorists but they were over there in the middle eastp.
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seems like now there's a lot more people here. is it a problem? st >> it was a problem then. it was a problem we ignored because we have a studied inability to understand the power of religion in the modern world. and really, what we should have done after 9/11, was to better control both borders. that was about the main thing we could have done to defend the united states. now we have a problem in this country not only because people come across borders, but because people are turning to islam as a faith through conversion. we allow our so-called saudi and kuwaiti friends to educate young muslims in this country in a form of islam far more severe than anything osama bin laden ever preached. so the war is coming here. our failures overseas, our failures to understand the enemy we're up against is going to result in the things that happened in canada this week. >> i want to play a clip from the fbi director on "60 minutes" recently talking about the threat of quote/unquote lone
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wolves. take a listen. >> these home grown violent extremists are troubled souls seeking meaning in some misguided way and they come across the propaganda and become radicalized on their own, independent study, and also able to equip themselves with training through the interinnocent and engage in jihad after emerging from their basement. >> the name lone wolf offends you? >> it does. i prefer lone rat, to capture the kind of person we're talking about. >> in terms of the kind of people we're talking about in this sense, are these people who are young men who are smart and captains of their football teams or losers and loners in their basements on the internet looking for an identity. >> there's both. more often than that we find these people are fairly well educated. certainly the islamist organizations in the middle east have attracted the best and brightest in the muslim world not the riff raf exclusively. certainly the fbi director fully
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encapsulates the disaster we're facing because he can't even use the word islam. he calls them extreme violent people. this is a religious war that's being waged against us. >> when you talk about a religious war and you look at the way we were talking to bob scales earlier about this and he said wait a second this is not a war of technology but a war of will and the united states is not stepping up to the battlefield in syria and iraq and the way that sends the right message in terms of this framed in this since, are we missing something here and some way emboldening not only the terrorists abroad but the terrorists here at home by not taking this fight much harder and stronger into places like iraq and syria? >> well, in the sense that in the muslim world, forces, the united states has behaved like sponge bob in its military operations. we've lost two wars to people that are armed with weapons from the korean war. but more importantly, we feed.
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what motivates these people is not hatred for women in the work place or beer or x rated movies or elections. they wouldn't have them in their own countries but they're not going to blow themselves up for it. they hate what we do in their world. as a result, another incursion into iraq, is just what the doctor ordered for the islamic states. >> so if another invasion into iraq is what motivates a lot of these folks and at the same time you need to use enough force to really knock this out, what do you do? how do you stop this? especially here at home. >> we had the opportunity to do that in afghanistan and we pulled our punch. we don't have an opportunity to do it now. you know, another thing no one will talk about, there's no mercy in war except speed. you need to find enough of these people to anileate to convince their compadres they are not going to win. we're losing deliberately because we don't have the will to kill. >> that is a scary proposition
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losing and losing quickly. might shore formerly with the cia, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> uma? >> how a near-death experience, forever changes a skeptic neurosurgeon's view after [ inaudible ] left in a coma. discover new insight sights on science and spiritually impact the afterlife. >> before my coma which occurred in november 2008 i had never really paid attention to the deeper studies of nonlocal consciousness. a 3d white smile
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new details in the fast and furious investigation. that is the ill fated government gun walking scheme that plagued the justice department. we now know which documents president obama and his attorney general are refusing to disclose. william has the latest from los angeles. >> we turned over what was called a vaughn inns deck. >> reporter: attorney general eric holder skirted documents related to fast and furious. >> i think the basis for the executive privilege claim is set out in all the filings that we have made over the course of, i don't know, whatever number of
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months. >> reporter: the list obtained by judicial watch describes 15,000 documents over which the president claims executive privilege. yet, 23 e-mails are between holder and his wife, his wife, between holder and his mother. critics say in no way are those protected. >> president obama's executive privilege claim was a gift to eric holder to help him be protected from prosecution for withholding this information. >> reporter: other documents show communication between the white house and holder including an e-mail exchange with obama's senior adviser valerie jarrett. evidence she was involved in damage control during the scandal. the u.s. attorney in arizona discussed fast and furious weapons with deputies yet a day later he lied to brian terry's family saying guns found at the murder scene did not come from the program. >> i put in place mechanisms so it would never happen again. we held people accountable.
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>> reporter: even though no one was fired. as for the president's executive protection of those e-mails between holder and his wife and mother, the attorney general said in another legal filing he'll offer a more granular response. fox news. okay. shifting gears in a big way. near-death experiences are not without controversy. many people have reported having them, but many in the scientific community have argued that they are simply impossible. our next guest was one of those skeptics until he had his own journey into the afterlife. dr. alexander said he believes consciousness is independent of the brain. and in his new book "map of heaven" he shares stories of people around the world who have had similar near-death experiences like his and shows evidence of how science and religion are proving there is an afterlife after all. i recently had a chance to speak
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with dr. alexander as he shared more of his remarkable story. >> so this book is really the result of two main factors. one is my ongoing discoveries and understanding about where science is today, the science of consciousness. trying to get to an answer around the mind/body debate that's been going on for 2,600 years and it's profound. i see the entire scientific community is shifting to an understanding of this. >> tell our viewers what happened to you in that moment in your coma when you felt you connected with another consciousness. many people have reported seeing light, they see angels, they see deceased loved one who is are back with them again. did you experience some of those? >> i did. indeed. and the important thing is the reason the scientific community
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has taken proof of heaven so seriously is because according to our modern views, i should have had no experience at all. that kind of meningitis is a perfect model for human death. but usually people don't survive it. and they certainly don't come back with stories to tell if they survive at all their brain is wrecked. >> what did you experience specifically? >> well, initially there was a -- i was rescued by that by a spinning white light and perfect melody that led up into a valley, lush, fertile, lots of earthlike features in that valley in terms of people, souls between lives with the divine unconditional love of that created source and brilliant light. kind of dazzling darkness paradoxes everywhere in that realm of non-duality and that realm of oneless.
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>> so you feel you were connected to the god consciousness? >> very much. and that is something available to all of us. that's what i go to in "map of heaven." you don't have to die or almost die to get this. deep within our consciousness, all of us have access to that infinite love and compassion. >> interesting in your book is you merged science and the spirituality together. >> with well b this is all about science and spirituality. it's about rising above the dogma of science and dogma of religions to realize there's a much deeper truth that is all about the oneness, all about the eternity of our souls. and this is all around the science of consciousness that is currently emerging. in fact, this book "map of heaven" points the way to the new science that is emerging which will be the most radical shift in human thinking in all of our recorded history. >> and that being the brain does not create consciousness.
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>> exactly. the brain doesn't create consciousness. it's more of a reducing filter that limits consciousness down to the little trickle of an apparent here and now. >> what do you hope people come away with from this particular book? >> well, i hope people realize what i'm painting here is a radical shift in world view that is a union of our science and spirituality that fully accepts and embraces the deep consciousness, soul, spirit, and divine at the core of everything in all of existence. >> our thanks to dr. alexander for a remarkable story and remarkable book. check it out. well, your twitter responses right after the break. we have lots to share with you.
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have a great saturday. thanks for joining us. >> and make it a great day everybody. this week on "the journal editorial report," a look at what could make republican hopes for a wave election. vulnerable democrats are running away from an unpopular president, but can the gop bank on an obama backlash? and they're being called the democrats' secret weapon. can the clintons bill and hillary save the day for some struggling candidates? and from new oboe ebola concern terrorists, will it help republicans come election day? welcome


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