tv Huckabee FOX News October 26, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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continue our conversation on twitter. huckabee starts now. tonight in huckabee. shooter in canada. hatchet guy in new york. cat least canada knows how to call it terrorism. and iowa waseptember candidate brings back a memorable ad. and also mayor parker, did you get the bible i sent? mayor parker, did you get the bible i september? we have got more about the houston pastors ordered to turn over their sermons, that's tonight.
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and welcome to huckabee, thank you for watching tonight. the elections coming up are genuinely important, but america can't be fixed by mere elections anymore. our great republic is morally and spiritually bankrupt and it's lost any semblance of common sense. ebola comes to our cities and while there's not a big chance of it affecting many of i.ámus, government -- it's better to let people from infected countries to travel her than to detain them where they are. we -- take down the fences that and speaking of prisons. this week detainees at guantanamo bay whined that they aren't going to leave their cells if female guards escort them because they don't want to be touched by a woman who's not their relative. i have been to gitmo and they're already accommodated with special muslim approved meals
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that cost 2 1/2 times what it costs to feed the military personnel who guard them. they have little arrows in their cells pointing to mechanicca, a they get to keep their beards to accommodate their religion. ditto for terrorist nadal hassan t radicalized army officer who murdered 14 people at ft. hood,ñ texas. he gets to keep his beard, even though it's against military policy because we don't want to good god, people, he's a terrorist, and he's a convicted mass murder. do we need to let pedophiles watch saturday morning cartoons and eat captain crunch cereal? and while we don't want to -- who shot unarmed soldiers and pregnant women or people who plotted 9/11, we stomp all over the religious convictions of christians, like the nalles of oregon, they're threatened with 180 days in jail and $1,000 in
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fines because they choose not to violate theheir religious convictions about weddings in their chapel. numerous other businesses, they're bullied out of business because the government has decided to target christians and jew who is believe the same bible that barack obama claimed to believe in 2008. hobby lobby has got to go to the supreme court to keep from having to offer baby killing drugs to their employees.dr muslims don't accept homosexual marriage either. with radical muslims beheading women in oklahoma, taking hatchets to cops in new york, and shooting up the canadian parliament, we have got pastors
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in houston being told to turn over their sermons and correspondence with church members. p)tment? they're make sugar that nadal hassan gets to keep his hairy face. in houston, fayetteville and the entire state9/ajt california we accommodate people who think they ought to be the oppositefk gender of what their bodies are, whichxd meanings that your 9-year-old daughter may have to share the restroom with a 45-year-old man. but mere elections won't fix what's wrong with xdpsq)ica, fo that we need a moral and spiritual awakening and we need a good dose of common sense. on wednesday, a muslim convert killed a canadian soldier and then stole the parliament building in ottawa, where he was shot and killed. just two days earlier near montreal, another$/@ñ radicaliz
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islamist -- after a chase that ended when his car rolled into the ditch. in new york on thursday, another islamic convert who called for jihad on the web, saying americans are more vulnerable at home, attacked and wounded two police officers with a hatchet. 4 as shot and while these attacks had not been directly linked to isis, the terror group has encouraged attackers to kill soldiers in america. meanwhileñi three teenaged girl war caught on their way tofl syria, they were planning to join isis. from the american enterprise institute, and author of the book my friend the fanatic, it's great to have you here. i think of all the story this is week, one of the ones that shocked me the most was three teenaged girls that just decided they were going to take off to
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syria and joinñi isis. what possesses young teenaged girls, living what seemed to be a pretty normal life in a state like colorado to want to go and join a terror group like isis. >> that's a greats question. it's not just happening in colorado, it's happening in austr austria, it's happening in europe, you have these impressionable young girls from muslim families wanting> there's got to be something going on in these kids' heads that would make them want to link up with people who behead innocent people. what emptiness is there in the lives of teenaged girls that would make that be a life they would want to embrace?
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>> there's íisfeli#cbéñ emptin lives of these teenaged girls, but how are these jihadists able to get their message across to kids inóg!xñ colorado in a way s more effective than our message which should be the opposite. that's what we should be worried about. >> let's talk about the bigger picture of homegrown terror it's as often called. there was a time that we were president bush saying we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. now we're fighting them over here. so what has changed? why are we fighting them over ky here. >> i think it's a real failure of the obama administration's policy. when obama was elected, he came in and we had this sort of myth that if with we are nice to everybody, if we go and meet them more than halfway, if we give pretty speeches, this problem is going to go away, guess what? it hasn't gone away, it's only grown bigger. >> why is that? why is it that we have been so
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and madehr everybody would king "kumbaya," we cullould toast the marshmall and have a good time. >> we're not very good at understanding that system people could genuinely be motivated by this horrific brutality. for example the state department is running the series right now which is supposed to diswade people from joining isis, in fact it looks like an advertising video for us isis, they have people shooting people and beheading people and saying isn't this horrible. what they don't understand is ÷)2%ur)j a segment of the population who seesn> we have had contact with and an understanding of some of the people who have become radicalized. explain to the typical american who's never really encountered p y
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jihadist, since most of the us have not bumped up against one in the grocery store. >> at least not yet. >> what is the bigu7ímy differe get? >> what they don't get, it's not about money, it's not about owning a better car or a better refrigerator for the latest i known, it's about ideology, it's the idea that you want to create aázmyñ perfect society and that perfect society is based on the ideals of islam. >> one of the ways that the jihadists seem to be/ j recrui people from not just america and europe but all over the world is the use ofi] social media,ñi it little disconcerting to think the predominant ways'c of gett people into the isis movement. how do we.rkykñ combat this?ó[ áe the way, let me say this, i
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down before because$x7agx i pu christian, pro life, so we protested. i guess i'm asking, how do we combat it when this is the primary way these folks are communicating with young people? >>t(w3/í it looks like fa3;d bo (you=than they are monitoring isis. >> you're right. i'm a pretty dangerous gooir.çó3 guy. you should bepdu >> this is one of the big differences between isis and al qaeda. you've see[! the islamic become more sophisticated in the use of social& tñmedia, the obj is not to shut down socialñr me( obviously. but to developxd messaging that as sophisticated as their messaging, they are they coming back in to colorado,ñi why do ty exist in an çóambiance, in an environment where they're able to get some of messages from these radicals. that's really the problem, and
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if you go and look atjf isis accounts, they're very youtube channels, they'rexd abl we tools for social media and video in an extremelyfá sophisticated way. >> it's annb issue ["n it star happening in small town america and capital bu@-y3'gs and we're probably seeingxd more before w see less. ñ it's a pleasure to have you here. >> nice to be e1here. an coulterfá tells republics to stopñi sucking up to hispani because she says they're not going to vote for the gop anyway. i'm going to tell you why i think she's wrong. that's coming up next, so stay with us.ñr election. stay with us. if you don't think seize the trip when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get inspired with aarp travel. plan and book your trip online
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just a week from tuesday, the push is on for key voting groups. but the democratic party is trying to encourage people to the death of-jñww3 michael)ípnñ merg son this ídsummer. ñ ce m/o communications çóudirector, ta we also have daniel garza, and shown cons=:vkng, jessicaxd tj'p+e all of you j q tara, i'm going to start with you. flyer in georgia and arkansas is specifically targeting the african-american is that a to keep the african-american &háhp &hc% >> of course, because they haveh nothing else.this is par for th
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course, democrats have been on ns a minority,0l are they're racist, i mean you 2 okñ6w texas a black man dragged to his death. they put out scare tactic ads and chains rathing and used the daughter of james bird to say she felt like her dad was killed all over again. the perpetrators got the death penalty. or life in prison. it was a scare tactic. and this is what is going on in ferguson. blacks are worse off under obama
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it is hurting the african-american communities. >> who's shown that. i have not seen. that >> that was before the north carolina law. to aaq$eh! just the very yad of the voter id law, voters came out inñrqk7 >> shown from q i believe, there's a poll in ñr2013. >> but just about michael ferguson. ferguson. >> and in the way michael brown in ferguson. >> thank you. but the point is, it is not necessarily about his death but who our elected officials are. and the issue is, the democrats
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want the black community they are can have a say. and the democrats are rallying part of their base. it is not their own base and the economic numbers are not great for the african-american community under obama, but that is not meaning that the democrat party is not the better party for them. >> it is like if you vote republican. your life will be worse off. >> the and republicans are saying how their life is going to be saying. >> the fact is, 70 percent of the latinos are for id at the polls. it is the liberal trying to project their concerns on the latino computer and it is pandering. they are trying to stoke a negative segment from the latino and it is a bad narrative and they will face the
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consequence. >> we need to change subjects. ann coulter said on bill o'rielly that latinos are, the gop needs to quit sucking up to the latino voter. i was offended by that. i think it is whether they are latinos or african-american. they are making a mibs take. 49 percent of the african-american voters in my state i had. i think ann is dead wrong. >> and reckless and short sighted by ann and in this case, the fact is, latinos are a critical voting block and they have strength in numbers. they will tilt the house in new mexico. and they will tilt the senate in colorado. you are going to have latinos who are going to gain republican seats in the congress, moonie
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and you are seeing garcia do a great race and in california. but washington state, but latinos can help you govern and get behind your policy position. they self identify conservatives and 32 percent moderate and 31 percent liberal and any time, you have 60 percent of the latinos agreeing and engage and you win. >> we'll come back and think of the other topics. terrorism and equal pay and other things that are noncontroversial. a new ap poll shoes women voters are learning more republican. is the waging war on women no longer working? we'll have more on the panel right after this. (receptionist) gunderman group.
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>> well, you can listen to m well, you can listen to my daily commentary on 600 radio stations or have it delivered to your smart phone in a podcast form. if you're not following me on twitter, follow me on mikehuckabee. in september, the same poll showed women preferred democrats 47% to 40%. what's the reason for the change? we'll start with our panel, that's a pretty big turn, democrats are losing support of women, republicans are gaining them. what's going on?
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i thought we were told that there was a war on women, and what women really care about is birth control. >> birth control is part of a larger issue of access to health care, and women care about that generally. but we have been discussing for the last few months, we care about national security, we had a phenomenon after 911 as well. it became national security moms, instead of being soccer moms. and new mexico what's going on with ebola has caused a shift. >> they don't trust the democrats are going to take as good a care of those issues as republicans. >> 32% to 44%. that's within the margin of error. >> 47 points. >> i'm not saying there isn't a drop, but we're potentially, it's closer, obviously its right around the same level it was. but it's not like it's 60-40 at this point. >> let's talk about what's going on in the colorado senate race.
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cory gardner is losing and the single focus on that race was the war on women. and udall, birth control, and he was going after them and the people of colorado said enough, because they said, this is not that important, we have bigger issues going on here and access to birth control is not something that women in this country really actually have to worry about so what are we doing here? so this whole mantra of war on women is actually a myth. if you lack at obama care, the way the economy is and the mishandling of ebola and the government being pretty inept. women look at that and go, this is not the kind of leadership that we feel comfortable with in this country and that's why you see that shift. >> tara brought up ebola. let's talk about ebola. the administration's handling of ebola has been all over the map we don't need an ebola oscar, now we need an ebola czar.
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but he's not a health guy, but a political guy. with voters generally, people just don't know they can trust this administration. >> that's exactly right. i think, look, even with the ebola czar, where has he been? he's missing in action. >> he was at a fund-raiser the other night. >> the a reflection of sort of how lost they are, the ineptitu ineptitude, that they have messed up in the area of the economy. on ebola, you're starting to see that there's no control, you have to show strength and you have to show leadership, at the same time, you have to show compassion, where's the strength and the leadership? it's all promises and no delivery. >> jessica, i want to get this the from you, ron klain's appointment as the ebola czar,
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what was that about?solving a p, to have a public face for the crisis, i'm not saying he couldn't have done better, it's a huge problem, and american people are scared, 59% say they don't trust the government. if you give someone the face of it, that can be their go to person. it's also a crisis that i don't think necessarily anyone especially would have handled any better, i don't think george bush would have handled it any better. >> he would not have appointed a political hack lawyer who has no experience in infectious disease or medical training. come on. >> the only thing ron klain has run is pain, if ebola is a political issue, he's the guy. but if it's a public health issue, if it's an issue of organizing major things, looking like a former general, a major
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government, someone who's headed a major agency would have been. we have no more time. thank you guys very much. it has been great to have all of you. thank you. well, she compares d.c. politics to a pig sty, joni earnst joins us next. dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. need a lift?r relief you can count on. covergirl and olay invented facelift effect firming makeup. luxurious coverage plus the firming power of a night cream to plump skin with moisture. new facelift effect makeup from olay and easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day
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i'm harris faulkner, three washington state high school students in critical condition still. and a fourth student is in serious condition after a 14-year-old freshman opened fire at their high school on friday, that gunman died. it's not sure if he shot himself or was shot in a struggle with a teacher. ukrainian voters went to the
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polls to elect a new parliament. about 3 million ukrainians cast ballots, areas controlled by pro russian rebels did not vote. preliminary results are expected tomorrow. i'm harris faulkner, now let's get you back to huckabee. for all the headlines when you want them, go to the most powerful name in news, fox. one of the key races that could determine whether or not republicans gained control of the senate in next week's midterms is in iowa. that's where according to the real clear politics average of polls, joni earnst. i was in iowa on monday this past week campaigning with joni and i had endorsed her.
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she has taken some criticism because she cancelled some scheduled meetings. joni, thanks for be with us. i totally understand about why you didn't want to meet with editorial boards, they go in there and hammer you with questions, they're gotcha questions and everything you say can and will be used against you, so while most people are beating you up, it's a good move. what did you tell them and how was your decision made? >> well, the des moines register in case has been so focused on tearing me down in their editorials, so i just decided that we didn't need to meet with them. i am busy on a 99 county tour and thank you for joining me last week. we're getting out and visiting with iowans, those undecided voters who really want to meat
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with me and see what my views are and i want to meet with them. >> you and your husband are both veterans, you both have served in the military, talk about what this means in terms of the veteran's issues, because i know that's something you're passionate about. it is something that i'm very passionate about. my husband is a 28-year active duty army veteran, i have served over 22 between the reserves and the iowa army national guard, we are very, very proud of our service and at a time when our world is an unsafe place, i think we need this perspective in our legislature. i don't think we need more trial attorneys, i think we need for veterans serving in the senate. >> joni, i want to mention that we did invite your opponent bruce braylee, and he declined, i'm sure he's just trying to reach mrs. obama who
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mispronounced his name. one of the reasons that you have catapulted into national prominence is a couple of ads that have been absolutely magnificent. i wanting to play one of them because i think people are going to love the down home way in which you have told your story. lets roll the ad. >> it's a muck, dirty, noiszy and sinks, not this one, i'm talking about the one in washington. too many typical politicians, hogging, wasting and full out, well let's just say bad ideas. >> joni, i think people across america really got to know you in the ad in the primary, when you talked about let's just say the servicing of hogs in a very clear way. but you know what? it so made sense and people got the message. and you're using that imagery again, when people meet you in iowa, what do they say to you? how do they respond to the way
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in by you have just kind of given them some straight talk. well, i tell you, hñre in iowa, people love the fact that i am a southwest iowa form early and relating back to our agricultural roots is very important. so many people will come up to me and they'll say, joni, that's the way i grew up too, and i'm very proud of that, i think it's important, again, coming from an agricultural state, to represent the views of iowans. >> do you think the democrats have overplayed the message that republicans don't care about women? i mean as a woman candidate, that has to have been something that you've dealt with and confronted. how has that played out where you are? >> yes, and when the democrats talk about the war on women, i have addressed this and i addressed it the evening that i received the nomination at the republican candidate, and what i told the iowa people is that
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one, i am a woman, and second, i have been to war and this is not a war. any time that they use that phrase, they should be doing it to honor our servicemen and women. >> well, that's a powerful reminder that war is not something that is played on the battlegrounds of politics, but where people can truly get hurt. joni, if there's one issue that you hear more than any other, as you talk to the people in iowa, what issue concerns them most that, they want you to address, if you go to the u.s. senate. >> i will tell you, governor, that as i travel across iowa, so many people are concerned about federal government spending, they are concerned about obama care, and they're concerned about our economy. and those are the things that we really need to address. and i'm ready to do that. >> well, and you certainly have been busy on the campaign trail, as i can attest. joni, thank you very much for joining us, it's a bless to have you tod
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i would like to ask every pastor in america, send her your sermons, obviously she could use a few. if you're a pastor, send them to her. and here's another thought. everybody watching the show ought to send her a bible. well, that's exact lly what i asked you to do, i sent her one myself, i hope she got it, the delivery said she did. and we're hearing that pastors all over the country are sending their sermons, we had a big response over the situation in houston, that's where five pastors were served with subpoenas and were ordered to turn over their sermons to the government. here now with an update is todd starns, what is fox news radio host, he broke the story last week, todd is also the author of a wonderful book and it's titles
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"good less america." this story broke because of your reporting. and it has gone viral. last week we asked people to send bibles and sermons, just if the mayor wants to have us cough up some christian material, do we have any idea what kind of response has poured into the mayor's office? >> my understanding is that hundreds of people all across the country have done exactly as you have suggested, have sent sermons, some have sent bibles, and a copy of the four spiritual laws, just to be on the safe side. this story resonated with people all across the country. i think the reason why, it's an issue i write about in the book, there's a war on religious liberty in the united states. it's not targeting the islamic faith, it's not targeting the jewish faith, this is a war that's specifically targeting the christian faith. and what's happening in houston is a great example of how that war is being waged.
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>> todd, we need to point out that this is not so much about the issue of the transgender law, that was at the heart of what started the controversy. but this is whether or not people acting in their capacity as a christian believer to say to the government, hold on, we disagree with you, because it was really to shut down the involvement from having any pastors talking to other people. this is not an issue about that law, it's about the bigger concern of religious liberty. >> and look, the only reason they wanted those sermons was to steer those pastors and to paint them in some sort of a hateful manner. we're seeing this all across the country, and i talk about these stories in god less america, where christian business owners are coming under attack for their religious beliefs, you mentioned the two pastors threatened with jail time simply because of religious beliefs that they hold on to. we're seeing this happen especially in the public school arena, where christian boys and girls are being silenced because
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of their faith in jesus christ. >> this week, this has gotten such a huge response to the situation in houston and peter, a u.s. civil rights commission member made this statement, i want to read it, it says obviously the discovery request would tend to have a chilling effect on political speech, he says this in a letter to the mayor, i hope will you will reconsider these ill advised discovery requests. people are realizing, this is an unconstitutional trampling of the pastor's right to say whatever they want to say from their pulpits. >> it's true, governor, and one of the things i talk about in the book is this idea that i sort of feel like a duck dynasty guy, living in a miley cyrus world. where right is wrong an wrong is right, it's as if american values have been turned upside down, and i think what happened in houston is a great example of that, but there's also another
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lesson here, that mayor was elected with 13% of th that tells me that a lot of people in the pew did not go and vote. elections do matter, election dos have consequences and as a result of many people of faith staying home in houston, now u you've got five pastors who have been ordered to turn over their sermons to the government. >> well, we want to remind everybody there will be a rally in houston texas sunday night november 2, and you can get more information on my website, mike and i hope that you will join us there and todd, i want to say not only thank you for being here, but also thank you for the book, audience, guess what? all of you get to go home with a copy of todd starnes book, god less america, you're going to love it. coming up, country star angelina presley with a tribute to america's working class.
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>> there are so many people who can so relate to this song. people work hard all over america. they are not expecting one day they are going to own a yacht or their rohn private island on the bahamas. they want to know they worked hard put bread on their own table by the sweat of their brow. >> for me working class america, they are the heros of the country. i appreciate them so much. elbow grease and the calluses they built so much. this kind of pays homage to them. >> one of the reasons i love it is that's where i came from that's where i am. i am proud of it. and i love this song. the album is fantastic. i hope everybody will get it through amazon or download it from itunes and after they hear
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♪ put this country on your back ♪ ♪ (applause) >> great new album with angelina presley. we will be back with your comments when we return. stay with us. i have a cold. i took nyquil but i'm still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks.
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sweered lobster'sory! endless shrimp ends soon! the year's largest variety. like new spicy siriacha shrimp, or parmesan shrimp scampi. as much as you like, any way you like. but it won't last long, so hurry in today. and sea food differently. lily, she pretty much livprincess dress.ite but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week-old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. join us sunday night, ve standing with the houston five the pastors that were targeted by the mayor. if you would like more information about the rally go to i stand tune in for a of courses news special american dream on the ballot hosted by our own bret baier. set your own dvd because we
6:00 pm
don't want you to miss a minute of our show. that's it for now this is mike huckabee from new york. good night, god bless. stay tuned for justice with judge jeanine. >> they are the loan wolves of terror. >> in the animal world you have packs of wolves. you also have the individuals that hunt alone. >> they helped them find murder. >> terror came to my front door and took my son. >> shot at him 10 times. >> there were two lone wolf attacks in 10 days one run over by a jihadist another shot at the door. the debate rages is it murder, workplace violence or terrorism? >> the idea at the ranch was to start a mow hawija dean training
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