tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 28, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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join us here tomorrow night at 10:00 eastern. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. transparency or not? go to gretawire and vote. good night from washington. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> whatever the government says to do, don't. >> a devastating new poll says 60% of americans feel the country is in dire trouble. how will that effect the upcoming election? we will tell you. >> i many at corner -- my guy was murdered. >> murder dird by criminal illegal alien who had been deported twice. the scandal surrounding immigration. >> where they hit you. >> i ain't saying nothing. >> what do i tell the doctor. >> tell them to suck a lemon. >> a lawsuit against the simpsons, hey marge, is it legal on the case. >> come on make that coffee to go. let's go. >> caution, you are about to
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enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama in big trouble, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. most polls are simply snapshots in time. and don't mean very much in the long run. however, with the midterm election just one week away, a new "the washington post" abc news poll devastating for the president of the united states. question: do you think things in this country are generally going in the right direction or the wrong track? 28% right direction. whopping 6% wrong track. do you think the nation's economy is getting better, worse, or staying the same? 28% getting better. 31% getting worse. staying the same%. would you describe the economy as excellent, good, not so good or poor? >> 1% excellent. >> they must have called
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colmes and carville. 26% good. 44% not so good. 28% more. only 27% of americans have positive for the economy and they are right. that should be crushing for the democrats in the upcoming election. what party do you trust to handle the nation's problems? 39% democrats. 37% republicans. 14% neither. 4% both. so it's not a slam dunk for the republicans next tuesday. bernie goldberg and charles krauthammer have more on that coming up. talking points believes the american people are largely confused and that there will be a low turnout in the upcoming vote. there are two primary reasons for the confusion. apathy is first. living in a narcissist time where individual pursuits override the collective good. and secondly, poor education. as watters world profs every week, many american citizens are simply dumb. they don't know anything. and when you don't know
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anything, you'll buy anything. propaganda rules. both parties know that. and, therefore, it is very hard to get clarity when analyzing important issues. now, here's a warning. if america continues down this road of electing incompetent people, which we are doing now, there will be a major disaster in the country. we have so many problems that are being ignored. it's frightening. yet the folks continue to look away, addicted to the net, passionate about their own pleasure. here's the truth. the economy is awful. american workers can not earn the money they need to prosper. that's because technology is eliminating jobs. and private companies are being taxed to the point where they are not expanding. bulletin. obamacare is a tax on business. so fewer high paying jobs are being created. and workers are at the mercy of the take it or leave it economy. the folks have no bargaining
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power at all. president obama and the democrats continue to say that big government will provide and a record amount of american homes are receiving welfare. that road is a dead end. we need prosperity in this country, not give aways. the election next tuesday will be very he telling. will the folks wise up? don't know. and that's the memo. now for the top story, reaction, with us here in new york city, monica crowley and from washington kirsten powers. powers, are you rooting for the democrats to win in tuesday to hold the senate? are you rooting for that? >> um, you know, i have become a lot less partisan and i think that -- i guess if i which to choose between the republicans and democrats i would still choose a democrat not quite the same enthusiasm that i have had in the past that i guess i probably line up a lot with a lot of these people in the polls who seem pretty dissatisfied with both parties. >> so, next week though, i mean, what i think the decision that americans have to make is that they want harry reid to continue to
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block legislation at a record rate. all right? and if the democrats retain the senate, that's what harry reid will do. he is corrupt. he doesn't care about the folks or the country or anything. he is he a partisan player down the line. will the republicans be better if they win the senate? i don't know. i mean, i have no idea. i want harry reid out of there. and president obama has long enough his stuff isn't working. big government is not working. all his economic policies. higher taxation. none of it is working. i said lack, six years is a long time. >>. no he hasn't really been able to do that much because of the house. so, i don't think it's fair to pin everything. >> all of that passed. >> the only reason that i would be happy to see the senate go to the republicans is so that they can actually take responsibility for something. blaming everything on the senate. >> they are always blaming everything on democrats. >> i know crowley, i know if the democrats hold the senate you may lead the
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country. you may goes to costa rica. >> you may be right. costa rica sounded pretty good, right? >> while powers is moderating her ideology. you are on fire. >> well, look, it's not because if the republicans do well next tuesday it's not because the republican party has been so great. it hasn't. part of that is the function that they don't have a unifying charismatic leader to speak for the party the way ronald reagan served that purpose in the late 60's and 70s. but, they also don't have any sort of coherent voice or coherent platform. >> because -- >> -- a lot of what they have done and. >> they're not uniform. >> a lot of what they have done over the last six years is be the party of stop. very unpopular. >> more than that now they need something more than that you are still not understanding your own party. when jeb bush put tis toe. hate mail came in to me we
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hate jeb bush, we hate him. we don't want him to run. if he run ares, we're going to vote for al franken. all right? that's how bad it is. >> if he is the nominee, he they are not going anywhere. >> that's right. that's the party. >> you may be hearing from registered republicans saying that i bet the bulk of the mail you are getting on that is conservatives. >> conservatives vote republican. they don't vote democrat. >> they will be voting in the primary we will see how that shapes up. the president has had six years to fix these economic problems. >> it's not working. everybody knows it's not working. >> trillions of dollars being pumped into the system. we are still treading water. >> we all know it's not working, right? nothing is working. powers? >> yes. >> why do you think -- i guess you answered the question okay, the republican house's fault. it's their fault. i guess it's their fault that the ebola thing is a mess. it's their faulted isis gained power. don't you sense he is not a good leader the president? >> i never said everything was the house's fault.
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what i said is president obama hasn't really been able to do the agenda that he wants to implement the agenda that he wants because of the house. even when you talk about the economy, president obama hasn't been able to do what he wants to do in the economy. not even remotely. he can't because it can nfr get to the house. >> he wanted to do a lot more than that, you know that. >> he didn't want to do it in the private sector. he wanted to do it in the government. >> you disagree with what he wanted to do. >> if it worked, i wouldn't. >> you can't bin it on him and not put pin it on the house. the house is complicit in everything that is happening. i think most can see that. >> i want want to give monica the last word. a to f, all right, powers? a the highest grade, f is flunking. president obama's overall leadership? >> c. >> c? all right. that's generous. i would like to take her college course. just to answer kirsten's point. super majority in both
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houses of congress for first two years. that's where he slams into place higher taxes, massive regulations, obamacare, massive government spending, and when he lost control of the house, what did he do? he went around the congress executive orders, bureaucracies, the czars to get through what he wanted. so you can't really claim that the republicans holding 1/3 of the government could really block. >> sea good leader can persuade. a good leader can say look, this is the policy that's best for the country and get all you pinheads together. >> the house republicans are not persuadable. >> she might be right. she might be right. >> you can say the same thing about the democrats which have been completely overtaken by the far left. >> i have got to go. your time is up. next on the rundown, are republicans surging in the polls or not? we will tell you. later, two california police officers shot dead because the federal government will not protect americans from not protect americans from ..
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democrat may lose the senate. new england college poll out today puts republican scott brown in the lead in new hampshire 48, 47, first time mr. brown has led in that race. joining us from phoenix, arizona, dr. larry sabato director of the university of center for politics. here in the studio michael, an independent pollster. you are looking at the data, what do you think is going to happen generally speaking next tuesday. >> generally i think the republicans take the senate. >> is it going to be a landslide. >> i do actually think. i don't think they will take all the open races. there is a very good shot. if i had to bet i would say they are going to win. >> you would bet your own money. >> i would bet my own money. >> all right, now, in the talking points memo i said low voter turnout.
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i think that non-motivated people are just not going to show up. yes, no? >> i agree with you. >> low turnout. >> low turnout. >> republicans are angrier than democrats? more of them will turn out because they are really teed off? >> yes he. >> you say that dr. sabato? >> i think there is about a 70% chance that republicans will take the senate. 51 to 53 seats. you have a couple of runoffs. you have a couple of recowboys. but when all is said and done. i think the republicans will be in charge of the senate. >> okay. scott brown used to be a fox news contributor. we know him. watching that race closely in new hashire. he i don't know this polling outfit new england college very well. he certainly has momentum there, dr. sabato. he could very well win that right? >> it's gotten a lot closer than anybody thought it would. that was supposedly going to be a safe democrat seat with shaheen. most polls have had shaheen ahead. i would say brown has a good
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shot but shaheen is still leading. >> now, in north carolina, that's that stallworth democrat seat kay hagan. but she is losing ground as well, correct? >> i think across the country we are seeing democrats are losing ground happening in north carolina as well. i think what's going to happen as we get closer to the race as we get all these issues that are facing obama as we get this very strong focus on the negatives of the obama administration, i think it's going to move people in the direction of the g.o.p. >> all right, now, the latest poll that see said abc, "the washington post" poll, dr. sabato, has, you know, an anomaly in there. people think the country is on the bad side, downside, going the wrong way. but then when asked who can solve the problems, the democratic party comes out 2 points ahead of the republican party. doesn't seeming to make a lot of sense. can you explain it? >> well, number one, the republicans ought to be doing much better, they are not because of the hangover from the government shutdown. that ought to be the legislative to the republicans. >> people don't remember that though.
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they can barely remember hot vice president is. >> yes, they do, bill, they do remember that, i have more faith in the people than you do. >> it depends on what people you are talking about. do you ever see watters world? do you ever see what's going on out there? >> i think that's part of it but people are also cynical. remember, bill, they have tried both parties recently and they haven't been satisfied with either one or different combinations. >> either one they like on the republican side. they don't like him. that's what it is rather than a government shutdown. add all this outside money flowing in all negative advertising. >> on both sides? >> both sides. low trust and institutions, low favorability for obama. hatred of republicans. >> there is no doubt and both of you know this that the president is not popular job performance wise now. he is not. he is not popular. but, when asked which party can solve the problems that the president the democrats isn't solving, he they still go back to the democrats. i just can't understand it. >> they haven't really gone back to the democrats. i think what you have got is
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the people who are saying that the democrats can do better or core democrats. 9%. 37% who say republicans. >> when asked if the country is on the right road, it's 26% say yes. >> absolutely. >> 26. >> but the republican have given nobody a reason to believe that they can do a better job. >> that's true. there isn't any leader or face on that party, which is, i think, what we are seeing here dr. sabato, last word. >> yeah. that's why the choice of the presidential nominee, especially by the republicans in 2016 matters. they need a leader to turn the page. will they get it? hey, who knows. we're trying to figure out next tuesday. >> a slug out. and brawl like last time. 10 people on the stage tearing each other's throats out. so, i don't know. i don't know if there is anybody going to emerge. gentlemen, thanks very much. we appreciate it directly ahead. should there be outrage, i should say there shoulden outrage in california after criminal illegal alien shoots two police officers
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dead. we will continue our investigation into this awful situation. and later, goldberg and krauthammer on whether the republican party will finally get some traction, will finally get a leader to step up. those reports after these messages. there are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon's the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best ever pricing with double the data on select plans. and three: you can now get our best ever single line pricing starting at $45. so get all this now, on the network ranked #1 for data performance nationwide. verizon.
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factor follow up segment tonight, two police officers killed last week in california by an illegal alien who had been deported twice. 34-year-old louise brocomato deported after selling narcotics in arizona. in 2001, he was back, caught him, deported again we don't know why. but last week he stole a car, shot homicide detective michael davis in sacramento county deputy danny oliver
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dead in the aftermath of his crime. brocomonte being held expected to be charged with the two murders. federal government is not protecting police officers or civilians for that matter for dangerous aliens. if you are deported and come back to the u.s.a. it's a felony with a maximum 2 years in the federal penitentiary. that's far too light a citizen but you are supposed to be in prison. in 2013, 60% of all the people i ice deported had been deported at least one time before. 60%. in that year alone, 2:13. at least 223,000 aliens had multiple deportations. however, there are only 20,000 aliens currently incarcerated for immigration offenses. a fraction of those with multiple deportations. proving once again, the feds will not enforce the law to its full extent. joining us now from boston,
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jessica vaughn, analyst for center for immigration studies. so am i overstating the situation, ms. vaughn. >> no, i don't think you are at all. especially when you consider that most of isis case load right now is people who are convicted criminals. they keep coming back. we know that they reoffend, again, once they get here. so this is a huge problem. it happens for a number of reasons. >> why, look? 223,000 apprehended in 16 with multiple deportations. why isn't every single one of them in the federal penitentiary? >> well, there is a couple reasons. because, first of all, the obama administration's priority has been to legalize as many people here illegally as possible to carry this out, you know, if he has to by executive action. he put the handcuffs on ice agents and they are simply not allowed to arrest a lot of people. >> get more specific than that if you are going to blame obama. i don't mind him blaming him
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if you have got the facts. you have got these people arrested 223,000 of them with multiple deportations. it's a fact. it's in stone okay? less than 10% of them are in prison. what happened to the other 90%? they were apprehended. they grabbed them. what happened to them? >> a lot of times they are simply released because they are under pressure from advocacy groups oh you can't take this person away from their family. sometimes it happens because local sanctuary jurisdictions refuse to cooperate with ice, places like new york, chicago, san francisco, philadelphia have just said we don't care about immigration violations. we don't care that these people are convicted criminals. >> still, the stat was reported to the federal government. you see? the stat is reported that these people were taken into cuss can today and they ran them through the computer
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223,000 had multiple deportations yet, less than 10% wind up in federal prison. even if the sanctuary cities are letting them go, they are not reporting them to the feds. these are people who are caught who are in the system. they still don't go. >> well, sometimes ice releases them under pressure from advocacy groups. other times the u.s. attorneys will not take these cases for prosecution. >> that's the key under holder. under holder, the attorney general the u.s. attorneys in charge of prosecuting the felonies don't prosecute them. that's what's happening. there is no doubt that would be a huge disincentive for people for coming back if they knew they were come back do that time and serve that time. >> two years on first offense, should be 10 years
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on second. that's what i want everybody to understand. all right? it's not the local enforcement. they are grabbing them. it's holder's justice department telling the u.s. attorneys don't prosecute them. deport them back and they come back again like the guy did who killed the two cops in california. all right, ms. vaughn, we appreciate it plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. if you catch ebola. can you sue the federal government? is it legal will answer that question. goldberg and krauthammer on whether the republican party can finally get it together with the nation in so much trouble. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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helps reduce the risk of heart disse. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it. is it legal segment tonight, two hot topic 's actor in the movie good fell also a suing the simpson tv program for 250 million bucks. a simple$d legal question if you catch ebola you can sue the federal government for negligence? here now attorneys and fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. keep it simple so i can understand it. if i catch bacteriological, can i sue the federal government for their chaotic -- >> -- the lack of quarantine. >> visa won't protect us, got out ahead of it let a guy in the country died. two nurses. the guy went bowling with ebola. >> uber cab. >> same guy.
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look you government didn't do enough. negligence biomission. >> can i sue? >> absolutely. >> you i can. >> actual law. you can't usually sue the government because they have immunity. for this you can absolutely be able to sue. >> what would be the suit be guilfoyle. >> basically sue and say that the government failed to protect you. that if the government was the private person, you would be able to make a claim against them. that their negligence, in fact, was the direct proximate cause of the injury received and that you, in fact, sustained damage. >> you can file on behalf of one person who got i'm going to divert a little from what you just said. if i'm the family.o3÷ members of these two police officers in california who were just murdered by this illegal alien who is twice deported, served no time for the deportations when he should have served time, alli[é right. can i sue the federal government for failing to protect my loved one who was killed by the illegal alien by doing butkus for it.
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>> it is a good case that should be made to put some responsibility on the federal government. >> you know that's what's going to have to happen. >> federal tort claim. >> if my kids or somebody i knew were killed by illegal alien with two deportations on his sheet who they knew was a bad guy and didn't do anything about it i would file. >> standard. proximate cause. >> it's negligence. did not enforcing the law. go right up to holder and put it that subpoena right on his desk. >> somebody should do it. that's what it is going to take. >> that's what it is going to take. >> ever seen this movie good felas? a lot of cursing in there so anyway there is a character in the good felas movies who the simpsons kind of grabbed upon and used in cartoon deal. now this guy is suing for 2 auto million. roll the tape. >> take it off.
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take it off. >> what's the matter? >> didn't i tell you not to attract attention? [bleep]. bring it back. >> i will bring it back. >> bring it back. i don't care what you do. bring it. get it out of here. get it out of here. >> all right. >> johnny tight lips, where did they hit you? >> i ain't saying nothing. >> what do i tell the doctor. >> tell him to suck a lemon. >> the guy's name is frankie. >> sirero, 62 years old. even looks like frankie. >> famous character actor in godfather 2. in good felas, is he specifically making the assertion that this character, louie, from the simpsons is based on his character that he personally developed frankie car bone from good felas, he actually has a pretty good case. >> no. >> i think he can for sure bring it and settle the case it's for 2 auto million dollars. >> that is not going to happen apartment complex in sherman observation. >> so they know him.
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>> contact. going back and forth. >> let wiehl dissent. >> he did not create the character. did he not write the character. he played the character. he has no ownership in that character2÷ku >> but he developed the character. >> also parody. can you say it was a parody. a joke, making fun. the third reason is the statute of limitations this happened way back in 1991. >> no. >> a two year statute of limitations continued from 1991 to 1214. 15 times approximately this character appears. >> now he is he suing? >> you are saying this guy wouldn't win the suit. >> not win the suit. >> you are saying he might win it. >> colorful claim. settle it because these type of copyright cases are very expensive. >> i hope the guy wins. if he wins that sets a precedent so i can sue colbert. >> it's all about you. >> his whole career is me. >> i want frankie to win so that i get to sue colbert for like $80 billion. all right. >> because i know you are
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hurting in that department. >> oh guilfoyle. wow. and she is tan and it's november. i don't understand that all right, ladies. when we come right back, goldberg has some advice for the republican party. i'm sure they're going to want to hear that then krauthammer on how he sees the vote going down one week from tonight. moments away. want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens,
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the weekdays with bernie segment tonight. two situations, former cbs news investigative reporter sharyl attkisson scorching the network in a new book. but, first, bernie has some advice for the republican party. here now8h purveyor of bernard they all from their pens. they are all waiting for your advice. go. >> they would be smart if they did. but i'm not holding my breath on that one. first of all, no matter what happens next tuesday, the republican party will still have a crummy reputation next wednesday. the republican party has lost five of the last six popular votes for president of the united states five of the last six they lost. that doesn't bode well for the future. here are three unsolicited suggestions. one, hire a hip, creative, advertising and pr firm that
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specializes in corporate makeovers, because your image, republican party, stinks. and i'm thinking something along the lines of ronald reagan's it's morning in america. that changed an image of the republican party and they need to do it again. no matter how good their policies are. if they don't change their image, it won't help. they can't win. number two, settle on one person, one front man or woman to deliver your republican and conservative messages one. the person needs to be attractive, articulate, funny, because every time i see the senate republican leadership in front of the cameras in their uniforms,?÷["ke shirts that are probably starched white shirts and red ties, i think i'm lookingxswñ at funeral directors. so and then they speak their washington jargon. they talk about crs like we are supposed to know that means continuing resolution
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find one spokesperson it. it can be somebody in business or politics. i don't care who it is. but somebody likeable who speaks nongovernmental english. and the third thing which which is by far the most important, easier said than done, they must figure out a way to end the civil war between the moderate wing and the hard right wing -- >> -- i don't think that's going to happen. that ideological war. >> i will tell you, this bill. if it doesn't happen, they will not win. you can take that to the bank. >> all right. >> you said earlier in the program that when you reported the other nightfyvt h that jeb bush may run you got a million emails saying i will never vote for him from the purest wing of the party. i get those same emails. if they continue that. if they continue with if you nominate a moderate we will sit home because there is no difference between jeb bush and hillary clinton and that's what they say, first of all, they are delusional.
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secondly i hope they like hillary clinton because she is going to be the president. if these people were priests, they would be excommunicating everybody. the hard right has to reach out to the moderates and the moderates have to reach out to the hard right. if they don't figure out a way to bridge that gap, they cannot win. >> all right. sharyl attkisson, good reporter, you would admit that all right? >> yeah. >> former cbs investigative correspondent new book out i guess it's a week from today. getting a lot of, you know, attention because she sang like a number of stories she developed were spiked for ideological reasons cbs news, ben reedz the president, his brother is in the white house. it's the rhoads brothers. there is a conviction connection there. as you know the liberal template that existsqeho at all three networks still is in play. ms. attkisson ran up against it and got hammered. you haven't read the book. i haven't read the book. but is there anything new here that you didn't know?
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you know in 2001, in december of 2001 my book biased came out which broke ground because, to the best of my knowledge, i was the first person who worked at a major news organization, cbs news for 28 years who said in effect, you know, the searches are are right. there is a liberal bias inl$f1 the news she is doing that today with her ovid and food for her. here is why the not going to go away. even if top management wants to eliminate this liberal bias. there are too many producers and reporters in important positions at all the networks who are liberal effect their journalism. only one solution, only one. and i don't think anybody has the guts to implement it. that is if you're a repeat offender and you let your biases show, you not only
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get fired, you get publicly fired and the management let's everybody know why you got fired and perhaps that will make the rank and file comfortable with that climate over there thank god, that's what makes fox news successful because we are the alternative. >> real quick, i only have 30 seconds. cnn hammered the palin family over this brawl in anchorage. but when vice president biden's son hunter was dismissed from the naval reserve because of cocaine stuff, cnn did not cover it at all. is that what you found out? >> that's right. that's what i found out. this may not berrml a complete list but as of now, basically, cnn did five stories on the palin brouhaha without the ha ha, and they did zero on biden's son who was kicked out of the navy for positive cocaine test. now, look, if the question is why, why the interest in jf
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one one is the son of a liberal democrat and the other is the daughter of a conservative republican you know,oz:$h%111ñ it really is that simple. >> it is. goldberg, everybody, krauthammer on the deck. with the election one week away. has he changed his mind on anything? anything? charles thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! helps you find a whole range andof coverages.ur price" tool no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up!
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[gas oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive.
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back of the book segment tonight. right now democrats hold 53 seats in the senate, with two independence sympathetic to the dems. republicans 45 seats. some believe republican landslide is inevitable this year in a week. author of the bigdçñ book "things that matter" charles krauthammer. scott brown ahead in newatúo
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hampshire. are you surprised by that? >> no, i'm not surprised. this really is is a republican tide. i think the chances are very good. maybe 70% that republicans retake the senate and for good reason. the reason is this is essentially a referendum on obama. in 2010 it was a referendum on his ideology. and trade. and now, six years in, it's referendum on ideology, but now added on to that, it's on shear competence. when you are not only the party in government, you are the party of government, and you preach about the glories of government and in fact you get hillary saying the other day, you know, it's not corporations that create jobs. the implication being it'sq$g)n it9qq?v government then if you are incompetent and lose the confidence of the people you are in trouble.
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you have every scandal there is. everything from the v.a. to the obamacare rollout to the secret service and now with ebola. where they are running around, have no idea what to coñh&!2ft they change the protocols every other day. so, given the climate, i think it would be, ydwxi know, if the g.o.p. can't win back the senate in a climate like, this maybe the party ought to look for another country. >> or a pr outfit like bernieéñ% suggests. >> look, the reason why morning in america worked for ronald reagany2l in 1984, is because it really was morning in america. there was one of the strongest recoveries ever from a recession. the country waséa real growth, six 6%,fx1 at that time. we were cold war. the country had regained its confidence and that was a reflection of reality. the republicans are not going to -- let's assume they win the senate. they are not going to win in 2016 by hiring a new pr firm
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or coming up with a slogan. they got one task. the only thing they need to do and the most important thing they need to do is to show the country in the next two years if they control the two houses of congress that they have a6yáh governing agenda. right now they are the party of no. which is all you can be if you control only one house. everything the house has passed ends up inside and under the desk of harry reid. if republicans retake the senate and the only reason e senate is to enact the agenda that would come out of the house into the senate and confront obama with a veto threat. sharpen the differences. show the country you are not the party of. no you are a party -- >> -- takesl leadership to do that though. takes leadership to do it. if mitch mcconnell wins in kentucky. he is going to be the senate
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lord. he is an old time paul. just what bernie was talking about, the guy with the inside jargon, no fresh vibrant leadership. let's put that aside. i have one more question based upon what you just said. why do you think hillary clinton did that? why do you think she came out with anti-capitalism statement? she is walking it back now. she is trying to say i didn't reallyñi mean8 but do you believe that hillary clinton is like president obama? because president obama really believes you didn't build that you didn't write that book, krauthammer, even though it was all your column. you didn't think them up.xd somebodyamñrotexáñ for you. you didn't build the factor. somebody else did. roger ailes did it did he to some extent because he gave me the form andxd platform. obama really believes it's not an individual thing. does hillary believe that? >> no, i don't think so. i think what that tells us is-dr] she÷÷ isokñi an infinitey worse candidate than democrats imagine. she was a shoe-nñi 2008.
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lost to unknown two years out of the illinoisñiñi h/á#ñ comes with the book rollout.ñr what didxd she say broke in we had trouble paying the mortgages on ournba5w3 houseó when you are pleadi?mm poverty. house. your houses in the plural. that doesn't work. she is a she doesn't have a real agenda. she is running onçó the nostalgia for her husband's administration. i think that simply is ad 0pñ sign of how weak she is. idealogue like barackr >> the statement is so idiotic i didn't believe anybody believes it. >> factor tip of the day. how you can become calmer. the zen master, me, will tell you. the tip moments away. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
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further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. even without methotrexate. why do i cook for the to share with family to carry on traditions to come together, even when we're apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson® makes holiday dishes delicious! car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. back with "tip of the day" calming down in a moment.
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be÷y.nq jersey made a mistake without treating the nurse with more class. she's a humanitarian and should have been afforded as much comfort as possible while in quarantine. and she was not. d.j. demarco, scottsdale, "ms. hickox believes her rights were violated. neil armstrong and his fellow astronauts were quaurnt ooend when they returned from the moon." you are correct. they were quarantined for 21 days in 1963. "i could never comprehend voting patterns in this country until ÷ started watching watters' world. now i get it." "it seems like every segment watters does involves zombies." "bill, thank you for the tip of the day on internetçi smears. not a supporter of barack obama, but when i read thennru slande about his marriage, i got sick to my stomach." steven from hackensack, "i read
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a biography of marlene dietrich and it was revealed that she had an affair with general patton. why was this not mentioned in d:÷bill?" because it's not true, steve. and everything in "killing patton" is true. "hey, bill, thanks for killing patton, i was able to engage my father-in-law in a long discussion about world war ii. by the end of it he no longer considered me just eye candy for his daughter." you bear a heavy burden, ray. "bill, i am tired of your righteousness." i believe you mean self-righteousness, dave? and i feel your pain. and finally tonight, the factor "tip of the day." as you may se]eknow, i'm a verym person, rather excitable, always even tempered. if you don't believe me, ask barney frank. he'll tell you. in japan there's a saying, harmony is strength. it means when everybody gets along, you can focus on
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important things and get stronger. but if there's strife, your attention is diverted away from vital areas. it's a good philosophy. harmony is strength, but it's also somewhat unrealistic. japan is a much calmer society, at least outwardly than the usa. here we want a lot of things. we're striving always for stuff, generally speaking, right? discouraging harmony. so here's the tip of the day. the fewer things you want in life, the happier you're going to be. and that is it for us tonight.jç please check out the fox news factor website, which is different from also we'd like you to spout off about the factor anywhere in the world. o'reilly@fo oreilly@foxnews.c name and town, name and town. word of the day, please use sapience. you want a positive word, there's your positive word. sapr
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else. again, thanks for watching us tonight. ms. megyn is next. remember the spin stops here. definitely looki breaking tonight, we are now awaiting a news conference after a nasa rocket exploded in a massive fireball just seconds after launch. good evening and welcome to a lot of breaking news tonight on "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. an unmanned supply rocket lifted off in eastern virginia and, watch. >> three, two, one. and we have liftoff of antares mission on its third mission to the iss. main engine at 108%.-pc9
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