tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 31, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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gretatalk. see you monday night. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight: >> not always been a good place for women to ourselves. mary landrieu throws down the race and sensitive card as she gap or expose the truth about what democrats really believe will debate it tonight. >> best opportunity we have had to resolve the issues diplomatically. healthcare for us. a top obama advisor compares an iran deal to obamacare. that might not be the selling point he thinks it is. >> it is about the disintegrations of the african-american family and the not having supervision on the children that has
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holding black americans back. of course. new study beings exposes how the implosion of the family structure is killing the american dream of success. we will analyze it tonight. caution. the factor begins right now. hi i'm get gutfeld for boyle. thanks for watching us tonight. because it's halloween, costumes are the topic of tonight's talking points memo. normally people. liberals, always the reverse. doning disguises because they are the ones who are really scared. as the election loons and defeat terrifies them in comes the i'm not a liberal costume worn whenever things look bad. they drop the acoustic guitar and pick up the rifle. out goes solar and wind, in comes the flag pin.
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old trick run right, rule left. then call everyone racist. this deceit raises the question. if your beliefs are so bad that you can't defend them when they matter most, why hold them at all. if you must hide your past, shouldn't that tell to you rethink your present? why be a wolf in sheep's clothing when you can just be an honest cat. if conservative principals are what is needed in bad times shouldn't conservative principles be present all times? you don't take vitamins when you are sick. you take them to prevent sickness. you don't exercise when you are overweight, you exercise to prevent it. being right all the time beats being right when you have no choice. liberalism is the morbidly obese guy calling on conservatives to crane lift him out of bed screaming for rescue after years of bloat. so as candidates scrammible in terror from obama, it really means they are running from themselves. obama isn't just the soul of the party he is the party and the candidates are the hangover. on tuesday, americans must
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supply the al al alkaselser. my co-host on the five dana perino. what does your biodegradable hypoallergen nic crystal ball has to say about tuesday. >> isn't it amazing what the government has done to our crystal ball? >> it's terrible. i couldn't say precisely. however, most -- the consensus is that both the republicans. in a very good year for them. president obama gets less popular hours click away. the republicans are tightening up in all of these races. their get-out-the vote campaign has been better than in previous years be able to win back the senate. win governor's races most important if you care about small government the state governments are actually mostly republican now and going to pick up seats there
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that's important later on and governing be more supportive. two part question. follow me more closely. >> what do you think the republican should do if they get this big what do you think rule the word then everything would be better. if they only listen to me. that's one of the lines in washington. couple things you have to do immediately which is first of all restore dignity to the process in the senate. harry reid has been extremely destructive and even democrats run for president. wouldn't mind if there was a change in the democratic leadership at that point. so i think restoring just some order to the process is important. i think going to have to do some things immediately. talk about the corporate tax reform. i think there could be a deal there that would be smart for president obama as well. energy, you have talked about this a lot. which is that you get -- if
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you just do a good comprehensive energy policy, you get all sorts of stuff. you get jobs. you get more independence, you have a stronger hand on the foreign policy front. so that makes a a lot of sense. americans are going to demand something on obamacare. i don't know exactly what that is going to look like. there are some things that they need to bring to the table that president obama will first of all reject. and then they will hopefully be able to reach some sort of compromise. two other things if you don't mind go on for a moment. >> pleas do. >> i would press president obama on this iran nuclear deal. and for a long time the senators have wanted to pass some sort of resolution that said congress needs to have a say here, mr. president. and harry reid has blocked that from being taken as a vote. i think that if they did that immediately, it would be bipartisan and send it to the president. president still might ignore it. but at least the congress would be on record. the other thing that i think has to be is restoration of cuts to the troops. the military budget and the sequestration. all of this, though, has to be, you keep in mind. two basic things of
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security. economics. and national. and you focus really solely on the middle class. because we want -- we know that the rich are fine. we have got to help people be able to move up the ladder. >> scary part about iran. the president isn't just extending an olive branch he is handing the entire tree. >> he is feeding the olives one by one. >> let me ask you. this a lot of times republicans get bogged down in symbolic battles that go nowhere. it raises people's careers and makes them popular. my shore is shouldn't the g.o.p. be looking ahead to 2016 about creating a vision that appear appeals to country that desperately social issues not a hot topic in the middle term. candace running now if they end up winning, that's a direction they want to take
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things in the future. whoever emerges on that 2016 theme from the republicans something says i want to lift america up and i have a vision to do so. and i have an ability and the experience that could do better than president obama that's when they nominate you, dana measure o'reilly moreno ticket. >> he could do it himself. >> who needs a vice president? one blast question. the media. they seem obsessed with the republicans compromising. now that you must win you act like the losers. that's always the case. never do that with liberals when the liberals win. >> see a seed change when the republicans looked like they were going to win. media started to write stories like egg they might win they will actually lose a swing a loss and a loss is a win depending on if you are republican and democrat. lots of different ways to
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communicate now and great candidates out there. mcconnell and boehner two very level headed people that would be able to handle the congress. what happens on 2016 will just -- we'll have to wait and see and maybe you have me back for my biodegradable crystal ball. >> i'm not so sure about that dana, thank you. see you on red eye tonight. be on hosting red eye. try to get some rest. you know a politician is desperate when they call their own state racist and sexist in order to win re-election. but do senator mary landrieu's provocative new comments reveal what democr believe? we will debated it right after this. leave now and i will smash your pumpkin. [ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™
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even if that means trashing the very state they are trying to win. now, in my book "that's the opposite of smart," -- >> let me be very honest with you the south has not been place for african-americans a time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. it's more of a conservative place. so we have had to work a little bit harder on that. >> senator mary landrieu apparently tearing a page right out of president obama's 2008 campaign playbook. who could forget this. they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant or, you know, antitrade sentiment. a way to explain their frustrations. >> never get tired of hearing that joining us now
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with reaction, deneen borelli. president of the conservative review and fox news analyst and spawn of satan alan colmes. >> love you. >> i love you, too barely. is this more evidence that liberals are desperate out of ideas blindly flinging the race card like one of those death stars at anything that moves? mae landrieu, shameless, desperate and this is a wreckless move on anyone's part to play the race card. when you look at how they are afraid of losing control this is what it is all about. when you also look at the fact that she voted over 980 o% of the time along with president obama how stupid does she think americans are, especially black voters that she would say such a thing that it's racist and sxist. clearly on the wrong track. on the wrong path and what she is saying is very dangerous. >> earlier this week, bill clinton, one of the greatest presidents we have ever had
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said that identity product is the greatest threat to the future of our country. i guess mary landrieu was napping during that time. even great leaders of your side are agreeing with our side. >> when liberals point out racism they get accused of being racist right out of rules for radicals. exactly what's happening here. >> that's what you guys just did. you just accused us of racism. >> who is us? i would say conservatives or lib teenagers. anybody who is not a liberal is racist in your book. >> that's not what mary lawn drew was saying. they didn't integrate the public schools in the louisiana 1970s, 10 times tweens the 60's and 1978 in louisiana they had to be asked by federal authorities to integrate public colleges. >> terrible democrats. >> fix went on where they had the black tree at a high school where they hung
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nooses. this has gone on in her state. this is factual. not something she made out out of whole cloth. >> i find it outrageous that what mary landrieu is calling her constituents racist. >> that's not what she said. >> whatever it is you are talking about, alan, when you play the race card you are going in dangerous territory. how about talking about higher unemployment among black americans in the defendant's double digits. people want to hear about the issues harming our job job. >> address energy policy because more oil is being produced in louisiana. >> on private land. >> in louisiana now. >> private property. >> and nationally by the way there is more oil being produced first time. >> private property, alan. mary landrieu has voted with obama over incident 90% of the . >> identity politics in the
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divisiveness that's been going on in the last, i don't know, recently in the last six years helpful. >> look at the ohio state and people more divided than ever. i believe that america is thirsting for a sense of unity that even bill clinton realizes. question why is president obama not doing as well in the south as he might be and you can't deny that there is a level of racism that takes place. >> mary landrieu in office most of her life. three term senator how in the world did she get elected being a woman and in the south? explain that to me. she is going to play the race card -- >> -- actually only barely queekd by a few times in her election. you are making a statement about one person. >> the fact is you have a number of politicians in the south like governor phil bryant of mississippi who said that women belong in the work. don't belong -- we were talking about what she said was which was about the south and the way it deals with race and gender. if i could just finish phil
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bryant of mississippi said the only reason we are not doing as well women are in the workplace. >> how did he get elected he is in the south. >> racist? tim scott was not a racist. he was elected not elected. >> when some people chose not to reelect president obama who had elected him originally they were also called racist. to me this seems like the left liberals in general have always prided themselves on being tolerant against bullying. this seems to me an intimidation tactic it's hard to resist but it is an intimidating tactic. because if, for example, what's happening now, if you bring up the term racist, your opponent has to spend his or her time defending that accusation rather than talking about. >> say the word racist by the way but she gave an honest answer to a very good question which is why -- >> -- race card, alan. >> you can deny there is a level of racism against this president? will you deny that. >> he would not be president. >> i said a level of racism.
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the birther racism, muslim racism. i'm asking you a question. would you deny that is any racism towards this president. >> i will answer your question. i would say that perhaps a small percentage that might be racist. the overwhelming percentage is because is he incompetent. arrogant, aloof and a failure. >> how did he get reelected? >> i will tell you why your strategy. >> strategy, thank you. >> you represent the left at this table right now my friend. the strategy of accusing anybody of being a leftist scares a lot of people so they reelect him. that's it. >> do you know why he got reelected because in this country now among blacks, hispanics, women and all these groups there aren't enough votes to nationally elect republicans because republicans have lost that constituency. >> thanks to identity politics which everyone is tired of. >> no it's policy. >> we have got to go now. deneen, thank you alan. wait in the car. i'm driving. next on the rundown. judge shoots down maine's request to quarantine nurse kaci hickox. does this mean officials
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in the personal story segment tonight, should healthcare workers returning from ebola ravaged west africa be forced. treat ebola patient in west africa. a judge rejected the state's effort to restrict freedom of movement as she waits out a 21 day incubation period. kaci hickox spoke out about her victory this afternoon. >> the three spoints that he is still recommending that i abide by are three points that i believe is part of
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this good compromise that we can make. i have been compliant with the direct active monitoring that the cdc recommends. i will continue to be compliant. >> but does this give a a green light to other american healthcare workers returning from west a. africa to defy quarantine requests and needlessly put the public at risk? joining us now from cleveland, of all places to analyze, fox news senior correspondent geraldo rivera. geraldo, what do you first make of the judge's ruling and of casey's behavior in particular? >> first, i'm traumatized that i came here to watch will lebron james triumphant return to the cleveland cavaliers. the knicks spoiled the party it was a great party nevertheless. i think the judge was trying to balance the equities here, greg. i'm very disappointed in the nurse not the judge nor the governor will he page up there in maine. the nurse hickox came back from west africa a hero in my view, sacrificing so much risking so much to treat this vial disease in rest
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after infantry catch. no control yet of the spread of the epidemic there. she came back and we marveled at her sacrifice and herselflessness and then she was a martyr to constitutional rights being a bridge when they threw her in that ridiculous ebola jail in university hospital in newark clear plastic ebola jail. no shower a porta potty. it was a shame. a sin the way they treated this hero. >> that's how i live, geraldo. exactly what my apartment looks like. >> yeah, i have been down there. you know, and hippy land. i understand that. but, then here she a harr tar to bureaucratic bungling where couldn't get her appropriate accommodation. then she was defiant. then she went home to maine. that's okay. now she is in maine. she is on the border. that's one thing. then she goes outside, come
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on, why are are you too long this? why are you daring people? why are you scaring people? there are two epidemics. she is probably right that she is not infectious because she is asymptomatic. she is probably right about that why not wait until a week from monday. only talking about november 10th is the 21st day then she would be in the clear for all scientific opinion. there is the epidemic of fear. what are we going to do trick-or-treaters going to go to her neighborhood? are they going to go on her lawn now? come on, parents are going to be petrified. why not wait? i think she was selfish. >> you can't be guaranteed for the disease. i would get life if that were the case. >> i have got to ask you a little bit off topic here. where is the ebola czar? he is like the guy who disappeared in the the middle of the denver bronchos game. was he abducted by aliens? did he run off with cooper's money? where is he in all of this. >> small things big lessons
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are apparent. in president obama's selection of this locks for ebola czar was so incompetent. so tone deaf. so in every way insufficient to quell the fears spreading malignantly through picked someone decisive. someone authoritative. someone who had vast experience in that this area of public health. he could have calmed the fears. brought you a the dispirit agencies together, the institutes for health. the centers for disease control. the united states military. he could have given a message, a face, this is how america fights a dreaded enemy. instead he picked a guy, a politician who was looking for a job in d.c. who had been loyal previously. i think it was very very disappointing. >> you know what? the going back to the nurse. that she is in danger of becoming a cultural symbol of 2014. when they look back at the year it's going to be the year of the ebola nurse. and freedom ride. she st. paul revere in the
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smock. i think that -- i have talked to a number of doctors. everybody agrees that she does great work. but, she is in danger of besmirching an entire movement because of a self-righteous behavior. >> you know, herself righteousness, i don't even -- that doesn't bother me as much as her selfishness bothers me. i'm a parent. i have five children. i worry about this disease. i worry about measles. i worry about flu. i worry about my kids getting sick. why not give us this much? we are asking you to sacrifice three weeks of your life. we will send you pizzas. we will send you, you know, free netflix. we will deliver whatever you want to your door. just give us a break. and she chose to be selfish rather than self-less in this regard. >> most of my life is self-quarantined. i never go anywhere. >> i will send you a pizza. >> i will seat it. in my boxers. over the sink. quietly weeping because i'm
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problem segment tonight, stopping a nuclear iran. november 24th deadline it to reach a dual is rapidly approaching. newly released audiotape of ben rhodes speaking with left wing activists back in january, shedding light on how the administration is approaching the negotiations. >> bottom line is this is the best opportunity we've had to resolve the iranian issue diplomatically as soon as president obama came into office and probably since the beginning of the iraq war. so no small opportunity big deal. this is probably the biggest thing that president obama will do in his second term on foreign policy. this is healthcare for us, just to put it in context. >> yes, because obamacare has worked out so well for everyone. joining us now to analyze from san diego rick grenell a fox news contributor and former advisor to four u.s. ambassadors to the u.n. and from washington we got matthew dust, president of the foundation for middle
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east peace. so, rick, first to you. the upside is at least he didn't compare the negotiations to ebola. but, still comparing i do taunt with iran to obamacare he kind of implies it could be a disaster. >> actually, greg, ebola would have been a better analogy because that example actually would pull in the dangerous and deadly element. >> um-huh. >> to what we are dealing with. this is a very serious problem. i think what ben rhodes, his slip-up and it's clearly a slip-up when he is talking to a left wing group, what it does is it tells us that the white house views this as a political issue, not a national security issue. and that's where, i think most ofs have you a fundamental problem. we shouldn't be focused on any deal with the iranians. this is a serious issue. and as we approach the one year interim deadline next year, remember we signed this interim deal a year ago. we have had sanctions relief. the economy in iran has
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improved. pressure is off the iranians and they like having the enrichment extra time in secret and it's clearly going to be a problem for us because the pressure is gone. >> i know you are going to disagree but does rick have a point? i always get the sense that iran is constantly outsmarting the united states. they know how to play us. they refer to us as the devil half the time. the only want to work with the devil when they have to. is this actually a good time to be negotiating? >> well, i think it is. i agree with rick that it's a serious issue. i think we should be serious about it it to me it's very clear what ben rhodes meant there. it's just that as the healthcare, the affordable care act was hugely important of obama's first term agenda, arguably the most important part of his domestic agenda, the diplomacy effort, the diplomatic effort, the nuclear with iran and the p a plus 1 is the most important part of obama's foreign policy agenda, it's been clear since he was a
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candidate back in 2008 that it was a very very important part of what he was going to bring to foreign policy. so i don't think -- you know, i find this sort of consternation over that statement a bit confusing. >> okay. my confusion is, stick with you on this. how you can thaw a relationship with a country who sees the west as hopelessly evil? we went through this with the cold war. we had to topple ussr to make this happen. if they already hate us so much, how you can negotiate? >> no. but i think that's a very good comparison. because let's look at the way the ussr eventually toppled. president reagan decided to engage with the soviets. he sat down with miguel gorbachev in the 80's aggressively by the hawks in the same way obama is being criticized right now. in retrospect that was a very smart move. if he would look at the actual details of the agreement right now, the obama administration in the joint plan of action, the interim deal that he would still operating under right now, the iran nuclear program is under heavier
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inspection than it has ever been. this is a very important opportunity. we're not doing this because we trust iran, we are doing it precisely because we don't trust iran and want to keep their nuclear program under heavy inspection into the future. >> all right. rick, if he just trounce me? >> no, not at all. because, look, there has been five u.n. resolutions. >> yes. >> on iran, five. and what happens on the u.n. resolutions is there is a demand that iran stop enriching all uranium. the obama deal that he brought to the p a plus 1, what the deal says is that they get to continue enriching some uranium. there is just a momentary bleep of stopping it, but they don't disband the whole program. what's happening is the obama idea, the obama proposal is weaker than the u.n.'s demand. and you know we are in trouble when you are weaker than the u.n. the other thing, too. i just want to follow with rick is the -- what the leak
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about what was said about b.b. netanyahu, about him being a a chicken blank, isn't that -- doesn't that kind of green light iran because basically saying that we know netanyahu is not going to do anything? >> of course, when you are tougher on israel that enemies, why haven't we heard that there has been a chicken bleep statement about isis or some of our hear that one time slip up. they can get past it. greg, this has been a problem from the beginning this is a narrative, this is a me now. we matthewment to respond, i cut you off there first on netanyahu, iran is under a very sanctions regime. israels or. serious going back to the rick's point about the enrichment. i mean, this was a decision made by the p a plus 1.
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this is the permanent five members of the u.n. security council plus germany, the decision that was made to allow some measure of iranian enrichment. so, to bring up the past u.n. resolutions. this was a decision. >> outside of the security council though. >> this is the permanent five members of the security council making what i think was the correct judgment that you could continue to make this demand or you could take less in order to have a more comprehensive deal. >> rick, last word? >> i have been in the room for these negotiations from the beginning. the europeans have tried to water this down. the americans have been the only ones holding back when the americans cave to the europeans, that's why we have this deal outside of the security council. they got to bring it back to get the full council to approve it. >> it was the french holding the line back in november if you remember. >> all right. >> no, i'm talking about before obama came into office. >> all right. i guess, you know, the problem is, there are people who believe we should bend and people who believe that
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we shouldn't. my question is do we really want radical extremists who believe they have a direct line to god with a nuclear weapon? >> no, we don't. that's precisely why we made this bill. >> we have got to go. bill o'reilly was right all along. i'm not saying it because it's in the teleprompter. new study proves the collapse of the family structure is killing the american dream. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture,
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thanks for staying with us tonight. i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly. in the factor follow up segment tonight, how the breakdown of the family structure is ruining the american dream. on the factor last night, bill debated author and pbs host tavis smiley about that very issue. >> politically, socially, economically, the numbers bear out the fact that if you happen to have less melan in your skin you dual better. >> the odds is you will do better not because of white privilege. >> because you are smarter. >> no. >> because you work harder. >> you just asked me do you want to hear. >> tell me why. >> the collapse of the black family. that's my reason. i will tell you this every major corporation in this country has outreached to minorities. every college has outreach. in new york city here you can go from preschool through your graduate degree and never pay a dime if you are a minority. and i will go back to the
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fact that it about the disintegrations of the african-american family and not having supervision on the children that is holding black americans back. >> and now a brand new study proves bill had it right from the beginning. no surprise here. he is always right. joining us from charlottesville, virginia brad wilcox, the co-author of that study. and the visiting scholar at the american enterprise institute. brad, what was the major finding from your work and give me the hard specifics. >> well, greg, what we are finding in this new report that the sort of precarious place of the american dream right now is really related in part to the retreat from marriage in america. that almost 1/3 of the growing economic quality in america can be tributed cot breakdown of the family. wages are stagnant for families because fewer couples are getting married and staying married. that takes a real economic toll on families across the u.s. >> bret, why does this
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specifically in the media, and in academia uncomfortable. i feel it exposes how destructive, i guess, the last four decades have been preaching the idea of self-fulfillment as a opposed to sacrifice. >> that's a great question. there has been a lot of discussion of things like incarceration a littlely. things like teen pregnancy and tino teen quality. true that education is related and race is related to that best predictors of that important outcomes is family structure. family factor is not really addressed that often in many media discussions and many academic discussions. i think it is because people feel uncomfortable talking about the m. word marriage when it comes to central issues of our day. >> also, the key -- what you your research is saying is that the key to long-term success is stability, which you find through family, support, and work. the problem is, that's boring. people would rather read about the manson family
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instead of the traditional family. that lends itself. if something is boring, people are less likely to be interested in it. >> yeah, i mean it is true that kind of the conventional family is boring. also note that many many african-americans including the obamas have gotten the message since the 1970s, divorce resolution. the best thing can you do for yourself and especially the kids is follow conventional sequence of getting married, having the kids and avoiding divorce court. that's kind of a new reality among better educated americans. they are doing pretty well across racial lines. the problem though is that working class and poor americans, both black and whited today have much more likely to get divorced and each more so to have kids outside of marriage. those two facts are putting them at permanent disadvantage and kids at permanent disadvantage as well. >> brad, how come this isn't a priority for some leaders who could actually make a difference?
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i know that president obama cares about this. but i don't think he talks about this enough. why are are you the spokesman and not him? shouldn't there be -- shouldn't he be holding this study and saying this is important? >> well, you know, the president has been very good on the issue of fatherhood. he has been outspoken on the issue of dads. i commend him for that. actually quite outspoken with his staff when it comes to marriage. he has basically told one of his staffers who was dating, you know, a young man basically go ahead and get married. best thing for you and improve your life dramatically. the problem though is that the president, many progressives really don't articulate this kind of marriage/family message to a larger public. i think that's a shame because the country as a whole needs to hear that message and we need to are more attentive to the issue of marriage particularly for our kids. >> i have to say wrapping this up that the findings to me are so obvious. the problem is it is not cool to say that families matter and that families equal success. it opens yourself up to
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mockery. not something you hear on the daily show and live. hear it on fox news and people say ha ha that's square. new reminder, bill's new book "killing patton" is now on sale. signed copies of the book make great christmas gifts i'm told. go to bill o' to place your orders. i have ordered 500 of them and used them to build a fort for my snake. remember, all the money gill gets from the web site goes to charity. be sure to check that out. when we come right back, radical p.c. student to berkeley have a new public enemy number one and it's bill maher. does free speech stand a chance on america's college campuses anymore? right back with that. in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best ever pricing with double the data on select plans.
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segment tonight, intolerance of college campuses. american universities used to be of free speech. nowadays that only seems to apply when the free speakers tow the liberal line. students at uc berkeley, where i went sadly, want to rescind their invitation to bill maher because he made some controversial comments about islam. university officials say too bad, the invite still stands and maher will get to speak. with us now, with the failed effort to keep -- commencement speaker last spring after the school vowed to protest over her views on islam. how did this new effort come about? is this a bunch of angry students justifiably upset? or is it just a few angry activists ginning up this outrage? >> in all likelihood, greg, it's the latter. when the episode was transpiring relating to the ayyan hirsi, it
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was the outside groups. they hijacked the petition and had all of these people outside the campus mostly of whom were not students. so i don't know really if this is a genuine reflection of the viewpoints of the student body at berkeley. >> that's why i think the berkeley administrators aren't given in to the students because they sense that it's maybe a couple of people or maybe more. also, students generally like bill maher. >> absolutely. i love bill maher. >> i don't love him. i find him mildly entertaining. i like it when he goes after his own audience. i find that refreshing. the interesting thing about what maher said about islam was that it wasn't controversial and that it wasn't untrue. there is a link between terror and islam. it's called radical islam. it's not called radical mormons
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or radical signtologist. so is it coming from student who is are muslim? >> i don't know exactly which students it's coming from, but i just wonder why won't cair seize on this opportunity and use it constructively to have a dialogue. let them prove they're the moderates they claim to be. go ahead and use this opportunity to call out the radical elements of islam. >> i find the people that always scream for dialogue only want dialogue if it's their dialogue. they don't want your dialogue. they just want you to nod and agree. the campus these days, which is supposed to be so open minded is now the beacon of intolerance. how did that happen? when did it start? >> when did it start? i can't pinpoint the exact date. but you're right. stifling freedom of expression, condi rice at rutgers or bill maher's here is wrong. i have many political differences with bill maher.
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but it's still the wrong decision. but from uc berkeley standpoint they ought to be commended because they were courageous. >> one of the few things you can say nice about berkeley. this rescinded offer exposes the hypocrisy of undergrads, students who believe they're being brave, they're taking a stand when in fact if you wish not to have an opposing viewpoint, that perhaps is the most cowardly thing you can do. you aren't confident in your own views that you could actually face somebody who disagrees with you. >> i absolutely agree with that. in academia we ought to be stimulating conversation about our differences. if you are so constant about your perspectives, why don't you go and challenge bill maher? >> right. say this happened a couple years ago when bill maher was only bashing christianity or bashing christianity -- would not have been an issue. not at all. totally okay with that. all right, josh, we got to go. >> thank you. up next, just days to go until the midterms one candidate
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some of them have really colorful backgrounds. check out this guy running for lieutenant governor in arkansas. >> election season in arkansas is flatout an admission that one of the candidates used to be a stripper. he's a democrat rubbing for lieutenant governor. his stripper name was the metro express. >> wait! what? can we see that guy again? that's a stripper? that's metro express? that's more like tragic mike. >> so wait, you're saying a stripper can't be elected to office? there goes my political career. back in the '90s my stripper name was powder keg greg. i'm greg gutfeld in for bill o'reilly. if you like bill's book killing patton and who didn't, you'll love my book not guilty cool,
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fighting the greatest threat to humanity, the cool. the spin stops here because we're looking out for you, and you, and you, but not you. good evening everyone and welcome to a "the kelly file" midterm special, the democrats last defense. i'm megyn kelly. to understand what happened last tuesday we need to understand withast spring. the obama controversy faded from the headlines. president's approval rating climbed back to the 40s and democrats had a plan to make social issues the cornerstone of the 2013 midterms. but things soon started to unravel. vladimir putin and ukrainian rebels threatened a cold war style showdown. the conflict went on for months. but by june a new story pushed mr. putin from the headlines here. thousands of unaccompanied children started showing up at our southern border
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