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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  October 28, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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eastern. and "happening now" now, starts right now. >> a fox news alert. an ebola survivor speaking out about her frightening ordeal. we are standing by for a live update. namber vincent leaves the hospital free of the deadly virus. this is "happening now". >> what the people of the country want is protect first and foremost the public safety and health of our citizen. >> a nurse released from forced quarentine but the heat of the debate is not over. was she treated fairly, plus the threat from isis and the extent of the terrorist group reach. >> but how real is the danger of home grown terror and how can we stop it? >> also a high profile dui case in the hands of a florida jury.
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the pollo mogul in a case that saw antics and man cave defense and it is a weird one and all "happening now". >> but first, more on our top story. amber vincent, the texas nurse who came down with ebola is ready to speak out. welcome to the second hour of "happening now", i am jon scott. >> i am shannon bream in for jenna lee. we'll bring you her statement live. and the u.s. military implementing plans for soldiers returning home from west africa and we learned a short time ago, that the president will make a statement on ebola before departing for a campaign event in wisconsin. jennifer griffin is live with
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the details. >> we also learned from press secretary josh earnest that the president will make a call out to the u.s. a id team that is on the ground in liberia in the hot zone dealing with the ebola crisis since early august. he will call out there and thank them for their service. and the joint chiefs decided on friday to recommend to defense secretary chuck hagel that they conduct a quarentine of the areas that are ebola affected. that is what happened to general williams and 11 soldiers and now in a forced quarentine on their base in italy. the decision was taken by the general, army chief. and here is a statement released last night. the amy chief of staff directed a 21 day controlled monitoring
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period for approximate all soldiers. he did it to insure that soldiers and family members are confident that we are taking steps necessary to protect their health. chuck hagel is cawed in between the chiefs and the white house who doesn't believe they should be stigmatized. we are told that the decision on whether to make the army policy apply to the other military sevenses is yet to be made. >> you can't treat military one way and treat health workers another way. and liberrians and sieria leon and citizens a different way. >> there are nearly 1000 u.s. military personnel in all four branches serving in liberia and sierra leon. they are not treating patients
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or in contact with those infected, but the army is doing it out of an abundance of caution. >> we mentioned the survivors of ebola set to speak out. dallas nurse amber vincent being discharged from emory university. she was treated there the past few weeks and she is now free of the deadly virus. we'll listen in when she comes to speak. >> we are waiting the fox news poll on the midterms as voters are in a negative mood about where the count row is headed. >> the majority of the americans believe that the economy is getting worse or simply staying the same. treading water. this compared to a fox news poll and 61 percent of the americans
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are not so hopeful about the direction of the country. joining me is allen comb ss and a fox news vbtor. and tammy joins us as well. for president obama the magic is gone and the te flon is not working anymore. what do you mean? >> it was a fascinating six yearing. president obama and the democrats have said what they wanted without push back and constructed wars on women and that helped with the 2012 election. but despite major efforts udal in colorado and wendy davis in texas, it is back firing. the number of womens is fascinating. normally the women vote for democrats, but this time around
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college age women it is even between the republicans and democrats and the race of the women tending to the democrats is in the single digits. and women are rejecting the nature of what the democrats have been doing for a while and it worked. but now it is not. they are looking at the quality of their lives. they are not happy with the direction of the country and obama care affected them. >> 61 percent of those responding say they don't like the direction of the country and that doesn't bode well for the white house or senate. >> no, it doesn't. i don't know what tammy is talking about the war on women. it is the other way around. most women are still voting democratic. and no push back. there is no push back against obama. there was a continual push back. in the six years of the reagan
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presidency we had iran contran and six years in president clinton, they impeached him. there is a six year malaise. and there is nothing unusual based on the historical numbers of the presidency. and kong like a friendship percent approval reading. the malaise is not only with the president but the congress as well. >> there seems to be a changing of attitudes when asked if the federal government has the ability to deal with the country's problems, excuse me, and whether that ability is better or worse or stayed about the same. 53 percent said the government's ability is gotten worse. of that number 16 percent blame the democrats and president. and six percent blame the republicans and 30 percent said both sides share in the blame. i think that back to this time
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and time again, tammy, it is a president who came in office saying government can do it all. government can be the force that equalizes incomes and cures poverty and stops global warming. that seems to have fall know by the way side according to the polls. >> this is the first time we have seen the american people blaming obama and democrats as opposed to the republicans for the condition of the country and this is what we have for the american people. an awareness that there has to be more than rhetoric and this is a failure of the administrative state. and that is the fact of the matter. stagnant gamings and everybody talked about the recovery and not when you have two part- time jobs and you are making less than you used. to and the the republicans have
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to step up. everybody wants to manage the monster but things have to change. the administrative state has failed. it hasn't worked i think the republicans need to look at that as well. and you you heard the criticism of democrats. >> i am a liberal before a democrat. and i think they are cowards and don't want to act on immigration or gun control. and they are only hurting themselves. and what tammy is saying, the idea that somehow the country is not doing better. 10.1to 5.6 employment. >> people are dropping out of the work force. stock market is up.
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it is more undocumented workers in history. and now they have health insurance that didn't have it before. >> they are not feeling. it >> and they only have a week to do that communicating, allen. we'll see how it goes. it is going to be an interesting election. thank you. we take you to the live survivor of ebola. amber vincent. let's listen in. >> thank you to dr. kent brant and nancy writebol for your donation of pla sman and your leadership to educate the public of the difficult yet treatable
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disease. i thank the professionals that contributed to my hair here in emory health care and texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. as a nurse and now experienced what it is like to be cared for in a life threatening illness, i am grateful and appreciative of your skill and warmth and care. finally my family and i would like to thank many people whose prayers sustain us. we head back home to texas. we are grateful and respectfully ask for the privacy my family and i need at this time. thank you. >> you are hearing from the second nurse amber vineson who contracted ebola. they are saying now that she is free of the ebola virus and there is controversy over her
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traveling in the time she was ill. she had cvc approval to do that and appears free of the virus and heading home. >> looks like you can get better care and results. >> thousands paying respects to the canadian soldier killed in ottawa. here is a live look at ontario, his hometown. people lining the streets to watch the funeral procession of 4500 service members. corporal surello was standing guard when he was gunned down in cold blood by michael dubo, who was shot dead inside of the parliament by the sergeant of arms. >> reporter: jon, an emotional day for canada six days after
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the attack that shook the nation. ♪ corporalnatha n surillo's casket in the streets of his hometown of hamilton and resident lined the streets to watch in silence and sadness. among those paying respects at the funeral. prime minister ste ven harper who called the killing of the corporal a terrorist attack and promised to strengthen the anti- terrorism laws. today was about remembering a national hero. nat the most sacred and hallowed ground in this country and made more hallowed today by his sacrifice.
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>> our hearts are broken at his loss. but our spirits are great will for his memory. corporal surillo knew what all of those men and women who died before him knew. (speaking french) only values worth living for are those worth dying for. >> the investigation in his murder continues and the changes the attack will bring in the canadian way of life is just beginning, john. >> thank you, johnathon. >> the last propaganda move by isis. a new video as a hostage and acting as a reporter for the terrorist, next. >> and can trying to connect to the internet.
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>> it is scary to think that someone would do that on an international fight. the captain said it was a maintenance and then there was a security threat and we didn't have clearance to take off.
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to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! the name of a wi- fi network causing a scare on an american airline's flight from los angeles to london. they set up a connection called the al-qaeda terror network. it was spotted by another passenger who notified the flight attend apt. that was held for three hours as a security threat. >> when it is a joke, you can't be of sane mind and naming your wi- fi al-qaeda. that was a red flag. >> the flight took off after an investigation, no crime was
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committed. >> not a good idea. >> the war against isis and a disturbing new tactic. they released the video and showing british the hostage taking on the role of a reporter in kaboni. and conner powell has the details. >> this latest video from isis is sophisticated and the british journalist and isis hostage report live from kobani from the isis television network. and in the video he mocked the international media and western officials who say that isis is retreating. it is not isis on the run. he claimed that the battle for kobani is coming to an end and now the five minute long film is
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shot in high quality and using a drone for the sweeping views and it uses the same style practice traditional news report. you can hear gunfire and see turkey in the background. u.s. officials dismiss it as propagan propaganda. the fear is that it will recruit. and the battle for kobani is ongoing. and iraqi- and curderb fighters are beginning to arrive in kobani with heavy weapons and the hope upon they will reenforce the kurdish counterparts and push isis out of there and they will push isis out of that area and have a respounding defeat. >> you know they will not be putting out a propaganda video.
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>> thank you. nan emerging new front in the war on terror. an attack in new york city carried out by a lone wolf extremist. is there any way to fight back? and closer for families who lost millions in the hands of a former refugee banker once declared dead. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise.
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to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta tdi clean diesel. isn't it time for german engineering?
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>> a bit of the breaking news out of north carolina. there is a shooting outside of the courthouse and nashville, north carolina. two people were shot, and don't appear to have life threatening injuries and right now law enforcement locking down the
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areas and police say they are looking for two suspects in a white car. and no word on what it was connected to or the suspects may be. the shooting of two outside of a courthouse in north carolina. >> a fugitive banker in georgia once declared dead is sentenced in prison. >> he lost tens of millions belonging to other people before he vanished. price left behind letters hinting of a suicide. and the judge declared him dead. but price was arrived when he was arrested last december. price was ordered to pay millions in restitution. >> a guilty verdict of a bombing suspect. he was convicted of lying to the
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fbi in an investigation. phils on said he was not in the rom when two other friends removed the back pack. ntasarnaev could face the death penalty. >> a somber memorial for the corporal killed in canada. he was gunned down at the war memorial. his murder in the hands of a lone wolf extremist bringing the dafrmg of home grown terror in sharper focus. >> michael, managing director of the washington institute. we just had that story shannon read about the associates in the boston bombing plot.
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they were acting as lone wolves and the threat seems to be rearring its ugly head more and more frequently, michael, am i imagining that? >> you are right. counter terrorism officials say the lope- wolf terrorist are the most likely immediate threat that we face to the home land. there is a pool of several hundred of folks and they are difficult for law enforcement to detect. >> woef focused on detecting the big plots and we have done a depend job of it. is it a new wave that law enforcement have to deal with? >> it is not new. it is something that law enforcement and intelligence is trying to tackle.
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>> they are going toward simpler plots that don't require skills or training or up witheding from that manner. >> mixing the type of reflags. and therefore dangerous for the home land. >> a guy walked up off of the street with a hatchet and attacked new york city cops last thursday. at first, it looked like the work of a loan souko. >> and there might be terrorist leaning and cop cat after the attack in >> there are tackers are the of couple of perceived suckle a
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tooks. you have a ri be that nurses this type of an individual. and groups that encourage these individuals to make attacks. and you have isis and terrorist groups in the middle east and folks are trying to go fight with the groups and come back and might pose a dig danger in this thing. >> there are a large number of soft targets that you can't police around the cloak. >> it is relying sorting of information. and we have joint terrorism task forces and it is critical that it be shared over the law enforcement aemgss and so that the dots can be connenthed and
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attacks can be stopped. >> and let's hope they get the job done. good to have you on. thanks. >> one week from today. midterm election and we are watching senate and goff govern and the black jack table. gambling on the ballot in one state. and the jury and the magnate on unless. and a nurse just back from africa froing from the at the present times and lawering up. what our legal paple thinks about that, next.
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the man charged with killing two sheriff deputies in california expected to make his first court experience today. mar cello marquis went on a rampage and killed two deputies and wounding another. he was caught in a pursuit in two cooperates. he was deported twice for drug charges and he was back in the country again living in utah. the detectives died in the shooting. detective davis died 26 years to the day after his father was killed in the loip of doubt. >> president obama is going to make a statement on ebola this afternoon after leaving
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washington on a campaign swing. they could wind up in court. the nurse, casy hitcox due back home in maine. she was detained in an isolation tent in newark, new jersey. she has a lawyer on the case. and a great topic. ted burns and aiss wheel. good to so you both. doug, i want to start with you. she had tested for a fever and the chris christy said this is our deal. even though she is released now. that steaks with the framework. but allowed her to go home. i have millions here to protect. and i have my own citizens. >> it is difficult for a politician. to us it is balancing case.
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but at the sometime time, a couple of law professors felt that this quarted,urer. and another issues, exkoudz me you want to avoid the public hysteria. and i know they will say. >> and what will you get if 3 or 5 other cases are triggered. >> they will put her in quarentine and federal law allows for quarentine and every state allows frpt >> with limits. when you have a ebola- type crisis that is a public health issue and no question if my mind she should have been quarentined and not only voluntarily. it is it a public health issue. if she violates this under federal law, it is
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a misdemeanor. and it is a criminal charge to violate the quarentine. >> and right. we have additional states, adding similar quarentines. and the army 21 days. and the white house hitting back on this and we'll not get involved and the pent dpon will make his own announcement. but the fact is, they had a lot of rights when it comes to public health issue. >> failure is an orphan and the reality is. everybody is scrambling for cover. they don't something terrible to happen. it is difficult. >> and the conditions. >> they made a lot. >> but the under quarentine and they patch it loosz.
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>> the taxpayers krufr canue the federal jfrt and saying you were under the material form >> it was communicated by the nurse and not possible it is going to happen. you have to think about that as a lawyer. >> they err on the side of protection. >> all right. and so let's talk about the second issue here. the jury has the case of a wealthy polo maginant. it is allegationed jury selection. gooden said he was out looking for help and found a man cave stocked with booze. >> a man died. and he left. and apparently the car was hit and went in a canal. >> he left the scene. >> he left the scene, but
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apparently after he left the scene, he found a place and got drunk because he was upset and confused. >> he was not drunk when he was driving and he had over a.8. >> 1.77. and he was not drunk in the hospital. you can't have it both ways and this guy tried to adopt his girlfriend. he was not allowed to do that. >> that is creepy. creepy town. and he was trying to preserve his estate. knowing he could do that. >> and he was convicted in march 2012 but there were allegations of jury tampering. this is a retrial. >> in that type of situation, it is a legal mistake and jury tampering. and in this case, it is a hard case to defend.
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it is common. people say yes, my blood limit is high because i ducked in to a man cave and drank. >> it is a misterous take. it is not going to work. >> and he left the scene. and used someone else's phone to call the girlfriend and called 911. >> and the jury. >> and when he called in after supposedly ingested all of the booze out of the man cave. the prosecutor said he founded clear and fine. >> exactly as an opportunity. these folks are sequester. and he was driving a bently that malfunctioned. >> great point. >> and they couldn't find no proof. >> for him to go withue cab are
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are are -- car malfunction. they are practical factors and impact on how quickly the jury will decide the case. the jury deliberated before the holidays. >> and first trial they were out in five hours. >> it may not take long. >> friday, a big motivator for jurors. >> good to see you both. jon. >> it could be game over for gambling in massachusetts. whether to repeal the law allowing casinnos in the state. >> reporter: they were looking to rake in much- needed cash. and they approved casinno gambling and awarded license for slot machine.
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now all bets may be off. the ballots can limit casinno gambling before it begin. >> crime dpz up, and small businesses can't compete because the casinnos do things that others can't. and the entire economy is hurt by bringing in casinnos. npotential revenue and they are well funded by the casinno industry that donated 4.5 million alone. and it is voted on in local communities and saying no thanks and the promise of jobs and revenue was enough for others to vote yes. and 800 million mg m is planned. >> you are losing 1 billion a year going to rhode island and
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connecticut and not coming in the common wealth coffers that help for infustructure development. >> of course, those who want to see awe repeal have other hopes. it will all be left up to the voters. >> >> bret baier and megyn kelliy will cover all of the political action. you can stay connected with fox news.dom for the latest developments. >> china's richest man in the u.s. and partnering up with apple and
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work >> i am gretchen carlsson. the pentagon and white house have different ebola guidelines. should the white house be on the same page as the military in >> and could noncitizens decide the election next week? the number of illegals voting in the u.s. election is startling. and the journalist calling the obama administration the most dangerous ever. find out why on the top of the hour. >> bizarre scene in western pennsylvania. a 21-year-old man spotted running through the neighborhood
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wearing only socks. one witness spotted the man in his yard. >> i saw a naked dude with no clothes and he hit my fence. i was like what are you doing and where are you fun. >> he ran out of the bush. i called 911. >> and that man fell 40 feet down the steep hill and flown by helicopter to a hospital in pittsburg where he is still unable to speak to police. they need help to identify him because he was not carrying any id. >> ovenlth >> the future of technology taking center stage on the west coast. and the ali babapushing in movie and interested in a partnership with apple.
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robert gray is in lagunna beach. robert? >> hey, that is right. a lot of headlines and a lot of tech titans as well. he told the crowd they are in town to study hollywood. not too far from los angeles. you can seen it playing out so far. and likes of amazon.comand ali babalooking for a partnership with them and apple and admires tim cook and would like to be partners in payments and cook taking the stage and said he admires him as well. and not to mention the chinese consumers and talked about the huge early success of apple pay. if you sum up everyone in the
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point of sale, we are number one. and not just number one, we are more than the total of all of the other guys, and we only have been at it a woke. i feel fantastic and i feel it is great. >> of course, keep in mind apple pay and all of these services. it is hard to cage whether or not his feeling great will matter to the bottom line. it is obviously what will happen down the line. >> how do i get assigned to a story? lagunna beach. >> take the crew. >> "happening now" now. >> and robert greg. don't miss robert. log on to fox finder. >> minutes ago, you heard us talking about john goodman, the wealthy businessman in florida.
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he's convicted, this is the second time. there was a retrial after juror allegations. he was guilty of manslaughter and the death of scott wilson. back after this. to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old i'm going to have to rethink this thing it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action.
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the west coast could be in store for a historic storm. the remnants of hurricane ana that blew by hawaii last week now heading to the pacific northwest bringing wind and rain. track it all from the fox extreme weather center. what's the update, dana? >> look at this. a weird trajectory from ana as it brushed by the hawaiian islands, and now it's moving up towards the pacific northwest, or what was ana. it's not hurricane or tropical storm ana, but the remnants of the tropical moisture moving into the northwest bringing us the rain and the mountain snow
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and the wind and they're just going to be battered for the next several weeks. we've got a couple of storms behind this one we're going to continue to watch for the nest. this is typical for this time of year. this is their rain where i season, but not typical to get tropical moisture into this region, like a tropical disturbance as ana was. several inches north of seattle, and then we'll get much needed moisture over central california, and then shannon, we have to watch the northeast. we could see a little bit of rain, some wind, and some snow heading into friday. even across the northeast coastline. now i hope you brought maybe a winter coat with you. >> you know how i feel about -- >> now all have you to do is go like this. >> i'm going to dress up as the abombinable snowman. >> good to see you. >> florida girl. >> that's right. >> a doctor hospitalized in new
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york city with ebola is in a critical phase of the illness. we will go live to the hospital for an update. plus, a police officer makes, hmm, an expensive discovery in the middle of a busy road. what would you do if you found $120,000? >> it was two bank bags that said bank of america, and i said i wonder if this is from some type of bank robbery. i opened it up just enough to see that there were stacks of hundred dollar bills. i'm new ensure active clear protein drink. clear huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got 8 grams of protein. twist my lid! that's three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. and zero fat! hmmmm. you bring a lot to the party! yay! new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. in delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit.
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® >> what would you do with $120,000? if you found it just lying in the middle of the road. that's exactly what happened to a highway patrol officer in california. she didn't want to be identified after she found two bank bags containing stacks of $100 bills, and it turned out it was a man's life savings. today the 20-year veteran is being called a here wroe for turning in the money. >> i thought what in the world?
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this can't be happening. i have a lot of friends that have said what are you thinking? why did you turn that in? i would take it home. >> good for her. she said at first she thought the cash could be from a bank robbery. she did the right thing. >> certainly got his life savings back. >> i can't imagine how traumatic that would have been. >> real story with gretchen carlson starts now. >> thanks very much. today on the real story, a pentagon briefing about to hael happen. as all u.s. troops undergo a 21-day quarantine if they're coming from west africa. the white house ruled they're different. should everyone ob the same page. plus, get out the calculator. we're breaking down the cost was ebola for hospitals and you, the taxpayer. the midterms just a week away. a stunning new report claims a lot of non u.s. citizens are voting. could they decide the election in your state?


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