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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 25, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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[ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! say no. you know this. i'm just telling you what you already know. [ applause ] and finally, how much do pets hate when their owners dress them up for halloween? we'll talk to one canine who says he refuses to put on a stupid costume. none of these stories on red eye
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tonight. >> i'm filling in for greg gutfeld. he'll be back tomorrow. let's welcome our guests. i'm here tonight with associate producer carly shimkiss. she's hotter than a tamale and makes many men cry. it's joanne. it's tv's andy levy. >> he broke the record for the most hate mail received at the new york times but don't worry. around here it gets you a medal and a parade. sitting next to me is first time guest new york times columnist john tyranie. >> the lead. that's the first story. >> like most pumpkin festivals it ended with arrests. >> it was mayhem after a group of drunken college students
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starting throwing things and lighting fires in the streets. the students were coming from parties celebrating an annual pumpkin festival where the town tries to set a world record for the largest number of carved pumpkins. police responded with tear gas and arrested dozens. here is video taken during the chaos. ♪ >> that wasn't it. i wonder. >> everywhere you look was there drunk people doing dumb stuff? >> everywhere you look there was drunk people doing dumb stuff. it was a free-for-all riot. >> i felt like i was in russia. >> it was like a movie. >> it was ridiculous. like a war zone. >> during the chaos a reporter for a public access station interviewed the pumpkin
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organizer. >> right now the festival coordinator is on site here, she's not letting me do my job and report to you. she would not like me to tell you what's going on. >> this is a family friendly event. the footprints of teen pumpkin festival is 100% safe. we are a bigger crowd than we've ever had. i want them to have a wonderful evening and not be disturbed by people at a pumpkin festival. if you think insighting these people have a good oid yidea, i going to pull the plug on you. >> you heard it here first. >> do not alarm our guests. >> when you report the news, the reality, the people in charge want to shut you down. this is against freedom of the press folks. we have been bringing you coverage all day. yes, ruth is correct that this festival is very important. we've been reporting this all
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long. then pull the plug. >> then pull the plug. >> nonprofiting as and you have no right to self-promote here. >> i'm not self-promoting. >> do wei agree he's self-promoting. >> everybody ruth sterling the festival organizer of the pumpkin festival censoring local media from the truth. >> that is why i get all of my news from there. john, you know, your reaction to the -- maybe to this riot. i mean what happened to the pumpkin festival. who's to blame? >> i blame the pumpkins. when you get 21,000 pumpkins in one place it turns people into raving pumpkin heads. it's worse than crack heads and meth heads and i think pumpkins need to be banned. >> it doesn't happen at a regular pumpkin fest it's only around halloween when they are
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carving into those sinister shapes. >> you should not have ten pumpkins in one place. >> yeah. they weird me out. >> you were saying in the green room that these were innocent kids blowing off steam and they should be allowed to party. >> i change my mind from what i said in the green room. i do want to say that i carved my first pumpkin this weekend while this was happening actually. i carved a kitten into it. >> are you heartless? i carved a little kitten face into the pumpkin. >> i hope you instagramed that. >> i'm waiting for the throw back thursday in the fall to do that. i think the real shining light in this whole story was the reporter because everybody else his age was being a drunk idiot and' he was getting the job done. if he wasn't engaged, i would totally date that guy. >> he was fast elbows.
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>> joanne, did you have to do that at comicon. these kids were all over you, those nerds. >> no, they kept a good distance from me. no one was grabbing at me. i was surprisedment a little upset even. >> should pumpkin festivals be canceled because people can't be responsible. >> yes and you know who's responsible, the obama administration because there are unemployed millennials. they are bored and angry so this is why this happened. >> did you work while you were in college? >> i did. i had three jobs. i'm blue collar. i work in aed in a coffee shop g college. >> if it's not their community, if they are not investigated in the community then why should they care about it.
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of course they are going to riot and cause a rukus because that's what young people do when they are not tied to their community. >> is the pumpkin a vegetable. >> andy, this was all over the news. they compared it to the furring , furri ferguson riots? >> in one instance you had people protesting against a death, a system that treats them as second class systems and in other you have people fighting for the right to wear their baseball caps backwards and for their right to watch entourage whenever they want to and bl blaming the victims? the pumpkins were acting for it
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because they have wide smiles. >> i now see the pumpkin test as a beautiful thing. >> well, you saw all of this stuff in the news but there's a lot of news footage of the riot police. they real dli haly did have the police out there. sometimes i think the police shouldn't show up at all. their presence ends up escalating it. >> but they have to save the pumpkins. >> maybe. all right. the freedom socialist party in seattle demands $20 an hour minimum wage as part of their platform but in a job posting on craigs list for a web developer they are only offering $15 an hour. they also state they want the government to quote, provide a guaranteed annual income, free medical care for all, including reproductive services and
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abortion. they say the job is part time so benefits are not included. they say one thing and they do another. joanne, is this the most delicious irony smoothy that you've ever stuck your straw into it. >> it is. you know what would be even nicer than the smoothy is giving everyone two months vacation. a hot tub, a pony. oh -- >> they do that in europe. everyone gets a pony in europe. >> you know doesn't work out. i think it is interesting, doug barns, the national secretary of the freedom socialist party. >> i think we all know who doug barns. >> oh, because i didn't know. i'm trying to reinforce this. he decided to come back and defend their position. he ends up calling the right wing attack there hypocritical. so it's just like he's looking into mirror and he's just like spitting it at everyone. >> by his logic they are
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hypocritical. >> but he is saying they are practicing what they are preaching in terms of continuing to fight for the minimum wage. >> carly what do you think? should they practice what they preach? >> everybody should practice what they preach. don't you learn that in first grade. see, this is a job that -- this is a job in seattle, right? this group was a huge proponent of the $15 minimum wage in seattle. >> right they are calling for 20. >> practicing what you preach. you know what, granted this group does work on donations. i don't really think that they are raking in the cash so $20, i understand if you can't give them $20 but at left go for the $15 that you've been wanting for the state for the last three years so they are huge hypocrites. >> but is hypocrisy that bad? they are advocating, john, for a higher wage. so is it important that they pay one developer or is it more important that they are out
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there championing the poor? >> they should be. this demonstrating everyone as a conservative when it comes to their own business. basically people think every other business should be regulated but their own, they want the government out of it. generallyists are like that. we'd be appalled if the government tried to regulate us but we use that freedom to advocate regulating everybody else because we know our business and they can't tell us what to do. >> i think that senator joe mcarthy was 100% right, do you agree with me? >> no. >> moving on. >> andy, do you think they are going to be able to hire someone? what do you think? >> i hope so. i mean i have long said that the only thing stopping the freedom socialist party from achieving party is the lack of a good content manager so i'm hoping they get someone. look, it would be easy to call them a bunch of hypocrites for supporting minimum wage increases while looking to hire for someone for less. that's it. it goes back to my argument
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about hypocrisy. why is it so bad? >> the problem is -- well you can understand why they can't afford to pay $20. that's the same reason that a lot of small businesses don't want the minimum wage. >> exactly. >>ecause they can't afford to pay it either. so their reason for it is exactly the same as the other businesses but that doesn't stop them for ad voek vae, advocatinr the other businesses. by the way they have taken it out. it says doe, depending on experience. so all of this coverage has gotten them to change. >> so we're doing something. we're advocates out there. >> it happens before we taped the show so it's not us. >> did you go on the website? >> it's a nice looking website. >> and they were really trying -- i think what they were trying to do was get a college student but that website is way above a college student's experience level so --
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>> freedom socialist -- isn't that like, you know -- it doesn't make sense these words going together. >> sociali ifist feminist party. if you want i will explain to you after the show the intricacies of it. >> he was nearly nude around food. a cook was fired after posting shirtless photos of himself in the kitchen on his facebook. the cook who's also a rapper called the post sexy cooks of chilly and even tagged the restaurant. the company said chiles does not encourage this type of behavior in our restaurant. we maintain very high standards of food quality, safety and cleanliness. but did he do anything wrong? the government agency says there
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weren't any violations because no food was being prepared. the shirtless chef was replaced with this: >> joanne, you worked in bars and restaurants. this kind of thing happens all the time. >> the work gets kind of tedious and depressing and it can be awful. so the team, everyone who is working there needs -- these sin shin an iing ans to build morale. i'm sure a lot of this stuff happens and they just don't happen to see the photos or photos aren't taken but people do some crazy stuff. i don't fault him for that. i actually appreciate that he was wearing a hat because in the kitchen you're supposed to have -- >> that's the one thing a hat or
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hair net. >> he's following protocol. >> i think we're all concerned about what happens in the kitchen but it's not the photographs we're concerned about. we're concerned about when things aren't being photographed. that's when the nasty things happen. >> that is. sometimes you don't want to know what is going into your food but really i'm sure when you go out to a restaurant, it's covered in disgusting, disgusting things unfortunately. i hate to break it to you. ocol because first guy was of all he was wearing an apron and secondly, it's chiles. it's not a 5 star restaurant. >> wow. agree to disagree. >> is that your favorite restaurant? >> maybe. they send me stuff after i'm nice to them. >> a coupon. >> that's all i want. >> list sen if i wanted pretensn i'll go to del friscos.
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chiles is a place where you should be able to relax. take off your shirt. no big deal. >> exactly. the theme at chiles should be what have i done this week to deserve better. >> i think firing is too good. it is a fundamental consumer right to be able to eat your dinner at chiles without having that think of the sweaty underarms of the guy. it's fine to do that in the kitchen but you shouldn't be putting that picture out and ruining everyone's meal. >> if you sthaw that picture an you still ate at chiles. >> i wouldn't go to chiles. >> i think he looks great. he should have a calendar. >> yeah. this may start a calendar. >> he should sue chiles and then make a calendar. >> what do you think of this guy's rap album. are you going to invest? >> no, he blew it by not having check out my mix tape with his sound cloud address. >> yeah. it's great. >> he's not getting the publicity that he should be getting. i checked out his sound cloud
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page and it's good. >> as you would say tom his lyrical game is not tight. as a rapper, he's a good chiles cook i think is the nicest way to put it. >> are you saying keep your day job? >> it's a little late now. he got fired for stupidity. as you guys said. this stuff may go on all the time. fine, don't post pictures of it. >> i don't see what the problem is my first day at fox news i got excited and posted something to instagram. i might have gotten flack for it but i was excited that day. >> oh, my gosh you look so adore owable. >> you're actually wearing the same outfit. my first day, i've had this for a while. >> coming up, will i use my hosting powers to get back at greg gutfeld for mocking me? of course not. i'm a far better person than he is. but first internet trolls. we'll do the story if you can answer these internet riddles
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should there be no parole if you troll? the british government, they have one, andy. >> is considering making it possible to imprison internet trolls for up to two years under current uk law, people who send abusive, sexually offensive or threatening messages face a maximum of six months in prison. the british's justice secretary whoever that is think it's not enough. this is a law to combat cruelty and marks our determination to take a stance get cyber mobs. these internet trolls are cowul
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you cowards and there should be no place on it on social media. the government is considering an experiment punishment seen here. i've done that. >> i feel so bad now. >> i've done it with the washing gloves. >> john, should trolling -- you know the latex gloves? >> who shouldn't done that. >> i know. should trolling be an imprize nab able offense. >> it's already an offense to
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threaten someone with credible violen violence. >> the british secretary says he think there's something special about the internet. >> the best punishment for trolls would be to send all of their vicious posts to their mother and make them sit there and read them. >> the worst of these trolls don't have a mother. never did. next of kin. >> born in a lab. >> carly, aren't there better ways to deal with trolls? we have people, you know, that can hack in and find out who they are and publically shame them? >> i hope so. you know, the thick wing with c bullying often times it is more psychologically scarring than getting bullied face-to-face by somebody because you don't know who's bullying you and you don't know what they are capable of so i think there should be much harsher laws across the board. >> yes. andy, i don't even think this is
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troll they are talking about. isn't a troll according to wikipedia, one -- i don't have it. i was trying to make one up. >> weirdly, i think you're onto something here. >> yeah. >> because the problem is that they lump in offensive and abusive with threatening. actual threats, yeah. bye enjoy your prison stay. you can't do that in the real world or online. it doesn't make a difference. the problem here, this is britain, they criminalize offensive speech. that's something that i don't think anyone should ever support criminalizing speech. that is just offensive. england doesn't have a first amendment or equivalent. thankfully we do which hasn't stopped a lot of people in this country for trying to criminalize speech they find offensive. for me that's the problem here. if they want to up the penalty for threat eening speech from s months to two years. that's fine. that's up to them.
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this other stuff is plain old bad. >> joanne you must get trolled a lot or harassed, whatever it's called. the other day you said on twitter i'm going to mute anyone who answers me in a disgusting way. do people do that a lot? >> you know the best way to deal with trolls is to collect them. i line them up with colored bulbul belly buttons. i am waiting for the red one and i will have a complete set. you can't be offended or threatened by something you don't read. >> ignore it. >> i think a lot of us are gluttons for punishment. we just read this stuff when sometimes we don't have to. you don't have to have a social media account. it's different if someone is maimi mailing you threats but now no one uses the mail anymore. >> they call it snail mail because it goes so slow. unbelievable. >> john, andy made a good point. there's different law regarding -- the first
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amendment, there is no first amendment in the uk. so what happens in the press when someone writes an article. there's probably articles that can't be punished in the uk? >> right. it's easier owe gto get sued th >> nobody can get sued in this country for printing anything. >> as long as you spell the name right. because then, well, you have to be a public figure to be slandered, right? >> it's almost impossible to slabb slander figure. it's a catch 22, the minute you put them in the newspaper they are a public figure. >> coming up, a segment on jerry seinfeld but really it's a segment about nothing but first a word from our sponsor. >> do you have to testify in front of congress? you don't want to tell the truth but you know lying is wrong. then you need the law offices of delay delay perry and dodge.
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we tow the line between the morally objectionable.
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jerry seinfeld was he just kidding or were his critics digging? that's the subject of tonight
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tonight's -- a few weeks ago my social media feed was just killed with articles about jerry seinfeld and his infamous cleo award acceptance speech which was described by many as biting the hand that fed him. >> i love advertising because i love lying. we know the product is going to stink. we know that because we live in the world and we know that everything stinks. >> the website dig described the speech was scathing. time magazine said that the giggles fizzled and says that seinfeld mocks ad execs. wait a minute why would the industry that seinfeld was dismantling appreciate his speech so much? maybe because they got the joke. >> we all believe maybe this one won't stink.
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we're a hopeful species, stupid but hopeful but we're happy in that moment between the commercial and purchase. i think spending your lives trying to dupe innocent people out of their earnings into low quality, misrepresented products and services is an excellent use of your energy. cheer from the ad execs of course jerry wasn't ripping apart, destroying and demolishing an ad industry. this speech was a love letter. more than playfully mocking the ad business, jerry was talking about this lie business seriously. >> jerry says if your things don't make you happy, you're not getting the right things. john, this was the case of spin,
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wasn't it? people in the media looking at a speech that was funny. it was very -- it was a cool speech. it was classic jerry stabbnd up but every headline was jerry dismantles the every headline -- wasn't this spin. >> it was but he recognized it's that moment of buying something that there's a real story behind it. people want that spiritual feeling that advertising gives. he says he's working on a book called soulful materialism. >> do you think he was telling the truth there. >> id down 5th avenue with a guy who did a book called elitism and materialism and it's all about how that is the new spirituality for people. the materialism, anybody can buy into this sense of identity. they don't discriminate against you by your class, education.
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>> we can all have an iphone. >> around the world we can all have nikes. and they don't fight. guchy doesn't declare a jihad against prada. >> obviously some people have a problem with these companies. >> this was funny. i thought this was great. he talked a lot about the love and appreciation for material things which i can totally relate to. i actually found him kind of sexy when he was talking about it. >> you did. >> yes. >> because he describes the skri exciting feeling of buying a product. yeah and i love the last line he said if you're not happy with the things you're buying, you're not buying the right things. it's so true yet so easy tofor wealthy thing to say. i don't believe in this
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materialistic thing. the only thing i have is a mat where i do my meditation. i understand people need things to be happy but i'm not one of these people. i really hate to say it but i agree with you tom. >> yes! >> maybe it is a red eye first. we should probably mark down the time and everything. time magazine said the giggles fizzled but they erupted in wild applause at the moment they were being roasted the most. >> absolutely. so i absolute a grgree with you tad business was in on the joke. >> he was paying them a compliment. >> isn't advertising just helping you make informed decisions about things that improve your life. >> i think so. we all advertise. you all put on your best self to people.
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i lie to people about who i am. i don't look like this when i wake up in the morning. >>. we all kind of cover that up. i typically don't like jerry seinfeld's humor but i loved this. >> wait a minute. this could be a whole show. what's wrong with seinfeld, america's favorite guy in the world? >> i like to be different. the thing about jokes is that there's always truth in it. every time you make a joke it comes from a place of truth. he was really honing in on it. i think the critics are just jealous that he didn't spend his whole life advertising and he gets this award. >> i'm sure in every joke there's an element of truth. i don't believe that at all. i have never once seen a chicken cross the road. >> well, if you don't leave your apartment andy you will never see it. >> that's a good point but i've never seen it on tv.
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>> not only that but it comes from pain. >> absolutely. >> advertising is painful, right? >> it is. >> okay. we're going to do another story now. if you never let -- i'm not going to do a transition. i will read this. are you never let down if you always wear a frown? some lady on the internet, that's where i get all of my news says pessimisms are actually happier than optimists. glass happen full types by always believing things in life will work out set themselves up for bigger blows meanwhile b pessimists are comfortable in their unhappiness and are comfortable in their pain rather than optimists who just dream about something better. >> i couldn't make heads or tail of this study. it sounded like she was just trying to redefine optimism and
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pessimism. >> yeah. i thought the story was going to suck but it turned out not bad. i get the argument here but there is not a shred of evidence is offered here to back up an opinion which would be fine because it's an opinion piece, i guess but there is evidence in the form of actual studies that optimists are happier and that pessimists are more prone to depression. optimists tend to live longer. >> isn't that what it is? she eliminated one category. the realist? don't you need that in any discussion about pessimism and optimi optimism. >> a pessimism is a realist who got disappointed in the way the world looked? >> something like that but you need a balance. if you're happy all the time you're obviously not paying attention because bad things do happen but you're better off focusing on the positive stuff. i think one of the big problems today is that we're surrounded -- the media bombard
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us with so much negativity that we have this unrealistic pessimistic view that the world is going to hell. in fact things are getting better. >> you probably like me are a realist who knows the world is a terrible place but i end up being happy all the time because i choose to ignore all of the bad stuff and i keep smiling. >> and your life is good. >> it is. because i'm a realist about the world. >> similarly it is important to recognize the middle ground which is that allll things in le are impermanent. the bad times don't last and the good times don't last. you don't dwell in the bad. when you have the good, you really enjoy it because it is fleeting. as long as you live in the middle of the see saw, you'll be fine. >> it's easy for you to walk around ignoring the bad stuff all the time. as a woman of color it's not that easy. it is a completely different life. >> why can't you just ignore it.
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>> i don't have the privilege that you do. >> well the thing is, carly, the world -- i maybe be looking at bad things all the time but isn't it what we focus on, right? i mean, i am an optimist but not because i just think everyone is fine. >> yeah. >> it's because i foecus on thoe people that are good knowing most people are terrible. >> yeah. i think i'm an optimist too but this article really missed me off. because touching upon what you just said she forgot that you can be a realistic optimist. she was painting optimists as living in this fantasy world and pessimists living in reality. you can be a realistic optimist and know that something bad is going to happen to you but have a on the mystic perspective and change it. >> an optimistic is not delusional. they are that way because they realize there's evil in the
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world. >> pessimists expect goodness all the time and they don't get it and it is bothering them. >> exactly. >> coming up. >> i don't agree he with that. >> i think that's cynics but i could be wrong about that j you could and you probably are. >> coming up, kids get high on haul ee weolloalloween candy. back in a moment but here is what's coming up tomorrow on the independents. >> would you rather have coffee or babies? i hit the street to warn people about a new study between coffee drinking and infertility for men? >> are you a big coffee drinker? >> never had a cup in any life. >> do you want babies? >> i have babies already. >> it's because you don't drink coffee. >> more on the independence tomorrow at 9:00 and midnight on fox business network.
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trick or treat. more like trick or drug? this october 31st children in weed legal states could be high on sugar and marijuana. with halloween just weeks away, talks in colorado are urging parents to check their candy for marijuana. police showed how easy it would be for regular candy to look like pot infused knock offs. marijuana edibles often look just like their name brand
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counterparts. >> the problem is that some of these look so similar to candy that we've eaten on the market as children that there's really no way for a child or parent or anybody, even an expert in the field to tell you whether or not a product is infused. >> those are my pavfavorite. >> john, you've written a lot about the drug wars but don't know why they allow this look alike candy to be infused. >> the idea that you should really worry about this. this is an updated version of the old urban legend of poison candy. >> it's never happened. >> it's never true. it hasn't happened that somebody has been handing out poison candy. >> are you saying the police are engaging in scare tactics. >> exactly. >> don't they have anything better to do out there. >> cops love to bring people
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down. every summer they issue that thing, if you go on vacation make, your house is about to be burglari burglarized, you should basically leave a tank there. >> do what what that kid did in home alone. >> that's what the police advise. >> yes. andy, do you think anybody would intentionally give away pot on halloween. >> i guess. there are sick people in the world. we don't know what greg is at tonight. we don't know what he's up to. >> he could be preparing his edibles. >> we don't know what those edibles are if they are truly edibles . i kind of agree with john if this will end up being similar to the whole razor in the candy thing. it's not completely crazy to give parents a heads up. that's common sense. i don't think the police should be needing to do that but beyond that i have a feeling this will
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be one of those urban legend things. >> carly, do you think the problem is drugs at halloween or girls dressing too sexy every halloween? it's getting out of hand; i love a sexy halloween costume. >> you sure do. >> all the kitty cats running down the street. >> that's me. i think your parents just need to know their neighborhood. don't go to the creepy pot head's house. then you're going to be fine. also check your kid's candy. these are just obvious things that parents have been doing for years and years. don't eat candy in a plastic baggy. also, another problem, joanne is that it's the infant illization of children's things. it's adults trying to act like children. now we have adolescents and college kids going around trick or treating so maybe somebody
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will throw pot in there. >> you need to embrace adults trick or treating. you can get pot candy. little bottles of alcohol. scratch off lot oe tickets. >> you can do that every night. >> okay. i already do. >> come over! >> people come to my building. they are college kids so i feel i have to have adult candy for them. >> or maybe the kids are bigger now. i don't know. >> coming up, a chim, chimney snafoo. do you have videos of animals. send them to us at fox news/redeye.
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fatal attraction led to a chimney extraction. a california woman got stuck in a chimney while trying to enter the home of a man she met online and dated briefly. firefighters had to remove each
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brick and pour dish soap down the flue. the 30-year-old had gone on six dates with the homeowner before he broke it off. the guy told a local station she seemed cool until the first flag was her being on my roof two weeks ago. he says he's going to give her another chance. she's on the roof before, called the cops you know? told her, you know, just fatal attraction, man. just like, i didn't think it's going to get that bad. i got bad, real quick. >> so once they're on your roof, it's down hill from there. >> i would like to defend her, maybe she was santa claus routine. this guy has taught us a good lesson the first flag really is when they're on the roof. that is the time to start reassessing the relationship. i would say five dates, then, cut it off.
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what is he doing six dates about someone he is unsure about? >> i believe this guy -- you should know if you're dating a girl that is chimney-creeping crazy within six dates. >> exactly. he had it coming. >> usually the signal happens on the first date. >> there is no hope for this guy. someone takes the freaks, they're role playing and it was secular christmas. >> what if he did suggest to her? he found that whole thing to be -- >> you don't know. you don't know. >> you're blaming the victim. >> she's not a victim. >> the man's house had to be dismantleed and its his fault. >> there is a clear standard. if a woman tries to get into your chimney, she's crazy. if a guy tries to get in through
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the chimney for your kids he's jolly. come on, america. >> it's a romantic idea >> what is it? >> it's dirty in there >> it's mysterious. >> do you find soot sexy? >> i find windows. you can get in through the window. >> what happened to hiding in the hedges and peeking through? >> that is a classic. >> you're a peeping tom? >> yes. >> yes. that is where the term comesz from. >> yes. . but -- i never got caught. >> the authorities always apprehended you. >> people live in apartment buildings in new york. wide open windows, fantastic. >> you can see whatever you want. >> no chimneys. >> no. >> it's a special thing. >> thanks for coming.
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i'll see you next time. thank you so much for being a great group. úpúwpç
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continue our conversation on twitter. huckabee starts now. tonight in huckabee. shooter in canada. hatchet guy in new york. cat least canada knows how to call it terrorism. and iowa waseptember candidate brings back a memorable ad. and also mayor parker, did you get the bible i sent? we have new details about the houston pastors ordered to turn over their sermons, that's tonight. (applause)


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