tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 29, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
5:00 pm and answer. this should president obama apologize for staffers insulting prime minister netanyahu? yes or no? vote. good night from washington. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> i don't plan on sticking to the guidelines. i remain appalled by these home quarantine policies. >> the american ebola nurse defying orders to stay away from other people. what will the feds do? nothing? we'll have analysis. >> to be assembled here with the governors, the secretaries, and so many good people, some citizens may be many not, but you are all welcome in california today. >> the governor of california encouraging illegal aliens to come to his state and they have. including a criminal alien who murdered two california cops what does governor brown think out that? >> which is it?
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do you support the travel ban or not? >> we want to know where you stand on the travel ban an the quarantine are you totally in for it. >> also ahead, al franken the senator from minnesota once again refusing to answer simple questions. why is this guy in office? >> because i'm good enough, i'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. looking out for you is a performance business. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. many americans really don't care how their government operates. it's obvious. it's quite clear the obama administration is having a very hard time running the country right now. yet, about 40% of americans
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still approve of the president's job performance. that's mind boggling. let's make a sports comparison. the new york jets have abysmal season losing seven straight games. the city is outraged. there is anger and loathing in the air i feel sorry for the jets coaches and players because the criticism is relentless. we are not seeing that on the political side. two examples. the administration still does not have a coherent ebola policy. there is no travel ban from west africa and no mandatory quarantine, 33-year-old nurse kaci hickox is defying a state of maine garb teen because she can. >> i truly believe this policy is not scientifically nor constitutionally just. and so i am not sit around and be bullied by politicians and forced to sit in my home when i am not a risk to the american public. >> that may not be true but
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it's not -- hickox working with west africa with ebola patients and those in the u.s. deem a 21 day quarantine period necessary, so be it. she should be taken into custody but she will not be, pause the feds have no ebola policy at all. the latest, president obama opposes forced quarantines for civilians, but wants them for the military what in even worse. the failure to enforce immigration law, as the factor has been reporting this week, two california police officers shot dead by an illegal alien last week the alleged killer 34-year-old broke month at a brocamonte had been deported twice. yet he was running around california. does governor brown really care? he has been a champen i don'ted for the rights of undocumented. allowed them to have
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driver's licenses, in state college tuition. ordered authorities not to detain criminals unless it's a felony beef. the factor called governor brown, asked him if he would be attending the funerals of the police officers next week. his office says the governor doesn't know. he might not. that's appalling. governor brown should be in the front pew of the funerals. apologizing to the families of the slain police officers because it is the sanctuary policies in california that attract illegal criminals. on the national front, president obama will not enforce immigration law either. like all the presidents before him, he has not secured the southern border. and it's maids no comment about the two california police officers being murdered. and there is a reason for that what can mr. obama say? it is his failure to order the justice department to enforce immigration law that has led to much chaos and violence. now, i have been talking
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about this issue for more than 10 years. nearly seven years ago, geraldo and i hard it out. >> when you enter this country illegally, number one, you have no right to be here. no right. that's the truth. number -- >> -- that's true. >> when you are caught committing a crime, as this man was. >> he was drunk in public twice. >> hold it. >> one time he was a drunk driver are no victim. >> he should have been deported first time and he was not. >> that was seven years ago and we were talking about 22-year-old illegal alien ramos who killed two teenage girls in virginia beach. mr. ramos currently serving 24 years in prison. the girls are still dead. so, if the government is aç performance based situation, an honest person would have to say that the performance on ebola and illegal immigration is pitiful. is it not? and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight reaction. joining us from sacramento,
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california, michael bake his or her knew one of the slain police officers deputy danny oliver and scott jones, the sheriff of sacramento county detective oliver worked for him. i want to be fair here, sheriff, this is a very ehe emotional case. am i making any mistakes in my analysis of the illegal alien situation in your state? >> you are not. actually the only mistake you made is he was actually rushed to mexico at least four times that we know of and allowed to return are and while he was here committed not only crimes and felonies but had at least 10 different encounters with law enforcement where he was convicted for traffic infractions and misdemeanors. >> that's new information because the feds said twice. now you are saying he was deported four times is that what you are saying? >> he was deported in 1997 and then he was in 1998 he was caught nearby border patrol, returned to mexico the same day. four days later was caught again by border patrol in
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the country illegally returned the same day. >> all right. and he served no time. >> correct. >> when it's a felony to come back being district attorney ported he served no time at all. >> correct. >> how do you talk to your officers about the state of california simply looking away and allowing illegal aliens from whatever country, it doesn't matter. it's not just all mexicans, to come, take up residence, have the privileges of california citizens, how do you explain to your officers that the feds don't care? >> it's extremely difficult. especially because sheriff's departments in california are also struggling with the correctional piece which, as you know with the trust acts and trying to work with immigration we have legislation disallowing that basically. and, frankly, all this stems at the state legislative level, at the local law enforcement level. it stems, as you pointed out, from the federal government, the policymakers and federal government's unwillingness to have the police dog courage to
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address this issue. >> california has its own dream act. just briefly tell it the folks what that is. >> the dream act is for young people to be able to stay and basically get some sort of status so they can enjoy the benefits, the colleges and everything else that california has to offer. >> but that doesn't have to do with criminal illegal aliens. it does send a message and you heard governor brown welcoming. last question for you, mr. baker. if governor brown does attend the funerals of the two police officers, will you lose some respect for him a sheriff jones? >> it's hard to say. i understand he is a busy man. evan at many peace officer funerals where he has been present. i feel quite confident confident he will attend and the attorney general will be there as well. >> he better attend. >> there is a time to address all of this. you can a rest assured i will address. this i will have the political courage to address this at the right time. this is day five and we are still grappling with this and trying to get through it. >> thank you, sheriff.
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i appreciate it it tell us about deputy oliver and the impact his murder has had on his family and friends. >> deposit it at this toler's impact on the community is heart wrenching. it's making my stomach turn. from the time i heard the news, my stomach is still turning. deputy oliver was an officer who cared. he loved community our sheriff, scott jones has done a great job hiring, keeping and retaining good officers. deputy oliver was one of those. glmg how are they handling this? >> we dealt with community based issues. >> okay. so, we did -- i must tell the audience we did talk with the deputy's wife and, you know, we didn't want to put her on because as the
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sheriff pointed out, way too emotional. it's too soon. the funerals will be next week. all we are asking here i think the sheriff and you asked for the same thing. all we are asking for is the state of california to expect these law enforcement men who gave their lives in a situation that they had no control over and that the state and federal government should be controlling but are not. and i think that we want respect and we think governor brown should go to both funerals and if he does not, we will hold him accountable for that gentlemen, thanks very much. we appreciate it next on the rundown an op ed he in the "wall street journal" says president obama will not ban travel from the ebola regions because of race. and later miller, jon stewart and al franken, we'll deal with all of them upcoming. i'm not afraid. i can take sip after sip on this bumpy ride and do it all in spandex. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match.
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op ed in the "wall street journal" today says the reason the obama administration will not impose a travel ban on the ebola regions in west africa is race. with us now jason riley a member of the editorial board. do i agree with that? >> that there is a racial angle? sure. this administration is obsessed with race and maintaining street cred with the black community. that has played into the ebola policy, definitely. >> don't i think the african-american community is like every other american community and wants to be protected? they don't want people coming from the affected regions right now, just let it cool off a little until we get organized? don't you think most african-americans would supports that policy? i do. >> sure, but the administration's concerns are political. they don't want to do anything to offend the plaque community. and a policy that bans black people from west africa from coming to the u.s. >> all people. >> could be spun that way. they don't want that. particularly among a group that any need turnout in higher than usual numbers next week in order to hang
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on to the senate? you are convinced that that's part of this problem. >> yes. that is part of it. >> australia has announced they are not going to take nobody, no visas from west africa. what about the other component of the ebola debate. quarantines. california just announced today. i don't know whether you know that or not that they are going to quarantine along with new york, new jersey illinois and a couple of other states. that's embarrassing. >> what i think is driving this is a confidence void at the he federal level that governors are trying to sell. not unlike the immigration dewait that you have where governors hands are tied but they are the ones dealing with the anxiety of constituents and here you have governors who wanted to do what they could to owe live united states angst zits. think about what we have been told. we were told it was remote that it would get here. that turned out not to be true. we were told that the hospitals take care of it. that turned out not to be true. >> i'm trying to understand the mentality of the president which is not easy to understand. is he being undermined by the states.
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states are saying to him hey, your policy is bone headed so we, and we are talking california, new york. i mean, these are liberal states. big liberal states. we're going to do our own thing now, you are up in maine. the look lady, did you a nice thing. you went over and helped the ebola patients over there in guinea and came back. we have got to watch you for three weeks to make sure you don't get a fever like the doctor in new york city did. so, you know, can you stay in your home but you can't come out. she says, you know, blank you, maine authorities. i'm coming out feds going to do anything to her? no. >> people are looking for assurances from their elected officials. they are not getting it from washington. these governors are trying to step in and take care of matters. i understand. the federal government as you mentioned can't even get a uniformed policy at the federal level. today, the president comes out and says he is going to treat military personnel different from civilians. does that reassure the public. >> the explanation was and the president said this, the
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explanation was look in the military they have to do what they are told. all right? so we're going to tell them they have to be in 21 day quarantine. civilians, and they have the power to tell civilians hey, look, you have to be in quarantine. if you are not, we will forcibly put new there the constitutional power is there it's just insane. there is one more aspect to this thing that doesn't make any sense at all. president obama appointed this thomas frieden to the cdc. where is he? what happened to him? does he very ebola? is he quarantined now? >> your guess is as good as mine. >> what happened to him. >> speaks to a leadership problem. >> if they can force frieden into quarantine which obviously he is because nobody has even seen the man since i got on his case. >> ultimately i don't think a patchwork of different state policies is going to work. >> no, of course not. >> but i understand pressure that these state and local officials are under because there is no leadership in washington. someone needs to step up and
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reassure the public that something is being done. >> but nobody is going to do that unless the policies change. how you can assure that something is being done when nothing is being done? >> you might want to check out jason riley's new book please stop helping us. how liberals make it harder for blacks to succeed. directly ahead. torture. executions, terrorism, we're talking about iran. america's new best friend. later, why is this man serving in the u.s. senate an unbelievable situation in minnesota and the factor is coming right back. bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier.
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carl cameron and from washington james rosen. rosen, tell me about this new iran u.n. report. >> well, bill, this is a report compiled by the u.n. special enjoy for human rights in iran who fines that in the last 13 months close to 900 people including rape victims and minors. this all-time high and reached under the so-called moderate president who effectively lets the hardliners in iran run the criminal justice system so he has the political cover he needs within his own system to pursue nuke lag diplomacy in the west which the mullahs and ground core frown upon. the u.s. has said very little about the worsening record since this or the was introduced. includes torture, electroshock, torture, flawings and burns.
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because they have reached a de facto detente with each other as my colleague at the "wall street journal" jay solomon reports. >> tell me about the detaunt. there was the article in the "wall street journal" as we referenced are we getting friendly with them because of isis? is that what it is? i are partially correct. commonality of interest. combating isis, ensuring stability in baghdad and lebanon. i would add, however, that the obama administration first telephoned its interest in such detente five and a half years ago when the streets of tehran were filled with citizens. obama administration, dispat the regime's extraordinary brutality crushing these protests more or less stood idolly by. >> they want a nuke deal. the obama administration wants a nuke deal. krauthammer says they are going to surrender everything. that's speculation right now. we are not going to get into it until the deal is put on
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the table. last thing for you, rosen and we will get to cam rob. there is a report from the state department and i don't believe the report, but who knows. that they were going to bring ebola patients from africa to the u.s.a. for treatment. is that bs or what is that? >> yeah, the state department is denying. this what we have here is a draft memorandum, generated by some mid level officials in the boughs of the department of state which surfaced my fox news colleague our chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel obtained it yesterday. in this draft memo it appeared to endorse a policy of evacuating to the u.s. for medical treatment those foreign citizens from allied countries who have been dispatched to west africa to help deal with the ebola crisis there who would have contracted the virus. the promise of such treatment here in the states was seen as a useful incentive to get these allied countries to contribute workers to the fight. >> the state department says never reached the level of decisionmakers and what's going to happen is the allies will treat these workers in their own home
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countries but the u.s. will evacuate them. they are using our air assets and allies have to reimburse for it. >> do you know any millennials, cammeron, americans 18 to 29. do you know any of those people? >> of course we do. shower. we run into them on the campaign trail but not that often. >> 51% prefer republican candidate for whatever coming election and that's a big turn around from last time. >> it's a huge change, bill. you are talking about the harvard institute for politics poll. harvard university. the academic ivory tower has done a poll that sesame lineals have kind of changed their sensibilities. for years, young folks have been voting predominantly democrat. but the harvard survey suggests that they have shifted and shifted considerably so that more than half of millennials say that they are very interested in watching what's going on with this election and that most of them, more than democrats, are going to be voting for
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republicans. that is a very big deal. very bad news for democrats. >> i don't know if there is going to be a huge turnout but that's interesting. >> it is a term. one here in iowa. >> i know when it is. >> quinnipiac poll, bill. shows that bruce braley is now down 4 points here in iowa. this is a democratic state senate seat. the democrats retiring tom harkin, braley was favored to win it. he is he now trailing joni earnst the republican here. tonight, braley has got hillary clinton in town campaigning for her. he has been trying to bring in a lot of democratic luminaries and clinton is kind of interesting. think can't pronounce his name. >> what they can't do is bring barack obama here. the president has not been going to competitive senate races so hillary clinton is. hillary clinton has a weird kind of history with mr. braley. back in 2008, she very much wanted his endorsement and didn't get it he endorsed john edwards. >> wow. folks can remember certainly she does.
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>> she has a bitter memory of this. >> now she wants endorsement again and he may win. it looks like he is behind. i only have -- cammeron, i have got 15 seconds. for you, i mean, comen. georgia, new poll -- got purdue ahead of nunn 49-41. if purdue gets one more, 50 in the boat, then there is no runoff in the republicans walk away with it. right? yeah, but you have got to look at the totality of the polls there. that one is really close in georgia. democrats fire wald is iowa, north carolina a north carolina is still very close. in iowa and colorado, two of the three fire wall must win states for democrats you republicans are now winning. very bad sign six days from the actual vote. thank you, as the factor moves along this evening. dennis miller on a pot costume for tots: al franken refusing to answer simple question he about
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or that disenfranchise name a a problem that doesn't exist. >> voter ids, according to attorney holder voter fraud does not exist. molly line in new york. eric shawn. is the attorney general's statement true? >> no. >> of course voter fraud exists in the united states, bill. >> he is the top law enforcement agency in the country. you say of course it does? that implies that he is lying. >> is he not actually factually correct when he he says there is no voter fraud from fraud. they talk about voter i.d. and the issues of in person voting. voter sphrawd exchanged. have you ever sold your vote. >> no. >> that's against the law. >> will thousand people in kentucky sold for it $5, $50, $800. huge federal case. >> when did that happen? >> back in 2010. huge fall case. a woman last week in tennessee was indicted for vote buying.
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trading vodka for votes. state legislature had to resign and plead guilty to that. this is the woman in tennessee. cocaine for votes. two cases now of allegations of cocaine for votes in texas. two people have pled guilty. absentee ballots, you can't trade them and fake them and sell them. in new york they stole an election go to your door and say mr. o'reilly go and vote those absentee ballots as real votes. how about voting once, twice, how about 8 times. richardson should know better. she was a poll worker. veteran poll worker in cincinnati, ohio. she was ayou see coulded of voting 8 times. she pled to four times. sentenced to five years in prison. she got out after a you it months. al sharpton calls her a hero. she voted for her sister who has been in a coma for 10 years. a nunn was caught in a voter fraud case. >> these are isolated people who are corrupt they don't tie into the voter i.d. law because even if they had an i.d. they could sell their votes and everything like that. there is always rumors about cook county, chicago and now
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there has been some snafu i guess in georgia where people -- no, was it maryland? there was a snafu people voting republican and then it turned. >> those are the machines. we have seen that a lot. >> the hang chads. >> these are the machines that flip that accident lip they say flip the vote from one party to the other. they shut the machine down. >> did that happen? >> they go down and officials say they recalibrate the machine. but the votes, they say, are not -- >> -- so you, eric shawn, top correspondent for+p"> all you have to do in the record and see what happens. indiana, petitions that got president obama legally on the ballot in indiana in 2008. these were faked in indiana to get on the ballot for president you need 500 signatures in each congressional district in saint joseph county he qualified with a 34. >> he they were fake? >> 90 were fake which dropped them below. you know why that was never caught? because it was the people in the board of elections and the activists who who were
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convicted of doing it. >> franken won in minnesota by 300 votes. all kinds of shenanigans. you are done, eric. now we have to go to molly line who is on the halloween beat. now, the urban myth and myth in the suburbs as well. you have got to watch out for halloween candy. some of it may be tainted. what's the truth about that? exactly that fear that raiser blades and poisoned candy is more fiction than fat. there have never according to our research hes in america child killed by stranger's candy at halloween. at the same time, however, there was a very sad incident about 40 years ago in texas. a lot of people will remember this because it kind of started a lot of the fear about this in which a child was killed after eating cyanide candy he had received at halloween. >> that was 40 years ago. >> you may remember that because it was such a memorable thing. >> that was the worse thing
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that happened. turned out to be his father, not a stranger. the father. >> the father wanted to kill the kid? >> right. >> bottom line is you don't have to worry about wrapped candy. you know what? i wouldn't let the urchins eat any candy in a napkin or anything like that especially this colorado with all that crazy stuff going out the pot cookies and candies out there. >> that is a concern people had. pot candy is supposed to be clearly marked. >> it's just the germsíóeñ itself. you don't want some napkin throwing it in there. don't do that. >> what are you going to be for halloween, line. >> i'm dressing as rainbow. >> how cute is that? how adorable is that? >> double rainbow he. >> sean, and you should be a rainbow, too. >> truth serum people, when we come right back miller time. d man on ebola and pot for to the. miller is next.
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pot leaf costume. >> this year's crop of baby halloween costumes isn't for everybody. that's okay with the owner of brands on sale online costume retailer and manufacturer in banning. >> halloween is one day out of the year. you can dress up and be be anything you are not the other 163 days. we are processing thousands of orders daily. >> some include the marijuana leaf or cigarette baby costumes. >> we kind of know that some people are not going to be 100% thrilled with it. but it's halloween. >> joining us now from santa barbara, the sage of southern california, dennis miller. i think you and i should pay that guy a visit for trick or treating, miller. that pinhead that we just heard from. >> who that out-of-shape john maher kid i just saw? >> yeah. listen, potty training means something different than it used to. billy, i just had a jewish friend who had a said lace
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face facts. we are a screw up nation. i say that every welcome. kind of moronic now. i like individuals but as far as the collective goes, when i look at us right now, we are the flakey time in history, man, you have got parents out there want to dress their kid up like a cigarette. i don't know what to tell you. i'm building a bigger fence. >> you know what? but here's the deal. nobody i know in the world would do that. if that kid is in my neighborhood, all right, i'm coming out and i go hey, whose your father? i want to talk to him right now. >> yeah. that's alan colmes the iii. that little kid is alan colmes iii right there. >>7k now, but there are certain places where that's' funny.
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bolder, colorado, that's funny. key west, seattle, that's acceptable. you can't do that in lubbock, texas. but, you know, and then the get baby. look at this. i mean, come on. i think people have to speak out about this. this is childñkjñ abuse? >> one thing you are right about. games aboutenning a liberated state on halloween night. you saw the maureen dodd article. she ate a brownie or something and said she thought she was going to die. don't do this thing with your kid where you think it's cute. to like put peanut butter in your dog's mouth and you let the kid eat a brownie and freaked out. use your heads. >> now, there is one country now banned all tourism because of ebola. do you know, dennis miller what that country is? >> liberia. >> close. >> north korea, miller.
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>> i never thought you would factor but why can't would he be more like north korea. [ laughter ] why can't would he be? even liberians don't want to go to north korea. listen, they have just got it deal with this idiot kim jong u.n. i have got it deal with kim jong juan williams over here keeping an open border, god god's sake. i know by saying that we are screwed now as far as the bolder fresher pyongyang show that we have got coming up. >> sold out. >> call it like i see it. >> miller, the point is that they can ban tourism in north korea because there is no tourism. no one but dennis rodman wants to go there. he is the only human being on earth. there is no food. you can't eat anything. >> last word. >> yeah. well, the last word is, america, somewhere in the next few decades is going to look like north korea. when you get to the border checkpoints, you are going to notice there is more reinforcement on keeping you
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in than keeping nuts out. >> west virginia. i want kim jong un or whatever to dress up like the pot baby. that's what i want to see. beautiful. i have no topper for that he would look exquisite in that. >> he would look great in that costume. >> martha maccallum on deck. march moments away. synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses,
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ban. >> is it effective? is it not? would you support it? >> well, obviously, it's insufficient. >> which is it? do you support a travel ban or not? >> no matter whether you have it or not, it's actually very small minority of flights that come directly from there. >> we want to know where you stand on the travel ban and the quarantine. >> i have nothing against a travel ban from west africa. what i'm saying is that. >> does that mean you are for it.k4fm >> it is totally insufficient. >> i would -- if i would have rolled it up like this. i swear. here is maccallum by the way. i would have rolled thathé rolled the paper. wham. i just -- he drives me crazy. >> you are not sure if you are watching a "saturday night live" skit or not. a senator making fun of being a senator or is it actually a senator who is trying to answer a question? >> just answer the question. you go support it or not? >> it's painful. how can anyone pull a lever for this man? what is happening, go.
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>> how do you go into a debate with ebola. top issues that the country is facing without an answer? how do you walk into that debate and seriously reminded me of a "saturday night live" skit of swung making fun of a senator who can't answer questions. >> he know it doesn't matter. zombies will vote for him and hollywood money. how much money is poured in there. >> $4.2 million. half of that came from new york and about half came from new york and california and a nice chunk of the california money came from buddies in hollywood. you can see numbers here. unfortunately for his opponent he hasn't garnered the attention of republican money. he's not on the list of people who they think can win. >> no, but the guy's closed the gap. he's closed the gap. he was down 20 now he's down ten. but that doesn't matter. we're focusing on franken. "the washington post" reports that franken voted along with president obama 99% of the time. is that true? >> yep. they say 99, cbsñ7t says 97%. at any rate it's pretty much all
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the time. and the other irony -- this is a pretty popular campaign phrase you're going to see on pretty much everybody running against these democrat ss they voted 99% of the time with the president, some were confirmation votes chlts they've only voted on 102 items. they've only voted on 18 pieces of legislation that the president urged an up or down vote on. >> i heard franken flip-flopped on the gun control issue, is that true? >> i think he has sort of broadened his interpretation of his second amendment -- backing the second amendment rights. he's in favor of stricter controls in terms of buying guns and assault weapons. he feels it should be more difficult to purchase assault weapons, which is a migration from his original gung ho -- >> now he doesn't want a ban. he just wants more controls. >> exactly. >> now, all of this absurdity, and that's what it is, has caught the attention of our pal jon stewart. roll the tape. >> how toxic is this president?
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enough to turn even the mostin ok would you say of questions into a gotcha. kentucky senate challenger allison lundergren-grimes. >> did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 2012? >> you know, this election isn't about the president. it's about making sure -- i was actually in '08 a delegate for t!?d@ry clinton. >> that looked like a deposition from a murder trial. president who? well, was he on the ballot? how about this? [ bleep ] vote for, brad pitt, george clooney, barack obama. go. >> you know, i got to tell you this. if i'm watching a debate and i'm an independent voter, all right, and the candidate won't answer a question straightforward, i will not vote for that person. i don't care. end.
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i am not going to be insulted. >> the president said, you know, these folks all vote with me anyway. >> knows the woman in kentucky voted for him. >> might be one of these candidates say i have voted with the president but i've become disenchanted with a lot of his policies. if you re-elect me, here's what i'm going to do. >> and invite to the white house cocktail party for christmas. >> they also need to lay off their own position and stick by it. they don't want to end up in anybody's ad with that one snip-it that says, yes, i voted with obama or i agree with him. >> what are you going to be for halloween? >> i think i'm going to probably be anchoring at 9:00 on -- >> in costume i hope. >> in costume as a fox news anchor filling in for megyn. dress up like hammer, okay? >> do you think people would enjoy that? >> no. i like to make fun of him. i'd like it. >> he has pretty nice shirts and ties. >> and he gets them free. >> no, absolutely not. ñ m.
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"the factor" tip of the day on prostitution in a moment. but first, few touts, brian's big best-seller george washington's secret six out in paperback today. it's a good read. you will like it. after five weeks on the marketplace killing patton remains the number one best selling nonfiction book in the world. about a million and a half copies already in print. if you'd like a signedéd2h of killing patton for christmas or hanukkah gifts, get those orders in now. you get the book free if you premium membership. now the mail, bill, it is obvious president obama is too smart for you. most people are, diane. jim sharp, roseville, california, your talking points about america's narcissism is spot-on. the apathy extends to all social
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and economic groups. i agree. bill, you finally said what i've been saying for years, americans are dumb. some are dumb, bruce. world war ii and most were dialed in. this soft life has led to acute selfishness in some precincts. bill, your statement the president's in big trouble is misguided the man does not care about his country or his legacy. why is he fund raising all the time? doesn't add up. raising my blood pressure, can i sue you if i have a heart attack? is someone tying you up and forcing you to watch "the factor," gretchen? brandon, lexington, kentucky. when watters guest hosts "the factor," will you go out to interview the uninformed, o'reilly? i can do that right here, brandon. norman bitter, fresno, o'reilly,
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you are the best dressed man on tv. keep it up. i select all the ties. ties are on me. so to speak. michigan, mr. o'reilly, my wife and i are considering donating a high-tech wheelchair to help a wounded vet. do you still support the program? 100%, mr. payne. go to and they'll explain everything. in fact, i just did a benefit for independence at dimaggio's restaurant out on long island and it was very(lá(ñ successful. st. charles, missouri, killing patton is by far the best book and truest to world war ii history i've ever read. thank you. i appreciate it. "the factor" tip of the day, careful what you sign up. the department of homeland security is in charge of finding out what happened in the colombia, south america prostitution scandal. you may remember a number of secret service agents allegedly hired hookers while guarding the president.
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dhs put a guy in charge of finding what happened, in charge of the investigation. one problem. police in south florida now say he paid for the services of, yes, a prostitute. in broward county. neilan has since resigned citing health problems. don't want[ñ to know. here's the tip, do not, do not do anything in this life that is hypocritical. if you do, karma will get you, no doubt.bce! that's it for us tonight, please check out fox news factor website different from also spout off about "the hr(t&háhp &hc% world, o' name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be a teratoid when watching "the factor." this is a great halloween word. do not be a teratoid when writing to "the factor." ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please always remember that the
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spin stops right herewq%@ are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a new showdown over the ebola disease involving health care workers, state and federal officials and a public that wants to know they are being kept safe. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly. nurse who treated ebola patients in africa now ordered to stay in quarantine but threatening to walk out. late today the state of maine deciding to seek a court order to try to force kaci hickox to make sure she stays inside of her home. it comes just hours after she appeared on a pair of national television shows suggesting her rights are being violated arguing she's not a threat to public safety and she's not going to do what they want her
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