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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 28, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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other patient in the household. intrusion of privacy. thanks to everyone who responded. >> some prescriptions are very personal. you don't want your student going back and telling the teacher. >> thanks to everyone. have a great day. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. >> hi everyone. good morning. tuesday is tuesday, the 28th of october, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. the department of defense cracking down on ebola putting a 21 day quarantine in effect for any soldier working in an infected nation. so why is the white house so loose on their quarantine guidelines and where on earth is the ebola czar? >> good question, anna. hillary clinton tries walking back her claim that businesses don't create jobs but her clarification sounds awfully familiar to this. >> you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> oh boy is hillary in trouble? more of her fallout
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straight ahead. >> the p.c. police are not going to like this. meet the real redskins, the navajo -- yeah -- navajo high school. they are emerging as defenders of the washington redskins because it is their logo and it's their team. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> today our friend here is anna. >> filling in for elisabeth this morning. >> fresh off an eight-hour weekend on the air. you didn't miss much. we have continuing controversy around ebola. >> the ebola czar saga continues, i guess. >> wherever he is. >> we're going to try to figure out where he is. first the military is ordering troops in hot zones to mandatory quarantine but guidelines for health care workers are totally different. doug luzader is in
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washington. >> good morning. a lot of mixed messages here. the perfect example is probably this nurse kaci hickox who has gone through one stage after another here. she returned from west africa showing a fever. new jersey quickly quarantined her. they released her yesterday. she threatened legal action. they eventually released her because she no longer showed a fever and she tested negative for ebola. now she is on her way to maine, her home state. they have her own state rules. they want her to quarantine for 21 days. one of her attorneys appears to be itching for a fight saying she is willing to give it about a day or so. that is about it. then you have the c.d.c. issuing their own guidelines and now the pentagon trying to come up with a policy. the u.s. army chief of staff says one group of soldiers returning from west africa will be monitored for 21 days, but the administration had to admit yesterday that they do not have an overall military policy here. >> we are seeing this administration put in place
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the policies that we believe are necessary to protect the american people and to protect the american troops. and we're going to let science drive that process. as soon as we have a policy to announce on this we'll let you know. >> secretary of defense chuck hagel will have to work out some kind of an overall policy but no idea yet where that is going to be and that has fueled a lot of criticism here. >> our men and women need to know how this is going to be dealt with. they need to know what level of risk they're going to face. if they're out working on a construction site, that may be one level. >> and meantime public health officials are worried about all of this confusion and the fabt that it may -- the fact that it may dissuade people from traveling to west africa to help snap ebola out at its source. >> doug has depicted very effectively the government came out with some guidelines yesterday but they are just as confusing, so why are the army guys
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going to be quarantined and we aren't? and ten days ago the president named, because there was so much incompetence on ebola, an ebola czar ron klain. and the daily news which has been very friendly to president obama in the past, says where the hell czar you? that was asked of josh earnest yesterday. he had a great question but he had a bad answer. listen to this. long-winded. >> he started this job because it appears as though this week there's more confusion than there was hast week given what we're seeing in new york and new jersey and more difnses in how the states are -- differences in how the states are dealing with it. what change has he accomplished? >> i think the record should reflect that mr. klain started one week ago today and in that time we have seen a significant number of announcements related to the whole government approach the president has ordered for dealing with the ebola situation. >> at first he didn't come
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out and put his face forward because he had a lot of paper work to do. that was the reason why. it wasn't that big of a surprise at first either because he's not an infectious disease specialist. he doesn't work for the national institutes of health or the c.d.c. or anything else. he is a political operative, political fixer of sorts who needs to make sure everybody stays on message but they can't seem to figure out what the message is. i think it is time to see him, though especially when you see the governors of new york and new jersey sparring with the president and also josh earnest not being able to answer the question of ed henry of why did you send our troops to west africa in harm's way and not have a plan for them when they get out? >> the army says we'll send them to italy, keep them together for 21 days and then they'll be able to go home. i actually don't know what they're doing. screwing beds together? putting up tents? i'm not sure we need the army for that. if you want to see ron klain, i saw him on saturday night live. very persuasive. it brings us all to the facebook question of the day. who do you trust more the federal government or the
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governors? you saw governor scott you saw governor christie you saw governor cuomo come forward with policies on friday, walk them back to a degree on sunday and governor christie sticking to his guns on monday. but for the most part you see governors tired of the ineptitude and the confusing message coming out of the white house. so weigh in. are you going to give the federal government a little bit more slack? meanwhile, the pen who wants to be in the white house, hillary clinton, is back in the news. as you know she is everybody's favorite. she looks in fighting shape much like she did in 2012 but is she ready for prime time? you have to wonder after a comment over the weekend. >> this is how she explains economics 101. listen. >> don't let anybody tell you that you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. you know that old theory trickle down economics.
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that has been tried. that has failed. it has failed rather spectacularly. >> she's such a well oiled political machine. she doesn't gasp very often. when she does they resonate. like what difference does it make in the benghazi hearings. a lot of people think this sounds like the president saying you didn't build that. >> you mean this? >> if you are successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. there was a great teacher somewhere in your life. somebody helped to create this unbelievable american system that we have that allows you to thrive. somebody invested in roads and bridges. if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> of course that became a million tv ads before that election. hillary tried to walk it back yesterday and she said she was doing a shorthand
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thing. essentially what she said was tax cuts don't create job which is an old message, just a new way to say it. >> i wonder what new way heather nauert is going to deliver the news. >> got a story about security detail members that are in big trouble this morning. this time, though, they are not american. british security forces investigating how a jogger managed to barrel full steam into prime minister david cameron. look at this. the video shows the guy who is clad in a black printed t-shirt running full force into the leader of the u.k. cameron braces for impact as his security scrambles to grab that jogger. the prime minister was rushed into a waiting car. the 28-year-old was briefly detained but police say he was not a threat. happening today, corporal nathan cirillo, the canadian soldier gunned down in a terror attack last week, will be laid to rest today. hundreds gathered to pay their respects at the national war memorial where he was killed.
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secretary of state john kerry will head to ottowa today to lay a wreath at that memorial. >> a mother was shocked when her eight-year-old son came home from school and brought a handout that painted our founding fathers as racist. the handout is from the nation of islam and given out in a tennessee elementary school. it reportedly portrays the president as slaving own racist. the superintendent of that school district is now saying that paper was never meant to be handed out. what do you think of that? >> then there is this story, a four-year-old home schooled chiel -- child by her mother developed a love of america's presidents but things went sour when his mother explained george washington has been dead for two centuries. listen to this. >> do you love george washington? >> yes. >> maybe we can see our current president, president obama? >> yay!
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>> well that child apparently has no interest in seeing the current president. how cute is that? those are your headlines. brian, send her a copy of george washington. cute story. >> you know what happened last night. the cowboys didn't win. they played the redskins. oops, i said it. sorry phil simms. there's a lot of controversy around the washington redskins name. does the name redskin insult all native americans/indians in america? >> no, the answer is absolutely not. there are in 22 states, 62 hools have the team name, the mascot called the redskins and in red mesa arizona, everybody on the field, practically everybody in the bleachers is a member of the navajo nation. people there reject the idea that redskin is a slur.
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the superintendent says, of that school district doesn't find it derogatory, says it is a sense of pride. one of the most prominent redskins name people is amanda blackhorse. most people in the town dismiss her causes. they don't know who she is. >> most of the parents love going to these games. they have a new stadium they rally behind. they say fear the spirit and redskin nation as they pound the bleachers. they don't see this as derogatory at all. they see it as someththey take pride in. >> 220 kids eagerly accepted free tickets to the redskins october 12 game in phoenix. so for those of you out this who said redskins is derogatory, time to wake up, grow up and move up. i think we should consult this high school first. >> one of the schools there said it is not a racist slur if it originates from a native american tribe, it's always used in the context of sports. what do you think? you think they have a right or do you think the people
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who say it should be called the washington team have a right? you can e-mail us you can twitter us or go ahead and send a walkie talkie. >> who is right? harry reid or these children? coming up straight ahead -- >> an african-american pastor gets this message after endorsing a republican. >> you take the white man [inaudible] [bleep] are you black? [inaudible] >> will that pastor change his mind? he joins us live next. >> the white house has pumpkin carving advice just for you. and guess what? that orange pumpkin should be green. you're going to hear about this. you won't believe what we're wasting more money on. ♪ ♪ so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting
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an african-american spaft now getting death threats after endorsing illinois republican bruce ronner for governor. >> you treat the white [inaudible] [bleep] >> are you black? [inaudible] and you stop us.
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>> you know what? it didn't end there. this weekend nearly $8,000 was stolen from his church. that's the collection box right there. are these crimes and harassing messages politically motivated? pastor corey joins us from chicago. good morning pastor. who do you think was on the phone? >> i don't know who was on the phone but i do know someone was trying to send me a message that they believe it is wrong to support bruce roner or support a republican to go outside of our status quo and to cross the line, it makes a lot of people upset especially here in the city of chicago. >> why is it you like the republican for governor? >> i like bruce ronner because i think we need someone who knows how to educate, educate our people. i'm for choice. i think parents ought to have the right to decide where their children go to school. we should not be made to go to schools that are underperforming or
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underfunded and totally failing. i do believe that bruce will be much better at having job creation, the economic wherewithal of our community is spiraling downward. we have 50% of african-american males who are unemployed, another 93% to 96% african-american teenagers who are unemployed. we need someone who can create jobs we need someone who can take us into the future. >> that is why you have publicly come out for bruce ronner, the republican. you supported republicans in the past. you haven't been vocal about it. this time you have and now this happened. in addition to that, $8,000 you had earmarked for a great project swb came in and -- somebody came in and whacked that box and it's gone. >> we had been raising money for the south side of chicago, the young people have nowhere to go, nowhere to enhance their lives. we wanted to build a community center that would make things better for a lot of people. in the process of doing that, our church has been working diligently to raise
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funds. we haven't depended on the government to give us anything. every single dollar our church raised it. we had a box that's been there for over six months, no one touched it our church has contributed penny by penny and yesterday money was taken from it. we were still able to cash out $1,000 in coins but it was taken and taken from a good cause. >> absolutely. what's extraordinary about it is after the death threats and after these crazy messages and threats you've gotten and the burglary of the church, you're not backing down. you still say people should vote for the republican? >> absolutely. without a shadow of a doubt bruce ronner is 100% the best candidate. i think he would be best for illinois. i think he would be best for the city of chicago. i'm definitely not backing down. >> pastor we thank you very much for joining us today here on "fox &
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friends." i should point out we did contact the democrat, pat quinn's office for a statement. did not hear back from them. meanwhile 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up new details in the search for a dad who disappeared from a stadium without a trace. >> for the first time new secrets about the prince of camelot like how jfk jr. almost derailed hillary clinton's career. must how does madonna figure into that? coming up. ♪ ♪ why do people count on sunsweet amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside? it's made only from prunes nothing else. it works, simple as that. it's a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. it's the smart choice for me.
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good morning everyone. time for quick headlines. the illegal immigrant who was deported twice before addingly murdering two sherrifs deputies in sacramento expected in court today. marcelo marquez, one of the many names faces charges of murder, attempted murder and carjacking. the man accused of scaling the white house fence dragged screaming from court. the 23-year-old began hysterically screaming for help claiming he's the target of a conspiracy. the federal judge ordering him to undergo a psychological evaluation and treatment. >> meanwhile an intimate look at john f. kennedy jmplet new details revealed about his mother and girlfriend. all is shared in a book
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"the good son." you say hillary clinton should say thank you to jfk jr. >> he was planning on running in 2000. ed koch told me it was his for the asking. this was a senate seat bobby kennedy occupied and john was a natural politician. i mean other kennedys aren't natural politicians. we've seen them try and failed. >> unlike hillary he was a new yorker. >> totally. she was a carpet bager, she never spent more than a few days at a time in new york. and she knew it. the general consensus was at the time if john wanted to have that senate seat could have it and he wanted it and said she is going to have her head handed to her. >> why didn't he do it? >> he was killed. all this took place at a critical time. she was waiting. she was worried. she might not have even run if he announced his candidacy. >> how would you describe him as a guy? you read this book and see
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the video and think what potential he could have had. >> yeah. i think, first of all, by the way politically he was somewhat conservative. when i asked his friends how would you describe him they said you would be described how conservative he was. he was a great admirer of ronald reagan. he was humble, a self-effacing guy, aware of his place in history. he was always in motion rollerblading, biking throughout the streets of new york. >> had trouble finding shirts. >> people could say worse things about you and you look good in a bathing suit. he said i keep in motion because i'm afraid if i stop i'll sit down and fall apart thinking about all that's happening to my family and all that's expected to me. >> the kennedys bushes you wonder what the bushes place would have been had things been differently. i want to know about the girlfriends, sarah jessica parker. >> madonna is the most
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interesting to most people for all the obvious reasons, because she was a serious affair he was having there for awhile, having a lot of fun. he brought her to meet jackie for the first time the week she was on the cover of "life" magazine doing her marilyn monroe impression, so she wasn't too pleased with that one. there is a story, john comes home, turns on his answering machine, there is this x rated message left by some girl and his friend says who's that? it was madonna leaving a pornographic message for john. >> while he was out in public, his mother jacqueline kennedy onassis was for the most part holed up in her apartment? out of view, out of public view? she would go to events but didn't do much talking. >> she didn't talk at all. i met her a few times and it was like meeting mount rushmore. she would walk into a room and everything vanished
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around her. she was also a great new yorker. you would see her sitting at a counter in a coffee shop. i saw that a couple of times in new york city. you can be anonymous in new york. >> but chris, in the big picture, george was about to fold john kennedy had a broken ankle. he was in a cast. that night he goes, he wants to go to hyannis for a wedding, correct? but that night was a little bit foggy. you said he got a bad weather report. and if he was a little more of an experienced flier with hitting two buttons he would have survived. >> he didn't realize the capacity of the plane he was in. he wasn't that familiar with the bells and whistles on the plane. if he hit two buttons it would have turned on the automatic pilot and saved everyone's lives. >> his mom had a premonition about this? >> always made him promise he wouldn't fly. there are something like seven or eight deaths in the kennedy family who died
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in plane crashes and the one thing she didn't want him to do. he liked to play chicken with the staten island ferry in his kayak. before he died he asked for permission to propel down the face of mount rushmore which he was denied. she encouraged the add -- adventurous side of this guy but fortunately people make mistakes. >> it is called "the good son" christopher anderson, looks like another run-away bestseller. only seven days from the mid term elections and now some democrats are saying senate probably lost? >> how does the white house want you to celebrate halloween? you're not going to believe this. green-energy jack-o'-lanterns, your tax dollars hard at work. first happy birthday to country singer charlie daniels. 78 today. ♪
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because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! at legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business,
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protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. ♪ ♪ >> it's jack-o'-lantern time, halloween time, so what better time than to bring up the saving of fuel and energy because it is save energy month. >> it's national energy action month and the department of energy thinks that you rather than carving out a scary face on a pumpkin should do one of those five energy symbols. a windmill. they've got leaves the c.f.l.? really? >> they have given a
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tutorial festival but don't say happy halloween. you've got to say happy harvest festival. what does this have to do with halloween and fall necessarily? for thanksgiving are we going to have turkey stuffed with propaganda? >> whatever you do, don't put just a candle in there. i would imagine they would want to you do a little fake candle or something that runs on a battery. if you want to send an alternate message, you could carve a coal plant on the front of your pumpkin because that is where the electricity to run your prius comes from. >> what do you think about that? do you think halloween and pumpkin carving is the peskt time to get your save energy message out? weigh in on our twitter page or over on facebook. >> i wonder how much that is costing us? >> just one week until the mid term elections president obama keeping his distance from vulnerable
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democrats in red hot senate races. >> good morning anna. the president's team picked friendly turf for his visit to milwaukee today. north division high school, in a ward where he won 99% of the vote. he's going to be there backing mary burke for governor as she takes on scott walker. this is not a race that will decide who controls the senate. some strategists are saying it may be too late for that. >> i think the republicans have, will probably take the senate back. but look -- but i wouldn't be shocked if it's five seats or eight seats. somewhere in there. it could be more. but i would nobt shocked if they don't make it by a seat or two. it's that close. >> the white house is brushing off any suggestion the president could be doing more to boost vulnerable democrats in
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blue states saying you don't have to stump for a candidate to help him. >> he spent a lot of time raising money for them. that reflects i think a significant commitment of this president's time and energy supporting democratic candidates. >> just 3% of wisconsin voters polled by marquette university law school are undecided for governor. so now we wait a week and see how many of them were swayed by president obama's brief stop in the badger state. >> he's right though, it is friendly territory in the 2012 election apparently mitt romney got five votes in that precinct and barack obama got 843. >> it's interesting i did not know this. do you know eight years ago when george bush was president in his final lap in his mid terms, everyone thought he was not that popular, the iraq war was going south i'm sure he didn't campaign much, he went 2,000 miles hundreds of stops, desperate to try
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to hold on to congress. >> the president right now running away from them. >> he's toxic. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. heather has headlines. >> lured to their death, we have brand-new information coming in about how the 15-year-old gunman targeted his victims in his high school. police now say jaylen fryberg texted friends and family members telling them to come to the cafeteria at his school that he attended. once they sat down he ambushed them from behind the motive for that ram page is still not clear. >> the question that everyone wants is why? candidly, i don't know that the why is going to be something we can provide. >> two people were killed and three more remain hospitalized. fryberg turned the gun on himself killing himself. a new weapon is being used in the hunt for accused cop killer eric frein who has been on the run for more than six weeks. check out this blump in blimp
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in a box. it can spot people as much as thee miles away. the balloon is silent so they believe that frein will not be able to notice it as it flies offense the woods in pennsylvania. that is where he is believed to be hiding still. >> a mystery to tell you about at bronco stadium. a family from colorado desperately pleading with the public to help find their missing father, 53-year-old paul ketterman vanished thursday night during the broncos game. his son went to the restroom during half time and when he returned to his seat his father was gone. police say stadium workers spotted him during the third quarter of the game and that was the late time he was seen. ketterman didn't have a credit card or car with him. his son will be on live at 8:15 a.m. eastern.
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>> happy birthday lady liberty, the statue unveiled 128 years ago today. you can celebrate by checking out that site features real time views inside spots the public has rarely seen. it includes the top of her crown or inside her torch. that has been inaccessible since 1916. those are your headlines. need to get that other view. >> we were given directions and were able to put it together without them. unlike ikea. >> maria molina joins us at 48th and 6th avenue with fox cast on this chilly day. >> a little chilly to start the day across parts of the northeast but later this afternoon we're going to be looking at high temperatures that are going to be above average very mild in places like washington, d.c. you're expecting highs to make it potentially into the low
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80's. in new york city the high temperature here is forecast to be 71 degrees. there is colder air on the move and right now we have chilly temperatures in place across portions of the upper midwest and a lot of that cold air is going to continue to expand and move eastward and by thursday high temperatures in new york city are only going to be in the 50's. going to be in the 40's in buffalo. and take a look at other areas like marquette, fargo, high temperatures forecast to be only in the 40's as well. that cold front on the move today and it is going to be producing some storms and we could see isolated severe weather across portions of ohio and western pasm. -- western pennsylvania. the main concern will be damaging winds from the storm. across the pacific northwest, it seems like evidence the same forecast. unsettled weather, more rain moving in and that is exactly what we have right now across the pacific northwest. heavy rain for areas like seattle through portland and some of the higher elevations could be looking at some snow. let's head back inside.
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>> sean, could we take the maria shot full for a second? maria, right behind you i just noticed the tree behind you has the christmas lights on it. >> they're not turned on but they are on. let me point them out a little bit better for you. >> there they are. >> we'll see them on later today, hopefully later today, over the next few seats. >> it is tourist season. coming up on "fox & friends," do you see anything wrong with this hat? a poll worker did and made this man remove it because it was too republican. is that freedom? >> really? the i.r.s. can take your money, no card required. is this another targeting scandal? judge napolitano i've got a feeling is going to say -- >> it's no big deal. it's okay. they can take it. ♪ ♪ there are more reasons than ever
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got some quick tuesday morning headlines. o.j. simpson's fate now in the hands of the nevada state court, supreme court. the former football star's arguing a lower court judge was wrong to deny simpson a new trial in his 2008 kidnapping and armed robbery conviction. o.j. says his lawyer botched the case. the 67-year-old is serving 9 po -- 9 to 33 years in jail. >> this georgia man outraged for being told to take off his n.r.a. hat while working. bundy cobbs says he just wears the hat to advertise his business. county election workers say no one is allowed to wear political apparel so
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they're not accused of favoring one party over the other. >> first it was conservative groups. now the i.r.s. accused of targeting small businesses seizing money with no warrant or criminal charges. in 2012, for example, the i.r.s. made 639 seizures up from 114 in 2005. only one in five of the seizures led to a prosecution of a criminal case. it's part of a law used to catch drug dealers and terrorists. is it legal? >> i'm really upset about this. candidly it's nothing new. those in the legal profession have known about this for awhile. but "the new york times" did a piece on sunday which had a lot of tear-jerking stories in there. typically small business owners, mom and pop shops and diners and restaurants that went out of business because one day the i.r.s. showed up and said guess what? we have the contents of
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your bank account. why do they do this? the law prohibits structuring. structuring is a technical phrase for when you have money to deposit in the bank and it's more than $10,000, you reduce the amount to below 10 until you get all the amount in the bank because you don't want the bank to report to the i.r.s. that you deposited the 10,000. the bank is required to do so. so if instead of depositing all the money you have you break it up, they think you're hiding something. in the case of these small business they weren't hiding anything, they're legitimate bona fide amounts to be deposited at the end of the week turned out to be slightly under $10,000. >> the administration that focused on big banks have had it too good for too long, now they're focusing on the little businesses? that's where all the mountain of money is going to -- the fountain of money is going to come from? >> this is like "alice in wonderland." punishments first, charges later. that is not what thes for.
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the constitution says if the government thinks you did something wrong, they file a complaint, they charge you. if you're convicted then you get punished. they don't punish first. >> $34,000 is the average seizure. on thursday in response to "the new york times" and the i.r.s. announced it would curtail the practice focusing on where money would have been acquired illegally. >> thereby acknowledging that many of these seizures are not based on cases where they think the money has been acquired illegally. why do they do it? because they can. because congress gives -- gave them the power to do it. that power is unconstitutional. it's awful and congress should take it back. >> just wondering if this is green lighted from a central location or if it goes office to office district to district. >> that we would only find out if some of these people sue the i.r.s. and the case goes to trial and in the
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course of testimony i.r.s. agents and employees are interrogated, providing they don't lose their blackberries and software or computers. >> what diner says i'm going to go to trial against the i.r.s.? they don't have the money. >> they just want the money in the bank account so they can go back top rating their businesses -- back to operating their businesses. >> thanks so much, judge. great to see you. coming up straight ahead on this show, a monster gator and the story behind the record-breaking grab is even better. they just used their hands. what? yes, it's true. if you think a password is enough to keep your information safe think again. up next curt the cyber guy has the five biggest security naiks you're -- five biggest security mistakes you're making. we're out of time. ♪ ♪ hey matt, what's up? i'm just looking
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over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at
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hi everybody. 53 minutes after the hour. we know the basics when it comes to internet security. strong password. as hackers get stronger, there are bigger security flaws. here is curt the cyber guy. good morning. >> good morning. it's amazing. i'm going to put you through a test in just a second because as part of this, we need to know what we're up to. a little quiz is going to -- i may stump you. it stumps a lot. >> i'm ready for it. the first security mistake often people do is forget to turn our home wi-fi password. >> so a lot of people who got internet at the very beginning of wi-fi have this illusion and idea that just how it was set up is perfect and they don't bother
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putting in a password. worse off, if you do put in a password, you don't bother strengthening it. there is a cool way to do it by selecting -- it sounds like technical jarringen. look for wpa 2 as you're setting up your home internet. it's exactly the sharpest tightest, the most secure one that you can use. another one to look at is about the most basic thing in life. you're out and about and all of a sudden -- actually the first thing i want to tell you, not updating your software. so you have software at home that runs in your computer. you have this in your phone. we think i don't want the new stuff. i'm not sure they worked out the bugs. >> if it ain't broke, i won't fix it. >> it's constantly being broken by hackers. what companies do is release updates that seal up those holes so we don't have any problems with hackers. so you've got to update the software. >> what about leaving our phone unlocked?
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it's just a simple four letter pass code very often. why not do it? >> because it takes a matter of seconds for someone to get ahold of your phone whether you set it down at work, you set it down at home and you've got a friend of a friend hanging out. they don't mean to do anything wrong with it and boom suddenly someone can put spy software on it and watching your every move. >> and letting somebody else borrow your laptop or phone, even if it's somebody you trust. you may not be able to trust them to not click on a certain link. >> right. so you loan a friend, can i check my e-mail? of course. here is my phone, here is my computer. they click on one little phishing scheme and suddenly hacker has infiltrated your computer. you don't know it. they didn't mean any wrong by it. but now every key stroke that you're making is being controlled by a hacker and being watched. >> these hackers and schemers are getting more and more clever. >> here is the quiz.
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we've seen these before but i just want to emphasize this is the number one way we lose access to our information. we're fooled in to giving it away because we get -- >> they look so real. >> so real or fake this one from u.s. bank. dear valued u.s. bank member, goes on to say, we've got a security problem. in order to verify you're who you are, enter in your -- hit this link -- >> don't do it! >> that's fake. you think it's fake? >> yes. >> wells fargo real or fake? >> we've got to go issues but that looks real to me. >> it's fake. >> it's fake. >> the only real one here is this one. but don't they all look the same? go to our web site. you'll see more. >> go to the president said ebola shouldn't reach our shores. now one congressman says the white house has big plans to bring more infected patients to the united states. from combat to cover page, meet the amputee veteran who didn't let his injury stop him from winning the ultimate
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fitness competition. he's here live next hour. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while
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taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz.
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hey, everybody. today is tuesday, 28th of october, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. forget that travel ban. the government might have a different plan. to bring ebola patients here to the united states. great. meanwhile, african-american pastor endorses a republican in illinois, then comes home and listens to this on his phone. >> treat the white man -- >> after that would you change your endorsement? that pastor responds in moments. he got the body, but he's
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not a celebrity, not a model either. how this man got the cover of the magazine will make you proud to be an american. by the way, mornings are better with friends. >> hi, this is jessica alba. you're watching "fox & friends." just one of our celebrity friends. we're not name dropping. anna is filling in for elisabeth. >> we're going to talk ebola. not much changed for the weekend. we're talking about what the criteria is for someone being quarantined when they come to this country when they come from these three west african nations. for some reason we still have trouble coming up with a policy. some governors are impatient and coming up with their own plan making the white house upset. the military took action already. >> yeah, because right now the cdc yesterday came out with
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guidelines and they said you could be a healthcare worker in the hot zone. you could be working on an ebola patient, puncture yourself with a syringe and when you come back to the united states, you should put yourself under a voluntary quarantine voluntary. you can go out and go jogging. even though you did that. by these new standards that guy thomas duncan who died in dallas, he would just have been on voluntary isolation. so you've got that coming from one part of the government. meanwhile, the other part the pentagon says you know the people returning returning from west africa, we have a commander and ten guys. to be safe we're going to put them in quarantine for 21 days. how come one part of the government says yes, the other part says no? >> a lot of mixed messaging. maybe partially because this ebola czar is millions of miles away. we haven't heard from him hardly at all, since october 17. >> we depended on ron klain to straight than out. i have a sense behind the scenes
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he's like, i don't really want this job. >> he's got quite a mess to clean up. josh ernest was asked why did you send troops into the hot zone for ebola without having a plan on how to take care of them when they get back? listen. >> commander in chief send u.s. troops basically into the hot zone without a policy on when they come home whether or not they're in quarantine? how could that have not been decided before? >> because what we're seeing here ed is we are seeing this administration put in place the policies that we believe are necessary to forget the american people and protect the american troops. and we're going to let science drive that process and as soon as we have a policy to announce on this, we'll let you know. >> i don't think the science has changed though that we know of. >> they're making it up as they go. now last night with megyn kelly, i hadn't heard this anywhere the judiciary chairman from virginia revealed even though the president made it very clear the best way to protect american
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social security to stop the epidemic in africa, we might actually be bringing a lot of ebola patients to the united states. here is the chairman. listen to this. >> there is increasing evidence that they're making those plans, the media members of the media my office have received confidential communications saying that those plans are being developed and that's why i wrote to the administration last week to secretary kerry and to secretary johnson asking them to confirm or deny it and to produce any documents related to that. this is simply a matter of common sense, that if you are concerned about this problem spreading and this is a deadly disease that we're even concerned about the great healthcare workers when they come back not spreading it we certainly shouldn't be bringing in the patients. >> unless we come up with a cure, which they are working on, i don't see any way there is a single law maker that would support the president bringing a
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single infected person from west africa back to the united states. >> after the election? >> not a chance. >> you don't think that's the plan? >> we can bring people with a contagious deadly disease where 50% mortality rate to our shores? that makes the gitmo thing seem reasonable. >> and the travel ban that people have argued to have, the president said this isn't a good idea because we need to make sure we encourage healthcare workers to go to west africa to eradicate the disease and make sure it doesn't spread to our shores. listen to the president saying we have to do this over there, not over here. >> we're going to have to get u.s. military assets just to set up, for example isolation units and equipment there to provide security for healthcare workers surging from around the world. if we do that then it's still going to be months before this problem is controllable in africa. but it shouldn't reach our shores. >> so once again, the president
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and his people have said the best way to protect american social security to stop the epidemic in africa. so for the chairman to reveal that he's seen stuff that says the government is thinking about bring the people over here, it does seem a little our facebook question today who do you trust more the federal government, which has kind of squishy quarantine rules, or the governors, which actually have been very strident in saying 21 days. now casey hickock is in maine dealing with this and apparently the city manager there has said it's the number one thing people are asking about. okay, so now she's in maine. don't panic he says. the neighbors, according to one of the local papers there says we sure hope she stays in her house. she's supposed to. >> new jersey put her in a car and sent her to maine. that's where she wanted to go because her fever was down to 98.6. >> now she says she's not going to sue. >> 98.6 is the exact temperature heather nauert was when i took
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it. i took a forehead scan. >> everybody is okay. >> you checked hannah's reflexes and checked temperatures. you're not a doctor, but play one. >> good morning to you all. the illegal immigrant who is suspected of murdering two sheriff's deputies in california face has judge later today. one of the many identities this man had faces charges of murder attempted murder and also carjacking. he had been deported from the united states twice before he went on a shooting rampage in sacramento last week. his wife is also set to appear in court on attempted murder charges. we'll watch that story. british security forces -- you have to look at this video. they are now investigating how this jogger barreled full steam into prime minister david cameron of the you can see him right there, in the black t-shirt with the yellow lettering on his back. he runs full force into the leader of the u.k. cameron then races for impact --
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braces for impact as security scrambles to grab the jogger. the 28-year-old was briefly detained, but police say he went a threat. a few hours from now, corporal nathan cirillo, the canadian soldier gunned down in a terrorist attack last week will be laid to rest. hundreds gathering to pay their respects at the national war memorial where he was killed last week. secretary of state john kerry will head to ottawa later today to lay a wreath at that memorial. two florida hunters may have a record on their hands. you've got to meet lumpy right here. look how enormous this thing is. it is 765 pounds, 13 1/2 foot alligator. the two hunters caught it with their bare hands and a couple hooks and ropes. keith and kelly say they tracked this gator for months and then eventually lured it in with bait. they wrestled it to shore and then processed the meat. wildlife officials are checking to see if it's the largest by
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hand. look at that thing right there. apparently it broke the scales, lumpy did. those who caught it, they're going to put it on their wall. >> that's a big wall. >> that's a hanger. >> you could hang a lot on that. >> you sure could. >> it does not taste like chicken. >> it's dead. in our first hour today on "fox & friends," we had an african-american pastor from the chicago area, cory brooks. he extraordinarily considering the things that he has been intimidated with decided to endorse the republican who is running for governor. after he did that listen to the phone call that was left on his machine. you drink the white man's water.
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>> the threats got worse. they escalated. they started by just calling him an uncle tom and saying he was a republican puppet and things that would really hurt you to the core. but now he's worried about his safety and his family's safety. listen to how he's responding to all this. >> someone is trying to send me a message that they believe that it's wrong to support bruce or support a republican to go outside of our status quo and cross the line it makes a lot of people upset, especially here in the city of chicago. i do believe bruce will be much better at helping job creation, the economics wherewithal of our community is spiraling downward. we have 50% of african-american males unemployed another 93 to 96% of teenage -- african-american teen-agers unemployed. so we need someone who can create jobs. we need someone who can take us into the future. >> they're a little frustrated in illinois. to hear that age whenever it
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comes to race instead of policy is ridiculous. >> in addition to the threatening phone call someone went into the church and busted the collection box to the tune of $8,000. it had never happened before. is it a coincidence? he doesn't know. he is thinking about a civil rights investigation. but the important message he says, and there is the collection box right there 8,000 bucks gone -- he says he's not backing dallas cowboy and did she down and still endorses him for governor. >> he says the democratic party has taken advantage of african-american force years. >> republicans just don't. and maybe the next one will. 11 minutes after the hour. coming up on this tuesday, military contractors out of a job because the government claims the afghan army has the conflict under control. but do they really? the former ceo of blackwater has an argument you won't see anywhere else. and it was his first time shooting with a smith & wesson. but he never expected this.
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story very few media outlets are talking about. u.s. military contractors sent packing from their posts in afghanistan because apparently the afghans have everything under control. really? haven't we seen this movie before, like in iraq? eric prince is the founder and former ceo of blackwater, once a top military contractor and author of this book now in paperback, eric prince the civilian warrior. so eric how should we feel about turning afghanistan over to the afghannies? we have 24,000 troops here. there we have 1,000 by 2016. are they ready? >> afghanistan is going to have much of the same problem that iraq did. taliban already are controlling a number of the provinces and the amount of area that the government that afghanistan controls continually shrinks.
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i'm afraid within a couple of years after u.s. forces are out, it will look much like iraq. effectively the president of iraq will be basically the mayor of kabul. >> that is devastating to people like you and people that you know that fought there gave their lives there. it's the longest war in our history. you got the call on 9-11. you watch on 9-11 and you said, i had the number to a warlord to help mount an offensive with the northern alliance. >> we helped introduce some of those early connections that let special forces guy get in there -- the northern eye liians, anti-taliban folks and that made for early successes. >> we're celebrating now. how would you characterize president obama's effort from his surge in the good war to today? >> the surge worked in some ways, but we never really defeated the taliban. u.s. military created an afghan army that you'res 6 to $7 billion a year to try to stay funded. it's way too expensive. we've kind of created a welfare
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state in afghanistan with a military that's not going to function. the military parts of it work pretty well. there is units that will fight hard and bravely, but they have no combat support. they have no infrastructure to support that military. and sadly, the russian army did a better job of building an air force when they were there than the u.s. did when we were there. >> we're still in south korea. we're still in germany. we're still in japan. we don't understand after a war action you got to keep an eye out to make sure you didn't fight for nothing. here is an example that's not going to make you feel good at home. this according to a green beret. they did not always show up with the forces promised. the detachment took point due to the a and a's inability to move during periods of darkness. i then told him we need to do set up a security perimeter. they instead huddled behind a rock. we watched the iraqis run for the hills when isis came in and abandoned their post. are we going to see a similar thing here when the taliban come in? >> i'm afraid so. the taliban still control the fear. the afghans are not going to
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stand and fight if they think there is a chance the taliban will win because the taliban again, like isis, play for keeps and they will slaughter anyone that stands in their path. >> in 2007, your contractors were involved in something controversial in iraq. they've been convicted now, one -- four blackwater guards responsible for the deaths of 14 iraqi civilians, wounding 17 others. they have been convicted for what they say is their crime. what's your reaction to that? >> the government is now one for two in this case. the first case they tried, it was thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct. the guys have a lot of options for their appeals and i'm sure they'll exercise on them. >> are they innocent? >> i'd say it's a highly political context. remember, these are military veterans that served well in the u.s. military. many in that theater. i think if they had been in uniform that day, this would not have been an issue. >> exactly. eric, how do you feel about eric holder evidently having a reception in his office after
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the prosecution was successful of convicting your four guys? >> like i said, this has been a highly politicized case. the government spent tens of millions of dollars going after them. i think it makes a good case for what we requested in the first place, contractor accountability is the ucmj, to try them in a military court. not try them in a civilian court seven years and 7,000 miles away from the edge of battle. >> right. and you believe and write in your book that contractors are the scapegoat in this whole -- both these wars. >> i think so. the antiwar left went after the troops in the vietnam war. this time they go after contractors. >> the name of the book is "civilian warriors." you got to read it. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> if we want to win the war they should call you up. coming up straight ahead, high school football coaches not only benched, but now banned from the side lines all over prayer. it's the latest battle in the fight for faith. and now you can see what it was like to live like president ronald reagan, even walk through the air force one with him. all this as we remember the speech that put him on the political map next. >> this idea that government is
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beholden to the people that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. this is the issue of this election ♪ ♪ ♪ tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies.
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well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work
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consumer headlines. baby wipes contaminated with bacteria being recalled. i would think so. they were sold under brand name cuties and simply right. and distributed before october 21 to walgreen's sam's club and family dollar. you can return them for a full refund. that wouldn't be cute. and "consumer reports" naming lexus and toyota as the best brands in its latest vehicle reliability rankings. one of the top ten, buick was the only american brand. the worst car brand?
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chrysler's fiat. thanks italians. costco is cutting their employees a break. telling their workers to stay home on thanksgiving to be with their family. no government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. so government's programs once launched never disappear. actually a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth. >> yesterday we commemorated the 50th anniversary of ronald reagan's famous time for choosing speech. >> that particular speech sparking a revolution in american politics. reagan revolution that would live on for generations to come. peter johnson, jr. once again joins us with more on how he will be remembered. >> good morning. i took a trip to president reagan's library in california to commemorate that address. while i was out there, i got an exclusive look inside the library and the life of ronald reagan. i want to share that with you.
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>> i'd like to introduce myself. my name is ronald reagan. ♪ ♪ >> when go through this museum you're looking at a 100 years of history that were just remarkable in terms of the country growing up as it were. ronald reagan was at the very center of that in so many in a sets. >> in reagan's many roles, are preserved here at the library with over 60 million pages of documents, 1.6 million photographs, and more than 40,000 artifacts. from the very suit he wore the day he was almost assassinateed. >> you can see the marks across the suit and pants where the doctors at the hospital had to get his clothes off as fast as they could. >> o his oval office chair from which he guided our nation. >> this is the chair that ronald reagan had when he was governor
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in california and then he brought it here and used it the entire time he was in the white house. >> the library is as sprawling and inspiring as reagan's life. >> this is the state room of air force one. president ronald reagan used this very seat to write letters and write speeches, like this one to mrs. patricia brady of ohio. president reagan believed that he could accomplish more very often on air force one in this state room than he could in the oval office. >> mr. gorbachev tear down this wall. >> president reagan spent most of his political life fighting communism. when the berlin wall finally fell, one of its first pieces came to simi valley library a
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six-ton symbol of reagan's winning the cold war. >> we're always in danger of forgetting what the cold war was about, what the stakes were. we are here because ronald reagan lived and did what he did. >> the library created an exact replica of the white house oval office just as it looked when reagan ran the nation. ambassador tuttle served as his personnel chief, meeting with the president that he calls one of the kindest human beings he's ever met. >> i came into the oval office and he'd say bob i talked to your parents today. oh bob, it was their anniversary. of course, i was very upset 'cause i had neglected to call them. he spent the -- it seemed like ten minute, probably five, telling me with a a good son i had been and how proud they were of me. that was ronald reagan. he never neglected the personal and he always made you feel special. >> in good times andbad, ronald
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reagan inspired and consoled the american people. in november of 1994, he announced that he had alzheimer's disease in his final letter to the american people. >> i now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. i know that for america, there will always be a bright dawn ahead. >> what a bright dawn ahead there is at the reagan library and museum. incredible visit. i urge you to take your parents and take your kids and go. the president loved being on its grounds and he had a special office on the upper level that he visited all the time. in fact, i met one of the docents, the gatekeepers of the flame, as it were. he said he would go off and visit state gifts, so hand guns and other things that had been given by other state leaders to him as the president went into the museum. he'd go see it. we thank everybody at that reagan library and museum. they were so kind and to
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ambassador tutle and one of our produceran incredible job putting these pieces together. >> massapequa's finest. >> it's great, great place to be. great, great piece of american history whether you're republican or democrat, whoever you are. if you're an american, great place to be. >> the speech 50 years ago this week. thank you. coming up, the pc police are not going to like this one. meet the real redskin the navaho high school coming out to defend washington's redskin team. and it was his first time shooting a smith & wesson but he never expected this. >> look out! move! move! [ bleep ] >> the major fire power going viral this morning. ♪ ♪
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mayor de blasio said new yorkers will note get ebola from riding the subway. he said, please, everyone. let's focus on the actual thing you might catch on the subway. sars bird flu west nile, east nile. there is a lot to choose from. ebola is way down on the list. >> across the street. >> yeah. i saw in line yesterday there was a scary item about how long does ebola last? the virus, in the right condition, it could last 50 days. but it's very chilly temperature. it's in a perfect condition, we don't have to worry about that. >> the question today who do you trust more? the federal government or the governors? over the weekend we had the governors of new jersey and new york, governor cuomo and christie come forward and say that we need to have a quarantine in place, 21-day quarantine to keep our residents safe. >> and then you got the cdc saying that you could be over in
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the hot zone, a healthcare worker, stab yourself in the hand while working with a full-blown ebola patient with a syringe and you would then be on a voluntary isolation. >> who has got a better idea the president or governors? here is what mark says on facebook. i have way more confidence in the governors of each state to protect our interests and our health. the feds need to step aside on this one. >> another says, i want door number three please. >> another writes, no contest. governors. they seem to at least do something while obama does what? >> i think the "new york times" was trying to make it like it was governor christie against this nice nurse. i think the average american said i'm glad somebody is taking action because she had a fever and she's coming from west africa. >> now that she's been shipped off to maryland where she wanted to go, neighbors were reportedly -- >> maine. >> excuse me. maine. neighbors were reportedly going, we hope she stays inside her house. >> yep. i don't blame them. keep the e-mail coming.
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let's go on over to heather who has the headline. >> we're talking about ebola. listen to this story. schools are doing more to protect us from ebola than the u.s. government. the ebola scare now hitting college campuses. in kentucky, one campus is deferring applications from students in countries in africa. the university's provost says they're accepting applications from those country, but won't be admitted until january of 2016. the school is also canceling any study abroad programs in those countries to keep its students safe. the fight for faith sparks a lot of outrage in a delaware high school. atheist group side lining the football coaches from postgame prayers. the atheist group based in wisconsin says a coach at a public school praying with players violates the u.s. constitution. but the holy huddle will be allowed to continue with the players only. some residents there say they are simply outraged that the school's superintendent would
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back down to an organization that is out of state. the coach vows to continue to impart his wisdom on players saying, quote, we will continue to move forward and be about respect and do the things that we know the good citizens and good people need to do. it was a first time this guy fired a smith & wesson gun, but he never expected this. take a look here. >> all right. here we go. >> david's first time. (shot fired). >> look out! move! move! >> so why did he sprint away so quickly? the bullet was apparently so powerful that he split that tree in half. those are your headlines. got it get out of the way. testing his reflexes. >> reminiscent -- brian, remember when we were hunting with "duck dynasty" guys and we were just doing some target practicing and i wasn't aiming at it, but i knocked the leg
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off -- >> it was devastating. saying hey suckers, beat that. i said, that doesn't sound like steve. but he had a definite out of body experience. maria molina shot a lot of stuff in her life. >> she hasn't. >> no n maybe the breeze. >> yeah. maybe the breeze. i want to actually take a look at the weather conditions across the country because today is going to be a beautiful day, a good day for outdoor activities across the northeast and mid-atlantic. we're looking at sunshine and also temperatures that are very mild for this time of year. in the 70s in new york city and you should make it in the 80s across washington, d.c by thursday, all of that will be changing. we have a flow moving eastward. parts of the northeast will be in the 50s and also in the 40s. it's going to get even colder as we head into this weekend. there is some chatter now across computer models and also other meteorologists that we could be seeing snow across parts of new england as we head into this weekend.
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we'll have to keep an eye on that. otherwise, as far as severe weather goes today we have the potential across parts of ohio and western pennsylvania, the main concern really being strong wind gusts from some of these storms and across parts of the pacific northwest. another storm system has arrived. more heavy rain, several inches expected and also some isolated spots looking at snowfall especially along some of the higher elevations out there. let's head back inside. >> maria, you said there is chatter that there might be snow? >> maybe some snow in new england this weekend. got to watch it. >> i'm going to visit my son in college. it might be snowing this weekend there. divisional matchup. i transition to sports without a toss. the washington redskins heading to dallas where the cowboys are riding a hot streak. might be the best team in football. dez bryant and company was hot early, reaching for a touchdown. redskins would do something they haven't done much this year. answer right back. overtime we go. the redskins able to march down the field and put 3 on the board. the cowboys could not answer. romo and the offense fail to deliverment the redskins stung
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the cowboys 20-17. they now have two losses on the year. controversy surrounding the washington redskins name. is it offensive to all native americans? the answer is no. in 22 states, there is 62 high schools that have a mascot called the redskins including one in red mesa arizona. it's a navaho high school. the people there reject the idea that the term redskins is a slur. they would know. the superintendent calls the name a source of pride. we asked what you think. ray said does that name offend me is it absolutely not. the world has gone over the edge with this pc garbage. and louis says in a different voice, glad the high school is standing up for something that has gotten completely out of hand. thanks to both you. my new book comes out in paperback. the first female spy is included in that. i'll be signing books at the university of central florida with sean hannity. you can go to our web site for
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tickets. on friday, university of north florida. and signing tickets at 4:00 o'clock at books a million and that's at 4:00 o'clock on halloween. so come in costume on atlantic avenue. then i'll be doing something on stage with sean after that. >> are you wearing your powdered wig. >> i don't really dress up. you know that. >> you should. meanwhile, it happened again. ballots cast for republicans counted for democrats instead. why does that keep happening with these voting machines? >> from the combat zone to the cover page. this army veteran just made history. his story will make you proud to be an american and he's here to share it next. >> first the trivia question. born on this day in 1972 this singer was inducted into the grand ole opry in 2001. who is he? be the first with the correct answer. ♪ ♪
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goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm for a better am.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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[ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice, faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer
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] engineered to kill. quick headlines. it happened again, voting machines in maryland switching republican votes to democrat. election officials blaming a calibration error and new touch screens. the broken machines were taken out of service. just last week the same thing happened in chicago. let's work out the bugs. harry reid losing support from his rank and file? louisiana senator mary landrieu refuse to go say whether she would back reid for leader in the next congress during a debate last night. the patriarch of "duck dynasty." >> louisiana, bibles and guns brought us here. and bibles and guns will keep us here. dasher believes in both. >> phil robertson hosting his support for his nephew, republican zach dasher. he's looking to take the congressional seat currently held by republican vance decal
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ster. he's got "duck dynasty" support. check out these rock hard abs gracing next month's men's health magazine. the first army veteran, amputee o grace the front cover. we're honored this morning to welcome u.s. army sergeant noah galloway to the curvy couch. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> congratulations. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> tell us about that day back in 2005 in the humvee iraq. >> well, it was a day that our platoon split in half. half was doing one mission half doing the other. the group i was with, we ended up heading down the road in some humvees. there weren't many in the vehicles. it was about 1 2:00 o'clock in the morning, headlights off, night vision goggles on. i hit a trip wire. and when that went off, it detonate add road side bomb large enough to when it hit my door it threw the 9,000-pound humvee into the air and into a
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canal. and i don't remember any of it. i woke up six days later. it was christmas day and i was at walter reed. >> how long did it take to you come to grips with the injury or injuries? >> realistically, five years. being depressed you know, unmotivated. there is a lot of issues i went through. i mean five years. it was a struggle. >> finally, you decide, i need to be a good dad to my kids and i need to be good to myself. you join a 24-hour gym you work out at 2 in the morning so nobody looks at you. how was that? >> it was tough. there was nothing to explain how to work out missing an arm and leg. so i would go in at 1 or 2 in the morning and play around, see what worked and didn't. started using ankle straps to work the left side of my body and progressed from there. it was a lot of trial and error. >> then working out, they say makes you feel better. can pick you up and reignite your drive. is that what happened with you? >> that's exactly what happened.
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fitness is better than any medicine out there. it's completely gotten me back on track. i'm a better father with my children. completely better life. >> you mean better than you were before you went into the military than you think you were? do you think you're a better person than you were? >> i do, because i don't regret anything that happened. my competitive drive is still there. where i am today i wouldn't change anything because i have went through those things and experienced things and the depression was part of it. >> so you wound up working out. you got in great shape and then picked up men's health magazine and you heard, hey women. they're look for ordinary people to be on the cover. >> yeah. it was actually on facebook that i saw it. actually there was a guy that i'm friends with on facebook, andy mcdermott on fox's "enlisted." he had posted, vote for me. i'm in the running for men's health. i saw it and i was like vote for you? i want to enter. >> i'll beat you. >> so i entered and then with on line voting, i was doing really
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well. andy like a month into it, posted that he was going to withdraw and he wanted all of his friends to vote for me. >> awesome. >> it was really incredible that he did that. this is the first time i ever said on television that's where i got the idea. he never knew that. >> when you look at yourself on the cover, what does that mean to you? >> it's pretty incredible. it's something that fitness has always been a big part of my life and to see myself on the cover of the world's largest men's magazine they're looking for the ultimate man the ultimate guy. but just knowing that they would want to put me and relate me to the other readers is the most -- >> think of everybody you're inspiring at walter reed and bethesda because look what you went through and where you are now. >> and happy birthday to you. >> let's bring it out. got awe birthday cake. >> will you blow one out?
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>> thank you. >> a real pleasure. >> thank you. >> good for you. >> i think you're going to sell a lot of this. i hope you get a percentage. thanks so much for your service. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> inspiring story. while we eat here is what's coming up. >> get paid to eat free food? cheryl casone is here with where to apply next. >> first on this date in 1978, nick glider had the number one song in america with "hot child in the city." >> i was just humming this. ♪ ♪ ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. [ male announcer ] take zzzquil and sleep like... the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend! [ snoring ] [ male announcer
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] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy
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your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at hello.
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good morning. time for the answer to today's trivia question. the answer is brad paisley. congratulations to lohry from georgia. you'll get a free copy of brian's book "george washington's secret six." now out in paperback. are you ready to spice up your job search? how about working for a company that offers free food and fitness classes to burn it all off? here with the top companies hiring this week from our sister networks, fox business, is cheryl casone of the good morning. >> good morning. yeah. one of my companies has a lot of great benefits that you just mentioned. i'm going to get to them in a second. first, let's talk about food. it's very important. teriyaki madness. three guys from seattle decided to start this asian fusion fast food place and have been growing and they're going to expand in the states you see on the screen. arizona, california. if you're a regular employee you can make from 32 to 40 k -- as a manager. 8 to $14 an hour. but they're expanding and doing really well. >> yummy. who doesn't like free teriyaki chicken? next up, sports clips. you can make good money. >> very good money.
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these have been expanding. this is totally geared toward men and boys. all sports programming and getting your hair cut. managers and stylists. stylists can make 25 to 40 k. managers, 60 to 80 k. this is actually a pretty good opportunity as far as making money. the founder was a huge sports fan. they went through and looked at all the stores and said, how many hours of sports are we playing? 3640 hours of sports on television across the country, sports clubs. >> that will remind the men to go get their hair cut. >> right. >> next up. >> this has all the free food. breakfast taco monday bagel friday. yoga. 23 jobs are open now. they're based inance texas. they're -- based in austin, texas. it's not for the geeks.
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good health benefits. marriott has 4100 properties or something like that. >> they've got 4952 jobs that are open right now. i had the ceo of this company on several times. he really believes in strong health care. he will pay you to quit smoking. he will pay for your quit smoking program if you want it. discounted prescriptions for employees. the jobs guest service, front desk food, beverage. managers as well. they're opening up a lot of new properties this year. they own a lot of different brands. not just marriott. they have a facebook career page. >> then you can visit the other 5,000 properties. >> and get free rooms. >> thank you so much. cheryl casone and you can find her on the "fox business" network. to find that channel in your area, go to great stuff. coming up now, what is going on with the administration and their mixed messages on ebola? why can't they get a plan and stick to it? laura ingraham is here to sort
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it all out next. how does the white house want you to celebrate halloween? with these green energyi've jack-o' it's your tax dollars hard at work especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop.
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hi, everyone. good morning. today is tuesday, the 28th of october, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. the military ordering u.s. troops treating ebola patients in the hot zone into quarantine. but the white house apparently not happy about that. laura ingraham here live as we sort out the mixed messages. and how does this sound like a slip of the tongue? >> don't let anybody tell you that you know, corporations and businesses that create jobs. >> well, she didn't really mean apparently. she's trying to spin her way out of it. we'll tell you about it. what difference does it make? a thrilling night on the
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baseball field. ♪ ♪ >> monsters taking over the game just in time for halloween. a holiday i can't get enough of. mornings, ladies and gentlemen are better with friends. >> this is jimmy j.j. walker. let the good times roll, brother, on "fox & friends"! >> that's right! >> he's still pumped up. good times is off the air now right? >> i saw a rerun a little while ago. >> really? >> everything is always on. >> that's one of the shows i wonder, like "welcome back kotter," i'm like, did they know they were on? >> anna, great to have you. >> thanks. >> and we got heather with the
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headlines. >> got a few pieces of news right now. remember the illegal immigrant who is suspected of murder to go sheriff's deputies? he now faces a judge today. marquez is one of the identities. he faces murder attempted murder and carjacking charges. he had been deported from the united states twice before he went on that shooting rampage in sacramento. his wife is also set to appear in court on attempted murder charges. police are now using a new weapon in the hunt for the accused cop killer eric frien who has been on the run for more than six weeks. check out what they call a blimp in a box. it's a large unmanned helium balloon armed with camera and can spot people more than three miles away. unlike the noisy police helicopters that they've been use to go try to spot him, this thing is silent, so he likely won't notice it as it flies over the woods in pennsylvania and that is where he's believed to be hiding. british security forces now investigating how this jogger barreled full steam into prime minister david cam ran. the video shows the guy clad in
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a black t-shirt printed with yellow lettering there. he came full force into the leader of the u.k. cameron braces for impact as his security team scrambles to grab the jogger. the prime minister was rushed to his car. the 28-year-old was briefly detained but police say he wasn't a threat. students at san diego state university showing off a lot more than their moves during the annual halloween baseball game. ♪ ♪ >> very creative. both dugouts crawling onto the field to surprise the crowd with a spot on thriller. abe lincoln, you could see the sumo wrestler up front. also fried egg lead the group. you have to have the fried egg. i know brian is the guy who is always dressing up in a costume. >> right. i embrace this holiday. >> i bet you turn out the lights and pretend you're not home.
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>> i put a basket on the stoop and put a picture of my we are are -- burmese mountain dog right there. >> laura ingraham joins us once a week. today is the day. good morning to you. >> hey guys. by the way, brian, i did this the same thing two years in a row. i put a silver plated bowl out front. what a moron am i? the bowl is gone, the candy is gone. everything is gone. so i'm going to have a pumpkin cam this year. >> it was gone with the first kid. >> to hell with the candy, i'm taking the bowl. that's where we are. >> from the bowl to ebola. let's talk a little bit about this. the federal government can't figure it out. yesterday they came out with guidelines and said if you're a high risk person, you were in the hot zone, let's say you're a healthcare worker, you jammed yourself with a syringe while treating somebody with ebola or you don't have a suit on at all, you come to the united states you place yourself on a voluntary quarantine, whereas the military has people returning from the hot zone.
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they say we're going to take a 21-daytime out in italy. what's going on here because one part of the government says they should be quarantined. the other side let's make it voluntary. >> wait a second. are you saying there are conflicts within the obama administration? >> ding, ding, ding. >> oh, my goodness. what are revelation. the good news is the obama administration at least in this instance, seems to care about the troops' health, so they're doing the common sense thing with these men and women who are being put in perhaps health harm's way in africa. so that's a good thing. but you go back to the united states and you watch what happened with casey hickox and her human rights have been violated, she's put in this tent and it's a crime against humanity that she was in this bubble for a couple of days. look, i think most people have a common sense view of this. i think -- i know we're going to talk about chris christie. i think he's right this should be not political. is there nothing left in
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american society that doesn't get tainted by politics? this is the health of the american people, the one thing the government should have first and foremost in its mind in dealing with this is our health. sometimes people are going to have to be inconvenienced just like they're inconvenienced on a daily basis at tsa or when you're trying to -- waiting in line at the grocery store. we're all inconvenienced all day long. and sometimes you have to be inconvenienced for the greater good of the public. and so much for liberals caring about the community. it's all about the community except in an instance like this. >> i'm a world famous anchor and if i don't have my pass, i can't get in to fox news. i'm inconvenienced. that's just it. same with you. so governor christie, i thought he did the logical thing and i think judging by the calls and what people are writing here, people are saying thank goodness somebody did something. he said, listen, you have a fever. you're coming from west africa. we're going to find out if you
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have ebola. so he went in the line of fire this morning on the today show. listen to how matt lauer dealt with him. >> the cdc has been incrementalist on this. this newest guidance from my perspective is incredibly confusing and by the way, what's the difference with someone who is considered to be high risk? you don't want them on public transportation, you don't want them in public gatherings. you want them to work from home. that sounds like quarantine to me matt. >> is it possible -- >> we've had experience -- >> the right side of public opinion? >> no, i'm going to be on the right side of both ultimately, matt. >> you say to me right now that there is no political blame to be obsessed -- assessed for what is happening with ebola right now? >> you got more democratic governors doing this than republican governors. what's the difference matt between telling someone who has been a healthcare worker at high risk that they can't go into public places, they can't go on public transportation, and we want them to work from home? what's the difference between that and the quarantine? this is because they don't want to admit we're right and they
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were wrong. i'm sorry about that. >> yeah. first of all, there are a couple of things. christie is absolutely right and he's doing what his people want him to do. he's the governor of the state of new jersey. new jersey folks want this to happen. my question is would matt lauer -- i've been on the today show -- would matt lauer have taken the same aggressive tone with andrew cuomo or with the governor pat quinn under similar circumstances? i don't know. but i have a feeling the fact that chris christie might be running for the presidency will be part of the way people examine his reaction to ebola. he's doing the salient thing, what the people want. don't back down, chris. >> look what they did for the nurse. this poor woman is stuck behind plastic because she had 100 fever and they wanted to make sure she didn't have ebola. >> you know what i'm also tired of? people who rush to make this
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conjecture about maybe they'll file lawsuits. i know people are talking about maybe she'll file a lawsuit. i think the country is so over this. okay? you put yourself in harm's way, you helped out a lot of people in africa. good on you. that's great. but do not come back to this country and expect the entire region of newark or wherever she was is going to say okay. we're going to roll the dice. self-quarantine, or whatever we want you to do just go to the grocery store. that is -- i think that's -- i'm sorry, you go from selfless in west africa to a little bit selfish in looking at this situation. i'm glad it seems like it's resolved now. but look it's the greater good. we're supposed to care about the greater good. >> somebody i did not hear complain about being in isolation for 21 days was amber vinson. she was the second nurse from the dallas hospital. >> classy. >> she has just been released from the hospital down in georgia and it's terrific, she's okay. >> we wish her well. and as we change topic, we want your take. over the weekend, hillary
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clinton on the campaign trail, a lot of folks would say, was trying to give her take on economics 101 and really walked into it and a lot of people are saying this is her you didn't build that moment. listen to this. >> don't let anybody tell you that you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. you know that old theory, trickle down economics. that has been tried. that has failed. it has failed rather spectacular ly. >> if you were successful somebody along the line gave you some help. there was a great teacher somewhere in your life. somebody helped to create this unbelievable american system that we have that allowed you to thrive. somebody invested roads and bridges. if you got a business, you didn't build that.
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somebody else made that happen. >> so she tried to walk back her comments and said oh, it was short-handedness and not really what i meant. i was talking about tax breaks. is this an ideology that she believes in or was this a gaffe? >> well, for someone who made as much money as hillary clinton has speaking before corporations and the clinton foundation has gotten enormous amount of help in fundraising over the last several years from corporations that's kind of an interesting comment. you can demonize corporations all you want, but they've made a loft money off of them and it's disingenuous and sloppy but typical coming from somebody like hillary clinton. >> says the economy builds from the middle out. >> businesses don't build jobs but you have a job in 45 minutes you got to go be on the radio. >> happy halloween. >> oh, please. thanks laura. meanwhile, it's been nearly a week since this father vanished from the stands at the denver broncos game. the son who left for a bathroom break and has not seen his dad since will join us next and he
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needs our help. and how you can celebrate halloween white house style. green energy jack-o'-lanterns? >> finally. >> your tax dollars hard at work. ♪ ♪ aaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body.
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5:15 am
sweet, spicy, savory! red lobster's endless shrimp ends soon! the year's largest variety. like new spicy siriacha shrimp or parmesan shrimp scampi. as much as you like, any way you like. but it won't last long, so hurry in today. and sea food differently.
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good morning. a fox news alert. heartache in colorado this morning where a massive search is underway for a father who vanished at a denver broncos game. he hasn't been seen since thursday when his son left the stand force a bathroom break. volunteers are canvassing areas near mile high stadium handing out flyers as well. paul's son jarrett has agreed to speak with us this morning and joins us now. good morning, thanks for being with us. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> i'm so sorry for your loss. i can't even imagine what you're going through. take us back to thursday when you're at the game, it's half time. you go for a bathroom break and you leave your father. did anything seem out of the ordinary? >> no. not at all. we were all having a good time. we were at our meeting spot like we all said we would be. everyone was just having a good time talking about the game. >> and you get back and he's
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gone. are you worried immediately, or what's going through your mind? >> not necessarily, because there is a lot going on and being that it was our first game, there is a possibility that he found something he wanted to go see and went and checked it out. but up until the end of the game when he wasn't with any of the people in our group, there wasn't any real worry. >> i think a lot of our viewers can take ourselves to that very type of situation. we have fathers ourselves. we love to fish. we've seen pictures of your dad fishing. not a big technology guy. out of his element in a big city situation and that type of setting, you say. if you could talk to him right now, if he's out there and who knows what the circumstances are, what would you say to him? >> i'd tell him we're all super worried about him and we miss
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him and he needs to find a way to get in contact with us if at all possible. >> it's a hard question to ask. sometimes when people go missing in situations like this it's because they don't want to be found and the police department their investigators said they don't suspect foul play. how do you feel like the investigation is going? are they taking you seriously? >> you know, i know there is a lot of questions they have to ask and stuff like that, but we've been over and over it with them that, you know, him just wandering off on his own -- yeah, it's no big deal until we're all at the game he's in the middle of the city, out of his element. he has limited amounts of money, no phone, no vehicle. he's got us counting on him to
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meet us there. >> you say that he doesn't have miss credit cards and he only omething with him? >> something to that effect. >> how worried are you right now >> it doesn't get any better as the days go by. i'm pretty worried. the police don't suspect any reason for there to be foul play, but, you know if it's not a possibility to them, that's one thing. but i'm definitely thinking about it. >> volunteers are searching, handing out flyers and posting signs and things like that. what do you want volunteers to be doing for your father and what do you want the police to be doing for him at this hour? >> as far as volunteers are concerned, do whatever you think can help. paul knows a bunch of people. he's been here for a while.
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he has a lot of friends around and even if you never knew him if you can just get on facebook and share that post or whatever, whatever you think can help. as far asçó the police, i think they should take us a little more seriously. >> okay. jarod, you and your family are certainly in our thoughts and prayers. folks at home, if you have any information at all in this case, please call the denver police. that information on your screen. 720-913-2000 is the number to call. we're pulling for you. thanks for being with us today. >> thank you for having us. steve, over to you for a look at what's coming up. >> thank you very much. parents are outraged this morning after their kids were given an assignment calling our founding fathers racist. is that appropriate curriculum? we're going to report and you will decide. brian kilmeade's book "george washington's secret six"
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identifies five out of the six spies who helped our first president through the revolutionary war. but what about the last one? the woman. an update coming up. ♪ ♪ shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift?
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we've got quick tuesday morning headlines for you. a mother shocked when her eight-year-old son brings home this school handout painting our founding fathers as slave owning racists. the handout from the nation of islam, was given out at a tennessee elementary school. superintendent now saying the paper was never meant to be handed out. okay. and a four-year-old home schooled by her mother develops a love for america's first president. but things went south when mom explained that george washington
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is dead. and has been for over two centuries. >> can you tell me why you're crying? >> because george washington. >> do you love george washington? >> yes. >> maybe he can see our current president, president obama. >> she's not -- the child has no interest in seeing the current president of the united states. she's a lover of george washington. >> we all remember when we heard washington was dead. we know where we were. how appropriate that crying baby was? last year we released "george washington's secret six" and thanks to you it became a best seller for 18 weeks. your responses were positive but they always most of them ended with this question, you named five spies out of the six. what about the sixth? who is the woman? so when the paperback came out, we thought we would use your
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leads and our investigation to find out who agent 355 was. outgunned and outmanned, general george washington knew he had to outthink, outwit and most of all, outspy the british to drive them from american soil. but how did he do it? by having his trusted officer major benjamin talmadge, recruit one of the most formidable citizen spy teams ever. known as the culpa ring. five men a tavern owner and a merchant and others. we now know who they are and what they did. what we do not know is the identity of the sixth member the lone woman. we do know she worked in new york city. streets like this, in fact these very cobble stone social security where she could have walked across. we know her job. it was infiltrate the british
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social scene and when the guards came down because the drinks were flowing, the intel would come cascading in. in the code book, perhaps the biggest quote. she's agent 355. next to her name, the lady. thanks to your leads and our nonstop investigation, we are now closer than ever before to finding out who america's first female spy might just be. was it anna strong? the motivation? her husband was in prison by the british. plus, she was already known to have aided the ring by signaling when george washington's letter high school arrived. the problem? she wasn't known to have had long stays in new york city, which agent 355 would require. but is that part of her cover? was it sally townsend the motivation? her plush home taken over by the brits. her family humiliated and pushed into one room. plus her brother, a known member of the secret six. the problem with her story?
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she was romantically linked to british colonel john simro. would she turn on him for us? or could it be elizabeth bergen perhaps the best case for a match. her motivation? she was associated with an aid to the spy ring. very familiar with new york city. and even voluntarily tended to american prisoners languishing in british jails. she would have intel and access to two of the core spies. she also was often spotted on long island. the heart of the ring. the problem with the bergen story, would a widow with three kids risk all for george washington's secret six spy ring? we may never know the identity of agent 355. my only hope is that one day we find that ironclad clue that will allow us to give her the credit that she richly deserves. so we're closer. we don't have it. >> the top three. >> yeah. these are the top three. we actually named seven.
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and the one thing we didn't want to do is go out on a limb and destroy the credibility of the book. we kept looking at it. published the hard cover. now this as you see here, all that's developed in the paperback. >> all your research, are you willing to say who you think -- >> personally? don, my co-author thinks differently, i think it was the last one. we followed up the lead. i'm fascinated by it. >> a widow with three kids, maybe she just wanted a better life for those three kids. >> right. and i agree. she would have taken tremendous risk and she would have had a heck of a sitter. so thursday i'm going to be in orlando. university of central florida with sean hannity and herman cain and a few others signing books afterwards. on friday, 4:00 o'clock i'll actually be in university of north carolina at 8:00 o'clock with sean on stage. hopefully you'll get tickets to that. at 4:00 o'clock, signing at books a million in jacksonville florida.
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>> you're going to miss trick or treating. >> i really -- it really bothers me because i love halloween. >> congratulations on this. not on the halloween. on the book. >> i'm impressed with a.j. hall to put that together. he brought it to life. thanks so much. straight ahead. >> going to the ballot box next week? leave your hats at home. they might look too republican. the bizarre ban is next. and how serious is this? the white house wants you to carve your pumpkin with energy shapes. you know, like that pig tail light bulb on the right. or a wind mill. what's that costing us? >> great idea. ♪ ♪ you want to be the best investor you can be. you want to cut through the noise of an overwhelming amount of analysis. [ all talking ] you want the insights that will help you
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decide which ideas to execute and which to leave behind. you want your trades executed in one second or less, guaranteed, and routed with institutional-quality technology. look no further. open an account and find more of the expertise you need to be a better investor. you got the bargain kind? you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. then i'll use a bunch of them. what are you doing? dish issues? ... ... get cascade complete. one pac cleans better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean.
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halloween is just a few days away. are you guys excited for halloween? and i heard that the obamas have invited children to go trick or treating at the white house on friday. yeah. which will be fun. 'til the secret service tackles a kid and goes, we got one, we got one! he tried to get in the front entrance! >> it will be a good sign, somebody got stopped. >> maybe. meanwhile, you know what the obama administration wants you to do, according to the department of energy? this halloween rather than carve out something scary or a jack-o'-lantern in the face of that 45-dollar pumpkin you buy, why don't do you one of five green energy designs like that cfl light bulb, or wind mill or some leaves or something like that? isn't that a great idea? kids are really going to embrace that. >> your tax dollars hard at work. there is this nice tutorial video they put together for your convenience. i can't figure out why -- where the connection is between this and halloween.
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are we going to have during thanksgiving, a turkey stuffed with anti-keystone pipeline propaganda and easter egg war on women? >> it's take something happening and put it toward your agenda. similar to nasser. here is what steven on facebook says. sorry, it's not halloween related -- it's no going on my pumpkin. okay. >> or something like that. and jess asked, how much are we paying for this energy-themed social media campaign? jess, you know what? you can wind up on twitter if you do a good one. >> life says why would we do that when green energy has been robbing us blind? #fedup. >> maybe they're doing it because it takes a lot of energy to carve a pumpkin. it looks like a west of a perfectly good pumpkin. >> the idea that halloween doesn't seem to be harvest festival time. >> isn't the idea of having a pumpkin on your stoop to kind of scare people?
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>> it's a light bulb! ahh! >> it's made in china! the light bulb is. all right. anyway, keep the comments coming. >> heather nauert, how are you? >> hi. good morning. i've got news headlines. let's start out in the west coast. brand-new information coming in about how a 15-year-old gunman targeted his victims. police now saying that he texted both his family and friends telling them to come to the school cafeteria in washington state where he attended. once they sat down in that cafeteria, he ambushed them from behind. the motive for that rampage is still not clear. >> everybody wants is why. and candidly, i don't know that the why is going to be something we can provide. >> two people were killed then. three remain hospitalized today. he turned the gun on himself, killing himself. with one week until the midterm election, president obama is keeping his stance from
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some vulnerable races. he's campaigning for governors. in wisconsin, he's back mary burke and his effort to beat scott walker. this to brush off suggestions that the president could do more to help democrat. >> the president campaigning will have ample opportunity to do so over the course of this week. >> he's not been out on the campaign trail. >> i can tell you that the president -- >> the administration claims that you don't have to stump for a senate candidate in order to help them. this georgia guy outraged after being told to take off his nra hat to vote. polling workers reportedly said that that hat is too closely associated with the republican party. the veteran and the certified nra shooting instructor says he just wears it to advertise his business. >> it's absolutely infringing on my rights to express myself. it doesn't endorse any candidate or anything else. >> county election workers stand
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by their decision, saying that no one may wear political apparel, so that they're not accused of favoring one party over the other. what do you think. and happy birthday, lady liberty. the statue was unveiled 128 years ago today. you can set brought by checking out it shows real time views inside spots that we rarely get to see. people haven't been able to go into the torch since 1916. look at that. what a view. those are your headlines. that was the tallest structure in new york city long ago. >> they've got raised pizzas that are taller. >> but still neat to think about. >> it is. thank you. >> you ever been there? >> yeah. >> have you? >> not since fifth grade. i run by it all the time. i've become more patriotic because of things like that in the city. >> we have maria molina at 48th and 6th avenue. good morning to you. >> good morning. we're looking at temperatures that are a little bit on the mild side for this time of year.
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you're looking at highs that will be possibly in the 80s in places like washington d.c., and across the rest of the mid-atlantic. in new york city, not bad. 71 degrees. take a look at areas farther west. places like denver, rapid city minneapolis, you're looking at highs only in the 50s. so that cooler air is in place across portion of the rockies and into the northern plains and by thursday, a lot of that cold air is going to start to move southward and also eastward. in the northeast by thursday your highs are ohm going to be in the 50s and 40s for so many of you. that is as warm as it will get. those morning temperatures are going to be a lot chillier. otherwise the reason why we're going to be seeing that colder air is a cold front that's moving eastward and it is going to bring a risk for severe weather today across parts of ohio and pennsylvania. the main concern really being just damaging winds and across parts of the pacific northwest we do have heavy rain still coming down across places like seattle, through portland. that storm system will linger throughout the day today and bring in high elevation snowfall. speaking of high elevation
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snowfall, let's toss it back, we could see some of that come this weekend across parts of new england. so we'll keep an eye on that next storm system. let's head back inside. >> happy skiing. >> here we go. next tuesday a week from today's election was supposed to be cake walk for pat roberts when his democratic oppoponent dropped out. how did a green party independent candidate surge ahead in the polls? the senator joins us live from kansas next. and no coupons needed for a discount at this coffee shop. all you need is to mind your manners. we'll explain
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with only one week left before voters hit the polls, republican pat roberts is facing the political fight of his life. he's even calling on republican
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heavyweights like mitt romney to help him get ahead. will it be enough to stave off attacks like this one? >> if you listen to pat roberts and his washington buddy they'll tell you that president obama and harry reid are the reason washington is such a mess. and you know what? they're half right. but the other half of the mess mitch mcconnell and pat roberts. the truth is both parties are more interested in political games than problem solving. >> let's talk to senator pat roberts who joins us right now from wichita, kansas. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. >> what's this election about? >> go ahead. >> you go ahead. >> what is this election about? >> we're having indian summer here. this past election i was carving out pumpkins and we were talking about light bulbs. let's get to the election. it's a pretty big deal. the reason that people from all spectrums of our party everybody from jeb bush to sarah
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palin and governor romney was in, we have rand paul coming in. they know me. they trust me. they know it's a lot more than about pat roberts. this is about the future of the country. we have to stop the dictatorship and the senate of harry reid and get going again in the senate. we have to act like we were for 225 years before we had one man rules committee by harry reid and also stop the obama agenda. the race is pretty simple. if you vote for pat roberts, you're voting for a change in the senate. and to get our country back and if you vote for my opponent who by the way is not an independent. he can be as green as he wants to, but he's not an independent. he is a liberal democrat. >> it's interesting you should bring that up. i was talking to a couple of my friends in kansas. i called them last night. the one thing they said was ever since the democrat was squeezed by the higher ups and the democratic party and senate to drop out and he dropped out,
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suddenly out of nowhere this independent guy surges ahead and right now you're tied at 44 each. he might be just a little bit ahead of you at this point. they were going, well, you look at mr. orman in the past, he has voted for barak obama. he's supported him financially. but when it comes to whether or not he would caucus with the republicans or the democrats he says he's not going to say. he's essentially going to wait and see who is in control. is that a good answer for the people of kansas? >> well, not very. i think the people of kansas want somebody they can trust and my opponent has not been clear on the issues, with the exception, a big difference between us. he says obamacare is the law of the land and doesn't want to repeal it or replace it. he is pro-abortion. i'm not. he's pro-amnesty. i'm not. we've been able to at least get those things determined that most of the time he just says that's an interesting problem and runs away.
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he's been endorsed by the afl-cio. he's been getting a lot of money from the sorrels family. they don't give money to independents. they give money to liberal democrats. that's who he is. i think that's why this race has turned around so much and why there is a lot of interest in it. we're going to win this race. >> we did invite him on and they apparently have declined our invitation at this point. i want to ask you -- >> imagine that. imagine that. >> i want to ask you about the federal government's response to the ebola disaster. it seems like you've got the governors of new york and new jersey and they're saying if people have been exposed to people they should be in quarantine, we're going to watch them. the federal government doesn't really seem to have a clear message on what's going -- they came out with some new guidelines yesterday, but said okay. that would be voluntary if you've been around people. meanwhile, you've got people in the army who were in the hot zone and they're saying we're
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going to put them in a timeout for 21 days. what's going on with the federal response? >> well, that's darn good question. i don't know of anything the federal government is doing where people don't have a question mark. if you have two governors two very popular states saying no, i'm going to protect my citizens in a way that we think is appropriate with a quarantine, then you have the federal government coming in, changing their entire policy about every few days, there is no trust there. some weeks ago i said that there should be a quarantine on west africa. everybody that goes over should come back and be in a quarantined period of 21 days. it should be federal. it should be all across the country. it shouldn't have to be a situation where the federal government simply does not have a comprehensive program even with the cdc who changes their mind about every week to the degree that a governor would find out absolutely necessary.
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that's what the problem is out here steve. people are losing faith in their government because we're going to scandal to crisis, to crisis, to scandal. it's a bad situation. that's why i'm going to win. that's why people want a change in the senate and stop the obama agenda. >> the people of kansas will be voting a week electric today. senator, thank you for joining us from wichita. >> i appreciate it. thank you so much. >> you bet. ten minutes before the top of the hour. a couple saying they were misled when they adopted their children from russia and now they want to send the kids back. should there be a return policy on children? we're going to take a look at the illegal insanity, those guy also decide it coming up. first let's check in with bill hemmer. what do you got going on in ten minutes? >> we are packed. isis says it's winning in kobani. wait until you see how it's getting its message out. is the president toxic for democrats? seven days away, we'll look at the two closest races on the map today. will the pentagon and the white
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house go separate ways on ebola treatment? and there is action on the sun that has a lot of people here on earth paying attention. we'll tell you why when martha and i see you at the top of the hour we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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a new york couple tries to do a good deed, adopting two russian orphans. welcoming them into their home. but it wasn't long before this got really ugly. the couple claim the newly adopted children wanted to kill them and now they would like to give them back. joining us now is psychiatrist, dr. keith ablow and fox news legal analyst arthur aidala. guys, this is not easy. these kids are supposed tore brother and sister. they're not. they're supposed to be fine and they're not. >> healthy and socially adaptive and no issues. >> is there a problem with giving them back arthur, and saying listen, this is not what you sold me? >> they were going in front of the judge in long island and the judge is going to say that basically there was fraud. there was fraud on behalf of the adoption agency, that they were told, first of all, the simplest thing, that these are siblings and they're not. so that's a lie. that they're healthy and they're far from healthy. that they're socially well adjusted. they're sexually abused. and you can not tell people they're adopting a child that they are not capable of
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handling, whether it's financially or emotionally or parenting skills wise. you can't do it. >> dr. keith? >> i may not have a legal degree or pocket square, but none the less, i know the truth in this case. kids who are adopted should be marked essentially final sale. there is no lemon law for kids. if you have a child buy logically, sure, you're going to be that person's parent whether that child god forbid develops major depression or schizophrenia or physical illness. same with adoption. there are civil remedies short of returning the kids should they be able to sue for damages? perhaps. >> returning the kids is inhuman. >> think about the other russian adoptions. they're outraged. >> yeah. they've stopped allowing orphans to be adopted by americans in 2013 although there was like $300 million spent by us over there through the adoption proceedings. >> it's a bad idea. >> here is the thing brian even advocates of the adoption process say that the parents who
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are adopting are entitled to all kinds of health care and medical paperwork that are accurate. that was not done here. >> no one is disputing. i'm not disputing whether the best kind of work was done to tell parents in a transparent way. >> having said that they may have misrepresented it. >> may have? >> you took this child in. it's inhuman to then say six years later we want to void the adoption. how do we know that for the first three years these were model adoptive parents? how do we know they didn't break them? >> that's true. what about the slippery slope? come on, give back the kids? i thought i had -- >> that's why a judge will hear both sides of the argument and a judge will make a decision based on the facts. >> you can't handle the truth! that's the problem! >> if i had the pocket square, i would feel -- >> dr. keith, arthur aidala
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thanks so much. no winners here and no winners there. but a very good debate. thanks so much. coming up next, the government wants you to carve green energy-themed pumpkins. we're reading your responses next, the ones we are allowed to. ♪ ♪ feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests
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we told you earlier the white house wants you to carve green energy shapes into your pumpkins. >> one says on twitter. >> look at that. >> wow! >> meanwhile, i got this from our white house correspondent. there he is. he won the blue ribbon for pumpkins. bill: morning everybody sounding the alarm for what could be mass amnesty in america. a union boss warning the white house is getting ready to give
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amnesty to millions of illegals. martha: these reports say the obama administration ordered supplies to print work permits and green cards. they say that means they are getting ready for executive action that would take place right after the mid-term. >> reporter: they are worried about keeping people safe if the


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