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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  November 2, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST

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eastern. we'll talk about a bombshell book that's gotten a lot of attention. and of course, we'll bring you the latest "media buzz." it is the day before election eve, 48 hours to go and democrats and republicans make their final push going into tuesday. the midterm elections now said to be the most expensive in american history with a price tag of around $4 billion. welcome. good to see you. i'm arthel neville. >> what's going into the heated races in the senate. the big question right now, will that be enough to switch senate control? the gop looking to grab enough seats to take over. while the other side, they're still hangining on for dear lif
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>> if republicans don't take control of the senate when these midterm elections are all wrapped up wednesday, then the rnc chair says he will be very disappointed. but his hopes are high and here's why. >> we're winning on the ground. you can just look at early vote, absentee ballot voting and their message isn't working. if they had such a great message, they should be winning across the board and they're not. >> democratic candidates in close races, they tend to win. even though mitt romney said he thinks democrats are getting desperate and they are complaining that president obama is a drag on the ticket this year, they say president obama is actually an asset. >> yeah, i stack up our
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surrogates. we've got president obama. secretary clinton, president clinton. they've got rand paul, miss christie and ted cruz. the most important thing is that voters will be asking themselves is who has my back. >> she's also sighting what she thinks is a stronger ground game as a reason she believes the gop will not take control of the senate. and the way maryland sees things, he thinks a strong economy and specifically the point that the unemployment rate is its lowest since 2008 is one reason that democrats are keep control of the senate. he says a good economy is something voters really notice. >> we'll see, peter. thank you, of course. meanwhile, president obama preparing for a last-minute push before the midterm elections. the president will appear at
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campaign events in connecticut and philadelphia later today. take a look at it now. a recent abc washington post poll at 44%. that's down since the beginning of the year. we're live in philadelphia awaiting the president's arrival. >> reporter: interesting because the wm;ypresident's been out on trail pretty infrequently. he's been lamenting the fact that his days as the candidates is coming to a close late in his presidency. he says it's fun to get back out on the trail, but not so fun for the ones telling him stay away because of that unpopularity you mentioned. instead, he's been mostly focusing on under the radar
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battles. he'll be here with democrat tom wolf. be with the governor of connecticut a little bit earlier. but last night in michigan, the president was making a joke about uncomfortable thanksgiving dinner conversations. his rival was on fox news sunday saying it's about time democrats lost the senate. listen. >> you all got somebody in your family like that. you're going to have them over for thanksgiving but you don't want to put them in charge. am i right? >> people want to see real change and recognize as long as you have all the same players blockading any kind of progress, you're going to see america going in the same direction we've seen it. >> reporter: the president himself in a controversial move noted that he's not on the ballot, but his policies are. something the republicans pounced on throughout this
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midterm election campaign. what mitt romney is eluding to is the fact that the policies as well as the president may be facing a whole new political reality come wednesday morning. it's so exciting. makes me think of the fried turkey i'm going to have in new orleans come thanksgiving. thank you. talk about new orleans, that race in louisiana and all the other races, fox news channel, the other place you're ever going to watch these elections. we'll have a one-hour special tonight. break down all the key races. starts at 8:00 p.m. tonight. tuesday, they'll be kicking off our coverage at 6:00 p.m. on election day. i expect you to be watching us all night. how about that? a fox news alert on the sheer brutality of isis. reports of more mass murdering in iraq saying the terror group
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shot and killed at least 50 men, women, and children. this follows an earlier massacre of the same sunni twooib. meantime today, separate attacks have killed at least 19 people around baghdad. with the election in 48 hours, some are asking when did it apparently turn against the democrats? more delays on trying to stop iran from building a possible nuclear bomb, isis and the victories in syria and iraq with the islamic state, and the president's backing away from his own threatened red line on al assad. john balton and fox news
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contributor joins us now. ambassador, on tuesday, what do you expect will happen? >> i think we're seeing in races all around the country that contrary to the conventional wisdom, foreign policy is going to be very important in a number of key races. scott brown in new hampshire. tom cotton in arkansas just to name a few. the candidate and the circumstances really have contributed to put these issues front and center and where the failures of the obama administration and the support for those policies by the incumbent democrats is coming to hurt them in a significant way. >> you mention "america's news headquarters" 4578. you were just up there campaigning. during your appearances, you've been critical of both parties on national security. what are you hearing when you're
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out there and what do we do about it? >> i think the fault does lie on both parties. i think president obama doesn't give national security the kind of priority it needs. he hasn't raised the issue in the last six years. i think republicans have made a mistake these last six years in not challenging the president on that. i really think the american people are way ahead of their political leaders. they're not going to get involved in the intricacies of foreign policy, but they want them to defend the country protect their interests. right now, they don't feel that the president's on the job. they see the rise of isis. they're concerned about ebola. they're concerned about border security. and where's the president? where are his supporters in the senate and house? i think this is an issue. i think the american people want their representatives in
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washington to do what they send them there to do. i think you're going to see it this tuesday. >> you just mentioned isis and some of the issues. let's take a look at the latest fox news polls, they are very troubling. when asked about president obama's handling of isis, 35% approve, 56% disapprove. when questioned about if the president is doing enough on radical muslim extremists, 71% say he's not doing enough. ambassador, that seems pretty overwhelming. do you think that will be enough to switch the senate to republican hands? >> i think in a number of key states. i think the american people -- i think they're wiser than the political operatives. they know the president's view of the threat is simply wrong. they know in performance terms
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he's not protecting us. americans don't like seeing no american response. they don't like american ambassadors being killed by terrorists and not seeing the president respond. in the last debate in new hampshire, talking about what to do about isis. look, it's controversial whether there are going to be american boots on the ground. he called american troops that used to be in iraq and afghanistan, called them occupying forces. it's unbelievable that a sitting american senator would insult our troops in iraq that way. scott brown responded exactly right. he said we need to listen to the generals and we need to do what we have known historically to treat americans as liberating forces not occupying forces. i think it reveals that the democrats who support the obama
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administration view of america's role in the world have it exactly backwards and i think the voters are going to tell us that on tuesday. >> we have not had a terrorist attack in this country during his administration except for the allegedly planted bombs at the marathon and clearly he killed osama bin laden. so why this disquieted uncertainty and unease? >> well, we've had a number of other terrorist attacks. like in ford hood and murders we've seen around the country. the killing of osama bin laden happened to reach fruition during the obama presidency. i think the american people don't buy the president's argument. they've seen too many examples of americans being threatened. in libya two years ago, seeing isis rise with no effective american response, seeing people maskered there, report after
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report of that. they know if isis can establish its own state, it's only a matter of time before they attack us here at home. so i think the americans are looking forward. i think they want leaders who will defend them not just against terrorism and i think it is an issue in 2014. it will be a bigger issue in 2016, especially if hillary clinton gets the democratic nomination. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, eric. we have encouraging news for that ebola patient in new york city. health officials have upgraded the condition of dr. craig spencer to stable. they say he is responding well to treatments which include an experimental drug. meanwhile, another patient, a lie beer january woman is being monitored in oregon.
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we are told she is considered low risk for the virus. still, doctors there say they're not taking any chances. >> it's pretty intense care. again, we don't know if she has ebola or not, but treating her as if she does. we've trained over 550 staff who are prepared to provide care. we were able to use a facility so that in the event of what happened, they were familiar with the space, how it worked. there are a lot of logistics in terms of providing care to the patient. >> and her test results are expected to come in early next week. just a few moments ago, the winners of the new york city marathon crossed the finish line. they are both from kenya. we'll be celebrating that throughout the day. thousands of people continue to cross that finish line. what goes into it to make it a safe and successful event in coming up, we're live near the finish line with the latest and all those people still running
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it's the new york city marathon when more than a million people gather here in the big apple to watch as more than 05,000 people take part in running the world's largest marathon. the men and women's winner have crossed the finish line. the world record holder, who's also from kenya, he won for the men. they are still out there. we are joined live with the details. >> reporter: hi, eric. that's right. 50,000 runners from all over in really what is no doubt, the eyes of the world are on this event. with that, comes security concerns. the new york police commissioner says there is no specific threat against the marathon or city, but security is just as high as
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it was last year. police are particularly concerned following the two terror attacks against soldiers in canada and the attack against nypd officers. >> clearly, in light of the growing concern that we've expressed over months about the morphing from the al qaeda focus on the big event to the isis inspired lone wolf type of event, certainly reach out to our officers in preparation for this event or any event the idea of being mindful of that potential threat. >> reporter: and this year, more than 4,000 police officers, four aircrafts, 20 police vessels monitoring the waters and surveillance cameras. there are cement barriers and they can only enter through
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security check points. no bags are allowed other than the official clear marathon bags. concerns about ebola have been brought up. the mayor says you shouldn't be alarmed. no runners have been registered from the three hard-hit west african countries. only a handful of runners have brought it up. it is 45 degrees outside, wind gusts are hitting about 40 miles per hour and that is causing what organizers say the slowest pace in this race since 1984. >> that means they'll be running through the night. thanks so much. >> the nfl's washington red skins team bus, well, getting into an accident on the way to the game today. washington star wide receiver tweeting the picture of the crash. the bus was full of players and
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coaches and following a police escort when the police car made a wrong turn causing the team buses to collide. reportedly, no one was seriously injured and they have arrived safely for their 1:00 game. >> good news. eight senate races. that's the number that could tip the senate to the republicans. there's lots of predictions. who will win, what it means for our country next. the conference call.
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projection, take a look at it, showing it is a toss up in eight states with 37 races leaning in favor of the democrats. weighing in on these nail biters that could decide which party could control the senate next year, good to see you, jamie. >> good to see you. >> let me talk about this for you. i read a report that says both parties are seeing the campaign tilting to the republicans. if that's the case, what are the democrats doing about this tilt? i mean, they have the most to lose at this point. >> there's not much they can do other than to try to get their party members out to vote on election day. if you were mitch mcconnell right now, you have to be feeling pretty confident you're going to get a change of title sometime soon. that title to be senate majority
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leader, not unemployed. as you said, it looks like it is leaning towards the republicans in these races. i would break them down in three categories. they only need to net six races to take majority. four of those races are all but locks i think at this point for the republicans to pick up a seat. then you have four races where the republicans are leading in the real clear politics average. it looks like they're trending their way and have a good chance of winning colorado, iowa, you have also -- i'm blanking here on the others. sorry, louisiana and alaska. those are trending the gop way. finally, new hampshire and north carolina, which the republicans are gaining ground, but the democrats are still leading.
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definitely within the grasp for republicans. so those are ten seats where the republicans can win. on the other hand, you have two seats where the republicans might lose seats. georgia, which still looks like the republicans are strong there, where the democrats think they might have a chance. finally, you have kansas where the independent is leading in the polls. so that's the breakdown. republicans only need a net of six seats and they're in the drive seat for sure. >> how can the gop tilt or tip the tilt, if you will, into a guaranteed victory at the polls tuesday? >> well, if you look at the polling averages, it's already looking like it's going back to purdue's favor. polling now i the republicans are pulling ahead in that race. so it looks like there might not even be a runoff. >> okay. you said it here.
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by the way, all the states are getting muddled up for everybody, so don't worry about that. see you soon. we are going to take a break. the doctors are coming up next. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500,
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its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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time now for "sunday housecall." >> and i'm arthel neville. joining us is dr. david samadi. he's chairman and professor of urology. >> and sitting right next to him is dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine. also author of the secret code. >> good too see you. >> we're going to start here today. a shocking warning coming out saying there are two new studies that obesity can increase a


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