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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 31, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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them that is disturbing. >> people are so insensitive they have no empathy for others. >> halloween should be about candy and fun, not controversy. thanks to everyone who responded. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. >> good morning. it is friday, october 31. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. one of america's most wanted men captured after seven weeks on the run. where accused cop killer eric frein was found and how cops made sure the fallen officer was part of the arrest. >> and just four days, that's all that's left until the polls close with the u.s. senate on the line. and polls right now are leaning towards the republican party. this morning senator mary landrieu, she's figured it all out, why. >> the south has not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to
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present himself in a positive light as a leader. >> okay, so america is racist and sexist. her opponent firing back this morning because she gave him ammo. >> smile, you're headed to jail. wait, looks like you already anticipated that. the best mug shot ever taken. mornings significantly better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> live from studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan, it's "fox & friends"! you know brian hates halloween, so we brought in tucker carlson. >> he hates it?
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why? >> he feels awkward. >> tucker is here and we've got kimberly from "the five." >> this is going to be a special morning. i like the special effects and the lighting. this is a real show. you've got a budget. >> you mentioned costumes. we are at the conclusion of today's telecast going to be dressed up. we want you to e-mail us so you can figure out what we are. kimberly, here's the first hint. it is? >> we all have two personalities. but that's in real life. >> that sounds like a diagnosis. >> so that's the hint. we all have double personalities. who would we be? we're going to give you more clues throughout the show. in the meantime, after seven weeks on the run, this is our top story, suspected cop killer eric frein is finally behind bars. >> he sure is. the f.b.i. can cross a name
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off their top ten most wanted list as eric frein was taken into custody last night. pennsylvania law enforcement hailing the end of the manhunt. >> anita joins us with the latest details. >> it is actually ainsley but that is all right. families are so relieved being it is halloween. eric frein, one of the most wanted fugitives in the country kneeled down to put his hands up knowing the chase was over. the survivalist was captured near an abandoned airplane hangar and when he was captured he was placed in the handcuffs that belonged to byron k. dickson. he is the trooper that was killed. >> he was placed under arrest with the handcuffs of corporal dickson. he did not give up because he was tired. he gave up because he was caught and had no choice. >> frein's capture ends a
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seven week manhunt that spanned for miles. schools were closed, hunting season was postponed and halloween was canceled. he is accused of killing corporal byron k. dickson and seriously wounding another trooper. police say frein had a hate for law enforcement and talked about wanting to commit mass murder. the county d.a. says he will seek the death penalty with frein's capture, the children of barrett township will be able to enjoy a night of trick or treating on this halloween. back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you, ainsley. we've been leading up to the midterm elections for it seems like a year and now just four days until the polls close. u.s. senate hanging in the balance, and it does appear that the democratic party is becoming a little desperate. they're not doing so well according to the very latest polling. and we've got a sound bite
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to play you on this friday morning. it's mary landrieu, longtime senator from the state of louisiana, she's trying to explain why she's not doing so well, because she's tied pot president of the united -- united to the president of the united states and people in her state are, well. >> it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a positive light as a leader. it's not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. it is more of a conservative place. we've had to work a little bit harder on that. but the people trust me, i believe, really they do to trust me to do the right thing for the state. >> so in other words, the people she wants to go vote on tuesday, go vote for me. i know you're a racist or a sexist but vote for me.
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>> she's saying the most powerful man in the world, obama, is actually a victim, and she, a united states senator from one of the most famous political families in the country who lives in a multimillion-dollar mansion in d.c., she's also a victim. how does that work? can everybody be a victim now, even rich and powerful people? >> if this is a racist nation, how did barack obama get elected president of the united states? >> this isn't going to work for her at all. this is going to backfire. it is highly offensive the comments she made. disgraceful to the people of the great state of louisiana. why would she even make this assertion? >> desperate. >> to get people to the polls. you're seeing this in north carolina, you're seeing it in georgia, democratic politicians coming out and saying point-blank they don't like obama because he is black. >> she's filing the president basically in the liability column saying barack obama is a personal liability to me and my campaign for this race.
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>> this is a way to get democratic voters fired up. >> i guess. >> she's going to get his attorneys fired up because -- she is going to get his tore -- historians fired up. kathleen blanco was a governor. >> you've got a woman and indian-american. >> meanwhile, somebody who would like to take mary landrieu's job is bill cassidy. he's reacting here with megyn kelly last night regarding mary landrieu's crazy statement. >> people in louisiana care deeply about our country. they are being bombarded about regulations. they don't understand obamacare. can't imagine why you won't approve keystone x.l.
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pipeline when under our constitution we work to change political direction we're called racist. we're doing exactly what we're supposed to do. go to the polls and vote out the senators and we're racist. >> we should also point out that she's saying barack obama is not popular down south because that area is racist. but then again, he's not popular in the north either. >> you can say whatever state you're in at this point. >> you play the ethnic politics card long enough and you wind up dividing the country. i think politics is scary. it is inherently unreasonable. you don't want to foster that and they are subcongsly -- subconsciously and i think that's wrong. >> in college park, maryland, hillary clinton was campaigning for the man
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who wants to be governor. look at university of maryland. the brown event -- that's the candidate -- with a lot of empty seats. >> that looks like a major league soccer game. >> just in the u.s. this is embarrassing. i mean, this is the kind of photo op and the video that follows you and haunts you. you think, whoa, barack obama, hillary clinton, empty seats. mood shifting, people wanting a change. >> the rest of us are hearing from the media -- >> when they see that video, they're like -- >> meanwhile in new york city, a million people got letters from the democratic party to say you better vote because if you don't, what we're going to do is we're going to send you a letter and ask you why you didn't vote. the people who received this letter are going first of all, it is none of your darned business.
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and secondly, it is intimidating. clearly there are a lot of democrats who live here in new york city. >> it's called shame voting. it is the new thing. >> this is like right out of the waste disposal business. this is from the new york democratic committee. quote, who you vote for is your secret. but whether or not you vote is public record. we will be reviewing voting if you did not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not. >> you've got to fill out the answer. >> that's a little ominous. >> it's like santa, who's been naughty, who's been nice. >> the dog ate my absentee ballot. come on, that happens. >> it's crazy. the key is make sure whoever you're going to vote for, do vote by tuesday. because if you don't vote, you can't complain. >> and only vote once. remember that part. >> except for you folks in chicago. >> they're like can i do it again. >> i hope the dead people stay home this year. >> we've got a busy three hours. we just told you about things we're going to be
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talking about and now we've got some news. heather joins us with news on isis. >> isis and ebola combined. the details are sickening. isis plotting to kill westerners with ebola and poisoned needles. a disturbing new detail from security officials in spain. the country's top security boss says there's on-line chatter from would-be jihadists talking about lone wolves using ebola as a chemical weapon. officials are taking these threats seriously. chilling new video revealing a pilot's may day call revealing the moments before his plane exploded into a massive fireball. the pilot slammed into the building near the wichita airport. he was killed along with threa people inside that building. the pilot, 53-year-old mark goldstein was an air traffic controller who retired last year. the mechanical problem caused that engine to fail. it looks like an incredible fireworks
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display but it was anything but. the explosion ripped through the fireworks factory in stafford, england. four people were rushed to the hospital, one with serious burns. one person still missing this morning. investigators not sure what caused that blast. finally, smile, you're headed to jail. oh wait, looks like you already anticipated that. look very closely. this might just be the best mug shot ever. yes, this 20-year-old was wearing a monopoly shirt that actually said "go directly to jail." he was busted for possession of pot. even the cops got a laugh out of it saying it had an element of humor to it. talk about planning ahead on that one. >> he doesn't look like someone who would be busted for possession of pot. >> no way. did he pass go? did he collect $200?
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>> so good. it's early but you're there. >> we've got a busy friday morning, thanks for joining us. coming up, students now putting pressure on the nfl to change the name of the washington team from redskins. >> the name is racist, to say the least. >> do they have a case? do they sound like they have one? >> an american captured by qaddafi's forces in libya was in solitary confinement. he escaped but then he went back. that is the start of his remarkable story. he joins us live next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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that's the value of big day?nce. ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets.
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what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. in 2006, a baltimore man set out on a three year, 35,000 mile trek that took him through north africa and the middle east. >> he ended up armed with an ak-47 and a camera eventually joining forces with the freedom fighters in libya. >> i want to be shaping events around me and have been an impact and now here in the arab spring. >> baltimore resident matthew vandyke is armed and fighting with rebels in libya.
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>> everybody tries to create their idealizized image of how they want to be seen. >> that's from the film point and shoot which won best documentary at the tribeca film festival. >> joining us now is the man featured in the film and one of the filmmakers as well, matthew vandyke. good morning. congratulations. the movie opens today. >> thank you. >> explain how you became -- you got tied up with libyans rebels. >> i graduated from georgetown and settled on a motorcycle in the middle east. when the revolution started i went to help friends i made in libya against qaddafi. >> eventually you were captured and in solitary confinement. tell us about that experience and how it made you feel. >> i was captured on a reconnaissance mission and held in solitary confinement for nearly six
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months. one day i escaped. it was a formative experience full of a lot of time praying, worrying, pacing back and forth in my cell. fortunately i got out of it. >> you went back out which i find to be remarkable. you get the chance to escape, you get freedom and go back to the front lines. >> i told the men i would not leave until qaddafi was gone and my mother raised me to keep my commitments. >> while you were over there you became friends with two americans who were beheaded. you've been on that program to talk about that as well. when people go to see your movie, what is the main thing they're going to be struck with as they walk out of the theater? >> i think everybody who sees the movie will have a better opinion of libyans. you have an inside perspective what it was like, what the men fighting were like and you might be surprised at what you find, just how much we have in common with these young men who put their lives on the
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line to get rid of a dictator. >> the new movie, a documentary called "point and shoot" and it opens today. it is 20 minutes after the top of the hour on this friday. coming up, four days until the midterms and a group of black chicago activists are taking on the democratic party. >> he wants to have this conversation about minimum wage raises. to hell with his minimum wage raise. we don't have any jobs. a minimum wage friers -- minimum wage raise for what? >> is this the reason democrats are pulling the race card? >> a democratic husband caught red handed taking down republican signs. no, he didn't. a big update on this story ahead. >> those aren't your signs, bud! >> this is no what? >> there is no name on these signs. >> yes, they are. right here. property of the republican party.
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ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! that's the way i look at life. looking for something better. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better.
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we've got quick friday morning headlines for you right now. not one republican member has announced his or her candidacy for president yet but we do know where they will have their first debate. the reagan library in california will host the first republican debate in september, about a year from now. we've shown you this video yesterday. >> property of the republican party. >> we got you, brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything. >> that guy who is hauling off the sign was the husband of a democratic state senator stealing the republican opponent's campaign sign. dana long has turned himself in, arraigned and released. his wife is bethany hall
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long, a state senator from the great state of delaware. whoops. tucker over to you. >> just four days to go before the midterm elections and a group of black chicago activists taking on the democratic party. watch this. >> our children know the democrats have not done anything for us as of yet; why should they go out and vote. we're getting poorer and poorer and other groups are getting richer. he wants to have this conversation about minimum wage raises. to hell with minimum wage raises. we don't have jobs. a minimum wage raise for what? >> they only come around when it is time for election. >> these are the people who make sure we have nothing but turn around and have us vote for them again. >> that is ominous news for the democratic party and it could the reason democrats are turning up the heat using ads that invoke ferguson and trayvon
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martin. is it a legitimate strategy? will it work? joining us is fox news contributor david webb. will this work? >> it will work for a certain amount of people that have literally been bought into this plantation idea that the democrats own what they deserve, will give it to you. unfortunately charles barkley was right when he said there are a lot of people that have literally been pushed into a position where they're vested in keeping success out of their lives. i'll paraphrase him in another way. here's what's interesting about this. they're preying on fears. the fears of barack obama's legacy as the first black president. the fear of ferguson where they say if you don't vote -- if you vote there won't be another ferguson. because voting was not the reason for this incident between darren wilson and michael brown. and something else, we now have candidates doing this, not pacs. we have candidates that are actually putting out these ads directly.
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mary landrieu, wendy davis. >> in north carolina and georgia. take a look at the new wendy davis ad from texas. i think this is in the same species. watch. >> have you heard about this guy running for governor, the republican greg abbott? listen up because greg abbott is bad news. as attorney general, greg abbott tried to overturn the voting rights act. take a guess about who abbott doesn't want to vote. >> whipping up racial fears. >> it is not whipping it up. it is actually stoking it beyond belief because first they've got to assume that if you're black, you're dumb enough to believe that a state official can overturn federal law. let's think about what they've assumed. mary landrieu, wendy davis, all these others want blacks to stay exactly where they are and they have literally invoked soft bigotry.
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this is no expectations that because of the color of your skin you must act a certain way. >> what a shame. many people, i know all my neighbors in washington voted for barack obama expecting it would make race relations better. >> they were veftd in invest r -- invested in the wrong thing. they were vested in color. people have seen less and less of color and gender and we look at each other and say what's y america? you're an american. but they fear a level of irrelevancy. think about mary landrieu. mary landrieu has been in office in some way since 23 years old. when she's out of office, if she's voted out in louisiana, and it's likely, she's irrelevant. the people she has been feeding off and pretended to feed with good policies, they are the ones that are going to say no to her.
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and she is who says i'm from louisianans. she said that she would support harry reid to be the senate majority leader, the very guy who is blocking all the legislation. >> you're absolutely right. but what a shame. >> it is a shame but they're being rejected and that's a good thing in america. >> david webb, thanks. >> coming up students ready to take on the fight against the name of the washington football team, the redskins. how much do they know about it? watch? >> there's ten million things on this planet that are fearsome, school and scary or whatever you want to call it. it's one of those. >> huh? revolt of the children against the name. we'll bring you the very latest on that new crusade. it's called the ghost of madagascar. get the children out of bed. we've got halloween treats for you. ♪ ♪
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there it is... this is where i met your grandpa.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. set a new goal today. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. it is halloween on "fox & friends." we are all going to be dressed up before you know it. we've asked you to go ahead and try to guess who we're going to be today and the first hint was? spaip that we have two --
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>> that we have two personalities. i actually meant two costumes. >> what does that mean? >> our characters would have two different personalities. >> i didn't know what our costumes are. >> we gave you that clue and so far you've heated up the e-mail machine. leslie thinks we're going to be the wizard of oz. leslie, i'm sorry. we are not. >> that was such a good guess. maybe next year. >> claire says the monsters, steve as herman monster. tucker as grandpa. >> and kimberly as lily. >> not right either. >> diane says batman, robin and the cat woman; right? >> sorry. we'll give you another clue just in about 15 or 20 minutes. in the meantime you saw the
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python a second ago. we're spreading our halloween spirit into the animal kingdom today with some very special spooky guests. >> dr. susan kelleher is the star of exotic animal e.r. and she joins us with some of her haunting friends. >> you had a little trouble with the yellow python. >> there's a lot of him and a lot of me. >> how is he feeling right now? >> he's cold. >> why do you think this is a good critter to haul out on halloween? >> his name is lemon head. i don't think you want this in your candy bag. this guy is pretty strong. i'm getting quite a nice hug. >> his tail is in your pocket.
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:: in the natural madagascar language. the name means spirit of the night. these are their ancestors come back to life is what is believed.
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it's very real. >> it is not battery operated. >> you get close enough and the lemur will jump on that. >> very cute. >> so cute in the movie. can he dance like the ones in the movie. check out the exotic animal e.r. on nat geo wild. >> he's a busy lemur. he's just six months old. a hyperactive little fellow. >> doctor, you're a good sport. >> happy halloween everybody. >> i love it. heather, we're having fun over here. >> i have to join you in a minute but first we have headlines. thousands plan to protest the washington redskins sunday when they head to minnesota to take on the vikings. last year protesters also turned out but this year it is expected to be the biggest ever.
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>> this is the 21st century and the name is racist, to say the least. it has no place in sports. >> skin color is out of bounds, i think. there's ten million things on this planet that are cool and scary or whatever you want to call it, and it's one of those. >> redskins owner daniel snider has refused to change the name saying it is part of the team's tradition and heritage. so much for sportsmanship. they were supposed to be shaking hands but they wound up knocking each other out instead. look. this was the scene in jonesboro after last night's musket bowl. you can see what they were doing. they were tackling each other after the game. students say tensions were already high. they bubbled over as soon
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as daniel boon won the game. some other kids get ready to color between the horns. a satanic coloring book one step closer to winding up in the hands of thousands of public school children. the satanic temple submitted it to the orange county school district in florida for religious. a judge there ruled religious pamphlets of all kinds can be districted after the freedom from religion foundation sued. it may be, just may be the scariest billboard that you have ever seen. [screaming] >> see what's happening there. it was created by a theme park in sweden. the billboard entices people to scan a bar code to get a sneak peek of a haunted house. little do they know it is possessed by a very patient guy inside coming to life.
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that's pretty scary. very creative. there's a look at your headlines. back to you guys. >> inside to a very patient witch outside. maria, are you a good witch or bad witch? >> i'm wearing a little witch's hat. it is like a mini one. good morning. good to see you. hello everybody and happy halloween. let's take a look at the weather conditions. if you're headed outdoors this evening for trick or treating headed out for the kids you're going to be looking at unsettled weather across the great lakes and very cold. rain going to be coming down and some areas are going to be cold enough that that rain could transition over to snow. it is going to be a little messy out this. across the center of the country you're looking pretty good, clear skies and dry conditions as well as mild temperatures. in parts of california to washington state you have rain in the forecast. a little unsettled out there. i want to mention across the eastern half of the country it is going to get very cold over the next few days. take a look at the lows
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tonight into tomorrow morning. in the 30's in the city of atlanta not just tonight into tomorrow morning but also saturday night and sunday night as well. bundle up across the eastern half of the country. let's head back inside. >> maria, you're going to need a warm broom tonight. >> lovin' that little hat. you may be asking yourself this: have you put too much information about yourself on-line and now you want it gone? good news, we're going to show you how to erase it. >> don't let this weekend's time change throw off your body. dr. segal has the tricks to get you back to sleep in just 60 seconds without narcotics. >> i love it. i need it. ♪ ♪
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wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! i'm liking braids. sometimes, healthy's not on the menu. luckily, always keep my meta health bars handy.
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and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,nd. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness.
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daylight saving time ends on sunday and for many of you that means an extra hour of blissful sleep. for others it means a night of tossing and turning. but don't worry, we're here to help you. we're going to tell you how to fall asleep in just 60 seconds or less. joining us is dr. marc siegel, fox news medical a team. good morning to you. >> wide-awake. >> here's the deal. a lot of people have trouble sleeping and then they don't do a good job at work and they offend their co-workers and it spirals downward and their family doesn't like them. how can you change their lives by helping them fall asleep in 60 seconds. >> we get an extra hour sleep and you think it would be great but it affects your circadian rhythm. here's what you do. number one, foods you eat at night. nuts are great, bananas are great, avocados are great.
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cherry juice has melatonin, the body's natural way of putting you to sleep. cherry juice before you go to sleep. >> what about eating cherries? >> also great. >> before bed, whob -- what about this? buy a real alarm clock. this morning i used my iphone clock, you say that is a bad idea. >> i tell you the problem with mine. i couldn't stop playing with it. you need a real alarm clock because everybody stays he wake, answering text messages. >> what about playing solitaire? >> turn the lights down, do something quiet. solitaire works. >> but not on-line. don't be on-line doing it because doesn't that stimulate your brain? >> of course especially if you're inlt -- interacting with somebody. >> what about this?
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relax muscles in your toes? no wearing heels to bed. >> who's doing that out there? take those heels off. that's a form of self-hypnosis. there's a lot of things you can do. you can relax the muscles in your toes. you can say your eyes are getting heavy. for me i count the lineups of basketball teams. the knicks are not a great one to be counting now. but i do lineups in my head. >> if you can't sleep, get up? if you can't sleep for more than 30 minutes, get out of bed. >> and do something when you get out of bed that will help you get back to sleep. >> i have an idea. have a banana. >> but keep the lights down low. if you turn the lights up high it is going to wake your body up. that circadian rhythm. you want to be in a sleep state. >> if all else falls apart, you can text dr. segal, which i might do.
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>> and i'll be awake. >> thanks. coming up, the attack ads in full force as we are days from the midterms. but which ones are actually working? we're going to show you ads rated by you, the voter. then it's day five of national cyber week and we're tackling one of the biggest questions you have. how to erase yourself on-line so people can't track you. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey matt, what's up?
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internet? >> good morning. we know about this, the public data mining sites that make a lot of money off of our personal information that they find in public places. many people criticize us saying it's super power that they're doing. they're taking that power and making our public info really easily public to a lot of people. and anyone from five bucks on line can find out, i mean, scary stuff about us. not just our home address, but date of birth, social security number, and the list goes on of the you going yourself, you'll see it. >> can people track you and see what you were looking at on line? >> of course they can do that, yeah. we covered that one. yeah. so there is a way to delete a lot of this stuff that the public data mining companies have out there on you. there are several of them and some are a little hard and some not so hard to delete.
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but the one thing to understand here is do you want to do it yourself or you could hire a service now to delete yourself from the internet from these public sites. you'll spend roughly 120 to $129 per year and what they do is they go do this hard work for you. they fill out all these optout things because many will ask you, oh, send us a copy of your driver's license. they didn't have my picture. now they do. you have to roll the dice on that one. and then also you've got to know that -- you've got to understand the law. you have no legal right here on a federal law basis, to have your information removed. >> it's a great area. >> it's a gray area. why are they letting us opt out? it's a pr move. they don't want to be regulated. this is a step back saying, no, no, no, we're real friendly. we'll help you get this offment but don't make it easy in many cases. >> where have you taken us? >> this is a web site that you'll see at "fox & friends" web site and web
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site. any of these are the public data sites out there. you click on one of them t. tells you, that's a medium way of -- >> let's find an easy one. >> let's find easier ones. we can find harder ones. when it says difficult or easy -- easy means yo don't mean to prove a lot. you don't have to necessarily show your driver's license or have anything notarized. the thing is it's all possible to google yourself a few weeks after doing this and see a lot less information that you don't want out there because you haven't chosen to put it out there. they have. they're making money off of you. >> this is kind of like the cyber version of the do not call list. do not track me. do not put my stuff out there. >> aside from the tracking, which they're going to do anyway. >> wherever you go. >> there is some tools and we'll list those that, can cover your tracks or keep you from being tracked or at least let you know you're being tracked. we'll put all of that on line and show you step by step how it
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do this and link you to people who will make it easy for people if you want to do it that way. >> all the information will be in kurt's newsletter at, and check our web site. thank you. coming up, the secret to a happy marriage revealed and it all boils down to one simple thing. the temperature of the room. really? plus, is this the costume appropriate for halloween? some folks out there say no. they want to make a citizens arrest. details straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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good morning to you. it's friday, october 31. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. this is a fox news alert. one of america's most wanted men captured after seven weeks on
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the run. where accused cop killer eric frien was found and how cops made sure the fallen officer was part of the arrest. a live report from the courthouse straight ahead. just four days, that's all that's left until polls close at the u.s. senate on the line. if democrats don't win, it's because, well, america is racist >> not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. >> looks like someone is getting desperate. someone called senator mary landrieu. this morning we'll hear from her opponent. >> plus, is this costume appropriate for halloween? some people out there say no. some members of our studio audience say the question is still out. some want to make a citizens arrest on fun because it's halloween and you're watching "fox & friends".
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♪ ♪ >> who you gonna call? "fox & friends". >> call me, man. what was wrong with that costume? we don't know. >> looks like an updated village people, but cuter. >> unclear. but i'm getting super excited about the costume reveal. >> we're all dressing up today. >> gonna be fun. >> today we're going to have you figure out exactly what our costumes will be. we gave you a hint an hour ago and the hint was the three of us. >> two personalities. >> like most people in television. >> so that means six. >> that's the clue out there. scott says, you're going to dress up as the incredibles, obviously. >> that's another good idea! >> it is. but scott, sorry.
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we're not. >> this one is killing me. alyssa tweet, for some reason i think you guys will be the three stooges. >> who are you in that? >> curly. >> richard writes on facebook, spiderman, superman, and wonder woman. >> those are good. why do they have two personalities? that's a very opaque hint. >> because they have -- by day they are this person and by night -- come on, tucker. get on with it. >> it's more like two identities. >> yeah, it is. >> exactly. so we do have two personalities, but also here is another hint, we will all star in a movie in the next five years, and -- >> and two of us have -- >> an identity we wear in public. >> when we're out on the street. >> i love it. >> this is getting deep. >> continue to e-mail us and you can facebook and tweet us to figure out who we'll be today.
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in the meantime, big breaking news this morning. after seven weeks on the run, suspected cop killer eric frien is behind bars, tucker. >> yes, he is. the f.b.i. can cross a name off its top ten most wanted list as frien was taken into custody last night. hailing the end of the manhunt. >> rick leventhal joins us live from near the scene of the arrest. rick, what's the latest. >> reporter: good morning. more than 1,000 federal, state and law enforcement officers have been involved in this massive manhunt for eric frien, scouring the thick terrain for the past 48 days. they didn't get close to him despite numerous reported sightings of this 31-year-old self-taught survivalist. the closest they got was an abeen donned camp site five niles where he was captured. at 6:00 o'clock last night, a team of u.s. marshals working a possible lead approached an empty hangar at the burchwood
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pocono airport. they spotted frien who left his weapons behind him in the hangar, and they took him down without a shot. >> it's a hot, tiring, dangerous job. today the united states marshal service had one of their teams out at the abandoned airport. when they approached it, they saw an individual that they thought was eric frien and they ordered him to surrender, to get down on his knees and raise his hands, which is what he did. >> reporter: he was chained with handcuffs that belonged to the trooper. he's charged with murdering corporal brian dixon and driven to the barracks where the cop car where the officer was supposed to drive when he was killed and the other trooper was wounder wounded. frien has been charged with first-degree murder
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degree attempted murder and other counts. the d.a. will seek the death penalty. the arraignment is schedule for 9:00 o'clock this morning. now this vast set of communities here in the pocono mountains has been look over their shoulders for the past seven weeks. they can finally breathe a bit easier. >> that's right. also means a lot of parents who were thinking, maybe we shouldn't send the kids out for trick or treating, they can breathe easier. >> it's pretty great. they canceled it. it's back on. >> good for the kids. time for some news. heather has the headline duty. >> good morning. >> how are you doing? headlines to check out for you. the details are sickening. isis planning to kill westerners with ebola and poisoned needles. disturbing new report to tell you about from security officials in spain. the country's top security boss says there is online chatter from would be jihaddists talking about lone wolves using ebola as a chemical weapon. officials are taking these threats seriously.
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it looked like an incredible fireworks display, but it was anything but. an explosion ripping through the fireworks factory in stafford, england. four people rushed to the hospital. one with serious burns. authorities now using a drone to search for that one person that remains missing. investigators not sure what caused the blast. not one gop member has announced a run for the white house yet. but we do know where they will duke it out. the reagan library in california will host the first republican debate next september. the party is planning on having a smaller amount of primary debates this election year than in 2012. at least they say that now. orchards, petting farms and guitar lesson, some of the things that illegal immigrant children are getting. it's all thanks to your tax dollars.
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senator chuck grassley wanted to know why it cost nearly $1,000 a day to house some illegals. this is what he found. he found out about a holding facility in california with an organic orchard and a petting farm with ducks, chickens and miniature ponies. grassley demanding some answers from the white house. those are a look at your headlines. $1,000 a day. >> those are unbelievable headlines. >> wish i had a petting zoo. >> wouldn't you? i kind of did this morning. >> we had a lemur on the set. four days until the polls open and close on tuesday. senate hangs in the balance. democrat losses could be historic. mary landrieu in louisiana who, she's been in the senate for a long, long time, been in public service for a long, long time. democrat down there. i think she sees the writing on the wall. so it's time to play the desperate card and that is she says she and barak obama
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unpopular because her state filled with people who are racist and sexist and don't like either of them. listen. >> very, very honest with you in the south is not always been the friendliest place for p &c @&c@ the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. it's not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. it's more of a conservative place. so we've had to work a little bit harder on that. but the people trust me, i believe. really, they do. to trust me to do the right thing for the state. >> terrible. >> what's so striking is the president is the most powerful person in the world. she says he's a victim. she is rich and famous. she's a united states senator. yet, she's still a victim. everybody wants to be a victim. i don't remember the senator who represented new orleans of calling herself a victim. >> this is the problem. she's disseparate. this is going to backfire. if i was a southerner in that
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state, i would be highly offended that she's calling them sexist, racist, saying conservatives are antiwoman. if she's hoping to mobilize the democrats, i'll tell you, i think her comments may mobilize the conservatives. she's not a good representative. >> what she's saying is, on tuesday vote. i know you're a racist and sexist, but i need your vote. >> compelling. >> david webb was here in the living room with tucker a little while ago and said essentially democrats don't want blacks to think for themselves. listen. >> mary landrieu, wendy davis, all these others want blacks to stay exactly where they are and they have literally -- it's no longer soft bigotry. this is hard bigotry of no expectations, that because of the color of your skin, you must act a certain way. >> we're really deinvolving into the ugliest kind of ethnic politics in this country and it's dangerous 'cause it's inherently unreasonable. ethic politics can never be resolved. they're playing with fire with this stuff.
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>> and gender politic, identity politics, the whole thing. i think it's a bad move. she just shamed herself, her campaign is crying. >> this stuff has consequences. people hate each other. >> all the people of louisiana have to do is realize, wait a minute. she's lying to us because we know we're not racist. we're not sexist. the current governor down there, bobby jindal, and before him was a woman. >> you have an indian american and a woman. so guess what? the people of louisiana, they get it. maybe you don't. >> reactionary. >> yeah. here in new york, the democrat party, apparently they want the democrats to show up because the headline in the new york post, vote or the dems will kick your -- shouldn't show that. >> it's on the front page of the paper. >> donny booty. what they've done is sent out a million letters to people and essentially said, you are going to vote, right? and if you don't, we're going to have to have you do some explaining. so clearly it is intimidation. >> like back in grade school. >> it's an offer you can't
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refuse. politics "the sopranos" way. the letter says something like, we're watching. we know if you're going to vote. there could be consequence. >> you better do it. >> there you go. now o a more serious topic, one that has compelling thoughts on both sides. brittany maynard postponed her suicide. if you remember this case of this young woman who was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer, she want to do die with dignity and her family moved, in fact, to the state to be able to exercise this option. in that state in particular, the doctor -- they'll give you the medication, but the patient has to administer the fatalñr dose. she's catching heat because people say, you said you were going to do this, now you're changing your mind. let's listen to dr. bach who says doctors shouldn't be in the business of killing people. >> there are certain things people aren't supposed to do to one another as absolutes. they are not okay. doctors killing patients is not
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okay. >> so her plan was tomorrow to get a handful of pills from a doctor and she was going to kill herself. but she says right now, i feel good enough. i'm still able to go out with my man and we're able to walk. she has on her bucket list a trip back to the grand canyon. >> it's nice to hear a medical ethicist remind us of the obvious, which is doctors shouldn't be killing people, babies included in that. it's hard to judge, but i do know this is something that i'm unconfidentable having people talk about in public and potentially encouraging other sick, weak, desperate people to take this step. >> i think it's such a personal decision. with her family, i hate to see loss of life like that. it's so troubling on a larger scope, just shows how much more work we have to do, with cancer and research and funding so that you don't have a young person like this with so much hope and promise in their life making this kind of decision. >> right. especially having it play out on
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television. some things should not play out in television. >> she changed her mind and she'll be alive tomorrow. >> she's her right and we enjoy another day with her. coming up, a few days left 'til the mid terms. four, by the way. the attack ads rolling out in full force. do they actually work? are you sick of seeing them? we've got the dials to prove it. then the secret to a happy marriage revealed and it all boils down to one simple thing, how hot is it in the room? >> yeah! >> i'm talking about the temperature. what does the thermostat say? >> talking about the love shack, baby! ♪ ♪
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the mid terms are just four days away and that means your tv jam packed with political attack ads. which ones are actually working and why? lee carter is here with the dials. so we've got one ad we want to look at here and this is tom tillis attack ad involving senator kay hagan. >> in january, president obama refers to the islamic state as a jv team. days later, the armed services committee holds a hearing on new global threats.
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senator kay hagan absent. she missed over half of the armed services hearings this year. she admits she prioritized a cocktail party to benefit her campaign, while isis grew, obama did nothing. senator hagan did cocktails. to change policy, change your senator. >> okay. what do you give the grade here? >> the grade here i have to give this an f. the reason for that is -- i know. we talked to folks. this isn't just me saying. this is what the people said. they upgrade to do a d, i'm sorry. the reason is, most people looked at it as a strict old traditional political ad. it seemed like an ax to grind. it didn't seem like there was anything really that stuck to it. most people said what i would do if this came on is i'd go out and get a snack. i wouldn't even watch the whole thing. >> really? wow. you didn't like the imagery with showing isis, she's at cocktail parties while isis is building and the tie-in with obama? >> no. people said it seems like there is an ax to grind.
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really isis growing while she's at a cocktail party? it seemed a little far fetched. >> too much. >> yeah. >> let's look at the next one. i hope we get a better grade for this. you never know. american crossroads ad. an attack ad, senator mark pryor from arkansas. >> your next word is pryor. >> may i have the definition, please? >> pryor, a washington liberal out of touch with arkansas, voted for the obama agenda 90%. >> may i hear it in a sentence? >> mark pryor was the deciding vote for obamacare. >> pryor o-b-a-m-a. >> this one you give the grade? >> this one i gave a b. the reason is republicans have done really interesting things with attack ads this year. they've done some things where they've gone viral. people are actually paying attention to them 'cause it's really a different setting. you're seeing a young girl at a spelling bee, it's unexpected. people will watch the whole thing. so you're getting message out to
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folks you wouldn't ordinarily. this is a simple message that's very repeatable. and third, people are really likely to share these things. we're seeing these ads going viral. that's doing a lot of work for them. while nobody loves an attack ad, people are sharing this one. >> but it helps if you keep it simple. it's something someone can remember and repeat it. >> absolutely. >> single point that you can resonate with. feel like we learned something. thank you so much. >> thank you. do you know what it feels like to be an overweight person? students are finding out with these fat vests and taxpayers are footing the bill for this experiment. you're going to find out why. plus, what's wrong with this costume? the pc police are making arrests on halloween fun. we're going to explain. stay with us. ♪ ♪ 'wóóñt
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time for news by the numbers. first, 102 floors. that's how high you can now go at the world trade center. the observation deck offers sweeping views of manhattan, but you'll have to wait until spring to check it out. wow. next, 125 feet. that's how high up a base jumper got stuck. he tried to jump from a kansas city tv tower, but hit a wire. eventually fire crews got him down safely. and finally, $17,500. that's how much the usda is paying for skinny students at the new mexico state university to wear fat vests. the project, an effort to fight weight prejudice. okay. tucker, over to you. >> thank you, steve.
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halloween is here right now, today. but not everyone is in the spirit of the holiday. turns out halloween is now a minefield of political correctness. here with some of the most absurd examples, our old friend, katherine timms of the national review. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> this one blew me away, putting on a fake butt is racist. it's a little weird, but racist? how? >> apparently. i never thought i would have to say this, but butt size, not a race-based issue. all ethnicity, races, nationalities can have a large butt. i don't know. i think it's another example of people who are calling other people racist are often the ones making things about race that are clearly not about race. >> operating on the basis of stereotypes that aren't entirely valid. wearing a sombrero, according to one guardian of sensitivity is, quote, something that carries on a harmful and deadly system of
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oppression. >> right. unfortunately, it's not just one person. a lot of colleges actually in this war on sombreros right now. very serious. >> what does. mariachi community think of this? >> i don't know. maybe they're offended because this is deadly apparently. basically the argument is that if you see someone with a sombrero or a poncho or anything like that, it reduces the culture o a stereotype so you'll think that's all there is to mexican culture, which is really offensive, because people are intelligent enough to know the difference. >> most of america still seems popular are latin america. that's evidence alone, i would say, it's not a deadly system of oppression. sexy nurse and police costumes, some say, make it harder for people to work -- women specifically -- as nurses or cops. >> right. >> who is saying that? >> that's offensive. i've seen all over the feminist internet.
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but actually it's antifeminist. i think it's offensive to assume that a woman could not overcome other people's halloween costume choices. that would be an obstacle too big. that it would keep women from succeeding. >> attractive nurses are bad? >> apparently. apparently. nurse costumes, too much for women to handle. it's going to keep them from succeeding in their career. that's somehow feminist. >> i don't go to the feminist internet. thanks for bringing us updates. do not call halloween costumes halloween costumes because that's racist. >> yeah. >> why? >> it's insensitive to people who don't celebrate halloween, which i think they can just not celebrate halloween. one school is making this fall festival where you can only dress up as a story book character. so kids don't feel left out. i don't know. the world is not completely inclusive all the time. halloween, parties, not that bad. i went through them in elementary school. i'm a survivor, i'm fine. i think all these kids will be
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fine. >> the world is opposite of inclusive. >> very much. >> we're in the middle of a national hysteria, aren't we? >> absolutely. >> we're going to look back in ten years and sort of feel sick to our stomachs when we read about this period. >> hopefully it's not worse in ten years. >> i hope it's not. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. coming up, if the senate returns to republican control next week, there is just one person who would benefit most. who is that person? our own james rosen with the answer coming up next. then new details with a top secret meet to go spy on you through your cell phone. that's ominous. who is running that meeting? you're not going to like the answer is the one hint we're going to give. stay tuned to find out. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the monster mash ♪ ♪ it was graveyard smash >> i love the strobe effect. >> a lot of people really like halloween. are you one of them? today we're going to dress up. we have begun putting it out there. we've been giving you clues as to our identities and we've asked you to send us your suggestions. >> it's very confusing. >> we're even confused. >> i'm not sure what they're going to be. >> the hints so far that we've given people are. >> that we have two identityies. >> each one of our character. >> that's more a diagnosis than a hint. >> yes, i'm five. >> cybil. >> we will all star in a movie in the next five years. that's more a prediction. >> hey, i love a box office hit. two of us have masks and two of
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us have stars. >> all right. so your guesses and there have been thousands -- ginny says, jake, bella and edward from twilight. excellent guess. wrong. >> linda writes, darth vader, princess lea and a storm trooper. >> all wrong. >> and if you're into turtles, margaret says ninja turtles. >> let's leave that one lying there, okay? >> keep them coming. the guesses at facebook or twitter or our e-mail. >> four days left until the midterm elections and the senate is feeling the balance. >> key races across the country are heating up. >> james rosen tracking all of the top races and he's live from
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the capitol. good morning to you, james. >> reporter: good morning to you. if the united states senate returns to republican control next week, no one would benefit more than minority leader mitch mcconnell of kentucky who would become majority leader. the 72-year-old mcconnell in office since 1985, must pull out a win over kentucky secretary of state, democrat allison launder again grimes. polls show the challenger falling behind after refusing to say whether she voted for barak obama in the last two presidential elections. in kansas where only republicans have been elected to the senate since 1938, three-term republican pat roberts is in the fight of his political life against billionaire independent candidate greg orman. while orman donated to the campaigns of harry reid, hillary clinton and barak obama, he has said that if elected, he will caucus with which ever party enjoys a clear majority. that race is effectively tied. in new hampshire, most polls show first term democratic
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senator jean shaheen with a small lead over scott brown. in a televised debate last night, they classed over shaheen's reference to america as an occupying force in iraq and brown's warnings about the threat of polio, a disease not seen in the u.s. in decades. >> trying to hustle the undecided because that's where most of the play is available still in the election. but in these hotly contested races like colorado and iowa on the republican side, where the republicans are leading and north carolina and new hampshire where the democrats are leading, there is the potential for it to flip. >> and to gain control of the senate on tuesday, the republicans must win six seats. most analysts are forecasting they will do that. i saw the halloween segment. i want you to know i'm working early today so i can take my kids trick or treating tonight. and i plan to try and really scare my neighbors. i'm going to wear my bob beckel
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mask. >> oh, that is going to frighten them, believe me! see you at 5:00 o'clock. >> james rosen live in the bureau, thank you very much. meanwhile, 24 minutes before the top of the hour. heather has headlines. >> i like your ninja turtle sound. very good. when we broke this story yesterday on "f"fox & friends," dozens of gitmo prisoners found back on the battlefield fighting for isis. this morning gop lawmakers are urging the president to put a stop to anymore transfers. colonel ralph peters urging the administration to think twice. >> the administration will not accept the basic fact, the truth that a dead terrorist is a corpse, but an imprisoned terrorist is a cause and a released one is a threat. >> of the 620 detainees released from guantanamo bay, 180 have returned or are suspected to have returned to the
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battlefield. brand-new details just revealed about a top secret meeting to spy on you through your cell phone. who is running the meeting? the f.b.i. and the justice department officially reportedly met secretly with house staffers to try to force tech companies to help the government spy on users. data encription on apple and google phones make it possible or make it impossible for police to access photos, contacts and other data. we showed you this video yesterday. take a look. >> the republican party. >> we got you, brother. your license plate, your face and everything. >> yeah, they got him. we just learned that the husband of a democratic state senator caught stealing her republican opponent's campaign signs turned himself in. dana long was arraigned and released on 250 bail. his wife, bethany hall long, state senator from delaware. and finally, what is the
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secret to a happy marriage? keeping it hot. no, not that kind of heat. no, no, no. the actual heat. 55% of couples admit to fighting over the temperature of the thermostat. what is the solution? scientists say keep the room at 72 degrees. that apparently the ideal temperature for both sexes. and those are a look at your headlines. what do you think? do you agree? >> that is so true. >> the temperature is absolutely the thing that -- i'll get up to go to work and i'll see it's like four degrees warmer. my wife and i finally have standardized the temperature, it's 71 degrees. >> i give up. whatever you want. totally up to you. >> they can't sleep! >> 72 degrees and the whole room is pleased. >> this is like a jesse jackson line. >> up with hope. >> meanwhile, time to talk like a meteorologist. >> oh, my gosh.
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>> there is a parrot right here. he's my friend. >> he looks happy to see you. >> yeah. i told him to stay very still for this segment. let's look at the weather conditions across the country. across parts of the midwest and into the interior northeast, we've storm system that's developing and it does have a lot of rain with it. but the other concern is that temperatures are going to be very cold behind the storm system. expect some of that rain to transition to snow. we could be look at significant snowfall accumulations as far south as parts of tennessee. some of the mounts there could be look at, possibly more than a half foot of snow. farther west across the plains states, it will be a beautiful night for trick or treating. from texas up to minnesota. across areas farther west, central california, you're getting much needed rain. we need the moisture. we still have those drought conditions. however, it is arriving on halloween evening. so if you're heading out trick or treating, take that umbrella with you. the big story over the next few
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days is going to be how cold it's going to be across the eastern half of the country. take a look at some of those forecast low temperatures. this is tonight into tomorrow morning. you could dip down into the 30s as far south as atlanta and you're going to stay there as we head into saturday night and sunday morning and then again sunday night into monday morning. it's going to be very cold out there. take a look at the monday morning low in new york city. 36 degrees. i'll have to bundle up for these outside hits. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. >> love that outfit. but that's not her halloween costume. there will be a reveal. >> if you were a weather person, you would do rhymes to all your temperatures. >> i would. fantastic. all right. coming up, a major health scare nearly took his life and this morning, "duck dynasty" star jeff robertson is opening up about it. he's going to join us for his first live interview since getting out of the hospital. >> then it's part of our history, the first time we landed on the moon, but
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artifacts are now missing. how you can help and get handsomely rewarded for it. we've got the details coming up. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. we've got consumer headlines for you. can you hear me now? verizon may owe you some money. that company settled a lawsuit for $64 million. the lawsuit accused the company of overcharging customers for calls that were supposed to be free. if you had a family plan between 2002 and 2006, you could be due for some cash. attention, coffee addicts.
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starbucks wants to give you your morning fix even faster. starting next year, you'll be able to use their mobile app to have your coffee delivered right to your desk. wow. it may have been the worst car presentation ever. >> it combines class winning, leading technology and stuff with wi-fi powered by onstar. >> yep. and stuff. it has stuff. now world series mvp madison baumgartner may have to give the keys to his new chevy colorado back to the company. gm announcing a recall of the new truck earlier this month due to a flaw in the air bags. from the ground zero flag to the original apollo moon landing tapes, hundreds of items in our nation's rich history are missing. now best selling author and friend of this program, brad, is asking for our help to find
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these things and other treasures. just watch. >> now the time has come to take back what is ours. we'll ask viewers to help us find our lost history and we're offering a an actual reward if found. >> oh, man, it's great. brad is the author of "i am albert einstein" and host of the series on the history sister channel" brad meltser's lost history." i say a lot of these things are lost. are they lost or stolen or just missing? >> just depends on the item. the ground zero flag that the firefighters famously raised on 9-11 is missing. the first patent for the original airplane that the wright brothers developed missing. james bond's original assisten martin from "goldfinger" stolen. we show you who the suspects were and then say, america, we need your help. we'll give you a $10,000 reward if you help us bring it back. >> that's fantastic.
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i would imagine in some cases, people know they've got something famous, but they don't say it because either they're worried that somebody is going to, you know, knock down their door and steal it, or else it might have been gotten illegally. >> that's exact -- one of the things we found is that the bill of rights at one point, one of the states first bill of rights was hanging on a rich guy's wall. >> what? >> history doesn't belong to some rich guy or a criminal who is laundering his money in stolen artifacts. history belongs to awful us. what the goal of the show is every week is our goal is to bring that lost history back to us. that's where it belongs. >> i think i read in some of the promotional information that one of the things from our iconic history that's missing, jackie's famous pillbox hat from that day in dallas? >> it's amazing story. one of my favorite places in the world is the national archives. they have the rest of the pink suit from that day when president kennedy was killed. but her hat is missing. one of the other things that sounds crazy, jfk's brain was
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actually missing. it's separated from his body. his body is in arlington national cemetery. it's a real, true story. they never did forensic testing on the brain. it sounds like a 1950s horror movie. but at some point somebody was walking around with a metal canister with his brain in it. we don't expect anybody to bring the brain back to us, but i want to know who has it and who took it. when you hear the story of who took it, it's not a nefarious one or great conspiracy, but our great suspect is a family member. and when you hear the story on that episode, you will not believe it. >> i can hardly wait. so you run the episode and then you ask for clues and then do you the actual detective work? >> what happens is let's take the james bond aston martin. it was stolen from a florida airport. the place was alarmed. the alarms were side stepped. the car rolls out from the hangar and from 100 feet, you can see the tracks of the tires. then the tire tracks stop. it means it was loaded up on a
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plane or ridden out of there. that's a $5 million car. we show you where it was last seen. you'll hear the story of who other suspects are. and someone has that car. that car is somewhere. and whoever has it, when time passes, people want to tell their story. >> absolutely. that's what you'll hear on your show premiering appropriately halloween night. thank you. >> great. all right. meanwhile, coming up, who is the man behind the mask? it's one of our regulars here on "fox & friends." and he will reveal himself on this halloween right after this break. ♪ ♪
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it is halloween. before the break we showed you a "fox & friends" regular dressed up. who is it? well, you know who it is. live from washington, d.c., take off the mask. ladies and gentlemen -- >> i am the king of halloween town, guys. i should be moving in 24 frames a second. >> now you know who it is. >> we heard the voice. >> i tried to drink my water, but i have no mouth. >> ladies and gentlemen, kevin mccarthy live from our nation's capitol! >> there we go. here is the glasses. >> very nice. >> kevin, for halloween you're going to talk about the movie "night crawler." i've already seen it and i think it's great. >> steve, i'm with you on that. it's one of the most incredible, like creepy films i've seen this year. jake gyllenhaal stars as a freelance journalism scene ask starts a video production company where he essentially films crime scenes and car
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crashes. he starts to manipulate these crime scenes and steve, you know this, he'll go to a crime scene and move things around to make it more intriguing for the tv stations. and it is one of the most creepy, demented and sick movies i've seen in a long time. but he lost 30 pounds for the role reportedly. it shows on his face, the way his cheeks look and his eyes look. he becomes this character. i think it's the best performance of his career so far. i love him in "prisoners" and other films. he's amazing. >> creepy, demented and sick is a good thing? >> it's a compelling performance i think from an actor's perspective. i thought a private screening with him. i couldn't believe the change with him how he looks now compared to the weight he lost. very creepy. scary movie. >> the movie equally as compelling and the action scenes are amazing, the car chases, i gave it 4 1/2 out of five. he's amazing. thought provoking as well.
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you think a lot about it. >> since you've got the crazy neck tie on and it's hard to take you seriously. >> i know. >> unless you're talking about your top four movies for halloween. >> correct. >> right. there is some great ones out there, like "the descent" and others. i have two adult films and two movies for the family. the first one being the classic "halloween." this movie had a budget of only $325,000. their budget was so low that michael myers' mask is a william shatner star trek captain kirk mask. they painted it white. they altered the eyes. william shatner found out about that later on and approved it. that's number one. number two has to be "the shining." classic. scariest movie of all time, in my opinion. of all time. it is so, so freaky and
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obviously it's a great job. family friendly movies "the nightmare before christmas". directed by henry sellic. tim burton wrote it. recommend that. and the last one, "hocus potus." classic movie. >> all right. good picks. good job. >> love it. >> thanks, guys. >> happy halloween! >> are you dressing up tonight? >> how many stars for you for "night crawler"? >> i'd give it 4 1/2 out of five. >> really good film. >> i love you guys. >> thank you. democrats pulling the race card and waving it around days before the elections. geraldo says that's because they have no choice. they're toast otherwise. he's here at the top of the hour. then jeff robertson says he almost died last week. he was in the hospital for days before he even knew what happened. and this morning he's joining us for his first live tv interview. you'll see it only here on "fox & friends." stay with us.
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good morning. it's friday, october 31. happy halloween. i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for elisabeth hasselbeck. one of america's most wanted men captured after seven weeks on the run and this hour, he's expected in court. we're there live. and just four days left until the polls close with the u.s. senate on the line. if democrats don't win, it's because, well, america is racist >> the south has not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. >> senator mary landrieu of louisiana, a democrat, obviously getting desperate. geraldo rivera has a unique take on that. he shares it with us in about 30 seconds. then he almost died from a seizure while hunting. how was the "duck dynasty" star doing this morning? jep robertson speaking out in
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his first live tv interview this hour. mornings outstanding with friends, welcome. >> all right. ♪ ♪ >> i know it's supposed to be halloween. >> anthony used to work in the disco tray. >> i get a spooky feeling. >> midnight. >> i wonder why. >> midnight barbie. >> whatever works for you. >> is halloween on "fox & friends" today at the conclusion of this hour, the three of us are going to get dressed up. we have been giving you clues as to our costumes. >> and great guesses. people are coming up with good
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ones. >> let's give them the hints. >> first off we had two identities. that's six total if you're doing the funny math. >> we will star in a movie in the next five years, all of us. >> wait, we're all mccauley culkin? also, two of us have masks and two of us have stars. we are also going to include maria molina in the mix. so we asked you to give us who we'd be. steve wrote in, thought we would be kiss, gene, paul and peter. >> who is the cat and spaceman. >> wrong. >> josh writes, batman, robin and poison ivy. >> oh, good one! no. >> we have another hint. frankly you haven't been doing that well. here is a sneak peek of the costumes. here are the pictures. steve, kimberly, tucker. you can see -- i don't know, that kind of gives it away. >> oh, my gosh, you can tell. can't you? >> i can. >> yeah. >> i'm the american flag.
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>> you're so all american. >> you are betsy ross. >> keep the guessing coming. you can e-mail us. and you can tweet us and you can also -- >> this is getting exciting. we'll get geraldo's guess. >> i like kiss, that would be fun. >> but wrong. >> he's a big fox fan. he's in the building quite often. >> good morning, heather. >> good morning. how you doing? how is everyone at home. we have fox news alerts to start with for your headlines. after seven weeks on the run, suspected cop killer eric frien behind bars and expected in court one hour from now. the 31-year-old survivalist taken into custody last night. u.s. marshals finding him at an abandoned airport in tannersville, pennsylvania. he is accused of shooting and killing corporal brian dixon and wounding trooper douglas. he will appear in front of the judge at pike county courthouse for preliminary arraignment.
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we will take you live to the courthouse later this hour. the district attorney pushing for the death penalty. the details on this next story sickening. isis plotting to kill westerners with ebola and poisoned needles. a disturbing new report coming out with details from security officials in spain. the country's top security boss says there is online chatter from would be jihaddists talking about lone wolves using ebola as a chemical weapon. officials are taking the threats seriously. and a big update to what looks like an incredible fireworks display. but it was anything other than that. police now arresting a 53-year-old man after an explosion ripped through the fireworks factory in stafford, england. two people reportedly missing, while two more remain in the hospital. one of those with serious burns. investigators trying to figure
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out what caused the blast. and smile, you're headed to jail. oh, wait, looks like you already anticipated this. this might just be the best mug shot ever. 20-year-old mika daley, wearing a monopoly shirt that said, go directly to jail. yep. he was busted for possession of pot and even the cops got a chuckle out of it, saying, quote, it had an element of humor to it. those are a look at your headlines. >> good one. let's go out to cleveland. geraldo is normally on the couch. what are you doing in cleveland? >> i'm here for the cleave land cavaliers-new york knicks game last night. it was a historic return of lebron james to cleveland, his hometown, and the downtown area in cleveland was thriving. 100,000 people showed up on the streets. >> so cute picture of erica. >> thank you. unfortunately, lebron didn't show up. he came for like one quarter.
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but the cavs lost to the knicks. deflated the evening a bit. but everybody had high anticipation. >> sounds like he was cheering. >> there is lebron right there. geraldo rivera with the sports. thank you very much. now let's move on to politics. four days from nonow, people are going to be going voting, it's going to be tuesday. the u.s. senate hanging by a thread for the democrats right now. geraldo, it looks like they're getting desperate because if you listen to senator mary landrieu, she said that the problem with her state is that people are racist and they're bigots and sexist and she said this. listen. >> very, very honest with you. the south is not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. it's not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. it's more of a conservative place. so we've had to work a little bit harder on that.
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but the people trust me, i believe. really they do, to trust me to do the right thing for the state. >> so she's saying hey, you racist and bigots and sexist, i need your vote on tuesday. >> democrats are facing a dire predicament right now, as you know. you have a president who is very unpopular. you have the senate looks like it will be rested from control of the democrats. republicans will get the senate. they already have the house. they'll add to that. it looks like 2010 all over again, or 1994 or 1986. the only hope the democrats have is to bring out the -- they lost the young people. latinos are waffling. they are ambivalent. women are even asking questions. so they've got to go to their strength and to the african-american vote. louisiana, at least a third of the electorate is black. that is mary landrieu's only hope of sustaining. they are making a very blatant plea for that vote.
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but you know, even though the president at 41, 42% among the general population, he's 87% approval among black voters. it makes sense demographically. >> there is no doubt. i think you're absolutely right and it will help them. i don't think there is any question. but isn't there a cost to society? doesn't this kind of race baiting make people hate each other and that endures after the election ends, doesn't it? >> yeah. but people tend to forget how people get elected. you see some of the vile, ignorant ads that are out there ever since citizens united, the money is pouring in and -- i travel around the country a lot and i see it in every district. red districts, blue districts. you got real, ugly stuff going on there. but whether the political climate adds to the racial tension or the racial divide in this country, i tend to doubt that. >> it could motivate republicans to come out even more and it's going to be all about get out
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the vote. this is just a taste of what we've been getting in the lead up to tuesday's crucial elections because listen to this. this is wendy davis, first the wheelchair. now listen to this. new radio ad against greg abbott. >> have you heard about this guy, greg abbott? listen up because greg abbott is bad news. as attorney general, greg abbott tried to overturn the voting rights act. take a guess about who he doesn't want to vote. >> great. >> i go back to the original statement that when people get elected, the voters or the constituents tend to forget how they got into office. wendy davis tried to say, oh, you're going to vote for this crippled guy in the lone star state. that was despicable. now she's appealing to the demographic that they believe relyability votes for the democrats. i think she's still got an uphill battle to fight here.
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but they do what they have to do. that's why i'm not in that skidsy business. >> you're not in new york today, but the cover on the "new york post" says vote or the dems will kick your donkey booty. essentially what they're doing. they sent -- the democrats sent out a letter and it says, among other things, quote, who you vote for is your secret. but whether or not you vote, your record is public record. they will be reviewing voting records if you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not. clearly this is being sent to democratic wards. they want to turn out the vote. it's an intimidation letter. >> it's scolding, it's shaming. there was a yale study, tucker probably knows with it. he's more in the politics game than me. there was a yale study that said this public shaming does help. we have in terms of the world, we have one of the lowest voter turnout rates even in mid terms,
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they're horrifying. even in presidential elections, we're lucky if half the eligible voters turn out. but they found that the shaming helps to get -- to drive voters to the polls. again, if you want to target the constituency that's likely to vote for you, you know where you're going if you're a democrat, or republican. you're from kansas. you see the fight that happens there. i think that if you're going to weigh the relative morality of the democrats and the republicans, i don't know. it depends on what color your glasses are. >> what's wrong with having a government chosen by people who care enough to vote and take the time to learn what they're voting for? >> i would go the other way. i would make voting mandatory. i would. >> then people have no idea what you're voting for. >> then you have low information voters. >> have you been watching the jesse watters segment? a lot of people don't know much. >> i think that we should give a citizenship test to citizens
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also. but we don't. we give it to immigrants only. >> before you leave, you've heard the clues. any idea what we're going to dress up as today? >> i figure you're all going to show up in haz-mat suits. >> oh, my gosh. >> good call. >> right? >> harry potter, but i was so last year. >> harry potter. >> that was ten years ago, geraldo. >> happy halloween to you and erica. >> thank you. >> there was quite a party last night. >> i can hear it in the voice. >> justin bieber showed up, michael strahan, usher. a lot of fun. >> geraldo, do you have a little hangover? >> just in my throat. i'm sleep deprived. let's go, cavs. i love the knicks, too. >> thank you. see you next week. and coming up, it may just be the funniest video you see
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all day. >> thank you, jesus! i'm free at last! free at last! woo! michael jackson, wooo! wooo! oh, yeah, baby. look at him. find out what had this man so excited he was moon walking. then "duck dynasty" star jep robertson said he almost died last week. he was in the hospital for days before he on knew what happened. and this morning he's joining us. there he is. >> looking great. >> we're going to talk to him on the other side of a quick timeout. good morning to you, jep. ♪ ♪
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everything is better with a little "duck dynasty" in your life. and he says he's lucky to be alive. just days ago, "duck dynasty" star jep robertson suffered a seizure while on a hunting trip. the health scare nearly took his life. >> now he's opening up about the mystery illness that almost killed him. how is he doing today? >> jep robertson and his wife jessica join us from their home in louisiana in his first live interview since the incident. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> so jep, what happened? >> thank you. i'm glad to be alive, brother. just like she said.
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>> amen. so what went wrong? >> well, i was deer hunting in the stand. i had a friend in town. it was just one of those deals. i did see a big deer and willie likes to make fun of me because of it. i grabbed my bow and just fell out for -- they said five minutes. i have no memory. >> i understand at one point you were on the ventilator for four days. you tweeted this out. you said, well, i about died this sunday. i'm doing much better now. thanks for all the prayers. is it true that at one point you didn't even recognize your own mom, miss kay? >> i didn't. and i feel terrible about that 'cause i know that really hurt her feelings. i didn't recognize jessica. >> yeah. so sunday he got put on a ventilator and completely sedated. until wednesday he was taken off. we really didn't know because he didn't recognize me, willie or
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kay before he completely was sedated. when he came out -- when he came out and grabbed my hand, it, like, it was a sigh of relief for us because he knew who we were. it was pretty emotional. >> did they figure out what it was? >> what caused it? >> they think -- i tested kind of positive for meningitis and encephalitis. a mosquito can do a lot of damage. >> wow. unbelievable. just like that, you can drop. how long did it take for you to get help, 'cause you were out hunting, so you might have been in a remote part. >> well, yeah. i'm really sore. everybody said i was very combative. willie said i would ask him for money and then i would try to punch him. i would ask him for money and try to punch him. >> yeah, but that's normal. did he feel that was out of character? >> exactly. >> i'm kind of glad i did it. he couldn't hit me back because i was sick.
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>> you wrote, just like steven segal, i'm hard to kill. >> oh, man oh, man. >> that's one of my dad's favorite movies. when i woke up after being in a coma state for four days, my dad was at the end of the bed and he said, did you see a light? and i said no and he said, that may be a problem. >> got to love it. what a great family and great show. >> does this mean that you are not going to be going hunting anymore? are you going to have a lot of mosquito bug spray on you? >> they said i got to wait a few weeks. i'm really mad about that. whatever. >> we're so happy that you're okay and my little boy is going to dress up like you guys for halloween. we have the duck call and the mask and the beard and the head band. season 7 of "duck dynasty" is going to premiere on wednesday, november 19 on a and e, you do not want to miss it. i got it on my dvr. >> thank you for joining us
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today. >> thanks for having us. >> that's great. coming up, you go for the thrill, but what happens if you get hurt at a haunted house tonight? can you sue? yes. we are separating the tricks from the treats.
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we have headlines for you. everyone may soon have a window seat on commercial airplane flights. that's thanks to a windowless cabin. this is being developed by a british company. the inside will be replaced by full length screens. you could be seeing these within the next decade. a giant drill bit almost cutting through a subway train packed with 800 people right here in new york city. it went right through the tunnel's roof and shattered several windows on the train. that's a real picture, by the
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way. drilling for a well in the wrong place. steve? >> they almost got the shaft. all right. is it a trick or treat or a lawsuit? with haunted house, parties and trick or treating, halloween events can often pave the way for a day later in court. here with everything you need to know before tonight, fox news legal analyst and senior judicial analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> i want to sue your neighbor. good morning. >> there are a lot of these haunted houses out there. you wonder if they're safe, if you get hurt, what happens? >> you can't sue a haunted house. don't go to the haunted mansion in disney. don't go to your local fair and say, i'm suing you! listen, it's dark. it's scary and you can't sue. so if you walk into the wall and it's covered with cloth or you walk through the corn maze, you can't sue! it's a trick! >> so don't even bother. >> it's ridiculous. don't waste the time. >> what about if the decorations
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tonight -- actually a couple years ago issues one of my neighbor highs had some stuff tt was kind of weird and people were complaining. what if decorations offend people? >> say my decorations can't offend anyone. yeah, that's true! they can't offend anyone. there is a first amendment in this country and we have one case after another where people put up tombstones with, like, trashy things about their neighbors in order to taunt them. and there have been cases that said, no, you can put up those tombstones no matter how offensive and it doesn't become hate speech or fighting words. i couldn't put up with that. i really could not put up with that. >> seems like april fool's day and also on halloween there are a lot of pranksters out there. >> that's bad sometimes. people say, i can prank however i want. we've seen these videos and there is one case where a guy laid in a pool of blood in a chicken ranch restaurant. so as a result of it, a customer
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came in, went out and told the police that someone was down -- >> it looked like it. >> filed a police report. then the guy was charged with causing this person to file a police report. trick. you can't do that. don't go around dressed as a clown like this wearing scary suits. look at this now. how would you feel with that? this guy's got this tremendous oversized mallet and he's chasing people through this garage. we had this problem in california and other states. you can be charged with a criminal charge you do stuff like that. menacing. >> so tonight, everybody knows there is going to be candy and -- >> i know. >> absolutely. >> i'll be there. >> your apartment as well. so when people come on to your property, what happens? >> some people say, once you step on my lawn, it's your problem. no! no! it's your problem. you can get sued and you can have a problem. we've got safety tips on halloween. number one, flame resistant
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costumes. make sure kids have those. the kids need to carry a flashlight as well going forward. absolutely. you can't be walking around in the dark. also this is the most dangerous day of the year for pedestrian accidents with children, especially between the hours of 5 and 9. so instruct the kids before they cross the street, make eye contact with the drivers. let the drivers see them. let them see each other to make sure that everybody is safe going forward. >> 'cause a lot of kids are dressed all in black. >> we don't want cases from the crypt. let's make this a happy, fun halloween day. steve, i don't want to drink your blood. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. >> ladies and gentlemen, he's a real attorney. >> vincent price. >> nice to see you. in the spirit of the day. coming up, there may be one person who has more riding on this election than anybody else.
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who is he? find out when chris wallace joins us. he's live in the studio today. good morning to you. look out for peter johnson. what final payment this man just made made him the happiest guy in the world? >> thank you, jesus! i'm free at last! free at last! woo! michael jackson! woo!
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all right. chris wallace, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> today is halloween. we're dressing up. >> did you know that mornings are better with friends? >> you knew that! >> here is the funny thing, they said one of the things you're going to do is have to guess what they're wearing. and so i go in to the make-up room and they all say, it's very secret. it's top secret. i know what you're all wearing.
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>> after the first question you asked me is what are you wearing? >> you say dolc, this gabanna. >> we all have two identities. by day they're this. and by night -- and also we will all star in movies in the next five years. two of us have masks ask two of us have stars. a lot of guesses so far. >> yes. kristy says, the fantastic four. you're all truly fantastic every day. thank you. >> that's perfect. not right, but perfect. >> another writes, washington secret six. one great books of 2014 by brian kilmeade. >> you like that one. >> absolutely. and finally, here is our final hint. and these are little swatches of our costumes. can you figure out who we are? keep them coming. e-mail us. >> i think i'm going to stick around to see what kimberly is wearing. >> if i were you, i would. >> it's pretty cute.
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>> she did say it's a little brief. >> yeah. >> somebody turn the heat up. >> it's more metaphor than a costume. >> i would imagine you're here in the big town because we've got the election coverage coming up in a couple of days. >> bingo. >> thank you very much. four days until the election. people go out and vote on tuesday and then we'll have the results on tuesday night. who stands to win the most on tuesday? >> well, obviously i think the republicans stand to win the most and to lose the most. obviously if they gain control of the senate, that's a big deal. >> big for mitch mcconnell. >> oh, yeah. there is one horrible possibility out there for him, sort of a shakespearean tragedy that republicans take the senate and he's always wanted to be the senate majority leader, and he ends up losing in virginia. kentucky rather. >> could you imagine? >> that would be horrible for him. >> what are the upsets likely to be? >> at this point, i don't know if there are any upsets because -- well, i will say this. there are some that if they happen, you kind of expect, which would be like louisiana
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going republican or arkansas. if scott brown wins in new hampshire, which would be an early one, that will be an indication that republicans are going to have a very good night. if he beats jean shaheen in new hampshire. absolutely that. will indicate maybe we've got a wave here. and of course, look, if mitch mcconnell were to lose, i don't think he's going to, but if he were to lose in kentucky or pat roberts in kansas, that would be an upset. >> sure. in your memory, do you remember when a party in power has so shown the president of the united states, you know, we saw video over the last week or two of people leaving the obama rallies. we just saw some stuff where hillary clinton was speaking in college park, maryland, and there were a bunch of empty seats. >> he's pretty unpopular. and the key is that it just so happens by the nature of the draw that there are a number of these races in republican states. and obama, if he's unpopular
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around the country, is especially unpopular in republican red states. his approval rating, nationally. but you go to louisiana or to arkansas, it's 32%. 33%. so you're asking a democratic senator running for reelection to run 20 points ahead of the president's popularity. >> good luck. >> well, it's tough. but, and here is the one problem that democrats have. they don't want obama, but they want obama voters. and you want young people to turn out. you want the african-americans and hispanics to turn out, who traditionally don't in midterm elections. so you can send them, but you want the obama voters to come out. that's a tough balance for them. >> it is tough. they're in a tough spot. we'll see. and republicans probably motivated, getting momentum saying, hey, we've really got a shot here. let's also talk about what the voters think and what the president thinks. we've got new fox news poll. if president obama's policies were on the november ballot, would you vote against or for?
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i see the numbers. against, 58% or for the policies, 36%. that's a pretty big spread. >> yeah. chris, additionally, in the "washington post," an anonymous white house advisor said about the president, he doesn't think they have any reason to run away from him. he thinks, the president, that there is a strong message there. >> well, imagine, you're barak obama. wasn't that many years ago you were giving speeches to hundreds of thousands of people and talking about cooling the planet and keeping like king knute, keeping the waters from rising. now suddenly, you know, some congressman in virginia doesn't want to be seen with you. it's got to be a -- >> you won the nobel peace prize 20 minutes into your presidency. >> that's what happens. what goes up must come down. from king maker to humble pie. >> you are the king of sunday morning. who is on your show? >> big show sunday. we're closing arguments. we've got mitt romney for the republicans delivering the closing argument. he'll be our exclusive guest on
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sunday. ben carden will be there for the democrats. karl rove, joe trippi will go inside the numbers. our campaign cowboys and a special panel with not only brit hume and george will, but megyn kelly making a rare guest appearance on the fox news sunday show. >> fantastic! >> you got the all stars there. >> and we're not being preempted, moved to 8:00 o'clock in the morning, not that i'm bitter about that, by an nfl football game. >> chris, come on, we're going to walk you back to the green room and we're actually going to go put on our costumes. >> is that now? >> and heather will take over. you got this? >> you're in charge. >> i got it. you have to change quickly. let's go. >> we have some headlines to tell you about while they're changing into their costumes. thousands plan to protest the washington redskins this sunday when they head to minnesota to take on the vikings. last year protesters also turned out, but this year it is
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expected to be the biggest ever. >> this is the 21st century and it's racist, to say the least. it has no place in sports, i don't think. >> skin color is out of bounds, i think. there is 10 million things on this planet that are fearsome and cool and scary or whatever you want to call it. >> redskins owner daniel snyder has refused to change the name, saying that it's part of the team's tradition and heritage. and kids, get ready to color between the horns? a satanic coloring book is one step closer to winding up in the hands of thousands of public school children. the satanic temple just submitted it to the orange county school district in florida for approval. a judge there just ruled religious pamphlets of all kinds can be distributed after the freedom from religion foundation sued.
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and finally, this just may be the funniest video that you will see all day. over the past year to explain, ed smith has been paying his ex-wife $820 a month in alimony. so what does that have to do with why he's celebrating to make the final payment? look. >> thank you, jesus! i'm free at last! free at last! woo! michael jackson! woo! woo! $10,000! done. woo! >> also doing a little rick flair. 594-year-old busting out the moonwalk and some other interesting moves there. i don't know what that is. all this happening in the bank of america in memphis. he was certainly a very happy fellow there. now let's toss it out to maria molina who is standing by with your weather forecast. looks like you are a, what, princess? >> i'm not sure. >> a queen, king?
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>> we have a box of accessories. i thought these went well together. let's take a look at the weather conditions because many of you are going to be headingç out fr trick or treating coming up tonight and there is some messy weather expected across portions of the midwest and also across the great lakes. we have some rain that's going to be moving through and it's going to be cold enough that some of that rain will transition over to snow. especially along some of the higher elevations of the appalachians. otherwise across the center of the country. you're look relatively quiet. levens across parts of texas. california and north, washington state, we're looking a little unsettled. areas of rain and temperatures will be in the 60s coming up later today in the city of seattle. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. we appreciate it. we first showed you this yesterday. a democrat's husband caught red handed taking down republican signs. look. >> property of the republican party. >> we got you, brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything. >> yeah. we got you. a big update on that story is
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coming up next. plus, we have been dropping hints all morning long. here is another clue. have you figured out our halloween costumes yet? stay tuned. ♪ ♪
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welcome back to "fox & friends." holding down the curvy couch while everyone changes into their halloween costumes. quick political headlines for you. not one gop member has announced his or her candidacy for presidency. but we do know where they will debate. the reagan library in california will host the first republican debate. that will be in september of next year. and we showed you this video yesterday. look. >> the republican party -- >> we got you, brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything.
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>> they sure did. the husband of a democratic state senator stealing her republican opponent's campaign signs. now dana long has turned himself in. he was arraigned and released on $250 bail. his wife is bethany hall long, a state senator from delaware. and big story we've been following all morning for you. a fox news alert. the manhunt for eric frien is over. the suspected cop killer arriving at the court any moment now. the 31-year-old survivalist caught last night at a abandoned airplane hangar. rick leventhal has the latest for us. >> reporter: more than 1,000 federal, state and law enforcement officers had been involved in this massive manhunt for eric frien scouring the thick and rugged terrain for the past 48 days. they didn't get close to him despite numerous reported sightings of this 31-year-old self-taught survivalist. the closest they got was an abandoned camp site roughly five
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miles from where he was captured. then at 6:00 o'clock last night, a team of u.s. marshals working a possible lead approached an empty hangar at the bunchwood pocono air park next to the abandoned bingewood resort. they spotted frien, who apparently left his weapons behind him in the hangar and took him down without a shot. >> it's a hot, tiring, dangerous job. today the united states marshal service had one of their teams out at the abandoned airport. when they approached it, they saw an individual that they thought was eric frien and they ordered him to surrender, to get down on his knees and raise his hands, which is what he did. >> reporter: frien was chained with the handcuffs that belonged to the trooper he was charged with murdering and he was driven to the barracks where the shootings took place in the police car that corporal dixon was supposed to drive september 12 the night he was killed and trooper douglas was
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wounded. he's recovering from his injuries. frien has been charged with first-degree murder and homicide of a law enforcement officer, first degree attempted murder, and numerous other counts. the d.a. says he will seek the death penalty. frien's arraignment is scheduled for 9:00 o'clock this morning. now this vast set of communities here in the pocono mountains has been looking over their shoulders for the past seven weeks. they can finally breathe a bit easier. >> thank you, rick. a lot of folks relieved, including the kids. they canceled halloween for them. but now they'll be able to go trick or treating. speaking of that, your final clue, can you guess our costumes? that might give it away. we'll have the big reveal up next. plus the cutest trick or treaters are getting ready for our halloween parade, look at all those costumes. love it. first let's check in with more that for what's coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. >> we can't wait to see what the costumes are. coming up at the top of the hour, mary landrieu surprisingly talking racism and sexism in
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louisiana as she faces a real battle to hang on to her senate seat. the president tries to convince america that the economy is much, much better now. do they believe it? we got more on the big elections and eric frien in custody after seven weeks surviving in the woods. all the latest when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. the conference call.
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as it turns out after all the clues, we're super heros! wonder woman, the incredible hulk. >> bat girl. >> i love it! >> captain america. >> somebody does. one e-mail guessed two out of the three.
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very exciting. >> someone will have to resuscitate the hulk. >> will you be wearing this on "the five" later? >> bob has made a special request. let's see. >> i bet he has. we have tons of kids in costume, ready to show off trick or treat skills in the studio. >> and here to help us out, the ceo of >> happy halloween, everybody. >> are we ready? >> we're ready to fight crime and do the news! >> thank you, party city, for our amazing costumes today. look at the babies. >> tinker bell, baby madison. look at these beautiful babies in their halloween costumes. let's see our next one. more tiny trick or treaters. we have mini mouse, dinosaur max. come on, guys. >> hello there. >> we're both mini today. happy halloween. come on in.
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all right. now we have superman, salvatore power ranger. hello! now we have brother and sister, spiderman jackson and buzzy bee kinsey. come on! look how cute! come on! we have some classic girls costumes. dorothy, morgan and alice olivia. come on down. come on down. >> love it. >> very cute. >> now we have princesses. what would halloween be without the princesses? we have bell, leighton, and sleeping beay. hi, beautiful girls. what would halloween be without rosen? we have elsa, lydia, julia and
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oliver olaf. the hottest costumes this halloween. and then we have the doggies, the puppies. we have a pumpkin, a batman and a spiderman. look at these puppies! everybody has a halloween costume this halloween. >> a pumpkin. >> i love it. >> you guys look great. >> we've got a nice assortment of halloween costumes here to celebrate a great fun day. >> just a second. spiderman, can we have some of your candy? >> yeah. >> we can? great! >> that's really remarkable. >> very nice. there you go, tucker. >> i can't. taking candy from a baby, not much fun. >> steve has no problem. it's like, can i have all your candy? >> it's really nice. >> a special thank you to party city, the disney store and pets
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supplies for all of these fantastic costumes, and to party city for our set decorations and thank you to awful our children. >> happy halloween, everybody. >> thank you. >> wave! we have more "fox & friends" in two spooky minutes, people! ♪ ♪
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♪ >> thanks to all the kids for coming and of course, thanks to all their nervous parents who are behind them. ted, get a shot. have a safe halloween, everybody! we'll see you back here on monday! bill: that is a crowd. morning everybody, happy halloween. we've got breaking news on the dangerous fugitive finally captured after a seven-week long manhunt. there is arraignment set to get unwade for eric frein who came out of the state patrol car in northeastern pennsylvania. see the marks on his face. after the apprehension late last night in an airport hangar. he is accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper in an ambush on a police barracks and wounding severely another. now prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty as he moves inside the courthouse and courtroom a moment ago. welcome to friday. it is halloween. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom." martha: good morning, bill i


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